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Program to Find HCF of Two Numbers Without Recursion

Program to Find Vowels in a String
Program to Print the Numbers Which are Divisible by 3 and 5 from First 100 Natur
al Numbers
1 Program to Concatenate Two Strings using strcat( )
2 Program to Concatenate Two Strings without using strcat( )
3 Program to Compare Two Strings using strcmp( )
4 Program to Compare Two Strings without using strcmp( )
5 Program to Copy String using strcpy( )
6 Program to Copy String without using strcpy( )
7 Program to Find Length of a String using strlen( )
8 Program to Reverse a String using strrev( )
9 Program to Reverse a String without using strrev( )
10 Program to Input-Output Strings using Character Functions
11 Program to Input-Output Strings using gets( ) and puts( )
12 Program to Input-Output Strings using printf( ) and scanf( )
13 Program to Find Length of a String Without using strlen( )
14 Program to Find Whether a String is Palindrome or Not
15 Program to Find Whether a String is Palindrome or Not without using Stri
ng Functions
16 Program to find no of letters word and sentence in a paragraph words
1 Program to Print Transpose of a Matrix
2 Program to Add Two Matrices
3 Program to Multiply Two Matrices
4 Program to Find Smallest Among N Numbers
5 Write a C program to pass an array containing age of person to a functio
n. This function should find average age and display the average age in main fun
6 Write a c program to pass two-dimensional arrays to function
7 C program to find biggest element in array
8 C program to find smallest element in array
9 C program to insert element in array
10 C program to delete an element from array
11 Program to subtract Two Matrices
12 Program to delete vowels from a string
13 Program to remove spces in a sentence

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