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objectives After studying this chapter, the learner should be able to:
1 Describe the etiology, epidemiology, and pathophysiology of cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, and can-
cer of the biliary tract.
2 Compare treatment alternatives for biliary tract disease.
3 Describe the nursing care needs of patients with disorders of the biliary system"
I 4 List the causes of acute and chronic pancreatitis.
5 Explain the pathophysiological basis for signs and symptoms of acute and chronic pancreatitis
and pancreatic tumors.
6 Discuss management approaches for acute and chronic pancreatitis.
7 Develop nursing diagnoses, patient outcomes, and plans of interventions for patients who have
acute or chronic pancreatitis or cancer of the pancreas or who have had pancreatic surgery.

Cholelithiasis is a common health problem in the United
The biliary system is affected by stones and obstruction, in- States. Stones affect about 10% of men and 15% of women
flammation and infection, and cancer. Gallbladder disor- older than 55 years of age. An estimated 20 to 25 million adults
ders are extremely common and affect millions of adults have gallstones, and 1 million new cases are diagnosed annu-
every year. ally.'9 Many, if not most, patients are asymptomatic, and it is
theorized that a large number of cases remain undiagnosed.
CHOLELlTHIASIS/CHOLECYSTITISI Ten percent of persons with gallstones develop symptoms
CHOLEOOCHOLITHIASIS within 5 years of diagnosis, and greater than 500,000 surgical
Etiology procedures are performed each year at an annual treatment
Gallstones can occur anywhere in the biliary tree. The term cost in excess of five billion dollars.16 These figures make
cholelithiasis refers to stone formation in the gallbladder and cholelithiasis and its associated disorders the most common
represents the most common biliary disorder. Either acute or and costly digestive disease. Cholelithiasis is two times more
chronic inflarnrnation, termed cholecystitis, can result, usually
precipitated by the presence of stones. When stones form in or research'~i,
migrate to the common bile duct the condition is termed
choledocholithiasis. Figure 42-1 illustrates common sites for Relerence: Everhart JE: Contributions 01 obesity and weight loss to gall-
stone disease, Ann Intern Med 119(10):1029-1035,1993.
Eighty percent of gallstones are composed of choles- Obesity and the process of rapid weight loss are typically
tereI. 19The remaining 20% are pigmented stones, which are identified as significant risk factors for the development
further classified as black or brown.'9 Although the precise of gallstone disease. This study involved a data review of
studies related to the prevalence of gallstone disease
etiology of gallstones is unknown, the basic component of
from 1966 to 1992. The data showed that obesity was a
supersaturation of the bile v,ith êholesterol is widely ac- strong risk factor for gallstones in women, particularly
cepted. Because most healthy individuals experience super- during periods of rapid weight loss. Between 10% and
saturation of the bile at various times without developing 25% of obese persons will develop gallstones within a
gallstones, it is clear that other factors are operational as few months of beginning a very low-calorie diet, with
well. Risk factors for gallstones have been well identified perhaps one third of the total becoming symptomatic.
and include various clinical states associated with changes The risk is less strong in men and most strong in persons
with the highest body mass index and most rapid weight
in cholesterol formation and excretion (Research Box). The
1055. Treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid (ursodiol) dur-
risk factors for cholesterol gallstones are listed in the Risk ing weight 1055 effectively prevented the development of
Factors Box on the next page. The development of pig- stones. The effect of various diets on the incidence of
mented stones is linked to disease states such as cirrhosis, stone formation was not explored.
hemolytic disease, and chronic small bowel disease.19

1374 unit: viii Alterations in Digestion and Elimination

common in women, occurs most frequently in midclle-aged Eighty-five percent of ali stones are Iess than 2 cm in diameter.
and older persons, and affects American Indians, Mexican Most are found in the galibIadder, but it is estimated that 15%
Americans, and whites more frequently than African Ameri- to 60% of persons oIder than age 60 who undergo surgery for
cans and Asians, although the incidence in Asians is increasing. galistones also have stones in the common bile duct.8
Black pigmented stones form as the result of an increase in
Pathophysiology unconjugated bilirubin and calcium with a corresponding de-
Bile is primarily composed of water plus conjugated bilirubin, crease in bile salts. GalibIadder motility may also be impaired.
organic and inorganic ions, smali amounts of proteins, and Brown stones develop in the intra- and extrahepatic ducts and
three lipids-bile salts, lecithin, and cholesterol. When the are usualiy preceded by bacterial invasion.
balance of these three lipids remains intact, cholesterol is held Although most persons with gallstones are asymptomatic,
in solution. If the balance is upset, cholesterol can begin to choIecystitis can develop at any time, usualiy from a blockage
precipitate. Cholesterol gallstone formation is enhanced by of the cystic duct by the stone or from edema and spasm ini-
the production of a mucin glycoprotein, which traps choles- tiated by the presence or passage of the stone. In acute chole-
terol particles. Supersaturation of the bile with cholesterol cystitis the galibladder is enIarged and tense. A secondary bac-
also impairs gallbladder motility and contributes to stasis. terial infection can occur within several days and is the cause
Cholesterol stones are hard, white or yellow-brown in color, of most of the serious consequences of the disease.
radiolucent, and can be quite large (up to 4 cm). The stones Classic clinicaI manifestations of symptomatic galistones in-
most frequently occur in multipIes but can be solitary. The clude pain in the right upper quadrant (RUQ) of the abdomen,
process of stone formation is sIow. Stones are theorized which is described as severe and steady. The pain frequently ra-
to grow steadily for 2 to 3 years and then stabilize in size. diates to the right scapula or shoulder, has a sudden onset, and
persists for about 1 to 3 hours.8 It may awaken the patient at
night or be associated with the consumption of a large or high-
Small bile duct fat meal. Some patients experience nausea and vomiting and
may be febrile. Chills and fever are more likely with acute choIe-
cystitis. Patients are rareIy jaundiced. Bowel sounds may be ab-
sento Palpation of the RUQ causes a severe increase in pain and
temporary inspiratory arrest (Murphy's sign). The episode of
choIecystitis usualiy subsides in 1 to 4 days. Clinical manifesta-
tions of choIecystitis are summarized in Box 42-1.
The diagnosis of galistones is fairIy straightforward when
the classic symptoms are present. The diagnosis is more diffi-
cult when the symptoms are milder or reflect simply general
dyspepsia. It is estimated that up to 25% of patients with irri-
table bowel syndrome or peptic ulcer disease also have gali-
stones, and the exact etiology of the patient's symptoms needs
to be determined if possible.8 Researchers theorize that many
patients with "poor outcomes" after gallbladder surgery may
actualiy reflect situations where the gallbladder was not really
the source of the patient's dyspepsia.8•19

, If.M
. '""' -&
c;.~lnlCªh-n.'1J3Fl.1:;.f:.stªt.l "
i Cholecystitis
figo 42-1 Common sites of gallstones. Sudden onset pain in the RUO of the abdomen
Severe and steady in quality
Frequently radiates to the right scapula or shoulder
risk'act rs Persists for about 1 to 3 hours
May awaken the patient at night
Cholesterol Gallstones
May be associated with consumption of a large or
Obesity fatty meal
Middle age , Anorexia, nausea, and possibly vomiting
Pregnancy, multiparity, and the use of oral contra- Mild to moderate fever
ceptives Decreased or absent bowel sounds
Rapid weight loss (-5 pounds/wkl Acute abdominal enderness and a positive Murphy's
Hypercholesterolem ia, use of anticholesterol medications sign
Diseases of the ileum Elevated white blood cell count, slightly elevated serum
Gender (approximately twice as common in women) bilirubin and ai a 'ne phosphatase leveis

- - 1..":erseveral acute at-

'C"er,:S ually the result of
e Gallbladder

and Exocrine Pancreas chapter42 1375

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy was pioneered in

::::e gal:.bla' .er wall that cause scarring,
ibly cerarion. Bacterial infection may
z.:so e resem. Parients with chronic disease often do not
Germany and adapted to the treatment of gallstones. Litho-
tripsy uses shock waves to disintegrate the stones. Extensive
selection criteria limit the use of this treatment to a small
see' help unril jaundice or other complications develop. Fig- number of patients with gallstones.19 Patients must also un-
ure 42-2 shows the relationship between stone formation and dergo oral dissolution therapy after treatment to dissolve the
associated outcomes in uncomplicated gallbladder disease. stone fragments. Recurrence is a problem, and the treatment,
including follow-up drug therapy, is tive times more expensive
Collaborative Care Management than surgery. It is rarely a cost-effective option.8
Diagnostic tests Percutaneous drainage may be used as a primary treat-
Ultrasonography is the primary diagnostic tool for identi- ment for patients .with acute cholecystitis or to relieve in-
fying cholelithiasis. If the results of ultrasonography are in- flammation and infection before surgery. The drainage tube
conclusive, oral cholecystography may be performed (Fig- is placed percutaneously using sonographic guidance. An op-
ure 42-3). Laboratory tests include white blood cell count, erating scope may be introduced by dilating the tract to re-
serum bilirubin, alkaline phosphatases, and liver function. move a stone. The procedure has good short-term results, but
Any additional diagnostic testing is performed to rule out since the gallbladder remains intact, recurrence rates run as
other causes of gastrointestinal (GI) discomfort. high as 50%.19

Medications Surgical management

Oral dissolution therapy with ursodeoxycholic acid Cholecystectomy was first performed in Berlin in 1882
(Actigall) may be prescribed for patients who are poor and evolved into a procedure with excellent effectiveness and
surgical risks or who refuse surgery. The drug gradually extremely low associated morbidity and mortality. lt is the
desaturates the bile, which allows space for the reuptake of
the cholesterol in the stones. The treatment is only effec-
tive when stones are less than 1.5 to 2 cm in diameter. A
full course of treatment takes from 1 to 3 years and is ex-
tremely expensive. Up to 50% of patients experience re-
currences within 5 years.19
Direct dissolution therapy with methyl-tert-butyl ether is
occasionally used in high-risk surgical patients. The drug is
instilled through a percutaneous catheter, which is monitored
fluoroscopically. Multiple drug instillations are required over
12 to 24 hours, which makes the treatment labor intensive for
the physician and extremely expensive.

Etiological factor~:' . .'.

(Age, gencler, multiparity,_obesjty, Iifestyle; pn~sence of other diseases)


I Asymptomatic.1

figo 42-2 The development of uncomplicated chole- figo 42-3 Oral cholecystogram. Radiolucencies
cystitis. (arrollVs) are caused by gallstones.
1376 unit viii Alterations in Digestion and Elimination

second most common surgical procedure performed in the follow a low-fat diet and eat sma11meals until definitive
United States following cesarean section and serves as the therapy is completed. After treatment they can resume a nor-
standard against which other gallstone treatments are mea- mal diet.
sured.8 The main advantage of cholecystectomy is the fact that
it stops the disease. The recurrence rate is zero. The main dis- Activity
advantage has always been that it is major abdominal surgery There are no activity restrictions for persons with chole-
with a11of the associated pain and disability. Hospital stays av- lithiasis, cholecystitis, or choledocholithiasis.
eraged 3 to 7 days and recovery required 4 to 6 weeks.
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was first performed in Referrals
France in 1987and in the United States in 1988,and by the early Referrals would not general1ybe required for the manage-
1990s had revolutionized the care of patients with gallbladder ment of uncomplicated gallstones unless a serious comor-
disease.16 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy offers several real ad- bid condition necessitated the involvement of additional
vantages over traditional surgery. It is less invasive,which al- professionals.
lows a shorter healing and recuperation time; there is less scar-
ring; and, most important1y, the pain associated with the
proceáure ís sígnífjcantIy reduced. The hospital stay is less than NURSING MANAGEMENT
24 hours, and patients can return to normal activities in 2 to OF THE PATIENT
3 days. It is conservative1y estimated that at least 80% of all UNDERGOING LAPAROSCOPIC
cholecystectomies are being performed laparoscopically today, CHOLECYSTECTOMY
and the number continues to increase as surgical techniques
improve. Acute infection is the only remaining contraindica- • PREOPERATIVE CARE
tion. When the laparoscopic cholecystectomy was first intro- Patients will complete their preoperative preparation at
duced, the ability to explore the common bile duct was limited. home before their arrival on the day of surgery. The nurse
This limitation necessitated the use of open cholecystectomy will verify that the patient has had nothing by mouth
procedures with placement of a T-tube for drainage whenever (NPO) and completed any required bowe1 preparation.
stones were present or suspected to be present in the common Preoperative teaching includes reviewing the scope and na-
bile duct. Surgical techniques have continued to improve, how- ture of the surgi cal procedure and the care that will be
ever, and laparoscopic approaches are now being successfully provided in the immediate postoperative period. The nurse
combined with endoscopic exploration and sphincterotomyto also ensures that the patient understands that the expected
effective1ytreat patients with common bile duct stones. pain is mild to moderate and can be successfu11ymanaged
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is performed under general with standard analgesics.
anesthesia. The procedure consists of the creation of four
1/2-inch incisions made at the umbilicus, midJine in the epi- • POSTOPERATIVE CARE
gastric region, in the right upper quadrant at the midclavicu- The patient will be close1ymonitored in the immediate post-
lar line, and at the anterior axillary line. Three to 4 L of car- operative period, and pain control will receive priority atten-
bon dioxide gas are introduced to insufflate the abdomen and tion. A left side-lying Sims position can he1p to move the re-
permit adequate visualization and the introduction of in- tained gas pocket of CO2 away from the diaphragm and
struments. The operative field is magnified and projected on a decrease irritation. Deep breathing is encouraged. Foley
videoscreen, and a laser or cautery is used to dissect the gall- catheters and nasogastric tubes are common1y inserted during
bladder. The gallbladder is deflated and removed through the the procedure and will be removed in the postanesthesia care
umbilical incision. The CO2 is removed at the end of the pro- unit. As soon as the patient is sufficient1yalert, he or she will
cedure. lf problems develop during the procedure, it can be be encouraged to sip clear fluids and get out of bed. Dressings
rapidly converted to an open cholecystectomy. over the small incisions are monitored for bleeding. Healthy
The ski11of the surgeon is the primary determinant of out- patients with adequate home support may be discharged
comes. The slight1yhigher rate ofbile duet injury associatedwith when they are fu11yalert and have successfu11yvoided.
the procedure is usual1yattributable to inexperience with the
technique. Laparoscopiccholecysteetomytakes about 90minutes Patient/Family Education
and is more expensivethan traditional open surgery.The short Discharge instructions are straightforward. The patient is in-
hospital stayand tremendous patient satisfactionwith the proce- structed to slowly resume normal activity over the next 2 to
dure, however, clearly outweigh the higher surgical costs. The 3 days and consume a light diet. The patient is advised to
mild shoulder pain that patients may experiencefor up to 1week limit the intake of fatty and fried foods for the first few weeks
is attributed to nerve irritation from distention and the CO2 after surgery until tolerance is established. The incisions re-
gas,but the discomfort is easilymanaged with mild analgesics. quire minimal care, and the dressings can usually be removed
the next day. The patient is instructed to report the develop-
ment of redness, swellin ,or discharge from any incision, as
No diet is known to prevent the formation of gallstones. we11as the onset of feyer.pain, or tenderness in the abdomen.
Patients who are experiencing symptoms are encouraged to Heavy lifting should e a ·oided.
Management of Persons with Problems of the Gallbladder and Exocrine Pancreas chapter42 1377 ,i
A ClinicaI Pathway for the patient undergoing laparoscopic
cholecystectomy is shown below. The Guidelines for Care Box
more subtle symptoms and signs in the presence of cholecystitis.
Thus they can develop baeterernia before they seek help. Because
summarizes the care provided to a patient who undergoes tra- of the normal decrease in immune function with aging, they I,
ditional open cholecystectomy. are at greater risk for septic shock. Elderly patients have more
risks with surgery just because of their age.The laparoscopic
GERONTOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS cholecystectomy procedure is particularly effective in this age-
Gallbladder disease is seen more frequently with advancing age group as it decreases the period of immobility and recovery
but is treated in the same manner. Elderly persons may have substantially. Wound healing needs to be carefully monitored .

.',clinicai pa1:hway . Laparoscopíc Cholecystectomy Wíthout Complícatíons


Diagnostic Tests Preoperative: CSC, UA

Postoperative: Hgb and Hct
edications PAR: IVs decreased to saline lock after nausea sub- Disc saline lock; PO analgesic
sides; IV analgesic, then PO
Treatments PAR: 1&0 q shift; VS q4hr x 4, then q8hr; assess Disc 1&0; VS q8hr; assess bowel sounds
bowel sounds q4hr; check drainage on bandages q8hr; remove bandages and reapply
q2hr bandages after shower if necessary
Diet NPO until nausea subsides, then c1ear liquids; ad- Regular diet, low fat
vance to full liquids, low fat
Activity Up in room with assistance about 6 to 10 hr after Up ad lib, OK to shower
surgery; T & OS q2hr

08, Deepbreathing;Hct, hematocrit;Hgb, hemoglobin;PAR, postanesthesiarecovery;UA, urinalysis;VS,vital signs.

guidelines for care

The Person Undergoing Open Cholecystectomy
Preoperative Maintain a dry, intact dressing; usually a drain is inserted
Teach patient the importance of frequent deep breathing near the stump of the cystic duct; some serous fluid
and use of incentive spirometer because the high inci- drainage is normal initially.
sion and RUO pain predispose the patient to atelectasis Encourage progressive ambulation when permitted.
and right lower lobe pneumonia. Increase diet gradually to regular with fat content as toler-
Explain the types of biliary drainage tubes that are ated (appetite and fat tolerance may be diminished if
anticipated, if any. there is externai biliary drainage).
Teach patient about the pain control plan to be used in the
Biliary Drainage
postoperative period.
Connect any biliary drainage tubes to closed gravity drainage.
Postoperative See Figure 42-4 and the Guidelines for Care Box on
Place patient in low Fowler's position; assist to change po- p. 1378 for care of a T-tube.
sition frequently. Attach sufficient tubing 50 the patient can move without
Urge patient to deep breathe at regular intervals (every restriction.
1 to 2 hours) and to cough if secretions are present Explain to patient the importance of avoiding kinks,
until ambulating well. Assist patient to effectively clamping, or pulling of the tube.
splint the incision. Encourage use of incentive spi- Monitor the amount and color of drainage frequently;
rometer. measure and record drainage at least every shift.
Give analgesics fairly liberally the first 2 to 3 days. Report any signs of peritonitis (abdominal pain, rigidity, or
Use patient-controlled analgesia if possible. Meperidine fever) to the physician immediately.
(Demerol) has been the drug of choice because it is be- Monitor color of urine and stools; stools will be grayish-
lieved to minimize spasms in the bile ducts, but mor- white if bile is flowing out a drainage tube, but the nor-
phine is being used with increasing frequency. mal color should gradually reappear as externai drainage
diminishes and disappears.
1378 unit viii Alterations in Digestion and Elimination

SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTS FOR CARE sistance at home when they undergo same-day surgery. These
Criticai Care Management needs are ideally identified and arranged before surgery.
Critical care management would not .be anticipated for any
phase of routine gallstone management. The surgical proce- COMPLlCATIONS
dures have an excellent safety record and are associated with a Transient mild diarrhea is the only adverse outcome that has
less than 7% incidence of morbidity from any cause. been consistently linked to cholecystectomy. The most com-
mon complication of nonsurgical management of gallstone
Home Care Management disease is recurrence, and it is clear that undiagnosed or in-
Cholecystectomy is the foundation of care for gallstones, and adequately treated gallbladder disease can result in serio
the procedure has become essentially same-day or overnight and even life-threatening complications, including over-
surgery. Self-care management at home is therefore expected. whelming sepsis and peritonitis. Chronic dyspepsia and sub-
Most patients have no specific home care needs beyond rou- clinical malabsorption are often included as possible compli-
tine monitoring of wound healing and the progressive return cations of cholecystectomy, but there is no concrete evidence
to usual activities.17 For more complex procedures patients that the reduction in the pool of bile salts and the loss of the
may be discharged from the hospital with a T-tube in place. reservoir funetion of the gallbladder increase the incidence
Teaching concerning T-tube care is included in the Guidelines of duodenal reflux or an alkaline shift in the gastric pH.16
for Care Box. Elderly patients may need some additional as- Some researchers suggest that these so-called "complica-
tions" may actually reflect situations in which the patient's
original digestive symptoms were never related to the gall-
stones and therefore were not improved by their rem oval
'guide'ines for care (Research BOX).5
Managing a T-Tube
A T-tube may be placed after surgical exploration of the Etiology/Epidemiology
common bile duct to preserve patency of the common Inflammation and scarring of the biliary tree occur most com-
duct and ensure drainage of bile until edema resolves monlyas a result of gallstones and bile duct infection. Parasites
and bile is effectively draining into the duodenum. The
are a common source of chronic duct infection in Asia and de-
tube is usually connected to gravity drainage and can
be converted to a leg bag to limit its restrictiveness veloping countries. When no cause for the bile duct injury can
and visibility. The patient may be discharged with the be found, the process is called idiopathic or primary sclerosing
T-tube in place (see Figure 42-4). cholangitis (PSC).

General Care
Attach the tube to gravity drainage. Ensure that suffi-
cient tubing is in place to prevent pulling and restric-
tion of movement.
Check drainage every 2 hours on the first day ànd at
least once per shift on subsequent days.
Record output carefully. Initial drainage may be as
much as 500 to 1000 ml per day, but this amount
should steadily decrease as healing occurs.
Follow physician's order for initiating clamping of
the tube.
Monitor patient's response to c1amping and record in-
cidence of distress.
Unclamp the tube promptly if distress occurs.
Monitor the color of the stool. Stool is initially clay-
colored but regains pigmentation as bile again flows
into the duodenum.
Keep the skin clean and protected from bile drainage as
bile is extremely irritating to the skin.
Teach the patient to empty the bag and convert it to a
leg bag if discharge with the T-tube is planned.
Provide self-care teaching:
A daily shower is usually permitted.
A sterile dressing should be reapplied to the T-tube
entry site each day.
Zinc oxide may be used to protect the skin from irritation.
Redness, swelling, or drainage from the site and the figo 42-4 Section o' T- ube emerging from stab
development of fever should be promptly reported vvound may be placed over roll of gauze anchored
to the physician. to skin vvith adhesive spe to prevent its lumen from
being occluded b p'essure.
anagement of Persons vvith Problems of the Gallbladder and Exocrine Pancreas chapf:er42 1379

The prevalence of PSC is unknown. Both genetic and im- considered to be a hallmark feature. Endoscopic retrograde
munological mechanisms are suspected in its development. cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) (Chapter 38) is used to vi-
The disease may occur alone but is generally associated with sualize the biliary tree. Liver biopsy helps rule out other causes
other disorders, most of which have a strong immunological of the symptoms and assists in estimating the severity of the
component. The closest link is with inflammatory bowel dis- liver damage.
ease (IBD), particularly ulcerative colitis. Of patients with PSC The prognosis of PSC largely depends on its clinicai course,
70% have IBD, although PSC only occurs in 2% to 4% of all which can be highly unpredictable. The aggressiveness of the
patients with IBDY The PSC may precede the diagnosis of disease is influenced by the number and severity of infections
IBD or follow it from 1 to 20 years late r. The patients are usu- and the development of complications related to cirrhosis.
ally male, and PSC is diagnosed in early or middle adulthood, Death is usually the result of liver failure, bleeding, or sepsis,
typically by the age of 45. PSC is the cause for about one third but timely intervention with a liver transplant can significantly
of all patients needing liver transplantation. alter the outcomes.23 Survival is typically about 10 years.
Drug therapy is aimed at reducing biliary tree infiarnma-
Pathophysiology tion and preventing the scarring that leads to obstruction.
Primary sclerosing cholangitis causes changes in and around Steroids and other immunosuppressive agents have not been
the large bile ducts from inflammation, obstruction, and intra- effective, but the use of ursodeoxycholic acid has shown
and extrahepatic fibrosis. Strictures can usually be found in promise even though its mechanism of action in PSC remains
multiple locations. These strictures are short and diffusely dis- unknown. Surgical procedures other than transplant have
tributed and alternate with normal or dilated segments of the been effective for diffuse disease. Endoscopic treatment to re-
ducts to create a beadlike appearance on x-ray. It is unusual for move stones, relieve obstruction, dilate ducts, and place stent
the gallbladder or cystic duct to be involved. Liver biopsy shows tubes is ongoing but primarily in the form of clinicai trials.
the combination of inflammation, fibrosis, proliferation, and Liver transplantation is the primary treatment option.
duetal obliteration that confirms the presence of the disease.
The disease proceeds in stages, and by stage 4, biliary cirrhosis Patient/fami/y education
is present (Chapter 37), making the diagnosis complexo The uncertain nature of PSC is one of its most difticult
Many patients are asymptomatic in early stages. Others are characteristics. Patients are instructed about the disease and
seen with a combination of fatigue, fever, jaundice, abdominal its possible outcomes and are prepared for the possibility of
pain, and weight loss. Persistent severe pruritis can be a par- the eventual need for liver transplant. Persistent jaundice may
ticularly difficult aspect of the disease. Patients may experi- negatively affect body image, and chronic severe pruritis can
ence recurrent attacks of cholangitis. be a daily nightmare. Some patients respond to cholestyr-
amine resin, which theoretically binds the itch-triggering
Collaborative Care Management elements in the bile. The nurse also suggests that the patient
The diagnosis of PSC is not easily established and is usually experiment with common interventions that may lessen itch-
made as part of a workup for cholecystitis or general nonulcer ing. Possible strategies are summarized in the Guidelines
dyspepsia. PSC causes elevated liver enzymes and serum for Care Box. A low-fat diet is recommended to patients who
bilirubin levels, but the elevations in alkaline phosphatase are develop problems with diarrhea or steatorrhea, and the fat

Reference: Fenster LF,Lonborg R, Thirlby RC,Traverso LW: What
guide'ines for care
symptoms does cholecystectomy cure? Am J Surg 16(5):533-538, 1995. Strategies to Control Pruritis
This study attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of Avoid irritating clothing (wool or restrictive clothing).
cholecystectomy in relieving presenting GI problems. Use tepid water for bathing rather than hot.
Data were colleeted from 225 patients who underwent Experiment with nonirritating soaps and detergents.
laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Eighty-two percent had Pat skin dry after bathing or showering; do not rub.
documented gallstones before surgery, 91% experienced Apply emollient creams and lotions to dry skin
biliary-related pain, and 77% had both. Eighty-two per- regularly.
cent also experienced related GI symptoms, e.g., bloat- Maintain a cool environment and ensure adequate
ing, gas, indigestion, and intolerance to fatty foods. The amounts of humidity in the air.
study results showed that documented gallstone-related Avoid activities that increase body temperature or cause
pain was universally relieved by surgery, but pain was sweating.
only relieved in 52% of those without documented gall- Experiment with treatments sueh as oatmeal baths.
stones (acalculous cholecystitis). And, although nonpain Keep the fingernails short and eonsider use of cotton
symptoms were extremely common in this population, gloves at night to minimize skin damage from
surgery only relieved the related symptoms in approxi- seratehing.
mately 44% of the patients. Use antipruritie medieations as ordered.
1380 unit viii Alterations in Digestion and Elimination

restriction usually prompt1y corrects the problem. Fat-soluble PROBLEMS OF THE PANCREAS
vitamin replacement is often needed.
Etiology/Epidemiology Acute pancreatitis occurs when obstruction of the outflow of
Primary tumors of the gallbladder are extremely rare in clini- pancreatic secretions triggers acute inflammation in the gland.
cal practice, and their incidence may be declining beca use The obstruction can progress to necrosis of the pancreatic ex-
of prompt surgical intervention for gallbladder disease. The ocrine and endocrine cells and can involve either the large or
etiology is unknown. Gallbladder cancer occurs almost ex- small pancreatic ducts or both. The two major causes of acute
clusively in persons older than 60 years of age and is twice pancreatitis in the United States are gallbladder disease and al-
as common in women.23 High-risk groups for gallbladder cohol abuse."·23 Together they account for about 80% of all
disease in general have a slightly increased risk of gallblad- cases. Acute pancreatitis may be similar in presentation to
der canceI. chronic pancreatitis, but it represents a different pathological
Cancer can also develop in the bile ducts. This disease process.1I Other rare causes of pancreatitis include abdominal
process also typically affects patients between 50 and 70 years or surgical trauma, obstruetion of the gland by neoplastic
of age. It demonstrates a striking link with the presence of in- growth, drug effects, a variety of infectious diseases, and other
flammatory bowel disease. chronic diseases of the GI tract.

Pathophysiology Alcoho/-re/ated pancreatitis

Carcinoma can occur anywhere in the biliary system. It has The role of alcohol in the development of acute pancreati-
a very insidious onset and can metastasize by direct exten- tis is well recognized clinically but remains poorly explained.
sion, through the lymphatics, and through the blood. Most Alcohol is presumed to have a direct toxic effect on the pan-
patients have no symptoms that are referable to the gall- creas in selected persons, probably through some genetic en-
bladder. Others have symptoms similar to those seen with zymatic abnormality. Extensive amounts of aIcohol over a
cholelithiasis and cholecystitis because of obstruction and minimum period of several years are probably required to ini-
inflammation. tiate the processo Alcohol also weakens cell membranes and
Intermittent pain in the upper abdomen is the most com- makes the acinar cells more vulnerable to injury. It is also
mon symptom. Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, known to decrease the amount of trypsin inhibitor available,
and jaundice may also be present. The patient may have a pal- which again increases the susceptibility of the pancreas to in-
pable abdominal mass. Signs and symptoms indica tive of jury. Alcohol is believed to initiate an asymptomatic pancre-
metastasis to the liver or pancreas may also be present.23 By atitis in the organ before the first acute episode. Alcoholic
the time gallbladder cancer produces symptoms it is usually patients also typically develop chronic disease once an acute
incurable. episode has occurred, and the presence of chronic pancreati-
tis appears to make the pancreas even more vulnerable to the
Collaborative Care Management damaging effects of alcohol.12·21.23Recurrent episodes of acute
Surgery is the primary treatrnent for cancer of the gallblad- pancreatitis are common.
der. If the disease is diagnosed incidentally, it may be confined
to the gallbladder and be curable with surgery. Cholecystec- Biliary pancreatitis
tomy with wedge resection of 3 to 5 cm of normal liver plus Transient obstruction of the ampulla ofVater by a gallstone
lymph no de dissection is usually performed. Survival for is considered to be a major cause ofbiliary pancreatitis. Stones
those with invasive disease is usually less than 2 years. Neither were found in the stool of more than 90% of patients with
radiotherapy nor chemotherapy has thus far improved patient gallstone pancreatitis in some studies. The obstruction does
outcomes. not have to be prolonged to initiate acute inflammation. How
Treatment of bile duct cancer focuses on maintaining bile the obstruction activates the pancreatic enzymes is not under-
flow. Surgery may be used to divert bile flow to the jejunum, stood. The presence of tiny gallstones (microlithiasis or biliary
or stent tubes may be placed to attempt to maintain duct pa- sludge) toa small to be identified by imaging studies, is be-
tency. When bile flow can be maintained, patients may live for lieved to play a role. There is also considerable evidence that
several years after diagnosis. structural abnormalities that lead to narrowing at the sphinc-
ter of Oddi can be considered a cause of biliary pancreatitis. It
Pat:ient:/family educat:ion is theorized that the various forms of obstruction can reverse
Nursing intervention is focused on asslstmg the pa- the normal pancreatic pressure gradient. This would permit
tient to self-manage the symptoms and possibly care for reflux of bile or duodenal contents into the pancreatic ducts
bile drainage systems (see the Guidelines for Care Box on p. and possibly even cause small duct rupture.1I
1378). The remainder of care and teaching is generally sup- Biliary pancreatitis begins acutely, but is likely to be mild in
portive as the patient and family face an uncertain haure and course and followed by rapid recovery. It can, however, in se-
poor prognosis. General care of the cancer patient is discussed lected situations trigger rnassive pancreatic necrosis and lead
in Chapter 11. to death. It rarely leads to cnronic disease.
Management of Persons with Problems of the Gallbladder and Exocrine Pancreas chapter42 1381

Epidemiology ecrosis of vessels can cause significant loss of blood, and ab-
The incidence of acute pancreatitis has increased in recent scesses and infection form in areas of walled off necrotic tis-
years, but this increase may represent improved diagnostic ca- sue. Systemic complications such as fat emboli, hypotension,
pabilities rather than a true increase in cases. The current an- shock, and fluid overload are common.
nual incidence is estimated to be 0.1 to 0.5 cases per 1000pop- Pancreatic juice normally contains only inactive forms of
ulation. Patients with biliary pancreatitis are likely to be 55 to the proteolytic enzymes. The pancreas secretes a trypsin in-
65 years of age and predominantly female, whereas patients hibitor specifically to prevent activation within the gland, be-
with alcohol-related pancreatitis are usually slightly younger cause once trypsinogen is activated to trypsin it can then acti-
and predominantly male. vate the other enzymes as well. Activation of the pancreatic
Acute pancreatitis may take a mild, severe, or fulminant enzymes before they reach the duodenum has long been rec-
course. Pancreatitis has a fulminant course in approximately ognized as a major component of the diseaseprocessoThe mys-
5% to 15% of all patients, and 20% to 60% of these patients tery of acute pancreatitis is how that pathological sequence is
will either die or face potentially lethal complications.6 The initiated. The etiológical roles of alcohol and bi!iary disease
overall mortality rate for pancreatitis remains at about 10% have been discussed, but they fai! to fully explain the disease
despite improved diagnosis and more aggressive treatment. process.22 Enzyme activation overwhelms all of the normal
protective mechanisms of the pancreas and initiates a massive
Pathophysiology attack on the pancreatic tissues. Pancreatic autodigestion is ini-
The two major pathological varieties of acute pancreatitis are tiated. Other systemic effects of the activated enzymes include:
the (1) acute interstitial form and (2) acute hemorrhagic • Activation of complement and kinin, producing increased
formoAlthough either form can be fatal, the interstitial form vascular permeability and vasodilation
is often a mi!der disease. • Increased stickiness of the inflammatory leukoeytes with
The defining characteristic of acute interstitial pancreatitis the formation of emboli, which plug the microvasculature
is a diffusely swollen and inflamed pancreas, which retains its • Initiation of consumptive coagulopathy, leading to dissemi-
normal anatomic features. There are minimal or no areas of nated intravascular coagulation
hemorrhage or necrosis in the gland. The interstitial spaces • Increased permeability causing massive movement of fluids,
become grossly swollen by extracellular edema, and the ducts which leads to circulatory insufficiency
may contain purulent material. The acute hemorrhagic dis- • Releaseof myocardial depressant factor, which further com-
ease presents with a very different picture. The gland readily promises cardiac function
shows acute inflammation, hemorrhage, and marked tissue • Activation of the renin-angiotension network, which impairs
necrosis. Extensive fat necrosis is present in patients with ful- renal function in conjunction with circulatory insufficiency
minant disease, not just in the pancreas but throughout the Figure 42-5 outlines the major pathological events that can
abdominal and thoracic cavities and subcutaneous tissues.23 occur in acute pancreatitis .

. Ihterper-itoneol.
oF calcium

figo 42-5 Summary of major pathological events that occur in acute pancreatitis.
, 382 unit viii Alterations in Digestion and Elimination

The clinical manifestations of acute pancreatitis vary some- Collaborative Care Management
what according to the severity of the attack. Acute pain in the Diagnostic tests
epigastric region is the hallmark feature of the disease. The pain The diagnosis of acute pancreatitis is made initially from
is usually steady in nature and may radiate to the back. It is typ- the measurement of the serum amylase level, which rises
ically worsened by lying supine, and patients may curve their within a few hours of the onset of the disease. In mild disease
backs and draw their knees up toward the body in an attempt to it may only remain elevated for a few days. There is no appar-
dirninish its intensity. The pain is variously attributed to stretch- ent relationship between the severity of the disease and the
ing of the pancreatic capsule, obstruction of the biliary tree, height of the enzyme levels.18 The levels of urinary amylase
and/or chemical burning of the peritoneum by activated en- may also be measured if the patient sustains adequate kidney
zymes. In more severe forms of the disease the pain may be function. Serum lipase elevations are also diagnostic and per-
agonizing. sist for up to 5 to 7 days.J8 Neither amylase nor lipase eleva-
Vomiting is a second common feature of acute pancreati- tions are exclusive to pancreatic disease, which complicates di-
tis. The severity of the vomiting varies and is typically wors- agnosis in questionable cases.
ened by the ingestion of food or fluido Vomiting does not re- Other laboratory findings commonly seen with acute pan-
lieve the pain and may become protracted. Physical findings creatitis include leukocytosis, hyperglycemia, which may
for patients with severe pancreatitis include abdominal ten- reach leveIs as high as 500 to 900 mg/dl, and elevated liver
derness and rigidity, progressive abdominal distention, and function tests. Hypocalcemia may develop from the sequester-
decreased bowel activity. Fever is common, but it rarely ex- ing of calcium by fat necrosis in the abdomen, and this is usu-
ceeds 39° C. Fulminant disease may progress to hypovolemic ally a poor prognostic signo It may occur in conjunction with
shock, ascites, acute tubular necrosis, and respiratory failure. low levels of both albumin and magnesium, especially in
The clinical manifestations of mild and severe pancreatitis are chronic alcoholics.
summarized in Box 42-2. Computed tomographic (CT) scanning has become the
gold standard for diagnosing acute pancreatitis, although it is
actually not needed except for patients with severe disease and
suspected complications. CT scans can estimate the size of the
. L""
l_, Iça,l~nJ,,-est-a1;!Qn
~.&: • pancreas; identify cysts, abscesses, and masses; and with con-
trast medium can clearly diagnose hemorrhagic disease. Early
Acute Pancreatitis
in the diagnostic process abdominal x-rays may be taken to
rule out ulcer perforation, and ultrasonography may be used
Steady and severe in nature, excruciating in fulminant
to rule out the presence of gallstones.

Located in the epigastric or umbilical region; may radi-
ate to the back Medications
Worsened by Iying supine; may be lessened by flexed There is no drug treatment for acute pancreatitis. Drug
knee, curved back positioning therapy to reduce pancreatic secretion with somatostatin,
histamine H2-receptor antagonists, anticholinergic agents,
~~r~~~~N~verity but is usually protracted li and glucagon has not been shown to have any therapeutic

Worsened by ingestion of food or fluid , effect. Pain management is the primary consideration, and
patients may require substantial amounts of opioids. Syn-
thetic narcotics such as meperidine (Demerol) have tradi-
tionally been used because they do not cause spasm in the

o'"". I.' sphincter of Oddi." Morphine, however, is now believed to
have minimal sphincter effects and is an extremely effective
Fluid and electrolyte replacement is criticaI since the loss of
". Rigidity, tenderness, guarding
Decreased or absent peristalsis.

intravascular fluid through membrane leakage averages 4 to
6 L and can easily exceed these levels in severe cases.3,23 Pre-
of hypovolemic shock
vention of hypovolemic shock necessitates aggressive fluid
management. Urinary output should remain at or above 30 to
Oliguria: acute tubular necrosis ~ 50 ml/hr. Potassium losses can also be significant in both
• Ascites ~j vomitus and pancreatic fluids, and serum leveIs need to be
Jaundice i maintained. Hypocalcemia develops frequently and is care-
Respiratory failure ~; fully monitored. Replacement of calcium is initiated if the pa-
i Grey Turner's sign (bluish discoloration along the flanks)* f tient becomes symptomatic.23 Exogenous insulin may be
Cullen's sign (bluish discoloration around the umbilicus)* t needed in severe disease, but it is used cautiously because
*NOTE: These signs indicatethe accumulationof bloodinthese areas and these patients are very vulnerable to severe hypoglycemia
represent the presence of hemorrhagicpancreatitis. from decreased glycogen and glucagon reserves.
Management of Persons with Problems of the Gallbladder and Exocrine Pancreas chap~er42 1383

Treatments surgery typically have fulminant disease and are acutely ill.
There are no known treatments for pancreatitis. Medical The discussion of surgical intervention is included under
therapy is direeted at general supportive care for most patients Complications on p. 1386.
with mild to moderate disease. The patient is generally given
NPO. Nasogastric suctioning has frequently been used, but is Diet
probably not necessary unless the patient develops ileus or ex- The patient is given nothing by mouth until the abdominal
periences persistent vomiting. pain has subsided, and amylase levels return to normal. This
More aggressive and invasive interventions are available for practice, in theory, rests the pancreas and limits or stops the
patients who are at high risk for complications. The course of secretion of enzymes. Most patients do recover without com-
acute pancreatitis is not readily apparent, and several clinical plications or sequelae.IO Oral tluids and feedings can usually
prognostic rating scales have been developed to help clinicians be resumed within 3 to 7 days and gradually advanced to a
identify patients at greatest risk. The older system uses the cri- normal diet once peristalsis is reestablished. There is no clini-
teria of Ransom applied at admission and again within the cal proof of the need for a low-fat diet or any other dietary re-
first 48 hours. The modified Glasgow criteria are easier to strictions during recovery except for abstinence from alcoho1.6
apply clinically. These prognostic scoring systems are pre- Total enteral or parenteral nutrition may be implemented
sented in Table 42-l. for patients who are unable to eat for extended periods of time
Peritoneallavage has been used in patients with severe pan- (Research Box). The early use of total parenteral nutrition
creatitis in the attempt to remove toxic substances. Clinical (TPN) does not appear to affect outcomes of patients with
trials have involved small numbers of patients, and results mild pancreatitis, but its use significantly decreases morbidity
have been somewhat inconsistent, but a trend toward a de- and mortality in severe and fulminant disease.11 Efforts are
crease in deaths related to pancreatic infection has been ob- made to keep plasma albumin levels above 3.5 gld and total
served. The removal of retained gallstones by ERCP reduces protein values above 6.5g/d, thereby maintaining a positive ni-
overall morbidity in the select group of patients in whom an trogen balance. Ii
obstructing stone can be identified.
Surgical management Bedrest is maintained during the acute phase of disease
Surgery is not a routine part of the management of acute management to decrease the body's overall metabolic de-
pancreatitis, but some procedures may be necessary to con- mands. Once the patient's condition has stabilized, activity can
trol related gallbladder problems, pseudocyst, or abscesso
Necrotic tissue may also be resected. Patients requiring

Relerence: McClave SA et ai: Comparison 01 the salety 01 early en-
Tvvo Representative Prognostic teral vs. parenteral nutrition in mild acute pancreatitis. J Parent Ent
Scoring Systems Used Nutr21(1l:14-20.1997.
in Acute Pancreatitis This study was designed to compare the safety, cos!, and
~..,-~~~ .~ ~ •• ~ .•....• :z=:"" ~~~
effectiveness of two methods of nutrition support for pa-
tients with mild acute pancreatitis. The study involved
WITHIN48HR 30 patients who were admitted with mild acute pancre-
ADMISSION OF ADMISSION atitis documented by the presence of pain and elevated
. Age >55 years Age >55 years serum amylase and lipase leveis. Patients were ran-
WBC >20,000 cell/mm3 WBC >15,000 domly assigned on admission to receive either total en-
LDH >350 IU/L Glucose >180 mg/dl teral nutrition (TEN) via a nasointestinal tube or total par-
AST >250 IU/L BUN >45 mg/dl enteral nutrition (TPN) by central or peripheral catheter.
Glucose >200 mg/dl Po, <60 mm Hg Nutrition support was initiated within 48 hours of admis-
Albumin <3.2 g/dl sion. No differences were noted between the groups on
Calcium <8 mg/dl admission in mean age, Ransom criteria, APACHE score.
Hematocrit decrease >10% LDH >600 IU/L or other prognostic screening tool.
BUN increase >5 mg/dl No deaths occurred in either group. No differences
Calcium <8 mg/dl were found in serial pain scores, the number of days be-
Po, <60 mm Hg fore normalization of blood values occurred, serum albu-
Base deficit >4 min leveis, or the incidence of nosocomial infection. The
Estimated fluid sequestra- cost of TPN, however, was more than four times greater
tion >6 L than the cost of TEN, and stress-induced glucose lev-
eis were significant in the TPN group. The study con-
Data Irom Ransom JAC et ai: Surg Gynecol Obstet 143:209. 1976 and cluded that isocaloric/isonitrogenous TEN via nasoin-
Neoptolemos VP et ai: Lancet2:979, 1988.
WBC, white blood cell count; LOH, lactic dehydrogenase; AS!, aspartate
testinal tube appears to be a cost-effective alternative to
aminotranslerase; BUN, blood urea nitrogen. intervention with TPN in this population.
NOTE: Presence 01 three or more lactors indicates poor prognosis.
1384 unit viii Alterations in Digestion and Elimination

be gradually increased based on the patient's tolerance. There Presence of Grey Turner's or Cullen's signs: bluish discol-
are no long-term restrictions. oration on flanks and/or around umbilicus
Patients with acute pancreatitis are severely ill and may • NURSING DIAGNOSES
require the expertise of a variety of specialists during the Nursing diagnoses are determined from analysis of patient
treatment and recovery periods. Fulminant illness may ne- data. Nursing diagnoses for the person with acute pancreatitis
cessitate critical care monitoring and consultation. This is may include but are not limited to:
particularly true for patients who develop respiratory com-
plications such as adult respiratory distress syndrome Diagnostic Title Possible Etiological Factors
(ARDS) or respiratory failure and require intubation and Pain Inflammation of pancreas or
mechanical ventilation. The nutrition support team will be
Fluid volume deficit Vomiting, fluid shifts in abdomen
involved if TPN is initiated.
Nutrition, aItered: less Nausea and vomiting; pain
Any number of medical specialists may be consulted to
than body requirements
manage emergency complications. The surgeon is often Risk for impaired home Lack of knowledge about disease
needed to drain abscesses, relieve obstruction, or debride maintenance process and therapeutic regimen
necrotic tissue. An enterostomal therapist may be consulted if management
draining wounds are left open to heal by secondary intention. HeaIth maintenance, UnhealthY lifestyle patterns, in-
In many patients alcohol abuse is the etiological stimulus aItered cluding aIcoholism
of acute pancreatitis, and continuation of alcohol use will in-
crease the risk of recurrent acute pancreatitis and chronic • EXPECTED PATlENT OUTCOMES
pancreatitis in the future. The nurse needs to be knowledge- Expected patient outcomes for the person with acute pancre-
able about resources available in the local community for sup- atitis may include but are not limited to:
porting individuals who want to become and remain absti- I. States that pain is controlled and does not appear to be in
nent from alcohol. The severe nature of acute pancreatitis may pain (does not display distressed appearance, limited body
serve as a stimulus for lifestyle change in some individuals. It movement, or limited activity).
is important to use this opportunity to refer the person for al- 2. Will have adequate fluid volume as demonstrated by nor-
cohol treatment if possible. mal blood pressure, absence of orthostatic changes, normal
skin turgor, moist mucous membranes, and adequate urine
NURSING MANAGEMENT 3. Will gradually resume a normal oral diet without discom-
fort and regains lost weight .
• ASSESSMENT 4. Patient and significant others will be able to:
Subjective Data a. Describe the disease and the purpose of various inter-
Subjective data to be collected to assess the patient with acute ventions.
pancreatitis include: b. Explain the relationship between the etiological facto r
Pain: steady and severe in nature and quality; located in the (e.g., alcoholism or biliary disease) and pancreatitis.
epigastric or umbilical region, may radiate to back; c. Explain plans for follow-up care.
worsens when patient is supine 5. Will assume safe and adequate health practices (e.g., con-
Nausea and vomiting, usually severe and protracted; wors- trols alcoholism if present as an etiological condition of
ens by the ingestion of food or fluid; vomiting does not acute pancreatitis).
relieve pain
History of gallbladder disease; long-term high alcohol intake .INTERVENTIONS
Controlling Pain
Objective Data Control of pain is a major priority, and either morphine or
Objective data to be collected to assess the patient with acute meperidine (Demerol) may be used. Critically ill patients
pancreatitis include: may receive a continuous infusion of N narcotics supple-
General affect: patient looks distressed; sits with knees mented by boluses as needed for breakthrough pain. Patient-
pulled toward abdomen controlled analgesia should be used if feasible to allow for suc-
Fever, generally <39 C
cessful pain management.14 The nurse will regularly and
Abdominal rigidity, distention, guarding, and tenderness frequently assess the patient's levei of pain and response to in-
Diminished or absent bowel sounds terventions. The physician will be consulted for needed
Signs of dehydration: falling urine output, decreased skin changes in the regimen. An attitude occasionally encountered
turgor, dry or sticky mucous membranes in caring for patients with alcohol-induced pancreatitis is that
Vital signs: evidence of hypovolemia; tachycardia, tachy- the patient is somehow "getting what he or she deserves," es-
pnea, normal to low blood pressure, restlessness, and pecially on repeat admission for recurrent disease. The nurse
anxiety must serve as the patient's advocate in the system, document-
Management of Persons with Problems of the Gallbladder and Exocrine Pancreas chapter42 1385

ing the severity of the pain and ensuring that an effective plan Patient/Family Education
is in place to manage it. Teaching the patient and significant others will be ongoing. At
Some patients find that the pain is decreased if they as- the beginning of hospitalization, the patient and significant
sume a sitting position with the trunk flexed, or a side-Iying, others need basic information about the disease, the diagnos-
knee-chest position with their knees drawn up to the ab- tic tests, and the treatment. Because of the pain and the dis-
domen. Epidural analgesia can be used if pain is persistent tress acute pancreatitis causes and because of the severity of
and not relieved by routine narcotic administration. Al- the disease process, the patient and family may be experienc-
though the research is currently inconclusive most patients ing tremendous anxiety. Therefore explanations and instruc-
will be given nothing by mouth to "rest" the pancreas and de- tions should be brief and as simple as possible and may need
crease the autodigestive processoA nasogastric (NG) tube will to be repeated. Support and continuity of care also need to be
be inserted to keep the stomach decompressed if vomiting is provided to help decrease anxiety. Education will be directed
severe. toward preventing future attacks and maintaining a nutritious
The nurse will also explore the use of a variety of non- diet. The patient must know that any recurrence of signs and
pharmacological pain relief strategies with the patient, includ- symptoms should be reported immediately. Follow-up care
ing distraction, imagery, massage, or back rub. The environ- must be explained in detail.
ment should also be kept quiet, comfortable, and conducive to
restoThese measures are used in addition to, and not in place Health Promotion/Prevention
of, narcotic administration for pain control. If unhealthy lifestyle patterns such as alcoholism are a cause of
acute pancreatitis, the nurse must work with the patient on
Maintaining Fluid and Electrolyte Balance the problems. This care will not be instituted until the pa-
AB soon as the patient is admitted, the nurse should institute tient's condition is stabilized, but it must be introduced before
monitoring related to fluid and electrolytestatus, cardiac output, the patient leaves the hospital. See Chapter 14 for further in-
and renal status. It is a critical need. Monitoring includes intake formation on coping with alcoholism.
and output, vital signs, daily weights, abdominal girth, and all If the patient's pancreatitis is related to biliary diseasé,it will
routine laboratoryvalues with particular emphasis on potassium be important to stress the importance of treatrnent for gall-
and calcium levels.Physicalassessment will include assessing for stones.The episode of pancreatitis is frightening and could make
signsofhypokalernia and hypocalcernia (see Chapter 15). the patient reluctant to undergo any further medical or surgical
An indwelling Foley catheter may be necessary, since de- treatrnent. The nurse will reinforce the etiological role of biliary
creased renal function can occur in association with hypoten- disease in the development of pancreatitis and encourage the
sion and shock. Monitoring parameters and frequency of patient to follow through on recommended treatrnent.
monitoring will depend on the stability of the patient's condi-
tion. Fluids, electrolytes, colloids, or blood will be given as • EVALUATION
necessary. To evaluate the effectiveness of nursing interventions, com-
Aggressive fluid replacement will necessitate establishing pare patient behaviors with those stated in the expected pa-
and maintaining large bore IV access. The nurse is responsible tient outcomes. Successful achievement of patient outcomes
for administering the fluids and for monitoring the patient's for the patient with acute pancreatitis is indicated by:
response. The development of hypovolemic shock is of partic- la. States no pain.
ular concern in the early days of the disease, and the nurse b. Does not splint, grimace, and breathe shallowly.
watches carefully for the early signs that could indicate the de- 2. Has hemodynamic measures within normal limits and
velopment of shock (see Chapter 17).The patient also is mon- shows intake equal to output.
itored for hyperglycemia, and checks of blood glucose should 3a. Maintains NPO status as appropriate.
be performed four times a day. If severe hyperglycemia occurs, b. Consumes a well-balanced diet without nausea, vomiting,
it may be treated with insulin. or pain by discharge.
c. Returns to normal weight.
Promoting Adequate Nutrition 4a. Appropriately describes the disease, tests, and planned in-
The patient will be given nothing by mouth and often has a terventions.
nasogastric tube in place. Good oral hygiene will be necessary b. Appropriately describes the relationship between etiolog-
to decrease discomfort from NPO status and from the naso- ical factors and the disease.
gastric tube. TPN may be used during the criticaI phase of the c. Appropriately describes and selects well-balanced diet.
illness for patients with severe disease. When the acute symp- 5a. Correctly identifies planned follow-up treatrnent for bil-
toms decrease (3 to 5 days), oral fluids and food are restarted. iary disease.
The patient is given clear liquids and then slowly advanced to- b. Makes commitment to treatment for alcoholism.
ward a regular diet. Tolerance for oral feedings is carefully as-
sessedas is the possibility of the return of pain. Frequent small GERONTOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS
mealsare usually better tolerated in the early refeeding period. Biliary disease becomes increasingly common as people age,
The only diet restriction that needs to be followed after dis- and biliary disease-related pancreatitis is most likely to occur
charge is the avoidance of alcohol. in the elderly patient. The severity of the disease is difficult to
1386 unit viii Alterations in Digestion and Elimination

predict, but elderly patients with acute pancreatitis may be- make referrals to community programs for alcohol treatment
come critically ill faster because of comorbid problems. if the patient agrees. It is important to recognize, however, that
Elders are also more likely to develop complications related the decision to continue drinking is a matter of personal
to their disease-enforced immobility as well as to the pancre- choice. The nurse's role is to be certain that the patient has
atitis. Respiratory complications are of particular concem, all of the information that he or she needs to make an in-
and the elderly patient needs frequent respiratory assessment formed decision about the future. A positive outcome cannot
and aggressive pulmonary hygiene during the acute stage of be guaranteed.
the disease.
Infection is a common complication of pancreatitis (see COMPLlCATIONS
discussion under Complications), and elderly patients are less About 25% of patients who have acute pancreatitis will de-
able to withstand the stress imposed on the body by sepsis. velop complications, and most deaths associated with the dis-
The same is true for the development of hypovolemia and ease occur in that group of patients. Complications may be
fluid shifts. These factors strain the cardiovascular system and local or systemic. The systemic complications tend to occur
may overwhelm the elderly patient's ability to adapt and within the first week and have largely been discussed within
respondo the context of the fulminant disease processo These include
complications such as hypovolemic shock, sepsis, renal failure,
and ARDS. The major complications of acute pancreatitis are
Criticai Care Management summarized in Box 42-3.
Although most patients with pancreatitis recover without any
residual dysfunction, a minority experience life-threatening Pseudocysts
disease. These patients will be managed in a criticaI care unit. Pancreatic fluid or exudate forms in up to 50% of patients
The nurse's major roles are collaborative with the physician with acute pancreatitis.6 Pseudocysts are rounded collections
and involve ongoing monitoring of all systems and the pre- of fluid enclosed in a fibrous capsule. This process occurs in
vention or identification of complications. only 5% to 10% of all patients.6 Many pseudocysts resolve
Routine interventions will include hemodynamic mon- spontaneously over time, and intervention is not always war-
itoring and aggressive fluid support. Critically ill patients ranted. However, pseudocysts can also become life threatening
may also need cardiac support with drugs such as dopa- if they obstruct neighboring structures, rupture or hemor-
mine. A pulmonary artery catheter may be inserted to assess
perfusion adequacy. Left ventricular dysfunction is a com-
mon problem.
The airway is compromised in several ways. Severe pain ., Major Complicatians
limits diaphragmatic excursion, and both shock and sepsis •• af Acute Pancreatitis
place extraordinary metabolic demands on the respiratory ~~~.s~~._:a;;:" .._~:,;;~=:l;t=.f'",.......,;.
system that can progress into full-blown ARDS in some pa- CARDIOVASCULAR
tients. Prompt intubation and mechanical ventilation will be Hypotension/shock from hypovolemia or hypo-
crucial. Hypercoagulability increases the risk of pulmonary albuminemia
embolism. Management includes supplemental oxygen, suc- HEMATOLOGICAL
tioning as needed, and aggressive chest physiotherapy. Assess- Leukocytosis from generalized inflammation or sec-
ment is conducted hourly. Respiratory failure accounts for a ondary infections, anemia from blood loss, dissemi-
disproportionate number of pancreatitis-related deaths. nated intravascular coagulation (OIC) from unknown
In addition to the concems addressed above, the critically causes
ill patient with pancreatitis will receive TPN to support a pós-
itive nitrogen balance and may undergo peritoneal lavage
Atelectasis, pneumonia, pleural effusion, adult respira-
through a peritoneal catheter. Other interventions will be di- tory distress syndrome (AROS)
rected at specific complications as they arise.
Home Care Management GI bleeding
Most patients with acute pancreatitis recover spontaneously PANCREATIC
and can be discharged from the hospital within 1 to 2 weeks. Pancreatic pseudocysts, pancreatic necrosis or phleg-
Patient needs for home care will be minimal if complications mon, pancreatic abscesses, pancreatic ascites
did not develop. Normal activities are gradually resumed as
strength and activity tolerance increase. RENAL

Patients with alcoholism present a unique challenge as Oliguria and acute tubular necrosis
even the pain and anxiety of acute pancreatitis may not be suf- METABOLIC
ficient motivation for them to abstain from alcohol. The nurse Hyperglycemia, hypocalcemia, hyperlipidemia
will discuss the importance of abstinence with the patient and
Management of Persons with Problems of the Gallbladder and Exocrine Pancreas chapter42 1387

rhage, or become infected. A "wait and see" policy is generally creatic tissue with gradual fibrous replacement of the normal
followed, and the cysts are monitored regularly. Inflammatory tissue.21·23The progressive degeneration of the gland makes
exudate from the pancreas may form into an inflamed mass, chronic pancreatitis a separate disorder from recurrent acute
which is called a phlegmon. Intervention is again not indicated pancreatitis in which pancreatic function essentially returns
unless bleeding or infection develops. As with pseudocysts to normal when the inflammation subsides.'·23 Chronic pan-
the pWegmon may be drained, surgically debrided, or resected creatitis occurs almost exclusively in alcaholics and is more
as needed. common in men. Other potential causes of chronic pancre-
atitis include neoplasms, structural problems, and, rarely,
Pancrea~icInfec~ion inflammatory problems such as inflammatory bowel dis-
As treatment for systemic complications has improved, pan- ease and primary sclerosing cholangitis. Biliary tract disease
creatic infection has become the most frequent cause of seri- remains the primary causative facto r in acute recurrent
ous morbidity and mortality associated with acute pancreati- pancreatitis.
tis. Infection typically appears 8 to 20 days after the onset of
pancreatitis and has a 100% mortality rate if untreated.2 In- Pathophysiology
fection usually develops in the are as of necrosis created by The basic pathological change of chronic pancreatitis is de-
fulminant disease. The initial diagnosis of infection can be struction of the exocrine parenchyma and replacement with
complicated by the fact that acute pancreatitis itself manifests fibrous tissue. This process is associated with varying de-
with the common symptoms of inflammation and infection. grees of duct dilatation. Scarring and fibrotic changes may
Infection-related fever, however, typically exceeds 39° C, and occur throughout the pancreas or be limited to selected
the patient's clinical condition deteriorates. areas. Calcium salts may be deposited in both the ducts and
CT scanning allows for the accurate identification of areas the parenchyma, usually in areas of fat necrosis. Ductal ob-
af necrosis, which can then be aspirated by CT-guided needle struction occurs secondarily. The factors that influence the
aspiration. Gram stain and culture can then identify the spe- solubility of calcium in the calcium-rich pancreatic secre-
cific organisms responsible for the infection. Broad-spectrum tions are not well identified. As the process becomes increas-
antibiotics are initiated immediately, but definitive therapy re- ingly severe the islets of Langerhans are also involved and
quires percutaneous drainage or surgical debridement. At- destroyed.
tempts to prevent the development of infection with the rou- The role of alcohol in both acute and chronic pancreati-
tine use of antibiotics have not proven to be effective, tis remains obscure. Alcohol appears to act as a direct toxin,
although irnipenem (Primaxin) is able to effectively penetrate but since only a minority of heavy drinkers develop prob-
the capsule of the pancreas and shows promise. lems, some genetic defect must also exist that allows alcohol
Percutaneous drainage is used most effectively with in- to have such detrirnental effects. The pathological nature of
fected pseudocysts because there is minimal particulate mat- the alcohol-induced injury is believed to be similar to that
ter present that can clog the tubes. The traditional surgical ap- occurring in acute pancreatitis. In addition there is evidence
proach had been to excise as much necrotic material as of small protein plugs in the acinar ductules. Secretions are
possible and then place multiple large-bore sump drains in more viscous and tend to form calcium-containing stones.
the operative areas to remove infected material.2 Continuous Trypsinogen and other proteases are activated by poorly un-
saline infusion and suction were needed to maintain tube pa- derstood mechanisms.
tency. Many surgeons now recommend an open method in The patient with chronic pancreatitis may initially have
which the resected are as are packed, and the dressings are signs and symptoms identical to those described for the pa-
changed under anesthesia every 2 to 3 days until granulation tient with acute pancreatitis, with pain being the major man-
is well underway. The abdomen is left open and eventually ifestation. The pain occurs in the right or left upper quadrant,
doses over an absorbable mesh barrier. A feeding tube is in the back, or throughout the total abdomen. It is severe and
placed once granulation is underway. The development of fis- constant and is not relieved by food ingestion or antacids.
tulae can complicate the healing processo Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal distention may be present,
but they are usually secondary to the pain.
Chronic Pancreatitís In the alcoholic patient it is very difficult to decide where
Patients with alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis are believed acute pancreatitis leaves off and chronic disease begins. Theo-
to already have asymptomatic chronic disease when they ex- retically the dense fibrosis can entrap and alter the pancreatic
perience their first acute episode. If the patient continues to nerves, affecting both sensory and motor functions.1 It is pos-
drink, the likelihood of recurrence is extremely high. Chronic sible that much of the pain is eventually related to this nerve
pancreatitis is discussed below. entrapment, although the pain is not different in nature or
severity from that which accompanies acute pancreatitis.' It is
CHRONIC PANCREATITIS frequently worsened by eating and needs narcotic administra-
Etiology/Epídemiology tion for control.
Chronic pancreatitis is present when recurrent bouts of in- Pancreatic insufficiency begins once 80% of the pancreatic
flammation lead to progressive injury and scarring of pan- tissue is destroyed. Symptoms include diarrhea, which is
1388 unit viii Alterations in Digestion and Elimination

often steatorrhea, and marked weight loss. Diabetes is com- exacerbations and thus believes that analgesics are not being
mon and mayprecede other clinicai symptoms. Unique meta- given because the health team does not care about him or her.
bolic derangements in glucose metabolism create a strong vul- The involvement of a pain management team is desirable if
nerability to hypoglycemia and a smaller need for insulin. such services are available. See Chapter 12 for further discus-
Oral hypoglycemic agents are not effective. Malabsorption sion of pain management.
leads to clinicai deficiency in vitamins E and B12 and other
fat-soluble vitamins, but patients rarely develop overt symp- Patient/falTJi/y education
toms of deficiency. The role of alcohol in the etiology and progression of
A history of acute pancreatitis is the best diagnostic con- chronic pancreatitis is unequivocal, and yet many alcoholics
nection to chronic disease. Amylase and lipase levels will ris e find themselves unable or unwilling to abstain from alcohol
during recurrent attacks, and both fasting and postprandial use. The nurse consults with a substance abuse specialist to
hyperglycemia are usually present. Stool examination can develop a consistent and appropriate approach for the pa-
quantify the severity of the steatorrhea and malabsorption. tient's care and ensures that the patient has ali the data neces-
CT scanning is the basis of diagnosis and can demonstrate fi- sary to make informed decisions about his or her present and
brosis, atrophy, duct dilatation, and calculi. future. Information coneerning community resources for al-
cohol treatment should be current and accurate and offered to
Collaborative Care Management the patient. The involvement of the family is encouraged if the
Effective management of abdominal pain is the greatest chal- dynamics are supportive.
lenge with chronic pancreatitis. Patients who continue to Family members and health care workers need to be helped
drink alcohol will continue to have pain, and even abstinence to understand and accept that ultimately it is the patient's
is eventually no guarantee of relief. Patients can usually adapt right to make fundamental decisions about his or her own
to the malabsorption and steatorrhea, but the persistent pain care, even when these decisions do not appear to be in the pa-
may lead to drug dependence and motivate the patient to un- tient's own best interests.
dergo risky surgical procedures, which are frequently accom- The patient also needs to learn how to modify the diet
panied by poor outcomes and multiple complications. and use pancreatic enzyme replacement effectively to control
Flare-ups of chronic pancreatitis are managed just like diarrhea and maintain a stable weight. Timing of the med-
acute disease. Bowel rest is maintained, and attention is paid ications is critica!. The nurse teaches the patient to take the
to managing the acute pain. Ongoing care involves the use of eapsules 1 to 2 hours before, during, or after meals. Powders
a low-fat diet and supplemental pancreatic enzymes. These can be mixed directly with food. Patients are informed that
extraets will increase the patient's body weight and improve these products frequently produce a bad taste and may alter
absorption, inereasing the patient's general sense of well- the taste of foods. The patient is instructed to monitor the
being. The recommended diet is high in protein and carbohy- body's response to the supplements and consistently track
drates and may provide as much as 3000 to 6000 calories/day. weight changes. The anorexia and poor eating habits com-
The use of medium-chain triglycerides to improve the pa- monly associated with long-term alcohol use makes adher-
tient's 'nutritional state is being evaluated in several research ence to a high-protein, high-calorie diet difficult. The use of
trials. Fat-soluble vitamin replacement may also be indicated, vitamin supplements is encouraged if recommended by the
and the management of diabetes often requires the use of physician.
insulin. Patients who continue to drink alcohol will always be
Chronic pancreatitis affects the small ducts of the pancreas just one step away from their next flare-up or complication.
and is not amenable to surgical correction. Surgical interven- The nurse provides the patient with written material that
tion is frequently used to attempt to relieve the chronie ab- outlines the symptoms of complications and encourages the
dominal pain, but there are no proven surgical solutions. Ex- patient to adhere to the plan for continued follow up. A
tensive pancreatic resection or pancreatectomy may be Nursing Care Plan for the patient with chronic pancreatitis
performed in patients who are unable to refrain from drink- is found on p. 1389.
ing alcoho!. Sympathectomy is occasionally performed to re-
lease the entrapped nerves. CANCER OF THE PANCREAS
The nurse serves as the patient's advocate in the search Etiology/Epidemiology
for eomfort. Concerns about drug dependenee must not be Cancer of the panereas may arise from any of the elements of
allowed to prevent the patient from receiving adequate and the pancreas, although most involve the ductal epithelium and
necessary analgesia. Health care providers can easily be- are adenocarcinomas. Both benign and malignant tumors can
come exasperated with patients who are unable or unwill- also arise from the islet cells but these are rare.1S Tumors of the
ing to stop drinking and can begin to consider the pain of islet cells usually retain some endocrine functions and tend to
chronic pancreatitis as appropriate retribution for the pa- have a better prognosis than adenoeareinomas.
tient's addiction. This attitude can seriously eompromise Pancreatic cancer usually occurs in persons older than
the patient's care. 50 years of age, but it can develop at any point in the lifespan.
In some instances the patient has had negative experiences It is much more common in men. The etiology is unknown,
with pain management during previous hospitalizations for but an association has been noted with cigarette smoking and
• • • Person with Chronic Pancreatitis
DATA Mr. 1. is a 52-year-old self-employed accountant with a ing much less. The pain starts so quickly when I drink that [ j
12-year history of acknowledged alcoholism. He experienced his have really been steadily decreasing my intake. I don't under-
first attack of acute pancreatitis 4 years ago and chronic pancre- stand why this should happen now. What's the use? The doctor
atitis has since been diagnosed. He is admitted now with another said the pain would stop if I stopped drinking so much and look II
flare-up of the disease. at me now. Maybe I should just drink myself to death and get it
Mr. 1. has made several efforts to stop drinking and has even over with."
undergone inpatient alcohol treatment. His longest period of so- Other data on admission include:
briety has been about 6 months. Some life stressor has always pre- • Blood pressure is 94/60, pulse is 92, and respirations are 22 and
cipitated his descent into alcohol dependency. His wife accompa- shallow. Temperature is 99.8° F.
nies him to the hospital but is quick to say"I don't think that I can • Bloodwork shows the following abnormalities: hemoglobin of
take much more of this. He's killing himself and nothing I say or 10.2 g, red blood cell count of 2.9 million, K+ of 3.0 mg/dl,
do is changing that. I don't think I can stay around any longer serum calcium of 8.2 mg/dl, and glucose of 162 mg/dl.
watching him die. It hurts toa much." [nitial care orders include:
Mr. T.'s admission assessment shows a thin, poorly nourished • IV of 1000 ml of 5% dextrose in li, N saline with 20 mEq of KCI
man who appears older than his stated age. He reports the pres- at 125 rnlIhr
ence of: • NPO
• Acute abdominal pain that is generally localized in the mid- • Monitor intake and output, daily weight, and abdominal girth
epigastric region and radiates to the back. He rates the pain as once daily
an 8 on a 10-point scale in severity. • Demeroll00 mg IM q 3 hr PRN for pain
• Steady and protracted vomiting that began late yesterday af- • Insert NG tube and attach to low intermittent suction if vomit-
ternoon. He has had nothing to eat or drink for more than ing persists past 4 PM
12 hours. • Accucheck 4 times daily per protocol, cal! house officer if glu-
Large, 50ft, and foul-smelling stools that have been increasing cose> 160
in frequency and severity over the last few weeks. He has lost • Monitor c10selyfor hypovolemic shock, e1ectrolyte imbalance,
12 pounds. delirium tremens (DTs)
• A history of decreased alcohol use over the last 3 months. Mr. T • Call substance abuse resource counselor for DT protocol initia-
says "I know no one will believe me but I've really been drink- tion if needed

NURSING DIAGNOSIS Acute pain related to distention of pancreatic capsule and activation of pancreatic enzymes

States pain is effectively controlled 1. Assess pain leveis frequently, espe- 1. Frequent assessment is essential to
with pharmacological and nonphar- cially before and after administra- validate the nature and severity of
macological methods. tion of analgesics. the patient's pain experience.
a. Document pain leveis on flow a. Recording on a flow sheet allows
sheet. for a pattem of pain to be estab-
lished and the effectiveness of
pain control to be evaluated.
2. Administer meperidine q3h as 2. Synthetic narcotics are effective
needed. analgesics and do not cause spasm
in the sphincter of Oddi.
a. Encourage patient to use anal- a. A regular time schedule of drug
gesics on a regular rather than use allows for a steady blood
PRN basis. levei to be established.
b. Validate your acceptance ofthe b. Patients with chronic pancreatitis
reality ofthe patient's pain and are frequently labeled "drug
its severity. seekers" by staff.
c. Evaluate effectiveness of the c. Acute pain can be immobilizing.
narcotic order. Collaborate with Morphine may be substituted
physician to make adjustments for meperidine.
in dose or drug as needed.
3. Collaborate with Mr. T to determine 3. Nonpharmacological methods
the nonpharmacological methods allow the patient a degree of con-
that help to reduce his pain. trol of the pain experience.
a. Position him in a mid to high a. This position is theorized to re-
Fowler's position with his knees duce tension on the abdomen.
b. Explore his experience with b. Ali of these can be effective
strategies such as distraction, methods of pain control, but the
massage, relaxation, and guided patient must have an open mind
imagery. and be willing to experiment
with new strategies.

- 1390 unit viii Alterations in Digestion and Elimination

Person with Chronic Pancreatitis-cont'd

NURSING DIAGNOSIS Risk for f1uid volume deficit related to vomiting, NPO status, hyperglycemia, and
increased capillary permeability

Maintains balance of fluids and elec- 1. Assess fluid and electrolyte status 1. Patient is at risk for hypovolemic
trolytes; intake and output are bal- each shift. shock and dehydration. May lose
anced; weight is stable. a. Maintain accurate intake and 4 to 14 L of fluid into the abdomen.
output. Fluid replacement is based on esti-
b. Weigh daily. mates of losses. A urine output of
c. Assess skin turgor and status of 30 to 50 ml/hr is essential to pre-
mucous membranes each shift. vent the onset of acute tubular
d. Monitor cardiovascular response necrosis.
to fluid replacement. Fluid and gas accumulation in GI
e. Measure abdominal girth daily or tract can result in significant ab-
as ordered. dominal distention.
2. Monitor blood glucose 4 times daily. 2. Destruction of the beta cells and
a. Administer sliding-scale insulin islets of Langerhans produces se-
per protocol. vere hyperglycemia. Because of
the risk of labile hypoglycemia, in-
sulin is not given unless glucose
levei continues to rise.
3. Monitor for hypokalemia and 3. Large amounts of potassium are
hypocalcemia: lost through vomiting and in the
muscle weakness, cramping pancreatic secretions; calcium is
numbness and tingling in finger- believed to bind with free fats and
tips or around mouth; positive can drop to leveis that increase
Chvostek's and Trousseau's sign neural excitability.

NURSING DIAGNOSIS Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to vomiting, NPO status, and
malabsorption caused by loss of function of pancreatic enzymes

Receives sufficient nutrients by mouth 1. Maintain NPO status and bed rest 1. NPO status is theorized to reduce
or TPN to maintain stable body until patient's condition stabilizes. the secretion of pancreatic en-
weight, keeps albumin leveis above zymes. Bed rest decreases the
3.8 g/dl, and produces normal stools. body's metabolic rate.
2. Assess current nutritional and elimi- 2. Patients with chronic pancreatitis
nation status. are often malnourished before the
attack from alcoholism and malab-
3. Monitor daily weight and serum 3. These parameters provide the best
protein and albumin leveis. ongoing data about nutritional
4. initiate TPN if NPO status needs to 4. If pain is not controlled promptly the
be protracted. rapid catabolism of the disease must
be counteracted by TPN to prevent
life-threatening complications.
5. Reinitiate oral feedings once ab- 5. Once pain and enzyme leveis are
dominai pain is controlled and amy- stable there is no contraindication
lase/lipase leveis stabilize. to oral feeding, and the severity
of malabsorption needs to be es-
6. Offer small, frequent feedings to the 6. This feeding pattem minimizes
patient's tolerance; assess patient distention and malabsorption
response. symptoms.
a. Restrict fat in diet if steatorrhea a. Malabsorption primarily affects
persists. digestion of fats.
7. Evaluate composition and volume of 7. Malabsorption manifests itself as
stools. Adjust dose of pancreatic en- large-volume, greasy, foul-smelling
zymes to achieve normal elimination. stools. Adequate enzyme replace-
ment will restore the stool to near

Management of Persons with Problems of the Gallbladder and Exocrine Pancreas chapter42 1391

,íJ; Person wíth Chroníc Pancreatítís-cont'd

NURSING DIAGNOSIS Risk for ineffective management of therapeutic regimen related to inability to abstain
from alcohol and inadequate knowledge of management of malabsorption and hyperglycemia
•• 01 •

Verbalizes understandíng of disease 1. Assess patient's current under- 1. This establishes a baseline for
process, role of alcohol, and pharma- standing of the disease process and planning and intervention.
cological management of symptoms. the role of alcohol in its recurrence.
Makes commitment to abstain from 2. Assess patient's interest and com- 2. Patient has stated his attempts to
alcohol. mitment to abstain from alcohol. decrease alcohol use. Wife has
a. Assess knowledge of community stated the end of her tolerance for
resources for treatment and sup- his continued use 01 alcohol.
porto Refer as appropriate.
3. Assess for symptoms of DTs during 3. Patient may not be truthful about
first 48 to 72 hours. Consult with current levei of use. Withdrawal
substance abuse specialist if carries a high mortality in acutely
needed. ill patients and necessitates spe-
cialty asisstance ..
4. Teach patient correct use of pancre- 4. Malabsorption is permanent, and
atic enzymes: patient will develop serious nutri-
• Take with each meal and snack. ent deficiencies if enzymes are not
Monitor weight and stool consis- adequately replaced. Dosage ad-
tency to judge need for dosage ad- justments can be safely made by a
justment. well-informed patient.
5. Teach patient about the nature and 5. Insulin may be needed to control
planned management of diabetes. the diabetes of chronic pancreati-
a. Teach symptoms to report: tis, but hypoglycemia must be pre-
Hyperglycemia: frequent urina- vented. Patient will remain hyper-
tion, thirst, lethargy, abdominal glycemic but must know how to
cramping recognize ketoacidosis.
• Hypoglycemia: anxiety, tachy-
cardia, diaphoresis
6. Encourage patient to make commit- 6. Patients with chronic pancreatitis
ment to changing his lifestyle and often have given up hope on them-
gaining control of his disease and selves and their ability to inlluence
his life. the future.

research ~
Reference:PriceTF,PayneRL,OberletinerMG: Familialpancreatic pancreatic cancer. This represented an incidence rate lar
cancer in SouthLouisiana,Cancer Nurs 19(4):275-282, 1996.
above national norms where pancreatic cancer accounts for
This study explored a possible familial predisposition to pan- only 2% of ali new cancer diagnoses. The sample incidence
creatic cancer among a Cajun heritage population in the Aca- rate was comparable to that of lung cancer. African Ameri-
diana region of Louisiana. The study was descriptive in nature cans had the highest incidence (32 per 100,000 versus 17 per
and used a questionnaire to explore cancer incidence and risk 100,000 nationwide). The incidence rate was also signifi-
lactors. Thirty-eight patients or family surrogates were en- cantly increased for whites (18 per 100,000 versus 10 per
rolled from among the 140 possible cancer patients docu- 100,000 nationwide). Heavy prolonged cigarette smoking
mented during the year of study. Sampling was difficult as pa- was shown to be a clear risk facto r, which has been true in
tients rapidly beca me extremely ill or died. Of the sample ali samples. Although flawed by sampling difficulties, the
sixty-five percent reported Cajun ancestry. They reported a to- study does appear to confirm the presence of a significant
tal of 366 first-degree reiatives of whom 44 had also developed familial risk for pancreatic cancer in this unique population.

the presence of long-standing diabetes, especia1ly in women. tumor is usually deeply encased in normal tissue and is poor1y
Incidences of familial c1ustering of cases point to a hereditary demarcated. The common duct is often obstructed and dis-
component (Research Box). A link with chronic pancreatitis tended by the presence of the tumor. Metastasis has almost
has been suggested but remains unproven. always occurred before the tumor produces its first symp-
toms beca use there is no capsule surrounding the pancreas
Pathophysiology to prevent the growth and spread of the tumor. Direct ex-
Pancreatic cancers usually deve10p in the head of the gland tension of the lesion may cause its spread to the posterior
and vary dramatically in size at the time of diagnosis. The wall of the stomach, the duodenal wall, the colon, and the
1392 unit viii Alterations in Digestion and Elimination

eommon bile dueto Vital blood vessels in the are a are also fre- aIone has had any positive effeets on the course of the diseaSI
quently involved. but combination protocols used in research trials appear t
Pain is the earliest and most eommon symptom of panere- extend life e>""Pectancyto nearly 1 year.
atie eaneeI. The pain is usually deseribed as epigastric in loca-
tion and steady and severe in character. It occurs or is wors- Patient/farnily education
ened by lying down and bears no relationship to meals. The Pain management is an ongoing chaIlenge with panereati
pain is relentlessly progressive in nature. Weight loss fre- cancer and is often the primary determinant of quality of lift
quently accompanies the pain and can be dramatic. Anorexia The nurse serves as the patient's advoeate in the health car
is also common. ]aundice and pruritis will typically develop system to establish an effective pain management protoec
when bile duet obstruetion oecurs. Diarrhea and/or steator- and continuously adapt it to changes in the patient's condi
rhea develop fairly late in the disease. Diabetes may aIso tion. The nurse provides careful teaching about the use of nar
develop. cotic anaIgesics and the inevitable development of toleranc
and physicaI dependence (see Chapter 12). Instruetion is alsl
Collaborative Care Management provided about expeeted side effeets and their managemen1
The diagnosis of pancreatic eancer is often first ma de based on Other general measures are those provided to any patient witl
the pattem of symptoms and then is confirmed through ÍDvasive eaneer (see Chapter 11). Nursing care of the patien
CT scanning. Guided needJe biopsy may be performed at undergoing pancreatie surgery is summarized in the Guide
the same time. A histological diagnosis is important in plan- lines for Care Box.
ning eare.9
Cancer of the panereas is usually fatal within 6 months re-
gardJess of treatment. Less than 2% of patients survive 2 years.
guide'ines ~or carE
The treatment is generally surgical, aIthough surgery has not
been proven to improve survival. Obstruction is a common The Person Undergoing Pancreatic Surgery
Preoperative Care
problem with large tumors involving the pancreatie head, and
surgi cal bypass is frequently attempted. Procedures include Provi de thorough teaching about planned surgical pro-
cedure and expected postoperative care.
gastrojejunostomy to bypass the duodenurn and choledocho-
Monitor prothrombin time and other clotting studies;
jejunostomy to relieve biliary obstruction. Endoseopic place- vitamin K and other c10tting factors may be ad-
ment of stent tubes to support biliary drainage is increasingly ministered.
considered as an altemative to surgery. Stents may be placed Assess nutritional status. Administer TPN if ordered.
internally or inserted for externaI drainage.
Postoperative Care
Surgeons who are attempting curative procedures may use
Monitor vital parameters every hour. Criticai care place-
the more aggressive Whipple proeedure or total pancreatec-
ment is usualiy necessary.
tomy (Figure 42-6). Neither radiotherapy nor ehemotherapy
Check vital signs, intake and output, and hemody-
namic parameters.
Perform blood gas, oxygen saturation. and routine
blood studies.
Se alert to signs of bleeding or shock.
Maintain urine output at 30 to 50 ml/hr.
Initiate pulmonary hygiene every hour with deep
breathing, coughing as needed, and use of incentive
Establish effective pain management regimen. Monitor
Cystic duct
every hour.
Monitor dressings and drainage tubes. Keep skin clear
of drainage.
Maintain nutritional support with TPN.
Gollblodder Stomoch Initiate oral feedings with clear Iiquids. Advance as
Monitor blood glucose and administer insulin as or-
Monitor patient's weight and the development of
Administer pancreatic enzyme replacement as
Jejunum / ordered.
Assess for signs of dumping syndrome (see
Chapter 40).
Provide support for patient and family and initiate dis-
figo 42-6 Pancreatoduodenectomy (Whipple's proce- charge planning.
dure) vvith anastomosis.
Management of Persons vvith Problems of the Gallbladder and Exocrine Pancreas chapter42 1393

• Malabsorption is treated with the use of pancreatic enzyme

• supplements. Pain management is extremely difficult if the
1 Mrs. Blue has a T-tube present after an abdominal patient continues to drink alcohol.
cholecystectomy. What may normally occur after the • Cancer of the pancreas is insidious and has a very poor
remova I of her T-tube? What complication should the prognosis. In rare instances a pancreatoduodenectomy
nurse be alert for? Why? How should he or she may be performed.
2 In what ways would your assessment findings for a References
person with chronic pancreatitis differ from those for
1. Ambrose MS, Dreher HM: Pancreatitis-managing a flareup, Nurs-
a person with acute pancreatitis?
ing 26(4):33-39,1996.
3 Mr. Ryan 77, is being treated for acute pancreatitis re- 2. Baker CC, Huynh T: Acute pancreatitis-surgical management, Crit
lated to biliary obstruction. What aspect of this type Care Clin 11(2):311-322, 1995.
of pancreatitis differs from acute alcohol-induced 3. Domingues-Munoz JE, Malfertheiner P: Management of severe
pancreatitis? acute pancreatitis, Gastroenterologist 4:248-253,1993.
4. Everhart JE: Contributions of obesity and weight loss to gallstone
disease, Ann Intern Med 119(10): 1029-1035, 1993.
5. Fenster LF, Lonborg R, Thirlby RC, Traverso LW: What symptoms
does cholecystectomy cure? Am J Surg 169(5): 533-538, 1995.
CHOlE L1THIASIS/CHOlECYSTITIS/ 6. Forsmark CE, Toskes PP: Acute pancreatitis':-medical management,
CHOlEDOCHOllTHIASIS Crit Care Clin 11(2):295-306, 1995.
7. Gauwitz DF: Endoscopic cholecystectomy: The patient friendly ai-
11 Cholelithiasis and cholecysitis are common health prob-
ternative, Nursing 20(12):58-59,1992.
lems. Risk factors include obesity, female gender, multipar-
8. Ghiloni BW: Cholelithiasis: current treatment options, Am Fam
ity, use of birth control pills, and middle age.
Physician 48(5):762-768, 1993.
• Biliary tract surgery by laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the
9. Greifzo S, Dest V: When the diagnosis is pancreatic cancer, RN
treatment of choice for gallbladder disease.
If acute cholecystitis occurs, pain, nausea, and vomiting,
10. Kohn CL, Brozenec S, Foster PF: Nutritional support for the patient
and fluid and electrolyte problems may be of concern.
with pancreatobiliary disease, Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am 5(1):37-
• Patient problems requiring nursing attention after open
cholecystectomy include ineffective breathing pattern,
11. Krumberger 1M: Acute pancreatitis, Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am
pain, and management of the T-tube.
PRIMARY SClEROSING CHOLANGITIS 12. Marshall JB: Acute pancreatitis: a review with an emphasis on new
• Primary sclerosing cholangitis is usually idiopathic in etiol- developments, Arch Intern Med 153(6):1185-1193, 1993.
ogy but frequently occurs in conjunction with IBD. There is 13. McClave SA, Greene LM, Snider HL: Comparison of the safety of
no treatment, and most patients eventually require liver early enteral vs. parenteral nutrition in mild acute pancreatitis,
transplant. J Parenter Enteral Nutr 21(1): 14-20, 1997.
14. McConnell E, Lewis LW: Managing the patient with pancreatitis,
CARCINOMA OF THE BILlARY SYSTEM Nursing 21(11):98-102,1991.
• Carcinoma of the biliary system is insidious and can be 15. Murr MM et al: Pancreatic cancer, CA: Cancer J Clin 44(2):304-314,
asymptomatic until late in the disease. 1994.
16. National [nstitutes of Health: National [nstitutes of Health Consen-
PANCREATIC DISORDERS sus Development Conference Statement on Gallstones and Laparo-
• Pancreatitis may be acute or chronic. scopic Cholecystectomy, Am J Surg 165( 4): 390-398, [993.
• Acute pancreatitis can result in criticai fluid and electrolyte 17. Ondrusek RS: Cholecystectomy: an update, RN 56(1):28-31,1993.
problems, metabolic disturbances, and pain. 18. Peterson KJ, Solie CJ: [nterpreting lab values in pancreatitis, Am
• Most cases resolve spontaneously, but the mortality from J Nurs 94(1l):45A-B, 56F, 1994.
hemorrhagic forms is high. 19. Price P, Hartranft TH: New trends in the treatment of calculus dis-
• Care in acute pancreatitis focuses on pain management, ease of the biliary tract, J Am Board Fam Pract 8(1 ):22-28, 1995.
fluid resuscitation to prevent shock, resting the pancreas by 20. Price TF, Payne RL, Oberleitner MG: Familial pancreatic cancer in
NPO status, and collaborative monitoring for complications. South Louisiana, Cancer Nurs 19(4):272-282, 1996.
• Chronic pancreatitis is progressive and usually results from 21. Sidhu SS, Tandon RK: The pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis,
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