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What is weighted distribution and what is the

difference between weighted and numerical

My question is in relation to product distribution, mainly consumer goods. Why is weighted
distribution so important and why is it valued over numerical distribution?
Terminology used in ACNielsen or ! retail audits. "asically numeric distribution is the # o$
stores that a product is sold in. Weighted distribution is the # o$ stores that a product is sold in
but weighted by the importance o$ the outlets %usually on category volume&... There$ore....
$ you have a universe %sample or geography& that contains ' stores and the product is present in
one store then numeric distribution ( )*#.
+owever, i$ that one store was $or e,ample a supermar-et and the other three were corner stores
then that single outlet might account $or .*# o$ all category sales. n this case weighted
distribution would be .*#.
/ou can use both.... Numeric distribution gives you an idea o$ the reach o$ distribution whilst
weighted gives you an idea o$ the quality o$ distribution. $ your strategy is to have a product
available to consumers 011# o$ the time then you would go with numeric. $ you were loo-ing
to have a $ocused availability that met the ma2ority o$ demand %$or the category& you would use
3ther terms4
Numeric ( shop distribution
Weighted ( AC Weighted, Category Weighted, All commodity weighted, product class weighted
+ope that helps 5 i$ you need more in$o let me -now and will see i$ have a presentation dec-
around. Alternatively contact ACNielsen via their website and they will be able to send you more

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