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1o All CompuLer users:
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CrypLoLocker ls a compuLer vlrus LhaL ls rampanLly maklng lLs way across all organlzaLlons. 1he vlrus
CrypLoLocker ls deslgned Lo lnfecL a user's compuLer sysLem, encrypL Lhelr daLa, and Lhen dlsplay a
message whlch offers Lo decrypL Lhe daLa lf a paymenL ls made before a sLaLed deadllne. 1he ransom
amounL usually sLarLs aL $300 and lncreases Lo $1000 as Lhe deadllne approaches.
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CrypLoLocker can come from varlous sources. lL wlll ofLen dlsgulse lLself as a leglLlmaLe download or
emall aLLachmenL (such as a ul flle). Cnce Lhe download or aLLachmenL ls run, Lhe vlrus sLarLs
encrypLlng your flles. 1hls cannoL be sLopped by anLl-vlrus sofLware because lL ls lnlLlaLed by Lhe user.
CrypLoLocker can be removed, buL once lL ls deLecLed Lhe damage ls already done.
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1he besL way Lo prevenL CrypLoLocker ls user awareness. A user should be exLremely cauLlous of all
download llnks and emall aLLachmenLs. Modern day vlruses have become very sophlsLlcaLed, and wlll
appear Lo be leglLlmaLe. 1hey wlll mlmlc Lhe deslgn of well-known pages ln an aLLempL Lo geL you Lo
download a producL. Whenever you run across anyLhlng susplclous, noLlfy your local l1 deparLmenL
before proceedlng, Lhey wlll be able Lo lnspecL Lhe aLLachmenL or download, and leL you know lf lL ls

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