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Exista doua aspecte in limba engleza: simplu si continuu. In
general, timpurile simple se folosesc atunci cnd accentul se
pune pe actiunea propriu-zisa, iar timpurile continue se folosesc
atunci cnd accentul se pune pe durata actiunii, pe perioada de
timp in care aceasta are loc.
In explicarea intrebuintarii timpurilor continue se va intlni
formularea actiune in plina desfasurare". Aceasta inseamna ca
actiunea a inceput inainte de momentul la care se face referire si
va continua dupa acel moment.
Exista un numar de verbe in limba engleza care nu se folosesc
la forma continua, deoarece ideea de durata e inclusa in
continutul lor semantic. Ex. to want, to like, to dislike, to
understand, to owe, to matter, to love, to hate, to belong, to
believe, to remember, to know.
A. Present Tense Simple
Afrmativ Negativ
I or! I do not "don#t$ or!
%ou or! %ou do not "don#t$ or!
&e's(e'it or!s &e's(e'it does not "doesn#t$ or!
)e or! )e do not "don#t$ or!
%ou or! %ou do not "don#t$ or!
*(e+ or! *(e+ do not "don#t$ or!
,o I or!- ,o e or!-
,o +ou or!- ,o +ou or!-
,oes (e's(e'it or!- ,o t(e+ or!-
Present Tense Simple se foloseste pentru a arata o actiune
regulata, obisnuita, in perioada prezenta.
Ex. )(at do +ou do- ".u ce te ocupi-$ I am a student.
)(at time do +ou usuall+ (ave brea!fast-
Present Tense Continos
/e con0uga verbul to be" la timpul prezent si se adauga forma
-ing a verbului de con0ugat.
I am or!ing )e are or!ing.
%ou are or!ing %ou are or!ing
&e's(e'it is or!ing *(e+ are or!ing
I am not or!ing.
%ou are not "aren#t$ or!ing.
&e's(e'it is not "isn#t$ or!ing.
)e are not "aren#t$ or!ing.
%ou are not "aren#t$ or!ing.
*(e+ are not "aren#t$ or!ing.
Am I or!ing- Are e or!ing-
Are +ou or!ing- Are +ou or!ing-
Is (e's(e'it or!ing- Are t(e+ or!ing-
Present Tense Simple se foloseste pentru a arata o actiune in
plina desfasurare in momentul prezent.
Ex. )(ere are +ou going-
I am going to sc(ool.
,e asemenea poate arata o actiune care se desfasoara pe
timp limitat in perioada prezenta.
Ex.: I go to sc(ool b+ bus t(is ee!. 1+ fat(er is ta!ing me in
(is car.
2neori se poate folosi timpul 3resent *ense .ontinuous cu
adverbul always, pentru a arata o actiune repetata. In acest caz,
exista o conotatie afectiva "nemultumire$ sau actiunea respectiva
este caracteristica pentru acea persoana.
Ex. %ou are ala+s losing +our t(ings.
%ou are ala+s grumbling (en I as! +ou to (elp me in t(e
E!er"itii " Present Simple si Present Continos
1. Puneti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii (Present
Simple) la interogativ si negativ:
Nota: Verbul to have", atunci cnd nu inseamna a avea, a
poseda", ci este parte dintr-o expresie (to have breakfast, to
have a shower, to have a party, formea!a ne"ativul si
intero"ativul cu a#utorul auxiliarului to do"$
%$ & love my brother$
'$ (he talks too much$
)$ & understand you$
*$ +ou play the piano very well$
,$ & always believe you$
-$ .e remembers my phone number$
/$ 0hey live in 1ucharest$
2$ .e has a hot bath every day$
3$ & trust my friend$
%4$ & have lunch at one o5clock$
2. Puneti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii (Present Continuous) la negativ si
%$ &t is rainin"$
'$ & am havin" a walk$
)$ .e is tellin" the truth$
*$ +ou are typin" a letter$
,$ 0hey are swimmin" in the river$
-$ 6y friend is wearin" a new dress$
/$ 6y mother is restin"$
2$ 7e are studyin" 8n"lish$
3$ 9nn is knittin"$
%4$ 0he child is learnin" to play the piano$
3. Puneti verbele din paranteze la Present Simple sau la Present Continuous:
%$ & (not "o shoppin" because it (rain$
'$ 7hat you (do on (undays:
)$ .e usually (drink coffee but now he (drink tea$
*$ &n 8n"land it often (rain$
,$ & (not like that boy$
-$ .e usually (speak so ;uickly that & (not understand him$
/$ +ou (like this book:
2$ +ou (dream at ni"ht:

+es, & (dream every ni"ht$
3$ & can5t answer the phone now because & (cook$
%4$ .ow you usually ("et to work:

& usually ("o by bus, but now & (take a taxi because & am
%%$ 0he mana"er can5t receive you now as he (have an
%'$ +ou (write to <ohn now:

+es, & (be$ & always (write to him on his birthday$
%)$ 7here you (hurry:

0o the theatre, as & (not want to miss the first act$
%*$ (he always (borrow books from me and never (remember
to "ive them back$
%,$ +ou ("o to work every day:
%es, of course, except /aturda+s and /unda+s.
%-$ 7hy you (smoke so much:
%/$ 7ho you (wait for:
I "ait$ for 4o(n, but (e is late, as usual.
%2$ & always (have a rest after lunch$
%3$ 7hat you (think of:
I "t(in!$ of m+ mot(er 0ust no.
'4$ +ou (know what time is it:
4. Traduceti in limba engleza:
%$ &arna nin"e$
'$ =uminica el nu se scoala devreme$
)$ 8u nu studie! seara$
*$ >e faci: >itesti sau privesti la televi!or:
,$ (ecretara tocmai bate la masina un referat$
-$ 8a mer"e la cumparaturi smbata$
/$ 9cum imi fac temele la en"le!a$
2$ ?u-mi place cafeaua$
3$ >e carte citesti:
%4$ @a ce ora se scoala <ohn dimineata:
%%$ >e faci tu in !ilele libere:
%'$ >ui ii telefone!i:
%)$ 8l nu mer"e la scoala cu metroul, mer"e pe #os$
%*$ =e ce deschi!i fereastra:
%,$ 9desea citesc carti en"le!esti$
%-$ 8a isi face ba"a#ul$
%/$ >t de des le scrii parintilor tai:
%2$ >nd mer" la mare imi place sa inot mult$
%3$ >lientul tocmai isi ale"e o pereche de pantofi$
B. Past Tense Simple
3ast *ense /imple se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei 5 ed
in cazul verbelor regulate.
Ex. to or! 5 or!ed
,aca verbul este neregulat, 3ast *ense trebuie invatat din
tabelul de verbe neregulate care indica cele trei forme de baza
ale verbului: forma I 5 in6nitiv, forma II- 3aste *ense, forma III 5
participiul trecut.
Ex. to spea! 5 spo!e 5 spo!en


I'+ou'(e's(e'it'e't(e+ did not
,id I'+ou'(e's(e'it'e't(e+
7orma prescurtata a lui did not este didnt "I didn#t or!$.
3ast *ense /imple arata o actiune trecuta, terminata, efectuata
intr-o perioada de timp trecuta, terminata.
Este timpul de naratiune.
/e traduce, de obicei, cu perfectul compus.
Ex. %esterda+ I ent for a al!.
"Ieri am mers al plimbare.$
8ast +ear I travelled to England.
"Anul trecut am calatorit in Anglia.$
Past Tense Continos
/e formeaza prin con0ugarea verbului to be" la trecut "3ast
*ense$ si adaugarea formei -ing a verbului de con0ugat.
I as or!ing )e ere or!ing
%ou ere or!ing %ou ere or!ing
&e's(e'it as or!ing *(e+ ere or!ing
I as not or!ing )e ere not or!ing
%ou ere not or!ing %ou ere not or!ing
&e's(e'it as not or!ing *(e+ ere not or!ing
7ormele prescurtate sunt:
as not 5 asn#t I asn#t or!ing.
ere not 5 eren#t *(e+ eren#t or!ing.
)as I or!ing- )ere e or!ing-
)ere +ou or!ing- )ere +ou or!ing-
)as (e's(e'it or!ing- )ere t(e+ or!ing-
Arata o actiune in plina desfasurare intr-un moment din trecut.
/e traduce, de obicei, cu imperfectul.
Ex. *(is time +esterda+, I as atc(ing *9.
"Ieri pe vremea asta priveam la televizor.$
Adesea, in aceeasi fraza, este posibil sa apara un verb folosit la
3ast .ontinuous si un verb folosit la 3ast /imple. In acest caz,
verbul la 3ast .ontinuous "tradus cu imperfectul$, reprezinta
fundalul de timp pe care se petrece actiunea exprimata de 3ast
/imple "tradus cu perfectul compus$.
Ex. )(ile I as crossing t(e street, I met 4o(n.
Este, de asemenea, posibil sa apara intr-o fraza timpul 3ast
.ontinuous in mod repetat. In aceasta situatie, ambele verbe se
traduc cu imperfectul, ele aratnd actiuni paralele, in plina
desfasurare, intr-un moment trecut.
Ex. )(ile 4o(n as reading, (is sister as atc(ing *9.
"In timp ce 4o(n citea, sora lui privea la televizor.$
E!er"itii " Past Tense Simple si Continos
%$ Puneti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii la Past Tense Simple:
%$ & sleep until 3 o5clock every day$
'$ .e meets <ohn on (undays$
)$ +ou speak 8n"lish well$
*$ +ou drink too much$
,$ +ou ask too many ;uestions$
-$ & play football$
/$ & own two umbrellas$
2$ & like to have a coffee in the mornin"$
3$ 0hat sounds interestin"$
%4$ & always make cakes on (undays$
%$ Puneti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii la negativ si interogativ:
%$ .e thou"ht about you$
'$ 0hey drank all the wine$
)$ & hated him$
*$ .e chan"ed his library book every day$
,$ & sold my car$
-$ 7e worked very hard$
/$ .e came home late$
2$ & en#oyed travellin"$
3$ .e translated the text$
%4$ .e forbade her to do this$
%$ Puneti verbele din paranteze la Past Tense Simple sau Continuous:
%$ 7hen you (come in, & talk on the phone$
'$ 7hen & first (meet him, he (work in a bank$
)$ 7hile he (learn to drive, he (have an accident$
*$ 9s & (write, someone (rin" up$
,$ 7here you ("o when & (meet you:
-$ 7hat you (do this time yesterday:
/$ 7hen & (enter the classroom, the teacher (write on the blackboard$
2$ 7hen & (arrive, she (have dinner$
3$ 0his time last (unday, & (watch a film on 0V$
%4$ .e suddenly (reali!e that he (not wear his "lasses$
%$ Traduceti in limba engleza:
%$ (oarele nu a apus la ora 2 aseara$
'$ 9i dormit bine noaptea trecuta:
)$ &eri nu am mers la ba!inul de inot$
*$ 6-am sculat tr!iu ieri dimineata$
,$ =uminica trecuta prietenii mei au #ucat sah$
-$ &eri pe vremea asta ploua$
/$ >e faceai martea trecuta la ora / dimineata:
2$ 6a pre"ateam sa mer" la facultate$
3$ &n timp ce imi cautam pasaportul am "asit aceasta foto"rafie veche$
%4$ 1aietii #ucau carti cnd l-au au!it pe tatal lor intrnd in casa$
%%$ 8i au ascuns imediat cartile si si-au scos manualele de scoala$
%'$ >nd te-ai intors de la munte:
%)$ >nd ai cumparat acest televi!or:
%*$ &eri mi-am pierdut manusile$
%,$ 1atea un vnt puternic cnd am iesit din casa$
%-$ Bnde ti-ai petrecut concediul vara trecuta:
%/$ &eri m-am sculat devreme, mi-am luat micul de#un si apoi am plecat la
%2$ 9cum doua !ile am ca!ut si mi-am rupt piciorul$
%3$ (aptamna trecuta am fost bolnav si nu am mers la scoala$
'4$ 8l a dat primul examen saptamna trecuta$
'%$ >ine a csti"at meciul alaltaieri:
''$ &n timp ce ploua, eu conduceam masina spre (inaia$
C. Present Perfect Simple
*impul 3resent 3erfect /imple se formeaza prin con0ugarea
verbului to (ave" la prezent, la care se adauga forma a treia
"participiul trecut$ a verbului de con0ugat.
I (ave or!ed )e (ave or!ed
%ou (ave or!ed %ou (ave or!ed
&e's(e'it (as or!ed *(e+ (ave or!ed
I (ave not "(aven#t$ or!ed.
&e's(e'it (as not "(asn#t$ or!ed.
&ave I or!ed-
&as (e's(e'it or!ed-
*impul 3resent 3erfect este un timp de relatie. El arata o
legatura intre trecut si momentul prezent.
*impul 3resent 3erfect /imple se foloseste in urmatoarele
arata o actiune inceputa in trecut care continua pna in pre!ent$ >u acest
sens se folosesc de obicei prepo!itiile since (din, incepnd din si for (de,
timp de$
8x$ & haven5t seen <ohn for two months$
(?u l-am va!ut pe <ohn de doua luni$
& haven5t seen <ohn since (eptember$
(?u l-am va!ut pe <ohn din septembrie$
& have known <ohn for two years$
(&l cunosc pe <ohn de doi ani$
& have known <ohn since %334$
(&l cunosc pe <ohn din %334$
arata o actiune trecuta, efectuata intr-o perioada de timp neterminata$ &n
acest ca!, folosirea lui este insotita de adverbe precum: today, this week,
this month, this year$
8x$ & have seen two films this week$
(9m va!ut doua filme saptamna aceasta$
=aca adverbul de timp este this mornin"", folosirea timpului verbal este
conditionata de momentul in care se face afirmatiaC daca aceasta este in cursul
diminetii (pna la ora %' sau dupa amia!a$
Ex. ora :; a.m.
& haven5t "ot up early this mornin"$
ora ' p$m$
& didn5t "et up early this mornin"$
0raducerea celor doua propo!itii in limba romna este identica$
?u m-am sculat devreme a!i dimineata$
arata o actiune trecuta, terminata, care are re!ultate in pre!ent sau care,
dintr-un motiv sau altul, interesea!a in pre!ent$
8x$ .ave you seen .amlet:
"Ai vazut &amlet-$
I (ave lost m+ umbrella . I must bu+ a ne one.
"1i-am pierdut umbrela. *rebuie sa-mi cumpar una noua.$
*rebuie precizat faptul ca, daca se mentioneaza momentul
trecut in care a avut loc actiunea care intereseaza in prezent sau
care are rezultate in prezent, nu mai poate 6 folosit timpul
3resent 3erfect. In acest caz, se foloseste 3ast /imple.
Ex. I lost m+ umbrella +esterda+. I must bu+ a ne one.
,e asemenea, daca se pune o intrebate referitoare la trecut
care incepe cu (en", nu se poate folosi timpul 3resent 3erfect,
intruct (en" reprezinta un moment precizat in trecut.
Ex. )(en did +ou see &amlet-
I sa it last ee!.
*impul 3resent 3erfect nu poate 6 folosit cu un adverb de timp
precizat in trecut.
/e foloseste cu adverbe de timp neprecizat care leaga trecutul
de prezent.
Adverbe de timp neprecizat care se aseaza intre auxiliar si
verb: often, never, seldom, ala+s, ever, alread+, 0ust.
Ex. &ave +ou ever been to England-
"Ai fost vreodata in Anglia-$
<o, I (ave never been to England.
%es, I (ave often been to England.
Adverbe de timp neprecizat care stau la sfrsitul propozitiei:
latel+, +et "in propozitii negative$.
Ex. &e (asn#t returned (ome +et.
"El nu s-a intors inca acasa.$
I (aven#t seen (im latel+.
"<u l-am vazut in ultimul timp.$
,upa cum se poate observa, timpul 3resent 3erfect /imple se
traduce in romneste 6e cu prezentul, 6e cu perfectul compus, in
functie de context.
Present Per#e"t Continos
/e formeaza cu 3resent 3erfect /imple al verbului to be", la
care se adauga forma -ing a verbului de con0ugat.
I (ave been or!ing )e (ave been or!ing
%ou (ave been or!ing %ou (ave been or!ing
&e's(e'it (as been or!ing *(e+ (ave been or!ing
I (ave not "(aven#t$ been or!ing.
&e (as not "(asn#t$ been or!ing.
&ave I been or!ing-
&as (e been or!ing-
*impul 3resent 3erfect .ontinuous arata o actiune in plina
desfasurare, cu accent pe durata, intre un moment trecut si
Ex. I am tired because I (ave been or!ing all da+.
"/unt obosit pentru ca am muncit toata ziua.$
,e asemene, poate arata probabilitatea ca actiunea inceputa
in trecut, care continua in prezent, sa continue si in viitor.
Ex. It (as been raining for t(ree (ours. If it doesn#t stop soon,
e s(all (ave =oods.
"3loua de trei ore. ,aca nu se opreste in curnd, vom avea
.a si 3resent 3erfect /imple, se poate traduce cu prezentul sau
cu perfectul compus din limba romna.
E!er"itii " Present Per#e"t Simple si Continos
%$ Folositi Present Perect Simple in locul ininitivelor din paranteze:
%$ 7here you (be: & (be to the market$
'$ +ou (water the flowers:
)$ .e #ust (leave home$
*$ & (lend him some money today$
,$ 0here isn5t any train service because the en"ine D drivers ("o on strike$
-$ 7ould you like a cake:
/$ ?o, thank you, & #ust (have one$
2$ & already (see this film$
3$ .e (not come home yet$
%4$ & (not be to the seaside this year$
%%$ & (buy a new house$ +ou must come and see it$
%'$ +ou (visit the Villa"e 6useum:
%)$ +ou ever (eat caviar:
%*$ & (not write to my friend for three months$
%,$ &t (not rain since =ecember$
%-$ +ou ever (drive a car:
%/$ .e always (rely on his friend$
%2$ +ou (read (orescu5s last book:
%3$ +ou (pay the telephone bill:
'4$ .e (not "o to bed yet$
'%$ .ow lon" you (live here:
''$ & (live here for one year$
%$ Folositi Present Perect Simple sau Continuous in locul ininitivelor din
%$ .e (fish for two hours but he (catch nothin" yet$
'$ 7e (know each other for several years$
)$ 0he radio (play since / a$m$ &5m tired of it$
*$ & (shop all day and & want to have a rest now$
,$ .ow lon" you (wear "lasses:
-$ & (cook all the mornin"$
/$ .ow many dishes you (cook:
2$ 7hy you (be in the "arden so lon":
3$ & (water the flowers$
%4$ .e (sleep for %4 hours now$ &t5s time we woke him up$
%%$ & (ask you to clean your room for two days$ 7hen are you "oin" to do it:
%'$ 8ver since that woman came to work here, she (try to make trouble$
%$ Folositi Present Perect Simple sau Continuous sau Past Tense Simple in
locul ininitivelor:
%$ & (lose my pen$ +ou (not see it anywhere:
?o, & haven5t$ 7hen you (use it last:
'$ +our ever (try to "ive up smokin":
+es, & (try last year but & (not succeed$
)$ +ou (see your mother this week:
?o, she (leave for 1rasov a week a"o$
*$ +ou (be out of work lon":
,$ & am not out of work now$ & ("et a #ob last month$
-$ & (wear my hair lon" since & (be a little "irl$
/$ (he (chan"e a lot since & (see her last$
2$ & (do a lot of work since & ("et up in the mornin"$
3$ 0he child (play the piano since & (return from school$
%4$ &t (rain since we (leave 1ucharest$
%%$ .e (be very ill since the holidays (be"in$
%$ Traduceti in limba engleza olosind Past Tense Simple sau Present
Perect Simple sau Continuous:
%$ >ine te-a invatat sa vorbesti en"le!a att de bine:
'$ Bnde ti-ai petrecut vacanta anul acesta:
)$ 6-am "ndit adesea sa-mi iau carnet de conducere$
*$ =e ct timp inveti en"le!a:
,$ Vremea s-a incal!it in ultimul timp$
-$ 8l este ministru de doi ani$
/$ 0raduc un text de doua ore si nu l-am terminat inca$
2$ 8l a scris numai doua scrisori de cnd a plecat in strainatate$
3$ Bn copil a spart "eamul$ 0rebuie sa-l inlocuim$
%4$ ?in"e de doua ore$
%%$ 9m mers pe #os %4 km pna acum$
%'$ 6er"em pe #os de la ora )$
%)$ =e cnd mi-am cumparat masina, am mers arareori pe #os la slu#ba$
%*$ @a ce te-ai uitat:
%,$ 9 fost un accident$
%-$ >u cine ai votat la ultimele ale"eri:
%/$ ?u am mers la vot$ 9m stat acasa si nu am re"retat nici o clipa$
%2$ 9i va!ut !iarul de a!i:
%3$ 9 plecat <ohn:
'4$ =a, a plecat acum o ora$
'%$ 0i-ai luat de#a micul de#un:
''$ =a, l-am luat la ora 2$
')$ 9i mai fost in acest oras:
'*$ =a, am petrecut o luna aici, acum doi ani$
',$ 8i lucrea!a la aceasta casa de un an si nu au terminat-o inca$
D. Past Perfect Simple
/e formeaza cu verbul to (ave" la 3ast *ense /imple, la care se
adauga forma III "past participle$ a verbului de con0ugat.
I (ad or!ed.
I (ad not "(adn#t$ or!ed.
&ad I or!ed-
Acest timp are aceeasi forma la toate persoanele. Este, ca si
3resent 3erfect, un verb de relatie, dar, in acest caz, este vorba
de o relatie intre doua momente trecute.
Arata o actiune trecuta care a avut loc inaintea unei alte
actiuni sau a unui moment din trecut.
Ex. %esterda+ at > o#cloc! I (ad (ad brea!fast.
"Ieri la ora > luasem micul de0un.$
)(en +ou rang me up, I (ad 6nis(ed riting m+ (omeor!.
".nd mi-ai telefonat, terminasem de scris temele.$
.a sens, ec(ivalentul in limba romna al acestui timp este mai
mult ca perfectul. /e poate traduce cu mai mult ca perfectul sau
perfectul compus.

Past Per#e"t Continos
/e formeaza cu 3ast 3erfect /imple al verbului to be", la care
se adauga forma -ing a verbului de con0ugat.
I (ad been or!ing.
I (ad not "(adn#t$ been or!ing.
&ad I been or!ing-
Aceste forme se pastreaza la toate persoanele.
*impul 3ast 3erfect .ontinuous arata o actiune in plina
desfasurare intre doua momente trecute. ,e asemenea, cnd in
aceeasi fraza in propozitia principala se a=a un verb la 3ast
*ense, 3ast 3erfect .ontinuous poate prelua functiile lui 3resent
3erfect .otinuous in propozitia secundara.
Ex. )(en (e entered t(e room, s(e (ad been t+ping for one
".nd el a intrat in camera, ea batea la masina de o ora.$
After 4o(n (ad been atc(ing *9 for :; minutes, (e got bored.
",upa ce 4o(n privise "a privit$ la televizor :; minute, s-a
&e said it (ad been raining for t(ree da+s.
"El a spus ca ploua de trei zile.$
,upa cum se observa, acest timp se poate traduce cu mai mult
ca perfectul, perfectul compus sau imperfectul din limba romna.
E!er"itii " Past Simple si Continos
%$ Puneti verbele din paranteze la Past Perect Simple:
%$ 9fter they (finish dinner, they drank some coffee$
'$ (he said she already (be to 8n"land$
)$ .e asked me whether & (meet <ohn before$
*$ (he discovered her child (not tell the truth$
,$ .e told me he (catch some fish on that day$
-$ 9t ) o5clock on Eriday, & (return from school$
/$ 0he house was much smaller then he (think at first$
2$ 0he fire (spread to the next buildin" when the firemen arrived$
3$ 7e were shocked to hear she (not pass the exam$
%4$ 0he child (eat all the cakes before his mother became aware of it$
%$ Puneti verbele din paranteze la Past Perect Continuous:
%$ 7hen & left home, it (rain for one hour$
'$ 7hen we met them, they (wait for the bus for half an hour$
)$ 7hen & arrived home, mother (cook for two hours$
*$ 7hen she sat for the exam, she (study the sub#ect for a week$
,$ 7hen & ran" her up, she (write letters for one hour$
-$ 7hen she decided to have a rest, she (clean and (dust for , hours$
/$ 9fter <ane (swim for half an hour, she felt chilly$
2$ 7hen & called on her unexpectedly, & reali!ed she (have a party$
3$ 7hen we reached the top, we (climb for / hours$
%4$ 7hen we arrived at (inaia, somebody told us it (rain for hours$
%$ Puneti verbele din paranteza la Past Perect Simple sau Continuous sau
la Past Tense Simple:
%$ 0he professor (speak for %4 minutes when & (enter the hall$
'$ 9fter <ohn (listen to the news bulletin, he ("o downstairs to have dinner$
)$ .e (tell me he (be to the theatre the day before$
*$ 7e (ask him what countries he (visit$
,$ .e (learn 8n"lish for two years before he ("o to 8n"land for the first
-$ (he #ust ("o out when & (call at her house$
/$ 0he river became deeper after it (rain heavily for a few hours$
2$ 9fter <ohn (leave, she (tell me they (be friends for five years$
3$ 9fter we (walked for an hour, we (reali!e we (lose our way$
%4$ 7hen & (find out he ("et married, & (rin" up him and (con"ratulate him$
%$ Traduceti in limba engleza olosind Past Perect Simple sau Continuous
sau Past Tense Simple:
%$ 6i-a parut rau ca il #i"nisem$
'$ 8l mi-a multumit pentru ceea ce facusem pentru el$
)$ =e indata ce a terminat de scris lucrarea, a inmnat-o profesorului$
*$ 8l nu facuse nimic inainte de a-mi cere mie sfatul$
,$ =e indata ce au plecat musafirii, am mers la culcare$
-$ >nd am a#uns la statia de autobu!, mi-am dat seama ca imi lasasem poseta
/$ (ecretara mi-a spus ca directorul vorbea la telefon de o #umatate de ora$
2$ 8i mi-au spus ca locuiau in Eranta din %324$
3$ ?u ti-am telefonat pentru ca am cre!ut ca plecasesi in strainatate$
%4$ 8i au calatorit in multe tari dupa ce s-au casatorit$
E. Future Tense Simple
/e formeaza cu shall sau will la persoana I, ill la persoana II si
III, la care se adauga in6nitivul verbului de con0ugat.
I "s(all$ ill go )e "s(all$ ill go
%ou ill go %ou ill go
&e's(e'it ill go *(e+ ill go
I "s(all$ ill not go )e "s(all$ ill not go
%ou ill not go %ou ill not go
&e's(e'it ill not go *(e+ ill not go
7orma scurta pentru s(all not" este shant, iar pentru ill
not" este wont.
/(all I go- /(all e go-
)ill +ou go- )ill +ou go-
)ill (e's(e'it' go- )ill t(e+ go-
*rebuie remarcat faptul ca la interogativ persoana I, se
foloseste numai s(all".
Acest timp arata o actiune viitoare obisnuita. /e traduce cu
viitorul din limba romna.
Ex. I "s(all$ ill meet (im next ee!.
"Il voi intlni saptamna viitoare.$
$tre Continos
/e formeaza cu viitorul simplu al verbului to be", la care se
adauga forma -ing a verbului de con0ugat.
I "s(all$ ill be going.
%ou ill be going.
&e's(e'it ill be going.
)e "s(all$ ill be going.
%ou ill be going.
*(e+ ill be going.
I "s(all$ ill not be going.
%ou ill not be going.
&e's(e'it ill not be going.
)e "s(all$ ill not be going.
%ou ill not be going.
*(e+ ill not be going.
/(all I be going- /(all e be going-
)ill +ou be going- )ill +ou be going-
)ill (e's(e'it be going- )ill t(e+ be going-
Acest timp arata o actiune in plina desfasurare intr-un moment
Ex. At t(ree o#cloc!, I ill be travelling to England.
"1ine la ora trei voi calatori spre Anglia.$
/e traduce cu viitorul din limba romna.
$tre Per#e"t Simple
/e formeaza cu shall sau will, la care se adauga in6nitivul
trecut al verbului de con0ugat. "(ave ? forma III$.
I "s(all$ ill (ave gone.
%ou ill (ave gone.
&e's(e'it ill (ave gone.
)e "s(all$ ill (ave gone.
%ou ill (ave gone.
*(e+ ill (ave gone.
I "s(all$ ill not (ave gone.
%ou ill not (ave gone.
&e's(e'it ill not (ave gone.
)e "s(all$ ill not (ave gone.
%ou ill not (ave gone.
*(e+ ill not (ave gone.
/(all I (ave gone- /(all e (ave gone-
)ill +ou (ave gone- )ill +ou (ave gone-
)ill (e's(e'it (ave gone- )ill t(e+ (ave gone-
Acest timp arata o actiune anterioara unei alte actiuni sau unui
moment viitor. /e traduce cu timpul viitor anterior din limba
Ex. @+ t(ree o#cloc! tomorro, I ill (ave reac(ed 3redeal.
"1ine pna la ora trei voi 6 a0uns la 3redeal.$
$tre Per#e"t Continos
/e formeaza cu 7uture 3erfect al verbului to be", la care se
adauga forma -ing a verbului de con0ugat.
Ex. I "s(all$ ill (ave been going.
)(en +ou come (ome, I ill (ave been stud+ing for t(ree
.nd vei veni tu acasa, voi studia "voi 6 studiat$ de trei ore.
Arata o actiune in plina desfasurare intre doua momente
viitoare. /e traduce cu viitorul simplu sau cu viitorul anterior din
limba romna.
Este un timp rar folosit.

$tre%in%t&e%Past Simple
/e formeaza cu should "persoana I$ sau would "toate
persoanele$, la care se adauga in6nitivul verbului de con0ugat.
I "s(ould$ ould go )e "s(ould$ ould go
%ou ould go %ou ould go
&e's(e'it ould go *(e+ ould go
I "s(ould$ ould not go )e "s(ould$ ould not go
%ou ould not go %ou ould not go
&e's(e'it ould not go *(e+ ould not go
7orma scurta de la s(ould not" este shouldnt, iar cea de la
ould not" este wouldnt.
Acest timp este folosit in concordanta timpurilor pentru a arata
o actiune posterioara unui moment sau unei actiuni din trecut.
Ex. &e said (e ould be late.
"El a spus ca va intrzia.$
Intruct nu poate 6 intlnit dect in propozitii secundare "dupa
un verb la timpul trecut in propozitia principala$, nu se pune
problema folosirii lui a interogativ dect in intrebari dis0unctive.
$tre%in%t&e%Past Continos
/e formeaza cu 7uture-in-t(e-3ast /imple al verbului to be", la
care se adauga forma -ing a verbului de con0ugat.
I s(ould "ould$ be going.
Este un timp sestul de rar folosit. 3reia functiile lui 7uture *ense
.ontinuous intr-o propozitie secundara, atunci cnd in principala
se a=a un verb la trecut.
Ex. &e said t(at at A o#cloc!, t(e next da+, (e ould be
travelling to England.
"El a spus ca in ziua urmatoare, la ora A, va calatori spre
Alte mi'loa"e (e e!primare a viitorli
Fresent (imple G adverb de timp viitor$ &ntr-un astfel de context, arata un
pro"ram precis, bine stabilit$
8x$ & leave for @ondon tomorrow$
(FlecAvoi pleca la @ondra mine$
Fresent >ontinuous G adverb de timp viitor$ 9rata o intentie, un aran#ament
prealabil pentru viitorul apropiat$
8x$ & am meetin" <ohn this mornin"$
(&l intlnescAil voi intlni pe <ohn in dimineata aceasta$
8xpresia to be "oin" to" G infinitiv$ 9rata de asemenea o intentie sau o
8x$ & am "oin" to read this book$
(Voi citiAam de "nd sa citesc aceasta carte$
&t is "oin" to rain$
E!er"itii " timprile )$tre*
%$ Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul Future Simple:
%$ & (know the results in three days5 time$
'$ +ou (be in @ondon tomorrow$
)$ +ou (reco"ni!e him when you see him:
*$ & (remember this day all my life$
,$ & am sure you (like this book$
-$ .e (be pleased if you invite him$
/$ & am sure & (succeed$
2$ +ou (remember to post my letter:
3$ & hope & (pass the exam$
%4$ +ou (not find a solution if you don5t know the whole truth$
%$ Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul Future Continuous:
%$ 0his time next month, & (swim in the sea$
'$ 7hen you reach (inaia, it probably (rain$
)$ =on5t rin" her up at 2 o5clock p$m$ (he (watch 0V$
*$ +ou (need the vacuum cleaner tomorrow or may & borrow it:
,$ & am sure when & arrive home, the baby (cry$
-$ @et5s hurry to the beach$ 0he sun (rise in %4 minutes$
/$ .e (study all day tomorrow$
2$ 0his time next day, we (climb the mountain$
3$ 0omorrow mornin" at 2 o5clock, & (have breakfast$
%4$ =on5t expect me home for dinner, & (work at the office till late at ni"ht$
3. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul Future Perect Simple sau
%$ &n a week5s time, we (take our exam$
'$ & (finish readin" the newspapers by lunch time$
)$ ?ext year, they (be married for ', years$
*$ &f we don5t hurry, the sun (rise before we reach the beach$
,$ 1y the end of the season, one hundred thousand people (spend their
holidays at the seaside$
-$ 1y the time you come home, & (cook for two hours$
/$ 7hen & take the exam, & (read all the books on the biblio"raphy list$
2$ 1y the be"innin" of next week, & (work on this paper for a month$
3$ 1y , o5clock, you (see all the exhibits in the museum$
%4$ 1y the end of the month, & (pay off all my debts$
4. Traduceti in limba engleza olosind unul din tipurile de viitor:
%$ Fna anul viitor pe vremea aceasta, vor fi economisit , milioane$
'$ >e faci mine dimineata la ora %%:
)$ Voi vi!ita tr"ul international$
*$ 9m cumparat o masina de scris si voi invata sa bat$
,$ Fna la sfrsitul lunii, voi fi va!ut acest film de , ori$
-$ 0renul va fi plecat inainte de a a#un"e noi la "ara$
/$ Fna la ora %, ea va fi terminat curatenia in casa$
2$ Vineri, intre orele %' si %, ei vor avea ultima ora de en"le!a$
3$ 8l va studia in biblioteca luni de la ora % la ,$
%4$ =in cau!a "revei soferilor de autobu!e multa lume va mer"e pe #os la
slu#ba, mine$
%%$ Bite ce am cumparat la o licitatieH
%'$ 8 un obiect frumos$ Bnde il vei pune:

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