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UNSTRUCTURED Field Experience Log & Reflection

Instructional Technology Departent

Jamie Nicholson
Mrs.Launey/ Media Specialist
Belmont Hills/Cobb County
ITEC!""# $%
Century Learnin& and Teachin&
'r. (oberts/Sprin& $"%)
$art I! Log
%This log contains space for up to & different field experiences for your '( hours) *ou ay only need one+ If you ha,e fe-er field
experiences. /ust delete the extra ro-s) If you ha,e ore than & field experiences. please copy and paste additional ro-s) Than0 you+1
Date%s1 '
Field Experience 2cti,ity#Tie $SC#ISTE Standard%s1
*Minimum o+ )#! sentences per ,uestion-
34'34'5 6
34'&4'5 a presentation +or a sta++ boo. study &roup. */ hours- 5) Digital42ge Learning
En,ironents) C
') 7riefly descri8e the field experience)
9hat did you learn a8out technology
facilitation and leadership fro
copleting this field experience:
I learned that my co0or.ers are in
need o+ some ne0 0ays to present
their pro1ects or lessons. It 0as &reat
to see their o0n enthusiasm +or the
ne0 tools. They also seemed ea&er
to ha2e me sho0 them ho0 to create
their o0n.
3) ;o- did this learning relate to the
0no-ledge %-hat ust you 0no-1.
s0ills %-hat ust you 8e a8le to do1
and dispositions %attitudes. 8eliefs.
enthusias1 re<uired of a technology
facilitator or technology leader:
3s a coach I need to model the use o+
online tools4 sho0 ho0 to 0or.
collaborati2ely4 and present opportunities
+or pro+essional de2elopment. I need to
.no0 ho0 to de2elop an acti2ity that
0ill sho0 my enthusiasm to the sta++.
5) Descri8e ho- this field experience
ipacted school ipro,eent. faculty
de,elopent or student learning at
your school) ;o- can the ipact 8e
*5lace an 6 in the bo7 representin& the race/ethnicity and sub&roups in2ol2ed in this +ield e7perience.-
Ethnicity $4'3 Faculty#Staff $4'3 Students
5#$ )#/ 8#9 :#%$ 5#$ )#/ 8#9 :#%$
Nati2e 3merican/ Nati2e
;hite 7
Students 0ith 'isabilities
Limited En&lish 5ro+iciency
Eli&ible +or <ree/(educed
This +ield e7perience a++ected +aculty
de2elopment in t0o 0ays. <irst4 +rom the
in+ormation in the presentation teachers
0ere able to &ather ne0 ideas +or ho0 to
teach 0ritin& in their classrooms. They
0ere also able to learn a ne0
presentation tools *5re=i-. I 0ould li.e to
see the impace be assessed in t0o 0ays
as 0ell. <irst4 data can be ta.en be+ore
and a+ter teachers implement the ne0
0ritin& strate&ies. 3nd then I 0ould li.e
to see ho0 0ell teachers did 0ith
creatin& their o0n presentations by
ha2in& meetin& dates to discuss their
Date%s1 3
Field Experience 2cti,ity#Tie $SC#ISTE Standard%s1
*Minimum o+ )#! sentences per ,uestion-
Shared as a resource to use in the classroom.
Shared content report 0ith team members and discussed the
standards addressed 0ithin the report. *) hours-
3) Teaching. Learning. &
2ssessents) 7
') 7riefly descri8e the field experience)
9hat did you learn a8out technology
facilitation and leadership fro
copleting this field experience:
<rom this +ield e7perience I learned
that my team mates ha2e been +or better internet tools to
use 0ith >inder&arten students. 3s
an aspirin& technolo&y coach4 I too.
this opportunity to schedule more
presentations to the &roup o+ ne0
tools. I +ound this to ha2e a &reat
impact on the 0ay 0e share and use
technolo&y on the >inder&arten
3) ;o- did this learning relate to the
0no-ledge %-hat ust you 0no-1.
s0ills %-hat ust you 8e a8le to do1
and dispositions %attitudes. 8eliefs.
enthusias1 re<uired of a technology
facilitator or technology leader:
I must .no0 ho0 to en&a&e teachers in
ne0 technolo&y tools and this helped
0ith that. I also must be able to teach
them ho0 to assess the students 0hen
they are usin& this ne0 tool. I sho0ed
my co#0or.ers the 1ust ho0 easy and
pain#+ree technolo&y inte&ration can be.
*5lace an 6 in the bo7 representin& the race/ethnicity and sub&roups in2ol2ed in this +ield e7perience.-
Ethnicity $4'3 Faculty#Staff $4'3 Students
5#$ )#/ 8#9 :#%$ 5#$ )#/ 8#9 :#%$
Nati2e 3merican/ Nati2e
;hite 7
Students 0ith 'isabilities
Limited En&lish 5ro+iciency
Eli&ible +or <ree/(educed
5) Descri8e ho- this field experience
ipacted school ipro,eent. faculty
de,elopent or student learning at
your school) ;o- can the ipact 8e
Student learnin& 0as directly impacted
0ith this lesson. 3ll teachers be&an usin&
the resource to assess the standard o+
students bein& able to add te7t to pictures
on the computer. The stories that the
students made 0ere used +or assessment.
Date%s1 5
Field Experience 2cti,ity#Tie $SC#ISTE Standard%s1
*Minimum o+ )#! sentences per ,uestion-
34?4'5 Teachin& students the basics o+ ho0 to type on Microso+t 0ord. 5) Digital42ge Learning
En,ironents) 2
') 7riefly descri8e the field experience)
9hat did you learn a8out technology
facilitation and leadership fro
copleting this field experience:
I learned that it is important to model
lessons in your o0n classroom so
you can later on lead others to do the
same. ;hen leadin& the students
throu&h this lesson I 0as sel+#
re+lectin& and chan&es to
bene+it the lesson once I decided to
share it. It is also 2ery use+ul to use
the T53C> model in my o0n
plannin& so I can better assist co# 0hen they decide to use it.
3) ;o- did this learning relate to the
0no-ledge %-hat ust you 0no-1.
s0ills %-hat ust you 8e a8le to do1
and dispositions %attitudes. 8eliefs.
enthusias1 re<uired of a technology
facilitator or technology leader:
I must .no0 ho0 capable my students
are in usin& technolo&y be+ore I can plan
+urther lessons that in2ol2e technolo&y.
I had to be able to &et the students independently in the computer
lab and later on practicin& their s.ills in
the classroom. I had a positi2e attitude
and told the students a&ain and a&ain that
I .ne0 they 0ould be able to use the
.eyboard and become e7cellent typist.
5) Descri8e ho- this field experience
*5lace an 6 in the bo7 representin& the race/ethnicity and sub&roups in2ol2ed in this +ield e7perience.-
Ethnicity $4'3 Faculty#Staff $4'3 Students
5#$ )#/ 8#9 :#%$ 5#$ )#/ 8#9 :#%$
Blac. 6
Hispanic 6
Nati2e 3merican/ Nati2e
Students 0ith 'isabilities 6
Limited En&lish 5ro+iciency 6
Eli&ible +or <ree/(educed
ipacted school ipro,eent. faculty
de,elopent or student learning at
your school) ;o- can the ipact 8e
I belie2e that the student learnin&
impacted here is a li+e s.ill. In the $%

century our students 0ill be doin& much
more typin& than hand0ritin& so bein&
able to introduce this s.ill to them 0as
&reat. I am no0 able to assess better
0here my students are in their
technolo&y .no0led&e and I use these
assessments to push or remediate 0ith

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