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Theme: Ourselves, Senses, Celebrations, Light and Dark. Christmas Reception Paris and France
Autumn Term
Teachers: Miss Moore and Miss Serban LSAs: Miss Williams and Ms Ayi-Bonte
Communication, Language & Literacy
Tracing, copying and writing names, labels, simple
sentences and book making.
Explore independent writing, mark making.
Using a range of writing tools and equipment.
Correct formation of letters, particularly in their name.
Hold pencils, paint brushes and other mark making tools
Letters and Sounds Programme
Learning rhyming strings and alliteration.
Recognising pupils names, high frequency words and
vocabulary for themes.
Reading strategies: Directionality of print, picture clues,
matching words, initial sounds. Retelling story
Speaking and listening
Sharing time, story time, story tapes, and using language in
role play and small world play.
Learn to be a good listener and take turns in conversation.
Talk about experiences they have had in front of a group.
Problem Solving Reasoning and Numeracy
Counting backward and forward to 10 and beyond.
Recognising numbers up to 10 and beyond.
Ordering numbers up to 10 and beyond.
Counting aloud in groups of 1
Counting on and back.
Practise counting out objects using correct number name.
Matching numerals to sets of objects.
Numeral formation.
Comparing 2 groups of objects using language such as
more, less, same, different.
Say the number that is one more than a given number.
Separate groups of objects in different ways recognising
that the total is the same.
Subtraction and addition- take part in practical activities,
using vocabulary.
Shape, space and measures
Naming shapes in the environment.
Learning the name for 2d shapes and matching them to an
Recreating repeating patterns.
Use maths language for size relating to ourselveslength
and height.
Time- Learning the days of the week, morning, noon, night
and months of the year.
Personal, Social, & Emotional Development
Circle time/Show and tell
Home School Book
Role play
Talk partners

Separating from main carer, hanging up coat, and settling
in the morning.

Forming good relationships with the adults and the children
in the class.

Learning and celebrate that everybody is different.
Learn to respect peoples different views, beliefs and

Remembering to wash hands, go to the bathroom and take
care of themselves and their belongings.

Physical Development
Ball skills: throwing, catching, balancing, rolling, passing
around body, kicking and striking.
Parachute games.
Use equipment with increasing confidence and control.
Listening to instructions and participation in activities.
Show awareness of space, self and others safely.
Name and use different parts of the body.
Work sensibly and co-operatively with other children.

Matching movement to music
Moving with confidence
Use imagination in dance and respond in different ways to
what they hear.
Learning how to keep healthy exploring what we eat and
keeping clean and keeping ourselves safe.

Princess Frederica
College Road, London, NW10 5TP
Phone: 0208 969 7756 Fax: 0208 964 5372

CE VA Primary School
Headteacher - Mrs S. Nettey, NPQH

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Investigating living things
Explore school environment and materials and talk about
what they see, feel, hear.
Learning about their family and sharing stories and
Senses: sight, smell, tastes, hearing, touch.

Thanksgiving, creation and celebration.

Construction: Use different materials to construct
imaginative representations of objects and living things.

ICT: Learn to use digital cameras, computers, tape
recorders and smart board.
Computer skills: Mouse manipulation and using simple
interactive computer programmes.

Creative Development

Capture experiences, using a variety of different media:
Paint, collage, and pastels, crayons, box construction,
models, play dough, clay, role play, and dance.

Printings using various tools e.g., sponges, hands, brushes.
Exploring texture, colour, shape and form.

Learning to select different colours, paint brush size, media
to create pictures.

Using our imaginations to recreate roles and experiences
from our lives or the lives of others.

Music and dance- Experiment with sound and percussion
using instruments and bodies. Listening and moving to
different styles of music.

Sing a variety of songs and rhymes.

Reception Paris: Reception France:

Library - Wednesday Library - Wednesday

PE Thursday P.E - Friday

Also, remember your wellies on Wednesdays!

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