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Miss Gonders

Classroom Policies and Rules

* All behavior and discipline will be dealt according to the student handbook.
1. Be prepared for learning
- Every student needs to have a pencil, their notebook, and any other materials needed for
the days lesson.
2. Be respectful
- All students and staff members are expected to respect each other and themselves.
- Students and staff also need to be respectful of others items. Do not touch things that do not
belong to you.
3. Pay attention
- Talking while the teacher is instructing, or while other students are presenting will not be
- Listen the first time directions are given
Classroom Economy
- Students will participate in our classroom economy. Students will apply for jobs, earn
paychecks, pay rent/electricity, earn bonuses, and pay fines.
- Each student is responsible to maintain their classroom economy folder.
Grading Plan
- Grades are based on a point system. Each assignment is given a point value that reflects
the importance and difficulty of that assignment.
- A students final average is computed by taking the total number of points received,
divided by the total number of possible points.
o Grading Scale
100-93 A
92 85 B
84 77 C
76 69 D
68 0 F * Any semester grade lower than a 59% will be changed to 60%

Extra Credit
- Extra credit will be offered from time to time. This is work above and beyond the usual
homework, not work used to cover up missing work. Therefore, students are not
permitted to turn in extra credit work if the student has any missing assignment.
Late Work Policy
- If a student turns in an assignment within a week after its due date, students will earn
85% of their final grade.
- Work turned in after one week of due date will receive 75% of their final grade.
o For example: If a student turns in an assignment 3 days after an assignment due,
and earns 19/20, he/she would have earned a 95%. Therefore, the student will be
81% or a 16/20.
Absent Policy
- If a student is absent, it is he/shes responsibility to collect missing work, make-up
quizzes/tests, and obtain notes missed from classmate.
- Absent work can be obtained from the my website
- Students have the same amount of days absent, plus one additional day to turn in work.
o For example: If a student is absent two days, he/she will have 3 days to turn in
missing work.
- After school tutoring will be provided on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A parent or guardian
must contact me prior to tutoring date to ensure a timely pick up. Tutoring will be offered
from 3:00 - 4:00.
- If a student is not cooperative or instructive during tutoring, he/she will not be permitted
to attend tutoring.
- Students are responsible for their own 3- ring binder, 3 dividers, and loose leaf paper.
- Students are required to keep notebooks organized and up to date.
- I will keep a master copy of their notebook. This notebook will be updated daily, and will
be available to the students whenever it is needed.
- If students misplace material, destroy material, or if material goes missing, it is the
students responsibility to obtain new material.
- Notebook checks will be done monthly to ensure students stay organized.

Assignment Break Down
Weekly Assignments
- Every Friday: Vocabulary quiz. Either multiple choice, matching, or fill in the blank. ( 20-
30 pts)
- One Reading Journal: Students will be given time every Friday to complete a reading
journal. (10 pts)
- Homework: Homework will be given regularly. Students will be given time to complete
homework if time permits. ( 5-20 pts)
- Class Work: Class work may or may not be taken for a grade at the end of the period.
Students are required to complete work during class.
Monthly Assignments
- Reading Journals: Four reading journals (one per week) are due at the end of every
month. Students will be given an outline guide and rubric. This should be located in their
- Notebook Check: Notebooks will be graded at the end of every month. This grade will be
earned if notebook is organized, dividers are present, and documents are correctly
- Writing Prompts: Writing prompts will be given throughout the month. Students are
given 15 minutes to write a full page on given topic. A note card will be on my desk with
all of the writing prompts recorded if student is absent.
Other Assignments
- Unit Tests: Students will be given sufficient time, and resources to prepare for unit tests.
- Research Paper: An outline, rough draft, peer review, final typed copy, and resources
will be required.
- Narrative Paper: An outline, rough draft, peer review, and final typed copy will be
- Persuasive Paper: An outline, rough draft, peer review, resources, and final typed copy
will be required.
* Assignments are subject to change
Student Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: ____________
Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: ____________
Teacher Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: ____________

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