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Bibliografie selectiv pentru Istoria Romei i a Imperiului Roman

(utilizat pentru toate cele trei module)


Ammianus Marcellinus, Istoria romana, Bucuresti, 1982.
Appianus, Rzboaiele civile, A. Frenkian, Buc. 1957,
Titus Livius, De la fundarea Romei, tr. rom. T. Vasilescu i alii, Bucuresti, 1962
Plutarh,Vieti paralele, tr.rom. N.I. Barbu, vol. I-1960, vol II-1963, vol.III-1966, vol IV-
Polybios, Istorii, Bucuresti, tr. rom D. C. Popescu i A. Piatkowski, I-1966, II-1988, III-
1995 .
Res Gestae Diui Augusti, ed. J. Gaj, Paris, 1977,
Tacitus, Opere, Analele, tr. rom. N.I. Barbu-Buc. 1964, Istorii-tr. rom. N. Lascu,
Scriptores Historiae Augustae, tr. rom. D. Popescu, C-tin Drgulescu, Cluj, 1971.
Suetonius, Vieilor celor 12 Cezari, tr. rom. D.Popescu, Bucureti, 1958.
Vitruvius, De arhitectura, tr. G M. Cantacuzino, Tr. Costa , Gr. Ionescu, Buc., 1964

Lucrri generale:

Alfldi, A., Die Struktur des voretruskischen Rmerstaates, Heidelberg, 1974.
Bianchi-Bandinelli, R., Rome The late Empire, tr.engl P. Green, Londra, 1971,
Brilliant, R., Arta roman de la republic la Constantin, tr. M Gramatopol, Buc., 1979.
Cizek, E., Mentalits et institutions politiques romaines, Paris, 1990.
Chastagnol, A., Lvolution politique, sociale et economique du monde romaine de
Diocltien Iulien, Paris, ed. a 2-a, 1985.
Crawford, M., Roma republican, tr. rom. M. Gramatopol, Bucuresti, 1997.
Geza, A.,The Social History of Rome, Londra, 1987,
Grimal, P., Civilizaia romana, tr. rom. E. Cizek, Bucureti, 1973.
Gruen, E. S., The Last generation of the Roman Republic, Berkeley- Londra, 1974.
Hannestad N., Monumentele publice ale artei romane, tr.rom. M. Gramatopol, Bucureti,
Marrou, HI, Patristica si umanism, Bucuresti, 1996:
Martin, P., Lide de royaut { Rome, vol. I, De la Rome royale au consensus
rpublicaine , coll. Miroir des civilisations antiques , ADOSA, Paris, 1982.
Mommsen, Th.,Istoria Roman, vol. I-IV, trad. rom. J. Nicolaus, Bucureti, 1987-1991.
Mller-Karpe, H., Zur stadtwerdung Roms, MDAI(R), Erg. Heft., nr. 8/1963.


Orlin, E.M., Temples, Religion and Politics in the Roman Republic, Leiden, New York,
Rossini, O., Ara Pacis, Milan, 2006.
Tudor D., Arheologia roman, Buc., 1976.
Stamper J. W., The Architecture of Roman Temples: from the Republic to the Middle
Empire, 2005
Wallace-Hadrill, A., Rich, J., City and Country in the Ancient World, London, 1991
Wallace-Hadrill, A., Houses and Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum, 1994.
Wheeler M, Roman Art and Arhitecture, 1964.

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