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Running Head: Unit 9 Final Project 1

Unit 9 Final Project

Bryan Wendt
Kaplan University

HW 420
Professor Aguilar
July 16, 2013

Unit 9 Final Project 2
Unit 9 Final Project
When it comes to health and wellness professionals it is important that they are
always developing and bettering themselves in each of the following categories
psychologically, spiritually, and physically. The health and wellness field is always
advancing with new research, statistics, studies, techniques, theories, etc. coming out
this will help to ensure that they are always on top of these new things and they can
practice them whether it becomes a part of their practice routine or not. Any individual
whether they are a health and wellness professional or not can benefit from an integral
life. When this is practiced over years and each aspect of life is covered a person can
develop a great sense of life and well-being. A health professional can benefit from this
lifestyle which in turn can help his or her patients because when they look to a health
and wellness professionals to help them with integral health it is important that the
professionals are also psychologically, spiritually, and physically developed. Dacher
mentions in our readings that their treatment goes beyond book learning and becomes
hands-on learning (Dacher, Integral Health, 2006).
I am very glad that I took this class because it will truly change my lifestyle. I
have heard of Integral Health before but never knew all of the benefits that may follow it.
It is important for us all to know that Integral Health will not just happen overnight and
we need to practice and learn new things all of the time. We need to have an
assessment on all of our areas of health including spiritually, physically, and
psychologically. The best way for me to assess myself was on a scale of one to ten. I
put myself in a calm environment where I did not have any distractions and I thought
about each of these areas in my life. I will start with my weakest area and that is
Unit 9 Final Project 3
spiritually where I gave myself a score of 4. I am not a very religious person but I do
have a relationship with God. I try to pray every night before bed but there are some
days that this does not always happen. Praying helps me to have that connection with
God that I would not have any other way. My next area of study which I gave myself a
ranking of six would be psychologically. I have a good inner connection with myself and
I am able to control my emotions even in the heat of a moment. I like to think that
everything happens for a reason, and that there is a good side to everything. I try to stay
positive take one step further to living life and try to accomplish a new goal everyday.
There are times that I keep a lot of things locked inside of me as I tend to be a shy
person. I know that being more open about things will help bring a sense of relief to me,
and possibly the people that surround me. I do not practice this area of health to often in
my life but Schlitz says in perfectly The psychological process focuses on identifying
destructive emotions and dysfunctional patterns and replacing them with a new set of
healthy attitudes and behaviors (Schlitz, Consciousness & Healing, 2005). Finally my
last level of health which is physically is my strongest point where I ranked myself with a
nine. I workout five times a week and this has been a part of my life for twenty years,
and a part of the reason I chose to come to Kaplan University to get my Health and
Wellness degree.
When I set my goals I always set them high but definitely achievable because
that always helps to build confidence when they are conquered. For spirituality I plan on
attending a church service two to three times a month, and praying every night and or
morning. This goes from no services in a month to attending nearly every other week.
Psychologically I would like to implement meditation into my daily life. This will help me
Unit 9 Final Project 4
to have more of a connection with my inner self which will have many benefits.
Physically as mentioned earlier I do like to work out very often but I always try to set
new goals for myself. I always knew that I needed to add more cardio into my daily
routine and this is what I plan on doing. This is the time of year that 5k contests are held
every year and I would love to get involved with several of them!
In order to follow my progress I plan on keeping a calendar on me and then I can
write down whenever these activities were performed. At the end of each week I can
track my progress and see what and how long I performed all of these activities. Integral
health will not happen overnight so keeping realistic goals will help me in so many ways.
This is going to be a lifestyle change and I will need to reach down deep within myself to
figure out the areas that need to be worked on and what can all be done. Some
practices like meditation may take practice and will never be perfected because it can
always change with new techniques and strategies. I feel so much more comfortable
about my life and the changes I will make because of the information I received in this
class over the past ten weeks!

Unit 9 Final Project 5
Dacher, E.S. (2006). Intergal Health: The Path to Human Flourishing. Laguna Beach,
CA: Basic Health Publications.
Schlitz, M., Amorok, T., & Micozzi, M. S. (2005). Consciousness & healing: integral
approaches to mind-body medicine. Philadelphia, Pa.: Elsevier Churchill

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