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I seek protection with Allah from the accursed Shaytan (1)

A'udhu bi Llahi mina sh-shaytani r-Rajim (1)

Allah is subtle with His servants. he provides for whom He wills, and he is the
Strong the Mighty. (1)

Allahu Latifun bi 'ibadihi, yarzuqu man yasha'u, wa huwa l'-Qawiyyu l-'Aziz (1)

O Subtle One, O Subtle One...(1000)
Ya Latifu, Ya Latif...(Ya Latif repeated 1000 times)

O You who deals subtly with His creation, O You who is in full knowledge of His
creation, O You who is fully aware of His creation, deal with us subtly. O Subtle
One, O Knower, O Aware. (3)

Ya Latifan bi khalqihi, ya 'Aliman bi khaliqihi, ya Khabiran bi khalqihi, Ultuf bina
ya Latifu, ya 'Alimu ya Khabir. (3)

O Allah, You who was graceful in the creation of the heavens and the earth,
You who is gentlw with children when they are in the wombs of their mothers,
show gentleness and grace towards us, a grace that is fitting to Your
Generosity and Your Mercy, O You who is the Most Merciful (1)
Allahumma ya man latafta fi khalqi s-samawati wa l-ard(i), wa latafta bi l-
ajinnati fi butuni ummahatiha, ultuf bina lutfan yaliqu bi karamika wa
rahmatika, ya arhama r-rahimin ya Allah. (1)

O Allah, You who has made sending praise on the Prohet among the ways to
come close (to You), we seek to come closer to You with every commendation
that has been sent on him since the first creation until what has no end
concerning perfections.(1)

Allahumma ya man ja'alta s-salata 'ala n-nabiyyi min al-qurubat, nataqarrabu
ilayka bi kulli salatun sulliyyat 'alayhi min awwali n-nashati ila ma la nihayata li
l-kamalat. (1)

In the name of Allah, what Allah has willed, no one drives goodness except
In the name of Allah, what Allah has willed, no none turns away evil except
In the name of Allah, what Allah has willed, any blessings you have are from
In the name of Allah, what Allah has willed, there is no power nor strength
except with Allah.(3)

Bismi Llahi Masha Allah, la yasuqu l-khayra illah Llah. Bismi Llahi Masha Allah,
la yasrifu s-su'a illa Llah. Bismi Llahi Masha Allah, wa ma bikum min ni'matin,
fa mina Llah. Bismi Llahi Masha Allah, la hawla wa la quwwata illah bi Llah.(3)

And may Allah bless and give peace to our chief Muhammad, his family and his

Wa salla Llahu 'ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa

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