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Match the term with the best definition.

Question Selected Match

A site D.
the site in the ribosome where the tRNA enters
P site E.
the site in the ribosome where the peptide bond is formed between amino acids
E site B.
the site in the ribosome where the unbound tRNA leaves
Shine Delgarno site A.
A sequence where the mRNA initially binds the ribosome
Release factor C.
A tRNA that does not have an amino acid, determined by a stop codon

Question 3
5 out of 5 points
Match the term to the best definition.

Question Selected Match
RNA polymerse D.
Makes mRNA
Template strand E.
Read by the enzyme, runs 3' to 5'
Non-template strand B.
Not translated into mRNA
Sigma A.
Portion of RNA polymerase that binds to the promoter
Core enzyme C.
Portion of RNA polymerase that has the active site for mRNA synthesis.

Question 2
5 out of 5 points
Match the term with the best definition.

Question Selected Match
Primary transcript B.
mRNA that has not been processed
snRNP's C.
These cut out non-coding portions of mRNA

carries a specific amino acid to a ribosome.
Anticodon A.
Portion of tRNA that is complimentary to the mRNA
Polyribosome E.
Multiple ribosomes translating a single mRNA

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