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Misrak TVET College

Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development

Ethiopian TVET-System
Level I
&nit o( Competence) *ork +ith others
Module Title ) *orking +ith others
L# Code ) ICT IT%, M-. L-/ /.
TTLM Code ) ICT IT%, TTLM-. -,,0
LO /) Contri1ute to +ork group activities
Learning #uide Date) -23/-,0 'age 1 o( 4
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 5 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
INTRODUCTION Learning Guide # 28
This learning guide is developed to provide 6ou the necessar6 in(ormation regarding the (ollo+ing
content coverage and topics 5
*orkgroup activities
This guide +ill also assist 6ou to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page7
%peci(icall6, upon completion o( this Learning #uide, 6ou +ill 1e a1le to 5
Proide !u""or# #o #ea$ $e$%er! to ensure +orkgroup goals are met7
Make constructive contri1utions to +orkgroup goals and tasks according to organi&a#iona'
%hare in(ormation relevant to +ork +ith team mem1ers to ensure designated goals are met7
Learning A*#ii#ie!
,7 ead the speci(ic o18ectives o( this Learning #uide7
/7 ead the in(ormation +ritten in the 9In(ormation %heets ,: in pages ;307
;7 !ccomplish the 9%el(3check: in page 27
07 I( 6ou earned satis(actor6, proceed to 9Lap Test on page 47 "o+ever, i( 6our rating is
unsatis(actor6, see 6our teacher (or (urther instructions or go 1ack to !ctivit6 <,7
27 Do the 9L!' test: =i( 6ou are read6> and sho+ 6our output to 6our teacher7 $our teacher +ill
evaluate 6our output either satis(actor6 or unsatis(actor67 I( unsatis(actor6, 6our teacher shall
advice 6ou on additional +ork7 ?ut i( satis(actor6 6ou can proceed to Learning #uide /.7
$our teacher +ill evaluate 6our output either satis(actor6 or unsatis(actor67 I( unsatis(actor6,
6our teacher shall advice 6ou on additional +ork7 ?ut i( satis(actor6 6ou can proceed to the
ne@t topic7
Learning #uide Date) -23/-,0 'age 2 o( 4
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 5 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
In+or$a#ion S,ee# 1 -or.grou" A*#ii#ie!
Grou" -or. A*#ii#ie!
#roup *ork !ctivities and ena1ling strategies
#roup Tasks or !ssignments
ole pla6
'ro1lem ?ased Learning
De!*ri"#ion o+ Grou" -or. A*#ii#ie!
#roup +ork is a (orm o( cooperative learning +hich aims to develop studentAs
kno+ledge, generic skills, =e7g7 communication skills, colla1orative skills, critical thinking
skills> and attitudes7 The a1ilit6 to participate e((ectivel6 in group +ork or team +ork is
seen as a desira1le emplo6a1ilit6 skill and should 1e considered to 1e part o( ever6
learnerAs educational e@perience7
#roup +ork can 1e a means (or ackno+ledging and utiliBing an individual learnerAs
additional strengths and e@pertise7
S.i''! re(uired +or Grou" -or./
'ro1lem solving
Time management
*hat is a 0o% de!*ri"#ion 1
! 0o% de!*ri"#ion is a list that a person might use (or general tasks, or (unctions,
and responsi1ilities o( a position7 It ma6 o(ten include to +hom the position reports,
speci(ications such as the Cuali(ications or skills needed 16 the person in the 8o1, or a
salar6 range7
Ro'e! and re!"on!i%i'i#ie!
Learning #uide Date) -23/-,0 'age 2 o( 4
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 5 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
! 8o1 description ma6 include relationships +ith other people in the organiBation)
%upervisor6 level, managerial reCuirements, and relationships +ith other colleagues7
! 8o1 description need not 1e limited to e@plaining the current situation, or +ork that
is currentl6 e@pectedD it ma6 also set out goals (or +hat might 1e achieved in (uture7
Organi&a#iona' re(uire$en#!
?asicall6, an organiBation is a person or group o( people intentionall6 organiBed to
accomplish an overall, common goal or set o( goals7 ?usiness organiBations can range in
siBe (rom one person to tens o( thousands7
Vi!ion !#a#e$en#!3 Mi!!ion !#a#e$en#! and a'ue! o+ an organi&a#ion
Vi!ion/ De(ines the desired or intended (uture state o( an organiBation or enterprise
in terms o( its (undamental o18ective andEor strategic direction7 Vision is a long3term vie+,
sometimes descri1ing ho+ the organiBation +ould like the +orld to 1e in +hich it operates7
Mi!!ion/ De(ines the (undamental purpose o( an organiBation or an enterprise,
succinctl6 descri1ing +h6 it e@ists and +hat it does to achieve its Vision7
It is sometimes used to set out a FpictureF o( the organiBation in the (uture7 !
mission statement provides details o( +hat is done and ans+ers the Cuestion) F*hat do +e
Va'ue!/ ?elie(s that are shared among the stakeholders o( an organiBation7 Values
drive an organiBationHs culture and priorities and provide a (rame+ork in +hich decisions
are made7 For e@ample, FIno+ledge and skills are the ke6s to successF or Fgive a man
1read and (eed him (or a da6, 1ut teach him to (arm and (eed him (or li(eF7 These e@ample
values ma6 set the priorities o( sel( su((icienc6 over shelter7
S#ra#eg4/ %trateg6, narro+l6 de(ined, means Fthe art o( the generalF =(rom #reek
stratigos>7 ! com1ination o( the ends =goals> (or +hich the (irm is striving and the means
=policies> 16 +hich it is seeking to get there7
Learning #uide Date) -23/-,0 'age 5 o( 4
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 5 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
Se'+6C,e*. 1 -ri##en Te!#
Name:____________________ Date:_________________
Instruction: Answer all the questions listed below, if you have some clarifications- feel free to ask your
Chose the following question Point (2)
1. *hich o( the (ollo+ing not group +ork activities and ena1ling strategies
a7 #roup Tasks or !ssignments
17 Discussion
c7 ole pla6
d7 Communication
/7 *hich o( the (ollo+ing OrganiBational reCuirements
a7 Leadership
17 Mission
c7 Negotiation
d7 Time management
Write the answer of question Point (3)
,7 *hat is a 8o1 descriptionG
/7 *hat is the di((erent 1et+een oles and responsi1ilities
;7 -ri#e a# 'i!# #,ree S.i''! re(uired +or #roup -or.
07 *rite the (our group +ork activities
27 *hat is #roup +ork
47 *hat is organiBation
J7 *hat is the di((erent 1et+een Mission K Vision
Learning #uide Date) -23/-,0 'age 7 o( 4
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 5 Misrak TVET College
Misrak TVET College
Training, Teaching and Learning Materials Development
$our teacher +ill evaluate 6our output either satis(actor6 or unsatis(actor67 I(
&nsatis(actor6, 6our trainer shall advice 6ou on additional +ork7 ?ut i( satis(actor6,
6ou can proceed to the ne@t topic7
Learning #uide Date) -23/-,0 'age 8 o( 4
evision !uthor) ICT, IT 5 Misrak TVET College

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