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By the end of the Foundation year, students are able to identify that objects are made of materials that have observable
Identifcation of the relevant section of Curriculum achievement standard:
Description of the fnal culminating assessment tas:
!tudents "ill be given a container of items and a sheet of paper "ith four bo#es. !tudents are then to identify all the
objects and sort them on the basis of observable properties such as colour, te#ture, $e#ibly, material the object is made
from etc. %nce students have sorted the objects, they "ill need to specify and "rite the title in the allocated bo# eg. &ll
the "ooden items are placed in the bo# titled '"ood(.
Description of the maring rubric that "ill be used to mar the assessment tas:
)he maring rubric that "ill be used to mar the assessment tas re*uires students to use the no"ledge gained
throughout the past three "ees to identify and sort objects based on observable properties.
)he criteria focuses on students ability to demonstrate their overall no"ledge and capability to identify and sort
objects, "hile incorporating their level of competence "ith spelling, grammar and comprehension.
)he descriptors of *uality being used are as follo"ed: + & , -ery .igh &chievement, B , .igh &chievement, C , !ound
&chievement, D , /o 0vidence of &chievement.
!tudent "as easily
able to sort objects
based on observable
!tudent "as able to
sort objects based on
observable properties
"ith minimal

!tudent "as able to
sort objects based on
observable properties
"ith assistance.
!tudent "as unable to
sort objects.
Written Title
!tudent "as easily
able to identify,
e#press and "rite
!tudent "as able to
identify, e#press and
"rite title "ith
minimal assistance.
!tudent "as able to
identify, e#press and
"rite title "ith
assistance 2dotting
!tudent "as unable to
identify, e#press and
"rite title.
Assessment Task: Identifying and sorting objects based on observable properties.
Name: 1arissa Date: 4 /ovember, 5675
1arissa sorted the container of objects by placing all rectangular objects together, all circular objects together, all hard
objects together and all '$u8y( (material) objects together. !he "as also easily able to identify and verbally e#press
the object and groups she sorted them into, ho"ever needed minimal assistance "hen it came to "riting the "ords 2I
assisted "ith sounding out letters she had di9culties "ith3.

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