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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Format Short form

Date: 4/2/14 Target Students: Whole Group

Topic/Content Area:
Authors As Mentors

Century Skills:
Critical Thinking

Common Core State and/or NC Essential Standards:

W.1.1.3,5-8, RL.1.1-4,7, SL.1.1,2,4-6, L.1.1,2,4-6

Student Friendly Objective or Essential Question:

How can we go deeper into our small moment stories? How can I make it better? What
suggestions can I give to my partner? Is my partner helping me edit my paper? How do I
edit and revise? What do I keep in my writing? What can I change? What authors craft am
I using?

-Teacher sample essay for editing and revising
-Revision Tools Anchor Chart
-Small Moments checklist

Lesson Activities

Refer back to the lesson from the day before, where they learned to revise and use the
proper techniques on paper to show editing.

Introduction to the Lesson:

Let students know that we will be editing our small moment writing to make it the best that
we can possibly make it, just like our authors.

Teacher Input/Modeling

I will have my own sample essay that was discussed and shared with the class. I will show
how much my writing has changed. Then, I will notice that there are still places that can be
revised and edited to have more details. Then I will have a student volunteer to be my
partner and introduce that we will be editing with our partners today. I will model using
the small moment checklist and I will apply some of the suggestions that my volunteer
student has given me on the board. Then, I will model the needed discussion between

Guided Practice:

Students will then turn and talk to a partner to discuss about how they plan on revising and
editing their own papers today. They will also share how they plan to be a super listener
and an excellent speaker.

Independent Practice:

Students will then return to their desks. Students will have about 10 minutes to work
independently and then they will spend the rest of their time with assigned partners to edit
and revise their small moments. Students will be going through the small moment
checklist together.

*I will continue conferring with students at this time

Closure of the Lesson:

To close the lesson, we will share as a class, some suggestions students gave to one
another during writing time.
Evaluation/Assessment of Student Learning
Formative: I look for cooperative discussion and look for students who are one task and
using the checklist.

Summative: The students writing piece with the stapled checklist will be my summative
assessment of the students work.

Supervising Teachers Signature:

Student Teachers Signature:

Plans for Individual Differences: (As needed for your class May not need for all subjects)
Early Finishers:
Students will go back into their Tiny Topic Notebooks to begin writing on another small
Late Finishers:
These students will have another time to complete and continue writing about their small
Extension of Lesson:
English Language Learners:

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