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Discovering Treasure

If you would like the ability to know whether there are

buried treasures in a certain area recite the following
Divine Name often:
In every chanting session recite the Name 81 times
followed by the following !rayer 1" times:
Khabiirun fakhabbirnii manaaman waya#$hatan% &imaa fiihi
ishlaahii wa#ashdii wamaa hawat% 'a(altuka yaa khallaa#u
khal#a ma#aashidii% )a(anta ilaahii khaali#ul khal#i
It it !leases ,od- by conducting the ritual above- you will
soon have the ability to see and know the whereabouts of
hidden treasure% .ach time you would like to do
some detection- say the !rayer once and feel the vibrations
of the ground if there is something odd about it% It
is !ossible you might get visionary flashes%

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