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2-6D Procedure Writing Program

Term 3, 2014
Aim of the Writing Program:
The aim of the Procedure Writing Program is to equip students with the knowledge, skills and
understandings of how to tell how to do or make something through a series of steps. The program
provides the students with many opportunities to practising writing procedures and/or procedural
recounts. The focus of the writing program is to provide students with many opportunities to scaold the
students language to ensure that the steps are sequenced accurately in their writing and appropriate
ver!s used. The students will also !e encouraged to e"press feelings and personal e"perience as well as
their attitudes a!out the events they recount.
The writing program places particular emphasis on learning to write # Producing te"t outcome # $oint
and %ndependent Writing. &ach lesson will provide students with the opportunity to carefully o!serve a
range of pictures, o!'ects and te"ts, 'ointly !rainstorm possi!le words for descri!ing the su!'ect and
features that !uild up a description, e.g. adjectives, noun groups and discuss the deli!erate and
considered use of language as the most eective way of creating an image of the su!'ect through
Australian urriculum !ationale
The study of &nglish is central to the learning and development of all young (ustralians. %t helps create
con)dent communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citi*ens. %t is through the study of &nglish
that individuals learn to analyse, understand, communicate with and !uild relationships with others and
with the world around them. The study of &nglish helps young people develop the knowledge and skills
needed for education, training and the workplace. %t helps them !ecome ethical, thoughtful, informed
and active mem!ers of society. %n this light it is clear that the (ustralian +urriculum, &nglish plays an
important part in developing the understanding, attitudes and capa!ilities of those who will take
responsi!ility for (ustralias future.
The (ustralian +urriculum, &nglish also helps students to engage imaginatively and critically with
literature to e"pand the scope of their e"perience. (!original and Torres -trait %slander peoples have

contri!uted to (ustralian society and to its contemporary literature and its literary heritage through
their distinctive ways of representing and communicating knowledge, traditions and e"perience. The
(ustralian +urriculum, &nglish values, respects and e"plores this contri!ution. %t also emphasises
(ustralias links to (sia.
"#lla$us ontent
%$&ecti'e A: Students will communicate through speaking, listening, reading, writing,
viewing and representing
ENe-2A composes simple texts to convey an idea or message
. create short te"ts to e"plore, record and report ideas and events using familiar words and !eginning
writing knowledge (ACELY1!1"
. compose te"ts using some sight words and known words
EN1-2A plans, composes and revie#s a small range o$ simple texts $or a variety o$ purposes on $amiliar
topics $or %no#n readers and vie#ers
. create short imaginative, informative and persuasive te"ts using growing knowledge of te"t structures
and language features for familiar and some less familiar audiences, selecting print and multimodal
elements appropriate to the audience and purpose /(+&012332, (+&0123425
. compose te"ts supported !y visual information /eg diagrams and maps5 on familiar topics
Objective B: Students will use language to shape and make meaning according to purpose,
audience and context.
EN1-&' - identi(es )o# language use in t)eir o#n #riting di*ers according to t)eir purpose, audience
and su+ject matter
. understand that dierent types of te"ts have identi)a!le te"t structures and language features that
help the te"t serve its purpose /(+&0(2664, (+&0(26375

%$&ecti'e D: Students will express themselves and their relationships with others and their
EN1-11, responds to and composes a range o$ texts a+out $amiliar aspects o$ t)e #orld and t)eir o#n
. compose simple print, visual and digital te"ts that depict aspects of their own e"perience

(ualit# Teaching )ocus: Deep Knowledge
-tudents will demonstrate their grasp of key writing concepts !y concentrating on speci)c content areas
and producing quality work. 8ey concepts will !e connected from lesson to lesson.
*earning +ntentions and "uccess riteria:
-uggestions for weekly 0earning %ntentions and possi!le -uccess +riteria are provided. 9or !est success,
these should !e developed colla!oratively with students. :e;ection at the conclusion of the lesson
should focus on attainment of learning goals.
participation in !rainstorming activities
transfer of skills and strategies to 'ointly constructed and/or independent writing tasks
9ormal assessments are indicated with an < these work samples and o!servations will !e used to
guide and direct the teaching program

%'er'ie, of Wee-l# To.ics
0esson 2 # =ow To >ake -piderman >r Potato =ead
0esson ? @ =ow to make a milo milkshake
0esson 7 # =ow to make a !iscuit face
0esson 6 # =ow to make a paper plane
0esson A # =ow to make pancakes
0esson 3 # =ow to +ross the :oad
0esson 4 # =ow to make a snowman
0esson B # =ow to make caramel ice cream
0esson C #
0esson 2D #

on 1
Teaching / *earning Acti'ities
-ntroduction to purpose and audience o$ procedures
Learning -ntention, -tudents will know who uses procedures and what the term procedure
.uccess Criteria,
-tudents will,
@ discuss how people can )nd out how to do something or make something
@ !rainstorm e"amples of e"periences where students had to )nd out how to make
something e.g. loom !ands, lego, recipe
@ listen to Wom!at -tew
@ discuss what the term procedure means
@ agree upon and 'ointly construct a meaning for the term procedure
@ discuss and record who uses a procedure
@ inform students that they may know procedures as instructions
Eiscuss how people could )nd out how to do something or make something.
:efer students to things they have made /lego )gures, loom etc.5 and how they knew how
to make them. What did you doF
%ntroduce term GprocedureH What is it forF Who uses themF Where can we )nd themF
*esson 1 0'aluation: When % used the term procedure the students had no idea of what % was talking
a!out. =owever, when % asked them if they had used a recipe to cook or used instruction to make
something or install a game on the P+, most of the students could relate to those e"amples. -harlene and
>elina related to recipes, Ieorge, Taif and 1oussef engaged in discussing instructions related to known
technology. (tarea related the word instruction to !eing Gwhen mum says im not following the instructionH.
% informed the students that a procedure is used to tell a person how to make or use something. % will
constantly revise the purpose of the a procedure. When students copied /o# 0o 1a%e .uperman 1r
2otato /ead % noted that % need to teach the students that each step must !egin with a ver! and must !e

on a new line. 8E 24.D4.26

on 2
Teaching / *earning Acti'ities
1o, To 2a-e A 3iscuit )ace
Learning -ntention, Write a set of step !y step instructions informing the reader how to
make a !iscuit face
.uccess Criteria, -tudents will,
@ have an appropriate title
@ under the title have the heading @ 1aterials Needed
@ list all the materials needed
@ under the materials needed, have the heading 1et)od or .teps
@ each step must start on its own line
@ each step must have a num!er at the !eginning
@ each step must start with a ver!
@ each step gives speci)c information to inform the reader how to make a !iscuit face
Teacher to provide ingredients needed to make Jiscuit 9aces. -tudents will make a !iscuit
face. (s students make their !iscuit face, a partner will use the iPad to record the
procedure. The task will !e completed !y students,
@ using the images/video as a prompt to write the procedure
@ presenting the procedure as a ver!al presentation
*esson 2 0'aluation: The students en'oyed creating their Jiscuit 9aces. Whilst modelling % used the
appropriate terms of ingredients /and took a photo5, e"plained what the term met)od means. To support
the students learning, % created an interactive task where the stages of the procedure were outlined. The
students were e"plicitly instructed as to where headings go and which heading the te"t goes under. >ost
of the students were engaged. Ieorge found it diKcult to engage in the task, !ut when asked to complete
something, he complied. Photos were taken of the students completing the task on the interactive !oard.
The completed task has also !een saved. The students were reluctant to complete the task in writing,
however, the lesson was successful using interactive technology.

on 2
Teaching / *earning Acti'ities
Wom$at "te,
Learning -ntention, Write a set of step !y step instructions informing the reader how to
make Wom!at -tew
.uccess Criteria, -tudents will,
@ have an appropriate title
@ under the title have the heading @ 1aterials Needed
@ list all the materials needed
@ under the materials needed, have the heading 1et)od or .teps
@ each step must start on its own line
@ each step must have a num!er at the !eginning
@ each step must start with a ver!
@ each step gives speci)c information to inform the reader how to make Wom!at -tew
:ead Wom!at -tew to class. =ave students recall the steps to making Wom!at -tew.
$ointly construct procedure to support the te"t. -tudents complete task !y constructing a
ver!al procedure whilst teacher scri!es.
*esson 2 0'aluation:

on 3
Teaching / *earning Acti'ities
1o, To 2a-e A 4milo5 2il-sha-e
Learning -ntention, Write a set of step !y step instructions informing the reader how to
make a milkshake
.uccess Criteria, -tudents will,
@ have an appropriate title
@ under the title have the heading @ 1aterials Needed
@ list all the materials needed
@ under the materials needed, have the heading 1et)od or .teps
@ each step must start on its own line
@ each step must have a num!er at the !eginning
@ each step must start with a ver!
@ each step gives speci)c information to inform the reader how to make a milkshake
Teacher to provide ingredients needed to make milkshakes. -tudents will make a /milo5
milkshake. (s students make their milkshake, a partner will use the iPad to record the
procedure. The task will !e completed !y students,
@ using the images/video as a prompt to write the procedure
@ presenting the procedure as a ver!al presentation
*esson 3 0'aluation: The students were engaged in this activity. %t helped that the topic was familiar
and that could also make the milo milkshake to see if the 'ointly constructed procedure worked or if any of
the steps needed to !e changed. 1oussef ( was a very keen participant when 'ointly constructing. $ames
was diKcult to engage in the task and when % attempted to engage him, he only repeated what % said or
spoke random words. 8E D6.DB.26

Teaching / *earning Acti'ities
1o, To 2a-e an +ce ream one
Learning -ntention, Write a set of step !y step instructions informing the reader how to
make an ice cream cone
.uccess Criteria, -tudents will,
@ have an appropriate title
@ under the title have the heading @ 1aterials Needed
@ list all the materials needed
@ under the materials needed, have the heading 1et)od or .teps
@ each step must start on its own line
@ each step must have a num!er at the !eginning
@ each step must start with a ver!
@ each step gives speci)c information to inform the reader how to make an ice cream
Provide the students with the ingredients and have each student create their own ice
cream cone.
While constructing the ice cream cone . . . do the ver!al think@a@loud informing students
of steps and appropriate ver!s
after eating the ice cream have students 'ointly construct the procedure
What did we learn how to doF
+ould you follow these instructionsF
Why are the instructions set out the way they areF /ease to follow5
What would happen if we skipped one of the stepsF
%s it important to do each step in orderF WhyF
*esson 0'aluation: The students thoroughly en'oyed the e"perience of making their own ice cream
cone. There was a lot of scaolding and appropriate ver!s and nouns had to !e provided. The students

found it easier, and required less prompting and support, when 'ointly constructing the written procedure.
&ach of the students were given some popping candy to try. The facial e"pressions were priceless, !ut
more importantly, the descriptive language of the popping candy tingling on the tongue etc was incredi!le
to hear and well worth the e"perience. When the students were contemplating putting 2DDs and 2DDDs or
popping candy on the vanilla ice cream, most of the students who wanted !oth tried putting one on top of
the other. =owever, Lakaria )gured out that if he put 2DDs and 2DDDs on one half of the ice cream and
then turned the ice cream around and put the popping candy on the other side that he could have !oth
without it actually falling o into the !owl. To further engage the students, the students were put into
groups of 7 and were supported in producing a visual digital procedure using iPad technology. -tudents
were a!le to !e supported appropriately and all en'oyed reading the written procedure in front of the iPad.
8E D4.DB.26

on 6
Teaching / *earning Acti'ities
1o, To 2a-e Panca-es
Learning -ntention, Write a set of step !y step instructions informing the reader how to
make pancakes
.uccess Criteria, -tudents will,
@ have an appropriate title
@ under the title have the heading @ 1aterials Needed
@ list all the materials needed
@ under the materials needed, have the heading 1et)od or .teps
@ each step must start on its own line
@ each step must have a num!er at the !eginning
@ each step must start with a ver!
@ each step gives speci)c information to inform the reader how to make pancakes
Teacher to provide ingredients needed to make pancakes. The class will cook pancakes.
(s students make their pancakes, a partner will use the iPad to record the procedure.
The task will !e completed !y students,
@ using the images/video as a prompt to write the procedure
@ presenting the procedure as a ver!al presentation
*esson 6 0'aluation:

on 6
Teaching / *earning Acti'ities
1o, To 2a-e A Plane
Learning -ntention, Write a set of step !y step instructions informing the reader how to
make a paper plane
.uccess Criteria, -tudents will,
@ have an appropriate title
@ under the title have the heading @ 1aterials Needed
@ list all the materials needed
@ under the materials needed, have the heading 1et)od or .teps
@ each step must start on its own line
@ each step must have a num!er at the !eginning
@ each step must start with a ver!
@ each step gives speci)c information to inform the reader how to make a paper plane
Teacher to provide the student with the materials needed to make paper planes. &ach
student will make a paper plane. (s students make their paper plane, a partner will use
the iPad to record the procedure. The task will !e completed !y students,
@ using the images/video as a prompt to write the procedure
@ presenting the procedure as a ver!al presentation
*esson 6 0'aluation:

on 7
Teaching / *earning Acti'ities
1o, To ross The !oad "afel#
Learning -ntention, Write a set of step !y step instructions informing the reader how to
cross the road safely
.uccess Criteria, -tudents will,
@ have an appropriate title
@ under the title have the heading @ 1aterials Needed
@ list all the materials needed
@ under the materials needed, have the heading 1et)od or .teps
@ each step must start on its own line
@ each step must have a num!er at the !eginning
@ each step must start with a ver!
@ each step gives speci)c information to inform the reader how to cross the road
Teacher will discuss with class the purpose of traKc lights and
pedestrian crossings. -tudents recall their own e"periences
and use this e"perience to write a procedure. The task will !e
completed !y students,
@ using the images/video as a prompt to write the
@ presenting the procedure as a ver!al presentation
@ creating a comic strip or a poster to inform reader of how
to cross the road safely
*esson 7 0'aluation:

on 8
Teaching / *earning Acti'ities
1o, To 3uild A "no,man
Learning -ntention, Write a set of step !y step instructions informing the reader how to
make a snowman
.uccess Criteria, -tudents will,
@ have an appropriate title
@ under the title have the heading @ 1aterials Needed
@ list all the materials needed
@ under the materials needed, have the heading 1et)od or .teps
@ each step must start on its own line
@ each step must have a num!er at the !eginning
@ each step must start with a ver!
@ each step gives speci)c information to inform the reader how to make a snowman
Teacher will discuss what a snow man looks like and the material
needed to !uild a snowman. The class will think an appropriate way to
!uild a snowman. The task will !e completed !y students,
@ using the images/video as a prompt to write the procedure
@ presenting the procedure as a ver!al presentation
*esson 8 0'aluation:

on 9
Teaching / *earning Acti'ities
1o, To aramel +ce cream
Learning -ntention, Write a set of step !y step instructions informing the reader how to
make +aramel %ce cream
.uccess Criteria, -tudents will,
@ have an appropriate title
@ under the title have the heading @ 1aterials Needed
@ list all the materials needed
@ under the materials needed, have the heading 1et)od or .teps
@ each step must start on its own line
@ each step must have a num!er at the !eginning
@ each step must start with a ver!
@ each step gives speci)c information to inform the reader how to make caramel ice
Turn sound down at the !eginning or picture o and discuss the importance of !oth the
ver!al and visual information.
What did the video tell usF
What did we learn how to doF
+ould you follow these instructionsF
Why are the instructions set out the way they areF /ease to follow5
What would happen if we skipped one of the stepsF
%s it important to do each step in orderF WhyF

Teacher to provide ingredients needed to make caramel ice cream. The class will follow
the Eonna =ays recipe to make the caramel ice cream. The class will also discuss how
they can make another ice cream using the material provided. (s students make the ice
cream, teacher will use the iPad to record the procedure. The task will !e completed !y
@ using the images/video as a prompt to write the procedure
@ presenting the procedure as a ver!al presentation
*esson 9 0'aluation:

on 10
Teaching / *earning Acti'ities
1o, To Dra, a 2onster ,ith *etter 1
Learning -ntention, Write a set of step !y step instructions informing the reader how to
draw a monster using the letter =
.uccess Criteria, -tudents will,
@ have an appropriate title
@ under the title have the heading @ 1aterials Needed
@ list all the materials needed
@ under the materials needed, have the heading 1et)od or .teps
@ each step must start on its own line
@ each step must have a num!er at the !eginning
@ each step must start with a ver!
@ each step gives speci)c information to inform the reader how to draw a monster
using the letter =
http,//youtu.!e/P%Bl"%=+"a6 @
Turn sound down at the !eginning or picture o and discuss the importance of !oth the
ver!al and visual information.
What did the video tell usF
What did we learn how to doF
+ould you follow these instructionsF
Why are the instructions set out the way they areF /ease to follow5
What would happen if we skipped one of the stepsF
%s it important to do each step in orderF WhyF

*esson 10 0'aluation:

on 11
Teaching / *earning Acti'ities
1o, To Dra, a 2onster ,ith *etter %
Learning -ntention, Write a set of step !y step instructions informing the reader how to
draw a monster using the letter Q
.uccess Criteria, -tudents will,
@ have an appropriate title
@ under the title have the heading @ 1aterials Needed
@ list all the materials needed
@ under the materials needed, have the heading 1et)od or .teps
@ each step must start on its own line
@ each step must have a num!er at the !eginning
@ each step must start with a ver!
@ each step gives speci)c information to inform the reader how to draw a monster
using the letter Q
Turn sound down at the !eginning or picture o and discuss the importance of !oth the
ver!al and visual information.
What did the video tell usF
What did we learn how to doF
+ould you follow these instructionsF
Why are the instructions set out the way they areF /ease to follow5
What would happen if we skipped one of the stepsF
%s it important to do each step in orderF WhyF

*esson 11 0'aluation:

on 12
Teaching / *earning Acti'ities
1o, To Dra, a :om$ie using the letter
Learning -ntention, Write a set of step !y step instructions informing the reader how to
draw a *om!ie using the letter +
.uccess Criteria, -tudents will,
@ have an appropriate title
@ under the title have the heading @ 1aterials Needed
@ list all the materials needed
@ under the materials needed, have the heading 1et)od or .teps
@ each step must start on its own line
@ each step must have a num!er at the !eginning
@ each step must start with a ver!
@ each step gives speci)c information to inform the reader how to draw a *om!ie
using the letter +
Turn sound down at the !eginning or picture o and discuss the importance of !oth the
ver!al and visual information.
What did the video tell usF
What did we learn how to doF
+ould you follow these instructionsF
Why are the instructions set out the way they areF /ease to follow5
What would happen if we skipped one of the stepsF
%s it important to do each step in orderF WhyF

*esson 12 0'aluation:

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