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Ghiocelu-i strop de soare

Peste satul inghetat,
Ghiocelu-i mangaiere,
Anotimpul asteptat.
El e semn de bine-n casa
E stea santa de-nceput
!i ne-mbie a"i la #iata
Peste timpul ce-a trecut.
Aara e senin si totu-i in#er"it,
%iroase-a prima#ara pe campul inlorit.
!e-aude mierla iarasi, si glas de pitigoi,
Iar soarele straluce, peste copacii goi.
In "um"et de albine cresc lori mirositoare
Iar graul e de-un deget pe lunca si ogoare,
E iarasi prima#ara si mi-e atat de drag,
!unt "ilele rumoase, cu cer senin si cald.
In hora mii de lori se prind,
Albinei oerind nectar,
$a"ele soarelui se-ntind,
're"ind la #iata totul iar.

!osit-a asta"i randunica
!ub streasina la cuibul drag,
Copilasii ies la (oaca
!i bunicii stau in prag.
)loare mica, ghiocel
Esti rumos si mititel,
'u #estesti in toata tara
Prima#ara, prima#ara.
*inspre marea cea albastra
$andunica ne-a sosit
Ea aduce prima#ara
!a-i uram +bine-ai #enit+.
Primavara, de Panait Cerna
Cu aptura ei de loare
!i cu daruri noi,
&esnica biruitoare
A sosit la noi.
'randairii aurorii
!unt obra(ii ei,
&al de argint ea are norii
Albi si sub,irei.
-alta, mandra, sta-n picioare
In rad#an domnesc.
Gingas chip de ata are
/ratul #oinicesc.
&iu struneste-n aer "ana
$oibi hraniti cu (ar0
Cai de #ant, scapati din mana
Cruntului Ghenar.
/ubuind inaintea"a
Pe un pod de nori,
Pana iese-n drum de ra"a
!tra(uit de lori.
Primavara, de Vasile Alecsandri
A trecut iarna geroasa
Campul iata-l in#er"it
$andunica cea #oioasa
La noi iarasi a sosit
*intr-o creanga-n alta "boara
!tur"ul galben aurit
!alutare prima#ara,
'imp rumos bine-ai #enit1
'urturele se-ngana
%ii de luturi #e"i "burand
!i pe harnica albina
*in lori miere adunand
Canta cucu-n dumbra#ioara
Pe copacul inlorit
!alutare prima#ara1
'imp rumos, bine-ai #enit1
Days of Spring
The days of spring are here
Warm sunny days are near
Birds in trees, flowers and bees
The days of spring are here.
Winds Of March
Winds of March, we welcome you,
There is work for you to do.
Work and play and blow all day,
Blow the winter cold away.
Spring makes the world a happy place
You see a smile on every face.
lowers come out and birds arrive,
!h, isn"t it grand to be alive#
The winds of March are keen and cold
$ fear them not, for $ am bold.
$ wait not for my leaves to grow
They follow after% they are slow&
My yellow blooms are brave and bright
$ greet the Spring with all my might.
Spring, spring is coming soon,
Grass is green and flowers bloom,
Birds returning from the south,
Bees are buzzing all about,
Leaves are buddign everywhere,
Spring, spring is finally here!

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