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How to Heal Toxic Thoughts: Simple

Tools for Personal Transformation by

Sandra Ingerman

How To Heal Toxic Thoughts

Many people think that the old alchemi sts were trying to turn lead i nto gold.
But in actuali ty, as Sandra Ingerman - a practicing shaman and
psychologi st - reveals, they were metaphorically working on transforming
heavy leaded consciousness into gold li ght consciousness. Usi ng their
theories, Ingerman offers strategies for processi ng the harmful thoughts
and emoti ons that hi t us throughout our day. Instead of sending and
recei vi ng lethal energy, you wi ll learn, through medi tations, visuali zati ons,
and other exercises, how to radiate positi ve thoughts and shield yourself
from those that are destructi ve.

* ISBN13: 9781402742606
* Condi tion: NEW
* Notes: Brand New from Publi sher. No Remainder Mark.

Personal Review: How to Heal Toxic Thoughts: Simple Tools for
Personal Transformation by Sandra Ingerman
Sandra Ingerman is an i mpeccable practi ti oner and teacher who very
clearly describes in this book how to make some very practical and
important life changes. As a Licensed Professional Counselor for over 30
years I know through experi ence that talk therapy only goes so far. There
is a spiritual and an energetic component to our woundi ngs, and therefore
our healing, that must be addressed for complete healing to occur. I hi ghly
recommend this book to anyone interested in making positi ve changes in
themselves, their life and the world. As an author of several books on
shamanism and energy healing, Seei ng in the Dark: Clai m Your Own
Shamanic Power Now and i n the Comi ng Age, Energy for Life: Connect
wi th the Source (Next Step), and Inner Power: Si x Techniques for
Increased Energy & Self-Heali ng I appreci ate Sandra's clear explanations
and case descriptions. I have had the honor of studyi ng wi th Sandra and
can assure you that she is a beauiful soul and a lovi ng human who's life's
work is to ease pain and sufferi ng. I am grateful to her for offeri ng such
uncondi tional service to the world.

For More 5 Star Customer Reviews and Lowest Price:
How to Heal Toxic Thoughts: Simple Tools for Personal Transformation by Sandra
Ingerman 5 Star Customer Reviews and Lowest Price!

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