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Standard 6.

3 Field Experiences
Candidates engage in appropriate field experiences to synthesize and apply the content and
professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions identified in these standards.

The artifact that reflects mastery for standard 6.3 field experiences is the English Language
Learner field experience completed for the ELL diversity component of the portfolio. Many of
the students I teach in the interrelated classroom setting also have to overcome the barrier having
a native language that is not English. For this experience I worked closely with our ELL teacher
at Mt. Carmel Elementary. Mrs. Jones teaches half day at the elementary level and half day at the
high school level. For this field experience I was able to go over to the high school and teach a
lesson to high school students. We met and discussed the issues that address high school ELL
learners and how vital vocabulary acquisition at the elementary level in the future achievement
for students who have a native language other than English.
This experience taught me that delayed response time from my ELL students reflects their need
to translate what I am saying into their native language, come up with and answer, and then
appropriately translate that answer back into English. I learned the importance of not assuming
that a delayed response does not necessarily mean that the student does not know the answer.
The opportunity to review previous experiences such as this particular one has shown the value
of the field experience logs. The diverse learners that the field experience logs reflect, shows
knowledge acquisition of learning styles for the diverse learning styles in elementary, middle,
and high school.
The impact of field experience logs will come from my ability to review and pull from
experience in order to share with other staff members. The collaborative planning, diverse
learning studies, digital tools, and 21
century technology experiences these field logs reflect a
varied tool kit that I can draw upon for reference in future data coaching opportunities. The
future implications from this field experience will be my self-reflection on assessing ELL
learners. I will look for resources that help support and encourage vocabulary language
acquisition in order to facilitate the successful increase in conversational and academic skills for
my students.

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