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A Center for Business Studies

4 Faculty of Business Administration
University of Chittagong
August 25, 2013
This is for information that students of 3
(Afternoon) MBA Program are advised to collect their
Final Examination Form from the office of CBS and
submit duly fill-up the Form along with exam fee of Tk.
500/- (Per course) on or before August 29, 2013 at the
Accounts Office of CBS.
Professor Dr. Mohammed Abdul l ah Mamun
Di r ector,
Cent er f or Busi ness Studi es
Facul t y of Busi ness Admi ni st r at i on
Uni ver si t y of Chi t t agong
86MEA Bhobon, 66. Ihoutolo Road South Khufshi, Chittocona, Banalocksh
Phone,880322869045.46, Fox,880312869047

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