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charbelmaklouf http://charbelmaklouf.wordpress.

mitchellgibsonmd May 20, 2014
Rare Latin Magical Incantations

Rare Latin Magical Incantations

Incantations are among the oldest surviving f orms of communication among humans. They have been
f ound in tombs, ancient temples, gravestones, papyrus scrolls, and many other unexpected places. Modern
movies still depict magic and magicians using incantations to f ight evil, heal the sick, and create miraculous
ef f ects. Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, Merlin, and other f amous movies have f illed audiences with a
sense of wonder and awe regarding the use of magic as a tool f or changing reality. Many people leave the
movie theater asking one question:

If I say these words, will they work f or me?

For most people, the answer varies f rom no to a bewildering yes. The f irst time that I used a magical
incantation I was 14 years old. I picked up a paper route that allowed me to deliver papers to the local
townsf olk and make some extra money in the process. Mrs. Green, one of my regular customers, had a
huge German Shepard/Rottweiler mix dog beast that I dreaded walking by every time I saw it on my route.
The animal barked louder than any dog I had ever heard and it was more powerf ul than you could imagine.
One day, I had completed delivering her papers and I had not spotted the dog. I f igured that it must have
been sleeping or something. Bef ore I could reach my bike, I heard a loud roar erupt f rom the corner of the

The beast turned the corner and ran directly toward me. It was moving at f ull gallop. I had no time to run
and even if I did, I had no more than 3-4 seconds to get away. I f roze and the animal knew that I was
af raid. I knew that I had just a f ew seconds to make a decision. I thought about swatting the animal with my
papers, but then that would probably destroy the papers. I still needed to deliver them. Running was out of
the question. Then a clear thought burst into my mind. I remembered a dream that I had f rom a f ew nights
bef ore. In the dream, I was being chased by a dark manlike thing that f lew at me f rom a low hanging cloud. I
uttered a word at the thing and it f roze and f lew away. I was startled that the word worked in the dream but
I f igured that I had nothing to lose at this time.

I took a deep breath, held out my hand, and shouted at the top of my lungs:


The dog stopped dead in its tracks, looked at me with a conf used f rightened look, turned, and ran away
My heart was beating so f ast that I did not stop to see what f rightened the animal. I jumped on my bike,
secured my papers, and pedaled away as quickly as I could. When I got home at the end of the day, I told
my brothers about the incident, but they did not believe me. I knew however, that the ef f ect of my
incantation had f rightened the dog. From that time on, the animal never came toward me. He never barked
when I was around and it watched me f rom a saf e distance. I marveled that the spell had worked. Its af ter
ef f ects stayed with the dog until I gave up my paper route.

I began to combine dif f erent Latin words and experiment with them. The word that had worked on the dog
sounded like a word which meant, go away. However, in and of itself , it had no real meaning. I put words
together that sounded like they would work together. I didnt care if they completed a sentence or had a
f unction that was recognized by the Latin vernacular.

During my experiments, I learned some things about the world around me. The world responded to
language, if you spoke to it in the right way. I practiced how to speak to reality in Latin so that it would react.

Af ter a period of trial and error, I f ound groups of words that worked. I f ound a group of words that could
make a f lock of geese swim in any direction that I pointed, even in a circle. I f ound another group of words
that could make clouds move and disappear. Yet another word caused bees to swarm. One word allowed
me to hear the thoughts of another person. I discovered and documented these ef f ects. Once, I showed
my younger brother the word that allowed me to inf luence clouds. He ran away and never talked to me
about it since. I showed a girl that I wanted to date that I could inf luence geese with a word. I spoke the
word and they dutif ully swam in a tight f ast circle. I spoke another word and they f lew up into the air
cackling loudly. She could not believe her eyes but she was f ascinated by what she saw.

I collected dozens of books on Latin magic and mythology. I discovered that most of the words were
nothing more than a mish mash of vowels and nouns that when taken apart, meant nothing. I studied the
roots of the magic and learned that these magicians were transmitting a secret. In order f or magic to work,
one had to take the intellect and reason out of the picture. A modicum of understanding was necessary to
apply the energy, but what one needed more than anything was commitment and emotion. With the right
degree of emotion and f ocus, magic became possible. A mind that wavered or paused in its commitment in
the application of magic had no chance in making it work. Incantations give Consciousness a way to
generate Reality.

This book is a compilation of the most powerf ul Latin incantations that I have ever known. These
incantations, spells, and invocations were my introduction to the world of magic in this lif etime. I share
them with you, my f ollowers, as a window into what has up to this point been a very private world.

The Chapters


The Elemental Incantations

Invocations of the Holy Light

Invocations of the Light of the Holy Names of God

Rare Empowerment Invocations

Protective Incantations

Rare Latin Healing Invocations

Rare Latin Invocations of the Major Gods

Complex Latin Invocations
We will start shipping the new book in one week.

Mitchell Gibson

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