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Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez

Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners

Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
1 | P a g e

Project # 6, Biliteracy Unit Framework
Biliteracy Unit Framework: The Five Senses: Introduction, Lesson 1
Content area: Language and Health
Language in which this content area is
Theme/Big Idea: The Five Senses: Introduction/ Los Cinco Sentidos: Introduccin
Language allocation for this grade:
Standards: TEKS
Health: 1.4 The students understand the basic structure and functions of the human body and how they relate to
personal health throughout the life span. The students are expected to:
(A) identify and demonstrate use of the five senses.
Science: 1.4 The students observe and describe the natural world using their five senses.
Spanish ELA: 1.B.6. Los estudiantes comprenden vocabulario nuevo y lo utilizan al leer y al escribir.
ELPS: 74.4.C.1.(A) Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English.
74.4.C.4.(C) Develop basic sight vocabulary, derive meaning of environmental print, and comprehend English
vocabulary and language structures used routinely in written classroom materials.
74.4.C.2.(E) Use visual, contextual, and linguistic support to enhance and confirm understanding of increasingly
complex and elaborated spoken language.

_80__% Spanish, _20_ % English
Content targets: Students will name and identify the five senses and the body parts associated with those senses.
Language Targets:
Spanish: Students will name the five senses and identify the parts that are mainly involved in each sense.
English: Students will name the five senses.
Cross-linguistic: Students will identify, describe, and provide examples of cognates. Students will compare the use of pronouns in English (I, You) and
their implicit counterparts in Spanish (yo, tu, usted) eg. I use my nose to smell Uso mi nariz para oler.

Summative assessment:
Students will actively participate in class.
Students will match the words to the main sense part and describe by writing the function of the sense.

Building Oracy and Background Knowledge
Language of instruction: _Spanish_ (This language is maintained until the Bridge; the other language is used in the Extension Activity.)

Language resources, linguistic creativity, and cultural funds of knowledge:
Students use multiple varieties of Spanish. Words used for this lesson include: baln/pelota; probar/saborear; tocar/sentir; beber/tomar.
Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
2 | P a g e

Some students use transfer words from English to Spanish to refer to words in Spanish, such as tochar/touch.
Students will talk and discuss with other peers about the different parts of the body they use to smell, see, hear, taste, and feel.
Students will use known words to define the senses and use familiar vocabulary to name things they can smell, see, hear, taste, and feel using their

Building background knowledge:
The teacher will begin the lesson by sharing about how she enjoys eating Rice-Krispies for breakfast, and will
pour some into a little bowl. She will describe why she likes them using her five senses (smell, taste, hear, see,
and feel).
The teacher will ask students to turn and talk with a partner about what they know about the five senses and
the organs we use to feel, hear, taste, smell, and see.
After, the teacher will introduce the unit and the topics that will be discussed. The teacher will use a GLAD
inquiry chart stating: Qu se acerca de los 5 sentidos? Qu quiero aprender acerca de los 5 sentidos?
The teacher will introduce the vocabulary words and pictures to represent those words. Also, the teacher will
introduce the sentence stems:
El rgano que utilizo para _______________ es el/la _____________.
Con la/los ______________ puedo ____________.
Uso mi _______________ para ______________.

Formative assessment:
- Student participation during
discussion and input for GLAD
inquiry chart.

Reading comprehension:
The teacher will introduce the book Mis Cinco Sentidos by Aliki and will do a quick picture walk.
Teacher will read aloud the book and will strategically stop in some parts to think aloud and ask students to
think-talk-share a couple of times.
After the reading, the teacher will ask the students to recall the most important information they acquire
from the book, and using the students input the teacher will write the main idea about the five senses.

Formative assessment
- Teacher observations during
think-talk-share activity.
- Students input recalling facts
and understanding main idea.
Students will write a sentence stating the name of the organ, the sense, and a brief description of what one
can do with that sense.
Students will be able to use sentence stems introduced at the beginning of the lesson (Uso mi
_______________ para __________).

Formative assessment
- Checklist to assess completion
of requirements for writing

Word study:
Students will review the vocabulary words by counting their syllables.
Teacher will focus on the use of the correct article (el/la/los) to refer to the organs associated to the five
Formative assessment
- Individual observations in
teacher monitoring book.
Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
3 | P a g e

The five senses words will be placed on the word wall: el olfato, la vista, el oido, el gusto, el tacto, along with
the correct article.

- Checklist to record students
performance on use of correct

Summative Assessments:
Students will complete a cut and paste activity matching the correct sense to the correspondent organs.
Students will write complete sentences using sentence stems, stating the sense, organ, and what can be done with that specific sense and organ.

The Bridge: Strengthening Bridges Between Languages
Language of instruction: Spanish and English
Students will review the words in five senses words in Spanish.
Students will point to the organs and will use a TPR movement to match the sense.
Students will match the picture and label in English to its correspondent one in Spanish.

Metalinguistic focus
Use of articles (el/la/los)

Formative assessment
- Checklist to record students
participation in English and
metalinguistic skills.
Extension Activity
Language of instruction: _English__ (the other language)
Students will read the short books in English, part of the The Five Senses series. These books are different
to the ones available for the students to read in Spanish.

Formative assessment:
- Checklist and rubric that
respects the resources of the
two language learner.

Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
4 | P a g e

Biliteracy Unit Framework: The Five Senses: Sense of Sight, Lesson 2
Content area: Language and Health
Language in which this content area is
Theme/Big Idea: The Five Senses: Sense of Sight/ Los Cinco Sentidos: Sentido de la Vista.
Language allocation for this grade:
Standards: TEKS
Health: 1.4 The students understand the basic structure and functions of the human body and how they relate to
personal health throughout the life span. The students are expected to:
(B) identify and demonstrate use of the five senses.
Science: 1.4 The students observe and describe the natural world using their five senses.
Spanish ELA: 1.B.6. Los estudiantes comprenden vocabulario nuevo y lo utilizan al leer y al escribir.
ELPS: 74.4.C.1(C) Use strategic learning techniques such as concept mapping, drawing, memorizing, comparing,
contrasting, and reviewing to acquire basic and grade-level vocabulary,
74.4.C.1(F) Use accessible language and learn new and essential language in the process;
74.4.C.2(E) Use visual, contextual, and linguistic support to enhance and confirm understanding of increasingly
complex and elaborated spoken language.

_80__% Spanish, _20_ % English
Content targets: Students will name and identify the five senses, their functions, and the body parts associated with those senses.
Language Targets:
Spanish: Students will name the parts of the eye. Students will be able to explain the process of sight from eye to brain. Students will explore the eye
by using an eye model.
English: Students will name the parts of the eye and other organs associated to the sight sense.
Cross-linguistic: Students will identify, describe, and provide examples of cognates. Teacher will emphasize order of words in the sentence noun-
adjective in Spanish (oso pardo, pjaro rojo), and adjective-noun in English (brown bear, red bird).

Summative assessment:
Students will actively participate in class.
Students will create a model of an eye.
Students will accurately label five parts of the eye.

Building Oracy and Background Knowledge
Language of instruction: _Spanish_ (This language is maintained until the Bridge; the other language is used in the Extension Activity.

Language resources, linguistic creativity, and cultural funds of knowledge:
Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
5 | P a g e

Students use multiple varieties of Spanish. Students use different words to refer to colors, for instance, use marrn or pardo for brown, instead of a
shade or mixed of brown and red as in English.
Students will talk about the use of glasses in their families. They will discuss who in their families uses glasses and how they take care of them during
their daily routine.
Also, they will discuss about how their parents take care of them when something gets into their eyes, how they clean it, or any special treatment they
do at home. Some parents use black tea bags to clean their eyes, others blow air directly into the air to clean it up,
Families also use home-made remedies to take care of infections or other eye related situations. Students will talk and discuss about it.

Building background knowledge:
The teacher will begin the lesson by asking students to share what things can they see when they go to the
park, the beach, and the store. The teacher will collect the ideas in an anchor chart.
The teacher will explain that today they will continue talking about the five senses, but the focus of the day
will be the sense of sight (El Sentido de la Vista).
The teacher will ask students to put on a mask that covers their eyes, and slowly try to walk towards their
seats. After, the teacher will ask students to try to come back to the floor, still with their eyes covered.
Students will experiment how difficult it is to not be able to use their eyes to move from place to place and
see where things are.
The teacher will show a GLAD Pictorial Input Chart, with the picture of two eyes and the title El Sentido de
la Vista and the picture of the inside of the eye,
The teacher will introduce the words for the lesson: Nervio Optico, Iris, Crnea, Pupila, and Retina, and
that after reading the book, they will explain and label the different parts and functions of the eye.

Formative assessment:
- Checklist for student
participation during discussion
and input for anchor chart.

Reading comprehension:
The teacher will introduce the book Oso Pardo, Oso Pardo Qu ves ahi? by Bill Martin and Eric Carl by
talking about the author craft and how he makes books with great use of colors and simple concepts. Also, the
teacher will ask students to make connections with other texts written by Martin and illustrated by Eric Carl.
During the reading, the teacher will strategically stop in some parts to think aloud and think what other
animals, colors, and things can be seen out in the nature.
After the reading, the teacher will ask students to think-talk-share with a partner about ideas such as: What
do people do when they are not able to see things? What things can harm our sense of sighting?
Last, the teacher will use the GLAD Input Chart to explain each Part of the eye and the functions of the
organs involved in the process of seeing things.

Formative assessment
- Students participation during
read aloud
- Teacher observations during
think-talk-share activity.

Students will correctly label the parts of the eye in the picture and model.
Formative assessment
- Checklist to assess accuracy for
labeling the picture.
Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
6 | P a g e

Also, students will write a brief summary of what they learned about the sense of sight using their My Five
Senses Journal, which will be also used as a resource for the rest of the unit. The students may use the
following sentence stems:
o Cinco partes importantes del sentido de la vista son: _________, ____________, _______,
___________ y ___________.
o La funcin de _________________ (la retina/el nervio ptico/el iris/la cornea/la pupila) es

- Rubric to assess writing skills
according to readiness levels.

Word study:
The teacher will make emphasis in the pronunciation of the words to hear the stronger syllable (slaba tnica).
Teacher will focus on the use of the correct article (el/la/los) to refer to the parts of the sense of sight.
The five words related to the sense of sight will be place on the word wall as well as onto the GLAD input

Formative assessment
- Individual observations in
teacher monitoring book.
- Checklist to record students
performance on use of correct

Summative Assessments:
Students will correctly label the five parts of the eye explained during the lesson.
Students will complete their 3D model of the human eye.
Students will write their summary in their My Five Senses Journal

The Bridge: Strengthening Bridges Between Languages
Language of instruction: Spanish and English
Students will review the words related to the sense of sight in Spanish
Students will touch the parts of the eye using their own eye model.
Students will match and color the picture using the vocabulary in English (iris, pupil, retina, optic nerve, and

Metalinguistic focus
Cognates: students will make a T chart comparing the words in English and Spanish. They will make an arrow to
connect them if they are cognates or will make a cloud around the words if they are not cognates.
Use of articles (el/la/los).

Formative assessment
- Teacher observation for student
behavior and oral understanding.
- Checklist to record students
participation in English and
metalinguistic skills.
Extension Activity
Language of instruction: _English__ (the other language)
Students will read use the books from the series I Spy a to find objects hidden in the pictures and use
English vocabulary.

Formative assessment:
- Checklist and rubric that
respects the resources of the
two language learner.

Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
7 | P a g e

Biliteracy Unit Framework: The Five Senses: Sense of Hearing, Lesson 3
Content area: Language and Health
Language in which this content area is
Theme/Big Idea: The Five Senses: Sense of Hearing/ Los Cinco Sentidos: Sentido del Oido
Language allocation for this grade:
Standards: TEKS
Health: 1.4 The students understand the basic structure and functions of the human body and how they relate to
personal health throughout the life span. The students are expected to:
(C) identify and demonstrate use of the five senses.
Science: 1.4 The students observe and describe the natural world using their five senses.
Spanish ELA: 1.B.6. Los estudiantes comprenden vocabulario nuevo y lo utilizan al leer y al escribir.
ELPS: 74.4.C.1.(E) Internalize new basic and academic language by using and reusing it in meaningful ways in
speaking and writing activities that build concept and language attainment.
74.4.C.4.(D) Use pre-reading supports such as graphic organizers, illustrations, and pre-taught topic-related
vocabulary and other pre-reading activities to enhance comprehension of written text.
74.4.C.2.(C) Learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom
instruction and interactions;
_80__% Spanish, _20_ % English
Content targets: Students will name and identify the parts of the ear and familiar sounds.
Language Targets:
Spanish: Students will be able to use their sense of hearing to recognize the sounds of the everyday life. Students will be able to name and label the
parts of the ear. Students will be able to explain how to take care of the ears and describe how and what they hear.
English: Students will label the parts of the ear and recognize familiar sounds.
Cross-linguistic: Students will identify, describe, and provide examples of cognates. Students will focus on the use of singular and plurals in English
(adding s/es to nouns) and Spanish (adding s to nouns and articles changes, el oido/los oidos).

Summative assessment:
Students will actively participate in class.
Students will be able to name and label the parts of the ear with peer support.
Students will be able to explain and write two reasons to keep the sense of hearing safe and healthy.

Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
8 | P a g e

Building Oracy and Background Knowledge
Language of instruction: _Spanish_ (This language is maintained until the Bridge; the other language is used in the Extension Activity.)

Language resources, linguistic creativity, and cultural funds of knowledge:
Students use multiple varieties of Spanish. Students will talk and discuss about the different names they use to refer to the parts of the ear.
Students also will talk about what are their families practices regarding the care of their ears in a regular basis as well as when they are sick, go to
the pool, the beach, travel, etc.
The sounds made for the objects that the teacher will ask students to recognize also have different names in different regions of the Spanish
speaking countries, for instance, the word cloquear/cacarear, the onomatopoeic sound that hens make.

Building background knowledge:
The teacher will begin the lesson by playing a game to recognize sounds. The teacher will have a powerpoint
presentation with recorded sounds, and every slide will have a sound that the students need to guess what the
sound is. Students will guess and the next slide will have the right answer.
The teacher then will show the picture of the ear and ask students to talk with a partner and describe the
picture. The teacher will appeal to the students schema to find out what they know about the ear and its
The teacher will begin creating another GLAD Input Chart and will introduce the vocabulary words for this
lesson: oido externo, oido medio, oido interno, oreja, tmpano, caracol, trompa de Eustaquio.
The teacher will show the video Sentido del Oido, and after explaining the parts and functions of the ear,
they will complete the GLAD input chart with the information discussed.
Students also will be informed of the other activities they need to work on: Im All Ears (ear parts model),
and Hearing Investigation (hear and guess what makes the sound inside plastic eggs).

Formative assessment:
- Checklist to assess student
participation during discussion
and collaboration for GLAD input

Reading comprehension:
The teacher will introduce the book Oso polar, oso polar, qu es ese ruido? by asking students to make
connections with other books and connections with the sounds that animals make.
During this reading aloud, the teacher does a quick picture walk (the text will be covered so students wont be
able to read the book) and will make a list of the animals in the book.
During the reading, the teacher will stop after every animal and will ask students to retell what sound the
animal is making. She will record that information on the anchor chart where the list of animals is.
After the read aloud, students and teacher will read the book again in whole group, focusing on voice, rhythm,
and fluency.
Last, students working with a partner will find another animal and share the name of the animal and the sound
they make.

Formative assessment
- Teacher observations of
students participation during the
recalling of information and
partner work and sharing.
Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
9 | P a g e

Students will complete the Hearing Investigation worksheet using the following sentence stem: Creo que
adentro del huevo hay ____________________ porque el ruido es _____________.
Also, students will work in their journal (My Five Senses Journal) and will write the information they learned
today about the sense of hearing.

Formative assessment
- Checklist to assess completion of
the Hearing Investigation
- Rubric to assess writing skills
according to readiness levels.
Word study:
Teacher will focus on the recognition of blends in the words (slabas trabadas).
The teacher will add the vocabulary words to the word wall and will highlight the following parts:
- Oido externo, Oido medio, Oido interno (diptongo)
- Tmpano (acento)
- Caracol (sonido de k)
- Trompa the Eustaquio (Slaba trabaja and diptongo)
Students will practice making the words using pre-cut syllables in different colors. They will work with
partners to check each other.
Also, students will practice the vocabulary words while making their ear model (Im All Ears activity), during
the journal writing, and during the Hearing Investigation

Formative assessment
- Individual observations in
teacher monitoring book.
- Checklist to record students
construction of words using pre-
cut syllables and chunks.

Summative Assessments:
Students will complete an ear model using the Im All Ears pattern.
Students will label correctly the parts of the ear in their model and while writing in their journals.
Students will accurately predict what is inside the plastic eggs by using their sense of hearing and their previous knowledge.

The Bridge: Strengthening Bridges Between Languages
Language of instruction: Spanish and English
Students will review the vocabulary words in Spanish.
Students will touch the different parts of the ear on the teachers ear model and on their own model.
Students will participate in labeling the parts of the ear using an enlarged picture in English. Then, they will
work independently on completing their own ear picture.

Metalinguistic focus
Use of correct grammatical number and article to name plurals in both languages (the ear/the ears- el odo/los

Formative assessment
- Checklist to record students
participation in English and
metalinguistic skills.
Extension Activity
Language of instruction: _English__ (the other language)
Students will color and label the picture of the ear with all its parts.
Formative assessment:
Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
10 | P a g e

Students will read different books about the sense of hearing, animal sounds, sounds that various objects
make, etc., according to their reading levels.

- Checklist and rubric that
respects the resources of the
two language learner.
- Checklist to record accuracy of
labeling and recognizing parts of
the ear in English.

Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
11 | P a g e

Biliteracy Unit Framework: The Five Senses: Sense of Smell/ Los Cinco Sentidos: Sentido del olfato,
Lesson 4
Content area: Language and Health
Language in which this content area is
Theme/Big Idea: The Five Senses: Sense of Smell/ Los Cinco Sentidos: Sentido del Olfato
Language allocation for this grade:
Standards: TEKS
Health: 1.4 The students understand the basic structure and functions of the human body and how they relate to
personal health throughout the life span. The students are expected to:
(D) identify and demonstrate use of the five senses.
Science: 1.4 The students observe and describe the natural world using their five senses.
Spanish ELA: 1.B.6. Los estudiantes comprenden vocabulario nuevo y lo utilizan al leer y al escribir.
74.4.C.4.(C) Develop basic sight vocabulary, derive meaning of environmental print, and comprehend English
vocabulary and language structures used routinely in written classroom materials.
74.4.C.2.(E) Use visual, contextual, and linguistic support to enhance and confirm understanding of increasingly
complex and elaborated spoken language.
74.4.C.1(F) Use accessible language and learn new and essential language in the process.

_80__% Spanish, _20_ % English
Content targets: Students will name and identify the five senses and the body parts associated with those senses.
Language Targets:
Spanish: Students will name the different parts of the nose.
English: Students will name each part of the nose on a diagram. They will explain the functions of each through a Thinking Map Tree Cause and Effect
Cross-linguistic: Students will identify, describe, and provide examples of cognates. Students will compare the use of pronouns in English (I, You) and
their implicit counterparts in Spanish (yo, tu, usted) eg. I use my nose to smell Uso mi nariz para oler.

Summative assessment:
Students will actively participate in class.
Students will match the words to the main sense part and describe by writing the function of the sense.

Building Oracy and Background Knowledge
Language of instruction: _Spanish_ (This language is maintained until the Bridge; the other language is used in the Extension Activity.)

Language resources, linguistic creativity, and cultural funds of knowledge:
Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
12 | P a g e

Students use multiple varieties of Spanish. Words used for this lesson include: glandula parotid/ parotid gland, cavidad nasal/ nasal cavity, paladar
duro/ hard palate/ labios/lips.
Some students use transfer words from English to Spanish to refer to words in Spanish, such as smell/oler.
Students will talk and discuss with other peers about the different parts of the nose that are used for the sense of smell.
Students will use known words to define the parts of a nose and their functions.

Building background knowledge:
The teacher will begin the lesson by having the students smell pickle juice, a rose, and a lemon.
The teacher will ask students to turn and talk with a partner about the sense of smell.
After, the teacher will review the unit and the topics that will be discussed. The teacher will use a GLAD
inquiry chart stating: Qu se acerca de las funciones del las partes de la nariz? Qu he aprendido acerca de
el funcionamiento de la nariz en nuestro cuerpo?
The teacher will introduce the vocabulary words and pictures to represent those words. Also, the teacher will
continue with the sentence stems:
El rgano que utilizo para _______________ es el/la _____________.
Con la/los ______________ puedo ____________.
Uso mi _______________ para ______________.

Formative assessment:
- Student participation during
discussion and input for GLAD
inquiry chart.

Reading comprehension:
The teacher will read the book Mis Cinco Sentidos by Aliki.
Teacher will read aloud the book and will strategically stop in some parts to think aloud and ask students to
think-talk-share a couple of times.
Teacher will discuss the main attributes of using the sense of smell.

Formative assessment
- Teacher observations during
think-talk-share activity.
- Students input recalling facts
and understanding main idea.
Students will write a sentence stating the name of the organ, the sense, and a brief description of what one can
do with that sense.
Students will be able to use sentence stems of the lessons (Uso mi _______________ para __________).

Formative assessment
- Checklist to assess completion
of requirements for writing

Word study:
Students will review the vocabulary words by counting their syllables. Students will practice the new words and
incorporate them with the words that are on the word wall.
Teacher will focus on the use of the correct article (el/la/los) to refer to the parts associated with the sense
of smell.

Formative assessment
- Individual observations in
teacher monitoring book.
- Checklist to record students
performance on use of correct
Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
13 | P a g e

Summative Assessments:
Students will complete the diagram over the sense of smell.
Students will write complete sentences using sentence stems, stating the sense, organ, and what can be done with that specific sense and organ.

The Bridge: Strengthening Bridges Between Languages
Language of instruction: Spanish and English
Students will review the sense of smell and words that explain the parts of the different functions of the nose
in Spanish.
Students will point to the parts of the nose and will use a TPR movement to match the sense and the parts.
Students will match the picture and label in English to its correspondent one in Spanish.

Metalinguistic focus
Use of articles (el/la/los)

Formative assessment
- Checklist to record students
participation in English and
metalinguistic skills.
Extension Activity
Language of instruction: _English__ (the other language)
Students will read the short books in English, part of the The Five Senses series. These books are different
to the ones available for the students to read in Spanish.

Formative assessment:
- Checklist and rubric that
respects the resources of the
two language learner.

Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
14 | P a g e

Biliteracy Unit Framework: The Five Senses: Sense of Touch/Los Cinco Sentidos: Sentido del tActo,
Lesson 5
Content area: Language and Health
Language in which this content area is
Theme/Big Idea: The Five Senses: Sense of Touch/ Los Cinco Sentidos: Sentido del Tacto
Language allocation for this grade:
Standards: TEKS
Health: 1.4 The students understand the basic structure and functions of the human body and how they relate to
personal health throughout the life span. The students are expected to:
(E) identify and demonstrate use of the five senses.
Science: 1.4 The students observe and describe the natural world using their five senses.
Spanish ELA: 1.B.6. Los estudiantes comprenden vocabulario nuevo y lo utilizan al leer y al escribir.
ELPS: 74.4.C.1(C) Use strategic learning techniques such as concept mapping, drawing, memorizing, comparing,
contrasting, and reviewing to acquire basic and grade-level vocabulary,
74.4.C.1(F) Use accessible language and learn new and essential language in the process;
74.4.C.2(E) Use visual, contextual, and linguistic support to enhance and confirm understanding of increasingly
complex and elaborated spoken language.

_80__% Spanish, _20_ % English
Content targets: Students will name and identify the parts of the epidermis and their functions.
Language Targets:
Spanish: Students will name the parts of the . Students will be able to explain the function of each part.
English: Students will be introduced to the vocabulary words in English.
Cross-linguistic: Students will identify, describe, and provide examples of cognates. Teacher will emphasize order of words in the sentence noun-
adjective in Spanish (gamuza suave ), and adjective-noun in English (suede soft).

Summative assessment:
Students will actively participate in class.
Students will create a model of a piece of skin.
Students will accurately label parts of the epidermis.

Building Oracy and Background Knowledge
Language of instruction: _Spanish_ (This language is maintained until the Bridge; the other language is used in the Extension Activity.

Language resources, linguistic creativity, and cultural funds of knowledge:
Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
15 | P a g e

Students use multiple varieties of Spanish.
Students will discuss the variety of ways in which one needs to care for the human skin.

Building background knowledge:
The teacher will begin the lesson by asking the students if they have ever worn a piece of garment that make
their skin itch. The teacher will collect the ideas in an anchor chart.
The teacher will explain that the epidermis is an extremely sensitive part of the body.
Students will experiment how different materials, creams, perfumes, or frabric softeners an cause serious
damage to the sense of touch.
The teacher will show a GLAD Pictorial Input Chart, with the picture of the epidermis, the different parts
that consist of it, and their functions.
The teacher will introduce the words for the lesson: Terminaciones Nerviosas, Dermis, Corpusculo de Rufini,
Glandula, pelo, corpusculo de Krause, Capa de Malpighi, Raiz del pelo

Formative assessment:
- Checklist for student
participation during discussion
and input for anchor chart.

Reading comprehension:
The teacher will introduce the book, Touch, by Maria Rius.
During the reading, the teacher will strategically stop in some parts to think aloud and think what materials and
objects the characters come across that depict the sense of touch.
After the reading, the teacher will ask students to think-talk-share with a partner about ideas such as: What
do people do when their skin gets irritated? What things can harm our sense of touch?
Last, the teacher will use the GLAD Input Chart to explain each the Epidermis and the functions of each part.

Formative assessment
- Students participation during
read aloud
- Teacher observations during
think-talk-share activity.

Students will correctly label the parts of the epidermis in the picture and model.
Also, students will write a brief summary of what they learned about the sense of touch using their My Five
Senses Journal, which will be also used as a resource for the rest of the unit. The students may use the
following sentence stems:
o Cinco partes importantes del sentido de la vista son: _________, ____________, _______,
___________ y ___________.
o La funcin de _________________ (el epidermis/Corpusculo de Krause/Dermis/Pelo/Terminaciones
Nerviosas ) es ________________.

Formative assessment
- Checklist to assess accuracy for
labeling the picture.
- Rubric to assess writing skills
according to readiness levels.

Word study:
The teacher will make emphasis in the pronunciation of the words to hear the stronger syllable (slaba tnica).
Teacher will focus on the use of the correct article (el/la/los) to refer to the parts of the sense of sight.
The five words related to the sense of sight will be place on the word wall as well as onto the GLAD input chart.

Formative assessment
- Individual observations in
teacher monitoring book.
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- Checklist to record students
performance on use of correct

Summative Assessments:
Students will correctly label the parts of the epidermis explained during the lesson.
Students will complete their 3D model of tacto.
Students will write their summary in their My Five Senses Journal

The Bridge: Strengthening Bridges Between Languages
Language of instruction: Spanish and English
Students will review the words related to the sense of touch in Spanish.
Students will touch the parts of epidermis from an enlarged model.
Students will match and color the picture using the vocabulary in English.

Metalinguistic focus
Cognates: students will make a T chart comparing the words in English and Spanish. They will make an arrow to
connect them if they are cognates or will make a cloud around the words if they are not cognates.
Use of articles (el/la/los).

Formative assessment
- Teacher observation for
student behavior and oral
- Checklist to record students
participation in English and
metalinguistic skills.
Extension Activity
Language of instruction: _English__ (the other language)
Students will read use the book, The Sense of Touch, by Elaine Landu.

Formative assessment:
- Checklist and rubric that
respects the resources of the
two language learner.

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Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
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Biliteracy Unit Framework: The Five Senses: Sense of Taste, Lesson 6
Content area: Language and Health
Language in which this content area is
Theme/Big Idea: The Five Senses: Sense of Taste/ Los Cinco Sentidos: Sentido del Gusto
Language allocation for this grade:
Standards: TEKS
Health: 1.4 The students understand the basic structure and functions of the human body and how they relate to
personal health throughout the life span. The students are expected to:
(F) identify and demonstrate use of the five senses.
Science: 1.4 The students observe and describe the natural world using their five senses.
Spanish ELA: 1.B.6. Los estudiantes comprenden vocabul ario nuevo y lo utilizan al leer y al escribir.
ELPS: 74.4.C.1.(A) Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English.
74.4.C.2.(C) Learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom
instruction and interactions.
74.4.C.3.(E) Share information in cooperative learning interactions.

_80__% Spanish, _20_ % English
Content targets: Students will name and identify the parts of the sense of taste and familiar flavors.
Language Targets:
Spanish: Students will be able to use their sense of taste to identify flavors tasted in every days life. Students will be able to name and label the
parts of the sense of taste. Students will be able to explain how the process of taste occurs from message relays from the tongue to brain.
English: Students will name and label the parts of the sense of taste and familiar flavors.
Cross-linguistic: Students will identify, describe, and provide examples of cognates. Teacher will focus on the adjective-noun order in English and noun-
adjective order in Spanish.

Summative assessment:
Students will actively participate in class.
Students will be able to name and label the parts involved in the sense of taste.
Students will be able to explain the connection between the brain and the tongue to sense flavors, using a picture model.

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Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
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Building Oracy and Background Knowledge
Language of instruction: _Spanish_ (This language is maintained until the Bridge; the other language is used in the Extension Activity.)

Language resources, linguistic creativity, and cultural funds of knowledge:
Students use multiple varieties of Spanish. Students use different words to describe foods according to the country or region they, or their families
are originally from. For example, students use banana/banana/pltano to refer to bananas, while others use pltano to refer the plantains. There are
also fruits, vegetables, and other foods that are not known or very common in some countries, especially the ones located in South America, Central
America, and the Caribbean, so the students may not be familiar with those foods and tastes. By talking and discussing with other students, everybody
can get some information about special foods or tastes that are common/uncommon in ones area or origin.
Students also will talk about the kinds of flavors that are more often preferred in their families cooking patterns, such as spicy, sweet, salty, etc., or
if they are used to eating dessert or snacks between meals.

Building background knowledge:
The teacher will begin the lesson explaining to the students that today they will doing an experiment. The
teacher will cover some students eyes and will give him/her a little spoon with something to taste. The student
then will guess what the piece of food was and will explain how he/she was came to that conclusion. The other
students will see what the piece of food is but they wont be allowed to tell or help the student. The teacher
will ask the students to use the following sentence stems:
- I think this is _________________ because ______________.
- This tastes like ________________ because ______________.
The teacher then will introduce the next sense: the sense of tasting. The teacher will explain that today the
students will be making their own model of a mouth and tongue, and that they will be completing some writing
and experiments about flavors (Flavor Findings), and their sense of taste.
The teacher will introduce the vocabulary words: boca, dientes, lengua, papilas gustativas, dulce, salado, amargo,

Formative assessment:
- Checklist to assess student

Reading comprehension:
For this lesson, the teacher will use the GLAD teacher-made big book La Cosa Importante Del Sentido del
In each page the teacher will be reading and explaining the different parts and functions of the sense of taste.
During this reading the teacher will demonstrate the think aloud using sentence stems such as: Ahora entiendo
porque ________________/ Esta es la razn por la cual ___________.
Also, during the reading the teacher will ask students to turn and talk with a partner about some of the
information that has been given or read in the book, to confirm meaning and understanding in both students.
After reading the book, the teacher will show the big model of a mouth and tongue (made our of pink butcher
paper), and using words on cards, will ask the students to place the words on the right organ.
Formative assessment
- Teacher observations of
students participation during
the recalling of information and
partner work.
- Observations on students usage
of correct vocabulary to refer
to the parts of tasting zones.
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Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
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In addition, the teacher will use finger-paint to demonstrate were are the papillaes tasting zones are located
(sweet, salty, sour, bitter).

Students will write a brief summary in their journal about the most important things about the sense of taste.
Students may use the following sentence stems:
- Las papilas gustativas sirven para ____________________.
- La lengua sirve para ______________________________.
- Los dientes sirven para ___________________________.
The students also will complete the Flavor Findings experiment with a partner, then, they will finish a small
poster with the information gathered from their experiment. The poster will include the following sentence
- Plato 1: _______________ (kind of food: apple, tomato, kiwi, etc.)
- Flavor: ________________ (sweet, sour, salty, sweet)

Formative assessment.
- Rubric to assess writing skills
according to readiness levels.
- Checklist to assess accuracy on
the Flavor Findings
Word study and fluency:
The students will sort pictures of foods by their initial/final syllable or phoneme.
The students will read short poems about foods and flavors, and work on fluency and voice.
Students will read and recognize the HFW in the poems.
Formative assessment
- Self-assessment by using a
checklist to compare the sorting
of words by initial or ending

Summative Assessments:
Students will correctly identify and name the parts involved in the sense of taste and will show them on their tongue model.
Students will explain using their own words how the sense of taste works from tongue to the brain.
Students will accurately identify the flavors of at least five different foods in the activity Flavor Findings

The Bridge: Strengthening Bridges Between Languages
Language of instruction: Spanish and English
Students will review the vocabulary words in Spanish.
Students will touch the different parts of the tongue and mouth on their own model.
Students will participate in the labeling of the parts involved in the sense of taste using the teacher tongue and
mouth model.

Metalinguistic focus
Students will compare the cognates and different words in English and Spanish.
Students will practice and monitor the construction of sentences using the correct adjective-noun order in
English and noun-adjective order in Spanish.
Formative assessment
- Checklist to record students
participation in English and
metalinguistic skills.
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Extension Activity
Language of instruction: _English__ (the other language)
Students will go to the internet and visit the website of brainpopjr to listen to 5 Senses activities and to play
different educational games.
Students will work in small groups naming the names of the fruits and their respective flavor.

Formative assessment:
- Checklist and rubric that
respects the resources of the
two language learner.
- Teacher observations of
students participation and

Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
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Biliteracy Unit Framework: The Five Senses: Senses Expedition/ Los Cinco Sentidos: Expedicin con
los Sentidos, Lesson 7
Content area: Language and Health
Language in which this content area is
Theme/Big Idea: The Five Senses: Senses Expedition/Los Cinco Sentidos: Expedicin con los Sentidos.
Language allocation for this grade:
Standards: TEKS
Health: 1.4 The students understand the basic structure and functions of the human body and how they relate to
personal health throughout the life span. The students are expected to:
(G) identify and demonstrate the use of the five senses.
Science: 1.4 The students observe and describe the natural world using their five senses.
Spanish ELA: 1.B.6. Los estudiantes comprenden vocabulario nuevo y lo utilizan al leer y al escribir.
74.4.C.1.(A) Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English.
74.4.C.2.(E) Use visual, contextual, and linguistic support to enhance and confirm understanding of increasingly
complex and elaborated spoken language.
74.4.C.1(F) Use accessible language and learn new and essential language in the process.

_80__% Spanish, _20_ % English
Content targets: Students will name and identify the five senses.
Language Targets:
Spanish: Students will name the different parts of their sense of choice.
English: Students will create a diagram on their own and explain why they have chosen that particular sense and how it functions in the human body.
Cross-linguistic: Students will identify, describe, and provide examples of cognates. They will focus on adverbs and their positions in a sentence.

Summative assessment:
Students will actively participate in class.
Students will match the words to the main sense part and give an example of their favorite sense.
Students will be able to explain the five senses and how they function in the human body.

Building Oracy and Background Knowledge
Language of instruction: _Spanish_ (This language is maintained until the Bridge; the other language is used in the Extension Activity.)

Language resources, linguistic creativity, and cultural funds of knowledge:
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Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
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Students use multiple varieties of Spanish. Students will use words such as adjectives to describe the functions of each sense.
Some students use transfer words from English to Spanish to refer to words in Spanish, such as smell/oler. Touch/tocar, oir/hear, ver/see.
Students will present their diagrams to their group and explain the functions of each part of the sense they chose.
Teacher will choose several volunteer students to present for the entire class.
Building background knowledge:
The teacher will begin the lesson by having the students take a quiz over the five senses.
The teacher will ask students to work as a group and discuss the answers they have chosen.
After, the teacher will review the unit and the topics that have been discussed. The teacher will use a GLAD
inquiry chart stating: Qu se acerca de las funciones de los cinco sentidos? Qu he aprendido acerca de los
cinco sentidos?
The teacher will review the vocabulary words and pictures that represent those words. Also, the teacher will
continue with the sentence stems:
El sentido de oler lo utilizo para _______________ es de el/la _____________.
Con la/los ______________ puedo ____________.
Uso mi _______________ para ______________.
Uso mis _______________ para ______________.
Uso mis _______________ para ______________.

Formative assessment:
- Student participation during
discussion and input for GLAD
inquiry chart.

Reading comprehension:
The teacher will read the book Mis Cinco Sentidos by Aliki.
Teacher will read aloud the book and will strategically stop in some parts to think aloud and ask students to
think-talk-share a couple of times.
Teacher will discuss the main attributes of using the five senses in our every day lives.

Formative assessment
- Teacher observations during
think-talk-share activity.
- Students input recalling facts
and understanding main idea.
Students will choose their favorite sense and write a paragraph stating the name of the organ, the sense, and a
brief description of what one can do with that sense.
Students will be able to use sentence stems of the lessons such (Uso mi _______________ para

Formative assessment
- Checklist to assess completion
of requirements for writing

Word study:
Students will review the vocabulary words by counting their syllables. Students will practice the words and
incorporate them in their writing.
Teacher will focus on the use of the correct article (el/la/los), adjectives, and adverbs to refer to the parts
associated with the particular sense.

Formative assessment
- Individual observations in
teacher monitoring book.
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Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
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- Checklist to record students
performance on use of correct

Summative Assessments:
Students will complete the diagram of choice.
Students will write complete sentences using sentence stems, stating the sense, organ, and what can be done with that specific sense and organ.

The Bridge: Strengthening Bridges Between Languages
Language of instruction: Spanish and English
Students will review the senses and words that explain the parts of the different functions of each in Spanish.
Students will describe to the parts of their sense of choice and will use the TPR movements they learned to
match the sense and the parts.
Students will match the picture and label in English to its correspondent one in Spanish.

Metalinguistic focus
Use of articles (el/la/los)
Use of adjectives
Use of adverbs

Formative assessment
- Checklist to record students
participation in English and
metalinguistic skills.
Extension Activity
Language of instruction: _English__ (the other language)
Students will re-read the short books in English, part of the The Five Senses series.

Formative assessment:
- Checklist and rubric that
respects the resources of the
two language learner.

Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
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Biliteracy Unit Framework: The Five Senses: I Love Popcorn/ Me encantan las Palomitas de Maiz!
Lesson 8
Content area: Language and Health
Language in which this content area is
Theme/Big Idea: The Five Senses: I Love Popcorn/ Los Cinco Sentidos: Me Encantan las Palomitas de Maiz!
Language allocation for this grade:
Standards: TEKS
Health: 1.4 The students understand the basic structure and functions of the human body and how they relate to
personal health throughout the life span. The students are expected to:
(H) identify and demonstrate use of the five senses.
Science: 1.4 The students observe and describe the natural world using their five senses.
Spanish ELA: 1.B.6. Los estudiantes comprenden vocabulario nuevo y lo utilizan al leer y al escribir.
ELPS: 74.4.C.1.(B) Monitor oral and written language production and employ self-corrective techniques or other
74.4.C.4.(D) Use pre-reading supports such as graphic organizers, illustrations, and pre-taught topic-related
vocabulary and other pre-reading activities to enhance comprehension of written text.
74.4.C.2.(E) use visual, contextual, and linguistic support to enhance and confirm understanding of increasingly
complex and elaborated spoken language.
_80__% Spanish, _20_ % English
Content targets: Students will use their five senses to describe the characteristics of specific foods.
Language Targets:
Spanish: Students will use their five senses to describe the smell, looks, sound, texture, and taste of popcorn. Students will use a variety of adjectives
to describe popcorn.
English: Students will use known and new adjectives to describe the qualities of popcorn.
Cross-linguistic: Students will identify, describe, and provide examples of cognates. Teacher will focus on the adjective-noun order in English and noun-
adjective order in Spanish.

Summative assessment:
Students will actively participate in class.
Students will use the correct vocabulary to refer to the five senses.
Students will be able to describe popcorn using words that match the correct sense (taste=salty, looks= yellow, etc.)

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Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
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Building Oracy and Background Knowledge
Language of instruction: _Spanish_ (This language is maintained until the Bridge; the other language is used in the Extension Activity.)

Language resources, linguistic creativity, and cultural funds of knowledge:
Students use multiple varieties of Spanish. Students use different words to refer to popcorn. Some use palomitas de maiz (that for general purposes
is how this lesson has been titled), others called it poporopos, crispetas, rosetas, etc.
Also, families make or buy popcorn according to their preferences. Most students agree that popcorn is salty, but many families prefer to add or eat
popcorn that is sweet.
Previous to this lesson, the teacher will send home a note asking parents to talk and share with their children how they make or prepare popcorn. Also,
when they eat it (usually at the movies, but some families use it as part of the meal or snack when celebrating family members birthdays), and any
other uses they give popcorn (crafts, ornaments, feeding wildlife animals, etc.).
Students will also talk and discuss where popcorn comes from and its special qualities.

Building background knowledge:
The teacher will begin the lesson by telling students that the past weekend she went to the movie theater and
couldnt focus on the movie because she couldnt stop thinking about the bags of popcorn. The teacher will
vividly describe how the smell and seeing other people eating it was becoming unbearable, until she went back to
the theater counter and bought some popcorn.
Then, the teacher will show the students a bag full popcorn kernels, and will start talking about the history of
popcorn. The teacher will draw some simple pictures depicting the corn plant and the corn ear.
After, the teacher will connect todays lesson with yesterdays by explaining that yesterday they focused on
using their senses to describe a variety of objects and foods, and that today they will focus entirely in the
description of popcorn by using their five senses.
The teacher will show a picture of a corn ear and before introducing each one of the vocabulary words, she will
ask if the students know the name of the part (to check background knowledge), the teacher then will agree
with or explain the term and put it next to the picture.
Last, the teacher will explain that today, the students will be working in groups and examining popcorn in
different ways (popped salty regular popcorn, popped salty buttered popcorn, non-popped popcorn kernels, corn
in an ear, and sweetened popcorn balls). They will also have to describe the kind of popcorn they get and create
a poster with the gathered information.

Formative assessment:
- Students input and previous
- Students participation during
the vocabulary introduction

Reading comprehension:
The teacher will introduce the book El Libro de la Palomitas by Tommi DePaola, and will do a picture walk.
Students will predict some of the things that will be discussed in the book.
During the reading, the teacher will stop at some parts to recall and discuss about what was said in the book.
Students will restate, analyze, or comment on the information that is given in each part.
Formative assessment
- Teacher observations of
students participation during
the recalling of information and
partner work and sharing.
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Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
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After the reading, the teacher will use a GLAD mind map to recall the most important information gathered
from the book.
The teacher will ask students to turn and talk with a partner about some important things they remember about
and from the book. Students will share their thoughts and the teacher will record the information given on the
GLAD mind map.

Students will complete an individual graphic organizer while working in small groups analyzing the popcorn they
have for their group. The graphic organizer will include the following information:
- Estas palomitas saben _________________.
- Estas palomitas huelen __________________.
- Estas palomitas se ven __________________.
- Estas palomitas se sienten ________________.
- Estas palomitas suenan __________________.
Students will write a reading response based upon the following prompt: Draw a picture and write about
something you already knew about popcorn.

Formative assessment
- Checklist to assess completion
of the group investigation
- Rubric to assess writing skills
according to readiness levels.
Word study and fluency:
Teacher will focus on the recognition of ending sounds/phonemes, which will be a transfer skill that will be used
from Spanish to English.
Students will recognize, read, and practice the first grade HFW found in the different readings related to this
Students will reinforce inflection and intonation by changing voices (high or low, oud or soft) to help show the
meaning of the sentence or passage, knowing when to emphasize certain words.

Formative assessment
- Individual observations in
teacher monitoring book.

Summative Assessments:
Students will complete their individual graphic organizers with the information about their groups popcorn.
Students will complete a poster, working cooperatively, about the information gathered in their groups.
Students will use the correct verbiage to describe their popcorn as well as to refer to the specific sense it correlates with.

The Bridge: Strengthening Bridges Between Languages
Language of instruction: Spanish and English
Students will review the vocabulary words in Spanish.
Students will use the GLAD mind map to compare the words in English and place them into the right spot.
Students will also match the cards with some adjectives that were used to describe the popcorn (e.g.
crunchy/crujiente, fluffly/inchado, buttery/mantecoso, etc.)

Metalinguistic focus
Formative assessment
- Checklist to record students
participation in English and
metalinguistic skills.
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Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
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Students will compare the cognates and different words in English and Spanish.
Students will practice and monitor the construction of sentences using the correct adjective-noun order in
English and noun-adjective order in Spanish.

Extension Activity
Language of instruction: _English__ (the other language)
Students will color and label the picture of the ear of corn.
Students will play a memory game using the most common adjectives used to describe the different kinds of
popcorn presented in the lesson.
Students will read leveled books about the Five Senses and Popcorn (Students choice).

Formative assessment:
- Checklist and rubric that
respects the resources of the
two language learner.
- Checklist to record accuracy of
labeling and recognizing parts of
the ear in English.

Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
28 | P a g e

Biliteracy Unit Framework: The Five Senses: Lets Celebrate with Fruits and Salads/ Los Cinco
Sentidos: Celebremos con las Frutas y Ensaladas, Lesson 9
Content area: Language and Health
Language in which this content area is
Theme/Big Idea: The Five Senses: Lets Celebrate with Fruits and Salads/ Celebremos las Frutas y Ensaladas.
Language allocation for this grade:
Standards: TEKS
Health: 1.4 The students understand the basic structure and functions of the human body and how they relate to
personal health throughout the life span. The students are expected to:
(I) identify and demonstrate use of the five senses.
Science: 1.4 The students observe and describe the natural world using their five senses.
Spanish ELA: 1.B.6. Los estudiantes comprenden vocabulario nuevo y lo utilizan al leer y al escribir.
ELPS: 74.4.C.1(C) Use strategic learning techniques such as concept mapping, drawing, memorizing, comparing,
contrasting, and reviewing to acquire basic and grade-level vocabulary,
74.4.C.1(F) Use accessible language and learn new and essential language in the process;
74.4.C.2(E) Use visual, contextual, and linguistic support to enhance and confirm understanding of increasingly
complex and elaborated spoken language.

_80__% Spanish, _20_ % English
Content targets: Students and parents will identify the type of sense they are working with in their station and will label the function is has within the human
Language Targets:
Spanish: Students and Parents will name the parts of the sense that pertains to their assigned station. Students will be able to explain the function of
each part to their parent.
English: Students will explain the vocabulary words in English to their parents.
Cross-linguistic: Students will identify, describe, and provide examples of cognates to their parents. Teacher will emphasize what cognates are to the
parents and have them create a list with their child.

Summative assessment:
Students and Parents will actively participate in class.
Students and Parents will create a diagram that shows how that particular sense can help the brain understand the fruit it is feeling, smelling, hearing,
tasting, and looking at.
Students and Parents will create a diagram that shows the sense, its function, and how it can identify the fruit within the fruit salad.

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Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
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Building Oracy and Background Knowledge
Language of instruction: _Spanish_ (This language is maintained until the Bridge; the other language is used in the Extension Activity.

Language resources, linguistic creativity, and cultural funds of knowledge:
Students use multiple varieties of Spanish.
Students will discuss the variety of ways in which one can use their five senses when creating a fruit salad.

Building background knowledge:
The teacher will begin the lesson by asking the students and parents if they have ever eaten or made a fruit
salad. The teacher will collect the ideas in an anchor chart.
The teacher will explain that the five senses are needed when cooking or preparing food.
Students will experiment how different fruits, their taste, texture, color, smell, and sound can be factors when
choosing them as a means of food to eat.
The teacher will show a GLAD Pictorial Input Chart, with the picture of the five sense and how they will be
used when preparing a fruit salad.
The teacher review key words from prior lessons: Terminaciones Nerviosas, Dermis, cavidad nasal, paladar
duro, pupila, cornea, conducto auditivo, caracol.

Formative assessment:
- Checklist for student
participation during discussion
and input for anchor chart.

Reading comprehension:
The teacher will re-readthe book, Touch, by Maria Rius.
During the reading, the teacher will strategically stop in some parts to think aloud and think what materials and
objects the characters come across that depict all the five senes.
After the reading, the teacher will ask students to think-talk-share with a partner about ideas such as: What
do people do when they only have several of the senses? What things can harm our sense of touch, sight, smell,
taste, and hear/sound?
Last, the teacher will use the GLAD Input Chart that explains the functions of each sense.

Formative assessment
- Students participation during
read aloud
- Teacher observations during
think-talk-share activity.

Students and parents will create their fruit salad.
Students and parents will focus on the main senses they used to help them describe the ingredients they used
for their particular fruit salad.
Students and Parents will create a short, How To, that explains the process of making a fruit salad using the
five senses.
Students and parents can use these sentence starters:
o Los cinco sentidos son importantes porque: _________, ____________, _______, ___________ y
o Las funcines de ____,______,_______, son que cuando prepares una ensalada de frutas
Formative assessment
- Checklist to assess accuracy for
labeling the picture.
- Rubric to assess writing skills
according to readiness levels.

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Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
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Word study:
The teacher will make emphasis in the pronunciation of the words to hear the stronger syllable (slaba tnica).
Teacher will focus on the use of the correct article (el/la/los) to refer to the five senses.
Teacher will focus of the correct use of adverbs and adjectives within the short story.
The Glad Input Charts will be posted to aid the students and parents.

Formative assessment
- Individual observations in
teacher monitoring book.
- Checklist to record students
performance on use of correct

Summative Assessments:
Students and parents will present their diagrams, fruit salads, and short stories.
Students and parents will give positive feedback to each presentation.

The Bridge: Strengthening Bridges Between Languages
Language of instruction: Spanish and English
Students and parents will review the words of the lessons about the five senses.
Students and parents will create a mural of their groups making the fruit salads.
Students and parents will add the vocabulary words to the mural/pictures that best portray the sense the word
is explaining.

Metalinguistic focus
Cognates: students and parents will use the cognates that were acquired throughout the lessons and will place
them on the mural where they fit best.
Use of articles (el/la/los).

Formative assessment
- Teacher observation for student
behavior and oral understanding.
- Checklist to record students
participation in English and
metalinguistic skills.
Extension Activity
Language of instruction: _English__ (the other language)
Students and parents will share their short stories and discuss the activity with each other.

Formative assessment:
- Checklist and rubric that
respects the resources of the
two language learner.

Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
31 | P a g e

Biliteracy Unit Framework: The Five Senses: The Most Important Thing About the Five Senses/ Los
Cinco Sentidos: Lo ms Importante Acerca de los Cinco Sentidos es Lesson 10
Content area: Language and Health
Language in which this content area is
Theme/Big Idea: The Five Senses: The Most Important Thing About the Five Senses/ Los Cinco Sentidos: Lo Ms
Importante Acerca de los Cinco Sentidos es
Language allocation for this grade:
Standards: TEKS
Health: 1.4 The students understand the basic structure and functions of the human body and how they relate to
personal health throughout the life span. The students are expected to:
(J) identify and demonstrate the use of the five senses.
Science: 1.4 The students observe and describe the natural world using their five senses.
Spanish ELA: 1.B.6. Los estudiantes comprenden vocabulario nuevo y lo utilizan al leer y al escribir.
74.4.C.1.(A) Use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English.
74.4.C.2.(E) Use visual, contextual, and linguistic support to enhance and confirm understanding of increasingly
complex and elaborated spoken language.
74.4.C.1(F) Use accessible language and learn new and essential language in the process.

_80__% Spanish, _20_ % English
Content targets: Students will name and identify the five senses.
Language Targets:
Spanish: Students will name the different parts of each of the five senses.
English: Students will fill out five different diagrams provided by the teacher.
Cross-linguistic: Students will identify, describe, and provide examples of cognates. They will focus on the terms used commonly to the area they are
residing in.

Summative assessment:
Students will actively participate in class.
Students will match the words to the main sense and part.
Students will be able to explain the five senses and how they function in the human body.

Building Oracy and Background Knowledge
Language of instruction: _Spanish_ (This language is maintained until the Bridge; the other language is used in the Extension Activity.)
Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
32 | P a g e

Language resources, linguistic creativity, and cultural funds of knowledge:
Students use multiple varieties of Spanish. Students will use words such as adjectives to describe the functions of each sense.
Some students use transfer words from English to Spanish to refer to words in Spanish, such as smell/oler. Touch/tocar, oir/hear, ver/see.

Building background knowledge:
The teacher will begin the lesson by reviewing the answers students chose over the quiz they took five senses.
After, the teacher will review the unit and the topics that have been discussed. The teacher will use a GLAD
inquiry chart stating: Qu se acerca de las funciones de los cinco sentidos? Qu he aprendido acerca de los
cinco sentidos?
The teacher will review the vocabulary words and pictures that represent those words. Also, the teacher will
continue with the sentence stems:
El sentido de oler lo utilizo para _______________ es de el/la _____________.
Con la/los ______________ puedo ____________.
Uso mi _______________ para ______________.
Uso mis _______________ para ______________.
Uso mis _______________ para ______________.
*The teacher will choose volunteers to come up to the board and fill in the blank spaces to the sentence stems.
The students will be able to get help from the class.

Formative assessment:
- Student participation during
discussion and input for GLAD
inquiry chart.

Reading comprehension:
The teacher will as students volunteers to read the book Mis Cinco Sentidos by Aliki to the class.
Teacher will ask the students to strategically stop in some parts where the five senses are used all at one time.
Teacher will discuss the main attributes of using the five senses in our everyday lives.

Formative assessment
- Teacher observations during
think-talk-share activity.
- Students input recalling facts
and understanding main idea.
Students will be assigned one of the five senses and they will write a paragraph stating the name of the organ,
the sense, and a brief description of what one can do with that sense.
Students will be able to use sentence stems of the lessons such (Cuando uso mis _______________ yo

Formative assessment
- Checklist to assess completion
of requirements for writing

Word study:
Students will review the vocabulary words and incorporate them in their writing.
Students will focus on the use of the correct articles (el/la/los), adjectives, and adverbs to refer to the parts
associated with the particular sense.

Formative assessment
- Individual observations in
teacher monitoring book.
Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
33 | P a g e

- Checklist to record students
performance on use of correct

Summative Assessments:
Students will complete an exam over the five senses.
Students will write and answer in complete sentences using sentence stems, stating the sense, organ, and what can be done with that specific sense and

The Bridge: Strengthening Bridges Between Languages
Language of instruction: Spanish and English
Students will use their knowledge over the senses and words that explain the parts of the different functions
of each in Spanish in order to answer the questions to the test.
Students will be assessed over the parts of the senses and will use the TPR movements they learned to
describe its function.
Students will match the picture and label in English to its correspondent one in Spanish.

Metalinguistic focus
Use of articles (el/la/los)
Use of adjectives
Use of adverbs

Formative assessment
- Checklist to record students
participation in English and
metalinguistic skills.
Extension Activity
Language of instruction: _English__ (the other language)
Students will read the short books in English, part of the The Five Senses series to each other after their

Formative assessment:
- Checklist and rubric that
respects the resources of the
two language learner.

Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
34 | P a g e

Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
35 | P a g e


Aliki. (2000). Mis Cinco Sentidos. Rayo Editorial.
Beeman, K., Urow, C. (2013). Teaching for Biliteracy, Stregthening Bridges between Languages. Philadelphia PA. Caslon, Inc.
Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango del Banco de la Repblica. (2006). Los Cinco Sentidos. Retrieved from
BrainPOP. (1999-2014). Health, Body, Senses. Retrieved from
Capellini, M. (2005). Balancing Reading & Language Learning, A Resource for Teaching English Language Learners, K-5. Portland,
ME. Stenhouse Publishers.
Caslon Community. (2014). Biliteracy Unit Framework: Sample for 1st Grade. Retrieved from
DePaola, T. (1978). The Popcorn Book. Holiday House Publishers.
Sofia Monzon Angelica Rodriguez
Bi-Literacy Strategies for Second Language Learners
Dr. Gomez, Summer 2014, UST
36 | P a g e

Martin, B., Carl, E. (1998a). Oso pardo, oso pardo, qu ves ah? New York, NY. Henry Holt and Company, LLC Publishers.
Martin, B., Carl, E. (2002b). Oso polar, oso polar, qu es ese ruido? New York, NY. Henry Holt and Company, LLC Publishers.
Melgarejo, C. (2012, August 16). Pelcula Sentido del Oido. [Video file] Retrieved from
Rius, M., Parramon, M. J., Puig, J. J. (1985). The Five Senses Series. Barrons Educational Series.
Scholastic Inc. (2014). I Spy Resource Page. Retrieved from

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