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Casey Diuguid

Classroom Learning
Environment Plan
EDF 4504

Diuguid CLE Plan - 1

Table of Contents
Philosophy Of Management Statement 2
Cooperative Learning Environment 2
Addressing Misbehavior 3
Classroom Profile 3
Letter to Parents 5
Physical Environment 6
Rationale 7
Student Desks 7
Teachers Desk 7
Carpet 7
Library 7
Whiteboard/SMART Board/Projector/ELMO 8
Guided Reading Table 9
Science and Math Materials and Manipulatives Bookshelf 9
Television 9
Sink and Back Cabinets 9
Bulletin Boards and Computer Station 10
Word Wall 10
WOW Work Display 10
Community Building 11
Beginning of the School Year 11
Throughout the School Year 11
End of School Year 11
Routines and Strategies 12
Morning Routine 12
Strategy 1- Attention Getter 12
Strategy 2- LLP 13
Works Cited 14

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Casey Diuguid
EDF 4504
Classroom Management
Tracy Wulf
Classroom Learning Environment Plan

Philosophy of Management Statement
I believe Classroom Management should be based on the beliefs of the teacher and of the personality of
the class. No two classes will be managed in the exact same way. I believe in a cooperative learning
environment where students and teacher can be opinionated and discussion is always welcome.
Misbehavior can be reduced through encouragement and student to teacher participation is cooperative.

Cooperative Learning Environment
In my idea of a cooperative learning environment, the environment is made so that
students can learn from the teacher but also so the teacher can learn from his or her students. Although
I credit a lot that I know about a cooperative learning environment to Linda Albert. In Building
Classroom Discipline C. M. Charles writes an article on Linda Alberts Cooperative Discipline. Linda
Albert has come up with the three Cs that are encompassed by the cooperative learning environment:
connect, contribute and capability. I am in great accordance with Alberts model of management
because it correlates closely with what I believe as the main aspect in classroom management: the
relationship and community of all members of the class (teacher included).
The three Cs can be effective in building a positive community in the classroom. Connecting with
other is an important factor in a classroom. As a teacher I would want my students to have a positive
connection with each other and with me. To ensure and encourage this connection it is essential that I
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promote the five As that Albert associates with connecting: acceptance, attention, appreciation,
affirmation and affection. Personally, affection stands out to me and my classroom environment
because I believe if a student can understand that I as a teacher truly care about them, how they do in
class and their future they can be motived to succeed beyond their own beliefs. Contribution is
important to a class because I want all my students to feel equally as important to our classroom
community. Capability is equally as necessary because all students are capable of whatever they set
themselves to and I as a teacher can ensure that they know this.

Addressing Misbehavior
Personally I am not a fan of being stern with students and giving them punishments. I believe
that as a teacher I can gain their respect through ways other than fear. I have found that I am in
accordance with more of Alberts beliefs when it comes to discipline. Students behavior and
misbehavior is a consequence of students attempts to meet certain needs. By attending those needs
and providing much encouragement, teachers can reduce misbehavior greatly (Charles 69). This is true
in my point of view and experience. Having a classroom where there is an equal respect for all students
and teachers can help prevent misbehavior as well. Alberts disciple approach encourages a cooperative
working with students and parents. As a teacher I will address misbehavior by having talks with my
students about what they did and why it was irresponsible. My plan is to have them write a letter about
their actions to whomever is concerned and then if they cannot learn from experience to possible bring
in punishment that the school has in place. The overall goal of classroom discipline is helping the
students learn that behavior is a choice and how to choose the responsible behavior. If a teacher can
achieve this they can create a safe environment where students can focus on their academics.

Classroom Profile
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My class consists of twenty students, 11 boys and 9 girls. Overall we have had a lot of difficulty
building a positive classroom environment. We have a group of girls who it took a couple weeks to get
them to respect each other. Then when new students were added to class this was all set back. These
girls are defensive and therefore it took them awhile to build a positive bond. The nine boys all get along
and if they dont the boys have learned how to avoid conflict when possible. I have eight students who
do not get pulled every morning for extra math help and one who gets pulled for gifted. Overall the class
has a low level but with encouragement they excel at their assessments. They always do their work but
barely do all that is required or everything to their best effort. They need the extra push to get
everything done with one hundred percent effort. With this push they can excel in academic excellence.

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Sept 1
Labor Day
Oct 30
Fall Festival
Nov 4
Teacher Day
Dec 1
Jan 1
New Year
Feb 2
No School
7:45-8:15 Agenda/Check Homework/Bell Work
8:15-9:20 Math
9:20-9:25 Brain Break
9:25-10:30 Science
10:30-11:00 Specials
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:05-12:40 Independent Reading/AR/Library
12:40-1:10 Literature or Grammar Lesson
1:10-1:15 Brain Break
1:15-2:10 Writing and/or Social Studies
2:10-2:15 End of the day procedures/pack up
2:15 Dismissal

Twice a day we will participate in a Brain Break. These are
five minute breaks throughout the day where the students will be
able to get up and be active and get a break from typical
school work. A brain break can vary from a simple game to crab
walking around the classroom.
This classroom will be full of activities to meet the learning
styles of all the students. Most lessons will include visual, auditory
and hands on teaching. This year will be very busy for your child but
its going to be a great one!

During this first week of school we will go over classroom
structure and behavior. We will build a classroom covenant
promise or set of rules. I as the teacher will ensure the parts of the
covenant cover the necessities and are appropriate for our
classroom community.
I believe that all behavior by students is by choice. If they
choose to misbehave in class they will have to face the
precautions. All incidents will be followed with logical
consequences, a discussion on being a responsible student and if
necessary a written letter to those concerned in the incident.

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue
-Walt Disney

Lets have an awesome year!

[teacher signature]

Miss Diuguid

Welcome to Classroom #____

My name is Miss. Diuguid and I am a recent graduate of the
Teacher Residency Program at the University of South Florida in
Tampa, Florida. I enjoy reading, watching movies and baking. I
am excited to be spending this school year with you and your
child. I am looking forward to watching your child grow
academically and socially this year through out collaborative
learning environment. I ensure 2015-2016 will be a unforgettable
school year!

We will begin our year by building critical skills that your child may
have worked on in previous school years. I will give your child
assessment so I can place him or her where he or she is currently
standing in academics. My goal for this class is that everybody
gives 100% effort and graduates to middle school!

In preparation for middle school your child will have homework
every night. It is necessary that your child completes all
homework because practicing these skills will improve his or her
test scores.

I will be using your students Planner a way of communicating with
you daily. It will be required that your child gets his or her planner
signed every night. If there is anything I need to tell you or you
need to tell me there is a teacher/parent communication box in
the planner we can use. You can also reach me at (123)-456-
7890 or email me at

There will be many opportunities for you to be involved in our
classroom. I will keep you updated with all these opportunities. If
you would like to know more now please feel free to contact me.
It will be beneficial to your childs academics that you celebrate
all your childs learning. When your child brings home stories of
success in class, share in his or her excitement. This will help him or
her become motivated to do well in class and continue trying to
his or her best.

Classroom Newsletter

Wel come t o Mi ss Di ugui d s
Grade 5
August 2015

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Physical Environment

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Student Desks
You can see in the diagram how the desks are set up. I also have them organized so that every
two desks next to each other can turn their chairs around to form groups of four. This is a set up I
decided on because I am not fond of having the students in groups all the time but I like groups to be
easily assessable for group work. In this set up each student also has a partner so it can work well for
Turn-and-talk exercises.

Teachers Desk
I positioned my desk where if I am sitting in it I can a view of my whole class. If I am ever at my
desk during class I can be sure that all my students stay on task while I can get work done. I decided to
place my desk in the back of the room so that my students will not be distracted by my working while
they are busy at work.

I believe having a carpet in the front center of a classroom to be essential. Students can have
the choice if they are responsible to sit on the carpet during lessons. This could also help if the students
have seeing problems. I can also use the carpet for the whole class to sit on during certain activities to
help build community.

The one aspect of my library of my classroom that I find very important that is not seen so often
is the white board. Not only is it positioned behind the guided reading table so that I can use it when I
am working with students there but it is also in the reading area. I will make it available to students to
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use as theyre reading or if they are working on group work in the area. I can also use it to keep a
suggested reading list from myself and other students and anything I want to be able to change easily
and give the students access to.
In the center of my reading area is a carpet and on this are three beanbags chairs and two beach
chairs. The beanbag chairs will be vinyl and the beach chairs plastic so that they can prevent lice. The
carpet or rug and chair are essential to the reading area because they provide the students with
different ways to read or get comfortable. Comfort is important because it can promote reading.
There are two bookshelves on two sides of my reading nook. This way the reading area is more
enclosed from distractions in the classroom. I am also planning on having an extensive classroom library
with a lot of variety in books. I want an extensive library so that my students can all find books
throughout the school year that they enjoy reading. The more choices I have the more likely the
students are to find books that they are interested in.
Behind the bookshelf that is against the classroom wall are multiple posters. At first I thought I
would put motivational posters here but I decided to make the reading homier I would put paintings or
posters here. The homey feeling is important to me because I have realized in my class that many
students have rough home lives and giving a home feeling in my classroom can be very important to
those students.
Next to a bookshelf I placed an audio station. This station would be very essential for younger
students or even ELLs to work on phonics. I can also use it for read alongs. And lastly the guided reading
table is paced where the white board would be in easy access for me.

Whiteboard/SMART Board/Projector/ELMO
I placed my technology table where I am able to sit at the table and teach if I need to use the
technology while teaching. I also placed the smart board in the room where I can use it without having
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to move it around of asking my student to move. I opted not to place a projector screen in my classroom
because I find it convenient to use the white board as a projector screen that I can write on directly if I
need to.

Guided Reading Table
As I elaborated earlier the white board is also behind my guided reading table. The table is near
the reading area of the classroom and also placed where I can see all my students from at the table. It is
important to note that the bookshelf closest to the guided reading table is a shorter bookshelf, one that
I could see over to be able to watch my students read.

Science and Math Materials and Manipulatives Bookshelf
I placed this bookshelf near the guided reading table so that if I was working with a small group
for math or science they would be in easy access. I also placed them where it will be easy for my
students to locate the manipulatives if they need to get to them during class. It is also to the side
enough that it would not distract the whole room if a student went to get manipulatives.

I placed the television in a location where it is out of the way when it needs to be but the
students can see it easily from their desks. It is important that I have a television because nowadays
most elementary students have a morning show. The television at the school where I was located for
my internship displays a clock all day so the whole school is on the same time schedule.

Sink/Water Fountain and Back Cabinets
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The back cabinets and sink are located in the back of my classroom. The sink is essential for my
classroom for hygiene purposes. It is also helpful having a water fountain in the classroom so that my
students do not have to leave every time they are thirsty. These cabinets will be used for classroom

Bulletin Boards and Computer Station
I hope to have at least two bulletin boards in my classroom. I can display key parts of units on
these boards. Each board can be for a subject and on them can by things such as vocabulary. I also love
the idea of having bulletin board that the students can interact with. For example I can put a Draw Label
Explain question on the board and have the students turn in an answer if they want, then it can be
displayed on the board. I placed them behind the computer station so that they can be seen by the
students and they take up the empty wall space behind the computers. The computers are located
where I can easily monitor what the screens and what the students are doing on the computers. It is
important for me to have computers in my classroom with the rise of technology in the classroom. I
think they are useful for testing comprehension systems like Accelerated Reader and math programs like
FASTT MATH. I can also use the computers to have to students practice skills when they finish an
assignment or assessment before majority of their classmates.

Word Wall
The word wall is placed on the back cabinets of my classroom. The cabinets help me to space
out the words properly. I also placed it in the back of the room so when the students are working I can
easily see which ones turn to use the word wall.

WOW Work Display
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I plan on displaying childrens work throughout the entire classroom. There is nowhere
specifically set out for student work because I want to fill any empty wall space with my students work.
Putting their work on display can help motivate them to do well and be prideful in their school work.

Community Building
Beginning of the School Year
At the beginning of the school year the first thing I would do to create a since of community in
my classroom would be to have Morning Meetings where my students and I can get to know each other.
We can play name games and ice breaking games to build familiarity in our community. My plan would
be to hold a Morning Meeting every morning for at least the first week of school. Another aspect of my
classroom that will be essential to building community in the beginning of the year would be the making
of a covenant. A covenant is a promise (or set of rules) and at the end of creating it everyone has to sign
it promising to live by this in the classroom. As the teacher, I would make sure that anything essential to
a positive classroom environment would be on our covenant and veto ideas that would only harm our
Throughout the School Year
Throughout the school year to help build community in my classroom we will have a morning
meeting every Friday. I will also allow my students to socialize in my room up to fifteen minutes before
class starts if they come to school early. Working in groups is going to be a main part of my class daily
routine therefore to help build community throughout the school year I will change the groups the
students are in in different subjects fairly often. Each student will also be in more than one group at a
time. This way the students will learn how to work with every other student in the class.
End of the School Year
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Wanting to teach fifth grade, the end of the school year is still important for building
community. We will have a classroom celebration where we can do things such as superlatives and
awards for our class. All the superlatives and awards would be decided by me and the students and
every student would get something so no one would feel left out. The end of fifth grade is important
because it is the students last year of elementary school. I also plan on reading Oh The Places Youll Go
by Dr. Seuss as my last read aloud of the year.

Routines and Strategies
Morning Routine
In fifth grade students are able to come in and know to start the routine once it is structured
into their days. When the students enter the classroom if it is after the fifteen minutes to the late bell
they will be expected to sit down and follow the steps on the board. The first step will always be
Agenda meaning take out your agenda and fill it out via the homework that is written on the board.
They will know then to leave their agenda on their desk so that either I or the Agenda Checker can make
sure they got their agenda signed the previous night.
The following step on the board will generally be to trade your homework and grade it. The
answers will be written on the board. After that there will be practice work on the board for the
students to work on while they wait for class to start. In fifth grade I expect my students to be able to
watch the morning show while they get morning work done. We will not lose fifteen minutes of class
time to the morning show.
Strategy 1 Attention Getter
When it comes to fifth graders I find that they want you to start treating them more like adults
than children. Although I do not want to come off incorrectly, I still believe you can do fun, more childish
activities with the fifth graders. When it comes to an attention getter, I believe this is something you
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should treat the students more like adults with. Specifically the attention getter in my classroom will
simply be a Count Down. I will count down from a number, any number I choose really, and the students
will be expected to be quiet with eyes on me once I finish counting. This is an easy attention getter and
with fifth graders should not have to be used too often. I believe this because I know if we have the right
kind of community in my classroom the students will not wander off task too often.
Strategy 2 LLP
LLP or Listening Learning Position is a strategy in which the students know to get into a specific
position. I will teach my students LLP at the beginning of the year. In this position the student are sitting
in their desks with their hands folded on top of the desk. Their eyes are on the speaker and they are
being silent. It is also important that their desks are cleared off. There are many situations in which LLP
will be used in my classroom. If a speaker, administrator or visitor ever comes to talk to my class they
will know to be in LLP when the guest walks in. It can also be used before a transition to have the
students pack up. If I or anyone of authority says LLP the students will know and understand exactly
what to do. This small strategy is essential to my classroom.

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Works Cited
Charles, C. M. (2002). Linda Albers Cooperative Discipline. In Building classroom discipline. (pp. 67-84).
Boston: Allyn and Bacon

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