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William Claro T.

Antiquity period
Theophrastus -wrote valuable books describing plant and animal life. His works
are regarded as the first to put botany and zoology on a systematic footing. He also
produced one of the very first works on mineralogy, with descriptions of ores and
minerals known to the world at that time.

Medieval period

Al jahiz - introduced the concept of food chains and also proposed a scheme of
animal evolution that entailed natural selection, environmental determinism and
possibly the inheritance of acquired characteristics

Modern period

Conrad Gesner he wrote a five volume book named historiae animalium. The
book was considered to be the beginning of modern zoology.

Filipino Zoologists

Carmen Velasquez was known for her studies on tropical fish and parasitology.

Dioscoro S. Rabor- was best known for his works on birds and mammals.

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