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Friday September 5, 2014

Science Ms. Smith
This week in science we have been working on expanding our knowledge of science
careers by researching of various areas of science. Each student researched 3 areas
of science, please ask your student which areas they researched and what they
learned. Next week, they will be asked to persuade their classmates to agree with
them about which area would be the most difcult to live without. They will use
their research to defend their opinions. have included the menu of choices below.
!eteorology "rchaeology #hemistry #omputer $cience
%otany "gronomy "stronomy &eology
'ceanography !arine %iology &enetics %iology
These are some of the websites that we suggested the students use.
.earning targets this week(
can de/ne science and give three examples.
Library News-Mrs.Wanamaker
%ooks checked out the /rst day of school or shortly after, we be coming
due next week. #heck your due dates and either return or renew your
books. 0e are excited that we have had lots of books checked out and
students are reading. " new shipment of books +ust arrived so be sure to
check out the new book section.
!rt-Mrs. Smith
!rt- Mrs. Smith
Students should be "llin# out their $ocabulary %ackets and be
&amiliar with the 'lements o& art. Ne(t week starts the still li&e
drawin# unit.
S)uare 1 !rt*
This is a uni1ue opportunity for students to have their artwork on a variety of
products that can be purchased on These items can
become keepsakes or make for excellent #hristmas gifts3 $tudents may
make multiple drawings and also o4er $1uare2"rt drawing paper to family
and friends so they may participate too3 "ll artwork will be sent to the
company on $ept. 56
and will be posted on a website for parents to view
online. t is 1uick and easy this year with the ability for online purchasing.

S)uare 1 !rt Dates to remember*
Se%t. 2+th* !ll e(tra s)uare 1 art done by students, &amily and
&riends should be turned in
!rt class website* artins%iredbyli&
Social Studies-Mrs. Larsen
0e will be taking our /rst graded assessment over the 0orld !ap on
0ednesday, $eptember 27 8'99: and Thursday, $eptember 22
8E;EN: $tudents have a copy of the <retest and a colored world map
in their folders to use to study. 0e will review in class again !onday
and Tuesday, but they should do some studying at home. 0e will
continue to create an interactive &eo*=ournal of geography facts which we will
assess in a couple more weeks.
Box Tops
Send to school anytime. -ollection tubs are located in
Lan#ua#e Arts rooms
and main office.
Ms. Loneman Lan#ua#e !rts
This week we dove right into our lesson 4 main selection, The ACES Phone. The
students listened to the story, comleted a reading guide, comleted a story ma, and
read the story with a grou with whom they also answered comrehension !uestions.
They seem to "e doing well with their comrehension o# the story and their understanding o#
story structure $setting, characters, rising action, clima%, #alling action, con#lict, resolution, and
theme&. There#ore, our lesson 4 voca"ulary and comrehension assessments will "e on
Wednesday, September 10
Reminder' (ur language arts grading olicy states that students who score "elow a
)*+ on an assessment will "e required to retake the assessment either "e#ore school or a#ter
school. To reare #or the assessments, , encourage your child to study their reading guide and
story ma and re-read the story "y checking out a te%t"ook or #ollowing the directions , rovided
earlier to access the story online. .isiting" is a great way to ractice
the lesson0s voca"ulary words. Also, students have a voca"ulary acket and voca"ulary
ractice #rom which they could study also.
1e%t week we will continue reviewing the voca"ulary and the story "e#ore the
assessment. (therwise, the rest o# the week will "e sent on writing and grammar work. The
students received the e%ectations #or their #irst scored writing assignment on Tuesday with the
rough dra#t "eing due on 2onday, Setem"er 3
, and the #inal dra#t "eing due on Thursday,
Setem"er 44
. This writing assignment re!uires students to write a ersuasive letter to a
classmate to ersuade him/her to read one o# their #ree-reading "ooks. The rough dra#t can "e
either hand-written or tyed, "ut the #inal coy must "e tyed. 5atos will "e in the classroom
on Tuesday and 6ednesday ne%t week to allow students the oortunity to tye and rint the
#inal dra#t in class. 7our child has a coy o# the directions and ru"ric $it is a urle handout&, "ut
this in#ormation can also "e #ound on my we"site.
2y last "it o# in#ormation this week is regarding ,n#inite Camus. 6hen you log into
,n#inite Camus to view your child8s grades, you will #ind three categories #or language arts.
Those categories are 9assessments,9 9ro:ects/writing re!uirements,9 and 9ractice.9 The
9assessments9 and 9ro:ects/writing re!uirements9 categories are weighted and will count
towards your child8s language arts grade. The 9ractice9 category is e%cluded #rom the grade
calculation. 6hen entering 9ractice9 work, , will enter 9;19 or 9P9 #or the score. 9;19 means
your child needs to #i% and return the assignment to work towards ro#iciency, and 9P9 means
your child demonstrated ro#iciency and does not need to #i% and return the assignment. , will
add a comment to the score to indicate the num"er o# attemts that were necessary to reach
As always, lease contact me at any time with comments, !uestions, or concerns.
Phone: !1"#$0 e%t. $1$&
'(itter: @msloneman )t(itter.*om+msloneman,
Website: msloneman.(eebly.*om
-a.e a /reat (eekend0
Language Arts with Mr. Kotz
Hello parents. This shorter week included your student reading the short story, The Aces
Phone. We analyzed the story structure and developed our skills in reading for
understanding by asking and answering questions while reading.
Students were given additional support with their persuasive letters and rough
drafts were due this Friday !"#$.
Students have been given their STAR test results. They have been told to give show the% to
their parents"guardians. &s proof of this, students %ust have their parents sign their planner
For our gra%%ar portion of our learning we identified sub'ects and predicates in sentences.
(e)t week we will be wrapping up our lesson on The ACES Phone with testing for both
vocabulary and comprehension
Known due dates
!riday "#$ % rough draft of persuasive letter
Monday "#& % S'()*+ ,LA))*R for star results
-ednesday "#./ % vocabulary and co%prehension testing
Thursday "#.. * final draft of persuasive letter
+aily % +ra%%ar practice
,lease re%e%ber, students %ay retake any test they feel they could do better on. They are
re0uired to retake the test if they earn -./ or less on a test.
As always, please feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns.
#2#4!524!#6. e)t. 6227
Math-Mrs. /etter
This week in math we began >nit 2 of Everyday !ath*
#ollection 9isplay and nterpretation of 9ata. 0e worked with
.ine <lots, and $tem and .eaf <lots. f your student has been
doing Everyday !ath the last few years this should have been
review for them. f your student is new to ndianola $chools and
is not familiar with Everyday math these concepts may new to
them. <lease encourage them to ask 1uestions if this is the case and they don?t
understand something. have been trying to keep a close eye on new students but
in case miss something. f you know your student could increase their speed on
basic facts please encourage them to work on them at home as well3 !ath @act
&enius is a great website for that33
Next week we will continue >nit 2 including #omparing !edian and !ean,
<laying).earning .andmark $hark, and %ox <lots.

0lease contact me with any )uestions or concerns.
0hone* 121-1345 e(t. 41+6
7a$e a su%er weekend.
8ndianola 0hysical 'ducation
Teachers( !s. %unting, !r. !anny, !r. @orret, !r. <ost
,hysical 8ducation is the part of your education involving the physical learning of skills, fitness and wellness knowledge, ga%e and sport
concepts and social skills which will help you develop a healthy attitude towards fitness. 9t is a specially planned sequence of units and activities
designed to e%phasize life4long healthy living attitudes.
Every student is given a locker and padlock. f lost, the padlock cost is AB.77
to replace
No student may move to another locker without permission. $tudents need
to keep their lock on their lockers at all times.
Theft will happen in lockers that are not locked3 f you do not want it stolen,
lock it up33
.oaning out your shoes or clothes is not recommended. 9on?t give out your
97' S-7::L -!NN:9 ;' <'S0:NS8;L' =:< L:S9 :< S9:L'N
0artici%ation and Sa&ety
Each student is expected to participate to the best of their ability 8every
@oul language and arguing are not tolerated3333
9ue to our nice new Coor and safety ha-ards there will be N' &>! in the
$treet &ym, @ieldhouse or track)football /eld. f this becomes a problem,
detentions will be handed out33
The most dangerous area in physical education is the locker room, throwing
ob+ects, pushing, shoving and)or running will not be tolerated. Dou are
expected to sit and wait on the benches until you are dismissed.
$hoes should be tied. $afety rules or guidelines for class activities are
covered by the teachers E follow them.
>se deodorant33 $howers are not re1uired but after a good workout they are
-ell 0hones and cameras will not be allowed in the locker rooms at
any time...
$tudents will have physical education every other day. "ll students are re1uired to
attend and participate. "ll students are re1uired to dress for participation
<e)uired Dress*
$horts F athletic shorts or sweatsG N' =E"N$. No short shorts, if an
instructor has told you those are not appropriate for class you will be
expected to change. <arents will be noti/ed if it becomes a problem3
$hirts Fcan be the older %lue)Dellow reversible <E shirt from years past or the
NE0 purple and yellow ones. Dou were able to purchase the new
purple)yellow ones online, if you are having issues getting a shirt please see
your <E instructor.
"thletic shoes for gym Coor F a pair of shoes that are athletic shoes, no
sandals, Cip Cops, dress shoes etc.
9eodorant F must be in plastic container or can. 8N' &."$$:
'f you forgot clothes you -'LL borrow a ,* shirt1 )2 one is allowed in class
without a ,* shirt on1 it3s not an option to ta4e a no dress and do nothing. 'f you
continually forget your clothes your parents#guardian will be notified.
Medical '(em%tions
! student who has an illness or in>ury a?ectin# %artici%ation in %hysical
education class will be re)uired to #i$e the doctor@s medical limitation sli%
to the %hysical education teacher. %e sure the doctor?s note contains enough
information for the teacher to determine what you #"N do. Notes can be brought to
school or faxed to the school. f you are out of <E you are out of sports and show
! %arent re)uest &or no %artici%ation is allowed once e$ery 1 weeks, we
realiAe some e(em%tions may come u% but your %arent will N:9 be able to
write you a note e(cusin# you out o& 0' &or weeks at a time. 9he nurse
will also N:9 be allowed to write a note &or you at any time.
f you indeed have a doctor?s or parent note you will be expected to walk during
class unless otherwise stated in the note that you are not capable of that. n most
cases you should be able to at least walk.
$tudents with extended medical excuses with be assigned a guided study.
"ll students are expected to participate in <E.
Dou are graded on physical performance. $kills test, participation and
Every unit is worth 57 points.
o 27 points F skill and performance
o 6 points F attitude and e4ort
o 6 points F teamwork and sportsmanship
0orkout 0ednesdays are worth 27 points.
o 6 points F <erformance
o 6 points * E4ort

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