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Level 2 Geography

91242 (2.3): Demonstrate geographic understanding o

dierences in development
Credits: Four
You should answer ALL parts of ALL questions in this booklet.
If you need more space for any answer, use the pae!s" pro#ided at the back of this booklet and
clearly number the question.
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You are ad#ised to spend .+ minutes answerin the questions in this booklet.
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The social and economic development of people varies between diferent communities, areas, or
countries across the globe. Their standard of living and quality of life can be described using a
number of economic, social and political factors and features.
Characteristics of de#elopment can include:
health !e, infant mortality rates"
education !e, literacy rates"
employment !e, ethnic unemployment rates"
population rowth !e, /(01capita"
social !e, racial discrimination"
political !e, #otin rihts".
In the bo2 below, choose 345 characteristics of de#elopment from the list abo#e.
Characteristic ,:
Characteristic $:
Fully e2plain how 6AC7 characteristic clearly demonstrates the differences in de#elopment
between communities, areas, or countries across the lobe that you ha#e studied. You must
support you answer with detailed e#idence.
Characteristic ,:
/eoraphy &,$8$ !$.9"
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Characteristic $:
/eoraphy &,$8$ !$.9"
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2#-%&*") &4": 0(/&".% /")&.*+#&*)G &" D*00-.-)/-% *) D-3-L"1$-)&
The location of a place (the environment) can have a major infuence on the level of development
of that place. A range of natural factors infuence development at each location.
Natural factors can include:
extreme natural events such as droughts, foods, earthquakes or hurricanes
environmental conditions such as climate, soil type, available resources
In the bo2 below, name 345 communities, areas, or countries you ha#e studied this year which
show differences in their de#elopment. You must refer to these case studies when answerin
*uestion 3wo and *uestion 3hree.
Case study ,:
Case study $:
Fully e2plain how natural actors contribute to the differin le#els of de#elopment for the locations
you ha#e identified. You must support your answer with detailed e#idence.
/eoraphy &,$8$ !$.9"
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The most basic capabilities for human development are to lead long and healthy lives, to be
knowledgeable, to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living, and to be able to
participate in the life of the community.
Human Development Report 2010 UNDP
3here are many actions that could be taken by the o#ernment and 1 or non;o#ernmental
oranisations to reduce the differences in de#elopment for communities, areas, and countries across
the lobe.
!a" <riefly outline 345 strateies that could be implemented that would make a signiicant
reduction in differences in de#elopment.
=tratey ,:
=tratey $:
/eoraphy &,$8$ !$.9"
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!b" Choose 5(6 stratey from the bo2 abo#e.
Fully e2plain:
how this stratey has been, or miht be, implemented
why it would make a sinificant difference to people-s standard of li#in and quality of life.
You must use detailed e#idence from your case study areas stated on pae 8 to support your
/eoraphy &,$8$ !$.9"
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-5tra paper or continuing your ans6ers7 i re8uired.
/learly num9er the 8uestion.
/eoraphy &,$8$ !$.9"
use only
-5tra paper or continuing your ans6ers7 i re8uired.
/learly num9er the 8uestion.
/eoraphy &,$8$ !$.9"

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