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Vacuum Tube a sealed glass tube containing a near-vacuum which allows the free passage of
electric current.
Transistors a semiconductor device with three connections, capable of amplification in addition to
Integrated circuit an electronic circuit formed on a small piece of semiconducting material, which
performs the same function as a larger circuit made from discrete components.
Microprocessor an integrated circuit that contains all the functions of a central processing unit of a
Internet - A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication
facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.
WWW WWW is the abbreviation for World Wide Web
HTML HTML is the abbreviation for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a standardized system for
tagging text files to achieve element effects on World Wide Web pages.
URL URL is the abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator and it is the address to the website:
Website A website is a location connected to the Internet that maintains one or more web pages.
Hyperlink A highlighted underlined link that can go directly to the website by clicking on it (or Ctrl +

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