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2( r v

Gunuv,tt NAMAH"
PaeotcrroNs Tunoueu Honanv
Dr. Shri Chand Kursija
Bhartiya Prachya Evam Sanatan Vigyan Sansthan
haratiya Prachya Evam Sanatan Vigyan Sansthan
( Regd. )
' i s
i nvol ved i n t he f ul f i l ment of
Educat i onal ,
Sci ent i f i c,
Soci al , Cul t ur al
Intellectual, Aesthetic, Spiritual,
Occult and
needs of the people
irrespective of caste, creed and
colour. One of the aims of
Sansthan is to promote
budding writers by publishing
and books.
The book in your
hands is authored by Dr. S. C.
Kur si j a, a wel l known, qual i f i ed
Homeopat hi c
doctor, who passed
Jyoti sh Praveena and Jyoti sha
Vi sharada from I.C.A.S. (Regd.)
Chennai , precentl y
he i s a member of Facul t y of Del hi chapt er I ,
ICAS,Chennai .
Recentl y he has been awarded a ti tl e
of Jyot i sha Kovi da by I CAS, chennai , f or hi s
services to astrology through writing of articles and
teachi ngs.
He i s a dedi ctaed student, teacher and
researcher in astrology.
he has wri tten thi s book keepi ng i n mi nd not
only the needs of the students but also hints to give
accurate predictions
by the astrologers. He has tried
t o cover al l t opi cs on whi ch any quer y
can be
received by an astrologer. He has also eloborated the
through practical
illustrations taken from
his personal
"t "\ r
i ]
l i
Af t er goi ng
t hr ough
t he book you
wi l t
cer t ai nl y
f eel t hat he has r eal l y
br ought
cr cdi t s
t . hi s t cacher s
by r emember i ng,
usi ng
i n pr l ct i cc
and ar l ct i ne
exper i enced
pr i nci pl es
( combi nut i ons)
t o t h;
knowl edge
acqui red
by hi m
as a studcnt.
M. N.
Kedr r
( Sccr ct ar y ( j cner al
B. P. E. S. V.
Sanst han)
I xt nonucr t on
Chapt er s
l . Ast rol oger & Hi s Dut i es
2. Characterstics & Classification of Signs
3. Planets: Characterstics
& Classification
4. Aspect/ Drishti in Prashar's View
5. Yogas
6. Significations of Houses
7. Nature of
8. The Strength of Lagna & Houses
9. Timing & Fructification
of Events
10. Patient & Diseases
I l. Traveller & Travelling
12. Thief & Recovery of missing articles
13. Marriage
l4 Progeny
Page No.
l 3l
l s8
, l i r
Page No.
15. To specify the object hidden in fist
16. Litigations or Disputes in court
17. Profit or Loss
Employer & Employee
19. Politics
20. Miscellaneous
r ,
l\ ff
uny books on Horary astrology are available
I YI i n t he mar ket .
One mor e book on Hor ar y
Astrol ogy shoul d not be a burden. I do not cl ai m to
somethi ng total l y new to the readers but
readers would certainly find the book more useful
because the books which are in the market are more
or l ess transl ati on of cl assi cal books. The cl assi cal
books were wri tten thousands of years
ago, some
of which may not be relevant to modern
works. There were villages,
small Kingdoms and the
mai n pr of essi on
was agr i cul t ur e dependi ng on
weather. So our savants of Astrology had written their
books to meet the requirements
of those days. I have
the book to solve the present
day problems.
The interpretations
of signs, bhavas and the planet
in this book are somewhat different from that of
cl assi cal books t hough t hey ar e based on t he
cl assi cal
books, vi z. Mer cur y r epr esent s
recommendati ons
or Saturn represents l abour etc.
However I have kept the classical text intact.
I have t aken t he pr i nci pl es
of Pr edi ct i ve
Astrology and combined them with Tajik and Transits
t o t i me t he event s. Taj i ka shast r a gi ves
cl ear
i nunci at i ons r egar di ng t he r esul t s of r et r ogr ade,
combust and debilitated place
which in turn give good
results in solving the query
and timing the events. I
I 2
P red i c t i t t
nl f hrou gh
H orary
have not t aken t he pr i nci pl es
of con. i unct i on,
opposi t i on
and squar e as mal ef i c aspect s. However ,
t he pr edi ct i ve
pr i nci pl es
t hat t he ef f ect of aspect s
var i es wi t h t he nat ur al benef i c or mal ef i c pl anet
hol ds good.
I t i s not onl y t he di st ance
bet ween t he
two pl anets
whi ch gi ves
benefi c
or mal efi c resul ts
but i t i s the i nherent
natural qual i ty
of the pl anets,
ownershi p
of the house and thei r posi ti on
i n the chart
whi ch gi ves
benefi c or mal efi c resul ts. The si gns and
t he houses have t hei r own i mpor t ance.
So t he
pr i nci pl e
of Pr edi ct i ve
Ast r ol ogy
has i t s own
i mportance
and rel evance.
In wri ti ng the book I have tri ed my best not to
make i t t oo t echni cal
or compl i cat ed
t hough t he
subj ect i s not so si mpl e. One ought t o know t he
pr i nci pl e
of Pr edi ct i ve
Ast r ol ogy.
The Hor ar y
Ast r ol ogy
i s an essent i al i ngr edi ent
of pr edi ct i ve
though it has its own limitation.
We cannot
predi ct
about whol e l i fe of the nati ve through horary
astrol ogy.
The Horary
Astrol ogy i s based on the bi rth
chart cast for the time of the query.
It answers the
queri es
as a whol e i n total i ty. It can tel l the hei ght,
col our, age of the thi ef. The thi ef wi l l be caught or
not , t he pol i ce
wi l l hel p us or not et c. So i t i s l i mi t ed
to parti cul ar query,
not to the events of whol e l i fe of
the nati ve. But thi s type of probl ems
cannot be sol ved
wi th the hel p of Predi cti ve
Astrol ogy. Both have thei r
own l i mi tati ons.
So I have used the sci ence of Horary
and Predi cti ve
Astrol ogy as compl ementary.
In the books on Horary,
avai l abl e i n the market,
i i ttte attenti on has been pai d to the i l l ustrati ons.
I have
tri ed to suppl ement
the pri nci pl es
wi th exampl es from
my own experi ence. I have tri ed to make thi s book
P redictions t hrough Horary
more useful for the begi nners and professi onal s as
wel l .
I do not cl ai m i nfal l i bi l i ty. In fact I have gi ven
what has been my own exper i ence i n Hor ar y
Astrol ogy to the readers. I am l i kel y to face cri ti ci sm.
But constructi ve cri ti ci sm i s wel come, as i t wi l l hel p
one t o i mpr ove ones knowl edge. Ther ef or e, any
correspondence i n thi s regard i s al ways wel come.
I 3
Del hi
r 5. r . 2000
Dr. Shri Chand Kursija
BA/ 45B, Phase I , Ashok
Vi har , Del hi - I 10052.
\ \
l i
and, Horary
I compl ement ar y
t o each
ot her
cont r adi ct or y.
suppl ement
ot her s
In Predictive
we cast the birth
chart, calculate
dasha and antardasha,
transit and on the data available predict
the period
to the native. It may be benefic period
malefic period
in illness,
loss through
theft or acci dent
etc. The pri nci pl es
predi cti ve
the life of the native
as a whole,
his relation
with father,
wife and
his success
and failures,
his achievements
and name,
fame etc. his past
and present
karma i.e.
about his future.
On the other hand Horary
the particular
The Horary chart is
for the moment
of query
on the basis of the
of Astrology.
The signs,
houses of Horary
have the same indications
as that of thl
Pr edi ct i ve
Ast r ol ogy
wi t h
sl i ght di f f er ence
i n
their effects,
such as the movable
the displacement
of the query,
change is to
take place
to the query
that has been made.
one desires
to know whether
his marriage
wi l l take pl ace
and movabl e
si gn occupi es
the l agna,
the movable
sign in the lagna, indicates
the change
in the status
of the native.
If the patient
Pr"dt"rt.^ rn,
whether he wi l l be cured of the di sease or not, the
moveabl e si gn i n l agna i ndi cates the change i n hi s
status i .e. he wi l l be cured. But i f i t i s a fi xed
si gn, there wi l l be no change i n hi s present
He may not be cured. Si mi l arl y there are di fferences
i n si gni fi cati ons of houses al so. In Horary Astrol ogy
such as i n cases of doctors and pati ents query,
l agna i ndi cat e t he doct or , 4t h house i ndi cat es
medi ci nes, 7t h house i ndi cat es di seases and l Ot h
house i ndi cat es pat i ent
hi msel f . I n pr edi ct i ve
ast r ol ogy t he l agna i ndi cat es t he nat i ve, her e t he
There is no diff' erence between the native and
quer ent .
Si mi l ar l y 4t h house i ndi cat e Sukha,
happi ness der i ved by t he nat i ve i n Pr edi ct i ve
astrology. In the medical horary astrology it indicates
the medi ci ne whi ch gi ves
rel i ef from the di seases i .e.
sukha. The 7th house i ndi cates partner
or spouse of
the native in predictive
astrology. In Horary astrology
7th house i ndi cates the opponents or di sease because
the querent
has to take action or deal with the disease.
Si mi l arl y l Oth house i ndi cates the pati ent who does
karma, takes medicine and takes precautions
etc. But
i n Predi cti ve Astrol ogy, the house of di sease i s 6th
house. So I have taken 6th and 7th house as houses of
di sease.
There are some l earned astrol ogers accordi ng to
whom one should not take lagna as Doctor. In case
of other
we take Lagna as querrent.
Why there
i s an except i on i n t he case of a pat i ent and hi s
recovery? It i s wel l known fact that i n case of pati ent
and di sease, the pati ent
may di e when
one of the
fol l owi ng combi nati on i s present.
(l )
Lord of 6 and 8th posi ted i n Lagna.
I' re dictions t hr ough H orary
(2) Lord of 8th is in Lagna.
Lord of Lagna is in 8th from the Moon.
"I f we t r eat Lagna as doct or t hen t he doct or
shoul d di e not t he pat i ent . " Why has Lagna been
treated as doctor by our sages? If we keep i nherent
spi ri t of the l agna i n our mi nd we wi l l fi nd that to
treat the Lagna as doctor i s not i ncorrect because
the Lagna i s opponent to si gni fi cati ons of the 7th
house. The doctor i s al so opponent to the di seases
as he treats to quel l
the di seases. Hence consi deri ng
Lagna as doct or i s cor r ect . Ther e i s no need
therefore, to change the si gni fi cati ons of the houses.
I woul d l i ke to submi t bel ore the readers that
as t he Lagna i ndi cat es t he nat i ve t he Lagna of a
Hor ar y Char t shoul d i ndi cat e t he quer y not t he
querrent. The chart cast for the moment of query
shoul d be deal t wi th as the bi rth chart of the query.
Whenever one exami nes the same query
of the nati ve,
the same chart shoul d be exami ned as the bi rth chart.
Because i t i s the pri nci pl e
of Horary astrol ogy that
i f the querrent puts
on behal f of someone
el se t-hen the astrol oger shoul d know the rel ati onshi p
between the two, the querrent and about whom the
query i s put such as the
querent wants to know about
hi s son. Therefore the 5th house of the Horary chart
should be taken as the Lagna. The querrent
may put
about his wife then treat the 7th house as
Lagna and so on. But i n case of nat al char t t hi s
pri nci pl e i s
not appl i ed. Whoever shows the natal
chart, the natal
represents the nati ve. Si mi l arl y
l' eel that whoever may
the horary chart
l houl d
represent the query
and the Lagna of the
horary chart should be treated as the query
not the
l 7
18 P re d ic r i ons I hr ou gh I I orary
querrent. In thi s way we have personi fi ed the query.
The Goddess of Knowledge, Saraswati has given birth
to query not querrent. It shoul d not be confused wi th
the si gni fi cati ons of the query.
The si gni fi cati ons of
the houses and si gni fi cator shoul d be treated as i t i s
i n Horary Astrol ogy.
In Horary Astrology there are two major factors
for whi ch querent consul ts an astrol oger
(l ) The status of the query.
(2) When the query wi l l materi al i se/fructi fy.
The Sage Parashara has cl earl y stated i n hi s book
"Bri hat Parashar Hora" chapter 100 Shl oka 41,42 and
43 as under:
(l ) If al l benefi c pl anets (Jupi ter, Venus, Mercury
and the Lord of tri kona) are posi ted i n I, 3, 5, 6,
7, 9, 10, l 1 ( not i n Znd, 4t h, 8t h and l 2t h) and
not i n i ni mi cal si gn or debi l i tated, the nati ve wi l l
have gai n of weal th, the pati ent gets cure or wi l l
resul t i n ful fi l ment of the obj ect of query.
(2) If the mal efi c pl anets are posi ted i n above sai d
houses and are not posi ted i n thei r own si gns,
exal ted or fri endl y si gns, the obj ect of query i s
not ful fi l l ed.
Treat the si gni fi cati on houses as Lagna.
( a)
I f t he benef i c pl anet s ar e posi t ed i n 8t h or
12th from that Lagna.
( b) No mal ef i c pl anet i s posi t ed i n 8t h or 12t h
from that Lagna.
Lord of the si gn i s posi ted i n that Lagna.
(d) The benefi c
pl anets are posi ted i n Kendra
' r
or tri kona from that House, the obj ect of
P re d ic ! ions t hr ough Hor ary
query i s ful fi l l ed (that Lagna means the
house of si gni f i cat i on) .
In thi s way he has si mpl i fi ed Horary Astrol ogy.
Accordi ng to system of Taj i k, the obj ect of query i s
f ul f i l l ed i f :
i ) The l ord of l agna aspects the l agna and the
significator aspects the house of signification.
i i ) I f t he si gni f i cat or aspect t he l agna and t he
l agna l ord aspects the house of si gni fi cati on.
i i i ) If the l ord of l agna and the si gni fi cator aspects
each other or have i thasal a.
i v) If the l ord of l agna i s posi ted i n the house of
si gni fi cator and the si gni fi cati on i s posi ted i n
l agna.
Horary Astrol ogy thus sol ves al l probl em i n the
ful fi l ment of the
qbj ect
of query.
The next factor of ti mi ng the event has become
t he har d nut t o cr ack. Accor di ng t o some l ear ned
ast r ol oger s, t he t i mi ng of t he event depends on t he
navamsha of t he l agna l or d. Accor di ng t o ot her s
t i mi ng of t he event s depends on t he si gni f i cat or et c. I
have t r i ed my best t o di scuss t he t opi c i n t he chapt er
of "Fructi fi cati on and Ti mi ng". I hope the readers
wi l l f i nd t he same as usef ul .
The book has been wri tten keepi ng i n vi ew the
l equi rements
of the students and the professi onal s
as well as I have tried to discuss every aspect of human
lil' c. But it is not exhaustive. Some topics may have been
lell knowingly, such as number of children, character of
wilc, rain etc., because I find them irrelevant in present
cnvi r onment of t he soci et y, pl anni ng of f ami l y and
t hc space avai l abl e. Accor di ng t o some ast r ol oger s,
I 9
the number of chi l dren etc. i s predetermi ned.
But I
feel that one can control and pl an fami l y by gai ni ng
knowl edge of natural l aws. A man has power
of free
wi l l whi ch can be exerci sed by havi ng knowl edge of
nat ur al l aws. The st or y of devel opment of human
society from primitive stage to present
stage is the clear
example of use of power of free will. The human being
consists of body and the spirit, the Atma and the Chetan.
By gai ni ng the knowl edge of natural l aws and
devel opi ng the power of the Chetan, the Atma, on
whom no natural l aw i s appl i cabl e, one can bri ng the
heaven on the Earth, Rama-Rajya for common man of
the society where he will be happy, contented materially,
spiritually and environmentally.
The harmoni ous devel opment of body, mi nd and
spi ri t i s the ai m of educati on and soci ety. The natural
l aws are fi xed and appl i cabl e onl y on Matter. By
gai ni ng the knowl edge of l aws of nature, the man can
conquer the nature and make his life comfortable. But
the thi rst of the spi ri t wi l l remai n unsati sfi ed. He
has to seek peace of mi nd, the natural l aws are not
appl i cabl e on the spi ri t. One has to turn hi msel f to
i nner sel f , Body and Spi r i t . The Mat er i al i sm and
Spi ri tual i sm are the two exfi emi ti es. The extremi ty
of the both is injurious to society, for the development
of soci ety and for the defence of the soci ety. It i s the
hi story of Hi ndu soci ety.
Crorr"* I
\ /arahami hi ra
and the author of Prashna Marga
V have enumerated the vi rtues and characteri sti cs
expected of an i deal astrol oger. He shoul d hai l from
a nobl e fami l y, be good l ooki ng, wear a modest dress,
shoul d have strong undeformed l i mbs, truthful , free
j eal ousy
and be unbi ased.
He shoul d be engaged i n worshi p of Gods and
shoul d be thoroughl y l earned i n mathemati cs (gani ta)
Jatak and Samhi ta of astrol ogy.
The author of Prashna Marga has written in detail
about the l ocati on, i ts condi ti ons and surroundi ngs.
It i s very di ffi cul t to ful fi l these condi ti ons i n the
pr esent days.
The Prashna Marga has tal ked of the ti ps to be
used by an astrol oger to fi nd out the query,
( l ) Note the ti me of query
( 2
Locat i on
( 3) Fl owi ng of br eadt h t hr ough t he nost r i l of r
astrol oger
22 P re dic tions through H orary
The arti cl es touched by the queri st.
Syl l abl es and words uttered by the queri st to put
( 6)
( 7)
( 8)
( l 0)
Hi s post ur e of si t t i ng or st andi ng, l eani ng,
l ooki ng up or down etc.
Li mbs touched by hi m and other gestures.
Hi s faci al expressi ons
j oy,
gri ef
Condi ti on and col our of hi s dress.
Sound heard at the ti me of
query i .e. sound i s
pl easant or unpl easant etc.
( l l ) Any ot her omen whi ch i ncr eases pl easur e or
cause sorrow.
The di recti on from and the ti me at whi ch the
querrent has come, has no meaning as the office of
astrologer and his working hours are fixed. His sitting
arrangement is fixed and so on. So we can rely on the
flow of breadth from the nostril and sound or scene
present at the time of query. If it is pleasant to hear or to
look at and heart is full ofjoy, the query will be fulfilled
otherwise not. Many books available in the market on
omen i .e. shakun. One can consul t these books for
detailed studies. But now a days when there is restriction
on every movement of men i.e. there is fixed time to
leave home, and catch bus to reach office, there is fixed
entry door to enter the chamber of the consultant and
fixed hours for consultations etc. We can say therefore,
these omens carry little values. In nutshell if the
heart of consultant is full of
free from tension,
worries and illness, happy to look at the
of the
querist will be fulfilled. On the contrary, the
resul t wi l l l ead to sorrow.
Pr"aiaioru thrngh Horary 23
The astrologer should answer only one query at
a t i me. However i f t her e ar e many quer i st and
different type of queries, one should answer the first
query from the l agna, 2nd from the Moon, 3rd from
the Sun, 4th from the Jupiter, 5th from Mercury or
Venus whoever i s stronger and 6th from Mercury or
Venus who is weak and 7th from Kendras and 2nd
house which ever is vacant considering them as lagna.
However one should answer the queries regarding one
topi c onl y of one person.
Tar DurrEs Or
To get the right answer from the astrologer the
queri st
shoul d observe certai n pri nci pl es i n order to
obt ai n maxi mum r esul t s. One shoul d appr oach an
astrol oger wi th such a devoti on si mi l ar to a devotee
of God. Unl ess one i s si ncer e, ast r ol oger can not
del i ver good. One shoul d never go empty handed and
shoul d certai nl y pay hi m hi s fees.
He shoul d be wel l dr essed and appr oach t he
astrologer on an auspicious day in forenoon, carrying
some gifts or flowers or fruits etc. One inust select a
good l unar day i . e. t i t hi . The f ol l owi ng ar e t he
auspi ci ous days Sunday,
Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Fri day, Lunar mansi on i .e. Nakshatra
as wel l as on benefi c week days., when the Moon i s
possessed of strength i .e. from 6th ti thi of Kri shna
Paksha to Amavasya the Moon is weak, from lst tithi of
shukla paksha to lOth tithi of shukla paksha the Moon
possesses medium strength, from I lth tithi of shukla
paksha t o 5t h t i t hi of Kr i shna
paksha, t he Moon
possesses ful l strength.
The auspicious ind benefic lunar tithis
are those
,a prrdlrttrrr
except 4th, 9th, l 4th (the
ri kta) 6th,
and l 2th and
the Neu' Moon
The favourable nakshatra
are those except Bharani,
Kri ti ka, Ardra, Ashl esha,
purva phal guni ,
Vishakha, Jyeshtha,
Moola, Purvashadha,
One should avoid adverse transit of Moon, Gandanta,
Vi sha Ghati , Vi shti and fi xed karanas and yogas
vi z.:,
Vajra, Vyatipata
etc. and yogas
formed by tithi and
nakshatra, Vara and nakshatra.
In case of emergency
one shoul d take care of, Hora hour onl y. It shoul d be
auspi ci ous.
If one desi res to have true resul ts of hi s query
must pay
fees whether
he may be your
friend as a
token of respect to the astrologer
and astrology.
Before giving
to the query,
the astrologer
shoul d ascertai n
the queri st
i s si ncere and
genui ne
or has come onl y f or t he sake of f un.
Accordi ng to Prashna Tantra
thi s can be ascertai ned
on the strength
of lagna.
The intention
of the qaerist
is not sincere if :
l .
The Moon i s posi ted
i n l agna and Sun, Mercury
and Saturn are posi ted
i n Kendra.
2. The Moon i s posi ted
i n l agna and the Saturn
i n Kendra, the Mercury i s combust.
3. The Moon i s posi ted
i n l agna and aspected by
Mars and Mercury.
4. A strong mal efi c pl anet
i s posi ted
i n l agna and
the 7th house.
The l agna l ord and 7th l ord aspected by Moon
P redict ions t hrough Horary
. and Jupi ter wi th mal efi c aspect.
6. The 6th l ord Mars and Saturn posi ted i n l agna.
Onl y when the
_queri st
i s seri ous and si ncere,
then onl y the truth wi l l come out i .e. the predi cti on
wi l l prove to be correct.
The intention of the querist is sincere :,
l . If a strong benefi c pl anet
occupi es the l agna
or aspect i t.
2. If the l agna l ord and 7th l ord are aspected by
Moon and Jupi ter wi th benefi c aspects.
3. If a strong benefi c occupi es the 7th house or
aspects the 7th house.
4. If the Moon and Jupi ter ogcupy or are
posi ted
in kendra or trikona
5. If the Jupi ter and Mercury are posi ted i n 7th
house or l agna
6. I f t he Moon and Mer cur y ar e aspect ed by
Jupiter or Venus...
It does not show onl y the si nceri ty or honesty of
queri st but al so strength of the l agna, the queri st.
If l agna and l agna l ord are weak or affl i cted, the
ast r ol oger shoul d not answer t he quer y
contrary results are to follow. So before answering
query, the strength of lagna, lagna lord and
the Moon should be ascertained.
Crnrr"* 2
sages have divided the Zodiac into Twelve
\-,/ rashis viz. :
' J.
Ari es
2. Taurus
3. Gemi ni
4. Cancer
5. Leo
' 6.
Vi r go
7. Li bra
8. Scorpi o
' 10.
I 1. Aquarius
12. Pi sces
Culntcronrsrlcs or,Srcry^s wnnx rHEy, HAppEN To
Ari es or Mesh : The l ord of thi s si gn i s Mars.
, : | ' . . .
Si mha
Tul a
Predictions t hrough H orary
The nati ve i s acti ve, ambi ti ous, bol d, i mpul si ve,
r ash, aggr essi ve, ar gument at i ve, di sl i ke
subordination, uncompromising in nature, fool,
hardness, quarrelsome.
Taur us or Vr i shabh : Pat i ence, Endur ances,
nei ther forget nor l brgi ve, l oyal , stubborn. The
l ord of thi s si gn i s Venus.
Gemi ni or Mi t hun : The Lor d of t he si gn i s
Mercury. The nati ve i s adaptabl e, care free,
j oyous,
r est l ess, changeabl e, f ond of t r avel
i ndeci si ve, no r ul e, no habi t s, qui ck gr aspi ng
power ,
much pr event i ve power and good
reproducti ve abi l i ty.
Cancer or Karka : The Lord of the si gn i s the
Moon. The nat i ve i s changeabl e, t i mi d, good
i magi nati on, emoti onal , sympatheti c, sensi ti ve,
t al kat i ve, di pl omat i c, l oyal , i mpor t ant , ver y
sel fi sh and found of appreci ati on. There i s good
deal of acti vi ty.
Leo or Si mha : The l or d of t he si gn i s t he Sun.
So the nati ve i s very ambi ti ous, Nobl e, l arge
hear t ed, gener ous,
ki nd, af f ect i onat e, ver y
st r ai ght f or war d i n al l hi s deal i ngs.
Humani tari an, no evi l thoughts di gni ty, fai th,
t al ks l ess, l i kes f l at t er i ng, $por t s and
specul ati on. Hi s i ntenti on and i magi nati on i s
very ferti l e, l ove of musi c and fi ne art.
Vi r go or Kanya : The l or d of t he si gn i s
Mercury. The native has good intellectual power
and fol l ows i ntel l ectual persui ts. The nati ve i s
trust worthy qui te and easy goi ng, not over
ambi t i ous. He i s ever changef ul , commer ci al
28 P redictions through Horary
i nst i nct , met hodi cal , pr act i cal ,
di scr i mi nat e,
food hygi ene.
7 . Li bra or Tul a : The l ord of the si gn i s Venus.
He l i kes fl atteri ng and i s ki nd and courageous.
There i s good power
of i mi tati on, percepti on
and l ove of compar i son. He i s l evel headed,
di spassi onat e, f er t i l e i magi nat i on, cor r ect
i nventi on and fond of opposi te sex.
8. Scor pi o or Vr i shchi ka
: The l or d of t he si gn
i s Mars. Thi s makes one fi rm, determi ned, sel f
rel i ant and i s abl e to stand al one i n al l odds of
l i fe. He may be abrupt and pl ai n
spoken. He has
l ove for mysti ci sm and secreti ve subj ects. He
has capaci ty for hard work. He i s very cl ever,
over cr i t i cal , i mpul si ve, emot i onal and
revengeful .
9. Sagi t t ar i us or Dhanu : The l or d of t he si gn i s
Jupi ter. It makes one qui ck, acti ve and restl ess.
He i s r el i gi ous and ver y si ncer e t o hi s bel i ef s.
Some dual experi ences may be experi enced i n
l i f e i . e. t wo i deal s may be possessi ng
i n t he
mi nd of the nati ve at the same ti me. So takes to
deci de. He i s bol d, cour ageous, ambi t i ous,
enthusi asm.
10. Capr i cor n or Makar : The nat i ve desi r es f or
fame, i s an ambi ti ous personal i ty.
He becomes
ver y wel l known i n t he f i el d and ci r cl e i n whi ch
he moves. He l oves to be a l eader and be at the
head of t hi ngs. He i s economi cal , pr udent ,
reasonabl e, thoughtful . He works pati entl y i f
di st ur bed get s i r r i t at ed. He i s si ncer e and
honest but i f af f l i ct ed become di shonest ,
sel fi sh, greedy,
mi serl y, cri mi nal , underhand
deal i ngs.
I 1. Aquar i us or Kumbha : The nat i ve i s i ncl i ned
to occul t sci ences. He i s good
anal yst or adept
at st udi es i n humane nat ur e. He i s i nt ui t i ve,
humani t ar i an. He i s i nt el l i gent , car ef ul and
cautious, watchful and thoughtful, new thoughts,
fresh i deas, research mi nd, steady and stubborn,
i ncl i nati on to sci ence and research works.
12. Pi sces or Meena : The nat i ve i s qui et ,
r et i r i ng
nat ur e. Ther e i s a t endency t o be si l ent ,
emot i onal and t he nat i ve may be easi l y
i nf l uenced. He i s dr eamy, cont empl at i ng,
honest , out spoken, humane, f or gi ve, f or go,
forget, over-l i beral , unbounded generosi ty
i n
nature, sweet temper, soci al i ncl i nati on.
Cl .qssrrrcATroN
Si gns i ndi cates the psychol ogy
are movabl e, fi xed and common
of the nati ve. Thev
si gns.
Movabl e si gns : Ari es, Cancer, Li bra and Capri corn.
Fi xed Si gns : Taurus, Leo, Scorpi o & Aquari us.
Common or dual Si gns : Gemi ni , Vi rgo, Sagi ttari us
and Pi sces.
1. Movabl e si g: r : i ndi vi dual s ar e l i ke ext r over t .
They are soci al , a man of acti on. they l i ke change.
2. Fixed sign : individuals are like introvert. They donot
like change. They are slow and steady premeditating
and occupied by own thought, avoid social contacts
tends to turn away from reality stubborn.
3. Common si gn : i ndi vi dual s are mi xture of both.
Some ti me movabl e and other ti me fi xed.
Tar wl s oF I I GNS. '
Fi er y
Ar i es, Leo, and Sagi t t ar i us.
Taurus, Vi rgo and Capri corn.
Ai ry
Gemi ni , Li bra and Aquari us.
Cancer, Scorpi o and Pi sces.
1. Fi ery Si gn nati ves are asserti ve, courageous and
ent husi ast i c, nat i ve
act i ve and ambi t i on
Independent thi nki ng.
2. Ear t hy si gn nat i ves ar e sl ow and st eady, sel f
protecti ve
and stubborn, sel ecti ve and di ssi pate.
They are stabl e and l ove weal th, materi al , power
posi t i on.
They ar e ver y caut i ous, pr act i cal ,
premedi tati ng
methodi cal and economi cal .
3. Ai ry si gn i ndi vi dual s are cheerful l oves musi c and
arti sti c. They are gentl e,
ami cabl e, courageous,
sympat het i c, r ef i ned i n manner s, humane,
i ntel l ectual , ferti l e i magi nati on.
4. Wat er y si gn i ndi vi dual s ar e t i mi d, i ner t and
unwi l l i ng to act. They have good
i magi nati on but
weak const i t ut i on, psychi c and emot i onal
sensi ti ve and senti mental .
Posi t i ve Si gns: The odd si gns namel y Ar i es, Gemi ni ,
Leo, Li bra, Sagi ttari us and Aquari us are Posi ti ve or
Mal e si gns or Mascul i ne si gns.
They ar e act i ve, asser t i ve, ent husi ast i c, bol d,
excl usi ve, offensi ve, determi ned.
The Negat i ve si gns: The even si gn vi z Taur us,
Cancer , Vi r go, Scor pi o, Capr i cor n and Pi sces ar e
Negat i ve or Femal e si gns or Even si gns. They ar e
passi ve, def ensi ve, submi ssi ve.
Norttrern si gns: Ari es to Vi rgo are cal l ed Northern
si gns.
Southern si gns: Li bra to pi sces
are cal l ed Southern
si gns.
Equi noct i al si gns: Ar i es and Li br a ar e known as
equi nocti al si gns.
Tropi cal si gns: Cancer and Capri corn are known as
t r opi cal si gns.
Frui tful si gns: Cancer, Scorpi o and pi sces
are known
as frui tful si gns.
These show success, real i sati on
of ambi ti on.
Semi f r ui t f ul si gns: Taur us, Sagi t t ar i us, Li br a,
Capri corn are known as semi frui tful si gns.
Barren Si gns: Ari es, Gemi ni , Leo, Vi rgo are known
as the barren si gns. These are not frui tful si gns the
attempts made wi l l not succeed. No desi red resul t wi l l
be achi eved.
Mute Si gns :Cancer Scorpi o and Pi sces are known
as mute si gn. These have power
of forbearance or sex.
Vi ol ent Si gns: Ar i es and Scor pi o ar e known as t he
vi ol ent si gns. They undertake al l enterpri ses wi th ful l
courage, they do not know fear. They are bold and
asser t i ve.
Human si gns or bi peds or Nar a si gns: Ger ni ni ,
Vi rgo, Li bra, Aquari us and fi rst hal f of Sagi ttari us.
The biped signs are strong when they happen to be
Ascendant .
Quadr uped
or Chat ushpad si gns: Ar i es, Taur us,
Leo, the second hal f of Sagi ttari us and the fi rst hal f
of Capr i cor n ar e known as t he
Quadr uped.
P re di ct i ons t hr ou gh H orary
quadruped signs are strong when they happen to be
1Ot h House.
I nsect si gns or Keet a si gns: Scor pi o, i s cal l ed
i nsect si gn. The Scor pi o i s st r ong i n 7t h House.
Wat er y Si gns: Cancer , 2nd hal f of Capr i cor n and
Pi sces are al so known as watery si gns. The Taurus,
Gemi ni , Vi rgo and Aquari us are known as dry or
waterl ess si gns or l and resorters. Watery si gns are
strong i n 4th house.
Sheer shodaya Si gns: Gemi ni , Leo, Vi r go, Li br a,
Scorpi o and Aquari us.
Pr i sht odaya Si gns: Ar i es, Taur us, Cancer ,
Sagi ttari us and Capri corn.
Ubhayodaya Si gns: Pi sces
Si gns strong at ni ght: (Sun set to Sun ri se) are Ari es,
Taurus, Gemini, Cancero Sagittarius and Capricorn.
Si gns strong duri ng day :
(Sunri ' se
to Sunset) I.eo,
Vi rgo, Li bra, Scorpi o and,Aquari us.
Si gns st r ong at Twi l i ght : Pi sces
Aries and Taurus
& Leo
Libra & Scorpio
Capricorn & Aduarius
East .
. South East
South West
North East
Accordi ng
to others :
Ar i es, Leo and Sagi t t ar i us
Vi rgo and CaPri corn
Gemi ni ,
Li bra and Aquari us
Cancer , Scor pi o
and Pi sce
Si gns of shor t Ascensi on:
Si gns f r om Capr i cor n
t o
Gemi ni bot h si gns i ncl usi ve 90o on bot h si des of
Vernal Equi nox.
It i s known as Uttarayan.
Si gns of Long Ascensi on: Si gns
f r om Cancer
Sagi t t ar i us
bot h i ncl usi ve: 90o
on bot h si des
Equi nox. It i s known as Dakshi nayan.
Short Structure:
Ari es, Taurus and Aquari us si gns
have short structure
of bodY.
Medi um St r uct ur e:
Gemi ni ,
Cancer ,
Sagi t t ar i us,
and Pisces have medium structure
of body'
Tal l St r uct ur e:
Leo, Vi r go, Li br a, Scor pi o
have l ong
of bodY.
Mi neral
Si gns: Ari es, Cancer,
Li bra and Capri corn'
t o
: '
34 P redictions t hrough H orary
Vegetabl e Si gns: Taurus, Leo, Scorpi o and Aquari us.
Ani mal Si gn: Gemi ni , Vi r go, Sagi t t ar i us and Pi sces.
Pr i est l y Si gns
( Br ahman) :
Cancer , Scor pi o and
Pi sces.
War r i or ( Kshat r i ya)
si gn: Ar i es, Leo and
Sagi ttari us.
Tr ader ( Vai shya)
si gns: Taur us, Vi r go and
Capri corn.
Ser vant or Labour si gns: Gemi ni , Li br a and
Aquari us.
Adho Mukha ( Si gns
l ooki ng down) Si gns : The
si gns whi ch the Sun occupi es and i n 4th,7th and l Oth
si gn from the Sun.
Oor dhva Mukha ( si gn l ooki ng up) si gns : The 3r d,
6th, 9th and l 2th si gns from the Sun.
Ti r yang Mukha ( t he si gns l ooki ng si deways or
strai ght) si gns : The 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th si gns from
t he Sun. I f a f i l e i s mi spl aced, i t can be l ocat ed wi t h
the hel p of the above cl assi fi cati on. i
Cotoun or ,SIcN,s
Combination of
Crorrr* 3
fol l owi ng
i s the
general i ndi cati ons
of the
pl anets :
The Sun :The Sun signifies
vi tal i ty,
personal i ty,
authori ty,
Satwi k
native ruied
by Sun
will be of large and round
honey col our ed
He i s ambi t i ous,
bol d,
generous and kind hearted'
parts of the body
by Sun are heart,
head, eyes, bones,
lungs and stomach'
The Sun i s l ord of Sunday,
the East di recti on'
He i s l ord of Leo si gn and
gets exal ted
i n Ari es 10"
debi l i tated
i n Li bra l 0o, Hi s Mool tri kona
si gn i s
upt o
20" of Leo. He does not
get combust
The Sun
when affl i cted
i ndi cates,
ambi t i ousness,
j eal ous,
naught y,
pr oud,
the Sun is afflicted
Venus, he has i ncl i nati on
femal e and
l osses
If the Sun i e affl i cted by
P redictions t hr ough H orary
Moon he i s unfri endl y towards women.
He i s mal e pl anet, posi ti ve,
satwi k and mal efi c
rather cruel , the western astrol ogers donot accept Sun
as mal efi c. He i s the father of the Uni verse, source
of ener gy. He i s l i ke f at her who want s t hat hi s
chi l dr en shoul d be di sci pl i ned and wel l behaved. The
vedi c astrol ogy have accepted hi m as mal efi c. It may
be oue to great heat and burni ng power,
otherwi se
they consi der the Sun as Satwi k and ki nd hearted and
one of the l agna and worshi p hi m. He i s si gni fi cator
of gover nment ,
head of i nst i t ut i on, hi gh of f i cer ,
at the centre. As the government
al l ow di sturbance i n l aw and order si tuati on so the
Sun doesnot al l ow any di sturbance i n hi s di sci pl i ne
i n t he Uni ver se. He i s l i ke f at her who want s t o
mai ntai n order i n hi s fami l y and home.
Hi s gem i s r uby, col our r ed, met al gol d
karaka of Pi tta.
The Moon : Si gni f i es Mot her , mi nd and l i qui ds. She
i ndi cates softness, satwi k nature, l ove, passi on
f er t i l e i magi nat i on and t hi nki ng. I t denot es
changabi l i ty, frequent
j ourney,
fami l y l i fe, person4l
and pri vate affai rs, breast of l adi es, menstruati on,
beaut y, eyes and wat er y pl aces l i ke l akes, r i ver s,
navi gati on, ocean. It l i kes amusements, musi c, arts,
pai nti ng, l ove for pl easure.
When the Moon i s affl i cted i t i ndi cates troubl e
to mother, changabi l i ty, unsteady, l ack of mental
abi l i t y and concent r at i on, cunni ng, ' secr et i ve,
decei tful , del ay and obstacl es, l i ar, rumour monger,
extravagance, i l l favour of government, authori ti es
or super i or s
( when af f l i ct ed by Sun)
passi onat e,
and animal instinct very high.
The Moon i s l ord of Monday, North di recti on.
Her own house i s Cancer , exal t ed
i n Taur us 3o,
debi l i t at ed
i n Scor pi o 3' Mool t r i kona
si gn i s Taur us
3o to 30o, combust at l 2o and does not retrograde.
are Sun and Mercury,
no enemy, Mars, Jupiter,
Venus and Sat ur n ar e neut r al .
I t i s f emal e, col d,
pl anet. It i s benefi c
pl anet from 11th
ti thi of shukl a
paksha to 5th ti thi of Kri shna
It i s weak from 6th ti thi of Kri shna
paksha to 15th
ti thi both i ncl usi ve.
It i s of Medi um strength
l st t i t hi of shukl a
paksha t o 10t h t i t hi of shukl a
paksha. But i n Horary
Astrol ogy
we consi der her to
be benefi c. No horary chart i s consi dered
wi thout the
consi derati on
of the Moon.
The Gem i s pearl , metal si l ver, col our
whi te and
karaka ofkapha
and vata.
parts of body denoted by Moon
are the l i qui d
porti on of body such as bl ood, synovi al
fl ui d and
t onnect ed
wi t h l i qui ds l i ke sal i va, l ymph
gl ands,
ovari es,
bl adder,
uterus, menstrual
fl ow, eyes' breast,
intestines etc. It is karaka of vata and kapha'
The Mars : Mars i s si gni fi cator
younger brothers
and si st er s, ener gy,
cour age,
bol d,
ambi t i ous,
i mpul si veness,
ent husi asm,
endur ance'
gener ous,
and i ndependent,
l anded and i mmovabl e
pr oper t y, f act or y
wher e f i r e, f ur nace
i s used'
I t
i ndi cates
acci dent,
surgery, fi re,
quarrel and theft'
When Mar s i s af f l i ct ed
i t i ndi cat es
anger '
quar r el some,
r ashness,
f ond of dr i nks.
He l i kes t o
sati sfy
hi s sexual urge i n noval way, aggressi ve,
scoundral ,
thi evi sh
hoarder and stubborn'
38 pr"aqmr,n,
Mars i s the l ord of Tuesday, South di recti on,
l or d of Ar i es and Scor pi o si gns. He i s exal t ed i n
Capr i cor n 28u, debi l i t at ed
i n Cancer at 2go,
Mool t r i kona si gn i s Ar i es l " t o l 2o and r est i s hi s
own si gn. He i s combust at l 7o. Hi s fri ends are Sun.
Moon and Jupi ter, enemy i s Mercury and Neutral s
are Venus and Saturn. Hi s gem
i s red col oured coral
and metal s are copper and gol d. He i s hot, fi ery,
mascul i ne, tamsi k pl anet.
He i s mal efi c by nature.
He rules over bone marrow, muscular and fibrous
tissue, external sex organs, anus, kidney, gall
prostrate gl and,
si nus, ear, nose and taste. He i s karka
of pi tta.
Mer cur y : Mer cur y si gni f i es i nt el l i gence, ment al
abi l i ty, adaptabi l i ty and good memory, the mi nd i s
acti ve but a l i ttl e l acki ng i n concentrati on and person
i s l i abl e to have so many sub-l ects i n mi nd at a ti me.
He i s readi l y i nfl uenced by others. He has great taste
for astronomy, astrol ogy and physi cal
sci ence. He has
ski l l i n arts and manufacture. He i s obl i gi ng, very
courteous and enthusiastic. When he is favourable and
j oi n
Jupi ter, he commands personal i nfl uence and
hi gh i nt el l ect ual power .
He r epr esent s l ear ni ng
wi t hout i nst r uct or , t r avel l er s, mat hemat i ci ans,
l ogi ci an, advbcate, dress maker, pri nter, publ i sher,
or at or , ambassador , cl er k, messenger s, school
l i br dr i es, assembl i es. When he i s af f l i ct ed and
unfavourabl e, he makes a nati ve forgetful , sarcasti c,
di sagreabl e compassi on, makes fun of others.
Mer cur y i s t he l or d of Wednesday, Nor t h
di recti on, hi s col our i s green, gemstone i s emral d,
met al i s si l ver and. gol d. He r ul es over Gemi ni and
Vi r go, exal t ed i n Vi r go 15", debi l i t at ed i n Pi sces 15".
Mool t r i konas
Vi r go at 15o t o 20o r est i s hi s own
when di r ect
at l 4o and
when r et r ogr ade
at l2o. His friends
are Sun and Venus' enemy
is Moon and neutrals
are Jupiter, Mars and Saturn'
Mer cur y
r epr esent s
f unct i oni ng
of br ai n,
ski n, nose, mouth, chest, tongue,
gal l bl adder,
system. It i s karaka of Vatta,
Pitta and kapha.
Jupi t er
: A hopef ul ,
and cheer f ul
di sposi ti on
i s
gi ven by thi s
pl anet. Thi s makes the
person popular and gains many friends. There is social
and success.
Al l rel i gi ous
experi ences
about by the vi brati on of Jupi ter.
Jupi ter
wi sdom
whi l e Mercury
i ndi cates i ntel l ect'
If these
j oi n
or occupy angl e, they make the
wel l
and hi ghl y i ntel l i gent,
excel l ent
si ght and speech, spl endi d
mor al and spi r i t ual
generous forgi vi ng
nature, l ove for al l
whi ch tends to hel p humani ty.
They are rel i gi ous
God feari ng. They try to sti ck to tradi ti on. Jupi ter
i ndi cat es
j udges,
advocat es,
pr of essor s'
pr i est s,
mi ni st er s,
admi ni st r at or s,
banker s,
r evenue
etc. He al so i ndi cates
those worki ng
i n
pal aces, gar dens, l aw cour t s et c. Jupi t er
i ndi cat es
those who deal s wi th honey, oi l , si l k, cl othi ng,
and domest i c' bi r ds.
When Jupiter is afflicted,
it signifies
liberal, lavish, extravagant,
careless, disputes,
vai n,
pomp and show,
mi sj udgement ,
mi sf or t une,
poverty, law suits and unPoPular.
Jupi t er
i s l or d of Sagi t t ar i us
and Pi sces,
r epr esent s
Thur sday, Nor t h- East
di r ect i on'
He i s
exal ted
i n Cancer 5", debi l i tated
i n Capri corn
at 5o,
Predictions t hrough Horary
Mool t r i kona i s Sagi t t ar i us l 0o and r est i s hi s own
si gn. He i s combust at I 1". Hi s f r i ends ar e Sun, Moon
and Mars, enemi es are Mercury and Venus, neutral s
are Saturn. Hi s gem i s yel l ow topaz, metal i s gol d.
He i s natural benefi c and mal e pl anet.
Fat , l i ver , ear , t hi gh, ki dney, t umour s ar e
represented by the Jupi ter. He i s karaka of phl egm/
Venus : Venus when strongl y di sposed, gi ves
a very
agreeabl e personal i ty and mi nd. He i s a raj asi k pl anet.
He governs al l worl dl y concerns. He represents wi fe,
passi ons,
cupi di ty, enj oyment. He governs pai nti ngs,
perfumes, scents, horses and carri ages, conveyance,
wi ves and hi s own moral character. He i s pl anet of
ext r emel y good t ast e f or cl ot hi ng, f ur ni t ur e and
decor at i on of home and ot her wor dl y t hi ngs and
comf or t s. He l i kes dance, poet r y,
musi c, si l ken
cl othes,
j ewel s,
embroi dery, enbraci ng, bed comforts,
banquet hal l s.
When Venus i s affl i cted, the nati ve i s sensuous,
gr at i f yi ng
hi s sexual ur ge wi t hout r ef er ence t o
moral s or reputati on. The vi l e women, l ow dri nks,
besti al pl easures, undi gni fi ed company, gamhl i ng and
di sgraceful acts becomes part of the nati ve.
She i s l ord of Fri day, South-East di recti on and
Taurus and Li bra Si gns. She i s exal ted i n Pi sces 27"
debi l i tated Vi rgo 27o, Mool tri kona si gn i s Li bra 0-
15' and r est i s hi s own si gn, combust at 10o when i n
di rect moti on and at 8o when retrograde. Her fri end
pl anets are Mercury and Saturn, enemi es are Moon
and Sun and neutrals are Mars and Jupiter. Her
i s di amond and metal i s gol d.
P redi ct i ons t hrough H orary
Eyes, semen, i nternal generati ve system, water,
ki dney, throat, face and beauty offace i s represented
by Venus. She i s femi ni ne pl anet and natural benefi c.
She i s karaka ofkapha and vatta.
Saturn : If the nati ve i s i nfl uenced by Saturn, he wi l l
be tal l , sl ender bui l t, Iazy, darki sh wi th rough hai rs
al l over hi s body, wi t h i l l set of t eet h. Sat ur n al so
makes a person prematurel y ol d and grey headed. The
nat i ve i s i magi nat i ve, caut i ous, si l ent , r eser ved,
pati ence, preservi ng, studi ous, fai thful .
When affl i cted, the nati ve i s envi ous,
j eal ous,
unt r ut hf ul , l azy, l i ar , di scont ended, di shonest . t t
represents al l those who work i n woods, unfrequented
pl aces, ol d churches, templ es, di l api dated bui l di ngs,
drai ns, sewage. He i s chi ef si gni fi cator of l ongevi ty.
Al l sci ent i st s, i nvent or s, di scover er s, expl or er s,
mar t yr s, phi l osopher s, r el i gi ous l eader s, soci al
reformers, wri ters. I had the i dea to wri te thi s book
during Mercury Mahadasha and Saturn antardasha.
The Saturn i s l ord of Capri corn and Aquari us.
He i s exal ted i n Li bra 20o and debi l i tated i n ari es 20o,
Mool tri kona i s Aquari us upto 20o and rest hi s own
house and get combust at 16o (15", Phal a deepi ka).
Hi s fri ends are Mercury and Venus, enemi es are Sun,
Moon and Mar s, neut r al i s Jupi t er . . He i s l or d of
West er n di r ect i on. Hi s gem i s bl ue sapphi r e and
metal i s l ead and i ron.
The parts of the body afflicted are feet, teeth,
bones, r i bs, knees, nai l s and hai r s and secr et i ve
syst em of body. He i s kar aka of vat t a. Par al ysi s,
Rheumat i sm and chr oni c di seases come under hi s
i nf l uence.
Saturn i s the
pl anet of
puri fi cati on and rai ses
t he banner
of Just i ce
hi gh. He
pur i f i es t he spi r i t
through sorrow. That i s why he i s exal ted i n Li bra
whose symbol
i s bal ance and t he
j udges
wear bl ack coat and symbol
i s bal ance'
Rahu : Al most al l of the astrol ogers
have descri bed
the Rahu and Ketu
j oi ntl y.
It i s onl y Narayan
and Kal i Das who have descri bed the Rahu and Ketu
separ at el y.
I t i s because
t hei r r esul t s ar e not
i ndependent.
gi ve resul ts accordi ng to the l ord
of the si gn they occupy, accordi ng to the pl anets they
conj oi n or aspect.
The nati ve who i s under the i nfl uence
of Rahu i s
affecti onate,
works after
gi vi ng ful l thought.
nati ve ful fi l hi s own desi res fi rst and then serves
ot her s. He l oves appr eci at i ons
and i s egoi st i c.
works hard to ful fi l hi s own desi res by hook or crook.
He i s frank, si mpl e
and i ndependent.
He does not
interfere or doesnot
like that any one should interfere
in his affairs. He
gets his work done
with force but
does not l i ke any
pressure from others. He l oves hi s
own cul ture and rel i gi on. He respects others, i s expert
in his behaviour
and dealings and when afflicted
r ever se r esul t s.
He i s not , l or d of any si gn but accor di ng
t o
own house of Rahu i s Vi rgo, exal ted si gn
Taurus and Mool tri kona si gn cancer. He does not get
combust and i s mostl y retrograde
but accordi ng
Jatak Pari j at and Narayan Bhatt Rahu' s own house i s
Vi r go exal t ed
i n Gemi ni and debi l i t at ed
i n
Sagi t t ar i us,
Mool t r i kona
si gn i s Aquar i us.
Narayan Bhatt accepts Mool tri kona
si gn as Cancer.
There are o.ther views also. We can say that Rahu is a
P redict ions t hrough H orary
pl anet of confusi on and has created confusi on among
astrol ogers.The above are two
popul ar vi ews. Jai mi ni
accepts Rahu as l ord of Aquari us al ong wi th Saturn.
Mant r eshwar a has escaped out of t he
cont r over sy and wr i t es Rahu i s st r ong i n Ar i es,
Taurus, cancer, Scorpi o and Aquari us. Rahu i s strong
when posi ted i n Karka and conj oi ns kendra l ords. He
behaves l i ke Saturn. Hi s fri ends are Venus Saturn and
Jupi t er , Enemi es ar e Sun and Moon, neut r al i s
Mer cur y. But not hi ng has been sai d about Mar s.
Accordi ng to Parashara Rahu has ful l aspect on 5th,
7th, 9th and 12th house and has no aspect when he
occupi es hi s own house.
He i s the l ord of South-West di recti on. Hi s
i s Gomedh and metal i s l ead and i ron. He si gni fi es
mul ti col oured (others : Bl ack) ol d cl othes. He i s mal e
pl anet and el derl y person. He i s natural mal efi c pl anet
and si gni fy vata humour, the paternal grand father
( dada) sl eepi ng per son, gambl i ng, poi son et c. ar e
si gni fi ed by Rahu. He creates confusi on and doesnot
al l ow the di seases to be di agnosed properl y. Therefore
some l earned astrol oger say that one shoul d
pray to
Rahu and distribute halwa
article of Rahu) before
goi ng to a doctor so that hi s di seases may be properl y
di agnosed and t r eat ed par t i cul ar l y f or chr oni c
di seases.
Ketu : What has been sai d about Rahu i s al so true
about Ketu. Both cannot be separated, they form an
axi s around whi ch whol e l i fe revol ves. They are 180o
apart and mostl y retrograde cannot get combust.
Ket u has no l or dshi p of si gn and di r ect i on.
Accordi ng to Parashara own house of Ketu i s Pi sces,
exal t ed si gn i s Scor pi o and Mool t r i kona si gns ar e
Gemi ni and Sagi t t ar i us.
Accor di ng
t o ot her s own
house i s Pi sces, exal t ed si gn i s Sagi t t ar i us
debi l i tated si gn i s Gemi ni . Accordi ng
to Jai mi ni the
Ket u i s l or d of Scor pi o si gn. Hi s behavi our
i s
l i ke
Mars so hi s fri ends are Sun, Mars and Jupi ter.
accordi ng to others Mars, Venus and Saturn are hi s
fri ends. Sun and Moon are hi s enemi es, Mercury
Jupi ter are neutral
pl anets. As Ketu i s bl i nd or tai l of
has no eyes, so he has no aspect. But most of
the astrol ogers
treat 5th, 7th, 9th as hi s aspect.
Hi s
gem i s cat ' s eye
( Lahsuni ya) . he si gni f i es t or n
mul ti col oured
cl othes and earthen
He i s si gni f i cat or
of Ski n di seases,
pai ns,
appet i t es, boi l and er upt i ons,
conf usi on,
hear t
t r oubl es,
di seases of f eet , super nat ur al
t r oubl es,
troubl es
from wi fe and sons, opposi ti on
to ki ng, fear
of enemy, uncl eanl i ness
of body. Mat er nal
gr and
f at her
( nana) doct or s, dogs, cocks, occul t sci ence,
mantras, bl i nd fai th i n hi s own rel i gi on.
I f Ket u conj oi n
mal ef i c
pl anet , t he r esul t s of
mal efi c
pl anets become more mal efi c and associ ati on
wi th benefi c
pl anets create sudden obstructi ons
benefi c resul ts
get destroYed.
1. Mal e Pl anets .' Sun, Mars and Jupi ter
Fi mal e Pl anets .' Moon, Venus, Rahu
Pl anets: Mercury, Saturn and Ketu
Saturn i s consi dered
mal e eunuch and Mercury
as female eunuch.
2. Dry Pl anel s .' Sun, Mars and Saturn
Watery .' Venus and Moon
Rahu and
3. Fixed Planets .' JuPiter, Saturn
Movabl e pl anets .' Sun, Moon and Mars
Common/dual Planels .' Mercury and Venus
Mi ner al s . ' Moon, Mar s, Sat ur n and Rahu
(bel ow
the earth)
Yegetables or Moola : (means
from grass
tree, above the earth) Sun and Venus.
Ani mal or Jeeva: ( means
i nsect t o man and
the one that can move from its place
i.e. chetan)
Mercury and Jupi ter.
Colour and Taste 5.
6. Parts
Jupi t er
of Physical' Body
Bl ood
Bone marrow
Ski n
Sper m
Ner ves
Dark red
Light red
Light black
7. Cast e
: Pious learned
priest (Satwik Brahman)
Venus : Learned Priest
(Rajasic Brahman)
: Warriors
8. Sthir
(fixed) Karaka
Mind, Mother
younger brother/sisters
Power of speech,
Wisdom and Happiness
Sperm and
If a
pl anet i s exal ted,
posi ted i n hi s own house,
Mool t r i kona
Var got t ama
or aspect ed
benef i cs,
unaspect ed
by mal ef i cs'
i ncr eases
hi s
qual i t y. I f a
pl anet i s weak hi s
qual i t y wi l l be l ess'
But i n case
of Sat ur n t hi ngs
ar e r ever se. '
i s strong,
he removes
and when he i s
gi ves sor r ow.
But accor di ng
t o some
astrol ogers
when Saturn i s weak he has no power/
to cause sorrow.
But a weak
pl anet wi l l not
be abl e to
gi ve the resul ts of those houses of whi ch
he i s l or d.
Sun, Mars, Saturn,
Rahu and Ketu
weak Moon
and afflicted
are malefic
Venus, full Moon and Mercury
or aspected
by benefi cs
are benefi c
pl anets'
i s weak or strong
accordi ng
bal a' )'
Jupi t er
Nor t h- West
Nor t h
Sout h- West
Coar se
cl ot hes
New whi te
cl othes
cl othes (Red
cl othes)
Wet cl othes (Green
cl othes)
New cl othes (Yel l ow
cl othes)
Beaut i f ul
si l ken
cl ot hes ( Whi t e
cl othes)
War m
and t or n
cl ot hes ( Bl ack
cl othes)
Tress of hard wood as teak.
Trees that contain
as rubber
Trees wi th Thorns
Trees which
bear no fruit as sandal
Trees that gives
fruits as Mango
wi th fl owers
onl y
Trees of crooked
rectangl e,
square, paral l el ogram
Mar s
Jupi t er
Jupi ter
Saturn -
Prrdt"tt"^ Ih'
hol l ow, havi ng hol e
hi gh, tal l
Jupi ter
round, ci rcul ar
Beautiful and
good height
hol l ow and tal l
(emaci ated, weary).
This shape can be used to find out the shape of
the article
Pl anet s
Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu
and l/enus
and Jupiter
I ndi cat i ons
f or est , mount ai n,
mi ni ng
pl aces.
wat er y
pl aces,
ponds, ri ver, wel l
ci nema hal l , ci t y,
par k, vi l l age,
lo other astrologers
Sun and Jupi ter
Pooj a room
Moon and Yenus-
ki tchen.
ih. ttol. in a tree or anYwhere.
' t
Predictions through Horary
Ari es forest;
Taurus agricultural land;
Gemi ni
I -
pl ay ground, i nsti tuti on;
Cancer canal ;
play grounds, institutions
Vi r go hi l l y t r ack;
Scor pi o Wel l ;
Sagi ttari u
Capricorn dry canal;
Aquari u l ake;
Pi sces ocean.
Pl anets hi di cati ons
Saturn one year
Sun 6 months
Mercury 2 months
Jupiter one month
Venus 15 days
Mars one day
Moon 48 minutes
(Muhurat), moment
Rahu 8 months
Ketu 2 months
Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Mercury cause marks on the
ri ght si de of the body.
Moon, Venus, Saturn and nodes cause marks on the
l cti si de of the body.
Pl anet s
Body part
Hi p
Shoul der
Body part
Sat urn
Saturn and nodes
I ndi cat i ons
Mi l ki ng ani mal
Rabbit, dog
The results good
or bad depends on the strength
of the pl anets.
So every astrol oger has stressed to
look for the strength of the planets. The strength of
the planets
depends on the avastha of planets.
1. Deepta : Jubi l i ant, effl uent. A pl anet
i s i n the
deepta avastha, i f he i s exal ted or i n hi s mool tri kona
si gn i . e.
Pl anet Mool t r i kona
Ar i es 10"
Taurus 3o
Capri corn 28o
Leo upto 20"
Taurus upto 30"
Ari es upto 12"
Exal t ed
Exal t ed
Vi r go 15"
Cancer 5o
Pi sces 27o
Li bra 20"
Gemiiri 20"
Sagi ttari us 20o
Pl anet
Mool t r i kona
Jupi t er
Vi r go l 5o t o 20o
Sagi t t ari us upt o 10o
Li bra upt o 5o
Aquarius upto 20'
Aquarius upto 2o
Leo upt o 20o
According to Parashara Rahu
exalted in Taurus
Ketu i n Scorpi o.
2. Swastha : Happy, pl easant
pl anet i s sai d to
be i n Swastha avastha, i f he occupi es hi s own si gn.
3. Mudi ta : Contended, sati sfi ed
pl anet i s sai d
to be sati sfi ed/ Mudi ta when he occupi es hi s fri ends
4. Shanta : Cal m
pl anet i s sai d to be cal ml
shanta when he occupies the varga of a benefic planet.
5. Shakta : Effi ci ent, competent
a pl anet i s sai d
t o be compet ent / Shakt a i f he i s not combust ,
ecl i psed or def eat ed i n war or has no aspect of
mal ef i cs.
6. Peedya : Troubl ed
a pl anet i s sai d to Peedya
when he is defeated in planetary war or in the last
quarter of the si gn.
7. Deena : Unhappy, mi serabl e
A pl anet i s sai d
to be in Deen avastha when he is either in natal chart
or navamsha chart i n enemy' s si gn.
E. Khal a : Cruel , wi cked
A pl anet i s sai d to be
Khal a
when the pl anet i s debi l i tated or occupi es i n
natal chart or navamsha chart, the si gn bel ongi ng to
P re dictions t hrough H orary
its natural malefics
9. Vi kal a : Unsteady
A pl anet
i s sai d to be Vi kal
avastha when he is combust or eclipsed.
10. Bheeta : Fri ghtened
A pl anet
i s sai d to be i n
Bheeta avastha when he i s debi l i tated or accel erated.
The avastha of deepta etc. indicate the strength
accordi ng t o t he si gn he has occupi ed and aspect and
conj unct i on. Bal adi avast ha i ndi cat e t he st rengt h of
t he pl anet accordi ng t o t he l ongi t ude he has at t ai ned
and resul t s t here f rom. I t i s wel l known t hat t he
p,lanets gives
results when he attains bhava madhya
i . e. cusp of t he house.
Odd si en Avast ha Even si gn Resul t
0o+ to 6o Bal a 24' + t o 30o t/4
6"+ t o 12" Kumar/Kishore l 8' + t o 24. v2
l 2o* t o I 8" Yuva
12"* t o I 8" tull
18" + t o 24' Vri dha
6o+ to 12" l tz
24' +16 39o Mri t ya
0"+ to 6. t/4
l l pl anets
aspect the 7th house from the pl ace
. f a, of t hei r l ocat i on. I n addi t i on t o t hi s Jupi t er
aspects the 5th and 9th house from the pl ace
of hi s
l ocat i on.
Saturn, i n addi ti on to 7th house, aspects the 3rd
and l 0thi house
from the pl ace
of hi s posi ti on.
Mars, i n addi ti on to 7th house, aspects 4th and
8th house from the pl ace
of hi s l ocati on.
We donot take i nto consi derati on the fracti on
of the aspect, onl y the ful l aspect i s to be consi dered.
l l ' t he aspect i ng pl anet
i s nat ur al benef i cs and al so
benef i c f or t he par t i cul ar
l agna, he i ncr eases t he
si gni f i cat i ons
of t hat house and pl anet s
t her ei n t o
whi ch
he aspects. If the aspecti ng pl anet
i s natural
mal cfi c and mal efi c for the parti cul ar
l agna al so, the
nspcct i s consi der ed t o be bad. The aspect of l or ds of
6t l r . 8t h and 12t h house, even i f t hey ar e nat ur al
bcncl ' i c, i s consi dered
bad for the houses and pl anets
posi t cd
t her ei n.
P redictions t hrough H orary
The Sage Parashara has taken :
(a) The l ord of tri ne/tri kona
(1st, 5th, 9th house)
as benefi c
i ' r
The' "tlord of 3rd, 6th and 1lth as malefic
The l ord of kendra 4th,7th and 1Oth as neutral
(d) Lagna is kendra and trikona, so the lord of lagna
i s yogakaraka
(e) The l ord of kendra and tri kona i s
yoga karaka
and gi ves benefi c resul ts
(O The l ord of 8th i s mal efi c
(g) The lord of 2nd and 12th are neutral
T,strx,a As rncrs/W nsronr Aspncrs
Accor di ng t o West er n Ast r ol ogy t he aspect
bet ween t wo
pl anet s ar e r eckoned f r om mut ual
l ongi tudi nal di stances of the pl anets. When a pl anet
is at a certain number of degree away from another
pl anet they are sai d to be i n aspect.
Conj unct i on : When t wo pl anet s ar e on t he same
l ongi tude.
Opposi t i on : When di st ance bet wben any t wo
pl anet s i s 180"
Tri ne : When di stance between any two
pl anets i s
Square : When di stance between any two
pl anets i s
Sexti l e : When di stance between,i ny two
pl anets i s
Semi sext i l d : When. ddst ance bet ween
any t wo
pl anet s i s 30o
Predict ians t hraugh Horary
The effect of an aspect i s fel t even i f the pl anet
i s not at the exact di stance as stated above. It i s our
common experi ence that we can
j udge
the i ntensi ty
of a gl owi ng hot body by bri ngi ng our hands near to
t he body. Si mi l ar l y t he di st ance bet ween t he t wo
from where they start feeling effect of other
pl anet i s cal l ed orb of the aspect.
The or b of t he aspect f or :
Conj uncti on i s 8o Square i s 8.
Sexti l e i s 7" Tri ne i s 8.
The influence of an aspect say trine, starts when
the planets are I l2o away from each other, gradually
i ncreasi ng (appl yi ng)
and i t wi l l be maxi mum at 120o,
t he i nf l uence of t he aspect st ar t decr easi ng
(separati ng)
ti l l the pl anets
are l 28o away from each
other and at 128" i t wi l l be ni l . The orbs are di fferent
accor di ng t o Hi ndu ast r ol ogy. Accor di ng t o
Neelkanth' "Prashna Tantra" the following are the
orbs of different planets
Jupi t er
t he
i n
We should take into consideration the nature of
aspect as wel l as the nature of the pl anet
i nvol ved
for the chart I on next page)
Sun and Moon, Moon and Mars are i n sexti l e
, I O
aspect .
P redictions t hrough Horary
0 J up i t er
. /
Sat 20"
Ven 20'
Csenr I
Jupi t er
Sun and Mars, Moon and Saturn, Moon and Venus
are i n tri ne aspect
Venus and Mar s, Sat ur n and Mar s ar e i n
opposi ti on
Mars and Mercury, Mercury and Saturn, Mercury
and Venus, Sun and Jupiter are in square aspect.
Jupiter and Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are in serni
sext i l e aspect .
Saturn and Venus are i n conj uncti on.
Accor di ng t o- West er n Ast r ol ogy opposi t i on,
square and conj uncti on aspect are al ways hel d to be
i ni mi cal and sext i l e and t r i ne aspect ar e al ways
fri endl y i rrespecti ve of the nature of aspecti ng
pl anet
formi ng aspects.
But i n Hi ndu astrol ogy such a cl assi fi cati on of
aspect s i s consi der ed
er r oneous.
We t ake i nt o
consi derati on the natural
properti es of the
pl anets
and ownershi p of house for a parti cul ar l agna. The
aspect of Jupi t er on Mar s i s consi der ed t o be
benef i c/ good
whet her i t i s squar e aspect or
opposi ti on' .
The semi sexti l e aspect i s feebl y benefi c.
P redict i ons t hrough Horary , 57
desired result can be obtained after some efforts.
The sextile is caused when two
planets are 3/11
posi ti on and i s benefi c. The desi red resul t can be
obtained after a little efforts.
The tri ne i s caused when two pl anets are 5/9
posi ti on. It i s good aspect. The desi red resul ts can be
achieved without much efforts.
The square aspect is caused when two
planets are
i n 4l l 0 posi ti on and i ndi cates stress, opposi ti on and
obstructi ons,
consequent fai l ure.
The opposition aspect is caused when two
are i n 1/7 posi ti on. It i ndi cates fai l ure, hopel essri ess
and impossibility of achieving the desired results'
The tri ne, sexti l e and conj uncti on are consi dered
benef i c aspect s
pr ovi ded t he
pl anet s ar e nat ur al
benef i c and owner of benef i c house. The squar e'
opposi t i on
and conj unct i on
i s host i l e aspect s
provi ded the pl anets are natural mal efi c
pl anets and
owner of mal efi c houses for a
parti cul ar l agna.
As we have already said that there are astrologers
take these aspects i nto consi derati on
but they
i predi ct
resul t accordi ng to natural benefi c and mal efi c
of the planets, not according
to the type
of aspect. Al though,
the arc of aspect deci des benefi c
mal efi c nature,
we must al so take i nto account the
characteri sti cs
of the
pl anets i nvol ved. An opposi ti on
or square between Jupi ter and the Moon woul d not
gi ve unf avour abl e
r esul t s or f ai l ur e as i n case of
Mars and Saturn opposi ti on
or square aspect. In case
of Mars opposi ti on
or square aspect fai l ure wi l l be
sudden and shatteri ng. The sqaure aspect of Jupi ter
i n 1Oth and Mars i n l agna wi l l
gi ve benefi c resul ts.
To cal cul ate the orbs of i nfl uence
of two pl anets
we add the orbs of two pl anets
and di vi deby
2 to get
the average
orb of i nfl uence.
l et Sun be at 0110. and
Mars 4/20" l ongi tude
The Sun and Mars are havi ng
tri ne aspect but l 0o apart. Now l et us see whether
and Mars are wi thi n i nfl uence.
We add the orb of Sun
l5o and Mars 8o equal to 23o divided by 2. The average
orbs i s 12.5' so the Sun and Mars are wi thi n i nfl uence.
If the planets
are not within
influence of average orb,
there i s no real aspect. It i s cal l ed pl asti c
i nfl uence
not exact. If planets
are nearer to each other there
wi l l be more i nfl uence
between them.
But i n gener al pr act i ce
t he or b of 8o as t he
Astrol ogers do, can be al l owed for al l aspect
to be abl e to corne to the safe predi cti on.
For semi
sdxti l e and sexti l e aspects
sti l l l ess orb of i nfl uence
i s al l owed that i s 6".
Let us take Sun 3o and Mars 20" posited
in lagna,
forming conjunction.There
is an apparent conjunction
of the Sun and the Mars but the difference between the
longitude of Sun and Mars is 17". The difference is more
than aterage orb of 12.5' or more than 8o we shall not
take the conjunction' aspect.
Sun 3o
Cuenr 2
Crorr"^ 5
Taj i ka system have devel oped some
yogti s of
I aspect s
whi ch ar e ver y ef f ect i ve i n maki ng
pr edi ct i ons. The Taj i k Yogas ar e f or annual
But sti l l fol l owi ng
yogas are hel pful i n
predictions effective.
l . The Ithasal a Yoga 2. The Isharafa Yoga
3. The Nakta Yoga 4. The YamaYa Yoga
5. The Kambool a Yoga 6. The Manau Yoga
7. The Khal l asara
Yoga 8. The Rudda Yoga
An Ithasala
yotgais caused
when a faster moving
pl anet wi th l ess l ongi tude i s behi nd a sl ower movi ng
pl anet wi th more l ongi tude.
We should take into account the orb of influence
whi ch has been di scussed i n the chapter on Aspect.
When the Ithasal a occurs wi thi n hal f a degree i t
Mut hasi l a a ver y f avour abl e
yoga. The
I t hasal a
yoga i s
gener al l y consi der ed
t o be a
benef i ci al yoga.
But i n act ual pract i ce
however i t may
not be al ways benef i ci al .
The benef i ci al
or mal ef i c
r esul t depends
on t he nat ur al
char act er i st i cs
rel at i onshi p
of t he t wo pl anet s
and ownershi p of t he
houses t hey enj oy i n t he horoscope.
The presence
t hi s yoga
si gni f i es t he f ul f i l ment
of desi red obj ect i ve.
a. Fast movi ng pl anet
wi t h l ess l ongi t ude
shoul d
be behi nd t he sl ow movi ng pl anet
wi t h hi gher
l ongi t ude.
b. The sai d pl anet s
shoul d have mut ual aspect
c. The said planet
should fall within the orb of each
ot her.
d. The i t hasal a yoga
does not occur when t he sai d
pl anet s
f al l wi t hi n
out er or b i . e. f ast movi ng
pl anet
wi t h hi gher l ongi t ude
but f al l wi t h i n orb.
I n act ual pract i ce
we l ook f or t he I t hasal a yoga
bet ween l agnesh
and Karyesha
i . e. t he l ord of l Bgna
and t he l or d of t he house of desi r ed oUj " ect i ve
si gni f i cat or .
Let us assume
t hat one desi r es t o
a car. He enqui res whet her
he wi l l purchase
acar ?
I n t hi s' . ur "
t he l or d of 4t h house
becomes t he
si gni f i cat or,
f or 4t h house
st ands f or vehi cl e
ot her t hi ngs.
The i t hasal a
bet ween l agna l ord and 4t h
l or d wi l l i nf l uence
t he si gni f i cat i on
of 4t h house.
t he exact anal ysi s
wi l l i nvol ve
a consi derat i on
of t he
i n whi ch t he l agna l ord and t he si gni f i cat or
bre l ocat ed
and t he ot her pl anet ary
i nf l uences.
I n chart 3 t he Moon 4t h l ord and t he f ast movi ng
pl anet
wi t h l ess l ongi t ude
i s behi nd t he sl ow movi ns
Merc 5
) no
t 2
\ , / \
ffi"Y Y
Csenr 3
Sat 10"
\4ar 15
pl anet Mars wi th more l ongi tude. So there i s i thasal a
yoga i n whi ch 4th l ord and l agna l ord are i nvol ved,
the yoga i s taki ng pl ace i n auspi ci ous house (5th).
the nati ve wi l l have gai n of vehi cl e.
The pl anets
Saturn, Jupi ter, Mars, Sun, Venus,
Mer cur y and Moon ar e consi der ed t o be
progressi vel y
faster i n moti on, Saturn i s the sl owest
movi ng pl anet
and Moon i s the fastest movi ng pl anet.
Important Points
consideration in lthasala :
( 1) A retrograde fast moving planet at lesser number
of degree of l ongi tude does not produce Ithasal a
because both pl anet
are i n opposi te di recti on
of mot i on. I n exampl e char t Sat ur n i s sl ow
movi ng pl anet and Jupi ter i s fast movi ng pl anet
wi th l esser number of degrees. Apparentl y they
have i thasal a but the Jupi ter bei ng retrograde
pl anet
does not produce
i thasal a.
( 2)
A sl ow movi ng r et r ogr ade pl anet at mor e
number of degr ee of l ongi t ude t han t he f ast
movi ng pl anet pr oduce
i t hasal a because t he
di r ect i on of mot i on of t he t wo pl anet s
i s
towards each other. They wi l l meet at a poi nt
f ast er t han ot her wi se.
So t hey i nt ensi f y t he
r Ithasal a. In the above exampl e chart Venus bei ng
and slow moving
planet than' Mercury
wi l l meet earl y at d' Poi nt.
( 3) When bot h i t hasal a
pr oduci ng
pl anet s ar e
retrograde, debi l i tated,
combust or otherwi se
weak or affl i cted, the i thasal a
yoga general l y
produce desi red resul ts.
Isa,qn,ar,a Yoct
It i s al so cal l ed as Mushri f or Separati ng Yoga.
When the two
pl anets are aspecti ng each other
and fast movi ng
pl anet i s one or more degrees of
l ongi tude
ahead of sl ow movi ng
pl anet, they
It is an unfavourable
yoga and indicate failures
and obst acl es.
I f t he benef i c
pl anet s i nvol ve i n
I shar af a
yoga i t i s not so unf avour abl e.
But i f i t
i nvol ves the mal efi c
pl anets i t i ndi cates not onl y
f ai l ur es but al so ot her addi t i onal
t r oubl es and
obst acl es.
Sun l 0'
In the exampl e-chart
no.4 the Moon fast movi ng
pl anet has l ongi tude of l 5o and sl ow movi ng pl anet
Sun has l 0' l ongi t ude. Bot h have conj unct i onal
aspect , but f ast movi ng pl anet
i s ahead of sl ow-
movi ng pl anet.
So the yoga
formed i s Isharafa and
indicate failure of the objective if one is lagna lord
and other is significator.
When fast moving planet is ahead of slow moving
pl anet
but i s retrograde does i t mean an Ithasal a
i nstead of Isharafa? Yes i t i s an Itahsal a yoga.
indicates that the objective will be fulfilled next time.
NAxr,s Yoet
When there is no aspect between two planets
lagna lord and significator but another fast moving
pl anet
than these two i s aspecti ng both the pl anets
i .e. l agna l ord and si gni fi cator then the pl anets
wi l l
form Nakta yoga.
. f a\ - - _____
. " " .
- - -
- - - - - ( - - - -
a a
- - - ' -
\ r
\ .
t . .
- _- a- -
\ a - - - -
' A'
' B'
are two planets having no aspect.
is another planet,
faster moving than the two
and have i thasal a wi th
' A'
' B'
pl anet.
In thi s
circumstances' A' and
oB' will
also have linkage and form
Nakta Yoga. The Nakta yoga is not necessary always be
beneficial yoga.
It involves consideration of the planet
i nvol ved, l ordshi p and the house occupati on-ofrthg.
P redictions through Horary
The mai.n point in Nakta yoga is :
i. That there is no mutual aspect between the two
pl anets.
ii. That the third planet must aspect both the non-
aspecti ng
pl anets, l agnesh and karyesh.
iii. That the third planet has to be faster than the
bot h non- aspect i ng pl anet s, l agnesh and
i v. That t he t hi r d pl anet shoul d be bot h non-
aspect i ng
pl anet s and shoul d be l ocat ed
between the both.
Let us assume that chart no.5
The Venus 5o has no rel ati on wi th Saturn l 0o
bei ng ahead. The Moon, the thi rd pl anet wi th 2" has
square aspect with Saturn and trine aspect with Venus.
Moon i s f ast er t han Venus and Sat ur n and i s i n
degrees she behi nd the two pl anets. Thus Nakta
i s formed between l agna l ord Venus and 4th and 5th
l ord Saturn.
Chart No. 6(on next
page) shows that Saturn and
Venus are non-aspecti ng
pl anets. Moon i s aspecti ng
both the non-aspecti ng
pl anets and i s faster than both
Csenr 5
, / ' \ . /
CHenr 6
15" Venus
Predictions through Horary
the non aspeci tng pl anets.
But i n the above chart the
Moon is forming ithasala with Venus and Isharafa
with Saturn. But still the Moon is having linkage with
both the non-aspecting planets.
So Saturn and Venus
have Nakta yoga
but the results may not be beneficial
as i t i nvol ves I shar af a. We have t o t ake i nt o
consideration other points
Y.nueye Yoet
The Yamaya yoga
like a Nakta yoga.
In this
case a link is provided
by a slow moving planets
two non-aspecting planets.
The main points
i. That there is no mutual aspect between the two
i i . That the' thi rd pl anet
aspects the both non-
iii. That the third planet
is slower than the both non-
aspecti ng pl anets.
result is the fulfilment of objective
wi th the hel p of some one el se but there wi l l be some
obst r uct i ons.
In the chart No 7(on next page) Venus i s faster
movi ng
pl anet
than Mars and the Venus i s ahead of
Predictions through Horary
/ t l
Jupi t er
l 0
Jupi ter
Cuenr 7
Mars. So there i s no aspect between the two pl anets.
But Jupi t er has squar e aspect wi t h Mar s and
opposi ti on aspect wi th Venus. Jupi ter i s sl ower than
Mars an.l Venus. So Mars and Venus create Yamaya
yoga wi th each other.
The quality
of Yamaya yoga will be adversely
affected when third planet
Jupiter in above case be
combust or retrograde
or debi l i tated or otherwi se
af f l i ct ed. Si mi l ar l y
t he Yamaya yoga
wi l l be
affected if yoga forming planet
say in the
above case Mars and Venus are retrograde, combust
or debilitated or otherwise afflicted.
The yamaya yoga
cannot be formed with Saturn
as there is no planet
slower than Saturn to qualify
thi rd pl anet
aspecti ng the two other yoga
formi ng
' pl anet s.
Someone can say t hat Pl ut o, Nept une or
Uranus are slower than Saturn. There is no doubt that
they can pl ay
a rol e of thi rd pl anet
but i n Hi ndu
predi cti ve
astrol ogy, these pl anets
are not taken i nto
account being very slow and very far from Sun, the
Uranus takes 84 years to go around the Sun and
Neptune takes 164 years
to go around the Sun, the
Pluto takes much more time to go round the Sun than
P redictions t hrough Horary
the above
pl anets. It i s the sl owest movi ng pl anet
known to astronomers and astrologers.
Keuroote Yoe,q
The Kamboola yoga is formed when there is
i thasal a between two pl anets and the Moon i s al so i n
Ithasal a wi th ei ther or both of them.
This yoga improves the results indicated by an
i thasal a
yoga and i mproves the si gni fi cati ons of the
houses i nvol ved. The resul ts depends on the strength
of the pl anets i nvol ved and the Moon.
In the chart 8 Mars and Sun are in Ithasala. The
Mars and Sun are having trine aspect and fast moving
Sun is behind the slow moving Mars and within orb
of influence. But the Moon, faster moving planet than
Sun and Mars wi th l ess l ongi tude i s behi nd Mars and
Sun. So i t i s al so formi ng Ithasal a yoga wi th Sun and
Mars. It i s cal l ed the Kambool Yoga.
MtNeu Yoc.t
The Manau yoga
i s f or med when t her e i s a
Ithasal a
yoga between two pl anets
and faster movi ng
1 0 0
Csnnr 8
Predict ions t hrough Horary
pl anet i s i n conj uncti on wi th or aspected by mal efi cs
ei ther Mars or Saturn or both.
Thi s
yoga nul l i fi es the resul ts of Ithasal a yoga.
It indicates fear from enemies, failure in undertaking,
quarrel or l oss of money, debt etc. accordi ng to the
house i nvol ved and pl anets i nvol ved.
In the chart No 9 above Sun l 0o and Jupi ter l 5'
are in Ithasala
yoga and
good results should accrue
as both
planets are in own signs and aspect is also
trine. But due to aspect of Mars on faster moving
planet among the, two Sun and Jupiter, will nullify
good results of ithasala.
When t wo
pl anet s ar e i n i t hasal a and t he
unqualified Moon does not associate or have Ithasala
wi th ei ther of the
pl anets, the
yoga i s known as
means Moon is neither aspected or
with any
I t mdy be obser ved t hat mer e f or mat i on of
I t hasal a
yoga bet ween t wo
pl anet s does not
gi ve
2 t2
Y X"ot,.,
Cuanr 9
Jupi ter
1 5 0
P re dict ions t hrough H orary
of the results. The support of the Moon is a
of the result.
In the chart No-10 the l agna l ord, Mars i s havi ng
Ithasala with l0th lord Saturn and has trine aspect
but not bl essed wi th the Moon. So i t i s Khal l asara
Yoga. The mere Ithasal a yoga
i s not so powerful .
The Kambool yoga
is powerful
Ithasala yoga,
which gauiantee
the results.
In simple words we can say that there is only
Ithasal a yoga wi thout the bl essi ng of Moon. Onl y
Ithasal a doesnot produce
desi red resul ts. To produce
results there should be Ithasla and relation of the
Moon also.
Raoo.q Yoee
If two planets
are in Ithasal and either of them
is retrograde or combust or debilitated or in 6th, 8th
or 12t h or occupi es an i ni mi cal house or i s i n
conj uncti on wi th or aspected by a mal efi c, there i s
destruction of Ithsasala yoga.
The above yoga
doesnot need cl assi fi cati on. It
is clear that if two planets
are in Ithasala and either
Ctr.q,nr l0
P redictions t hrough Horary
of them i s affl i cted or retrograde or i l l pl aced
I t hasal a get s weak and i f f ast movi ng pl anet i s
afflicted no good
results are anticipated.
Suuutnv OF Tar Yoe,es
1. Whi l e goi ng through the yogas i t wi l l be cl ear
that the mere presence or absence of any yoga
i s not t he onl y f act or f or f ul f i l ment of
signification. It is the strength of the planets
i nvol ved i n a yoga. A weak, combust ,
r et r ogr ade, debi l i t at ed, i l l pl aced pl anet
doesnot gi ve desi red resul ts what ever may be
the name of the yoga.
2. The l agna l ord i s of great i mportance. If the
l agna and Lagna l or d i s weak, af f l i ct ed,
combust, retrograde most of the yogas l oose
their potency.
3. The Ithasal a yoga needs the bl essi ngs of the
Moon to be effecti ve.
4. The affliction of fast moving planets is more
important than the slow moving planets.
cn.aprnn 6
Ascendant is the first house (Bhava) and the
I ot her houses f ol l ow i n successi on f r om t he
North to west direction in the North Indian chart and
from South to West in the South Indian chart.
South Indian North Indian
In South Indian chart signs are fixed, therefore
there is no need to write the number of sign in the
house as it is necessary to write the number of sign
invariable in the house in the North Indian chart.But
now a days astrologers have started to write number
in South Indian charts to denote the number of bhava/
l 2 t 2 3
\y \.2/"
\ : , ^ . .
Chart 11
l 0 5
9 8 7 6
Predictions through Horary
houses starting with the lagna as first house as I have
shown in South Indian chart. But remember number
i n North Indi an chart denotes si gn not house and
South Indian chart denotes house not the sign.
The houses lst, 4th,7th and lOth are known as
kendra (Quadrants) (angl es),
I st, 5th and 9th as
Tri kona (Tri nes),
2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th Pnapharas
and 3rd, 6th, 9th and l2th as Apoklimas
Houses. The houses 3rd, 6th, l Oth and I l th
are Upachyas means houses of
The house 6th,
8th and l2th arc treated
dusthanas or Trik houses
means indicating sorrow.
According to Parashara system the lord of trines
always good
results. The lords of Kendras are
neutral whether natural benefics or malefics. It means
when natural benefics become the lord of kendra they
wi l l not gi ve auspi ci ou' s r esul t s and i f nat ur al
malefics become the lords of kendras they will not
give malefic results, so neutral. The lord of 3rd, 6th
and I lth houses are always malefics. The lord of 2nd
and 12th house are neutral, they give result as per
associ at i on or aspect or occupat i on or as per hi s
second si gn. But i f the Moon or Sun who have onl y
one si gn, become the l ord of 2nd or l 2th houses wi l l
gi ve
r esul t s as per
associ at i on or aspect or
occupati on. There i s di fference of opi ni on regardi ng
t he r esul t s of 8t h l or d. But most of t he l ear ned
astrologers treat the 8th lord as malefic.
The association of the lords of a kendra and a
trine is called Rajayoga Karaka and gives good results
during their dasha and bhukti according to the strength
of the yogakaraka planets. A planet who is lord of a
kendra and trikona is also called yogakaraka and
P re dict ions t hrough H or ary
auspi ci ous r esul t s dur i ng hi s dasha and bhukt i
according to his strength.
The Lagna is both Kendra and trikona. It is the
lagna who is to receive the fruits of birth chart. So
the strength of lagna and lagna lord play
a very vital
role in horary science.
l . The house whi ch i s aspected by or occupi ed
with his own lord, the signification of that
house increases and flourishes.
2. The house whi ch i s occupi ed wi t h or
aspected by Jupiter, Mercury or Venus or the
st r ong Moon and not aspect ed by or
occupied by malefic planet,
3" If the house i s occupi ed by a pl anet
i n hi s
exaltation, mooltrikona or friendly sign, the
si gni fi cati on of that house fl ouri shes.
4. If the l ord of the house i s posi ted
i n kendra
or trikonq in strength the significations of
the house i ncreases.
5. If the l ord of the house i s posi ted wi th or
aspected by or hemmed in between benefic
pl anet s,
t he si gni f i cat i ons of t hat house
fl ouri shes.
6. If benefic planets
are posited
in the kendra
or trikona from the signification house or
f r om si gnj f i cat or , not aspect ed by or
occupi ed by mal ef i c pl anet s,
t he
of that house flourishes.
7. I f t he l or d of t he house i s posi t ed
i n
exal tati on, mool tri kona,
own si gn or tri end' s
si gn i n navamsha
chart, the si gni fi cati on
8. If the di sposi tor
of the l ord of the house i s
exal ted, posi ted
i n own si gn, mool tri kona
friend' s sign the significations
of that house
fl ouri shes.
l . If the house
i s occupi ed by a mal efi c pl anet
or aspect ed
by a mal ef i c pl anet ,
t he
of that house gets
2. If the l ord of the house i s posi ted
i n 6th or
8th or l2th house
the significations
of that
house gets
If the l ord of 6th or
or l 2th houses i s
posi ted
i n the house,
the si gni fi cati ons
that house gets
I f mal ef i c pl anet s
ar e posi t ed
i n I
, 4, 7
or l 0
house from the house
under consideration,
the house gets
5. If the l ord of the house i s posi ted
i n 6th,
8t h or l 2t h debi l i t at ed
or combust
hemmed i n bet ween
mal ef i c pl anet s
t he
of that house are destroyed.
6. I f t he l or d of t he house i s posi t ed
i n
or enemy sign in navamsha
the signification
of that house are destroyed.
7 . If the di sposi tor
of the l ord of the house i s
posi t ed
i n 6t h, 8t h or l 2t h debi l i t at ed,
Predictions t hrough H orary
combust or posited in enemy sign, the planet
become weak and si gni f i cat i ons of t hat
house cannot be real i sed.
B. SrcNtFrcATroNs oF HousES
Lagna/Ascendant : Heal th, nature of the nati ve,
doctor, l ongevi ty, querri st. When a mal efi c i s posi ted
or aspects the lagna of
the native would suffer
loss and disappointment in all undertakings, sorrows,
sufferings, loss of
position and wealth.
When a benefic
posited in or aspects
the lagna there would be all round happiness, health
and success i n al l undertaki ngs i .e. si gni fi cati ons of
the lagna would prosper.
2ndl Dhana Bhava : Gol d,
gems, accumul at ed
weal t h, sal e- pur chase, f ami l y. A mal ef i c i n 2nd
house woul d i ndi cate dwi ndl i ng of weal th, di sease
of mout h or f ace si ckness among one' s f ami l y,
trouble in the right eye, face insult or one would use
har sh, i nsul t i ng wor ds t o f ami l y member s,
destruction of house holds, utensils, furniture etc.
If there is a benefic in 2nd house, the wealth
will increase, there would be acquisition of new house
holds, furnitures and happiness among family members.
3rd House/Sahaj a bhava : Brother, si ster, servant,
t r ade, cour age, si gni ng document . I f t he mal ef i c
planets occupy or aspects the 3rd house the
would not receive any help from his brothers, sisters
or friends, His coborns would be afflicted. He would
suffer from chest, neck, right ear diseases. The native
wi l l be courageous and ambi ti ous. A benefi c i n 3rd
house would confer health, happiness etc. and on his
own coborns. He would be coward.
4t h house/ Sukha
bhava : The medi ci nes,
conveyance, mi ni ng, agri cul ture, fri ends, mother,
theft arti cl e, i ncrease i n producti on.
A mal efi c i n 4th
house would cause trouble to mother, maternal uncle,
nephew and relatives,
danger to landed properties
vehi cl es as wel l as heart troubl es,
l ungs troubl es.
A benefic planet
in 4th house will flourish the
si gni fi cati ons
of the house.
5th house/putra
bhava : Pregnancy, i ntel l i gence,
son, friendship,
mantra, ambassador.
A malefic in 5th
house who is weak would cause abortions,
death of
chi l dren,. mental depressi on,
i rri tabi l i ty and di sputes
wi th advi sers.
A benefic who is strong would cause birth of a
chi l d, chi l dr en woul d pr ogr ess
and t her e wi l l be
mental peace
and happi ness.
6th house/Shatru
bhava : The enemy, debt, fi re,
theft, acci dent,
servant, competi ti on,
maternal uncl e
etc. A mal efi c i n 6th house, wi l l produce
di sease of
the part
signified by the sign, obstruction to all under
taking, fear from thieves, enemies, litigations.
A benefic
will lead to eradication
of debt, enemies and diseases
etc. A malefic will give
courage to face the enemies.
7t h house/ Kal at r a
Bhava : The wi f e( spouse) ,
thief, recovery,
compromise, partnership,
l i ti gati on, return of travel l er, recovery of i l l ness, l ost
arti cl e wi l l be recovered or not etc. A mal efi c i n the
7th house wi l l cause si ckness, death or separati on
f r om t he spouse, f i r e, acci dent t o t he spouse,
obstacl es to hi s proposed j ourney,
di sease of uri nary
tract etc. A benefic in 7th house will produce
from spouse, marriage,
happy conjugal life, recovery
Predictions t hrough Horary
bf lost articles, arrival of a
from abroad.
8t h house/ Ayur bhava : Deat h, i mpr i sonment ,
obstacl e, i l l ness, acci dent, quarrel .
A mal efi c i n 8th
house wi l l cause si ckness to servants, obstacl es to
undertakings, venreal diseases, quarrels
with peoples,
loss of wealth and properties through enemies, thieves
or Government, l oss of appeti te. A benefi c i n 8th
house confer good
heal th, rel i ef' from ai l ments and
grant longevity. The Saturn in strong position
9th house/ Bhagya bhava : The tank, pond,
wel l ,
travel, boss, teacher, priest,
religious work. A malefic
i n 9th house wi l l bri ng about the ri se of scandal s.
Di sease and di stress to father, el ders, preceptor
dest r uct i ons of f or t une and mer i t s, commi t evi l
deeds. A benefic in 9th house confer the happiness
of father, elder and
children, rightens deeds,
pi l gri mage, mental peace,
happi ness and forei gn
lOth house/ Karma bhava : Government, honour,
foreign travel, gain from father. A malefic
in lOth house will cause destruction of undertakings,
obstacles at every step, disrepute, disobediance of
orders, loss of servants and support, disease of knee
and visit to foreign country. A benefic
confer success in all undertakings, his orders will be
obeyed, the native will be engaged in good deeds,
const r uct i on of t empl es, r oad, wel f ar e houses,
community centre, will get
servants and supporters.
l l t h house/ Labha Bhava : The gai n
of weal t h,
conveyance, fri ends. A mal efi cs i n I l th house wi l l
cause i l l ness t o chi l dr en, el der br ot her s, l ef t ear
di seases and aqui si t i on of mat er i al ( non- l i vi ng)
Pr"dt"rtt^ tn,
al l oted to the pl anet.
A benefi c i n 11th bri ng good
' heal t h,
ceasat i on of t r oubl e and sor r ow, gai n
wealth, children, friends and rulers, gain
of honour
and respect.
l zt h house/ Vyay^ Bhava : Expendi t ur e,
hospi tal i sati on, i mpri sonment,
donati ons. A mal efi c
posi t ed
i n l 2t h house wi l l cause l oss of weal t h,
i ncrease i n expendi ture i n evi l deeds, l oss of posi ti on,
separatibn from family, disease of feet, legs and left
eye, si nful acti vi ti es. When a benefi c wi l l be posi ted
i n l 2th house the nati ve wi l l spend more money on
charity and other philanthropic
activities, marriage
at home, cel ebr at i ons of f unct i ons et c. A st r ong
malefic will also
wealth and the wealth will be
spent on evi l deeds.
C. SrcwrtcATroNS
HousEs ryrrq RerenrNcz
ro Hontnv SctsNcn:
AscendantlLagna: It is also known as Tanu Bhava.
It i s the l st house from where our l i fe begi ns. In
hor ar y i t i ndi cat es quer i st physi cal
heal t h,
r eput at i on, dr ess of t he quer i st ,
col our and
complexion of the querist etc.
Though the significations of first house in the
horary and Parashari are the same but as the horary
bel ongs to a parti cul ar questi on, the scope of the
bhava becomes very wi de as Ascendant i s l 2th from
the 2nd house i t i ndi cates l oss of weal th, fami l y,
f ood. Bei ng 1l t h f r om 3r d i t i ndi cat es gai ns
younger brothers, fri ends. Bei ng 1Oth from the 4th
i t i ndi cates fortune and l ong
j ourney,
pi l gri mage,
r el i gi ous deeds of t he chi l dr en, f at her of t he
chi l dr en. Bei ng t he 8t h f r om 6t h, t r oubl es of
enemi es, debtors and maternal uncl e. Bei ng 7th from
7th, love affairs, health, opponent of 7th, appearance.
Bei ng the 6th from 8th, i ndi cates quarrel s
and i l l ness
of family members of spouse. Being 5th from 9th,
it indicates intelligence of father, children of father
i .e. nati ve i tsel f. Bei ng 4th from 10th, i t i ndi cates
comforts from profession.
Being the 3rd from l lth
i t i ndi cates, courage, ambi ti ons and short
j ourneys
of fri ends, el der brothers and si sters. Bei ng the 2nd
f r om l 2t h i t i ndi cat es expenses on account of
hospi tal bi l l s, court fees, i ncome tax or sal es tax etc.
I have given
the significations of the lagna in
some detai l ; onl y to make i t cl ear that one house can
indicate every aspect of the life, the significations
of a house depends on the relationship of other house
under consi der at i on
at t he par t i cul ar
moment .
Suppose at a particular
moment the native comes and
enquires about the health of his maternal uncle who
is suffering from chronic disease. As the lagna for
that moment is querist
and 6th from lagna is maternal
uncl e.The di sposi ti on of 6th from 6th i .e. I l th house
f r om l agna i ndi cat es t he di sease of hi s mat er nal
uncl e. The di sposi t i on of 1l t h f r om 6t h i . e. t l t h
from lagna indicates the cure, the gain,
the fulfilment
of desire of maternal uncle, the relationship of the
6t h, l l t h and 4t h wi l l i ndi cat e t he cur e f or hi s
maternal uncle. In this way we can analyse the chart
for any relation taking lagna as querist.
Therefore, it
i s essenti al to know the rel ati onshi p of queri st and
the one for whom enquiry is put to answer, the
f or a par t i cul ar
moment . So t he l agna i ndi cat es
querri st, querrent
2nd house Member of the family
80 Predictions through Horary
3rd house
4th house
5th house
6th house
7th house
8th house
9th house
l Ot h house
l l th house
12th house
younger brothers
Mother, comforts
Fi rst chi l d and chi l dren
mat er nal uncl e, enemi es and
partner, opponent
Longevity, obstacles, inheritance
professi on, deeds
elder brothers, friends,
secret enemy, hospi tal , expenses,
i nsti tuti ons.
Father, Government, head of a
department, boss, authority
Mot her , emot i ons, l i qui d,
chemi cal s
Younger brother, work according
to rules, law
Mat er nal uncl e, document s,
educat i on, r ecommendat i on,
Children, elder brother, teacher,
Wife, conveyance, extra marital
r el at i ons, ar t i cl es used f or
comforts of life and decoration
of house, musi c, drama, poetry
Longevity, diseases, obstruction,
del ay from any cause., servant,
working man, labourer.
vILL BE Mv Pesr, PnpstNr tno Furano?
s the
query pertains to the native himself, the
l 1' l ugnu
and t he l agna l or d becomes
t he
the strengths
of the ascendant,
the Moon and the Navamsha
lagna. If they are strong
and have benefic aspects, there
will be favourable
If they are weak, or have malefic aspects,
there will be unfavourable
by Logno lord
If the lagna lord forms Ishaafa
yoga with the
query pertains to
past. If in Ithasala
yo1a, the
query pertains to the
present. If the lagna
lord is forming future Ithasala with the significator,
query pertains to future.
The above
principle as stated
in Prashna Tantra
i s bei ng
wi del y used by astrol ogers.
Accordi ng
them the navamsha
l agna and Moon i ndi cate
nature of
A few others opines the strongest
planet in the
horary chart indicates the nature of
query in the mind
of quer i st .
I t i s a t i me t est ed met hod. One shoul d
look for the strongest planet
in the horary chart.
If there are two or more strong planets
in the
hor ar y char t , t he one whose l ongi t ude
i s hi ghest
shoul d be consi dered
as the strongest pl anet.
strongest planet
will indicate the nature
of query.
The pl anet
who i s exal ted or posi ted
i n hi s own
si gn or fri end' s si gn or aspected
by strong benefi c
and fri endl y pl anet
i s construed as the strong pl anet.
For example Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are
strong i n odd si gn. Sun, Venus, Jupi ter are strong
during the day, Moon, Mars and Saturn are strong
during the night. The Mercury
and Rahu are always
st r ong. The mal ef i cs ar e st r ong dur i ng Kr i shna
Paksha, dark half of the month and the benefics
strong duri ng Shukl a Paksha, the bri ght hal f of the
month. The Moon i s strong duri ng l Oth of Shukl a
Paksha to 5th of Krishna Paksha etc.
After finding the strongest planet,
we have to
ascertain the houses which he owns and where
he is
On the basis of his position
in the house and the
houses owned by him we ascertain the nature
of query.
If the strongest planet
is posited
in kendra,
own, in
friend's sign or is exalted and when posited
in different
houses wi l l denote the fol l owi ng
types of queri es
Heal th,
sel f, own l uck or promoti on.
2nd house
Cash, movable,
coin, bank
balance, family
or food, eye, face.
3rd house
or hi s younger
nei ghbour,
arms, shoul der.
4t h house
Happi ness,
l and, conveyance,
P redicti ons through Horary
5t h house
6th house
7th house
8th house
mother, education, chest, heart.
Pl easur e, ent er t ai nment , pr ogeny,
chi l dren, subordi nate.
Di sputes, l i ti gati ons, enemi es, debt,
di sease, l oan, competi ti on.
Par t ner shi p, wi f e,
j our ney,
t r ade,
busi ness, extra-mari tal rel ati ons.
Di sput e, i nher i t ance, di sease,
l ongevi ty, destructi on, sudden gai n,
unearned money.
9t h house' Fat her ,
j our ney
t o di st ant pl acb,
pi l gri mage,
fortune, rel i gi ous deeds,
l Ot h house Favour f r om super i or s, per son
i n
' aut hor i t y,
pr of essi on, pr omot i on,
I l t h house Gai n, pr of i t s
f r om f r i ends, ot her
r el at i ons.
l 2t h house Loss, expendi t ur e, donat i ons,
hospi t al i sat i on,
i mpr i sonment ,
puni shment
etc., forei gn.
In horary 7th house denotes others, with whom
one deal s wi th and l agna i s al ways the queri st.
anci ent cl assi cal books have gi ven
cer t ai n yoga
regardi ng 7th house. Some of them are :
If strong Sun, Mar! or Venus i s posi ted
i n 7th
relates to a woman other than
hi s own wi fe.
If strong Sun and Jupi ter are posi ted
i n 7th house
the query
may be related to a
If strong Mars and Venus are posited in the 7th
Predictions through Horary
house, the
query may bethat of a women who is
harsh in speech
(d) If strong Jupiter is in 7th house the
query may
be one from his own wife.
(e) If strong Mercury or Moon is
posited in the 7th
house the
query is about a woman of loose moral
or maid-servant.
(f) If strong Saturn is posited in 7th house the
may be about a low caste or old woman.
From the above collection
you will find that only
one factor,
woman has been taken into consideration.
But there are so many
of 7th house
partnership, opponent,
thief and other
any one with whom we are dealing with. So we are
not to be mi sl ed by such statements.
We have to
thern according
to the
example: I received
a telephone
call on l3th
1997 at 9:45am,
Delhi, the horary chart for the
ti me i s as bel ow
Sr r n?8- ?1
t 7 - 0 1
Chart 12
Rah G'3(
In the chart 12 the Jupiter
is the
in his own sign and having
the highest
longitude of
with the Moon. So the
query is
\ 2 , /
l Kct u
Predictions through Horary
about the theft (7th house) and theft of liquid cash
and ornaments, the Moon represents the 2nd house
being the lord of 2nd and Jupiter is karaka of 2nd
house. Lagna l ord Mercury i s posi ted i n 12th house
havi ng Ithasal a wi th Jupi ter i n 6/8
posi ti on. The 12th
lord Venus is posited in lagna. Mercury and Venus
have exchange and ithasala.
Sat I 2-3 J
Sun I 5- 0'
Chart l 3
Jupi ter
| 4-40
I l - 10
Take another example Chart no.13 dated 27-2-1997
at 6:45pm, Del hi . In thi s chart no pl anet i s posi ted i n
hi s own si gn. Onl y Mercury and Venus are posi ted i n
friend' s sign and kendra Aquarius but associated with
Sun. So they are combust. Sun i s the onl y
pl anet i n
kendra and having the highest longitude. The Sun and
Moon are i n i thasal al so. So
questi on concern about
the heal th of the nati ve bei ng the l ord of l agna and
posi ted i n 7th
the house of di sease.
Take exampl e Chart No.14 dated 28-2-1997 at
7:50pm, Del hi . Agai n there i s no pl anet i n hi s own
si gn. Mar s and Sat ur n ar e i n kendr a, t he Mar s i s
posi t ed i n enemy si gn and Sat ur n i s
posi t ed i n
ncutral ' s si gn and has hi gh l ongi tude than Mars. So
Suturn i s the strongest pl anet. Saturn has no rel ati on
wi th the Moon but l agna l ord Mercury bei ng fast
l t \
Sat urn
Ket u
Predictions through Horary
Sunl 6- 13
Chart l 4
l 4-54
M oon
' ^ h< n/
movi ng pl anet wi t h l ess l ongi t ude t han Sat ur n i s
behi nd Sat ur n. So Sat ur n bei ng 5t h and 6t h l or d
in 7th and has ithasala with lagna lord and
lOth lord Mercury and has exchange with Navamsha
lagna lord Jupiter. The nature of query is about getting
agency of a particular firm. The 7th house deals with
the other person with whom you want to deal with
i .e. getti ng an agency.
The strongest
hoving relation with the
Moon or lagna lord or lord of navamsha of lagno
indicate the nature of query.
It is very essential to understand the
query. For
example one asks "whether the marriage will be fixed
wi th the comi ng
party or not?" Now wi th the above
query if the lagna is movable and strong, it means
that there wi l l be change i .e. the marri age wi l l not be
fixed with the coming
If there is fixed sign and
strong l agna, the marri age wi l l be fi xed wi th the
comi ng party. There wi l l be no change. We shoul d
try to understand the nature of query at first.
I t i s necessar y t o under st and t he r el at i on
between the querist
for whom the query is made.
If the native himself
puts tfre query then lagna is the
P redictions thraugh H orary
queri st. But some ti me father enqui res about hi s son,
brother enquires about his younger or elder brother
or wife enquires about her husband etc. If the father
puts the query to an astrol oger " whether my son wi l l
clear the examination", the lagna is father because
he i s maki ng the query to the astrol oger regardi ng
hi s son. The query wi l l be consi dered from 5th house,
i n such chses treati ng 5th house as l agna. Si mi l arl y
puts a query to an astrologer whether
her daughter-in-law is pregnant or not. In this case
l agna i s mother-i n-l aw, 5th house i s her son and 11th
house i s daughter-i n-l aw. So we have to consi der the
query from the I l th house and 5th from I l th i .e. 3rd
house as the house Karya bhava of si gni fi cati on. It
i s very essenti al to understand the query and the
relation between the querist and the person for whom
query is made.
"Will my elder brother come back" as the elder
brother of the native has gone away from home after
the quarrel with the father. The elder brother of the
native is indicated by the I lth house. Take l lth house
as lagna, I lth house and the I lth lord Sun indicate
I7-4-1998 at 20:30 Delhi Fridav
Mcr (R)
l 6- 16
Sat 0-02
Sun 3-34
Mars 9-3i
t 0
l l t
t \
t 2\
r'en lE-t(
Jup 23"
ietu l5-{
Chart l 5
I 5-06
07- t I
l agna
26- t 7
t he el der br ot her . The l l t h house i s aspect ed by
Venus, t he l Ot h l or d and Jupi t er t he 5t h l or d
i s retrograde.Aspects
the l agna i .e. I l th
house, t he el der br ot her i s physi cal l y st r ong
alive. The Sun has ithasala with Mars the 7th lord
from l agna the house of return of the
query and
indicate days, the difference between Mars and Sun' s
l ongi tude i s 6o. So the nati ve' s el der brother came
back on 25th Apri l 1998. He, the el der brother had
gone to his friend at Agra, the east of Delhi indicated
by Sun the l ord of l l th house, the el der brother.
Aug 21 1998 ot 9:00 hrs Del hi
the native will be
Lagna i s common
si gn but l ess than l 5' so i t wi l l
be treated as fixed sign and aspected
by Jupiter but
retrogtade, the lagna lord and 1Oth lord Merculy is
posi t ed i n t he si gn of
gai ns but r et r ogr ade
aspected by retrograde Jupiter from his own sign in
kendra. Mercury is associated
with the l lth lord Moon
and 2nd lord Venus and 3rd and 8th lord Mars. The
Moon and l0th and lagna lord Mercury are having
i thasal , the retrograde
and associ ati on of 8th l ord
Mars resulting in no promotion at that time but after
. 5 .luan
f l \
. /
\ . /
Chart 16
Ven I 5-3!
t hr ee mont hs hi s case was r econsi der ed
The fi xed si gn i n l agna at the ti me of
promotion, at marriage indicates
t hef t of an ar t i cl e
i ndi cat es r ecover y of ar t i cl e,
travel l i ng
i ndi cates no travel , di sease i ndi cates
cure of disease but also no death,
query of litigation
or election
indicates the native will not be defeated
et c.
(r) The Gemini,
Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio
Aquarius are shirshodaYa
(i i ) The Ari es, Taurus, Cancer,
Sagi ttari us
signs are the Prishtodaya
signs. .
(iii) The Pisces is Ubhayodaya
If the lagna falls in human signs and be aspected
by or occupied
by benefic
good results and
gains will be the results.
Note: The human signs are Gemini, Virgo, Libra,
and lst half of Sagittarius.
i s wel l known that the l agna and l agna l ord pl ay a
Imaj or rol e i n Horary astrol ogy. The strength or
weakness respectful l y of the l agna and the l agna l ord
i ndi cat es t he success and f ai l ur e of t he quer y.
Someti me on the basi s of l agna, pl anets
i n l agna, si gn
i n l agna, aspect on l agna and the l agna l ord one can
i ndi cate the whol e aspect of the query.
Accor di ng t o " Shat panchashi ka" Shl oka 2,
chapter one, the astrologer should predict
change or
fall in status, change in place(transfer),
fall in wealth,
defamation from the lagna of the Horary chart. The
i ncrease i n weal th, happi ness and l and i s i ndi cated
by the 4th house. The i dea of return from travel to
home i s i ndi cated by the 7th house. The l Oth house
i ndi cates the travel or the i dea of travel l i ng. The 4th
house al so i ndi cates the reachi ng of the travel l er at
Accordi ng to' "Prashna Gyan" i f dwi pada si gns
(Gemi ni , Vri go, Li bra, Aquari us and fi rst hal f of
P redictions through Horary
Sagittarius) or chatushpada signs (Aries,
Taurus, Leo,
2nd hal f of Capr i cor n) ar e posi t ed
i n l agna and
aspected by benefi c pl anets,
the query wi l l fructi fy.
Accordi ng to shl oka 8th of "Prashna Gyana" i f any
house i s occupi ed by or aspected by the l ord of the
si gn of t he house or occupi ed by or aspect ed by
Jupi ter, Venus or Mercury the si gni fi cati on of the
house fructify/flourish (provided
Jupiter, Venus or
Mercury are benefics for the lagna)
It means i f house or l agna i s strong the query
woul d fructi fy. Moreover the si gn i n l agna or house
pl ay
an i mportant rol e. If the si gn i s movabl e, there
wi l l be change. If the house or l agna i s aspected' by
or occupi ed by benefi c as wel l as mal efi c pl anets
the l agna l ord i s weak, mi xed resul ts fol l ow.
If there is a fixed sign in lagna and strong, there
be no change but if there is weak fixed sign in
l agna, there can be some change.
The same i s the case wi th dual si gns. If the dual
si gn i s l ess t han 15' of l ongi t ude i t behaves as a
movabl e si gn. If i t i s more than l 5o, i t behaves as a
fi xed si gn.
The aut hor of "Taj i k Neel kant i " Neel kant ha
Dai vagya has cl ear l y st at ed t hat i f l agna i s i n
conj unct i on wi t h benef i c, t he quer i st
wi l l have
freedom from worry and ill health. But if the lagna
l ord i s mal efi c and posi ted
i n l agna or conj unct wi th
mal efi c, there wi l l be quarrel s,
i l l heal th and l oss of
The di ctum that whi chever house at query
i s
occupi ed or aspected by i ts own l ord, wi l l gi ve
onl y
benefi c resul ts, i s to be i nterpreted very careful l y.
tn *Sh
If the l ord of,the house i s benefi c and occupi es a
benefi c house i t wi l l gi ve good resul ts. If the l ord of
the house is malefic and occupies a malefic house
wi l l yi el d
mal efi c resul ts.
Si mi l ar l y one shoul d exami ne car ef ul l y t he
dictum that "whenever the 2nd, l2th,7th, 4th or 1Oth
houses from lagna are occupied by benefic planets,
the sai d house wi l l yi el d
benefi c,resul ts." (shl oka
Prashna Gyan).
I f t he l agna f al l s i n shi r shodaya si gn and
aspect ed by benef i c or occupi ed by benef i c, t he
resul t of query wi l l be auspi ci ous, under opposi te
circumstances, the result will be reversed. If the lagna
is aspected by or occupied by benefic and malefic
pl anet s
bot h, t he obj ect of t he quer y
wi l l be
accompl i shed wi th great
di ffi cul ti es.
If benefi c pl anets
occupy the kendra (l st, 4th,
7th and 1Oth) and malefics the 3rd, 6th and 1lth house
good r esul t s, gai n and f i nanci al pr osper i t y
ar e
i ndi cated.
If malefic planets are posited in the 2nd, L2th
from l agna or 7th house, they wi l l not yi el d good
results. The weak Moon in the lagna is not good,
the same yi el ds good resul t i n l Oth house.
Si mi l arl y at the query i f the l agna l ord or the
pl anet that i s fri endl y to hi m i s posi ted i n kendra and
malefic planets
in other than kendra, 8th
and 12th, onl y
resul ts wi l l fol l ow the queri st.
If benfi c pl anets are posi ted i n 2nd, 5th and 9th
the queri st woul d real i se hi s ambi ti ons. So al so when
malefics Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu occupy 3rd, 6th
and 11th house (trishadaya
house) from the lagna, the
thr*gh H
resul ts
wi l l be ausPi ci ous.
If mal efi c
pl anets occupy the l agna at
wi l l be
physi cal troubl e and
quarrel for the
queri st.
If malefic
planets occupy the 4th house from
l agna,
t her e
wi l l be dest r uct i on
of happi ness,
di suni t y
i n f ami l y and
quar r el and enmi t y
wi t h
r el at i ves.
If mal efi c
pl anets occupy
the 7th house from
lagna, there will be obstruction
to his
journey, quarrel
partner, spouse and there will be desire for eStra
mari tal
rel ati ons.
If malefic
planets are
positerl in the 1Oth house
lagna, there will be destruction
of meritorious
I f mal ef i c
pl anet s ar e aspect ed
by benef i c
natural benefics as well as benefic for the
particular lagna
there will be success after a
deal of trouble to the
When a strong Jupiter occupies
the lagna and
not aspected by or conjoined
with malefic
planet he
gi ves st at us
i n soci et y,
happi ness
and weal t h'
in the same
gives learning, money'
i nt el l i gence
and happi ness
whi l e Venus,
gi ves
' successful
of meritorious
or auspicious
pl easur es of bed, happi ness, st at us and
When malefics
planets are debilitated, combust,
in enemy' s
sign, hemmed
between malefics
they tend
gi ve bad resul ts. When strong mal efi c
pl anets
trikona and 8th, 12th and 3rd they
, cause destruction
of object of
query. Strong malefic
Predictions through Horary
pl anet
occupy kendra, tri kona, 8th and 2nd cause
destruction of objects of query
according to a few
scholars. They are right when they include 2nd house
i nstead of 3rd house. The 3rd house i ndi cate val our,
courage, bravery and is an upachaya house, hence
strong malefic increases the strength of the native
to fight and achieve the object though may act as
malefie for coborns. The 2nd house is the house of
f ami l y, weal t h. St r ong mal ef i c pl anet
i n 2nd
therefore causes destruction of wealth and family.
Hence a strong malefic in kendra, trikona, 8th and
2nd i s not good. I f t he sai d mal ef i c pl anet
i s
conj oi ned wi th or aspected by benefi cs, he gi ves
success after a good
deal of struggle, trouble to the
quer i st .
Summary regarding the strength of a house:-
( I
The house becomes strong if the lord of the
sign is in own house or aspect the house.
The house becomes strong if benefic planets
occupy or aspect the house.
The house become weak if malefic planets
occupy or aspect the house.
If the lord of a house is
in exaltation,
Mooltrikona, own or friend' s sign, the house
becomes strong.
If a benefic planet
in the house of
his exaltation, Mooltrikona, friend' s sign, the
house becomes strong.
If the lord of the sign of the house is posited
in 6th, 8th or 12th, the house becomes weak.
(7) If the lord of the 6th, 8th or l2th house is
( 8)
( l 0)
( l
l )
posi t ed
i n own house, t he house becomes
I f t he l or d of t he house i s conj unct or
aspected by benefi cs, the si gni fi cati ons
the house fl ouri sh and vi ce versa.
If the l ord of the house i s strong and posi ted
i n kendra or tri kona, the si gni fi cati on
of the
house fl ouri shes.
If benefi c pl anets
are posi ted
i n 2nd, l 2th
and 7th or 4th and l0th from a house under
consi derati on, the si gni fi cati ons
of the house
fl ouri sh and vi ca versa.
I f t he l or d of t he house i s combust ,
debi l i t at ed, hemmed
bet ween mal ef i cs,
posi ted
i n enemy si gn, the si gni fi cati on of the
house get
If the di sposi tor
of the l ord of the house i s
weak or posi ted
i n 6th, 8th or l 2th house.
weaken the house.
Ctnrr"^ 9
( a) Fi r st l y deci de about t he l or d of t he bhava
pertai ni ng to the work i n hand. He i s cal l ed
Kar yesh t he Si gni f i cat or or t he l or d of
si gni fi cati on
and the house i s cal l ed house
of si gni fi cati on
(SH) or the Karya bhava. Next
we take into consideration Lagna and Lagna
l or d
( LL) .
( b)
We consi der t hose pl anet s t hat aspect or
conj oi n Karyesh and l agnesh.
Next those
planets that occupy or aspect the
above sai d houses i .e. Lagna and si gni fi cati on
house i.e. Karya bhava and Lagna.
The object will be achieved when:-
Lagna lord and Karyesh both are benefic
and have ithasala
yoga in a benefic house.
(2) Lagna Lord aspects lagna and Karyesh aspects
Karya bhava.
P re dictions tlr ough Horary
(3) Lagna Lord aspects Karya bhava and Karyesh
aspects Lagna.
( 4) Lagna l or d aspect s Kar yesh and Kar yesh
aspects Lagna' l ord.
Lagna Lord and Karyesh conjoin in Lagna.
(6) Lagna Lord and Karyesh conj oi n i n Karya
(7) Lagna Lord aspects Karyesh
posited in Karya
Karyesh aspects Lagna Lord
posited in lagna.
(9) Lagna lord aspects Karyesh and Karya Bhava
10) Karyesh aspects the Lagna and Lagna Lord.
(l l) Lagna lord and Karyesh have Kambool
l2) Lagna or Karya bhava have the aspect of three
or more, benefic
(13) If full moon without malefic influence aspects
Lagna, Lagna Lord, Karya Bhava,or Karyesh.
( l4) Lagna Lord ar{d Karyesh posited in 2nd.
Strong benefic
planet posited in Lagna in own
si gn.
(16) Shirshodoya sign in Lagna and strong Lagna
Lord aspected by full Moon from 5th, 9th, lOth
or I l th house.
(17) If full Moon without affliction aspects Lagna,
Lagna Lord, Karya bhava, karyesh or lagna lord
. and karyesh in 2nd, 5th, 9th, lOth or I lth house,
querist will achieve his objective.
The results of above said
yogas depends on the
strength of the lagna lord and karyesh. If the karyesh
lagna lord are exalted, in own sign or friend' s
, rv'
Predictions t hrough Horary
sign and conjoined with or aspected by benefic, the
queri st
wi l l achi eve hi s obj ecti ve. If l agna l ord or
kar yesh ar e posi t ed
i n debi l i t at i on, combust ,
hemmed between malefics, posited
in enemy sign the
work will suffer even if aspected by benefics and the
If only lagna lord is aspected by three benefics
and the Moon the objective will be achieved.
If lagna lord and l lth lord or lagna lord and 2nd
lord are aspected by full Moon, the native achieves
wealth, objective and other comforts.
If ful l Moon aspects 9th house one performs
nobl e deeds and go f or pi l gr i mage.
I f f ul l Moon
aspects 1Oth hcuse, the nati ve achi eves promoti on
i n servi ce, government j ob
and fame.
If the Moon has conj uncti on wi th or aspected
by 8th lord or posited
in 8th house she gives
r esul t s or si gni f i es obst r uct i on i n achi evi ng t he
obj ect i ve.
If l agna l ord and karyesh i s aspected by ful l
Moon without affliction, posited
in kendra (1st,
7th or l0th) or trikona (5th
or 9th) the native achieves
hi s obj ecti ve.
The exalted Sun in lagna gives
fear from fire,
thief or ailment. If Mars and Saturn are posited
lagna and aspected by inimical planets,
they indicate
fire, theft, accident, wound, suffering and quarrel with
wife. If only Saturn is in lagna and aspected by Sun,
Mars or Moon the native faces defamation, rumours,
l oss of weal th, quarrel s,
di seases and puni shment
If Rahu i s posi ted i n l agna and
aspected by Sun, Mars or Moon, one suffers from
Predtcttorlt thlough
wound, i nj ury,
quarrel , acci dent or
paral ysi s, pai n i n
di stensi on or smal l
Al l mal efi cs
i n benefi c houses and al l benefi cs
i n mal efi c houses i ndi cate bad resul ts.
I f Moon
posi t ed i n l agna i s aspect ed by
debi l i tated
Mars i n l Oth house or debi l i tated Saturn
in 7th house
(Dikbal-directional strength) one suffers
for the whole life from loss of wealth and comforts
of l i fe, l oss of happi ness
(Dham, Artha and Kama).
If lagna lbrd or karyesh does not aspect the lagna
or karyesh bhava or each other, the object will not be
achi eved. It wi l l be achi eved onl y when l agna l ord or
karyesh will have relation with each other or aspect
lagna or karyesh bhava.
The si gns have been di vi ded by the sages i nto
Prishtodaya and Ubayodaya signs. The
Shi r shodaya
si gns ar e Gemi ni , Leo, Vi r go, Li br a,
Scorpi o and Aquari us.
Pri shtodaya si gns are
Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn. The
Pi sces si gn i s Ubhayodaya, both ways.
If l agna i s Shi rshodaya si gn and occupi ed by or
aspect ed by benef i c
pl anet s and t he Moon t he
obj ecti ve i s achi eved.
If l agna i s shi rshodaya si gn and benefi c
pl anets
posi ted i n 5th or 9th house the obj ecti ve
wi l l be
achi eved. I f l agna i s Pr i sht odaya si gn and has a
planet or its aspect on
the lagna the objective
wi l l not be achi eved.
There will be obstruction in the work if 4th lord
or lOth lord are retrograde.
If lagna lord or karyesh are retrograde, there will
be obstruction
and the work will not be achieved.
Predictions through Horary
If Saturn i s posi ted i n l agna Sun or Mars and
aspect thg l agna the work wi l l not be achi eved.
If di sposi tor of l agna l ord i s posi ted
i n 6th, 8th
or l 2t h si gn f r om l agna, t he wor k wi l l not be
achi eved.
Ti mi ng of t he Event
,dn i nqui si ti ve querri st al ways poses the next
question about time of fructification once he knows
hi s obj ect i ve wi l l be achi eved, whet her i t be on
professi onal matters. marri age, begetti ng chi l dren,
persui ng hi gher studi es etc. Hence i t i s desi rabl e to
provi de cl ues to di vi ne the ti mi ng of event.
The easiest way to answer the query
to time the
fructification of event is to see when the ithasala of
l agna l ord and karyesh i s goi ng to take
pl ace
whether it is in the near future. Whenever the relation
of l agna and l agna l ord, karya bhava and karyesh
establ i shed the event wi l l take pl ace. These yogas
have been stated i n the begi nni ng of the chapter 9 on
fructi fi cati on.
Porashora stotes :-
( I
If the lagna is movable sign, the event will take
place immediately.
(2) If the lagna is fixed sign, either the event is
unlikely to fructification or status
quo will be
maintained or there will be delay.
method in ancient classical works
is to take the number of navamsha of lagna lord. The
number of navamsha of lagna lord will indicate the
period within which the event is likely to take place.
Some ideas are
as under :
Sun indicates
=Ayana =
6 months
Moon indicates:Muhurta=
48 minutes
Mars indicates
l day
2 months
Jupiter indicates
1 month or 3Odays
Venus i ndi cates:Paksh
15 days
Saturn indicates
year (Saravali)
Mul ti pl y
the number of navamsha
wi th the
peri od of the l ord of navamsha.
product wi l l
indicate the time of event.
The aspect of Saturn on the lagna indicates undue
Some astrol ogers
consi der the l ongi tudes of
l ord of l agna as the ti me i ndi cator.
Suppose Sun 20o is la' gna lord. So the time of
event to take place is Ayana i.e. 6 month.
Now 30" indicates 6 month
20oi ndi cat es
+ X. 20
4mont hs
In case of Navamsha
9 navamsha indicates 6 months
6navamshai ndi cates
X 6
Some ancient astrologers
are of the
view that
planet indicates a Ghati,
planet in own sign
indicates a day, the
planet in firend' s sign indicates a
month, a
pl anet i n enemy' s si gn or i n debi l i tati on
year. The movable sign indicates the same,
the fixed sign indicates
the twice the duration
dual sign indicates
Yet another popularly
accepted principle
is to
l ook for the strongest pl anet
i n the chart.
If that
strong pl anet
i s posi ted
i n movabl e
how many houses that planet
is away
the lagna.
As many houses
away that pl anet
i s posi ted
fi om
lagna, so much period
will take to fructify
the query.
If that planet
is posited
in fixed navamsha.
t he i ndi cat ed per i od.
I f t hat pl anet
i s posi t ed
i n
common navamsha
tri pl e the i ndi cated peri od.
take Mesh lagna and Jupiter
is the strongest
in the chart and posited
in Libra sign in kendra.
Jupi ter i s seven houses away from l agna. If
Jupi ter i s posi ted
i n movabl e si gn i n navamsha,
of query
will take 7 months. If Jupiter
i s posi t ed
i n f i xed si gn i n navamsha
i t wi l l t ake
14 mont hs and i f i n
i t
wi l l t ake 2l mont hs
because Jupiter indicates
one month. If i t woul d
have been Mars the time
peri od
woul d have been
i n days i r r espect i ve
whet her
t her e i s any
r el at i on bet ween t he
lagna lord and the strongest planet.
This method does
not help much because the event will take place
t her e wi l l be r el at i on
bet ween l agnesh and
karyesh. So the practical
method is as such " when
the date of marriage will be fixed?"
22nd Nov. 1998 at I8-05 Delhi
Chart is on the next page
query pertains
to marriage'
The 7th lord and
7th house
are the significators'
lagna is fixed
the lagna lord
Venus aspects
the lagna and Venus
and Moon
have ithasala.
As t he
pr evi ous
has br oken
woul d
t ake
pl ace' So t he
2nd marriage
is 2nd
toio is Mercury.
remarri age.The2ndhouseacommonsi gnal soi ndi cates
znd marriage.
and Mercury
the 2nd
lord have ithasala.
2nd lord is significator
and indicates
6 months.
The difference
Venus is
( 2i o- 23o; -
l o
l l o- 28' =
11. 46
30' i ndi cat es
6 mont hs
I indicates
30 months
I 1. 46 i ndi cat es
11' 46
2. 29
06 days App.
The marriage
date is indicated
by adding
the date
query to daYs arrived
as above'
I Jupiter
l 7
8 \
22_n- 1998
06- 2-
- -
28- l - 1999
took place
on 5th Feb, 1999
If we consider
only degrees
30 indicates
6 months
l i ndi cat es6: 30
l l i ndi cat es
l l
66: 30
: 2mont hs6days
The date of marri age
wi l l be 2g-l -99
22- n- 1998
06- 2
_ __
I - r gsg
This method
of calculations
of timing
event is found
to be good.
will be the delivery?
Ihth september
ot 11:38
Del hi
The l agna
i s shi r shodaya
si gn, f i xed si gn
by 5th lord Jupiter (becuase
he has attianed
Chart l 8
5 Mcrcury
30o so he must fal l i n Pi sces the fi fth house) and the
Jupi t er al so aspect l agna l or d Mar s and t her e i s
i thasal a yoga.
So there i s a pregnancy,
the di fference
of l ongi tude of Mars and Jupi ter i s approxi matel y
and Jupi ter i ndi cates
30 days. So the del i very shoul d
be wi th i n ten days. The del i very took pl ace
on l 4th
sep. 1998 at 13: 50 Del hi when t he Moon was i n t r i ne
to the Jupi ter and favouri ng
i thasal a wi th Mars bei ng
i n Gemi ni si gn at l 3
- 28' .
A few astrol ogers
opi ne i f the si gni fi cator
i s
posi ted
i n vi si bl e hal f (from
7th house to l 2th) the
query wi l l fi ucti fy. If the si gni fi cator
i s posi ted
i n
i nvi si bl e hal f (from
l agna to 6th house) the query
wi l l
not f r uct i f y.
Now see how many houses
t he
si gni fi cator i s away from house of si gni fi cati on.
t he si gni f i cat or
i s posi t ed
i n l l i s own house, t he
ti ucti fi cati on
wi l l be achi eved i n as many days as
the si gni fi cator
i s away from house of si gni fi cati on.
If he i s posi ted
i n fri end' s house
so many months.
If the si gni fi cator i s posi ted
i n enemy' s si gn or
combust or debi l i tated
the obj ect wi l l be achi eved
i n so many years.
So due attenti on i s to be pai d to
the strength of si gni l i cator for ti mi ng events.
ei ng a
pr act i si ng doct or I have
f aced mor e
questi ons regardi ng
di seases
pati ent. I have
faced two mai n
questi ons :
(1) Whether the
pati ent wi l l be cured or not? If
When ?
(2). Whether the
pati ent wi l l survi ve or not ?
No one has come to me as astrol oger,
to know
regardi ng
the di agnosi s
of di seases. So I shal l l i ke to
deal wi th these two
questi ons el aboratel y.
In Horary Astrol ogy
we take the l st house as
i ndi cator of doctor,
person who
gi ves medi ci ne
to the pati ents, not attendant.
General l y
the I st house
i s i ndi cat or of
quer i st . But i n case of di seases
t ake l st house as doct or because
t he doct or and
queri st are one and the same
who i s opponent
to the
di seases.
We t ake t he 7t h house and 6t h house as
i ndi cator
of di seases, the l Oth house i ndi cator
of the
pati ent hi msel f,
who i s doi ng karma to
get ri d of
di sease and the 4th house the medi ci nes.
6th from
6t h i . e. 1l t h house f r om l agna i s al so i ndi cat or
P*dtrrt"^ rn
di seases. The 8th house i s i ndi cator of death, the 8th
from 8th i .e. 3rd house i s al so i ndi cator of death.
The patient
will recover easily with the doctor
( l )
If the l agna i s a benefi c si gn, occupi ed by or
aspected by benefic planets
and having benefic
in kendra and trikona and the lagna lord
i s aspect i ng l agna or t he conj oi ned wi t h or
aspected by benefi c pl anets i n benefi c house,
the doctor wi l l be abl e to cure the pati ent.
If the l agna i s the si gn of a mal efi c pl anet
occupi ed by or aspected by a mal efi c pl anet
the lagna lord is posited
in trik houses (6th,
l2th) or apoklim houses (3rd,
6th, 9th and l2th)
and aspected by or conjunct with malefics or
i s combust , debi l i t at ed or posi t ed
i n enemy
si gn or posi t ed
i n kendr a or t r i kona but
conj oi ni ng or aspected by mal efi cs, the doctor
will not be able to cure the patient.
One should
change the doctor without delay.
Or a doctor should not treat of such a patient.
He will bring defamataion, ill reputation to the
Medi ci ne
A Pat i ent
Chart l 9
Di sease Di seasr
(3) If the l agna i s a movabl e
si gn and l agna l ord i s
al so
posi ted i n movabl e si gn,
pati ent wi l l
be cured by changing
the doctor or by changing
the cl i mate
Pl ace.
( 4) I f 10t h house i s benef i c
gi ven i n det ai l
above, i t i ndi cates
that the di agnosi s
i s correct
the treatment
given is correct. and
wi l l obey and fol l ow the advi ce of the doctor'
If the lOth house is malefic as stated above for
lagna the
patient will not obey and follow the
advi ce of the doctor and wi l l not be cured.
(5) If there are benefic signs in the 6th or 7th house
occupi ed
by or aspected by benefi cs and l ords
ar e benef i cal l y
di sposed
t he
pat i ent wi l l be
cured by taki ng medi ci ne.
If there are malefic signs in 6th or 7th, malefics
occupy or aspect them, thei r l ords are
posi ted
or aspected by mal efi c and occupyi ng
mal efi c
houses, debilitated
and combust,
in enemy' s sign
or hemmed between
mal efi cs,
the di sease
wi l l
not cure easi l y or l i kel y to
get compl i cated.
(6) If 6th lord or 7th lorcl have Ithsala
yoga with
8th lord the chances of death are
( 7\ I f 4t h house and i t s l or d ar e mal ef i c and
occupied or aspected by, conjuncted
or hemmed
between mal efi cs or 4th l ord i s debi l i tated,
posted i n enemy' s
si gn, the
pati ent
wi l l not cure i nspi te of the best medi ci nes.
I f 4t h house and 4t h l or d ar e benef i ci al l y
di sposed, the medi ci ne
wi l l cure the
pati ent.
In short we can say that if the Moon is
posited in
Upachaya house
(3,6,10,11) and benefi cs
posi ted
Predictions through Horary
i n Kendra (1,4,7
Tri kona (5,9)
and 8th house, the
pati ent
wi l l recover. If mal efi c pl anets
are posi ted
i n
above sai d houses, there wi l l be di seases. i f l agna and
lagna lord are strong and well disposed, aspected by
benefic, hemmed between bqnefics, the patient
be cured.
will be cured, if :-
If the lagna lord and Moon is posited
in lagna
in movable or common sign and aspected by
benefi c pl anets.
(b) If the Moon is posited
in 4th J, f O,n house in
own si gn.
(c) If the Moon is posited
in own sign and have
ithasala with benefic planet.
(d) If the lord of lagna is benefic planet
and posited
in kendra or trikona in exaltation or own sign
(e) A strong benefi c pl anet
i s posi ted
i n l agna
Our experience indicates that if the lagna lord is
strong and benefic lagna is occupied or aspected by
benefic planets,
the Moon is strong in paksh
bala, is
full, though posited in 6th, 8th or l2th house the patient
gets cure by changing the system of medicines of
treatment. If lagna or lagna lord is afflicted, change
the doctor. if 4th house or 4th lord is afflicted change
the system of medicine for better treatment.
The Zodiac sigzs indicate thefollowing body ports:
Si gn Parts of the Bodv
Ari es
Eyes particularly
right eye; face and
mouth; neck
Si gn
Gemi ni
Li bra
Scorpi o
Sagi ttari us
Capri corn
Pi sces
Mar s
Jupi ter
Par t s of t he Body
Shoul der s and ar ms and ear s,
particularly Right ear
Chest, breast
Hear t , st omach
par t i cul ar l Y uPPer
abdomen, uterus
Intesti ne, wai st, l ower abdomen
Ki dney, semen, sexual i nsti ct, uterus,
vagi na, bl adder etc.
genital organs, Anus
Thi gh
Knee, Back bone
Left ear, l egs bel ow knee, cal f muscl e
Feet, l eft eye.
planet indicates the
parts of the
Pl anet s Perts of the Bod
Heart, bones, stomach, right eYe
Chest, breast,bl ood
Head, back,
particularly mark on the
Neck and shoulder, arms
Fats, hips
Legs, feet, thi gh
Legs bel ow knees,
P re dictions t hrough Horary
The 6th house always indicates the disease and
8th house death, longevity. Saturn is the karaka
di sease. 6t h f r om 6t h house i . e. l l t h house al so
i ndi cat es di seases but bei ng l l t h f r om l agna i t
indicates end of disease, 2nd
7th houses and their
l or ds ar e cal l ed Mar aka houses and pl anet s
respecti vel y, the aspect or associ ati on of Maraka
planents indicate sufTering, even death.
For movabl e si gn i n l agna l l th house i s Badhak.
For fixed sign 9th house is Badhak. For dwiswabhava
7th house is Badhak. The Badhak house and its
l ord al so i ndi cate troubl es and di seases.
Diseases indicoted by occapalion or aspect of
on 6th house :
Sun Hear t t r oubl e, f r act ur e of bones, ey
. t r oubl es, st omach t r oubl es, f ever ,
headache, anxiety.
Moon Eye di sease, bl ood di seases, col d and
cough, tuberculosis and mental troubles.
Mars Hi gh fever, headache, vi ral di seases, hi gh
bl ood
pr essur e,
wound and dysent r y,
Mercury Troubl es i n shoul ders and arms, axi l l ae
al l ergy, epi l epsy, madness.
Jupi t er Pi l es,
j aundi ce,
l i ver enl ar ge, ki dney
t r oubl es.
Venus Eye di seases, chol er a, weak semen,
di abetes mel i tus, venereal di seases, eye
di sease.
Saturn Troubl es due to i mbal ance of vata, l oss of
l i mb, pai n i n abdomen, weakness.
Rahu Di sease due to poi soni ng.
The combination
of planets or aspect change the
If the
planets are
posited in 6th or 8th house they
the fol l owi ng
type of di seases. Conj oi ned or
by malefics and devoid of aspect of benefics.
and Mar s: Di seases of bl ood, hi gh bl ood
pi l es, dysentry, headache
and i nj uri es or
and Mercury:
Typhoi d fever, al l ergy,
j aundi ce,
di sease of l ungs and tubercul osi s
Sun and Sat ur nl
Rheumat i c di seases, i nj ur y by
paralysis, heart attacks, hernia and fall from
hi gh
pl aces.
Sun and Rahu: Lepr osy, Cancer , hear t at t acks,
of uterus, leuchorrhea.
Sun and Venus: Semen di seases,
venreal di seases,
madness, Gynaecol ogi cal
di seases.
Sun and Moon: Chest trouble, diarrhoea,
vomiting, "
discharge, diabetes melitus.
Sun and Jupi ter: dyspepsi a, consti pati on,
spl een
skin diseases, urticarea, oedema.
Sun and Ket u: Swel l i ng of t est i cl es, hydr ocel e,
operation, abortion,
hysterical attacks.
Similarly conjunction
or aspect of other
modi fy the type of di sease'
Venus and Moon: Col d and cough, di ar r hoea,
and Leucorrhoea.
Venus and Mars: Spermatorrhoea,
piles and diseases
of bl ood, cause
Sun and Mars: Di seases of bl ood due to excess of
bi l es, hi gh bl ood pressure, pi l es, bl oody dysentry,
' headache,
yo diseases.
Mercury and Mars or Sun: Typhoid, Jaundice, liver
trouble, diseases of lungs, paralysis.
Mar s i n Scor pi o: Fi st ul a
Mars bei ng l agnesh i s posi ted
i n Sth and aspected
by malefics: cause wound in head.
Sat ur n al one: cause wi nd di seases, wound,
rheumatic pains, pneumonia.
Seturn and Mars: cause Swelling of
or ulcer
or cancer.
Saturn and Ketu i n 7th house:
Saturn and 6th l ord i n 6th or
ulcers in feet.
Rahu/Ketu: cause wind diseases, small pox, cholera,
typoid, hydrocete, constipation.
Rehu and Sun
cause Leprosy
Rahu and Sat ur n: cause Gout , wi nd di sease,
trembling of feet.
Rahu end Venus: cause cold and cough,
Rahu and Set ur n: cause Cancer and chr oni c
di seases.
Sun: fever due to excess of
restless headache,
H:'J:.'l"ll'J;,. and cough, phergm, rever
Mars: cause di seases due to excess of
pi tta, hi gh
fever, burning in hands and feet, headache,
pain in eyes.
Mercury and Jupiter: cause Jaundice, confusion,
headache, fever due to vata
cause fistula
Eth house: cause
u4 Predictiorc lhrough Horary
Venus: cause col d and cough phel gm,
fever due to
kapha, weakness of semen, venereal diseases, sexual
excitement, leuchorrea.
Lagna l ord i n l agna wi th mal efi cs i n 6th or 8th or
10th: cause acci dents or wound i n head.
Lagna l ord and Mars: cause wound due to some
weapon, surgery or accident.
Moon and 6t h l or d: cause wound or di sease of
mouth or face.
Mars and 6th l ord i n l agna or 6th or 8th: cause
di sease of head or anus.
Jupi t er wi t h 6t h l or d i n l agna or 6t h or 8t h:
cause ul cer i n naval or cessar i an del i ver y or
operati on of abdomen.
Mer cur y
wi t h 6t h l or d i n l agna or 6t h or 8t h:
ul cerati on of heart val ve.'
wi t h
6t h l or d i n l agna or 6t h or 8t h: cause
di seases
of eye.
Sat ur n wi t h
6t h
l or d i n l agna, 6t h or 8t h: cause
di seases
of feet.
Rahu/ Ket u wi t h 6t h l or d i n l agna, 6t h or 8t h:
cause di seases of l i ps.
of 6t h l or d and l agna l or d or 6t h l or d
and 8t h l or d
or l agna l or d and 8t h l or d: cause
chr oni c di seases.
Mal efi cs
i n 3rd, 6th, 9th or l 2th house: i ndi cate
heredi tary
di seases. .*
The di seases -of the pai ts
of body i s i ndi cated
by t he si gn/ house occupi ed by t he 6t h l or d or
afflicted Moon or afflicted lagna lord.
P redictions through Horary
General health ond early recovery
diseases :
( l )
If benefic planets
are posited
in kendra, trikona
and the mal efi c pl anets pl aced i n 3rd, 6th, l l th
houses i ndi cates general
heal th.
A strong benefi c pl anet i n l agna and strong
Moon i ndi actes earl y recovery.
If there i s i thasal of l agna l ord and 1Oth
l ord
the doctor and the pati ent.
If there i s i thasal of 4th l ord and 7th l ord
medi ci nes and di seases. i ndi cate earl v
The l agna and l agna l or d i s occupi ed or
aspected by benefi c pl anets
and no aspect of
mal efi c pl anets.
If there i s i thasal a of l agna l ord and the Moon
wi t h benef i c pl anet s
i n benef i c houses and
si gns.
The Moon i s conj unct wi th or aspected by
benefi c pl anets
i n kendra and have i thasal wi th
l agna l ord.
The l agna l ord i s posi ted
i n l agna wi th benefi c
pl anets
and have no mal efi c aspect.
If l agna l ord i s a benefi c pl anet
and i s posi ted
i n l agna, 6th, 7th and 8th house and aspected
by benef i c pl anet s
and t he f ul l Moon i n
Upachaya houses ( 3r d,
6t h, 1Ot h and l l t h
houses), the pati ent wi l l be cured.
If mal efi cs are posi ted
i n 1st, 6th, 7th and
Moon is weak, there is fear of death
pati ent.
If l agna l ord i s posi ted
i n l agna, l l th l ord
i s
( 3)
( 4)
I I 5
( 6)
( 7)
( E)
st r ong and. 8t h l or d i s weak, t he Moon i s
posited in upachaya house with full strength,
the patient will get
The Moon and lagna lord posited
in kendra and
conjoined or aspected by benefics, retrograde
7th lord have no relation with the Sun or 8th
lord, the patient
will be cured.
10) Benefics in 3rd, 6th, 9th and I lth indicate cure
of the patient.
l ) The Moon i n own si gn i n 4th house, aspected
by benefic, not aspected by malefics, indicate
cure of the patient.
The Moon in own sign and have ithasala with
benefic planets indicate cure of the patient.
Moon i n own si gn
4th or l Oth and l agna l ord
i n chara or dwi swabhava si gn, aspected by
benefic planets
indicate recovery of the patient.
Delay in recovery of the potient
or complicotion
diseases :
( 1) If there i s exchange of 6th and 8th l ord.
If mal efi cs are posi ted
i n 3rd, 6th, 8th, 9th and
l2th and lagna.
If Saturn or Mars i s posi ted
i n kendra or l 2th
house, recovery after much suffering.
If malefic Lagna lord in lagna or is strongly
posi ted i n l 2th house.
(5) 8th l ord i n kendra, l agna l ord i n 6th, 8th, l 2th
and the Moon weak.
( 6)
The Moon i n Mool t r i kona wi t h r et r ogr ade
Predictions through Horary I 17
(7) The exchange of lagna lord and 6th lord.
(8) The saturn and Mars in lagna in own sign.
If lagna lord and 10th lord or 4th lord and 7th
l ord are enemi es.
(10) If l agna l ord and the Moon have i sharafa yoga.
(l l ) The mal efi cs are posi ted i n 7th house.
(12) The malefics are posited in 6th and 8th house.
or 6th and 8th houses are aspected by malefics.
(13) If 5th or 9th house i s occupi ed by debi l i tated
or combust planet in enemical sign or hemmed
between malefic planets.
( 14) If Mars i s exal ted or posi ted i n own si gn or
fri qnds si gn i n l Oth house.
(15) If Mal efi cs are posi ted i n Kendra or 8th Lord
i s
posi ted i n Kendra.
Mal efi cs or Retrograde pl anet conj oi n Moon.
A Retrograde
in the sign of Moon.
(17) Retrograde pl anet occupy 4th or 7th house.
( 18) I f Lagna or t he Moon i s hemmed bet ween
Mercury and Venus, delayed recovery, but no
Whether the disease is curable? Answer in aftirmotive.
( 1)
I f t he benef i cs ar e
posi t ed i n Kendr a i n
st r engt h t he di sease wi l l be cur ed by
medi ci nes.
If the Moon i s strong, ful l and occupi es 2nd
or 4th house.
(3) If strong and full Moon in Upachaya and 9th
house or benefics are posited in Upachaya
6, I l ) and 9th house.
If benefi c Lagna l ord i s strong and posi ted
i n
Kendra; aspected by or conj uct wi th benefi cs,
not aspected by mal efi cs.
If Moon or Lagna Lord i s posi ted
i n movabl e
or common si gn i n the contrary di sposi ti on of
pl anets
i ndi cate that the di sease i s not curabl e.
( 6)
Moon i n own si gn i n 4t h or l Ot h house.
Moon i n own si gn havi ng Ithasal wi th benefi cs.
( 8)
I f st r ong benef i c i n Lagna aspect ed by a
benefi c pl anet.
Death of the patient is indicated if:
( I
The 6th Lord i s posi ted i n Lagna wi th mal efi cs
and the Moon is affflicted. The Moon in 4th or
8t h or l Ot h house i n papa
Kar t ar i yoga,
conj uct or aspected by mal efi c pl anets.
Moon i n Lagna and Sun i n 7th house.
The Moon i n 4th, 8th or 12th house and mal efi c
pl anets
i n 2nd, l 2th,7th or 8th house.
The Moon and Lagna Lord are posited
in 8th
the Lagna Lord and 8th Lord are i n i thasal .
The Lagna Lord and Moon i n Kendra or 8th
havi ng i thasal wi th mal efi cs.
The Lagna Lord and Moon gets
combust and
have i thasal wi th mal i fi cs.
6th and 8th Lords are posi ted
i n Lagna.
The Moon i s posi ted
i n 6th and i s posi ted i n or
i thasal wi th 8th Lord.
( 10) Mars posi ted
i s i n 7th or 8th
afflicted by malefic planets.
house in own sign
( l s)
( 16)
PrrA"tfu^tn *ShH*
I 1) Lag4a Lord is weaker than 8th lord and the
Moon i n 6th, 8th or l 2th house.
Saturn in 8th house aspected by Mars.
( 13)
The Moon bei ng l 2t h Lor d posi t ed
i n 6t h
forming ithasal with 7th Lord.
The 6th Lord or malefic in Lagna aspected by
the Moon.
8th Lord and Moon in 8th house.
8th Lord i s combust, debi l i ated or i n enemy' s
sign or hemmed between malefics in Kendra
and have ithasala with Lagna Lord or the Moon.
Lagna Lord in dwadashmsha of Sun.
Lagna Lord or 8th Lord posited
in Kendra and
have ithasala with debilitated combust planet.
Lagnalord and 8th Lord posited in Kendra and
have papa
kar t ar i yoga and i t hasal a wi t h
mal efi c pl anets.
Moon conjioned with malefics in 4th, 8th or
l2th or lOth house and malefics in 3rd, 7th or
l 2th house.
Moon i s affl i cted i n 4th 8th or l 2th or l Oth
house, Sun in lagna and Mercury in 7th house.
(22) (i)
Malefic planet
in 6th, 7th and 8th from
The malefic in 6th, 7th and 8th house from
6th i .e. I l th, l 2th and Lagna.
(i i i )
The Mal efi c 6th, 7th and 8th from 8th
house i .e. Lagna,2nd and 3rd house from
(23) Moon in 7th in the sign of the Venus, Saturn
and Mars, Mars and
i n 8th, Lagna
( r 7)
l 8)
affl i cted.
Moon in 6th or 8th house and malefic in 6th
and 7th.
The patient
dies within
Tdays if malefics
in 4th and 8th from Lagna or Venus and Jupiter
i n 3r d.
The pati ent
di es wi thi n
l 0 days i f Sun posi ted
i n 3rd and mal efi c i n l Oth house.
The patient
dies within
3 days if malefics are
i n l Ot h.
If the mal efi c pl anets
are i n 2nd house and
Moon and Lagna Lord is posited
in 6th or
If the Moon is posired
from Aruda Lagna
and aspected
by malefic planets.
Yogas given
in classics
(l )
If Sun i n 3rd and mal efi cs i n 7th house death
wi thi n i n ten days.
If Sun i n 3rd and mal efi cs i n l 0th and 7th
house death within ten days.
The malefics
in 2nd house and Moon and lagna
lord in 6th or 8th death within fourteen
The Jupi ter and Venus i n 3rd house accordi ng
to other, the Jupiter and Venus in 3rd from lOth
i .e. l 2th house from l agna and the mal efi cs i n
4th and 8th house death within seven days.
If Sun, Mars, Saturn or Rahu in 2nd, 7th or lOth
house death within three days.
P*dt"rt"* rn""-n n*
If Sun or Rahu in lOth
and Mars or Saturn in
7th house one dies on the same day.
One should also apply the principle
of timing
the events given
in 9th chapter of this book.
The above yogas
ar e gi ven
i n cl assi cs but
experi ence does not confi rm them. We have no
disrespect for our ancient astrologers. But we have
lost detailed references
of these yogas
under which
these combi nati ons
had been stated. So use them
carefully keeping in view the dasha and bhukti and
transit of the natal chart. If possible
do take intp
the annual chart and ashatakvarga
the native before declaring
death of the native. On
the basis of horary only, one should not declare death.
The sign in 8th house indicates the place
of death
and the house in which
the 8th lord is
( I
If movable sign in 8th house the death will take
away from home.
If fixed sign is in Eth house
at home.
If common sign indicates death
on the way
to home.
WLII the patient
The lagna is Prishtodaya
and Char sign, occupied
by Ketu and aspected by Rahu and Saturn. The
Kendras and Trikona are occupied by malefic planets.
The Lagna, Sun and Moon are afflicted. The benefics
are afflicted.
So the patient' s
death is indicated, the
8th lord is posited
in l2th house and the sign in 8th
house is fixed. So the patient
died in hospital. The
Pre dicti ons t hr ough H orary
I up
l 2
Jupi ter
\ scl 2- l
/ enl |
09- t 0
i un24-3
Monl 9- l !
9- 1- 1999 at 8: 25 hr s Del hi
planet Venus has conjunction with lagna,
the di fference i s l ess than I
and are
posi ted i n
movabl e si gn. So l ess than a day i s i ndi cated. Agai n
Venus i s posi ted i n movabl e navamsha. The
pati ent
died at night, same day.
Results through breathing
process :
( I
If the querist puts the
query while. sitting on
t he same si de i n whi ch si de t he nost r i l i s
running/breathing the patient will be cured.
If the
querist enters the chamber from the side
of the nostril in which no breathe is running
and whi l e
put t i ng t he
quer y t he same si de
nostril starts running, the patient will be cured.
(3) If ri ght si de nostri l i s runni ng when the
queri st
puts the query the patient will be cured.
(4) If the querist puts the
query when the left side
nostril is running the patient will not be cured
easi l y.
If the left side nostril is running and the
putting the
query from right side the
will fail
P re dict ions t hrough H oraty
t 8>
( 6)
( 7)
( 8)
The r i ght nost r i l br eat he
i s
benef i ci al
Sunday, Tuesday,
Saturday and when the Moon
is weak during Krishna paksha.
The l ef t nost r i l br eat he i s benef i ci al
Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday and
when the Moon i s strong duri ng the shukl a
If both the nostrils
are running the query
achieved with difficulties.
Will the patient
be cured or Survive?
25- 08- 1998
at l 9: 20 Det hi
Lagna i s f i xed si gn and shi r shodaya
si gn
occupied by Ketu and aspected by malefic Rahu and
Sun. No benefi c pl anet
i s posi ted
i n 8th house. So i t
indicates the death of the patient.
( 1) If lagna is Prishtodaya
sign and malefic planets
in kendra and the Moon in 8th death of patient
i s i ndi cated.
If the malefic planets
are in lagna the disease
wi l l get
compl i cated due to the doctor. So
change the doctor.
0l - 55
l 9- 3 8
Kctu 7-3 1
Chart 2l
Ven2 I
124 Predictions through H orary
(3) If the mal efi c
pl anets are posi ted i n l 0th the
di sease wi l l
compl i cated due to pati ent so
take medicine regular and take full
(4) If the mal efi c
pl anets are posi ted i n the 4th
t he medi ci ne wi l l r eact and pr oduce
complications so change the system of medicine.
(5) If the mal efi cs are posi ted i n 7th the di sease
wi l l get compl i cated.
So for right and good treatment lagna lord and
l Oth l ord shoul d have i thasal a or to be fri ends or 4th
lord and 7th lord should have friendly relationship.
It i s not auspi ci ous for the l agna si gn or Moon
sign of the birth chart to fall in 7th and 8th of Horary
chart of the patient. The patient will be cured when
strong benefi c pl anet wi l l transi t l agna, 3rd, 6th, l l th
or 9th house.
Whether the potient will be cured ?
27- 7- 1998 at 18: 43 hr s Del hi
Jup (R)
I 5-43
vr(x)nz /
Lagna i s posi ted i n Movabl e si gn, Pri shtodaya
si gn. The l agna l ord i s posi ted
i n kendra, i n movabl e
sign. Moon is p-osited
in 8th house with Rahu, the
t 0
Saturn I
/ 3\
6th, 7th and 8th house are occupied by malefics, the
8th l ord Sun i s posi ted
i n 7th house aspecti ng l agna
t he di sease wi l l get
compl i cat ed.
The 6t h l or d
Mercury i s posi ted
i n 8th. The Lagna, Lagna Lord
and Moon have no aspect of benefi cn the mal efi cs
are posi ted
i n kendra, the pati ent
wi l l not be cured.
lVhether the patient
will survive?
The above questi on
i s extensi on of the previ ous
questi on
and not a di fferent questi on.
Hence, the
will be answered from lagna, not from the
Lagna l ord i s debi l i tated.
8th l ord i s posi ted
i n
kendra and have exchanged with 7th lord Moon, the
Maraka and the Moon is posited
in 8th house with
6th lord Mercury
and Rahu, the 7th house is hemmed
between mal efi cs, 6th house i s occupi ed by mal efi cs
Mars, aspected by debilitated lagna lord Saturn. So
survi val i s not possi bl e.
When will he die ?
for death is
Therefore the
Sun i ndi cates
l -
10. 5
The nati ve wi l l di e after two months and the
nati ve di ed on 1Oth Oct, 1998 i n Apol l o Hospi tal .
Will ,he potient
be cured?
The Lagna is in Movable and Shirshodaya
Mars the 7th Lord, disease and Venus Lagna Lord
Eth lord. 8th lord is Sun.
6 months
6* 30
6- 30x10. 5=2. 1
\ r 0
llp (R)
/ Moon
Chart 23
l t - 51
P re dictions t hr ough H orary
12- 8- f 998 at l l : 10 Del hi
are in trine to Moon means Lagnesh and Karyesh are
i n tri ne to Moon and i n Chara Movabl e si gn. Venus
and Mars are within their orb and have ithasal. So
the patient was cured within a month the
Karyesh Mars.
Will the potient Survive?
26-l -1999 et 07:00 Del hi .
The patient was admitted in hospital in Jhansi.
They contacted me on tel ephone at 7:00 Del hi .
The strong
planet is
posited in Kendra the Sun
Lagna r-.
Sunl l -4{
er"at"ttt* tt"^rgh H*
the karaka for health and posited
in Lagna, the
wants to know about the health. As younger
have query
about elder brother, so Lagna represents
si st er and I l t h house r epr esent s el der
brother. Therefore we took I lth house as Lagna.
In the chart No.25 the Lagna i s aspected by
Jupiter from his own house. Lagna Lord is posited
in the l2th house aspected by debilitated Satrun from
6th house. The Moon is also posited
in the 6th house
aspected by the Mars and the Moon is Badhak planet
al so for Sthi r Lagna. Jupi ter bei ng l ord of 2nd i s
Maraka planet
having ithasala withMars. Venus being
7th Lord Maraka i s posi ted
i n Kendra, becomes a
strong Maraka. Moon is posited in Sun' s Nakshatra,
Mars is posited
in own Navamsha and own Nakshatra
aspecting Sun, Mercury and Ketu. Therefore Lagna
is connected with Maraka badhak. Karaka Sun and
Saturn the 3rd Lord, 8th lord, Rahu/ Ketu and Moon.
There is no benefic aspect on Lagna Lord or Moon,
7th Lord Venus a Maraka is strong.
He di ed i n the hospi tal at 14:30 due to renal
failure from high fever, the 7th house, the kidney
have the aspect of Mars the Lagna Lord and have
Iupiter Saturn
r 2
' l \
Ket r r
Asc Mars
t 28
Predictions through Horary
Ithasal a. As the movabl e si gns are i nvol ved wi th
Moon death occured on same day.
lVhether the
potient will survive?
In the Chart No.26 Lagna is occupied by Rahu
and Lagna Lord is posited in 12th in Venus Nakshatra
and Venus Navamsha. The Venus is a Badhak for Char
lagna, aspecting the lagna, therefore the query is
regarding disease. The strongest planet Sun is posited
i n the house of di sease. The chart i s correct, the
Lagna Lord has ithasala with Mars the
yoga karaka,
Venus Lord of 4th and I lth is posited in 8th and there
is sextile aspect between Moon and Saturn the 7th
and 8th Lord. Lagna is aspected by the Jupiter, 6th
and 9th Lord from his own house Pisces.
Lagna being aspected by Jupiter from his own
house in 9th and Lagna Lord Moon having ithasala
with Mars
karaka 5th and 1Oth Lord, Venus 4th
and I lth Lord. Saturn 7th and 8th Lord the patient
was saved by the efforts of the doctor, though planets
in Kendra made her suffer from death like situation.
She was refused by a nursing home to give admission
28- 1- 1999 at l 7: 32 Del hi
3- l 5
u \z k:it"
3 - l 5
. 3 . /
\ 4, /
Marc zX I Saturn
' /to\ ' /
28-20 5- 56
9- 38
l unl 4- l (
l ct u28- 2
because of her critical condition and was admitted
i n AIIMS.
WilI my invalid child be cured or
pick up health?
What is the number of the child 1st, 2nd or 3rd?
For the fi rst chi l d we exami ne 5th house, second
from 7th, 3rd from 9th from lagna and so on.
In this case lst child is invalid, so take 5th house
as lagna, l0th from lagna as 6th, 3rd as I lth from 5th.
If 5th l ord has any connecti on wi th l Oth l ord and
l Oth house the chi l d wi l l be i l l . If the l Oth and l Oth
lord has any connection with Saturn the child will
remi an si ck for whol e l i fe.
If the 5th lord has any connection
with 3rd lord,
he wi l l recover and
pi ck up heal th.
lYill my 2nd child
pick up health?
He i s 2nd chi l d so l agna i s 7th' The 7th house i s
occupied by Sun and Moon and aspected by Mars the
6th l ord. The l l th l ord Jupi ter i s i n 12th wi th Saturn
and aspected by Mars, the 7th l ord, di seases' As 4th
l or d, t he Sur t ; t he medi ci Tc.
; ,
: . r i ) : : : ' : ' i
i n
i ; . ' : - ! r ' l r -
' , ' i i
l 2- 06- f 999 at 18: 30 Del hi
Sat l 7-3 |
Sun27-l I
il"'J1 Lagna
. 7 , t
t 2
/ 4
i:iJ:N ,/,"1",)
I t _1e
the medi ci ne
wi l l gi ve
rel i ef for someti me
but wi i l
not be cured permanently.
The patient
will not be able
to take medi ci ne
conti nuousl y
as l Oth l ord
i s
posi ted
i n 12th.
The chi l d
was cured
of hi gh fever
but remai ned
si ck of Chroni c
di seases.
( a)
cn.eprnn I I
r avel l i ng
means t o
go out of home f or some
purpose. There are four types of travel l i ng:
Travel l i ng
dai l y to one' s worki ng
pl ace or to
purchase some
arti cl es from the market.
(b) Travel
out of ci ty to attend some functi on.
(c) Travel
to some hol y
pl aces or di stance
pl aces
for hol i days
Pi l gri ms.
(d) Travel
to forei gn country or countri es.
Dai l y
travel l i ng
can be i ndi cated by the i thasal a
Lagna Lord and 3rd Lord and thei r houses'
The 3rd l ord or l agna l ord shoul d be i n movabl e si gns
i n Rashi
chart or Navamsha chart.
out of ci ty to attend some functi on i s
by Lagna, 3rd and ?th house and their Lords'
to hill stations or Holy
places is indicated
by Lagna,
9th and 1Oth house and their Lords.
to forei gn countri es
i s i ndi caced by 3rd,
9th and 12th houses and thei r
I n
gener al Lagana
i ndi cat es
l ong or shor t
j ourney
accordi ng
to l ong or short peri od
of Lagna.
7th house indicates the place
and return
there from; 4th house i ndi cates resul t ofj ourney and
arri val ; 1Oth house i ndi cates the obj ect of
j ourney
and the i dea of travel l i ng;
3rd house i ndi cates short
j ourney
and 9th house i ndi cates
short l ong
j ourney.
To travel
means to go away from home. It means
t hat t he 4t h house and i t s l or d must have some
relation with malefic planets.
The lOth house indicate
the Karma and i s opposi te to 4th house i .e. l oss of
comfort to the Nati ve. Whi l e travel l i ng the nati ve i s
doi ng some Karma. Therefore
some i nfl uence of
transi t pl anets
shoul d be on the l 0th house and i ts
Lord also. The Lagna is the native himself.
The 4th
house i s the home of the nati ve, the 7th house i s the
end of the travelling
and thought
of returning
ari se i n the mi nd. The l Oth house i s the begi nni ng
the travelling, the idea of travelling arise in the mind.
So all the Kendras are important
for the purpose
travel l i ng.
Joanxry ro orHER cITIEs tyITHrN THE coaNTRy
due to business purpose,
or to attend conference to other cities of the country
should be analysed from 3rd and 7th house and their
Lords. The movabl e
si gn i n 3rd or 7th house
or the
l ord of 3rd or 7th house i s posi ted
i n movabl e
si gn
or aspected by a planet
in movable sign.
Journey by train
Mars and Moon are the Karaka for
the train and houses are 3rd and 7th. Mars should be
in movable sign, the strong
Moon in strength should
occupy the Kendra (1,4,7,10)
or tri kona (5,9)
P redict ions through Horary
t 33
the 4th house or Kendra should not be aspected
or conj unct wi th mal efi cs-Rahu or Saturn. The
mal efi c pl anets shoul d be i n tri k (6,8,12)
houses and
benefic in Kendra or trikona for safe
Journey by Air
The Karaka for
by air are Saturn
and Jupiter
(Akash Tatwa). The
to foreign
country by air is indicated by Saturn and Jupiter. The
houses are l 0th,9th and l 2th and ai ry si gns i n these
houses. According to others the Venus is the karaka
bei ng the l ord of 7th si gn Li bra and 7th house of
natural zodiac and being airy sign.
Joarney by Sea or through woter
j ourney
by Sea or ferry through water
requires involvement of 8th house and watery signs
particularly Scorpio
(Vrishchik) sign.
22- 10- 1998 19: 45 Del hi
l 2-8
\ /
xt z
, / \
I Jupiter(R)
l 0
Sr m Mnnn
Chart 28
l 5- 18
venj - I 2
We, Sh.M.N.Kedar, Sh.K.Rangachari and myself
went to Allahabad with the idea that we would attend
an International Astrological Conference,
visit holy
places at Prayag and the temple of Kanshi Vishwanath
at Varanasi.
I 34
The nati vers
t on Z2-10-l ggg
r unni ng
Ket u/
Ket u/ Ket u
Kct u
l t
23- 10- 1998
at 09: 15
At t ahabad
Ket u
Sat urn(R)
r 0
Jup (R)
Chart 30
Transi t for the nati ve
l 2 Asc
I Ketu
Chart 3l
Predictions through Horary
At the ti me of starti ng for
j ourney
on 22nd
october 1998 the Lagna Lord Venus and 3rd Lord
Moon ar e conj oi ni ng i n 6t h house, aspect ed by
Saturn(R), the Lord of 9th and lOth and aspecting
ninth house also. The 4th house is also afflicted. If
we examine the transit of 3rd Lord Mars is posited
in 7th house aspecting Lagna. Lagna Lord Saturn(R)
and Moon are in movable sign. The Moon is aspected
by planet in 3rd and 4th house is also afflicted by
movable sign is in 3rd house, Lagna
Lord and Moon are in movable signs we travelled by
trai n.
I f we exami ne t he st ar t i ng t i me on 23i d
oct.,1998, Moon si gn as Lagna the Lagna i s watery
sign. Moon in watery sign, 3rd house Capricorn has
been taken as watery sign and 3rd Lord is posited in
6th house. 4th house is afflicted by Rahu/ Ketu axis
and Mars. We went to take bath on ferry to triveni
Scorpi o si gn.
Though this is not the part of Prashna/ Horary.
The Horary means Hora, the hour or the moment we
put the question to an astrologer or started.our work.
The chart for the moment is capable of answering
I f we ar e
goi ng
out f or pi cni c et c. onl y t he
strength of the Moon and lagna should be taken into
account. The strong Moon
(strong in Paksh bala) and
l agna l ord shoul d be
posi ted i n Kendra, tri kona,
friends house, even sign and watery sign aspected by
planets. The Moon and the lagna lord should
not be posited in 4th, 6th, 8th or l2thhouse in malefic
si gns, hemmed between mal efi c or be weak, i f so
obstructions should be anticipated.
llhether I will go
"Yes" the nati ve wi l l go
for travel l i ng, i f
( l )
Lagna and Moon ar e i n movabl e si gn and
conjunct with or aspected by benefic planets
and 4th house is afflicted.
( 2)
Lagna Lor d and 9t h Lor d have i t hasal
eonjunct in Lagna or Moon and 9th Lord have
ithasala and lagna lord in 9th house.
Lord of 9th from lagna lord and the Moon have
i thasal a.
Lagna Lord and 3rd Lord have ithasal in Kendra
and in association
with an unblenished
4th l ord posi ted
i n Lagna and Lagna Lord i n
3rd house or Kendra
conjunct with or aspected
by benefi c pl anets.
Mal efi c pl anets
are posi ted
i n 4th or l 0th.
Lagna Lord and 9th l ord i n movabl e si gn.
( 8)
9t h Lor d i s i n Lagna and Lagna Lor d i s i n
Kendra without malefic influence.
( 9)
Ther e i s movabl e
si gn i n l Ot h house and
by or conj uct wi th benefi c pl anets.
( l 0) Lagna Lord or Moon i s posi ted
i n 9th or 3rd
house. Lagna is movable sign, the native will go
for travelling early. If Lagna is a dual sign travel
will take place
after some delay, and in case Lagna
is a fixed sign, there will be no
( 1 I
If Lagna is in shirshodaya
sign and aspected
by benefic planet
or Lagna Lord.
( 12)
Lagna, Ar uda Lagna or l 0t h house be i n
movable sign and aspected by or occupied with
benefic planets.
Ilhen will I go
on o Joarney?
"When Lagna Lord or Moon will have ithasala
with 9th Lord or 3rd Lord.
There will be no travel, If
( I
Lagna Lord, 9th Lord and 3rd lord have no
. rel ati on.
Lagna, Aruda Lagna and lOth house are in fixed
si gn.
Rahu is posited
in Kendra from Lagna or Aruda
Lagna and Moon are in fixed sign aspected by
mal ef i cs.
Benefic planets
are in 10th or 4th house
Mal efi c i n 7th house.
Lagna and the Moon in prishtodaya
sign and
aspected by malefics.
Lagna Lord and 9th l ord are weak.
Mercury, Venus or Saturn are retrograde
Saturn and Jupiter in Lagna.
( l 0) There i s a fi xed si gn i n l agna hemmed between
benefic planet.
Lagna, Aruda Lagna are in fixed sign occupied
by Saturn, andl or Sun.
The Saturn, Sun or Mars i n 10th house.
Sun, Venus, Jupi ter or Mercury i n l 2th house.
The Moon hemmed between benefi c pl anets
i n'
fixed or common sign.
If there is Durudhara yoga
in the Lagna; (The
Durdhara yoga
is formed when the Moon is hemmed
between pl anets)
an el der person wi l l prohi bi t
t 38
P redict ions t hrough H orary
on a Journey.
If there are mal efi c pl anets i n l Oth the nati ve
wi l l not recei ve vi sa or government wi l l not al l ow
hi m to travel or el der brother wi l l not al l ow hi m.
The nati ve wi l l not travel to desi red di recti on i f
Moon i s posi ted i n 5th or 9th from Sun.
2nd Sep. 1998 at 8:45 Delhi.
Will the Native visit America?
Lagna i s chara, l Oth i s i n chara, Navamsha i s
chara, Aruda Lagna is chara, 9th Lord is in 12th, the
Lagna Lord Mars and Jupi ter(R) are i n tri ne but
forming Isharaf yoga
and 9th Lord is retrograde.
Mars, the Lagna Lord and Mercury the 3rd Lord
are conjunct in 4th the Kendra but Mercury is ahead
of Mars, the sl ow movi ng pl anet, so i shraf yoga. Mars
and Mer cur y ar e aspect i ng t he 1Ot h house. Mar s
and Mercury documentation and
recommendati on. 9th Lord Jupi ter i s retrograde and
have appr oxi mat el y l o; Lagna i s occupi ed by
retrograde Saturn, Lagna Lord is debilitated in 4th
house. 4th Lord Moon is strong posited
in trikona and
in friends house. The Native was not able to proceed
9-3 r
upl t er
\ 12
?R-r 1
Venl -l
on tour to America. The visa was refused.
l4till there be ony trouble during traveiling?
"Yes": (See
del ayed return al so) i f:
1) There are mal efi cs i n 7th house or i n tri ne
there is Dual/Dwiswabhava
sign in the Lagna.
There are malefics in l|th house the trouble
wi l l be
offi ci al s or el der
brother or his own actions.
2nd Lord or 9th Lord i s posi ted
i n 7th house
wi th mal efi cs.
There is malefic in 4th house, (there
will be
troubl e at home).
Mal efi c pl anets
are posi ted
i n Lagna, 8th or
9t h house so ( many
t r oubl e dur i ng t he
t r avel l i ng) .
( 6)
Mar s or Sat ur n i s posi t ed
i n 8t h house and
associated with by malefic planets (one has fear
of l i fe). If Lagna Lord has i thasal a wi th 3rd or
9th Lord there wi l l be travel . But i f conj unct
wi th mal efi c pl anets
and aspected by Venus
t her e wi l l be l oss of weal t h at t he end of
t r avel l i ng.
Venus or Mars i s posi ted
i n 8th house wi th
mal efi c pl anet
or aspected by mal efi c there i s
fear of injury from weapon in travelling.
( 8)
Lagna and Moon ar e i n common si gn and
aspected by or conjunct with malefics, there will
be defeat of the purpose
and return with loss.
Malefic planets
are posited
in 3rd or 9th there
wi l l be l oss i n travel l i ng.
l 0) A movabl e si gn i n l agna occupi ed by a mal efi c
planet, there will be quarrel during travel or
there wi l l be di sease to the nati ve.
2nd l ord i s retrograde the obj ect of the travel
wi l l not be achi eved.
Jupi ter i s posi ted i n l agna i n common si gn the
nati ve wi l l return back i n the mi ddl e of the
(13) There are mal efi c
pl anets i n 4th house, the
native will return back in the middle ofjourney.
(14) There are mal efi cs
pl anets i n l agna the nati ve
return back due to fear of disease.
(15) The Lagna l ord i s posi ted i n 12th
nati ve
will return back due to fear of theft or disease.
(16) The 7th l ord or 8th l ord i s associ ated wi th or
aspected by malefic the native will return back
due to fear of theft or enemy.
If the 6th l ord or l 2th l ord i s a mal efi c there
wi l l be fear of i mpri sonment or di sease.
( 18) Sat ur n associ at ed wi t h mal ef i c i s posi t ed i n
8th house, there is fear of death.
( 19)
Sat ur n i s associ at ed wi t h or aspect ed by
malefics and
posited in 9th house, there is fear
of death or disease to the native.
( 20) The Sun i s posi t ed i n 9t h house i ndi cat es
di seases to the nati ve.
(21) The Moon i s posi ted i n 7th house and hemmed
between malefics there is fear of disease, or
theft or death
(22) The
person will meet with as many difficulties
as the number of malefic
planets posited in 9th
or l2th from lagna or lagna lord.
is prishtodaya
sign in lagna
by mal ef i cs
or aspect ed
by mal ef i cs,
benefic aspect or conjunction,
the native will
have quarrel
or imprisonment).
2nd lord in 7th with malefic planet,
there will
be trouble
on the way.
2nd lord in 4th with
malefic planet,
there will
be quarrel
on the way.
If lagna lord and the Moon is posited
in 4th,
6th or 8th in debilitation,
combust and.have
with 8th lord or conjunct with malefic,
the traveller
is dead.
The Moon in dhurdhara yoga
indicates that the
native is imprisoned.
If the dhurdhara yoga
of benefic planets,
the native is in prison
to love affair. If the dhurdhara yoga
malefic planet
the native
is in the custody
pol i ce.
One should not travel when:
there are malefic planets
in kendra or trikona.
there is common
sign in lagna and the Moon
is associated with
malefic planets
or aspected
by malefic planets,
no aspect or association
of benefic planets.
when the Sun or the Moon or l agna l ord i s
transiting a house having less bindu in his own
One will enjoy traveAing
and achieve
his object, if:
( l )
benef i c pl anet s
ar e i n kendr a and t r i kona,
mal efi c
pl anets' i n 3rd, 6th and l l th houses'
(2) Venus or Mercury
i s i n 8th house'
(3) there
i s movabl e
si gn
i n 4th and
4th l ord i s
associ ated
or aspected
by benefi c
i n a benefi c
(4) 9th lord and 2nd lord are in lagna, 10th or I lth' \
(5) benefi c
pl anets are i n 9th house'
(6) movabl e
si gn i s i n l agna'
i n a fi xed si gn
benefi c
ptai ets are
pJsi ted i n l agna or l agna i s
by his own
lord or benefic
(7) there
is ithasala
of lagna
lord and 9th lord and
aspect ed
by benef i c
pl anet s wi t h benef i c
(3rd, 5th or 9th asPect)'
(8) the 2nd l ord
i s
posi ted i n 9th or 3rd house'
( 9) t he 2nd l or d i s
posi t ed i n l agna,
10t h or 1l t h
( 10) Lagna
l ord have i thasal a
wi th benefi c
pl anets
i n 2nd or 3rd house.
( I 1) When benefic
planets are
in lagna
or 10th, 4th
or 2nd house.
( 12) The l l t h l or d i n 1Ot h or l l t h'
(13) When
l agna l ord i s
posi ted i n l agna, 10th or
l l th or i n kendra.
If there
is a movable
sign in lagna and occupied
by a planet or lagna lord is in movable sign, the direction
is indicated
by the strongest
of the above
If Aruda
lagna is in movable
sign or 1Oth lord
in movable
planets is stronger
the direction.
If two or more
planets are
sign, the strongest
will indicate
the direction.
, /2
The strongest
of Jupiter,
Moon will indicate
the direction
of travel.
The traveller
not go
to the desired
i f Sat ur n,
Mer cur y,
Jupi t er
or Venus j oi nt l y
are posited
in 5th or 9th house
The traveller
not visit the
i f Moon i s posi ted
i n 5th or 9th from
The strongest
of tbem will
take the traveller
hi s own di recti on.
will one hove travelting?
l ord wi l l be i n l agna
lord will have
the 9th lord.
l agna
l ord wi l l
be i n 9th house
the di sposi tor
of Moon wi l l be i n 9th house.
( 5)
benef i c pl anet s
ar e i n l Ot h house ( Moon,
and Venus)
the period
accordi ng
to the above
sai d pl anets
48 minutes,
2 months,
one month and Venus
l5 days).
When 9th lord will be in lagna and lagna
in 9th house
etc See yoga
for achievement
To Whom
the notive
is going
to cotl on? If:
( 1)
the Moon has i thasal a
wi th Sun, one i s goi ng
to meet some government
( 2)
the Moon
or other planet (strongest
Lord) has ithasala
one is
goi ng
to see a sai nt l i ke person.
Moon or Lagna
Lord has ithasala
with Venus,
( 3)
one i s
goi ng to see a l adY.
(4) Saturn
person of low status'
( 5) Mer cur y
i ndi cat es
busi nessmen,
wr i t er or
i ntel l i gent
person for recommendati on'
( 6) Mar s i ndi cat es
wi cked
per son' l awyer
f or
or a
person for legal
procedure or a
(7) If Lagna
Lord or the Moon
has Isharaf
wi th
Saturn or Mars, one has fear from labourer'
labour may leave his employer
or the employer
may termi nate
hi s servi ce.
( 8) I f t her e
i s I shar af a
wi t h Sun f ear f r om
govenment official.
Venus indicates
a LadY.
Mercury' intelligent
person, sourceful
who can recommend.
the above
one can also indicate
who i s comi ng
to meet hi m.
Arud Lagna and lOth house
person who will meet
you on the
way or
are cal l i ng
If the above said Lagnas are associated
with or
by a
planet posited in friendly
will meet on the way. If planet is debilitated
i ndi cates
debi l i tated
person. Exal ted
pl anet
high status
person. Planet
in own sign
person. Planet
in enemy sign
male and
signs indicate
Predictions through Horary t45
When will the traveller return?
l' frutification
aqd timing also")
The missing person will return :
( I
when the 7th Lord will transit Lagna.
(2) when the 7th Lord wi l l form Ithasal a wi th
Lagna Lord.
(3) will return in as many month as the number of
houses intervenimg between the Lagna and the
pl anet, i f the strongest
pl anet i s i n
movabl e
si gn i n navamsha or doubl e t he
if in fixed sign in navamsha or triple
the months i f i n common si gn i n navamsha.
(Prashna tantra).
(4) when 7th Lord wi l l become retrograde.
(5) when a benefi c
pl anet wi l l transi t 4th house.
(6) when the Moon will transit 4th house.
(7) when a benefic
planet transits 7th house,will
also indicate the
period of return.
(8) if Jupiter and Venus both are in 2nd, 3rd or 5th
house, the traveller
will return on same day.
(9) i f there i s a pl anet i n 6th or 7th house and
Iupiter is posited in Kendra the traveller will
return in 7 or 27 days.
(10) Take as many house as the strongest
planet is
away from the Lagna. Mul ti pl y by 12. The
travel l er wi l l return i n as many days as the
product. Suppose the Jupiter is the strongest
planet and
posited in Cancer.
t 2 l 0
Chart 33
The intervening house from Lagna Pisces to cancer
are 4 and not 5. Lagna is to be excluded. Mulitply 4 by
48 days ( r i : i ni mum
l 2 days t i mi ng ?) . But
according to Parshna Tantra the intervening peroid
i ndi cat es mont h. So t he t r avel l er wi l l r et ur n i n 4
month ti me i n movabl e si gn.
( I 1) The travel l er wi l l return when there i s a pl anet
i n panaphar a
houses ( 2, 5, 8, 1l )
When a pl anet
t r ansi t s t hese sai d houses, t he t r avel l er
When the Moon transi ts the 2nd, 5th or I l th
houses except 8th.
( 13)
I f t her e i s a movabl e si gn i n 4t h house and
occupi ed by Mercury, Jupi ter and Venus the
travel l er wi l l return very soon.
( 14)
Accor di ng ot her ast r ol ger s see t he l or d of
si gn. It wi l l i ndi cate the peri od accordi ng to
the pl anet
such as Sun i ndi cates Ayana, Moon
the muhrata Mars the days etc.
the missing percon
will return?"
The elder brother of the querist was missing.
Predictions through Horary
17-4-1998 at 20:30 Del hi .
l 6- r 6
| 5-(
Venl 8-l (
Jup 23o
Chart 34
r 5-6
7-l I
Mars i s the strongest pl anet posi ted i n Kendra
and i n own si gn. The Moon i s havi ng i thasal a wi th
Mar s. The Mar s i s al so t he 7t h Lor d. The el der
brother,l I th Lord, the Sun i s al so havi ng the i thasal a
with Mars. The Sun, the Moon and the 7th Lord Mars
are in trine and ithasala. So the elder brother of the
nati ve wi l l return safe. As the Moon i s not posi ted
i n
Kendra and havi ng i thasal a wi th a pl anet posi ted
i n
Kendra, the mi ssi ng person has l eft for home. In how
many period?
Mars the Karyesh, indicates days. The
difference between Moon and Mars is approximately
two degrees pl us.
So we advi sed that the mi ssi ng
person wi l l return wi th i n three days and the mi ssi ng
person came on 3rd day.
Thi s i s the method whi ch i s bei ng used by most
of the astrol ogers presentl y.
husband is missing since long. Whether he is
al i ve?tl
The l agna i s movabl e si gn and Pri shtodaya si gn
aspected by Rahu and Mars, Saturn the lagna lord is
i n debi l i tati on. 8th l ord Sun i s posi ted
i n l agna and
9 \
' t \
Ket u
Chart 35
t sczu-! i
i un l 3- 51
148 predictionsthroughHorary
28-l -1999
at 08:02hrs Dethi
afflicted the Bhadhak planet.
The bhadhak planet
movabl e si gns i s the l ord of l l th house. The Bhadhak
planet Mars aspects lagna.
The Moon is aspected
Bhadhak planet
Mars so the missing person
is dead
or i n pri son.
troveller is deod or olive ?"(See No return also)
The traveller is alive if
the Moon has ithasala with planet posited
4th to 7th house and the yoga
is associated with
or aspected by benefic planet.
the lagna is in fixed sign or malefic planet
there i s a mal efi c pl anet
i n 3rd house wi th out
benefic aspect, the traveller
has gone
to some
other city .
(4) there are malefics in kendra, not aspected
benefi cs, the travel l er
has l ost al l hi s weal th.
the travel l er i s i l l i f Saturn i s posi ted
i n 9th
house associ ated wi th mal efi cs, not aspected
by benefic planet.
Predictions through Horary 149
Safe and early Return of traveller/missing person
gone ozf;(See the status of the Moon, lagna,4th and 7th
houses and their lords)
Safe return is
if :
1) Lagna i s i n movabl e si gn, Moon i n common or
movabl e si gn and navamsha Lagna i n movabl e
si gn.
(2) Lagna Lord has ithasala with a planet in the
(3) Lagnalord has ithasala with a planet in the lOth
house or 4th house or Lagna.
(4) the 7th Lord i s posi ted i n Lagna.
( 5)
Lagna Lor d i s
posi t ed i n 3r d or 5t h or 9t h
house and has i thasal a wi th a pl anet i n the
Lagna or l0th, the missing
person is on his way
back to home.
Lagna Lord i s retrograde and the Moon i s i n
Lagna and Lagna Lord i s i n i thasal a wi th a
retrograde pl anet.
Lagna Lord i s posi ted i n l 2th and i s i n i thasal a
wi th the Moon.
( 8) benef i c
pl anet s ar e posi t ed i n 2nd and 3r d
from Lagna or from 4th house i.e. 5th and 6th
from Lagna.
benefi c
pl anets are posi ted i n 2nd or 3rd from
the strongest benefic planet.
( 10)
benef i c
pl anet s ar e posi t ed i n Kendr a and
trikona and malefic planets in upachaya houses
6th and I l th house).
benefic planets (Jupiter, Venus, Mercury) in
strength are
in 4th house.
( 12)
Moon ( waxi ng) posi t ed
i n 5t h house has
i thasal a wi th a pl anet i n 3rd house.
(13) benefi c pl anets
are posi ted i n 2nd, 3rd or 5th
the Moon i s posi ted
i n 8th house, and benefi cs
i n kendra no devoi d of mal efi cs, the mi ssi ng
would return with gain.
( l 5) any
pl anet
i n 6th or 7th house and a benefi c i n
Kendra and tri kona or onl y Jupi ter i n Kendra.
l 6) there i s movabl e Lagna, movabl e navamsha and
the Moon i s posi ted i n 4th house, devoi d of
any malefic influence and has great
the waxi ng Moon posi ted i n any house from
4t h t o 7t h house f r om Lagna and f or mi ng
i thasal a wi th benefi c pl anet or associ ated wi th
benefic planets (Jupiter, Venus and Mercury)
wi thout mal efi c i nfl uence.
(18) Lagna Lord, 7th Lord, Moon and di sposi ti on
of Moon are i n Kendra the mi ssi ng person
i s
near the city.
( l 9) Venus or Mercury i s i n Tri kona.
any retrograde pl anet i s posi ted from 8th to
l 2t h house.
Benefi c pl anets i n 2nd, 3rd and 5th house.
7th Lord i s retrograde.
movabl e si gn i s i n 7th house and aspected by
the 7th Lord or benefi c pl anets.
Benefic planets in Lagna, 2nd, 3rd and l0th house.
Lagna Lord is retrograde and aspects Lagna or
Moon and has ithasala with retrograde planet.
P""rr"rr""" rhr t
(26) Venus and Jupiter are in Lagna and 4th house.
Any of Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in 4th
and I lth house.
(2S) The Moon
posited in
prishtodaya sign and have
with a
planet in Lagna.
(29) The retrograde Jupiter in 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th or
9th house.
(30) Waxi ng Moon i n 2nd, 4th, 5th or 9th house.
(3 1) 3rd Lord i s
posi ted i n 3rd or 4th house and has
with a planet posited in Lagna.
Movable Lagna, movable navamsha
Lagna and
benefi c
i n Kendra, or 3rd or I l th house.
(33) accordi ng to taj i ka sara the 7th Lord i s posi ted
i n Lagna or i s i n 2nd Hor a of t he si gn, t he
traveller will return of his own.
Lagna Lord occupy the 2nd or 8th house and is
i n i thasal a wi th a
pl anet i n l Oth house-
(35) the Moon has i thasal a wi th a
pl anet posi ted i n
5th or 6th and conjoined with or aspected by
benefi c.
the Moon i s
posi ted i n 7th house.
17- 4- 1998 at 20: 30 Del hi .
t 6-t 6
Ketul 5-(
/enl 8-l
Jup 23"
Chart 36
I 5-6
7-l I
the Moon has i thasal a wi th Lord of 9th, 4th,
2nd or 7th house.
The mi ssi ng person
returned safe as benefi c
Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are posited in 5th and
6th house. The Moon has i thasal a wi th pl anet i n 5th
house and Lagna is aspected by benefic Jupiter.
Delay in return and dfficulties in
( I
malefic durdhura yogs,
i.e. the Moon hemmed
between two mal efi c pl anets, i s present.
the Moon posi ted i n 7th house and hemmed
between mal efi c pl anets the travel l er woul d
not return due to disease or enemy.
( 3)
t he Moon i s posi t ed i n 7t h and hemmed
between benefi c pl anets
the travel l er woul d
not return due to friendship.
the Moon has ithasala with the Lord of 2nd,
4th, 7th or 9th.
Mal efi c pl anets posi ted i n 4th house.
Mal efi c pl anets
are posi ted i n Lagna and 2nd
house; there wi l l be l oss of weal th and del ay
in return.
Lagna Lord i s posi ted
i n 4th or 7th house.
Lagna Lord i s i n i thasal a wi th 7th Lord, the
traveller will return with much difficulty.
Mal efi c pl anets
are i n 3rd house, the mi ssi ng
have gone
another place from the
of destination.
( 10)
mal ef i c pl anet s
occupy t he Kendr as t he
mi ssi ng person woul d be robbed of hi s weal th.
( 11)
Sat ur n i s posi t ed i n Kendr a or t r i ne and i s
aspected by malefic planets
the traveller will
be in custody.
occupy 4th or 7th and Lagna
being a Prishtodaya sign the traveller will be
subjected to troubles .
(13) the Sun and the Moon are i n 6th and aspected
by Saturn there will be trouble in
The traveller has left
his home :
1) If Lagna lord and the Moon are not posited in
Kendras and have i thasal a wi th a pl anet
i n
(2) If all the
are posited in Lagna 3rd and
8th house.
(3) If strong Moon i s posi ted i n Lagna.
(4) If strong Lagna Lord i s posi ted i n 2nd, 3rd, 8th
or 9th house.
(5) If there is a movable sign in Lagna and aspected
by mal efi c
pl anets.
The traveller has not left
his home :
If there is a fixed or common sign in Lagna and
by or aspected by own Lord or benefic planets.
If Lagna, Moon or 7th house is hemmed between
benef i c
pl anet s and no ot her
pl anet
i s i nvol ved,
neither the traveller has left for home nor returned
No Return :
( 1) If Lagna Lord i s posi ted i n 2nd or 8th house
in ithasala with a planet in Kendra, 4th, 6th or
7th, there is no
in Lagna and Lagna or
6th or 7th house is not aspected by any planet.
The Sun, fupiter, Venus
or Mercury in l2th
If mal efi c pl anets
occupy 6th house devoi d of
benefi c i nfl uence.
If Lagna
is in fixed sign and aspected
by Saturn
or Jupiter with malefic
If Lagna fal l s i n fi xed si gn and mal efi c pl anet
is in 5th, 6th or 7th house associated
with or
by mal efi cs.
If 7th house i s occupi ed,
hemmed between
by malefic planet
and the Moon is
affl i cted.
( 7)
I f a benef i c pl anet
occupi es 4t h and l 0t h
If Lagna i s Pri shtodaya
si gn unaspected
by benefic planet
and malefic in
5th, 7th or 9th house.
If any malefic planet
in 6th or
house devoid
of benefic influence.
l0) If the Moon has Ithasala with retrograde planet
posi t ed
i n 4t h house devoi d of benef i c
i nfl uence.
( l
l ) Tr avel l er
i s supposed
t o be dead i f a
sign is in Lagna and occupied
aspect ed
by a mal ef i c pl anet
and mal ef i c
Kendra, trikona or the
6th house without
any benefic influence.
The troveller
is deod or in prison
( I
a malefic is posited
in 7th or 8th without benefic
influence or malefic planets
in lagna and 7th.
P redictions through H orary
the Moon has Ithasala with retrograde planet
in debilitation in 4th house without any benefic
i nfl uence.
Prishtodaya lagna and malefic planet
in kendra,
t r i kona, 6t h or 8t h house wi t hout benef i c
i nfl unece.
( 4) The Pr i sht odaya l agna wi t hout benef i c
influence and malefic planets in 5th, 7th and
(5) The Prishtodaya lagna with malefic influence
and without benefic influence and Mercury in
( 6) Sat ur n associ at ed wi t h mal ef i cs pl anet s
occupi es 8th house.
(7) Lagna lord and Moon occupy 4th, 6th or 8th
house in debilitation and have Ithasala with 8th
lord or malefic planet.
(8) weak benefi c pl anet i n 6th, 8th and l 2th and
Sun, Moon and Lagna aspected by or associated
with malefic planets
(9) Mal efi cs are posi ted i n Lagna
l 0) there i s Pri shtodaya si gn i n Lagna and aspected
or occupi ed by mal efi c pl anet.
( l l )
t her e i s a mal ef i c pl anet i n 3r d house f r om
lagna without benefic aspect or conjunction.
(12\ there are malefic planets in lagna or 7th house.
(13) there are mal efi c pl anets i n l agna and 8th"
(14) there are mal efi c pl anets i n 9th, 5th, 8th and
(15) there are mal efi c
pl anets i n kendra or tri kona
and Sat ur n i s
posi t ed
i n mal ef i c si gn and
156 Predictiow tfuough Horary
aspected by malefic planet.
(16) the Horary Lagna i s occupi ed by Moon and
aspected by Saturn.
( 17) the horarary Lagna is occupied buy Sun and the
Moon i s posi ted i n 7th or 8th house.
(18) the mal efi c
pl anets
posi ted i n the Lagna
4th, 6th, 7th or 8th house.
( l 9) Lagna Lord or the Moon i s i n 4th, 6th, or 8th
i n debi l i tati on or cobusti on and has i thasal a
with 8th Lord.
(20) the Moon i s i n Lagna 2nd or 3rd devoi d of
benef i c i nf ul nce and has i t hasal a wi t h
the train reach safely?"
Examine the lagna, Moon and her lord and 8th
house, agai n because 8t h house r epr esent s
obstruction, accident, hijacking, engine trouble etc.
3rd house represents travel by trai n, bus etc. l Oth
house r epr esent s t r avel by ai r . 8t h house agai n
represents travel by sea on ship, river by boat, ferry
etc. the karaka is Mars for train
Saturn for
flight, Moon by sea.
If Lagna, l agna l ord, Moon and Moon' s l ord i s
strong and have i nfl uence of benefi c
pl anets
nati ve wi l l reach safe.
I f 3r d house has connect i ons wi t h l agna t he
nat i ve wi l l have shor t t r avel . I f l agna l or d i s
connected wi th 3rd and 9th there wi l l be l ong travel
and type of conveyance i s i ndi cated by karaka pl anet.
See the Chart No. 37 as the l agna i s movabl e
si gn, Moon i n movabl e navamasha t r avel l i ng i s
The lagna lord Moon
by Mars. The 3rd and
in 6th and aspected by Saturn
i s conj oi ni ng Sun and
l 2th l ord Mercury i s
and 3rd house i s al so
9-12-1996 at 2:30 Del hi
Sat 6-50
l 0
.' Saturn
l 9- 10
t 0-t 8
af f l i ct ed by Rahu and Sat ur n l oss i s t her ef or e
i ndi cat ed dur i ng t he
j our ney.
The nat i ve l ost her
attache ful l of cl othes at the rai l way stati on. As the
lagna lord Moon is in ithasala with Jupiter, the 6th
lord and Sun 2nd lord and Mercury 3rd lord, indicate
theft during
cn.aprnn I 2
. l
he l agna r epr esent t he quer i st . The Moon
r epr esent s t he l ost / mi ssi ng ar t i cl e. The 4t h
house represents the lost article and the recovery of
the arti cl e, the 7th house represents the thi ef and
the 8th house represents the accumulated wealth of
the thi ef. The 1Oth house represents the pol i ce
the government.
Modus Operondi of the theft :
If Mars i s
posi ted
i n 7th house or the l ord of
the 7th house aspected by or conjoined with
the Moon, the theft has been commi ted by
breaki ng open the l ock or appl yi ng the chai n
or taken away by applying force.
If Venus and the Moon are in 7th house the lock
has been opened by usi ng dupl i cate keys.
(3) (a)
If the Moon i s weak and associ ated wi th
lagna lord and 7th lord is strong
or (b)
7th lord is posited in 8th from Sun
or ( c)
The st r ong Moon i s associ at ed
wi t h
malefic planet
and lagna lord does not
aspect 7th house.
or (d)
If l agna l ord i s associ ated wi th mal efi c
pl anets
and aspects
the 7th l ord, 2nd
lord, Moon and Sun are strong.
the theft has been committed
openly before the
The type of the lost article
It i s to be consi dered from l agna, Moon or Sun
whoever i s strong and the si gn i n whi ch
above strong pl anet
i s posi ted
( b)
I f sl ow movi ng pl anet ( Sat ur n,
Jupi t er ) ar e
posi ted
i n navamsha
of that si gn they wi l l gi ve
hi s own col our.
If that si gn i s aspected by the strongest pl anet
such as exalted planet
or strong in shadbala or
havi ng 8 or 7 bi ndu i n Ashtakvarga
wi l l gi ve
hi s own col our.
Si gn
Si gn
Bright green
Blackish red
Libra Black
Pisces Whitishblue
If lagna is :
Leo, Vi rgo, Li bra and Scorpi o the l ost arti cl e
i s l ong i n l ength
Gemi ni , Cancer, Sagi ttari us and Capri corn
indicate wide and medium size article
(c) Ari es, Taurus, Aquari us and Pi sces i ndi cate
short/small article.
Valuahle or ordinary article :
(a) If Navamsha l agna i s strong the arti cl e i s
(b) If Navamsha lagna is normal in strength the
lost article is ordinary
(c) If navamsha lagna lord is debilitated etc. the
lost article is worn out, torn or old.
What has been stolen by thieJ?
This is indicated by the Moon/navamsha.
If the Moon is in l st navamsha, vargottama or
i n Ari es the arti cl e i s made up of
gol d
or si l ver.
(2) If the Moon is in 2nd navamsha or vargottama
or in Taurus sign, the stolen article is some
ornament or utensil. If the Moon is aspected
by Mar s t he ar t i cl e i s made up of i r on. I f
aspected by a fast moving planet the article is
old and worn out.
( 3) I f Moon i s i n Gemi ni , 3r d navamsha and
vargottama the article is cash and documents.
(4) If the Moon is in Cancer or 4th navamsha or
Vargottama in Cancer, the article is made up
gol d.
( 5) I f t he Moon i s i n Leo or 5t h navamsha or
Vargottama in
the article is made up of
si l ver. If aspected by Sun the arti cl e i s made
ii;:?t:"' is in virgo or 6th navamsha or
Vargottama i n Vi rgo, the arti cl e i s made up of7
gl ass, i ron or cl othes. If aspectedby Mercuyj ^
the arti cl e i s made up of stone. If aspected by
Venus the arti cl e i s made up of cl othes.
If the Moon i s i n Li bra si gn or 7th navamsha
or Var got t ama i n Li br a, t he ar t i cl e can be
document measur e t o scal e. I f aspect ed by
Venus the arti cl e i s perfume
or cl othes.
( 8)
I f t he Moon i s i n Scor pi o or Var got t ama i n
Scorpi o and aspected by Mars the arti cl e i s
made up of
gol d
or si l ver ; document s of
busi ness.
If the Moon i s i n Sagi ttari us or Vargottama i n
Sagi ttari us and aspected by Jupi ter the l ost
ar t i cl e i s
j ewel
or cl ot hes and domest i c
ar t i cl es.
( 10) If the Moon i s i n Capri corn or Vargottama i n
Capri corn the l ost arti cl e i s
j ewel s
or cash. If
aspected by Jupi ter the l ost arti cl e i s made up
of gol d or cash.
( I 1) If the Moon i s i n Aquari us or Vagrottama i s
Aquari us the l ost arti cl e i s coi n and notes i .e.
cash or ornament. If aspected by Sun the lost
arti cl e i s cash.
( 12)
I f t he Moon i s i n Pi sces or Var got t ama i n
Pi sces the l ost arti cl e i s of gl ass etc. Lf the
Moon i s aspect ed by Jupi t er t he l ost
ar t i cl esmay be
j ewel
and gol d
or nament or
domesti c utensi l s.
The direction of the lost article
The di recti on of the l ost arti cl e i s i ndi cated
t he pl anet
i n
Lagna or i n Kendr a
or by pl anet
aspecti ng the Aruda Lagna. The Sun i ndi cates
East, Venus i ndi cates
the South East (Aagney),
indicates the South, Rahu indicates
the South West
Saturn indicates the West, Moon indicates
the North East (Vayavya),
i ndi cates
North, Jupiter indicates the North East (Eshan).
North West
7th,l lth
(Ai ry
si gn)
3rd,7th,l l th
South West
6t h, l ot h
(Eart hy
si gn)
4th,8th, l2th
2nd, 6t h, l Ot h
North East
8th, l2th
lst, 5th, 9th
South East
5t h, 9t h
(Fi ery
si gn)
If there are two or more planets
in Kendra the
strongest planet
indicates the direction.
I f t her e i s no pl anet
i n Lagna or Kendr a or
aspecting Aruda Lagna then the sign of Lagna indicate
the direction of the lost article.
Predictions through Horary
The si gn 1, 5, 9 i ndi cat es t he East or 5, 9 t he
South East.
The si gn 2, 6, l 0 i ndi cates the South or 6, l 0 the
South West.
The si gn 3, 7, 11 i ndi cat est heWest or T, l l
t he
North West.
The si gn 4, 8, l 2 i ndi cates the North or 8,12 the
North East.
According to others :
2 South
4 North
6, l 0 South West
8, 12 North East
Ther e ar e some ast r ol oger s who t ake t he
of Moon for determining the direction
stolen articles. If Moon is in Lagna-East, lOth house-
South, 7th house-West. 4th house-North.
If the Moon is posited
in movable sign the stolen
arti cl e has gone
to far off pl ace.
If the Moon i s
in fixed sign, the stolen article is near the
from where the article has been stolen.
I f t he Moon i s posi t ed
i n common si gn t he
stolen article is niether near nor at far off distance
i.e. at some distance from the place from where the
article has been stolen.
When the Moon is not in Kendra the direction
i s det er mi ned by hi s posi t i on
f r om t he near est
Kendra. The Kendras are 90o away from each other
so 45o (+) indicates the next Kendra or when 45" (-)
it indicates the previous
5, 9 South East
7, l l
Nor t h West
P redictions tlvough Horary
Suppose Ari es l 0o i s the Lagna. So Ari es l 0o
indicates East, Cancer 10" the North, Libra l0o West
and Capri corn l 0' the South.
Suppose The Moon i s 28' Aquari us i .e.
Capri cornl 0o South.
Aquarius 30o South the Moon.
Pi sces l 5o Sout h.
Pi sces 25o South i .e. upto 25oPi sces i n South
The Moon has transi ted ahead of Pi sces 25o so
the Moon indicates East or longitude of
Capri corn
9si gn1 0o South.
The Moon: l 0si gn28"
Di f f er ence
l si gnl 8"
Hence the di recti on i s
48 i .e. East.
The age and identiJication of the thief :
According to Prithuyasha' s "shatpanchashika"
one shoul d determi ne the consti tuti on of the thi ef
f r om Dr eshkona of t he l agna. But i t has been
establ i shed that l agna i s queri st and 7th i s house of
t hi ef , t hese i ndi cat i ons shoul d be appl i ed t o 7t h
house and its lord. But if the lagna is the
the l agna i ndi cates the i denti fi cati on of thi ef (See
introduction) Sage Varahamihira has described the
consti tuti on as:
( 1) Ari es .' The name may start wi th "Sa" and
consi sts of two l etters.
l st Dreshkon i ndi cates man wi th whi te cl oth
tied around his loins, dark colour with fearful
appear ance, hol di ng an axe( weapon) i n hi s
hand. (He may be a person working in kitchen).
Predictions through H orary
2nd Dreshkon i ndi cates a woman havi ng l ong
nose or resembles quadruped.
3r d Dr eshkon i ndi cat es a man of wi cked
nature, dark colour and fond of work, dressed
in red
garments, angry looking holding a stick
i n hi s hand.
( 2) Taar us . ' The name st ar t s wi t h "Ma"
consi sts of four l etters.
l st Dreshkon i ndi cates a woman wi th short
hair and curly hair with a pot like belly and fond
of food and ornaments. She carries fire
may be working as a maid servant)
2nd Dr eshkon i ndi cat es man ski l l ed i n
(driver) or agriculture
or ski l l ed i n pai nt i ng, danci ng or wr i t i ng,
havi ng t hi ck neck and nose and f ace l i ke
quadruped (prominent).
3rd Dreshkon i ndi cates body resembl i ng that
of an elephant
(fatty person), large teeth, large
feet and dark coloured.
( 3) Gemi ni . ' The name st ar t s wi t h "Aa" and
consi sts of three l etters.
l st Dr eshkan i ndi cat es a woman f ond of
needl e work, havi ng no chi l d, beauti ful and
al so f ond of decor at i on and i s of l ust f ul
2nd Dr eshkon i ndi cat es a man f ond of
fighting, carrying weapons in his hand, fond of
children, ornaments and wealth.
3r d Dr eshkon i ndi cat es man wear i ng
ornaments, carrying weapons in hand, learned
and literary
t 65
The thief
is servant
or a labourer.
name starts with
and consists
of three
l et t er s.
l st Dr eshkon
i ndi cat es
a f at
man, sel l i ng
fruits and vegetables
and has large
ieet with
l ong neck as i f a horse.
2nd Dreshkon
i ndi cates
a woman,
her hai r
well dressed
hard hearted.
3rd Dreshkon
man wearing
made of gol d
or gems.
Leo : The thief is servant,
or a labourer;
name of the thief
starts with
and consists
of three
or four letters.
I st Dr eshkon
i ndi cat es
a man whose
f ace
resembl e
that of a dog and dressed
i n di rty
He i s separated
from hi s parents
thief has come from
other place
to work
as l abourer).
He speaks
i n l oud voi ce.
, 2nd Dreshkon
i ndi cates
a man resembl i ng
horse, hi s neck i s l ong, nose i s l ong,
short i n si ze
etc., ski n i s' soft, havi ng
in hand (watchman).
3rd Dreshkon
i ndi cates
a rnan wi th l ong
and whi skers,
curl i ng
hai r, havi ng weapon
i n
his hand(watchman)
Virgo.. A lady is a thief,
her name
starts with
and consi sts
of many l etters.
If Mercury
i s posi ted
i n Lagna and navamsha
Lagna i s of
t he Moon t he t hi ef i s an i nt el l egent
l ady/
If navamsha
Lagna is of Mars, the
lady is professional
thief. If navamsha
i s of Venus
the l ady bel ongs
to a busi nl ss
If navamsha Lagna is of Saturn or
Sun, the lady is a labourer.
l st Dreshkon
i ndi cates vi rgi n
gi rl dressed i n
garments, selling flowers and vegetables,
fond of clothes and wealth.
2nd Dreshkon
i ndi cates a man weari ng a cl oth
round his head
(an accountant)
having excess
hai rs on hi s body.
3r d Dr eshkon i ndi cat es a woman, f ond of
whi te si l ken dress, worshi ps i n a templ e.
(7) Li bra.'
The thi ef i s son, fri end or brother
other relative, the name will start with "Ma"
and consists of three letters :
( a) I f t he navamsha Lagna i s of Moon,
or Jupiter the thief belongs to
the family.
(b) If the navamsha Lagna belongs to Sun
or Mar s t he t hi ef i s r el at i ve but not
nearest one.
(c) If the navamsha Lagnabelongs
to Saturn
the thi ef i s known
onl Y.
l st Dreshkon
i ndi cates a man, trader.
2nd Dreshkon i ndi cates a man, a l abour, ful l
of sorrow and weak havi ng tensi on i n hi s mi nd
due to chi l dren.
3rd Dreshkon i ndi cates a man wi th l ong neck
resembl e a horse, weari ng
gems, wel l dressed
(a servant)
(8) Scorpio.'
The thief is a servant or labourer; the
name starts with "Sa" and consists of four letters.
The stolen article has not
gone to a distance.
througlt Horary
( a) I f t he navamsha Lagna bel ongs t o
Jupi ter or Venus the thi ef bel ongs hi gh
soci et y and t he st ol en ar t i cl e wi l l be
r ecover ed.
( b)
I f t he navamsha
Lagna bel ongs t o
Mercury the nei ghbour
i s thi ef, whi te
i n col our , nor mal hei ght and sweet
spoken and good
at relation.
l st Dr eshkon i ndi cat es a beaut i f ul woman
weari ng ornaments, has come from a
j ourney.
2nd Dreshkon i ndi cates a woman havi ng pot
l i ke bel l y, desi r i ng comf or t s and wear i ng
ornaments, desi ri ng to go
to husband' s house.
3rd Dreshkon i ndi cates muscul ar person
wi th
broad and flat face like a lion and fearful to
others, l i ves wi th perfumes
and l uxury. The
Moon i s i t s l or d.
Sagittarius .' The thief is a male having flat
face and enemy of ani mal s (i .e.
hunter); the
name stai ts wi th
"Sa" and consi sts of four
l et t er s.
If the navamsha Lagnabelongs
to Mars
a young
l ady i s a thi ef.
( b)
I f t he navamsha Lagna bel ongs t o
Mercury, the thi ef i s a
gi rl .
( c)
I f t he Navamsha Lagna bel ongs t o
Venus, a gi rl
of 7 or 8
ol d i s a
thi ef. She may bel ong to l abour cl ass
or hi gh cl ass.
If the navamsha Lagna belongs to Saturn
a mal e and femal e the thi ef wi l l be both.
The name of male thief starts with "Ha"
or "Ra" and the name of female thief
starts wi th "Sa" l etter.
(e) General l y the arti cl e l ost i n Sagi ttari us
Lagna i s not r ecover abl e.
But i f t he
, l ongi tude of Sagi ttari us
l agna i s 25o or
more the l ost arti cl e i s recovered after
some efforts.
l st Dreshkon i ndi cates man wi th l ong neck
and havi ng weapon i n hi s hand connected wi th
a templ e or rel i gi ons.
2nd Dr eshkon i ndi cat es beaut i f ul
gol den yel l ow i n col our.
3rd Dreshkon i ndi cates a man wi th l ong beard
and whi skers whi te i n col our, weari ng costl y
cl ot hes and havi ng a bamboo
i n hand
( 10) Capr i cor n . ' The t hi ef bel ongs t o busi ness
and name starts with "Sa" letter and
consi sts of four l etters.
(a) If the navamsha Lagna belongs to Saturn
the l ost arti cl e i s not recoverabl e.
( b) I f t he navmasha Lagna bel ongs t o
Jupi t er t he l ost ar t i cl e wi l l be
recovered from some templ e,
pl ace of
workship or well or near water.
l st Dreshkon i ndi cates a man havi ng excess
hai r s on hi s body, muscul ar body, st r ong,
deformed face, his gait is as if wearing fetters
in feet and wearing a nose
pin or string.
2nd Dr eshkon i ndi cat es a woman havi ng
beauti ful
eyes, bl acki sh col our, weari ng ear
and desire various things.
3rd Dreshkon
is a rich woman
or a man having
l ) Aquari us..
The thi ef i s not a humman
bei ng.
He may be a mouse
etc. the lost article
will be
a month.
( a)
I f t he navar nsha
bel ongs
t o
Mercury the lost article
will be found
behi nd
t he bed or al mi r ah
or some
If the navmasha
to Venus
or t he Moon t he l ost ar t i cl e
can be
found in bed room or near bed room.
l st Dr eshkon
i ndi cat es
man wel l
dr essed,
costly garments
and a drunkard
or dealing
oil or liqour.
2nd Dreshkon
a woman
dirty garments.
3r d Dr eshkon
i ndi cat es
a man, bl acki sh
i n
col our wi th hai rs
i n hi s ears, weari ng
cl oth
round on his head and selling vegetables
on his
Pisces .. The thief is a labourer
or servant
t he name of t he t hi ef
st ar t s wi t h
. , Ba"
consi sts
of three l etters.
Thc l ost arti cl e has
been kept under ear t h.
I f t her e i s 3r d
i.e. belongs
to Mercury
or Virgo
lady may be the thief or maid servant.
l st Dreshkon
i ndi cates
a man, doi ng yagya
etc. (karmakanda
and vi si t i ng
di f f er ent pl ace,
wor r i ed
about the prosperity
of his family.
Predictions through Horary
I 7t
2nd Dreshkon i ndi cates a woman. beauti ful .
visiting different families and easily creating
friendship, leader in group.
3rd Dreshkon i ndi cates a man, wel l dressed
and wearing ornaments suffering from thieves,
fire, hunger and weeping.
In general l st Dreshkon in{icates that the lost
article has been kept near the door, 2nd Dreshkon
indicates the inside of the house and 3rd Dreshkon
indicates outside the house.
Wno rc Txrzr ?
If the lagna is movable sign or navamsha lagna
or vargottama i s movabl e si gn the thi ef i s out si der
and the stolen article has gone at long distance away
from hou3e.
If the lagna is fixed sign or navamsha lagna is
fixed sign or vargottama the thief is a relative or a
living near about and the lost article is near
the house, the thi ef wi l l be own fami l y member,
known relative or friend or servant and the stolen
artci l e wi l l be i n the house or near the house. If the
lagna or navamsha lagna or vargottama is common
sign the neighbour is thief and the lost article has
been kept at some safe place.
( I
If the Moon aspects Venus in 7th house, the
thi ef wi l l be a new person
or a
person who has
j ust
started steal i ng
If the 7th lord is Saturn and aspected by Moon
the thi ef wi l l be a hypocri te.
If Saturn is
in 7th and aspected by the
Moon, the thi ef wi l l be a hypocri te.
If Lagna and the Moon are aspected by Saturn
the thief is a hypocrite.
If the Moon aspects Mercury posi ted
i n 7th
house, the thi ef i s a hypocri te.
If Jupiter aspecls Saturn in the 7th house, the
thi ef i s a known person:
If 7th Lord i s posi ted
i n 7th house.
(b) If 7th Lord i s exal ted.
If Jupiter aspects Saturn being 7th Lord
the thief is a known person.
(7\ If 7th Lord is aspected by a malefic planet,
thi ef i s a commi tted thi ef.
If 7th Lord i s aspected by Mars, the thi ef i s i n
the record of the pol i ce.
If there i s a
pl anet posi ted
i n Lagna, 7th or l Oth
house or in own house or exalted and strong, a
person resembl i ng the qual i ti es
of that pl anet
will be an assistant of the thief or has helped
the thief.
Identity of the Thieffrom planets
in 7th house or
the 7th lord :
The indications of the thief are according to the
7th Lord or the strong planet posited
in the 7th house.
But accordi ng to cl assi cal books l i ke Parshna Gyana,
Prashna Shromani etc. the i denti ty of the thi ef i s
according to Lagna Lord. As we have taken 7th house
as representative of thief we have taken the identity
of the thief from 7th Lord and 7th house and these
factors help us in such horary questions.
If the ^Szn is 7th Lord or posited in 7th house
P*at"ttt^ tW""gh Ht
the father, head of the family or respectable person
is the thief.
If the Moon is the 7th Lord or
in 7th
house the Mother or lady with marks of small
warts or naevi or scar on face is the thief.
If Mars is the 7th Lord or
posited in 7th house
t he br ot her , f r i end or a
per son
havi ng cour age,
muscular body and impressive behaviour is the thief.
If Mercury i s the 7th Lord or
posi ted i n 7th
house own childern,
brother or a humorous
with a funny behaviour, is the thief.
If 7th lord is Jupiter an officer, pandit, brahmin
or a teacher or respected person is the thief. He has
i nsti gated others or wi th the hel p of others have
committed the theft.
If Venus be the 7th lord an educated, fashionable
and havi ng attracti ve
personal i ty, young, mal e or
female is the thief.
If Saturn is the 7th lord servant having black
height and weak constitution is the thief.
If Rahu happens to be occupent of the 7th house
i t coul d be a commi tted thi ef. He i s
putti ng up i n
huts, slum area and having long hairs or beard or
If Ketu, a committed thief. Plans and commits
theft with the help of a gang and will br very difficuit
to be caught.
Some other combinations :
( 1) I f 7t h Lor d i s i n exal t at i on or i s posi t ed i n
l agna or 3rd,house the thi ef i s a respectabl e
Predictions through H orary
If 7th Lord i s i n exal tati on or i s posi ted
i n 4th
house mother' s si ster, brother' s wi fe
or the
mother would be the thief.
If 7th Lord i s a femal e pl anet
and posi ted
i n
7th house wife of brother or son, cousin will
be the thief.
If a mal e pl anet
i s the 7th Lord and posi ted
i n
7th house, a male member of the familv is the
thi ef.
If Lagna Lord and 7th Lord have ithasala,
theft has been committed
due to the querrent.
If the Sun and the Moon cause benefic aspect
on Lagna some friend or relative is the thief.
If they cause malefic aspect on lagna theft has
been planned
by some enemy of the querrent.
If Lagna Lord and zth Lord both are in Lagna
some family member is the thief.
If 7th Lord posi ted
i n 3rd or l 2th the thi ef i s
the servant.
Accor di ng
t o some ast r ol oger s
are true when the Zth lord is weak and
they advise to check the above from
Saham Day
Male or Femsle
(l )
Ifthe 7th house i s odd si gn and aspected by a
male planet (Sun,
Mars, Jupiter) the thief is a
mal e person.
Ifthe 7th house i s even si gn and aspected
by a
female planet (Moon
and Venus)
the thief is a
femal e.
P re dictions t hrough Horary
If the 7th l ord i s a femal e pl anet
and posi ted
in even sign or own sign or aspected by female
pl anet the thi ef i s femal e otherwi se mal e.
(4) If a femal e pl anet i s posi ted i n even si gn l agna
the thi ef i s a femal e.
(5) If a mal e pl anet
i s posi ted
i n odd si gn l agna
the thi ef i s a mal e.
The age of the thief is indicated by 7th lord or
the navamsha lord of the 7th lord. But there are some
ast r ol oger s who say t hat t he age of t he t hi ef i s
indicated by lagna lord or navamsha lord of the lagna.
Why they thi nk so i s not cl ear because 7th l ord i s
the thief so the age of the thief should be indicated
by the 7th l ord, the 7th house consi sts of 30o. So the
navamsha lord of the 7th lord. If we further want to
be precised to the longitude of the 7th lord we can
further divide 3o
20o into nine equal parts.
It is called
nava navamsha and the di vi si on wi l l be 0o-22' - 3.33"
The above tabl e wi l l gi ve preci se
l ord of the
longitude of the 7th lord, the male or female and its
age can be ascertained from the table.
t 75
Si sns I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 t 0 I t t 2
l'-22"-13'.33I l 0 7 4 I l 0 7 4 I t 0 7 4
0,-44"-26',.662 l l 8 5 2 il 8 5 2 l l 8 5
l'-06.-40'.00 3 t2 9 6 3 t 2 9 6 3 t 2 9 6
l,-28.-53' .334 I t 0 7 4 I l 0 7 4 I t 0 7
l' -51' -06' .665 2 l l 8 5 2 l l 8 5 2 n 8
2' -13"-20' .006 3 t 2 9 6 3 t2 9 6 3 l 2 9
z"-35"-33' .33 7 4 t 0 7 4 I l 0 7 4 I l 0
L,-57"-46',.66 8 5 2 | l 8 5 2 l l 8 5 2 l l
]'-20'-00'.00 9 6 J t2 9 6 3 12 9 6 3 t2
: i '
l ?6 prraUr.^
{ The
above t abl e
. has
gi ven
me t he pr eci se
for male/female
chart from the longitude
of the l agna l ord and recti fi cati on
of bi rth ti me)
The Age of the Thief
Lagna or Navamsha
chi l d
Mar s
upt o8year s
boy, unmarri ed (l 2years)
Jupi ter
30 years
man may be married(20-30yrs)
Sun i s ol d person
above 50 years
or so.
Saturn i s very ol d person
70 years
or above
According to other astrologers
If Sun i s posi ted
i n 2nd or l 2th house young
Sun i n own
si gn Leo, mi ddl e aged person
Sun i n 7th house ol d
Sun in 4th house very old man.
Very ol d person
i f Sun i s posi ted
i n the Cusp
4th, 5th or 6th house.
Mi ddl e aged man i f Sun i s
posi ted
7th and 9th house.young
boy i f Sun
i s posi ted
i n the cusps of l 0th to l 2th house.
l st to
3rd young
The thi ef has been assi sted by a person
si gni fi ed
by the strongest planet posited
in the lagna, 7th or
l Oth house (kendra).
I f Sat ur n happens
t o be t he 7t h l or d and i s
by the' Moon
the thi ef i s an ol d person
Prrattn"t mrt g
If the 7th l ord i s aspected by Jupi ter i t i ndi cates
that the cri me has been commi tted wi th publ i c
noti ce
i n broad day l i ght.
The Mars indicates that the theft committed by
hi di ng i n a box or so, Venus i ndi cates by the use of
duplicate key. Mercury indicates that the theft is due
to a conspi racy by a fri end or a rel ati ve.
Tnr Suspncrno Pnnsov ,t Trurcr"
The suspect ed per son
i s t he t hi ef i f t her e i s
i thasal a between the Moon and the mal efi c pl anet.
t he Moon has i t hasal a wi t h a benef i c pl anet
t he
suspected person
i s not the thi ef.
The Place of Lost Article :
The pl ace
of l ost arti cl e i s seen from the 4th
house and the planets
in 4th house .Earthy, Fiery, Airy
or Watery el ements of the Si gns of 4th house.
If the Moon has any influence on 4th house,
the lost article has.been kept near water.
If Mars near kitchen, fire or tool room or box.
(i i i )
If Venus i s i n bed or sl eepi ng room.
( i v)
I f Jupi t er gar den
or t empl e or pl ace
worshi p.
( v)
I f Mer cur y has i nf l uence on 4t h house or
aspects the 4th house the l ost arti cl e has been
kept near drawing room or library or books,
grai ns,
If Sun has any relation with 4th the lost article
has been kept under earth outsi de the house
or dr awi ng r oom or sl eepi ng r oom of t h
Predictions through Horary
If Saturn or Rahu has any influence on 4th the
lost article has been kept near dirty of dark
pl ace.
Examine the tatwa or element
(Fire, Earth, Air
and Water) of the sign in the 4th house. The lost
article has been kept near the' element of the sign.
Accor di ng t o ot her ast r ol oger s t he pl anet s
indicates as owner:
Sun the drawing room or bed room of the
Moon near water, bathroom, tank etc.
Mar s Fi r e pl ace, ki t chen or pl ace wher e
instruments has been stored or labourer
l i ves.
Mercury Library or books has been kept or where
f ood ar t i cl es or dr awi ngs has been
stored or where vehicle is kept.
Jupiter Worship place or garden, temples
Yenus Bed room, place of entertainment
Saturn Store place or room, darkroom
Rahu Under tree or dilipadated
place, ruins,
where broken things are kept.
Ketu The lost article has been kept near slum
If there is fixed lagna or fixed navamsha or
vargottama lagna the thief is own
person and
the article has been kept in the house
(v) If lagna is Cancer or Scorpio the lost article
is in the house.
If the Moon is posited
aspected by Saturn the l ost arti cl e has been
kept above the almirah or some high place.
to some astrologers
the place
lost article will be according
to the navamsha
sign of the Moon. If Aquarius is the navamsha
si gn of the Moon the l ost arti cl e wi l l be i n
pi tcher.
If Capri corn
the,' l ost arti cl e
wi l l be
hole or under earth. If Cancer the lost
arti cl e wi l l be i n the water or near waterv
pl ace.
If the 7th lord is in the kendra the thief is at
the place
of theft i.e. the member of the family
or servant.
If the 7th lord has ithasala
with 3rd or 9th lord
the thief would have left the town or the lost
article will be recovered
from another place.
If a fixed sign or a fixed navamsha
is in lagna
or the lagna lord is vargottama
the thief will
be the relative/family
of the querist
and the lost article will be with him.
If lagna is in 2nd dreshkona
the lost article will
be within the premise
otherwise not.
Wttt rnr Losr Anrtcte nz Rzcovenro
We generally
the Horary chart for lost
articles from the 7th, lagna, aruda lagna and the Moon
because the lagna, Aruda lagna and the Moon, the lost
article and the 7th house and the 7th lord is thief.
2nd,, 4th, I lth, 5th and 9th houses are helpful to
recover the l ost arti cl e. 4th l rouse represents
recovery of the lost article.
( 7)
( 8)
The tost article will be recovered:
( 1) If Lagna l ord has i thasal a
wi th 7th l ord'
(2) If the Moon i s aspected
by the l ord of si gn of
Moon i .e. aspected
by the di sposi tor'
(3) If Lagna
l ord i s
posi ted i n 7th an.d 7th l ord i s
posi ted i n l agna.
' (4)
If Jupi ter
al one
i s posi ted i n 7th house'
If any
planet is
posited in 7th the lost article
will not be recrtvered.
(5) If the Moon i s
Posi ted
i n 4th'
( 6) I f t he Moon
i s
posi t ed i n l 0t h
f r om Ar uda
If there is ithasala
of 2nd lord and 9th lord
If benefic
planets are
posited in lagna,
and 5th, 9th
and 7th
(9) If the lagna
is shirshodaya
sign and Aruda sign
is PrishtodaYa
(10) If the Moon
i s
posi ted i n Pri shtodaya
si gn and
6y any
planet except
If the
i s aspected
by Saturn,
the l ost arti cl e
wi l l not be recovered.
If the Moon
is posited in Prishtodaya
Mars i s
posi ted i n l Oth from
( 12) I f 2nd, 7t h, 9t h
or 1l t h si gn
i s i n t he 7t h house
(13) If benefi c
pl anets are
posi ted i n 3rd, 5th house
or Aruda
(14) If strong
i s
posi ted i n 7th house'
If the
i s wani ng
or affl i cted
the l ost arti cl e
wi l l not be recovered.
( 15) I f
: r al ef i c pl anet s ar e
posi t ed
i n l l t h house'
Predictions through Horary
(16) If benefi c
pl anets are
posi ted i n Shi rshodaya
l agna or aspect the Shi rshodaya
l agna.
l 7) If ful l Moon i s posi ted i n l agna and associ ated
wi th or aspected by benefi c
pl anets.
(18) If the ful l Moon i s
posi ted i n 5th or 9th house
and aspected by JuPiter or Venus.
( 19) I f l agna, 2nd, or kendr a or t r i kona or 1l t h
house are occupied by benefic
(20) Lagna,Aruda
lagna and navamsha
are movable
si gn.
( 21) 5t h, 9t h and 7t h ar e occupi ed
by benef i c
pl anet s.
( 22) Lagna, 3r d and 5t h houses
ar e occupi ed
fri endl y
pl anets and 2nd and l l th houses are
occupi ed by strong benefi c
pl anets and there
i s no mal efi c
pl anet i n kendra or tri kona, 8th
or l l t h
(23) The Moon and Jupiter are in kendra.
(24) The Moon i s
posi ted i n l agna or 10th and has
with benefic
(25) If the l agna i s occupi ed
by benefi c
pl anet or
4th l ord and aspected be benefi c
pl anets'
( 26) I f t he f ul l Moon i s
posi t ed i n l agna and
aspected by a benefic
planet or 4th lord'
(27) The waxi ng Moon
i s posi ted i n l agna and has
fri endl y aspect of Sun or benefi c
pl anets'
(28) If benefi c
pl anets are
posi ted i n 2nd, 3rd or
5t h.
(29) If the 4th l ord occupi es
the l agna or aspects
the l agna.
Predictions through Horary
Lagna lord, 2nd lord and the Moon have any
relation and posited
in lagna, 2nd or trikona.
(31) l f 2nd l ord i s posi ted
i n 2nd or 4th house.
(32) Lagna lord is
in lagna and aspected by
benefi c.
If the malefic planet
is posited
in Prishtodaya
si gn.
If l agna l ords i s posi ted
i n I l th house and I l th
l ord i n l agna both i n l agna or both i n I l th
(35) If I l th house i s aspected by l agna l ord and I Ith
l or d
If the l l th house has fri endl y aspect of al l
pl anets.
(37) The lagna lord has ithasala of 2nd lord and lord
of si gn occupi ed by Moon.
(38) The benefic planets
occupy 2nd, tlth and 9th
house and lagna lord aspects lagna
If 2nd lord is in 2nd house or lagna and have
ithasala with the
in 2nd house.
If benefi c pl anets
are posi ted i n 2nd house
conjoining 2nd lord.
The Moon and I lth lord occupy 2nd house.
The lagna lord and 9th lord conjoin in benefic
The l agna l ord i s posi ted
i n tri ne houses and
the Moon in own house or both have aspect or
Moon aspects lagna lord and lagna lord aspects
the Moon.
Predtcttorv through Ho
( 45) Lagna l or d or 1l t h l or d ar e
posi t ed i n I l t h
house and asPected bY the Moon
(46) If 3rd, 6th, 7th or I 1th si gn occupi es l agna and
aspected by benefic or benefic
planet occupies
the above said lagna.
(47) The Mercury occupi es the l agna and Jupi ter
and Venus are
posited in Gemini sign
(48) Lagna lord, I lth lord and strong Moon have
ithasala in benefic houses.
(49) If the Moon aspects the l ord of si gn occupi ed
by Moon
(50) When the Moon or Jupiter is the lord of tlie
7th, 8th, 4th or lOth house and have relations
with the. lagna or lagna lord or are
posited in
the above sai d houses al one.
(51) If the 7th l ord and Moon are combust
the thi ef
will be caught with stolen article.
(52) When there i s no i thasal a between
l agna l ord
and 2nd lord, one will get news about the lost
ar t i cl e but t he l ost ar t i cl e
wi l l not be
r ecover ed.
The lost orticle will be recovered by the
police' If :
( l ) Lagna l or d and l 0t h l or d conj oi n or have
ithasala, the stolen article can be recovered by
going to the
(2) 2nd lord and lagna lord aspected by lOth lord
or 5th lord
l Oth l ord and 4th l ord aspect2nd l ord and 12th
l or d.
(4) When there is ithasala between the lagna lord
and 7th, the money will be retruned by the thief
t84 Predictions through Horary
due to fear of the police.
When there is ithasala between the 8th lord and
lOth lord the authority will favour the thief.
The lost article will not be recovered if:
( I
If l agna i s occupi ed by mal efi cs and l agna l ord
i s a mal efi c pl anet.
(2) If Aruda l agna i s i n 7th house.
( 3)
I f Ar i es, Vi r go or Capr i cor n si gn i s i n 7t h
(4) If the Lagna l ord i s posi ted
i n 7th house.
(5) If the Sun i s posi ted i n l agna and the Moon i s
If 2nd l ord i s posi ted
i n 7th or 8th house.
(7) If Mars i s posi ted
i n 7th or 8th house.
( 8)
I f Rahu i s
posi t ed
i n l agna and Sun i n 8t h
( 9)
The Mal ef i c pl anet s
ar e posi t ed i n kendr a,
trikona and 2nd house without benefic aspects.
l ) 7th l ord and the Moon conj oi n wi th the Sun.
(12) If 8th l ord i s posi ted
i n 7th or 8th house.
( I 3
The lagna lord is retrograde in 7th and 7th lord
i s
posi ted
i n l agna.
( 14)
The l l t h l or d i s posi t ed
i n 8t h or conj oi ned
with 8th lord.
(15) If benefi c pl anets are posi ted i n 7th house.
If 2nd l ord i s combust, the thi ef wi l l be caught
but there will not be any recovery.
( l 7) If Capri corn i s the l agna and not aspected by
Saturn, the native will hear about the stolen
P redictions t fuough Horary
article but the article will not be recovered.
( 18) If l agna l ord and 2nd l ord have no aspect.
The 2nd house or l agna not aspected by l agna
l or d.
(20) If Saturn and Mars occupy lagna, Aruda lagna
or navamsha lagna
If there i s a movabl e si gn i n l agna
If there i s common l agna havi ng more than 15o
l ongi tude.
( 23) I f Sun i s posi t ed
i n l agna and Rahu i n 8t h
If l agna l ord and I l th l ord are weak.
If lagna lord and 2nd lord are weak and have no
rel ati ons between them.
The kendra, tri konas, 2nd and 8th house i s
occupi ed or aspected by mal efi c pl anets.
Will the thief be caught
( I
If the 7th lord is combust.
If the 7th l ord i s posi ted i n.kendra wi th mal efi c
pl anets.
If 8th l ord i s combust.
If the l Oth l ord i s combust.
(5) If 10th l ord have i thasal a wi th the l agna l ord
the thi ef wi l l be caught by the pol i ce.
( 6)
I f t he l 0t h l or d and l agna l or d conj oi n
If l agna l ord i s posi ted i n the 10th house
If l agna l ord has no aspect on 7th, the thi ef
wi l l be caught al ong wi th stol en arti cl es.
Predietiorr,t tt rough Horar!
(9) If lagna lord conjoin 7th lord, the thief will be
caught along the stolen article.
(10) If the Moon and 7th lord are combust the thief
will be caught along with the lost article.
l) If the lords of 3rd and 9th have ithasala with
the 7th lord the thief will be caught in other
If the 7th l ord have i thasal a wi th 3rd or 10th
lord the thief will be caught in other city.
(13) If 8th l ord have i thasal a wi th l 0th l ord the
police will help the thief.
(14) If Rahu or Ketu i s
posi ted i n 8th house ahd
lagna is not occupied by any
planet the thief
will be caught but the stolen article will not
be tracable/recovered.
(15) If there i s i thasal a of l agna l ord and the 7th
l ord the thi ef wi l l return the stol en arti cl e
hi msel f.
(16) If the l agna l ord i s
posi ted i n l agna the thi ef
will return the stolen article himself.
(17) If there i s an exchange of houses between 7th
lord and 8th lord there will be dispute among
the thieves and they shall be caught.
l8) The thief will return the stolen article if lagna
lord has ithasala with 7th lord in 7th house and
8th lord is
posited in lagna.
l 9) If the mal efi c
pl anet i s posi ted i n 3rd house
from lagna and a benefic
planet is posited in
. 6th house or 7th house the thief will return
the stolen articles himself
If 2nd lord has ithasala with a planet
in lagna
or 3r d houseo t he st ol en ar t i cl e has been
removed to other ci ty.
If the Moon i s posi ted
i n movabl e si gn i n l agna
the stol en arti cl e has been shi fted to other
ci ty/pl ace.
If 2nd l ord i s combust the stol en arti cl e wi l l
not be recovered even if thief is caught.
The thi ef wi l l not be caught because of the
if there is ithasala of 2nd lord and 8th
l ord.
( 24)
I f t he Moon i s combust or aspect ed 6y u
malefic planet
the stolen article is not with the
thi ef.
If the 7th l ord i s posi ted
i n kendra, the thi ef i s
in the city/locality and has not gone far away.
If the 7th lord has ithasala with Moon or lagna
lord the thief is a committed thief.
If lagna lord and 2nd lord are conjunct with or
aspected by benefic planets
the thief will be
caught by police.
If the 5th l ord and l Oth l ord are conj oi ned wi th
or aspected by benefic planets
the thief will
be caught by the pol i ce.
If Mars is in lOth and malefic planet
are in the
7th the police would arrest the thief.
The thief wiII not be cought :
( I
If the 7th lord has Ithasala yoga with Mars
(2) If 7th lord is aspected by Saturn and Moon
(3) If 7th lord is aspected by Mercury and Moon
t 88
P re dictions t hrough Horary
(4) If 3rd lord or 9th lord have ithasala with 7th
l or d.
(5) If lagna lord is in lagna or lagna lord and 7th
lord are in 4th house.
I have misplaced my documents and
or the documents have been stolen?'
I n hor ar y ast r ol ogy mi spl aced or f or got t en
article is examined from 4th house and 4th lord. The
3r d house and 3r d l or d i ndi cat e t hat t he ar t i cl e/
has been f or got t en/ mi spl aced.
The 4t h
house and 4th lord indicate that the article has been
st ol en.
If the i s 4th house i s occupi ed
wi th or aspected
by 4th l ord or benefi c strong Moon i s posi ted
i n 4t h house, t he mi spl aced/ f or got t en
document is safe at his own site.
(2) If strong beni fi c Moon i s posi ted i n l agna or
there is shirshodaya
sign in lagna and aspected
by st r ong benef i c
pl anet or 11t h l or d i s
strongl y
posi ted i n l l th the nati ve wi l l recover
the misplaced documents
very soon.
I f t her e i s l st dr eshkon
i n t he l agna t he
misplaced document
is near the
gate of the house. If
t her e i s 2nd dr eshkon i n t he l agna t he mi spl aced
document i s i nsi de the house. If there i s 3rd dreshkon
i n the l agna the mi spl aced document i s at the back
portion of the house. Presently we can interpret the
l st, 2nd and 3rd dreshkon as ground, mi ddl e
porti on
and upper
portion of the almirah.
If there is fixed sign in the lagna or fixed sign
navamsha lagna or vargottama
fixed sign the lost/
Predict ions through Horary
misplaced document is with a member of the family,
otherwi se
wi th outsi der and has
gone out of the
Some Yogas
recovery of the brticle:
The article will be recovered
If there is a relation of 7th lord and lagna lord
or both have ithasala.
(2) If the Moon is aspected by the lord of the sign
where she is
(3) If strong benefi c
pl anet i s posi ted i n kendra
except 7th, tri kona or 2nd, 3rd or l l th and no
mal efi c
pl anet i s posi ted at above
pl ace the
mi spl aced arti cl e i s recovered, otherwi se not.
(4) If 2nd lord have ithasala with lagna lord or
I l th l ord.
(5) If l agna l ord, 2nd l ord and the Moon have
ithasala or a deposited in lagna or 2nd or I lth
(6) The Moon and Sun are in the 3rd house and
lagna lord is aspected by or conjunct
with a
st r ong benef i c
pl anet one r ecover s t he
mi spl aced arti cl e.
(7) If 7th l ord i s
posi ted i n 2nd, 4th or I l th house,
the misplaced article will be recovered.
( 8) I f t he Moon and Jupi t er ar e
posi t ed i n
exaltation or own house in 2nd, 7th, 8th or 1Oth
house or lagna lord in 7th and 7th lord in lagna,
the mi spl aced arti cl e wi l l be recovered.
(9) If the I l th l ord conj oi ns l agna l ord i n l agna or
l l th or benefi c
pl anets are
posi ted i n own
house i n 2nd, 3rd or 5th house there wi l l be
Pre dict i o ns t hrough H oraqt
recovery of the lost article.
No recovery :
( I
If the Moon and the Sun are posited
in 6th,
8th or l 2th house, there wi l l be no recovery.
If Mal efi c pl anets
are posi ted
i n' 4th house,
there will ne no recovery.
If the Mars is posited
in 7th, Sun in
Rahu in lagna, no recovery.
The f ul l Moon i s posi t ed
i n 4t h house and
aspected by the lord of the sign Mars from lagna.
Lagna l ord Sun i s posi ted
i n l 0th, the strong
kendran di recti onal strength, but i n enemy si gn,
aspected by debi l i tated Jupi ter and Saturn, enemy
from 8th house. The 2nd and I lth lord Mercury is
hemmed between Sun and Saturn. 3rd lord is posited
in kendra and own sign, therefore the documents have
been misplaced and forgotten. As there is fixed sign
in lagna, lagna lord is in fixed sign, Moon in fixed
si gn, t he document s ar e at t he same pl ace.
documents will be recovered when lagna lord Sun and
significator Mars will form favourable ithasala or
221511997 at l l :45 Kanpur
)o-) |
\ r ,
2 Ven
t 0
Chart 38
J u p
4- t I
5- 5 |
2- 50
P*dt"t*tfut"ShH-"ry l9l
Mars i ndi cates days and di fference of l ongi tude
bet ween Sun and Mar s i s appr oxi mat el y l 9o.
Therefore it indicates l9 days. Being in fixed sign
make doubl e the days i .e. 38 days approxi matel y,
when the Moon will form kambool yoga.
I 3
l\ 7f
is examined
from 7th, znd and their
the karakas are Venus and Moon.
will take
the Moon i s
posi ted i n 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th or
l lth house and aspected by or conjunct
Sun or MercurY.
(2) the Moon i s i n 7th or upachaya
(3,6,10th &
l lth) houses and aspected
by Jupiter
( 3) benef i c
pl anet s ar e
posi t ed i n kendr a or
tri kona.
(4) the Saturn i s posi ted i n even si gns.
the Moon i s posi ted i n the l Oth house and i s
by l Oth l ord or the Sun.
(6) Lagna lord in 7th house, 7th lord in lagna.
(7) Lagna l ord i n l agna, 7th l ord i n 7th or l agna
l ord i n 2nd.
(S) 7th and 2nd house are occupi ed
or aspected
by benefi c
pl anets and 2nd l ord or 7th l ord are
Predictions t hrough Horary
posited in benefic houses
7th lord and 2nd lord in kendra or trikona.
(10) Venus i n own si gn or i nVi rgo si gn.
(l l) The Moon and 7th lord in 3rd and lagna lord in
lOth with Mercury.
(See yoga for fructification)
The Boy will hove o bride, if:
Saturn is
posited in even sign except lagna
(2) the Moon is posited in lagna and aspected by
lOth lord
(3) the Moon is posited in 2nd house and aspected
by Venus and not aspected by any mal efi c
(4) Venus or Moon is posited in 7th house and have
ithasala with lagna lord.
(5) the Moon is
posited in 3rd, 7th, l0th or 9th
' house
and aspects lagna lord.
(6) Venus is aspected by the benefic
(7) an exalted benefic planet is posited in kendra
or I l t h house and i s aspect ed by benef i c
the Moon is posited in 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, l0th
or I lth house and aspected by Jupiter.
(9) Venus i s
posi ted i n l agna, 7th, l 0th or l l th
house and aspected by a benefic
l0) Jupiter
is posited in lagna, in movable sign and
no malefic
planet in kendra
(l l )
the Moon i s
posi ted i n Taurus i n 7th or l 0th
house aspected by Jupiter or Venus
t 93
P re dic t i ons t hr oug h Horary
(12) the Venus is posited in lagna and aspected by
benefic planet, no malefic planet in kendra.
(13) Tte 7th l ord has i thasal a wi th l agna l ord or
Moon and al so consi der ot her r el at i ons of
Significator and lagna lord.
(14) Saturn i s
posi ted i n 7th there wi l l be marri age
but delayed.
l5) the Moon and Venus are strong and posited in
even sign or even sign navamsha and aspectes
the lagna, the boy will get bride.
A girl will have bridegroom, i.f
(l ) the Saturn i s
posi ted
i n odd si gn except l agna
-' The
l agna i s odd si gn and Jupi ter i s posi ted i n
l agna or l l th house
(3) Venus or the Moon i s posi ted i n 7th or I l th
house conj oi ni ng benefi c pl anet or aspected
by benefic
(4) the Moon and Venus are strong and
posited in
odd signs or odd_signs in navamsha and aspects
the lagna, the girl will
(See yogas for boy.)
More thon one mafiiage or relotions with other
( I
If lagna lord and 7th lord are in one dreshkona
(2) The Moon i s posi ted i n 7th house i n movabl e
sign and aspected by Venus and malefics in
(3) One wi l l have rel ati ons wi th as many women
as many
planets are
posited in the 7th house
and aspected by the 7th lord.
One wi l l
have rel ati ons
wi th
as many
as number
of pl anet s
i n 2nd
ar e
by 2nd l ord.
One wi l l
have rel ati ons
wi th
other women
there i s rel ati ons
and venus
not aspected
by benefi c pl anets.
If a benefi c pl anet
i s posi ted
i n a house,
the 7th house
or the
7th l ord,
the rel ati v.
o, p"rron
by that house
wi l l herp the nati ve
to have
a marri age.
If a mal efi c pl anet
the 7th house
or the
7th l ord
the rel ati ves
or persons
by the
house i n whi ch
t he above
sai d
mal ef i c pl anet
i s
posi ted
wi l l
marri age.
exampl e
mal efi c
i s posi ted
i n 3rd house
th; 7th
l or d t he br ot her
wi l l obst r uct
t he
mar r i age,
i f a
benefi c
i s posi ted
i n 3rd house
say Jupi te.
the 7th house
the brother
wi l l
hel p i n marri age.
will be the
of my wife
or husbontl
of an i ndi vi dual
means personal i ty
of an i ndi vi dual .
It represents
of behavi our,
of weari ng
and appearance,
and reacti ons
to others.
i n astrol ogy
see whether
she wi l l
be abl e to bear chi rd
or not.
How she wi i l be l ooki ng.
her husband
how she wi rl recei v-e
hi m and her sexual
rel ati ons
wi th
i s more
i mportant
posi ti on.
If a pl anet
i s posi ted
i n l agna,
i t aspects
the 7th house
If saturn
sun are posi ted
i n
i n
hi s own si gn,
she wi l l not be abl e
to bear
chi l d.
Predictions t hrough Horary
(2) If Moon and Mercury are
posi ted i n 8th house
in his own sign, she will suffer from venereal
di seases
and wi l l not be abl e to bear a chi l d'
(3) If Venus or Jupi ter
posi ted i n 8th house i n
his own sign she will
give birth to dead foetus'
(4) If Mars i s
posi ted i n 8th house i n hi s own si gn
will have abortions
(5) a. If the Moon i s
posi ted i n l agna, i n 2nd to l Oth
Tithi of Shukla Paksha
will be
young girl
b. In the l0th Shukla
Paksha to 5th of Krishna
Paksha she will be near about 20
years of age'
c. In 5th of Kri shna
to 15th of Kri shna
Paksha she wi l l be ol d l adY
(6) If Mercury
posited in 7th or aspecting
7th the bride
will be
(7) If Saturn
posited in 7th or aspecting
the 7th
' .
the bri de
wi l l be ol d l ooki ng
l ady'
(8) If Sun or Jupi ter
i s
poi sted i n 7th or aspecti ng
the 7th she
will be a
(9) If Mars or Venus
is posited in 7th or aspecting
the 7th she
will be hard sPoken
(10) If the Moon
i s posi ted i n 3rd, l 0th, I l th or 7th
and aspected
by Jupiter
will be faithful
her husband.
(l l ) If the Moon i s
posi ted i n l agna or 7th house
or l0th and aspected
by Jupiter
or Venus
will be beautiful
and belong
to a rich family'
( 12) I f Venus i s
posi t ed i n 7t h t he
gi r l wi l l be
beaut i f ul ,
i f Jupi t er
she bel ong
t o a r i ch
Sun or Mars
wi dow, Sun cruel , Moon
fool i sh'
P redictions t hrough Horary 197
(13) If the Moon i s
posi ted i n 2nd house, she wi l l
have many mal e i ssues.
(14) If the Moon i s posi ted i n upachaya houses and
aspected by Jupiter the
girl will be obedient
and beautiful.
No Marriage:
( l ) I f t he 7t h house i s occupi ed by Sat ur n and
(2) If Venus
(the karka), 7th house and 7th lord
are afflicted
If Venus, 7th and 2nd house and 2nd l ord and
7th lord are afflicted.
If Mars and Saturn are posited in 7th house
from the Moon or Venus.
(5) If there are mal efi c
pl anets i n l agna, 2nd and
7th house and weak Moon in 5th house.
(6) If the 7th l ord i s posi ted i n 8th or 12th house
and afflicted.
( 7)
I f t he 7t h l or d i s posi t ed i n 6t h, 8t h or l 2t h or
combust or debi l i t at ed,
hemmed bet ween
mal efi cs and Venus i s al so affl i cted.
(8) If the l ords of 6th, 8th or l 0th are
posi ted i n
7th house and benefic
planets does not aspect
or conj oi n.
(9) If weak Moon i s posi ted i n 5th house and 2nd
7th and l 2th house i s occupi ed by or aspected
by mal efi cs.
(10) If Rahu i s posi ted i n 7th house and aspected
by benefic
If there is exchange of 7th lord and 8th lord
If 7th l ord, Moon or l agna l ord ha'
i tha' sal a
wi th mal efi c or i ni mi cal pl anets.
Direction of marriage:
( 1) The direction of marriage will be the same as
the di recti on i ndi cated
by the 7th l ord from
If a pl anet
i s posi ted
i n the 7th house he wi l l
i ndi cate the di recti on. The di recti on wi l l be
i ndi cated al so by the si gn owned by the sai d
pl anet.
The si gn shoul d be strong.
( 3)
The pl anet s
aspect i ng
t he 7t h house al so
i ndi cates the di recti on. The di recti on wi l l be
i ndi cat ed by t he si gn occupi ed by t he sai d
pl anet.
If that si gn i s fi xed si gn the marri age wi l l be
near di stance, i f movabl e at far off di stance and i f
that si gn i s common si gn the pl ace
of marri age wi l l
not be very far off.
How will be the relations between the husband &
Take lagna as husband and 7th as wife or vicae
versa i n femal e horary chart. There wi l l be l ove and
respect for each other when :
( 1)
Ther e i s i t hasal a bet ween l agna l or d and 7t h
l ord and other yoga
of l agna l ord and 7th l ord.
If the Moon and Venus are associ ated wi th or
aspected by benefi c pl anet.
If the Moon i s posi ted
i n Jupi ter' s si gns or
even si gn i n benefi c houses.
If Lagna lord and 7th lord are benefic planets
P*dt"ttt^ ftr""Sh
and have kambool yoga with Moon.
The wi fe wi l l be obedi ent i f l agna l ord i s i n
The husband wi l l be obedi ent i f l agan l ord i s
i n 7th house.
The husband wi l l enj oy the weal th of wi fe i f
there are benefi cs i n 4th house.
If the Moon and 7th l ord i s associ ated wi th or
aspected by benefi cs.
my love affair materialise?'
If the 5th lord has any connection with 7th and
l l t h house and t hei r l or ds t he l ove af f ai r s wi l l
mat er i al i se.
If the 5th lord has any connection with 6th, 8th
or' l 2th house and thei r l ords i t wi l l not materi al i se.
If the 5th lord has any connection with 6th and
its lord the other party will fall out because 6th is
.l oss
of 7th.
I f t he 5t h l or d has any connect i on wi t h l 2t h
house and lord the native will himself fall out because
I2th i s l oss of l agna.
If 5th lord has any connection with 8th lord and 8th
house there will be obstruction to the native from parents.
I n t he char t 39 Lagna i s movabl e si gn and
lord Venus is posited
in own sign
i n 8th conj oi ni ng Mars, the 7th l ord and aspected by
Saturn the 5th l ord. So l agna l ord, 7th l ord and 5th
lord are related.
Take Moon as lagna, the 5th lord Mercury is
conj oi ni ng wi t h 7t h l or d Sun i n 9t h, t he si gn of
5t h Jul y, l 996 at 14: 15 Del hi
Satl 3-2(
I 8-34
Venl 8-9
22- t 4
i unl 9-4?
9 \
( R)
' \,2.""
t 840
Chart 39
l 8- 5t
Mercury aspected by I l th l ord, Jupi ter.
Venus is forming ithasala with 7th lord Mars. He
married with the desired girl
in the month of Dec,
1, 996.
There will not be love and respect
each other :
1) If the 7th lord or 7th house or lagna or lagna
lord are afflicted with malefic planets.
l f 7th l ord or l agna l ord i s posi ted
i n enemy
si gn, combust, debi l i tated or tri k houses and
conjoin or aspected by malefic planets
If the Moon and Venus are associ ated wi th or
aspected by Mars.
If the Venus is associated with or aspected by
If 7th l ord and 6th l ord have i thasal a there wi l l
be difference of opinion between husband and
wi fe.
If the 7th l ord or Venus i s posi ted
i n 6th,
or l2th house and associated with or aspected
by mal efi c pl anets.
(9) If 7th l ord or 8th l ord i s
posi ted i n l 2th house
there wi l l be di vorce
( l 0) If there i s exchange of house between 7th l ord
and 6th lord there will be divorce.
(11) If the 7th house, 7th l ord and Venus i n case of
mal e Jupi ter i n case of femal e are affl i cted
t her e wi l l be
quar r el or di sput e bet ween
husband and wife.
Will my wife return back home?
She will return back if :
(l ) Sun aspects the ful l Moon
Venus i s strong.
(3) If Venus i s retrograde.
(4) If Venus i s
posi ted i n 5th,6th or 7th house.
If l agna l ord has i thasal a wi th Venus.
The wife will not return if :
(l ) Sun i s posi ted i n l agna, 2nd or 3rd house.
(2) If Venus i s combust and have normal rate
of moti on
(3) If Venus is ahead of Sun, Isharafa
She wi l l return after someti me i f weak Moon
has any relation with Sun and Venus
I f Sun i s
posi t ed i n 5t h house t he wi f e i s
tortured by her husband.
there second marrioge
The marriage means an addition to the family,
partnership, legal bondage and conjugal relationship.
The 2nd house i ndi cat es an addi t i on t o f ami l y
member, 7th house indicates partnership and legal
and I lth house gain.
first marriage
from 2nd,7th
and l l th house. For second marri age
onl y 2nd and
l lth house are to be examined.
The second marriage is indicated
if following
are fulfilled:
( I
If 7th lord, the lord of the sign occupied
7th lord in navamsha,
the nakshatra
lord of 7th
lord has any connection
with 2nd or I lth house
and their lords.
a. The planets
in 7th house.
b. The pl anet s
conj oi ned wi t h 7t h l or d or
aspecti ng
7th l ord have any connecti on
with 2nd or I lth house or their lords
If the 7th l ord i s deposi ted
i n a dual si gn, the
lord of nakshatra
of 7th lord
or the sign lord
of 7th lord in navamsha
has any connection
with dual sign
The Mercury
has any connecti on wi th 7th
house or 7th lord.
0l -00
Chart 40
'rJGJ-.' I
a Ptlr)9-'r(
18l l l l 999
et 17-51 Del hi
7th lord Saturn is with nakshatra
of Ketu,
Iord of Saturn i n navamsha i s Mars, posi ted
i p Mars
si gn aspecti ng 7th house. Mars al so aspects 7th house.
I l th l ord i s posi ted
i n 7th. 2nd l ord Sun i s posi ted
i n
7th. So 2nd marriage is indicated.
cneprnn I4
\I f
. exami ne progeny
from the 5th house, 5th
Y Y l ord, pl anets i n 5th house, pl anets
aspecti ng
5th house, planets
associated with 5th lord, 5th from
5th i.e. 9th house and 5th from Jupiter the karaka
and Jupiter himself. The 7th house and its lord also
play an important role.
One can say that this is the best method given
by Ri shi Par ashar a. Thi s i s t he best met hod of
examination of chart whether
birth chart or horary
chart. But the aspects are from degree to degree and
yogas are Tajik yoga
and full aspects of Parashara.
The combination of Parashara method and yoga
Taj i k
gi ve the best resul ts i n Horary charts.
We shoul d take i nto account the Desh, Kal a and
Patra for the purpose
of progeny.
For exampl e, the
educated soci ety and the peopl e
l i vi ng i n ci ti es of
India do not like to have children more than two or
three. So to give prediction
about more than three
chi l dren wi l l be agai nst the accepted norms of the
soci et y. The ast r ol oger wi l l be a l aughi ng st ock.
Similarly according to law there cannot be more than
rhro"Sh Horo
wife in the' Hindu
one can have relations
with more than one woman but legal wife will be one,
the other
will not have legal acceptance'
So to
say that one will have as many wives as number
planets in the 7th house aspected
by the 7th lord is
the law. He may have relations
with as many
as the number of
planets in the 7th house,
by the 7th lord. Therefore
take into
the Desh,
Kala and Patra.
wiII be abte to bear a child ?
( I
If sth lord is a benefic
planet and have ithasala
with lagna lord or Moon or conjoin
with or
bY a benefic
(2) If Moon is
posited in lagna or Arudha
with or aspected
by a benefic
(3) If Jupiter
posited i;r lagna,
lagna or
7th or 9th house.
The Jupiter
or Venus is strong in 5th house'
lord in 5th and 5th lord in lagna'
lord and 5th lord conjoin
and associated
or aspected
by a benefic
The Venus
conjoin 5th lord in 5th or I lth'
If 5th lord is
posited in lagna and the Moon
and the I lth lord are
posited in 5th'
(9) If Sun and Rahu both
posited in lagna or
If Jupiter,
Moon and Rahu
posited in lagna
or Arudha
(11) Lagna
lord, 5th lord and the Moon
have ithasala'
mY wrfe is
5th lord Sun is in Ithasala
with Mars
and Moon'
( 5)
( 6)
( 7)
( 8)
I t
upi t er
/ 9
Chart 4l
9t h Januar y,
1999 at 13: 37,
Del hi
Jupi ter i s posi ted
i n Arudha
l agna.
She i s pregnant.
or Delay or No Children?
1) There wi l l be one or two chi l dren
i f l agna l ord
and t he Moon ar e posi t ed
i n 5t h house i n
Scorpi o,
Leo or Vi rgo si gn.
If the 5th house i s occupi ed
wi th or aspected
by a mal efi c pl anets.
The 5th l ord i s weak
i .e. debi l i tated
or hemmed
mal efi c pl anets
The karaka Jupi ter
i s exal ted i n l Oth house
by mal efi cs.
l 0
\ ,/r.1,)
Jupi ter
P re dict ions t lvough Horary
The 5t h l or d i s mal ef i c pl anet ,
Sat ur n and
in 8th house, aspecting karaka Jupiter
and 5t h house. The Mar s i s al so aspect i ng
Jupi t er . So t he kar aka t hough exal t ed and
posi ted i n kendra i s weak.
(5) If the Jupi ter i s posi ted
i n 5th house i n own
sign and aspected by malefic.
The aspect of Saturn, the 6th and 7th lord the
Maraka, will influence the 5th lord, 5th house
and karaka of progeny,
all the three important
factors are afflicted.
If mal efi c pl anets are posi ted
i n l agna, Jupi ter
i n 2nd or 4th house, and benefi c
pl anets
i n
kendra the issue will be there but late in life.
If Moon, Mercury and Venus are posi ted
i n
common sign or Sagittarius in 5th house there
wi l l be no i ssue.
( 8) I f Moon' s posi t ed
i n 3r d, 5t h or 9t h house
conjoining Sun or Venus, there will be no issue.
(9) If Jupiter or Venus is
in 8th house in
his own sign, there will be an issue but he will
be dead i ssue.'
l l
t 2
Chart 43
Jupi ter
P re di c t i o ns t hr ang h H orary
(10) If Mars i s posi ted i n 8th house there wi l l be
aborti on/s.
(11) If Moon or Mercury i s
posi ted
i n 8th i n own
house there will be only one child
a daughter.
(12) If Sun or Saturn i s posi ted i n 8th house i n hi s
own house there will be no issue.
(13) If l agna l ord and 5th l ord have no rel ati on.
(14) If l agna l ord does not aspect 5th house or 5th
lord or does not aspect the lagna.
( l 5) If 8th l ord i s posi ted i n 8th, the querrent' s wi fe
will not have proper
function of ovaries. So
no i ssue.
( 16) When 8t h house i s occupi ed by t he Sun or
Venus the first issue will die and subsequent
i ssue wi l l not be l ong l i ved.
The same i s the resul t as above i f 2nd, l 2th
and 8th is occupied by malefic planets.
(18) If l 2th l ord i s posi ted
i n kendra and aspected
by or conjoined with benefic planet, the child
wi l l survi ve.
( l9) If full Moon is associated with or aspected by
benefics in kendra, the child will survive.
Namber of children:
It is indicated by the number of strong planets
aspecting or posited in the 5th house and aspected
by 5th lord.
Number of Navamsha,gai ned by the.5th l ord
5th lord is aspected by benefic
to family
this answer does not hold good)
Predictions through Horary
Whether she is pregnant ?
In cities one can have the answer of this question
pathol ogi cal test of uri ne very easi l y. But some
t i me or i n vi l l ages wher e t hese f aci l i t i es ar e not
avai l abl e the peopl e sti l l
to astrol ogers and seek
t he answer t o t hi s
quest i on
because t he physi cal
changes of preganancy are apparent only after three
or f our
mont hs. Mor eover nausea or vomi t t i ng
present i n a l ady at the i ni ti al stage due to some
pathological cause, due to one' s anxiety one wants
to know about pregancy.
The lady is pregnant if
Lagna lord is posited in lagna and the Moon in
5th house.
(2) Lagna lord and Moon aspects 5th house.
( 3) 7t h l or d and Lagna l or d ar e
posi t ed i n 5t h
7th lord and 5th lord posited in lagna.
( 5) Lagna l or d i s
posi t ed
i n kendr a and have
ithasala with Moon.
(6) fi xed si gn i s i n Lagna.
(7) Mercury i s posi ted i n Lagna or aspects the
a strong benefic
in 5th or I lth
(9) Rahu i s posi ted
i n Lagna, Arudha l agna or
Navamsha Lagna.
( 10) t he Mopn and 5t h l or d ar e aspect ed by or
conjoin with benefic
the Moon, Sun and Venus associ ated i n any
210 P redictiow through Horary
(12) the Sun, the Moon, Venus or Mars are posi ted
i n own navamsha i n upachaya house ( 3, 6, 10, 1I
houses) .
(13) Jupi ter i s posi ted
i n Lagna, 5th or 9th house.
(14) the benefi c pl anets
are posi ted
i n or aspects
(15) benefi cs are posi ted
i n 9th, 5th, 4th, ?th, 10th
and 2nd from lagna or the Moon and malefics
i n 3rd and I l th.
the Sun aspects the Lagna or the Moon.
There will be no pregnancy if :
(l ) there i s i thasal a of Lagna l ord and l tl oon i n
apokl i m houses and 5th l ord does not aspect
l agna or 5th house.
there i s i thasal a of Moon wi th a mal efi c pl anet.
the Moon i s combust or weak.
the Moon i s posi ted
i n 5th, Sun i n 9th and
Venus i n 3rd house.
( l )
Ther e wi l l be as many abor t i on as ar e t he
number of mal efi c
pl anets
associ ated wi th the
lord of sign occupied by 5th lord in navamsha
chart. The lord of the sign occupied by the 5th
lord in Navamsha is to be examined in Rashi
chart. He should not be aspected or conjoined
with malefic planets.
(2) If mal efi c pl anets
are posi ted
i n 5th house,
lagna lord is a malefic
or malefic planets
are posi ted
i n l agna or l agna l ord i s associ ated
wi th mal efi c pl anets
and the Moon has i thasal a
with malefic planet
( 3)
l or d or Moon have i t hasal a
wi t h
or retrograde
or malefic
pl anets
( 4)
The 5t h house, 5t h l or d and Jupi t er
ar e
i nfl uenced
by mal efi c pl anets.
If the Moon has i thasal a wi th a mal efi c pl anet
i n movabl e
si gn Lagna l ord and retrograde
pl anet.
The Mars and Venus conj oi n
i n 5th house
The Mars i n 8th
If Jupi ter and Venus
both are posi ted
i n
she wi l l del i ver
an i ssue but the chi l d
wi l l di e.
If Sun and Venus are posi ted
i n
house and
2nd and l 2th house are occupi ed
by mal efi c
pl anets,
there wi l l be aborti on.
( l 0) If 5th house i s occupi ed
by Mars or Venus and
aspect ed
by or conj unct ed
wi t h mal ef i c
pl anets.
1) If the Moon and
the Upgrah
of Moon) both are in 8th house
from Lagna
or navamsha
there will be
aborti on. If the Moon i s posi ted
i n enemy si gn
or debilitated
both the child and mother will
di e.
is the Upgrah
of Moon. It is equal to
of Sun. Itplays important
role in
the birth of child. It is a mathematical
as Rahu.)
(12) If Saturn and Mars are
posi ted i n l agna and
by malefics.
13) If Moon i s
posi ted i n the si gn of Mars or Saturn
(Aries or Scorpio, Capricorn
or Aquarius)
aspected by malefic
(14) If Moon i s aspected by Mars and Saturn
( 15) I f Lagna or Moon ar e hemmed bet ween
malefics and not aspected by a benefic
there will be death of mother and child.
( l6) If there are malefics in lagna and 7th house and
not aspected by benefic
planets there will be
death of mother and child.
(17) If Saturn i s posi ted i n Lagna and aspected by
weak Moon and Mars not aspected by benefic
planet there will be death of the mother and
chi l d.
(l S) If there are mal efi cs i n 4th from Lagna or
Moon, there
will be abortion
l 9) If Venus i s hemmed between
mal efi cs there
will be abortion
is karaka for
preganancy for I st month Mars
for 2nd, Jupiter for 3rd, Sun for 4th, Moon for 5th,
for 6th, Mercury for 7th, lagna lord for 8th,
Moon for fth and Sun for l0th month of
If any
planet is hemmed between malefic
indicates the abortion during that month for which
he is karaka)
(20) If the Sun is
posited in lagna and the Moon is
weak and aspected by malefic, there
will be
(21) If Mars i s i n l agna, hemmed between mal efi c
planets, there will be abortion.
Predictions through Horary 2t 3
( 22) I f 5t h l or d i s posi t ed
i n 6t h, 8t h or l 2t h house
aspected by mal efi c pl anets.
How many months is preganancy?
or lYhen will the
delivery take
For Mont hs of
; l r egnancy
t he ast r ol ogy
recogni se l unar months whi ch general l y
consi sts of
27 or 28 days. But pr esent l y
medi cal sci ence
recogni se onl y sol ar months i .e. January, february
etc. so pregnancy
consi sts of ni ne months not of ten
months as i n astrol ogy. The Venus i s l ord of fi rst
month, Mars for 2nd modth, Jupiter for 3rd, Sun for
4th, Moon for 5th, Saturn for 6th, Mercury- for 7ih,
Lagna for 8th, Moon for 9th and Sun for 10th.
As many houses is away the strong Venus from
lagna so many months is the pregnancy.
If the
strong Venus i s posi ted
above the 1Oth house
count from 5th house i nstead of l agna (the
Venus is karaka for 1st month, pregnancy)
As many navamsha lagna has attained.
If Sun or Moon i s posi ted i n moavabl e si gn the
del i very wi l l be normal i n 10 months, If i n fi xed
si gn or common si gn t he del i ver y wi l l be
del ayed.
The del i very wi l l be on the day when the Moon
wi l l be transi ti ng the si gn as many i nterveni ng
dwadashamsha she has acquired in D/12 chart
or t r ansi t i ng upa c, haya ( 3, 6, I 0, I I
t her ef r om.
Accordi ng to the famous work "Kri shneeya".
The number of const el l at i ons i nt er veni ng
between the Ascendant and the constellation
214 predictions
throuph Horarv
occupi ed by t he si gni f i cat or
i ndi cat es
t he
of days, provi ded
the Ascendant
i s i n
a movabl e si gn. Thi s i s to be doubl ed or trebl ed
accordi ng as the Ascendant
i s fi xed si gn or
common si gn respecti vel y.
In example chart the lagna
and si gni fi cator 5th l ord i s
i s 715
l 1/ 00
: 3x9* 8: 35daYs
t he mul t i pl es
of 30 because t he
above rul e i s appl i cabl e i n the l ast month of
the del i very wi l l take
after five days. The child was born on
l ,4th September, 1998 and the query
was put
1Oth September, 1998. We have not doubl ed
i n days because t he si gni f i cat or
Jupi t er i s
and movi ng towards
movabl e si gn
and Moon has ithasala with Jupiter and Mars
and has square aspect. The aspect i s not bad
of aspect of Jupi t er and al so bei ng
5th, tri ne, l ord.
( q)
Mul t i pl y t he number of si gns i nt er veni ng
between the l agna and the si gn hel d by the
significator by 12. The product
represents the
of days, months or years
according as
the l agna i s movabl e, fi xed or common si gn.
(Kri shneeya)
The above two methods
are not found quite
sati sfactory.
( 7)
Mor e' sat i sf act or y
r esul t s ar e obt ai ned by
P re dict i ons t hrough H orary
consi deri ng the number of degrees between
t he l ongi t ude of t he l agna l or d and t he
si gni f i cat or as r epr esent i ng t he number of
days, weeks or months according as the lagna
is movable, common or fixed.
Lagna l ord Mars 3/l
Si gni fi cator Jupi ter 10/29
( - )
7/ t 0
7x30* l l : 221o
22 | day s(Mars repre sents
Expunge the multiple of 30 days
I I days.
it is applicable to the last month of pregnancy)
I n t he above case we have mul t i pl i ed and
expunged 3Odays because 30 i ndi cate Savan
Month of astrol ogy. But we are to consi der
l unar month of Astrol ogy whi ch i s 27 or 29
days. So the days are to be l ess.
and the timing of events)
If the last month of pregnancy
is not running
then the i ssue wi l l be born i n the month i n
whi ch the l ords of l agna and 5th wi l l have
The delivery take place
in as many months as
the 5th lord is away from the cusp of the 5th
house. Each house represents one month.
( l 0) The del i very wi l l take pl ace when the Moon
wi l l transi t 7th house from Aruda l agna or
kendra, trine thereof. In our example chart the
Moon i s t r ansi t i ng
Gemi ni , a kendr a f r om
Aruda lagna Meena.
2t 6 P redict ions through' Horary
The Male or o Female Issue?
If the strong Lagna, the Moon, the Sun and
Jupiter are posited in odd signs or odd navamsha
the bi rth of mal e chi l d wi l l take pl ace.
(2) If the above sai d pl anets are i n even si gns or
even navamsha the birth of a female child will
take pl ace.
(3) If strong Sun and Jupi ter are i n odd si gns the
bri th of a mal e chi l d wi l l take pl ace.
(4) If strong Moon, Venus and Mars are in even
signs the birth of a female child will take place.
(5) If the Saturn i s posi ted
i n odd si gns except
l agna ( 3, 5, 7, 9, 11)
houses t he bi r t h of a mal e
chi l d, i f i n even si gns i ndi cates femal e chi l d.
(6) When l agna l ord and 5th l ord are i n odd si gn,
mal e i ssue
(7) When 5th l ord i s posi ted i n mal e si gn and l agna
l ord i s posi ted i n 5th house aspected by mal e
pl pnet there wi l l be a mal e chi l d.
When 5th l ord and l agna l ord are
posi ted
i n
even si gn and aspect ed by f emal e pl anet
(Moon, Venus, Saturn, Mercury) there will be
bi rth of a famal e chi l d.
If the Moon i s i n odd si gn and have i thasal a
wi th mal e pl anets,
mal e i ssue.
If the l ond of the hora of the query i s mal e
pl anet and posi ted
i n odd si gn, a mal e i ssue
wi l l be born.
( I 1) If Sun i s posi ted i n 3,6, l 0,l I or 7th house gi ves
mal e and the Moon i n the sai d houses gi ves
femal e i ssue.
P re dicti ons t lvough H or ary 217
of Twinso
If the Jupiter and Sun are posited in Sagittarius
or Gemini sign and aspected by Mercury there
is a birth of male twins
(2) If Venus and Mars are posited in Virgo or Meen
and aspected by Mercury there is birth of
femlae twins.
If lagna and Moon are in common signs and
aspected by any strong
planets there is a birth
of twi ns.
( 4)
I f Moon and Venus ar e i n common' si gn
aspected by Jupi ter or Mars or Mercury or
' .
l agna i n common si gns there i s bi rth of one
male and other female twins.
(5) If lagna and Moon are in even sign and aspected
by mal e
pl anet i n odd si gn there i s bi rth of
male and other female twins.
(6) If lagna is even sign and aspected by strong
Moon there is birth of twins.
of Eununch"
If strong Sun and Moon aspect each other
( 2) I f st r ong Sat ur n
posi t ed i n odd si gn and
Mercury in odd sign aspect Saturn
(3) If strong Sun
posited in even sign aspected by
Mars in odd sign
If l agna i s i n odd si gn and Moon i s
posi ted i n
lagna aspected by Mars in even sign
(5) The Mercury in odd sign dnd the Moon in even
sign aspected by Mars.
(6) If the Moon, Mercury and lagna are in odd sign
or odd navamsha and aspected by Saturn or Venus.
the child will survive,,?
The chi l d wi l l not survi ve i f :
( I
Sun and Venus are posited
If malefic planets
are posited
in 2nd, 8th & l2th
If mal efi c pl anets
are posi ted
i n l 2th house and
l 2t h l or d i s combust or associ at ed wi t h
mal ef i cs and posi t ed
i n apokl i m houses
9th and l 2th).
If l 2th l ord i s associ ated wi th mal efi c pl anets
i n apokl i m houses.
( 5)
I f mal ef i c pl anet s
ar e posi t ed
i n enemy or
debi l i tated
si gn i n l agna, 7th, 8th, l 0th or l 2th
house and Jupiter and other benefic planets
not aspect or associate with them.
If Sun i s posi ted
i n 8th and Mars or Saturn i n
l agna or 2nd house and not aspect ed
associ ated wi th benefi c pl anets.
If Moon i s posi ted
i n l agna,
Mars i n
or Saturn i n 9th and not associ ated wi th or
by benefic planets.
( 8)
I f mal ef i c pl anet s
ar e posi t ed
i n enemy or
debi l i tated
si gn or combust i n 2nd house.
If Mars, Saturn or Rahu in 2nd and l2th house.
( 10) If mal efi c pl anets
i n 6th and 8th house aspects
( I I
If 5th l ord i s posi ted
i n
associ ated
wi th or
aspected by mal efi cs.
If 5th l ord i s associ ated wi th or aspected
f*abttu^hr"Shi l *try
or 5th lord is weak.
The child will survive
( l ) If the l 2th l ord i s associ ated wi th or aspected
by benefic planets in kendra or 5th house and
shukla Paksha Moon in kendra.
If the full Moon is associated with or aspected
by benefic planets
in kendra.
If the lagna lord is strong and associated with
or aspected by benefic planets
in kendra.
The strong Jupiter is posited in kendra and
aspects the lagna
The benfics are posited in kendra and malefics
i n 3r d, 6t h and 11t h
If the Moon of shukl a Paksh i s posi ted i n l 2th
associated with or aspected by benefic planets.
If the 8th l ord i s associ ated wi th or aspected
by benefic planets.
If the Jupi ter i s posi ted i n own house, fri end' s
hduse, hemmed between benefic
or is
exal ted i n l agna, 5th or 7th house.
child will survive, next child will not survive).
child will not survive)
( 2)
( 3)
( 4)
( 6)
( 7)
( 8)
l upl
l - 01
. \,/
Moon l o)( 4 Rahu
) . . /
' \ ,
t 2
Chart 45
I 9-07
Ketu I 9-7
00- 52
23- 58
220 Predictions through H orary
Lagna l or d i s Venus. She i s combust and
r et r ogr ade. l 2t h l or d Mer cur y i s associ at ed wi t h
Rahu. The Moon is associated with and aspected by
mal ef i cs. Mar s i n 2nd house. The mal ef i cs i n
kendras. The chi l d di ed on 28th August, 1999.
Lagna is sthir therefore she is pregnant.
Venus is in lOth from lagna therefore lOth month is
Venus is posited
with Sun, in own sign and is
not combust. So delivery be with in a month because
10- 9- 1998 at l l : 38 Del hi
9- l 4
Monl 5-5
, o\ 1
Jup(R) l l )(. s Rahu
) . . /
' \ )
eI u7- J
Chart 44
t 9- 13
MCr y- ) r
r'en l 0-3t
l ahuT-3,
l un23-3(
5 - t 4
l 0
thr^rgh H*
lOth month is running. The lagna has attained one
navamsha and 2nd navamsha is running, again within
a month. The Moon has attained 7 dvadashamsha.
delivery should
be on the day when the Moon will be
transi ti ng
7 i nterveni ng
si gns away from Li bra i n
which the Moon is posited in Dwadashamsha
the 7th
from Libra in rashi chart, the delivery took
place on
l 4t h Sept ember ,
1998 at l 3: 50 Del hi . A mal e chi l d
was born. Moon was transiting2ll2-38
on that day.
7th intervening
signs from Libra in rashi chart.
\ I / e
can know t he nat ur e
of quer y
f r om t he
V Y strongest
pl anet posi ted
i n a kendra
from the
l agna,
t he
Moon or t he l l t h house
whi ch
ever i s
have divided the query
The metal , the products
whi ch
exist under the Earth and cannot
move l i ke Iron, Gol d, Si l ver and
j ewel s
et c.
The anything
can change
i t s pl ace
l i ke bi r ds, ani mal s,
l i vi ng bei ngs
Mool a
The anythi ng whi ch
i s above the
Earth and fixed like tree, grass,
flowers, fruits etc.
Dhatu+Mool a-
bones, ski n of ani mal s,
bark of trees etc.
Predictiotts through Horary
Dhatu+Je Meat of animals, organs of
et c.
The products
which grow
over the
j eeva
as hai r s, nai l s, hor ns,
wings, feathers etc.
According to some astrologers logna classiftcation
indicate the query
1) Movable lagna indicates Dhatu
The fixed lagna indicates Moola
The common l agna i ndi cates- Jeeva
Accordi ng to others the number of navomsha
indicotes the query
( I
In odd signs
lst, 4th and 7th navamsha indicates Dhatu
( b)
2nd, 5t h and 8t h navamsha i ndi cat es
Mool a
3rd, 6th and 9th navamsha indicates Jeeva
fn even signs
I st, 4th and 7th navamsha indicates Jeeva
2nd, 5th and 8th navamsha indicates Moola
3rd, 6th and 9th navamsha indicates Dhatu
Accerding to planets
If the planets
ore posited
in kendro :
( I
If the Sun or Mars is strong, he indicates Dhatu
The Mercury or Saturn is strong, he indicates
Mool a
The Moon or Jupiter or Venus is strortg in
kendra, indicates Jeeva
221 P re dic t i ow t hrough H orary
Aceording lo others :
Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu indicates Dhatu
Sun and Venus indicates Moola
(c) Mercury and Jupiter indicates Jeeva
Planets and signs
( a) I f Mar s or Sun i s posi t ed i n own si gn or
aspects lst, 8th or 5th
Scorpio or Leo)
indicates Dhatu
If Mercury or Saturn is posited in own sign in
3rd, 6th or lOth, 1lth sign or aspects his own
sign indicates Moola
(c) If the Moon, Jupiter or Venus is posited in own
sign or aspects his own sign indicates Jeeva
It is clear from the above discussion that the
planet i.e. planet posited in kendra, own sign,
fri end' s si gn or hemmed between benefi c pl anets
exalted indicates the query.
In general we find indications of
from the
lOth house, indication of dreams from 4th house and
indications about the future from the lagna of the
If the strong
is posited in
Lagna the query
is re garding his body and
2nd house wealth, second marriage, food to eat
3rd house brothers and travel
4th house mother or sister, conveyance, landed
property or comforts etc.
5th house Sons or daughters, education etc.
( 6)
( 7)
( 8)
l 0)
( 11)
6th house
uncl e,
l oan,
di seases
7t h house
wi f e, par t ner shi p,
busi ness,
di seases,
l i ti gati on
8th house
9th house pious
elderly person,
lOth house
business, profession.
I lth house
elder brother, gain
l 2t h house
expendi t ur e
or donat i ons,
i.e. marriage
- _
Accor di ng
t o some,
t he t ype
of quer y
i s
from the
l lth house
or the l lth lord
o, ih.y
take l lth house
as lagna
and prepare
the type
of query
will be indicated
the position
of the Moon
in or If the Moon is strong
Take the
sign as lagna
and the position
of the lagna
in the Moon
chart will indicate
of query.
It is my experience
in question
or loss
the l,lth house
as lagna and navasmha
of I l th house
and posi ti on
of Moon
i n I l th
or navamsha
of I lth indicates
the query.
In case of general
with the
the position
of lagna
lord indicate
the type of query.
exampl e
on 22nd
Nov. l 99g
at 13:43
Del hi
of forming
the Government
in Delhi
by the
existing party
or not was asked.
I l -15
Stl n
Sl O3
t7_i 4
Merc (R)
Venus(c) 7lll
Ralru 4/02
Sat(R) 0104
Ketu l 0l 2
Rashi Chart
Moon char t
Chart 46
t l
8 Sun
6 '
J up
Chart 47
Sr r n
Mer(R) Sun
Ket u
f r r n
Ket u
Chart 48
Mars Sun
of I
l agna
Take the l ongi tude
of l agna
as l ongi tude
of I l th
and draw
as below
In general
I l th house
i ndi cates
el der
3r d house
t he younger
br ot her
or ar ms
and l egs
ext r emi st s,
r i ght
ear and l ef t
ear .
Si mi l ar l y
i - n
Astrol ogy
l l th house
i ndi cates
parl ri ament
and 3rd house i ndi cates
assembl y.
Sun i s t he
st r ongest
pl anet
posi t ed
i n
friend' s
house in kendra
ancr have
So query
In lagna
is posited
in 3rd
and the
in I lth house.
In the navasmha
is in 3rd house
and in own
In navamsha
l lth house
as lagna,
l agna
l ord
i s i n 3rd and the
i n 9th
aspecti ng
3rd house.
the above
i t i s cl ear
that lagna
or Moon
ever is strong
the query.
chart general l y
gi u.,
r esul t s.
i s one more pri nci pl e.
the posi ti on
of lagna
or l lth lord
as lagna
and see where
l th house
t 0
Chart 49
2 \
Moon i s posi ted therefrom. The
posi ti on of Moon
indicates the type of
In the above chart lagna lord Saturn is retrograde
and l l th l ord Jupi ter i s posi ted i n l agna havi ng dri k
bal a and kendr a bal a. So Jupi t er i s st r ong. Fr om
Jupi ter the Moon i s posi ted i n l l th house the house
of Parl i ament.
type of query :
(l ) If Arudha l agna i s i n common si gn
the query is regarding the
( 2' ) I f Ar udha
l agna i s i n movabl e si gn
(1,4,7,1O)the query i s regardi ng the future.
( 3) I f t he Ar udha l agna i s i n f i xed si gn
( 2, 5, 8, 1l )
query is regarding the
(4) If malefic
planets are posited in Arudha lagna
or l 2t h f r om l agna t he
quer y i s r egar di ng
di sease
(5) If mal efi c
pl anets are
posi ted i n 2nd house
f r om ar udha l agna or l agna t he
quer y i s
regarding theft of money or stolen money.
(6) ^. If Sun is posited in lagna or Arudha lagna
quer y r egar di ng st at e
puni shment or
r el at i ons
b. Moon, Mercury, Jupiter or Venus in lagna
query regarding wealth
c. Mars indicates
d. Saturn indicates theft or stolen wealth
e. Rahu indicates dreams or
poison or death.
cn,qprnn I 6
he Plaintiff/YaayilYaadi is one who goes
to court
of l aw for
j usti ce
and fi l e a sui t.
The Defendant/Sthayi/Prativaadi is that person
agai nst whom the l aw sui t has been i nsti tuted.
The 3rd house to 8th house are consi dered the
houses of defendant and to be 9th house to 2nd house
ar e consi der ed t o be t hat of pl ai nt i f f . I f benef i c
pl anet s
ar e posi t ed i n t he ar c of def endant , t he
defendant wi ns. If the benefi c pl anets are posi ted i n
the arc of pl ai nti ff,
the pl anti ff wi ns.
The popular view is that the lagna is querrent and
the 7th house i s opponent. If Lagna l ord or mal efi c
i n l agna i s debi l i t at ed or combust or weak, t he
wi l l not wi n. The querrent wi l l wi n i f strong
mal efi c i s posi ted i n l agna or the Moon i s conj unct
wi th or aspected by benefi c pl anets or i f there i s a
smal l l ongi tude of Lagna l ord and i n strength wi th
benefi c pl anets posi ted
i n Kendra therefrom.
If Lagna and 7th house both are occupi ed by
mal efi c pl anets,
the resul t of the di spute wi l l not be
and the same wi l l happen i f there i s i thasal a
of 7th l ord and l agna l ord. If Cancer, Scorpi o, Pi sces
and Aquari us si gns are i n 4th house, the opponent
l oses the l i ti gati on. The Savant Pri thuyasha wri tes
t hat i f Ar i es, Taur us, Leo or Sagi t t ar i us ( ani mal
signs) are in 4th house or Lagna, the querrent
If the Moon i s posi ted
wi th benefi c pl anets
i n hal f
cycle from lOth to 4th via Lagna and Lagna is strong,
the queri st
wi l l wi n.
The four or five planets in Lagna makes the Lagna
weak or four or fi ve pl anets
i n 7th make the 7th
house weak.
Some Yogas
If there is a fixed sign in lagna, there will not
be defeat i n the case.
If there i s a movabl e si gn i n l agna, there wi l l
be a change, l osi ng the case
If there i s a common si gn i n l agna, havi ng l ess
t han l 5o l ongi t ude, i ndi cat e t he r esul t s of
movabl e si gn and more than l 5o l ongi tude of
l agna, i ndi cate the resul ts of fi xed si gn.
If there are benefic yogas
for 7th house and
7th l ord the opponent wi l l compromi se.
If at the ti me of quarrel
Gemi ni or Vi rgo l agna
are ri si ng the nati ve wi l l wi n wi th the
gai n
( 6)
I f Venus i s posi t ed
i n l agna t her e wi l l be
compr omi se.
If Mars, Saturn and Jupiter are strong in horary
( l )
P re dict i ons t hr ough H orary 231
char t i r r espect i ve of t hei r
posi t i on, t he
querent wi l l wi n.
(8) If Saturn is lagna lord and have acquired high
longitude and 7th lord have acquired less of
l ongi t ude and t her e i s kambool
yoga t he
querrent will win.
(9) If there is ithasala of lagna lord and 1Oth lord
in benefic houses or lagna lord in lagna, l0th
lord in 1Oth the
querrent will win.
(10) If the 7th l ord i s posi ted i n 2nd house and have
ithasala with 2nd lord, the opponent will be
l osi ng.
l) If benefic
planets are
posited in lagna, 7th and
l Oth house, the
querrent wi l l wi n.
( 12) I f t he Mer cur y, Venus and/ or Jupi t er ar e
posited in lagna and 9th house the
will win
(13) If there i s a Shi rshodaya l agna occupi ed by
benefi c or aspected by benefi c
pl anets and
strong benefic
planets.are posited in kendra
or trikona, the querrent will win.
If l Oth l ord i s posi ted i n l agna and l agna l ord
i n l Oth house.
If the Moon i s i n l Oth, Venus and Mercury i n
4th and l 0th and mal efi cs i n 3rd, 6th or l l th
house the querrent will win.
If the Moon in 1Oth, Mercury and Venus in 4th
and 5th, Jupiter in lagna, malefics in 3rd, 6th
or I lth, the
querist will win.
l 7) Lagna occupi ed by Venus, Mercury i n 4th,
Jupiter in 7th, malefics in 3rd, 6th or I lth, the
Predict i ons through Horary
querrent will win.
(18) The Jupi ter i n l agna, Moon i n 4th, venus and
Mercury in l0th, Sun in l lth and Saturn in 3rd.
( l9) The Jupiter in lagna, Moon in 7th, Mercury and
Venus in 4th or l0th, malefics in 3rd, 6th or
l l th houses the queri st wi l l wi n.
the above yogas it will win, the kendra are
occupied by benefics and 3rd, 6th and I lth houses
by malefics indicate the winning of the querist.]
(20) The Mercury and Venus in lagna, Sun, Mars and
st r ong Rahu i n 1l t h i ndi cat es wi nni ng of
queri st
(21) The Jupiter in lagna, Sun in lOth, Moon in 7th,
Mercury i n 4th i ndi cate the wi nni ng of the
quer r i st
The Jupiter in l0th, Venus in lagna and malefics
i n l l th gai n of the case by the queri st.
If lagna lord is slow moving planet
and forming
Kambool yoga with Moon and the Moon has
high longitudes than the fast moving
queri st wi l l wi n
If the l Oth l ord i s posi ted i n l agna or 4th l ord
is posited in 6th the army of opponent will help
the native to win.
(25) From the l Oth to l agna are occupi ed by the
benefics and Saturn is posited from lagna to
, 4t h house, some one wi l l hel p t o wi n t he
el ecti on or l i ti gati on.
If the 7th lord is posited
in 6th
winning the
el ecti on or l i ti gati on.
If Sun in l2th house, winning the election or
Predictions through Horary 233
l i t i gat i on
(28) If chatushpada si gn (Quadruped si gns
Taurus, Leo, 2nd hal f of Sagi ttari us
hal f of Capri corn) i n 4th house, the
Ari es,
and l st
queri st
4th or 6th or
wi l l wi n.
If a mal efi c pl anet i s posi ted i n
5th house, the querri st wi l l wi n.
(30) If Sun i s posi ted i n I l th from l agna or Arudha
lagna, the querrist
will win.
(3 I
If the l agna i s Sthi r
fi xed si gn) and
common sign
(32) If the lagna is common sign and the
Moon i n
Moon i n
movabl e si gn
(33) If the Lagna i s movabl e si gn and the Moon i n
common si gn
(34) If strong malefic planet
is posited in lagna the
queri st
wi l l wi n. If strong mal efi c pl anet
i s
posi ted
i n 7th, the opponent wi l l wi n.
(35) If 2nd and 9th house i s occupi ed wi th benefi c
the querist will win. If 2nd and 9th
house i s occupi ed by Mars and Saturn the
opponent will win.
Opponent wilt wino
If Lagna lord is posited
in 8th and forming
ithasala yoga with 8th lord.
If Lagna lord occupies l2th house.
If Lagna lord is a slow moving planet with high
l ongi tude and fast movi ng pl anet formi ng
ithasala will less longitude Moon or is combust
or debilitated or 7th lord posited in keridra is
P re dictions t hrough H orary
debi l i tated
or combust
( 4)
I f l 2t h house
or l 2t h l or d i s st r ong,
t he
opponent is strong.
If 6th house or 6th lord is
or 7th lord or 7th house is strong the
is strong.
If lagna is in fixed sign and Moon is in movable
si gn, the opponent
wi l l wi n.
If mal efi cs
are i n 7th i n strength.
If there i s i thasal a
of 7th l ord and 4th l ord.
Lagna or Moon conj oi ned
wi th or aspected
mal ef i cs.
sign in 4th house
( l 0) If Mars or Saturn
i s posi ted
i n 9th or l agna.
If Saturn i s poi sted
i n 3rd, 6th, l l th, 5th and
If Saturn i s posi ted
i n l Oth, I I th or l 2th
If there i s i thasal a
of 4th l ord and 7th l ord or
4t h l or d i s posi t ed
i n 4t h and 7t h l or d i s
posi ted
i n 7th
( l4) If the Moon in conjunction
with benefic planet
and posited
in from 4th to l0th via 7th house
and 7th lord is strong.
There will be compromise
( I
If lagna lord and 7th lord have benefic aspects.
If lagna lord have ithasala
with 7th lord in 3rd,
6th, l Oth or I l th house.
If the strong benefi c
i n l l th house.
If the strong benefic
are posited
in 4th and
l 0th.
P re dic t iorts t lrr ough H or ary
If the 2 or 3 strong benefic planets
are posited
in 4th house
If there is a biped sign in lagna (3rd,
6th, Zth,
l l t h si gn and l st hal f of Sagi t t ar i us) and
occupied with or aspected by a benefic planet
If a benefic planet
is posited
in a biped sign in
a kendra and aspected by benefic planet.
If Venus occupi es 6th house from l agna or
Aries lagna.
If Sun and Venus occupy friendly sign in lagna.
(10) If Jupiter occupies 2nd house from lagna or
Aruda lagna.
( l l )
I f t he l agna or Ar uda l agna i s aspect ed by
benefic planets.
If the lagna and Moon are in movable signs.
( I 3
If lagna lord and 5th lord are posited
in kendra
and associ ated wi th or aspected by benefi c
pl anets.
( 14)
I f l agna l or d i s posi t ed
i n 5t h and benef i c
are posited
in 4th and lOth house.
If benefi c pl anets
are posi ted
i n bi ped si gn i n
l agna, l l t h or l 2t h house t her e wi l l be
compromi se.
Enmity |Vill Prevoil between disputants
(l )
If 6th l ord and 7th l ord have i ni mi cal aspects.
If malefic planets
are posited
in other house
than l agna or 7th house have hosti l e aspect
(opposition or square aspect).
If there is ithasala of lagna lord and 7th lord.
( 2)
( 3)
236 predictions
through Horary
If the mal efi c pl anets
are posi ted
i n l agna and
7th house.
Whom will the Courtfavour
( 1)
If the strong l agna l ord has i thasal a
wi th l Oth
l or d i n a benef i c
or t her e i s benef i c
ithasala, the court will favour the querist.
If the strong
7th l ord has benefi c i thasal a
wi th
l Oth l ord the court wi l l favour the opponent.
If the strong l Oth l ord i s posi ted
i n kendra
aspect ed
by Sat ur n or Mar s, t he quer i st
i s
puni shed,
whi l e favouri ng
the opponent due to
some consi der at i ons.
If lagna lord and 7th lord are conjunct
with or
aspect ed
by 4t h l or d, t he cour t gi ves
ear l y
deci si on.
I f l agna
l or d and 7t h l or d ar e posi t ed
i n
si gn i n 2nd house,
fami l y rel ati ves
make the compromi se.
If mal efi c pl anets
are posi ted
i n 5th, 7th,
and 9th house and l agna
l ord i s aspected
mal efi c pl anet,
the court fi ned
the queri st.
If l agna
and 7th house i s occupi ed
by strong
or lagna lord and 7th lord are strong
malefic planets,
there will be fierce war and
l ater on compromi se.
( 4)
( 6)
( 7)
I 7
\I fe
consi der 2nd, l l th, 5th and 7th houses' for
qut t i es r egar di ng
gai n or l oss. I f st r ong
benefics are
posited in the above houses the native
wi l l have
gai n. If mal efi c
pl anets are posi ted i n these
houses the native will suffer loss of wealth. The 5th
house is 1lth from 7th house, the
gain of opponant.
gain or Loss:
( I
If the lagna is Shirshodaya sign occupied by
planets, there will be
If the lagna is of benefic
planet and aspected
or occupi ed by benefi c
pl anet or own l ord
there will be
If the lagna is of malefic
planet occupied by
or aspected by malefic
planet or Prishtodaya
si gn there wi l l be l oss.
(4) If the l agna i s of 3rd, 6th, 7th or l l th si gn
occupied by or aspected by benefic
there wi l l be
gai n.
(5) If the both benefic and malefic
planets occupy
the benefic
sign as lagna.and
the sign
of lagna
i s Pri shto
the amol rnt
wi l l
bl real i i ed
after some
The strength
of the benefic
the query.
of honour
or wealth
One has to analyse
of lagna
l tth lord and I lth and the Jupiteiin
of gainof
or wealth.
If lagna
or t i th loro
or Jupiter
is debilitated,
combust, posited
in enemy
si gn or i n tri k houses,
mal efi c
pl anets
or aspected
by or conj oi ned
wi th
mal efi c
pl anets
the resul t
wi l l
be l ess
benefi ci al .
will be gain
of honaur
or wealth
If there
is a benefic
of lagna
I tth l ord.
If there
is ithasala
of lagna
lord and I lth lord
in kendra
or trikona
or I lth house
and have
kambool yoga.
If lagna
lord and
I lth lord are
If strong
is posited
in kendra
a. full gain
if exalted
b. one fourth gain
if posited
in own
c. there will
be a littl' e gain
if posited
in other
sign but benefic
Si mi l ar
i s the case wi th
i l th l ord
( 6)
I f l Ot h
l or d have
i t hasal a
wi t h
Sun and
will be written
the government.
^rghH*q, 29
( 1) If there is Shirshodaya sign in lagna occupied
by or aspected by benefic
(2) If there are benefic
planets in 2nd, 8th and 7th
house and malefic
planets in 3rd, 6th and I lth
( 3) I f l agna and 7t h house i s occupi ed by or
by strong Moon and strong benefic
pl anet s and no mal ef i c i nf l uence t he
receives love and affections from
empl oyer
(4) If lagna and 7th house is occupied or aspected
by malefic
planets and no benefic influence
t her e wi l l not be
good r el at i ons bet ween
empl oyer and empl oyee
(5) Si mi l arl y mal efi c
pl anets i n 2nd, 7th and 8th
house indicate bad relations.
One should take into consideration
lagna and
lagna lord, lOth and l0th lord, I lth and I lth lord and
Moon and Jupiter for
gain in service, business or
l i ti gati on.
One should
predict the direction or the
from whom there will be
gain, from the strong
in kendra. If there is no
planet in kendra then
gain from the direction of lagna.
there be transfer?"
questi on of transfer shoul d be exami ned
from the sign of l0th house and l0th lord,
posi ted
i n
1Oth house and
pl anets conj oi ni ng l Oth
lord. If the sign is short there will be early transfer
( Ar i es, Taur us, Aquar i us, Pi sces) I f t he si gn i s
medi um, t her e wi l l be t r ansf er
af t er some t i me
(Gemi ni ,
Cancer, Sagi ttari us,
Capri corn) If the si gn
i s l ong, t her e wi l l be l ong st ay at st at i on i . e. no
t r ansf er ( Leo,
Vi r go, Li br a and Scor pi o) ( Some
astrol ogers consi der Pi sces as medi um si gn.)
If the l Oth l ord i s weak (debi l i tated,
in enemy' s sign etc) and have ithasala
with weak Moon, there will be transfer.
If Jupiter is debilitated, combust
etc. and not
in kendras there will be transfer.
( 3)
I f t her e i s no i t hasal a or r el at i on bet ween
Jupi t er and Moon
t her e wi l l be t r ansf er
lOth house and lOth lord is afflicted
or weak
If the l ord of si gn of debi l i tati on
of l agna l ord
have i thasal a wi th the Moon or l agna l ord.
There will be transfer.
If the l 0th l ord i s posi ted
i n 4th house have
association with lagna lord and have ithasala
with Moon, there will be transfer.
If the l ord of si gn of debi l i tati on
of thd l Oth
l ord have i thasal a wi th l 0th l ord, there wi l l
be transfer.
of servant or vehicle or other orticleso
Lagna and lagna lord are purchaser,
7th and 7th lord are seller/ servant/employee.
If there is benefic relatiori
between lagna and
lagna lord and 7th and 7th lord, the results will be
and beneficial
If lagna and lagna lord and 7th and Zth lord are
st r ong, one wi l l sur el y get
vehi cl e
or ser vant l
empl oyee,
6t h house and 6t h l or d al so i ndi cat es
empl oyee.
It i s al ways to exami ne the rel ati on from
lagna and the 7th
pada lagna and their
posi ti on i s worst.
If 6th lord has benefic relation
with Lagna lord
and Moon or have i t hasal a or 6t h l or d i s
posi ted i n l agna, there wi l l be
gai n of servant.
(2) 6th lord and lagna lord are
posited in lagna and
aspect ed
by benef i c, one wi l l sur el y
servant/empl oYee
(3) Lagna
lord or Moon are in 6th and have ithasala
with 6th lord one will
get emPloYee
(4) If the Moon has ithasala
with Sun or retrograde
or malefic
planet and the benfic
planets are in
fixed signs, one will not
get employee.
Sell or Purchose:
Profit or Loss: in stock
Lagna and l agna l ord i s purchaser, l l th and
I l th l ord i s sel l er and al so 2nd and 2nd l ord i s sel l er,
the 6th and 6th lord is loss of other
When lagna and lagna lord is strong the
will have
gain if he
When l lth and l lth lord is stronger than lagna
and lagna lord or when 2nd and 2nd lord is stronger
than lagna and lagna lord, one should sell to have
In case of sel l i ng
when sel l er
puts the
query the
lagna lord and lagna is seller because the
person who
puts question is lagna and lagna lord. But in case of
. share and stock exchange
to know whether he should
sell or
purchase the shares from in the market, the
lagna and lagna lord indicate
purchase, I lth and I lth
lord or 2nd and 2nd lord is seller. In the share market
no one can
purchase or sell the share by himself.
One has to deal with the business through a broker,
the 7th lord is broker. Therefore :
The Lagna lord and the 7th lord should have
i thasal a i n an auspi ci ous house and benefi c
(2) Lagna lord and 7th lord should be in lagna or
7th house.
(3) Lagna lord and 7th lord should have benefic
(4) Lagna lord should be posited in 7th and 7th
lord in lagna.
(5) Lagna lord aspects the 7th and 7th lord aspects
the lagna etc.
When there i s a benefi c rel ati on between 7th
lord and lagna lord one should deal through broker
and at that time l lth and l lth lord indicate selling
and lagna and lagna lord indicate
In case of sale or
purchase in
partnership one
shoul d exami ne 4t h and 4t h l or d, when t her e i s
(as indicated in sale or
purchase through
the broker) between lagna and lagna lord and 4th and
4th lord one should deal in partnership.
I t i s bet t er t o sel l when t her e i s benef i c
relationship between lagna lord and 4th lord. It is
better to
purchase when there is benefic relationship
between 4th lord and 7th lord.
The purchaser will demand the
goods if lagna
l ord i s i n 7th house.
Predictions t hrough Horary
The sel l er wi l l request for goods
i f 7th l ord i s
i n l agna. One shoul d exami ne l agna and l agna l ord,
I l t h and 1l t h l or d and t he Moon f or pr of i t .
shoul d exami ne l agna and l agna l ord, l Oth and l Oth
l or d, l l t h and l l t h l or d and Moon f or gai n
i n
business. We should not forget 2nd and 2nd lord with
I l th and l l th l ord.
If lagna and lagna lord is strongly disposed the
article should be purchased
as it will be definitely
to the querist.
If l l th and l l th l ord or 2nd and 2nd l ord are
strongl y di sposed, arti cl e shoul d be sol d as i t wi l l
be definitely profitable
to the querist.
One shoul d al ways t ake i nt o account
unafflicted karaka, Mars for the purchase
of house
or land property.
should not be afflicted for vehicles.
Mercury should not be afflicted
for business.
Saturn should not be afflicted for factory.
The Moon should not be afflicted for liquid or
chemi cal s.
Jupiter should not be afflicted for speculation,
or sal e of shares.
In short we can write for query
regarding profit
or loss through any transaction,
one should always
exami ne 2nd, l l th and 6th house and thei r l ords. If
l agna l ord and l agna has any rel ati on wi th above sai d
houses one will have profit.
"Why 6th house and the
6th lord?" The 6th house and 6th lord indicate
loss of other party
with whom you
are dealing.
loss of the other party
is your gain
that is why one
should examine 2nd, llth and 6th houses
and their
P redictions through Horary
l or ds. I f t hese l or ds and houses ar e havi ng any
with lagna and lagna lord the
querist will
If the lagna and lagna lord has any relations,
with 5th, 8th and l2th house the
will not have
gain because
7th is the other
party with
whom the
querist is dealing.
5th is the
gain (l lth from
7th) of the other
party, 8th is 2nd from 7th, l2th is
loss of lagna
therefore if lagna and lagna lord has
any connection
with 5th, 8th or l2th house and their
lord the
querist will not have
profit and have loss'
The other
party wi l l have
profi t, the l oss of the
queri st.
murket move uP or down?
( 1) When a benefic
planet is
posited in his own
or f r i end' s
house, t he
pr i ces of t he
by that house will move
down for so
number of days benefic
planet is
in that house. When a malefic
planet is
in exaltation,
own or friend' s
house, the
of the
goods indicated
by that house
will move
up for so many number of days the malefic
posited in that house.
(2) If the Moon
posited with benefics
or own
fri end' s
on ful l Moon or New
will be downward
trend of the
the Moon is afflicted
on these
there will be upward
of the market'
(3) When at the time of transit
of Sun from own
sign to other sign
(Sankranti), if the lagna and
l agna
l ord i s strong
and benefi c
pl anets are
posited in kendra
and trikona,
will be
Predictions through Horary
( 4)
( 2)
downward trend of the market.
If horary lagna and lagna lord is strong and
benefic planets in kendra and trikona there will
be downward trend of the market. If the lagna
and lagna lord is weak and malefic planets
posi ted i n kendra there wi l l be upward trend
of the market.
I hove gain
Lagna is farmer, 4th house is the field, 7th house
i ndi cat e pr oduct i on
of agr i cul t ur e, l Ot h house
indicate the product/cereal
or quantity
of production
or qual i ty of producti on.
Thi s can be converted' for
factories like as lagna the owner of factory. 4th the
factory, 7th the production/condition
of factory and
machinery, 1Oth the quantity
or quality
( l )
There will be gain
from farming or factory if
there are benefic planets in iagna or lagna is
aspected by benefi c pl anets wi th strength.
There wi l l be gai n i f there are exal ted pl anets
i n kendra, benefi c pl anets
are posi ted i n l agna
or 6th house, no riralefic aspect or association
of mal efi c pl anets.
The farming will be
of factory
wi l l be
and t her e wi l l be
producti on
i f 7th l ord i s strong and 7th house
i s occupi ed wi t h or aspect ed by benef i c
pl anets.
There will be
good quantity
of production if
there are benefic planets
in 10th or l0th lord
is posited
in auspicious house in strength or
associated with or aspected by benefic planets.
( 3)
( 4)
P re dictions through Horary
The 7th and 7th lord, l0th and lOth lord should
be strong for
good production.
If there are malefic
planets in 4th and 4th lord
is weak
one will close the factory or leave
t he f ar mi ng
due t o obst r uct i on f r om
government or
quarrel or theft or fire.
( 6) The pr oduct i on wi l l get dest r oyed i f t he
benefi c
pl anet as l Oth l ord i s retrograde or
associated with retrograde
(7) If malefic
planet have influence on lagna there
will be loss in farming/factory/manufacturing.
See also the status of the karaka of the
The karaka for farming or factory is Saturn. If the
Saturn is afflicted the farming will not be good.
I Hove partner in my business?'
You can have a partner in your business
Lagna and 7th house have
good relations
8th lord, income/cash of
your partner should
good rel ati on wi th I l th l ord,
your gai n
and 6th lord, is the loss of
your partner.
I f t he i ncome of your par t ner 8t h house has
rel ati ons wi th l 2th house
(your l oss) and 5th house
(gain of
your partner) never have a
Lagna is occupied by Rahu/Ketu and aspected
by Jupi t er . The l agna l or d Moon i s wi t h Mar s
aspected by Sun and Saturn, the 7th and 8th lord. l lth
l ord Venus i s i n own si gn i n I l th house. The l oss of
partner Jupiter is in ithasala with loss of the native.
The gain of
partner, the 5th lord Mars
is with lagna lord Moon in 4th. So
partner is having
Predictions t hrough H orary 247
0r - 05- r 999 at 10: 55 Del hi
t p24-2t
Sun l 3-21
Chart 50
3-l 3
gain from the native. The cash of the native conjoins
wi th cash of the partner.
Saturn i s i n l Oth havi ng
Isharafa yoga. Lagna lord Moon and 7th lord Saturn
have 7th aipect but are in isharafa yoga. So both had
but after a few months got
I huve goin in lottery?'
What is lottery? It is a
gain without labour. It is
by 8th house, the inheritance, gain
l i fe i nsurance, bri be, under hand i ncome i .e. gai n
without pains is indicated by 8th house. But there
are learned astrologers according to them, 3rd house
the indications of gain without pains.
It is for
r eader s t o
j udge.
Accor di ng t o ot her s 5t h house
indicates speculation, gambling
etc. 3rd is 8th house
from 8th.
If 8th lord has any connection with 2nd, I lth
and 6th there will be
through lottery.
The 2nd house i s for i mptrovement i n bank
balance, I lth for gain
and 6th for loss of opponent.
Whether the desire will be fulfilled or not is to
be decided from the planets in I lth house and its
Prrdt"ttr^ t
owner. Saturn delays. Fast moving
planets fulfil the
desi re earl y.
Shall I goin Computer on l3th June,I999 in a
The nati ve i s subscri bi ng under a scheme i n
whi ch t her e wi l l be a dr aw each mont h f or t en
months- W' henever one has his draw from the lot he
will not
give payment for the rest of the period.
The l agna i s fi xed a Shi rshodaya si gn aspected
by 1Oth l ord Sun. Lagna l ord Mars i s
posi ted i n 12th
aspected by 5th lord Jupiter and 3rd and 4th lord,
Saturn. 8th l ord Mercury i s posi ted i n 8th aspected
by 3rd and 4th l ord Saturn, 3rd house i s al so aspected
by Saturn. There is ithasala of Mars, Lagna lord and
5th and 2nd l ord Jupi ter. There i s al so i thasal a of
Mars and 3rd lord Saturn but aspect is opposition,
malefic aspect. But the aspect of Mars and Jupiter
i s not mal efi c, but i n mal efi c houses. So there i s
aspect of lagna lord and 2nd and 5th lord. The lagna
lord and 8th lord are in trine, but have Isharaf
So no gain of computer/lottery.
l l - 06- 199 at 17: 30 Del hi
t f ^ i t a l l
Mooi l
Sat ur n
Juoi t er
l r r n?- | ?
Chart 5l
P re di ct i ons t hrough H orary
member of the
has got luck?"
What do
you mean by
good luck?
gain means
gain through speculation,
puzzle, game or cards comes under 5th house and its
l or d.
younger brother and si ster exami ne 3rd
house as lagna, for l st child examine 5th from lagna
as lagna, for mother 4th house. For wife take 7th
house, for father take 9th, for el der brother and
sister take l lth house as lagna and examine 2nd, I lth
and 6th from said lagna. If 5th and 5th lord from said
lagna has connection
with 2nd, l lth and 6th from said
lagna that family member is lucky.
f have overdraft
sanctioned by my
my business?"
The 6th house is the house which indicates debt,
borrowi ng or overdraft. Exami ne the 6th l ord and
pl anets posi ted i n 6th house. By recei vi ng overdraft
from the bank
posi ti on wi l l i mprove, so exami ne 2nd
house and i t s l or d. The 1Ot h i ndi cat es
professi on, busi ness. If there i s connecti on between
6th lord, 2nd lord and lOth lord one will get overdraft
faci l i ty for hi s busi ness.
If it is the simple
qury of borrowing only 6th
l ord and 2nd l ord are to be
j udged.
If 6th l ord i s
r et r ogr ade or deposi t ed i n si gn" whose
l or d i s
retrograde or combust or debilitated either in horary
chart or navamsha chart one cannot borrow.
If the Sun is the 6th lord, the loan will be from
Government. If Moon, l oan wi l l be sancti oned very
quickly, If Mars there will be tension, If Mercury,
P re dict iotts t lvough H ora4r
one will correspond, use recommendations and will
borrow in instalments. If Jupiter, with honour and
lawful means. If Venus, in a friendly manner.If Saturn
aspects 6th house one
only part
of the amount
or gets
4th September, 1993 at 10:30 Del hi
Chart 52
r 5- 13
i un l 7-54
Jup 22'
See t he char t 52 Over dr af t f aci l i t y means
borrowing from the bank for business. So examine
6th, 2nd and 10th house and their lords. 6th lord
Jupiter is posited
in 12th with 7th and 2nd lord Mars
and having ithasala with Mars.
1Oth l ord Moon i s i n 5th. 1Oth house i s occupi ed
by 8th lord Venus. 2nd house is occupied by Rahu
and aspected by retrograde Saturn. The native had
overdraft facility and suffered heavy loss.
I be able to clear olf my loan?'
To invest money or incur expenditure or repay
loan examine the 12th lord, planets in l2th house,
disposition of l2th lord, navamsha lord of l2th lord
and his nakshatra lord.
Lagna l or d Jupi t er i s posi t ed i n own si gn,
exalted in navamsha and own nakshatra, so very
\ 6 . /
2l - 01- 1999 at 10: 58 Del hi
y' o
Ke t r
t 2
9 Merc(C)
4 \
Chart 53
Ien26-5' .
strong. The Saturn, the 12th l ord i s posi ted i n 2nd
house, Mars si gn and Venus navamsha and Ketu
nakshatra, the both
planets are posited in l lth, the
house of gai n, desi r e t o be f ul f i l l ed. Lagna l or d
Jupiter and Saturn are having ithasala so the native
will be able to
off his loan. Saturn being involved
he will pay of his loan in instalments.
The Saturn is aspected by Mars the lord of the
si gn so cancel l ati on of debi l i tati on. The Sun, a pl anet
getting exaltation in Aries and Mars the lord of Aries
ar e nat ur al l y i n kendr a causi ng cancel l at i on of
debi l i tati on.
Will I be able to recover my moneyfromthe bonower?
Whether one borrows money or
gets back hi s
own money is to be examined frorfi 6th house.
To recover money is to increase bank balance,
liquid cash and achievement of his desire so 2nd and
l lth house become involved as in the case of
di scussed el sewhere.
If it is Saturn then there will be delay and some
obst acl es t o r ecover . I f i t i s Mer cur y, one wi l l
Predictions through Horary
cor r espond,
gi ve not i ce or some agent wi l l be
empl oyed and wi l l recover i n i nstal ments.
If i t i s
Jupiter and ill disposed, one should
go to court and
recover. If Jupi ter i s wel l di sposed one
gets easi l y
through court or by lawfulness. If Saturn aspects
Jupiter one recovers only
part of it or in instalments.
If it is Mars, one threatens and recovers. If it is Moon
ver y qui ckl y r egai n, Venus by compr omi se. Sun
police officials or by litigation.
20t h Oct ober . 1993 at 17: 30 Del hi
The native has
given money to his friend and
wants to recover. Lagna i s aspected by retrograde
Saturn. The lagna is dual sign indicating Char and
Prishtodaya sign. Lagna lord Jupiter is deep combust
and having sqaure aspect with Saturn retrograde
l lth house. 2nd lord Mars is in 8th, Ishrafa
yoga with
l agna l ord, aspecti ng retrograde
Saturn 11th l ord.
From Moon 2nd and l lth houses are afflicted. 6th
l or d f r om l agna and Moon i s af f l i ct ed.
So t he
borrower suffered a heavy loss and the native
not abl e to recover hi s moneY.
\l L/
Chart 54
l 0-53
llerc 27
l l 48
or break?u
is indicated
by 7th house'
will continue
till both
partners are
gain from
each other.
If 7th lord is having
with I 1th
(the gain of lagna)
and 5th
gai nof Tt h) t hepar t ner shi pwi l l cont i nue. I f t heTt h
l or d
i s havi ng
connect i ons
wi t h 6t h
( t he l oss of
partner) and 12th
(the loss of lagna) the
wi l l break.
7th lord Sun is
posited in lagna
and has ithasala
with lagna
lord Saturn.
The Sun i s
posi ted i n l l th house
i n navamsha'
Lagna is vargottama.
The Mercury,
5th lord, is
with Jupiter,
l lth lord, in navamsha'
So 7th lord has
"onn. "t i on
wi t h 5t h and
l l t h house' 7t h l or d i s
posited in nakshatra
of Rahu. Rahu in turn is
in Saturn' s
So lagna lord and 7th lord are
with 5th and I lth house
wi l l not br eak
t hough
t her e
may be some
due to influence
of Rahu but it will
be cleared off.
at 7:30hrs
Del hi
l l
Kctu JuP(
l l - 17
254 Predictions through Horary
9- 2- 1969 at 7: 30hr s Del hi
Chart 56
r . . - az /
t r-{{
7th lord Sun is posited in dusthana 12th along
with Mercury the 8th lord, though the 7th lord and
Saturn lagna lord are having ithasala, the
will break. There is aspect of Mars on 7th lord Sun
and 8th l ord Mercury. 2nd and 1l th l ord Jup[i ter i s
in Eth with Ketu and 5th lord Mercury is in l2th. In
position does not improve.
will I get
We are to examine 1Oth for profession, the 2nd
house for improving bank balance, 6th house for the
loss to employer and if all these houses in trine, they
permanent relation and influence on each other.
See t he char t 57. Consi der t he 10t h and 10t h
l ord for profesi on or empl oyment. The Jupi ter i s
posited in 1.0th house, lOth lord Mercury is posited
in 8th and is combust, nakshatra of Saturn the 2nd
lord and navamsha of Mars. The Saturn is posited in
Mars sign, nakshatra of Saturn and navamsha of Sun.
The 6th lord Venus is
posited in Venus sign, nakshatra
of Mars and navamsha of mercury, the lagna lord
Jupiter is posited in l0th, Mercury sign, nakshatra of
l l
a' l
Ket u Jup(
Predictiow through Horary
27-7-1959 at 17:30 hrs Delhi
Chart 57
\rn | {'l-(I
\ v l d- ?
Sun and Navamsha of Venus. The lagna lord is in l'0th
lord and 10th lord is combust in 8th, having relation
with 12th lord Mars so no
service. The combust or
planet will not give result.
will I get promotion?u
Judge 10th, 2nd,6th and l lthhouses for
you get promotion someone loses therefore 6th
house is also considered
As l0th and lagna lord Mercury is combust and
posited in l2th with Ketu in Navamsha, no promotion.
As c '
l l
6 Jupi t er
Ketu Saturn
10- 7- 1969 at l 1: 00hr s Del hi
t 4- l
Venl G5
l 0-55
l 0
\ ,/r,1,,)
Chart 58
8- l E
my business
l l t h i ndi cat es
pr osper i t y and l Ot h i ndi cat es
profession, name, fame and reputation.
indicate receipt
and l2th investment
2l -9' 1968 at l 2:30hrs
Del hi
l0th lord should have relations
with I lth house
get prosperity. The 6th house should
be strong to
have mor e r ecei pt and l 2t h house has benef i c
to invest beneficially.
The 1Oth lord Sun
posited in I lth house in the sign of Mercury,
thJ nakshatra
of Sun and in the navamsha
of Saturn'
1lth lord Mercury
posited in l2th in the sign of
Venus, in the nakshatra
of Mars and in the navamsha
of Venus, 6th house
is occupied
by Saturn(R),
lord Mars is in the navamsha of Venus
posited in lOth
wi th Moon and Jupi ter.
l 2th l ord Venus i s
posited inl lth the
gain and
posited in 12th from his
A businessman
tViII my
It means
if sale increases
the financial
i mproves.
21- 9- 1968
5 Mars
Chart 59
l 2
P*Arfi"*t**ShH*try n
The 4th house indicates possession, production
and 3rd house represents sale of
I lth
the fulfilment of desire and gain and l2th represents
l oss to the nati ve. 2nd represents i mprovement or
increase in bank balance. So the significators are 2nd,
3rd, l l th and 12th. If the 3rd l ord i s connected wi th
2nd and 1l th means profi t.
If 3rd l ord i s connected
wi th l 2th means l oss, If the 3rd l ord i s connected
with both l lth and l2th means no profit
and no loss
by sel l i ng. If 3rd l ord i s Mercury or posi ted i n dual
sign one sells
many a time and makes money.
The karaka planets are Jupiter and Mercury.
The 3rd house is occupied by Mars, yogakaraka
planet aspected by Saturn (6th' and
7th lord) 3rd lord
Venus is posited
in 6th with Mercury, Sun and Ketu.
Sun is lagna lord posited
in nakshatra of Sun and
navamsha of Saturn, l2th lord Moon is in 8th with
Jupiter, the karaka of finance, sign of Jupiter, the
karaka of money and nakshtra of Saturn. No gain, no
I will have success in writing the book?'
The 3rd house represents the writing of books.
23-l -1999 at 2:31 Del hi
l l l
,/'J.g\ '/ ]3;
.,11"'-'lf\ ,/
Chart 60
258 Predict io ns t hrough Horary
Jupiter and Mercury are the karaka for writing. l lth
house represents higher knowledge required to write
a book. So 1l th house shoul d have connecti on wi th
3rd and 9th house to write the book and connection
Jupiter or Mercury or both so that book may be
written and the book
published should
get popularity.
The l lth house is occupied by Venus, the 2nd
lord. The l lth lord Saturn is
posited in lagna with
Moon aspected by Mars the l agna and 8th l ord.
Navamsha of Venus, nakshatra of Ketu. The 3rd lord
Mercury i s
posi ted wi th Sun the 5th l ord i s combust,
aspect ed by l l t h l or d Sat ur n, naksht r a of Sun,
navamsha of Saturn. The 9th lord Jupiter is
i n l 2t h i n own si gn, Nakshat r a of Jupi t er and
navamsha of Moon in exaltation. So the I lth house
has connection
with 3rd and 9th house and Jupiter
and Mercury therefore success in writing the book.
yoga of l l t h l or d, l agna l or d and
Moon i ndi cat es t he achi evement
of t he obj ect .
Involvement of Saturn and Mars indicates delay and
dispute but success.
24-l -1999 at l l :32 Del hi
' Lagna'
Sat urn
Kct u
l 0 Sun
l l th house
i s gai n
of empl oyer
and sth i s gai n
empl oyee.
The l 2th house i s l oss of empl oyer
6th house
i s l oss of empl oyee.
shoul d not
bad relations' between
and 7th house,
I lth and
5th house
he empl oyer
i s exami ned
f r om l agna
empl oyee
i s exami ned
the 7th house. The
Ret urn of s e rvont/e
mp loye e
The employee
will come back if :
( 1)
7th l ord i s posi ted
i n l agna
Lagna l ord i s posi ted
i n 7th house
l ord and 7th l ord are havi ng benefi c
and aspected
by benefic planets
Lagna l ord i s posi ted
i n l agna,
the empl oyee
will return
due to fear of the police.
Lagna l ord and the Moon have Ithasal a
empl oyee
wi l l return
due to fear of pol i ce.
The employee
will not come back if :
7th lord is combust
with the Sun.
(2) there i s Ithasal a of l agna l ord and 7th l ord and
bY malefic
witt be the status
of my employer
(l ) If mal efi c
pl anets are
posi ted i n 2nd, 7th and
8th house from l agna,
there wi l l be troubl e to
the emploYer
of the querrist
If malefic
planets are
posited in 2nd, there will
be l oss of weal t h, mal ef i c
pl anet i n 7t h
i ndi cates
confusi on
of mi nd and l oss from
wr ong deci si on,
t he mal ef i c
pl anet i n 8t h,
that some one is back biting
to the emPloYer'
(2) If there are benefic
planets in 2nd, 7th and 8th
t he empl oyer
wi l l be happy
hororY chort
( l ) I f l agna
i s Shi r shodaya
si gn occupi ed
bY benefic
(2) Benefic
planets are
posited in the 2nd, 7th and
8th house and malefic
planets occupy
3rd, 6th
or l l t h.
(3) If mal efi c
pl anets occupy
the l agna, znd,7th
or 8t h house
t he mast er
wi l l be cr uel
will have trouble from the master'
(4) If the Moon and benefic
planets occupy or aspect
the lagna and the 7th, no aspect of malefic
will be cordial
( 5) I f l agna l or d i s
posi t ed i n kendr a or have
with 6th or l2th lord, the master
not be beneficial
to the servant or servant
not be benefi ci al to empl oyer..
The querrent
will be benefitted
if lagna lord
is in exaltation
or own sign and have ithasala
with Moon and is unafflicted.
The querrent
wi l l be benefi tted
under new
empl oyer i f the 7th l ord i s posi ted
i n kendra
identical with his exaltation
sign or own sign
and have Ithasala with Moon and is unafflicted.
have sent my servant
outside to bring some
money. Will he return sofe?,,
He will retarn safe :
If there is Ithasala of 7th lord and lagna lord
If there is exchange
of houses of lagna lord
and 7th lord
If there is Ithasala
of lagna lord and the Moon
If there is Ithasala
of lagna lord and 7th lord
and aspected
by benefic planet.
He will not return :
( 1)
I f t he 7t h l or d i s debi l i t at ed,
combust or
posi t ed
i n enemy si gn or hemmed bet ween
mal ef i cs.
( 2)
I f l agna l or d and 7t h l or d ar e aspect ed by
malefic planets
or posited
in 6th, 8th or l2th
house or conj oi ned
mal efi c.
Lagna is occupied by malefic planets
and lagna
lord and the Moon are afflicted.
The Moon has Ithasala with retrograde malefic
or Sun.
In the Chart 62 there i s a chara l agna and
sign aspected by combust Mars.
, ul Lo- zJ
i at ( c)29-7
20- I
4- 8
I 6-l
Chart 62
l 5 - 4 1
l 6 - 1 6
t - 58
Predictions through Horary
l Ot h Apr i l ' 1998 at 13: 15 Del hi
Lagna l ord Moon i s
posi ted i n 3rd house and
aspected by combust 7th lord Saturn and have Ithasala
with retrograde Mercury,
l2th and 3rd lord,
Sun the 2nd lord. The servant
went to the bank to
bring some cash and did not return.
of many assignments
which will be beneJiciol?"
( I
If the lagna and the lagna lord is strong and
posited in kendra the first assignment
will be
benefi ci al .
(2) If the lagna lord is posited else where the other
assi gnment
wi l l be benefi ci al .
( 3) The second
assi gnment
i s seen f r om t he
of the Moon.
(4) The third assignment
from the strength
of Sun
4th from the Jupiter and 5th from
Venus or
Mars or Mercury
I be transferred?"
The employment
is indicated
by l0th, 3rd house
and loss of 4th,
your residence'
12th house indicate
away from home,
a foreign
To go
on l eave,
' i ndi cated
by 3rd, l 2th
hi l l st at i on, pi l gr i mage
et c.
and 9th house.
at 17z2Ohrs
Del hi
l ahu5
Sat 8-23
8- 5 |
Sun 0-4
I 8-4
Chart 63
- 31
8- 43
5- 48
i et u5-3 7
l Oth l ord Moon i s posi ted
i n 7th, Mesh si gn, wi th
Saturn. Nakshatra of Ketu and navamsha
of Mercury.
The 3rd l ord Jupi ter
i s posi ted
i n l 2th Mercury
si gn,
nakshatra of Sun and navamsha
of Saturn along with
Sun, Venus and Mars. l 2th l ord Mercury i s i n
si gn of Mercury nakshatra
of Moon, navamsha
Mercury. So Moon has connection with Mercury and
Jupiter. There will be transfer.
cn.eprnn 19
l 0th house
gi ves power to rul e, Lagna and
L Lagna l or d i s r ecei ver , 4t h i s masses, 9t h i s
fortune, 2nd and I lth houses
gives wealth to fight
election, 3rd is courage to fight election, 6th the loss
of others. These houses should be strong
of Power in Politics'
Gain of
power if lagna lord and
Ithasala in lOth house and aspected by strong
(2) If lagna lord is posited in lOth and 1Oth lord is
posited in lagna without malefic influence.
(3) If lagna lord has Ithasala
with a benefic
i n l Oth house.
If lagna lord is
posited in own sign and Mars
is exalted in lOth house.
(5) If lagtra lord and lOth lord have lthasala
the Moon
posited in her own sign.
(6) If Jupiter,
Venus and Mercury are
posited in
Pi sces
i n l Oth house.
(7) If l agna l ord
i s posi ted i n l agna or exal ted
i n
and aspected
by strong
planet and
lOth lord
is in strength.
(t) If Mars is exalted
in 10th house
and aspects
l agna
or l agna
l ord.
(9) If lagna
lord and lOth
lord are
posited in lagna
and tenefic
planets are strong
in 9th, 5th or
I l th houses.
( l0) The lagna
lord, the Mo.on
and the lOth lord are
posi ted i n benefi c
and aspected
Lenef i c
pl anet s or conj oi n
wi t h benef i c
pl anets.
(11) If the Moon
i s strong
posi ted i n kendra
with or aspected by strong
planets in lOth house.
(12) If Jupi ter
i s
posi ted i n kendra
as strong
pl anet
and Moon,
an{ Venus
are conjoining
in benefic
( l3) If strong
Jupiter is in kendra
lord and Moon strong.
(14) If Jupiter
is exalted
in kendra
or trikona
the Moon is also conjoining
with or aspected
by benefic
planets and have strength
in Paksh
( 1 5
If lagna lord is
posited in 3rd or 9th house
3rd lord have Ithasala
with lOth lord, the native
gain power and expand
the same'
l6) If lagna lord
have Ithasala
with 3rd lord or 9th
lord, the native
gain lost
The pol i ti cal
wi l l
be fi xed i f
a. If 1Oth lord is strong and aspected
by benefic
pl anets.
b. If the l Oth l ord have Ithasal a
wi th ful l Moon.
c. If Jupiter is posited
in kendra
in own sign or
i n exal ted
si gn.
d. If Jupiter have Ithasala
with lOth lord.
Ther e
ar e l ear ned
ast r ol oger s
accor di ng
t o
5th house indicates
or pol i ti ci ans.
If the 5th house has connecti ons
wi th
2nd and l l th house
one becomes pol i ti ci an.
You will find that the Sun has not been given
consi derati on
i n above yogas.
The Jupi ter
has been
gi ven
ful l consi derati on.
But experi ence
shows that
the Sun shoul d
al so be i n due strength
and have
rel ati ons
wi th l Oth and l Oth l ord.
of Political power"
1) If the di sposi tor
of Lagna Lord
i s posi ted
i n
sign or malefic house.
( 2)
( 3)
( 4)
If the di sposi tor
of Lagna Lord have
mal efi c
there wi l l be obstructi on
i n getti ng
If the 2nd Lord and l l th l ord are affl i cted.
If the Lagna Lord is afflicted
in malefic
or mal efi c
If the Moon i s posi ted
i n Kendra and affl i cted.
If Jupiter,
the Lagna Lord and the Moon
in enemy
sign or afflicted
by malefic
pl anet s.
Pr"dtrtt"^ thr""gh
(7) If the Lagna Lord and Venus are combust
mal efi c
Pl anets'
( S) Ther e wi l l be i mpr i sonment
af t er
gai ni ng
a. If Lagna
Lord is weak and
posited in 6th or
l 2th house.
b. If Lagnalord
have Ithasala
with lOth lord and
8th l ord.
c. If there are malefics in Kendra
and 8th house"
(9) If 12th l ord i s posi ted i n l 0th house or there
are rel ati ons
between l Oth
l ord and l 2th l ord
and ar e
posi t ed i n 4t h or 7t h house f r om
Saturn, the native will
gain political
power but
the same.
( 10) Ther e wi l l be l oss of
pol i t i cal
a. If l Oth l ord and l agna l ord are
posi ted i n 4th
house and have Ithasala
with Moon
b. If l agna l ord have Ithasal a
wi th a debi l i tated
planet and also have ithasala
with Moon
( 1 I
If a sl ow movi ng
pl anet i s
posi ted i n 4th house
or i s retrograde,
fi rst there
wi l l be l oss of
power and when there
will be kambool
with Moon there
will be
gain of
I will
gain vote of trust in Assembly?'
One will
get vote of trust :
If the benefic
planets are
posited in kendra,
l st, 7th and l 0th houses
(2\ If Jupiter,
Venus or Mercury
posited in 9th
(3) If all the
planets are
posited in 3rd,
4th' sth'
6th, 7th and 8th house.
The vote of trust will he withdrawn if:
( I
The benefic
are posited
in odd signs
and aspected by benefic planets.
If there is odd sign in lagna and the benefic
pl anets
are posi ted i n I l th and 12th
There is detailed discussion and casting of vote
if malefic planets
are posited
in common sign.
":1i "!l l l l nr::r;rr
' I.'
,' .t' !rr' 1l i i
cueprnn 2 0
Rahu is the karaka for the imprisonment and
I l 2th i s the house of i mpri sonment.
If the lagna or lagna lord, l2th or l2th lord and
Rahu have any relation, there will be imprisonment.
If the 4th or 4th lord have any relation with the
above combination, the imprisonment will be for the
sake of country.
If the 9th or 9th lord have any relation with the
above combination, the imprisonment will be for the
sake of the country.
If the 9th or 9th lord have any relation with the
above combination, the imprisonment will be for the
sake of noble cause.
If there is common sign in lagna occupied by
(2) If the Moon is
posited in kendra and aspected
by or conjoined
with Mars.
270 P redictions through Horary
(3) If l agna l ord i s weak or
posi ted
i n apokl i m
and aspected or conj oi ned
with Rahu or 12th lord
(4) If the Moon i s posi ted
i n 3rd and aspected by
Saturn or conjoin with Saturn and have Ithasala
with 4th lord or planet posited in 4th.
there ony imprisonment
me ?'
Imprisonment means:
seperation from family
Confinement within four walls
( c)
l eavi ng one' s own r esi dence i . e. l oss of
resi dence.
Therefore imprisonment is to be examined from
2nd and 8th
seperation) l2th
with in
four walls or on bed), 3rd
of residence). Ratru is karaka
19- 10- 1993 at 13: 30 Del hi
Mo n
(et u
Chart 64
Sat (R)
' t o_<4
Sun2-l I
l 0- 2r
The 12th l ord Jupi ter i s combust i n 10th house
i n the si gn of Venus, conj oi ni ng 8th l ord Sun, Mars
and Mercury aspected by 2nd lord Saturn from lagna.
Jupi t er i s al so 3r d l or d. Jupi t er i s posi t ed i n t he
P re dictions through H eary 27t
nakshatra of Mars and conjoining Sun in navamsha
chart in 8th house again so the l2th lord and Mars
connecti on wi th 2nd, 3rd and 8th house. He was
confined to
and is still in
Rahu is the karaka
f or i mpr i sonment . Rahu i s i n si gn of Mar s,
conj oi ni ng Moon, Nakshatra of Saturn (the l agna
lord) navamsha of Mercury.
pri soner wi l t be rel eased or wi l l not be
The prisoner will be released:
( 1) If there i s Ithasal a of l agna l ord wi th Moon i n
ri si ng hal f of the horoscope, the pri soner wi l l
be rel eased.
3rd or 9th l ord has Ithasal a wi th Moon.
If the benefi c pl anets are i n l agna.
(4) .If
Saturn or Venus are combust in lagna.
( 5) The weak Moon has r el at i ons wi t h
pl anet
posi ted i n 3rd or 9th house.
(6) If 3rd l ord or I l th l ord
posi ted i s kendra or
have future Ithasala with the planet posited in
3rd or 9th house.
If Venus or Saturn
posi ted i n Ari es or Li bra.
(8) If the weak Moon i s posi ted i n mal efi c si gn,
conj oi ni ng mal ef i c or aspect ed by mal ef i c
planet and have Ithasala with a planet posited
i n 3rd or 9th house.
(9) If 3rd l ord or 9th l ord i s posi ted i n kendra and
have Ithasl a wi th Moon.
( 10) I f Lagna l or d and t he Moon ar e posi t ed i n
movabl e si gn.
(l l ) i f the Moon i s posi ted
i n l Oth i n own si gn and
lagna lord have Ithasala with a
planet posited
i n 3rd house.
prisoner will be released
after some delayo
( 1) If the Moon i s posi ted
i n Pi sces.
If the l agna l ord i s posi ted
i n kendra.
(3) If the lagna lord is posited
in lagna and malefic
pl anets
i n kendra.
If the lagna lord and the Moon are posited
If the benefic planet
have Ithasala in kendra
with a benefic planet
and there is Kambool
al so.
If there is Ithasala of lagna lord and the Moon.
(7) The native will be released within
the lagna lord is posited
in kendra and have
Ithasala with
planet posited
in 3rd, 6th, 9th
or l 2th house.
2nd l ord i s posi ted
i n 4th.
( 9)
I f l agna and Moon ar e posi t ed
i n common
si gn.
will be released with honour'
( I
If the Moon is posited
in 9th house and the
lagna lord have Ithasala with a planet posited
i n 3rd or 9th.
(2) If the Moon i s posi ted i n 3rd house and l agna
lord have Ithasala with 3rd lord or 9th lord.
If the Moon i s posi ted i n Jupi ter' s l 2th si gn
i .e. Scorpi o or Aquari us si gn but not i n kendra
Predictions through H orary
and aspected by benefic or the lord of the sign.
(4) If the l agna l ord i s apsected by a mal e pl anet
Mars or Jupiter) with malefic aspect and
that malefic planet
have ithasala with 3rd lord
or 9th lord.
( I
If lagna lord have Ithasala with a planet posited
i n kendra i n own si gn.
(2) If l agna l ord i s posi ted
i n kendra and have
i thasal a wi th Moon.
(3) If a pl anet
i s posi ted i n kendra i n own si gn.
If the Moon is posited in kendra and conjoin
with or aspected by Saturn.
(5) If the 3rd l ord or 9th l ord i s posi ted
i n l 2th
and have ithasala with lagna lord, the
will run away from the prison.
(6) If .l 2th l ord i s posi ted i n l agna the pri soner
will run away from the prison.
in Prison'
If 8th lord is malefic, lagna lord is malefic and
have relation with malefic planets.
If 8th lord is malefic and posited
in 4th house
and conj oi n wi t h or aspect ed by or have
Ithasala with Moon.
If the Moon i s posi ted
i n kendra and conj oi n
with or aspected by Saturn
( 4) I f l agna l or d i s combust i n 4t h house and
aspected by Mars.
If 8th l ord has Ithasal a wi th Moon.
274 Predictiotts through Horary
If the Moon has Ithasala with malefic planet
i n 4th house.
If malefic 8th lord has Ithasala with lagna lord
i n 4th house.
(8) If l 2th l ord and l agna l ord has Ithasal a i n 1Oth
(9) If lagna lord has lthasala with 3rd lord or 9th
i n l 2t h house.
will one be released
The nat i ve wi l l be r el eased accor di ng t o t he
planet in lagna or the lagna lord. Suppose Venus is
posi ted i n l agna:
1) If Venus i s
posi ted
i n l agna when Venus wi l l
transit the lagna
a. If Venus i s posi ted i n l agna i n Taurus or Li bra
si gn, the rel ease wi l l take pl ace wi thi n l 5 days
b. If Venus is in Cancer or Capricorn release with
di f f i cul t i es
c. If Venus i s posi ted i n common si gn del ay
(3) If Venus i s not i n l agna then rel ease depends
on the strength and l ongi tude of l agna l ord i .e.
If l agna l ord i s movabl e navamsha si gn the
nati ve wi l l be rel eased from Pri son.
If in fixed navamsha double the period.
If i n common navamsha tri pl e the peri od.
I get bail?'
One wi l l get bai l :
( 1) I f l agna l or d i s posi t ed i n kendr a and have
Ithasala with a lord of kendra in kendra, there
( 2)
( 3)
( 4)
( 6)
( 7)
( 8)
P redictions through Horary 275
wi l l be no bai l .
If the mal efi c pl anets
posi ted
i n kendra,
the bai l wi l l be del ayed.
There will be bail after hard labour:
a. If the benefic planets
have Ithasala in kendra
b. I f t he l agna l or d i s posi t ed
i n l 2t h and
aspected by mal efi c 12th l ord
c. If the l agna l ord have Ithasal a wi th Moon i n
If l agna l ord and the Moon have i thasal a i n
movabl e si gn except Cancer si gn. If the yoga
happens i n Cancer si gn one has to put hard
l abour to get bai l .
If l agna l ord i s weak as combust or aspected
by mal efi c, i t takes ti me to get
bai l . If Moon
i s al so af f l i ct ed and mal ef i c pl anet s
ar e
posi ted
i n kendra, 8th house i s occupi ed by
mal efi c pl anets,
one may di e i n pri son
If l agna and l agna l ord i s affl i cted and the
kendr a i s occupi ed by mal ef i c pl anet s,
t he
Mars i s combust, debi l i tated or aspected by
mal ef i c pl anet s,
one get
mur der ed af t er
rel ease on bai l .
If lagna lord and l2th lord have Ithasala in lOth
house, one faces torture i n
j udi ci al
Look for the nakshatra of the day of
the bi rth nakshatra of the Moon si gn fal l s wi th
in four nakshatra of the day nakshatra indicates
destruction; If nakshatra is from 5 to 7 indicates
rel ease; 8 to I I death; 12 to 14 puni shment;
Predict ions t hrough Horary
to 18 success; 19 to 20 del ay i n bai l ; 22 to 25
deat h; 261o 28 r el ease.
my goods be delivered withoat ony trouble ?'
( l ) I f t he Moon i s posi t ed i n r t r ovabl e si gn i n
kendra the goods are delivered safely.
(2) If weak mal efi c pl anet i s posi ted i n 3, 6, 9, 12
houses (apoklim houses) and benefic planets
strong, the goods will be delivered safely.
If the malefic planets
in kendras
and t he benef i c pl anet s ar e weak, Jupi t er
debi l i tated, combust or posi ted i n i ni mi cal
si gn the goods
are not del i vered safel y and
there will be trouble.
If Mars is posited
in 8th and Sun aspects him,
there are obstructions.
If the Moon has Ithasala with Saturn, there is
If malefic planets are posited in kendra or the
l or ds of kendr as ar e conj oi ned wi t h or
aspected by mal efi c pl anets, there wi l l be
obstructi ons.
Type of event on which there will be expenditure:
(l ) If benefi c pl anets
are posi ted i n l 2th house,
the expenditure will be on auspicious events.
If malefic planets
in the l2th house,
the expenditure will be or loss of wealth will be
on fine from the government,
theft or fire.
Di f f er ent pl anet s i ndi cat e t he nat ur e of
erpenditure given
on next page :
for entertainment/game
expenditure on immoral acts.
Busi ness,
purchase of stock
Auspi ci ous event, bi rth of a
chi l d, or mar r i age of chi l d,
good cause etc.
expenditure on husband/wife
bad cause, i l l ness
If 2nd lord Mars has any relation with lagn4
lord, the expenditure will be for on immoral
acts. But if the Mars is strong in 2nd house,
expendi t ur e wi l l be on or nament s, books,
chi l dren etc.
If 2nd lord is :
worship of Brahman, Guru
ornaments, books, chi l dren or
i mmoral acts
business and
auspi ci ous work
expenditure on enjoyment
expendi ture on comforts or
enjoyment if lives away from
home otherwi se
( 4) I f 2nd l or d Mar s i s weak, expendi t ur e on
women. The same with other planets.
If 2nd l ord Jupi ter i s posi ted i n 6th, 9th or I l th
house the expenditure will be for social cause,
Jupi ter
Jupi ter
P re dict i ons t hr ough H orary
respect to elders, brahmans. Venus in 6th, 9th
or l l th on enj oyment. Mercury i n 6th, 9th or
I 1th houe on busi ness. If there i s i thasal a wi th
Moon the expendi ture wi l l be on auspi ci ous
events or less malefic events.
witt be my
in the present and the
One should analyse the strength of lagna and the
Moon in Rashi chart and navamsha chart to Know
about the future. If the lagna and lagna lord and Moon
are strong in Rashi chart and navamsha chart, the
future of the native will be bright. If they are weak,
one should not predict about the bright future. The
proporti onate strength wi l l i ndi cate proporti onate
f ut ur e. The associ at i on of or aspect of mal ef i c
planet destroys the future.
The lagna and lagna lord are not only factors for
fortune. We shoul d al so exami ne l l th & l l th l ord,
2nd & 2nd lord and 9th & 9th lord. These relation
swith lagna and lagna lord also indicate fortune.
One should remember that the planet with which
lagna lord forms Ishrafa yoga will indicate the past
of the native. The planet with which lagna lord forms
conj uncti on wi l l i ndi cate the present, the
pl anet wi th
which the lagna lord form Ithasala
yoga will indicate
the future of the native.
I f t he l agna l or d i s posi t ed i n l agna and
associ ated wi th or aspected by benefi c
pl anet wi l l
i ndi cate that the obstructi ons or di ffi cul ti es have
come t o end. Ever yt hi ng wi l l be nor mal and
auspi ci ous.
The benefic
planets indicate happiness and the
Predictions thrutgh Horary
mal efi c
pl anets i ndi cate sotrows,
worri es etc. If
Jupiter and Moon have Ithasala with 7th lord, there
will be happiness in the
present and future also.
the letter or article reaeh the destinution
the reply come or not?u
The repl y wi l l come or the l ctter wi l l reach the
dest i nat i on,
i f :
( I
The Moon, Mercury and Venus are
posited in
l agna,2nd,3rd,
l Oth or I l th house.
(2) If the benefic
planets are
posited in 4th
l 0th house.
(3) If the Moon i s
posi ted i n l agna, 2nd, 5th or
9th house.
(4) If the Moon is posited in 4th house
(5) The repl y wi l l come after someti me i f mal e
planets are in 2nd and 3rd house.
(6) The reply will come after some delay or after
reminder if malefic
planets are
posited in 5th
and 6th house.
(7) The reply has been lost on the way if malefic
planets are
posited in 7th and 8th.
(S) The reply will be delayed if the malefic
posited in watery signs in 5th or 6th house.
(9) The reply is on the way if benefic
planets are
2nd and 3rd house
l0) The reply is on the way if lagna lord and the
Moon have Ithasala with 7th lord.
(l l ) The repl y wi l l come
very soon i f l agna l ord
and the Moon are in movable sign.
(12) No reply will come if
are in fixed sign.
If the Moon and the Mercury are strong and
have Ithasal a the repl y wi l l be favourabl e
otherwise not.
the notive will meel desired person
home or not ?u
The native will meet the desired person
if 7th
lord is strong and in kendra.
If the 7th lord is in panapher
house, the said
will not be at home but somewhere
the home.
If the 7th lord is posited
in apoklim house the
said person
will not meet, the said person
somewhere else.
long will I live?"
See the Maraka planets.
The Maraka planets
are :
( I
2nd lord and the 7th lord are Maraka planets
the planets posited
in 2nd and the 7th house
the planets
associated with or aspecting 2nd
lord and 7th lord
Sun, Venus and lord of 2nd and 7th house are
definite Maraka planets
when they are lord of
kendra particularly
7 th.
When Saturn is associated with lord of 2nd or
7th house, he is a definite a Maraka and takes
l eadi ng rol e.
Look for Bhadhaka planets
a. If the lagna is in a movable sign, the lord of
I lth house is Badhaka planet.
b. If the lagna is in a fixed sign, the lord of 9th
is Badhaka planet
P re dict ions t hroug4 H orary
c. If the lagna is in a dual sign, the lord of 7th
house is Badhaka planet.
If the lagna, lagna lord, Sun, Moon are receiving
bad aspect like square, opposition, conjunctiod etc.
from the lord of 6th, 8th or l2th only short life is
If the lagna lord is retrograde or posited
in 8th
or malefic planets
occupy lagna and 8th, will cause
short life.
If lagna lord is deposited in the nakshatra of
Badhaka planet
or Maraka planet
or has any relation
with 4th, 6th or 8th, l2th or their lords, the native
has short life.
If the lagna lord is deposited in the nakshatra of
6th lord or has any relation with 6th house and 6th
lord one will suffer from disease.
If lagna lord is deposited in the nakshatra of 8th
lord or 8th house or has relation with 8th lord or 8th
house the nati ve wi l l meet wi th an acci dent.
If lagna lord is deposited in the nakshatra of l2th
lord or have any relation with l2th and l2th lord he
will be in bed for long period
and hospitalised.
Death is indicated only when the lagna lord has
any relation with Badhaka and Maraka planets.
I have
seen that even yoga
karaka planet
can cause death.
As i n the case of Aquari us l agna, Venus i s yoga
karaka. The Aquarius lagna is fixed sign and 9th lord
is Badhaka planet.
So Venus is Badhaka planet.
if Venus is posited
in kendra say 7th house which is
Maraka sthan also he can cause death during his dasha
and antardasha of the native when lagna lord has any
relation with Venus.
282 predictions
through Horary
How long the notive will live ?
The 2nd and 7th lords are the Maraka planet
l 3t h Oct ober , 1998, 10: 30 hr s Del hi
7- r 0
2s - 56
Chart 65
4- 5 l
6-3 0
s- 1n
l 8-29
Sat 16- 10- 00
9th lord is the Badhaka planet.
The 2nd lord Jupiter
is retrograde and posited
in kendra in 4th with Ketu
and aspecting lagna lord Mars and the Badhaka Moon.
The lagna lord Mars is having Ithasala with Jupiter(R).
The Moon i s havi ng i thasal a wi th l agna l ord Mars.
So the karaka Jupi ter i ndi cates one month. So the
death will be within a month or so. The difference
of l ongi t ude bet ween kar aka and l agna l or d i s
approxi matel y l 5o. So the death i s i ndi cated wi thi n
15 days. The Jupi ter i s posi ted
i n dual navamsha. So
tri pl e the peri od.
The deathj was on 20th Dec.,1998.
my appeol to higher outhority get sucess?'
An appeal , i nf or mat i on,
cor r espondence,
or report are to be
from 3rd
If the 3rd lord, planets
in 3rd house or the nakshatra
of 3rd lord or the sign lord of 3rd lord in navasmha has
any relation with 6th or I lth house and their lord,
Me rc(c)
Jup(R) | I
5 Mars
Predictions t hrough Horary
one wi l l get
success. If the above sai d pl anet
has any
rel ati on wi th 5th or 12th wi l l not have success.
17t h Sept , l 990 at 10: 30 Del hi .
l 3- 43
Chart 66
Ket u
t up
l 2- l 3
/ en I l - ) Q
t 2- 45
l 5- 52
donS- I 8
Sat ( R)
25- 00
26- 40
00- 20
The native appealed to the higher authority for
hi s case of i ncome tax.
Lagna Chara si gn and Shi rshodaya si gn and
Jupi ter i s exal ted i n l Oth from l agna formi ng Amal a
yoga but in the axis of Rahu/Kretu.
Lagna l ord Venus i s i n l l th wi th Moon and
retrograde 9th lord Mercury and aspected by Mars
i n 8t h. 3r d house i s occupi ed by yoga kar aka
retrograde Saturn. 3rd and 6th l ord i s exal ted i n 10th.
2nd l ord i s i n 8th but aspecti ng 2nd house. So the
native won the appeal but had to grease the lower
staff. The lagna lord Venus and 3rd lord Jupiter have
Isharafa yoga.
"W' hether
rumoar is true orfalse?"
Agai n we have to
j udge
3rd house i .e. the 3rd
l ord, nakshatra l ord of 3rd l ord, si gn l ord of 3rd l ord
i n navamsha, the pl anets i n 3rd house.
If the above said planets have any connection
with Saturn. the rumour is false.
4 Jup
Rahu I 0
( 1)
If they have any connection with Mars, the
rumour is mischievious and false.
If they have any connection with Jupiter, the
rumour is true.
I construct a building?'
The 4th house shows one' s bwn property,
estate etc. The I lth house shows fulfilment of desire,
gai n
and the l 2th house i ndi cate i nvestment and
expenditure. Therefore for construction
of a house,
one should examine 4th, l lth and l2th house.
If lagna lord and lagna has any connection with
t he above sai d houses and t hei r l or ds one wi l l
construct a building.
But i f one desi r es t o pur chase
a const r uct ed
house one should also examine 6th and 9th house.
6th i s l oss of the sel l er the 7th, 9th i s 12th to l Oth
the property
of the 7th.
For the purchase
of plot from other party
rules are to be applied as for purchase
of constructed
For constructi on of bui l di ng exami ne whether
the 4th lord, the planets
in 4th house the nakshatra
l ord of the 4th l ord and the si gn l ord of si gn occupi ed
by the 4th lord in navamsha has any connection with
l agna l ord, 12th l ord and I l th l ord and thei r houses.
I sell my property'
The property
i s i ndi cated by 4th house from
l agna, 3rd house i s l 2th to 4th house, the one who
the property
is indicated by 7th house, the
lOth from lagna is 4th from ?th, the property
of the
7th house and 5th house is I lth from 7th, gain
to the
7th. So sel l i ng away property
i s i ndi cated
by 3rd, 5th,
lOth house counted from lagna of the consultant.
Ther ef or e t he 7t h wi l l be abl e t o pur chase
i s i ndi cated by the l Oth and l Oth l ord pl anet
in the lOth house, nakshatra of the 1Oth lord and the
si gn l ord of the l Oth l ord i n navamsha chart. The
pl anets
conj oi ned wi th or aspecti ng l Oth l ord. In
short we can say that the planets
having connection
wi th l Oth l ord. If the l Oth l ord i s havi ng connecti on
with retrograde
or combust planet
then you will not
be able to purchase property.
If the lOth lord has any
connecti on
wi th l 0th, 3rd, 5th house he wi l l be abl e
to purcahse property.
If lOth lord has any connection
wi th l 0th, 3rd,5th house he wi l l be abl e to purchase
and you
wi l l be abl e to sel l .
Whenever Saturn and Moon are in one sign it
that the event will materialise on subsequent
See the karaka Mars also.
Lagna i s dual si gn act i ng as f i xed si gn.
Shi r shodaya
si gn l 0t h l or d i s i n hi s own si gn
of Rahu and Na' ,:msha of Saturn. Moon is
l 0- 06- 1999
et l 3: 00 Del hi
Jup3- | 0
Sat I t-23
t 4-9
Ket u
t 0
l l
Chart 66
/ cnl l -2i
00- 55
4- 55
in 8th house with saturn and Jupiter and aspected by
Mars, 3rd and 8th l ord. The property
wi l l be sol d on
subsequent attempts.
I sitfor competitive Examination?".
For such
queri es
one shoul d exami ne
( a) t he cour age t o appear i n exami nat i on i . e.
power to fight?
(b) Whether one wi l l be abl e to appear?
(c) Whether one comes out succesful ?
(t) For the courage to appear i n exami nati on we
exami ne 3r d house. I f 3r d house i s under
i nfl uence of Moon, one wi l l not be abl e to
take bol d deci si on. If i t i s Saturn one wi l l be
very cauti ous and l acks confi dence. If i t i s
Mercury the nati ve wi l l be i n two mi nds. If i t
i s under the i nfl uence of Sun, Mars, Jupi ter
or Venus i t wi l l gi ve courage to compete.
(tt) Whether the native will be able to appear for
the exami nati on i s to be seen from l agna. One
may have courage to compete but may not be
able to appear for the examination beacause
of i l l ness or cer t ai n unavoi dabl e
ci r cumst ances or obst acl es at t he t i me of
exami nati on. It i s to be exami ned from 6th,
8th and 12th house. If the l agna and l agna l ord
dre afflicted due to PAC and ownership of 6th,
8th and l 2th house, the nati ve wi l l not be abl e
to appear for competitive examination.
( i i i ) Whet her one wi l l be successf ul i n t he
compet i t i ve exami nat i on? Exami ne 4t h, 9t h
and 11th house and thei r l ords. 4th i s 2nd from
P redictions through H orary
3rd, 9th is 7th from 3rd and I lth is 9th from
3rd and gai n
of l agna. If 3rd l ord i s havi ng any
connecti on wi th 4th, 9th and l l th, one wi l l get
success i n the competi ti ve exami nati on.
Ther e ar e l ear ned ast r ol oger s and Sh. J. N.
Sharma who taught me Horary i n Bharti ya Vi dya
Bhavan and am enj oyi ng hi s associ at i on whi l e
at different centres of ICAS Delhi chapter
I accor di ng t o whom 6t h house i s t he house of
competi ti ve
exami nati ons. Because 6th house i s the
house of enemi es. In competi ti ve exami nati ons one
has to get victory over the other candidates for the
competitve examination. The 6th house also indicates
the l oss of others. Therefore one shoul d consul t 6th
and 6t h l or d f or compet i t i ve exami nat i ons. But
accor di ng t o my obser vat i on t he 6t h f r om l agna
indicates the negative aspects of the lagna, enemies,
di seases, debts etc are al l negati ve aspects of the
l agna. The 3r d house has posi t i ve
aspect s of t he
l agna. The courage, enthusi asm, arms, fri ends and
nei ghbour s et c. ar e posi t i ve
aspect s. The ot her
candidate appearing for the competitive examination
are not enemi es. The nati ve has no i l l wi l l for them.
The native does not want to harm them, but wants to
go ahead of them as a player
wants to win the game.
It is an accepted fact that for players,
3rd house is
to be exami ned. So I feel that 3rd house i s more
l i kel y house for competi ti ve
exami nati on than 6th
house. I woul d l i ke to l eave thi s to the readers to
for themselves that which house is appropriate
house for competitive examinations and feel free to
advi ce me because I am a st udent of _ ast r ol ogy.
Therefore one should examine 3rd as courage, 4th
"1' l
Predict ions t hrough Horary
as addi ti on, 6th as l oss of others and
9th for good l uck and others. Sun
karaka planets.
Lagna Shi rshodaya si gn, dual
l - 05- 1997 at 10: 27
I lth as gain
and Jupi ter as
si gn i ndi cat i ng
Del hi
Q '
Sun | 6-33
r 3- 28
Chart 68
Ket u
24, 28
change. The debi l i tated Saturn (cancel l ati on
due to
association of Sun in exaltation and in kendra of Moon) is
aspecting lagna. Saturn is cornbust also. Therefore
negative effect.
Lagna l ord i s posi ted
i n l Oth wi th l Oth l ord and
i s i n l t hasal a.
\ {, ; . . r r
i s posi t ed
i n t r i ne, 5t h wi t h l l t h l or d
l 2 Mer c
Mar s
t 0
Dt 9
Moon Lagna
q 5
Chart 69
Sat urn
Ket u
Mars(R). Nagative effect.
Aspected by Neech bhang combust Saturn(C) and
exalted Sun, negative effect.
3rd house, no pl anet
or aspect, 3rd l ord Sun i s
i n own si gn i n navamsha.
3rd l ord i s exal ted i n l l th
hemmed between Mercury, Jupiter and Venus
and conj oi ni ng 8th and 9th l ord Saturn. 6th house i s
by Venus and Jupiter. 6th lord conjoin Moon
and is posited
in trine 5th aspected by Saturn and Sun
and sign of Jupiter and aspecting lagna in navamsha.
l Ot h house occupi ed by i t s l or d Jupi t er
conj oi ni ng
l agna l or d Mer cur y. l l t h house i s
by its own lord, occupied by 9th lord and
exal ted Sun 3rd l ord.
9th lord is having neech bhang Raja yoga in I lth.
As lagna lord Mercury conjoin and have Ithasala
wi th 10th l ord Jupi ter i n l Oth house. 3rd and 6th
house and their lords are favourable, the native will
f or compet i t i ve exami nat i on.
The nat i ve
agai n for entrance test for BCA of Del hi
uni ver si t y
on 3Ot h May, 1999. But l agna l or d i s
Ithasala with 12th lord Venus in l2th. Lagna,
Moon and Sun ar e i nvol ved wi t h Sat ur n who i s
So the nati ve was not abl e to cl ear the
I get
in the college,'
The 4th house indicates
the education and since
the nati ve desi res hi s ambi ti on to get ful fi l l ed i .e. to
admission in the college, one should examine l lth
If there is any relation between 4th and 4th
lord with I
and l lth lord and lagna and lagna lord,
one will
get admission to the college. The karakas
are Mercury and Jupiter.
Lagna i s dual si gn and aspected by l Oth l ord
Lagna lord Jupiter is in 5th aspecting I lth
and aspected by 5th lord Mars conjoining
2nd and 3rd lord Saturn and 8th lord Moon. I lth house
i s occupi ed
by l 2th l ord Mars aspected by Saturn.
l l th
l ord Venus i s i n 8th. The 4th l ord Jupi ter has
with 11th lord Venus and Isharafa
admi ssi on.
He di dnot
j oi n
ool l ege.
will todaY
the lagna lord, Moon and 8th house, 8th
and Navamsha chart of the moment,
lord of the
of Moon.
If l agna l ord i s posi ted i n l agna, own si gn,
exal ted
si gn, fri end' s si gn, hemmed between
benefi cs
and di sposed
i n benefi c
houses and
t he Moon i s al so st r ong
( waxi ng and wel l
di sposed)
t he day wi l l be
good and br i ng
to the
l ord
si gn
( 1)
11- 6- 1999 at 19: 36 Del hi
J up3- I 3
Sat I 8-2r
26- 22
t 4- 38
Me rc
Chart 70
Venl 143
20- 3 5
- 09
00- 5 7
Predictions through H orary
( 2)
( 3)
If a mal efi c pl anet
i s strong i n the l agna and
aspected by mal efi c pl anets, the day wi l l not
be happy and be full of worries and tension.
If the Moon, l agna l ord or a mal efi c pl anet
i s
posited in 8th house and aspected by a rnalefic
the day will not be
25- l - 1999 at 19: 13 Del hi
28. t 6
t unt t {
5- 38
5- 58
The lagna is aspected by Venus and lagna lord is
posited in 6th upachaya house with Mercury and Ketu
aspected by Rahu. Moon i s posi ted
i n 9th house i n
f r i end' s house, wi t h Sat ur n. But t he l ongi t udi nal
difference of both is very high, no effect. Similarly
the difference of longitude of Sun, Ketu and Rahu is
also high, so no effect. 8th house strong due to the
occupation of its lord and near the cusp. Lagna is in
the navamsha of Venus and aspected by Venus, so
strong, the native spent the day with full occupation
and was not abl e to have meal i n ti me.
As the Moon is seperating from malefic Saturn
and going
to occupy her exaltation point
and upachaya
clearly indicate that present
day may be busy and full
of struggle but the next day, the future is bright and

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