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Primero dedicar las primeras palabras a muchas personas que fueron parte de esto, de
forma directa o indirecta, a las cuales agradezco profundamente por estar presentes en
las distintas etapas de su elaboracin, as como en el resto de nuestras vidas.
Son muchas las personas que han formado parte de nuestras vida universitarias, las
cuales nos brindaron su amistad, consejos, apoyo, nimo y compaa en los momentos
ms difciles de nuestras vidas. Algunas estn aqu con nosotros y otras en nuestros
recuerdos y en nuestro corazn, sin importar en donde estn queremos darles las gracias
por formar parte de nosotros, por todo lo que nos han brindado y por todas sus
Por ltimo a mi familia y seres ms queridos, en especial a nuestras madres por no
perderse un slo da de nuestras vidas alegrndola con su particular modo de ver, de ser
y hacer en su constante, difcil y poco reconocida labor de madre una fuente constante
de apoyo y amor.

The objective of this study was to compare the electromyographic activity of the fibular
muscles in leg stance in 3 different unstable surfaces such being the Bosu, lentils and
ironing Freeman, in people between 18 and 35 years with a history of ankle sprains in a
while greater than 3 months.
The seminar title corresponds to a descriptive-comparative research such as a non-
experimental, cross-sectional design. This seminar was performed using measuring,
describing and comparing the influence of three independent variables based on a
dependent. The dependent variable will be measured by the maximum peak reached and
the mean or average.
Twenty subjects with a history of ankle sprains were evaluated, to which underwent an
analysis of electromyographic activity of the fibular muscles in 3 different leg stance on
unstable surfaces for 30 seconds each. Two surface electrodes were installed in the
fibular muscles and a reference in the distal third of the anterior surface of the femur.
One self-report on that surface generates greater instability was performed, this being
the bosu.
The tests were performed on the same day for each patient to prevent injury in the
evaluation time.

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