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Chapter 15 Study Guide

15.1 Atmosphere & Components

Weather: short lived, local patterns of temp & moisture that result from
o Atmosphere: consists of gas molecules held near earth surface by
gravity (extending upwards about 500km)
Climate: long term patterns of temp and precipitation

Aerosois: minute particles and liquid droplets (collectively)

Troposphere: adjacent to earths surface

o Air constantly in motion, redistributing heat & moisture around globe

Convection Current: warm, low density air RISES ABOVE cooler, denser
Stratosphere: extends from troposphere up to 50km
o more dilute than troposphere/ similar compostition
o has ALMOST NO water vapor & 1000x more ozone
ozone: highly reactive molecule containing 3 02 atoms (dangerous pollutant
in ambient air)
o in stratosphere, ozone forms ULTRA- VIOLET absorbing shield that
protects us from mutagenic radiation
stratosphere calm

2. Absorbed solar energy WARMS our world
insolation stronger @ equator
energy not evently distributed around world
energy absorption warms atmosphere
o energy reaches earths surface
surfaces that reflect energy have HIGH albedo (reflectivity)
o surfaces that absorb energy have low albedo
absorb energy heats absorbing surface
absorb energy re-emits energy as low quality heat
positive feedback loop: melting leads to further

3. Greenhouse effect is energy capture by gases in atmosphere
greenhouse effect: retention of lone- wave E in atmosphere (transmits
sunlight while TRAPPING heat)

greenhouse gas: chem compound that trap heat in atmosphere

4. Evaporated water stores E & wind redistributes it
latent heat: stored energy in form that is not sensible (cannot be detected by
ordinary senses)

15.2 Regional Patterns of Weather

1. Coriollis Effect explains why winds seem to curve
Coriollis effect: influence of friction & drag on air layers near the earth;
deflects air current to the direction of earths rotations
Jet streams: powerful winds or currents of air that circulate in shifting
flows; similar to oceanic currents & their effects on climate (@ top of
o Effects PRODUCE PREDICTABLE wind patterns & currents

2. Ocean currents modify our weather
Gyres: huge cycling currenct that carry h20 from north to south,
redistributing heat from low latitudes to high
o Ex) 11,000 yrs ago, earth warm @ ends of Pleistocene ice ages =
lots h20 melted & fresh h20 everywhere

3. Seasonal rains support billions of ppl
Sustain ecosystems & human communities
Can be good or bad
o Good = provide for crops
o Bad = flooding, drought, etc.
Monsoos: most regylar season of rain
o Tropical & subtropical regions = seasonal rain & dry

4. Frontal systems occur where warm and cold 02 meet
Front: boundary btwn two masses of 02 of diff temp
o Cold front: cooler air pushes AWAY warmer air
Weather after cold from = clean, dry, invigoration
o Warm front: warmer air advancing SLIDES OVER cooler air
Moist warm front = drizzle rain/cloudy skies

5. Cyclonic Storms can cause extensive damage
Latent heat: water vapor abundant, released by rising and cooling air
o Released heat intensifies circulation produces swirling winds =
capture more moisture & heat
Cyclonic storms: winds that spiral clockwise out of area of high pressure
in northern hemisphere
o Counterclockwise in low pressure zones
Hurricanes: large cyclonic oceanic storm w/heavy rain & winds that
exceeding 119km/hr (74mph)
Tornadoes: swirling funnel clouds that form over land
o Also considered cyclonic storms
o Greater air temp difference = MORE POWERFUL STORM

15.3 Natural climate Variability
Milankovitch cycles: periodic variations in tilt, eccentricity & wobble in
Earth orbit
o Responsible for cyclic weather changes
100000 yr cycle: elliptical orbit stretch & shorten
40,000 yr cycle: axis of rotation change angle of tilt
26,000 yr period: axis wobbles

1. Ice core tells us about climate history
Drilling into ice sheet, deep, can extract ice cores from which can collect
air bubble samples
o B/C SNOW TRAPS AIR IN SNOW LAYERS = every time yearly
snows it accumulates over centuries

2. El Nino is an ocean atmosphere cycle
Shorter time scare = oscillations or periodic shifts in currents &
atmospheric circulation over years
Irregular cycles: weakened upwelling currents & warming water
o Named el nino b/c observed over Christmas time
o La nina = cycles are extremely cold like el nino
El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
o Huge pool of warm water (surface at pacific ocean)
o Sloshes slowly btwn Indonesia and south America

15.4 Anthropogenic Climate Change

1. IPCC assesses data for policy
Intergovernmental panel on climate change: formed to assess the
global climate change & impacts
o Concerned with:
Environmental impacts

2. Major greenhouse gasses include c02, ch4, n20
Greenhouse gasses into air increasing
o H20 effective in blocking/absorb long wave length energy
Established by
o Human activity add more gas than natural causes
Gasses in our atmosphere prevent long wavelength energy leaving the
earths surface from escaping into space
o 1. C02 most important greenhouse gas
doubled in 40 yrs (1970 2010)
o . Methane (CH4) second more important = 14%
o 3. Nitrus Oxide third most important = 8%

3. Positive feedbacks accelerate change
Ice caps melt = increase energy absorption
C02 release from warming/drying peat (soggy plant matter)
o Accumulated over thousands yrs in tundra (Canada &Siberia)

4. Recent change caused by humans
Uncontrolled experiment: re-create the past changes in temps using
equations in a computer model
o Can use model to describe all sorts of factors
o Exactly was IPCC have done in past 20 yrs
Scientists cautious with making absolute statements

15.5 What effects are we seeing?
Avg global temp increase by .6 degrees celcius (1 degree farenheit)
o Polar regions have warmed faster than rest of world
Ex) permafrost melt; house/etc. damage as ground sinks

o Artic sea ice only as thick as was 30 yrs ago
Ex) by 2040, artic ocean = ice free in summer

o Ice shelves in antartic peninsula = break up/disappearing
Ex) penguin pop decline, 90% ice glacier retreat 50m/yr
Ex) Greenland massice ice cap melt also

o Glaciers disappear (150 30)

o Drought expand and deepened in many agricultural regions

o Sea level risen world wide by approc 15-20cm

o Animcals changing/moving habitats & breeding earlier

o Water temp rise = coral reef bleachin

o Oceans absorbing c02 & heat

o Storms stronger & more damaging

2. Climate change cost more than prevetion
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions = 1% annual gdp
o Global warming = serious threat = urgent global response
o w/o action @ least 200 mil ppl become refugees

3. Rising sea levels flood many cities
1/3 of world pop live in cities that would be flooded if all Greenland ice
o rich cities save self / poor cities drown (money to build

4. Debating climate change evidence
Change is threatening = ignorance

15.6 Envisioning Solutions
Kyoto protocol: international agreement to reduce greenhouse gas
o no progress, global emission risen
1. Stabilization wedges could work now
Cut 7gt in 50 yrs to reduce c02
Switch to renewable fuel

2. Alternative practices can be important
Carbon capture & storage = important stabilized wedge
o Attention focused on c02

3. Regional Initiatives show commitment to slowing climate change
Carbon neutral: a system/process that doesnt release more carbon to
atmosphere than it consumes
o Renewable energy sources

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