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Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

in Crisis
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FALL ’07 VOL.36 NO.2
FALL ‘07 VOL.36 NO.2
c o nte nts
Ministering to People in Prolonged Crisis
Anne B. Doll

Ministering to Children in Crisis

Anne B. Doll

Broadcasting Bible Teaching and Laughter

5 Days a Week

A New Leader for Gordon-Conwell

Why Do We Suffer?
William David Spencer and Aida Besançon Spencer

After Virginia Tech: Speaking God’s Words

in the Midst of Crisis
Derek Mondeau
Candlelight Vigil at Virginia Tech (See page 16).
Responding to Suicide
Karen Mason

Ministering to Women in Crisis

Alice P. Mathews

Singing in the Night

Gary A. Parrett

The Call at 2 a.m.

Kenneth L. Swetland

The Practice of Prayer

Moonjang Lee

Seminary News

Board of Trustees Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, Jr. President

Opening the Word
Mr. Joel B. Aarsvold David M. Rogers, Esq., Dr. Haddon W. Robinson 39
Mrs. Linda Schultz Anderson Vice Chairman Thomas D. Petter
Dr. Richard A. Armstrong Mr. John Schoenherr Dean of Enrollment Management
Dr. George F. Bennett Rev. Ken Shigematsu Mr. Bill Levin
Rev. Dr. Garth T. Bolinder Mrs. Virginia M. Snoddy
Rev. Dr. Richard P. Camp, Jr. Mr. John G. Talcott, Jr. Director of
Mr. Thomas J. Colatosti, Joseph W. Viola, M.D., Communications
Chair Secretary and Editor of Contact
Mr. Charles W. Colson J. Christy Wilson III, Esq. Mrs. Anne B. Doll
Rev. Dr. Leighton Ford Rev. Dr. John H. Womack
Mrs. Joyce A. Godwin William C. Wood, M.D. Assistant Director of
Dr. William F. Graham Communications
Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes Emeriti Members and Assistant Editor
Mr. Herbert P. Hess, Dr. Allan C. Emery, Jr. of Contact Illustration on page 6 by Cameron Colaneri
Treasurer Mr. Roland S. Hinz Mr. Michael L. Colaneri
Mr. Ivan C. Hinrichs Rev. Dr. Robert J. Lamont
Rev. Dr. John A. Huffman, Jr. Mr. Richard D. Phippen Graphic Designer Inquiries regarding #/.4!#4 may be addressed to: Editor, #/.4!#4
Mr. Caleb Loring III Rev. Dr. Paul E. Toms Ms. Nicole S. Rim Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary,
Mrs. Anne Graham Lotz Dr. Robert E. Cooley, 130 Essex Street, S. Hamilton, MA 01982 Tel: 978.468.7111
Rev. Dr. Christopher A. Lyons President Emeritus Photography or by
Mrs. Joanna S. Mockler Matt Doll
Fred L. Potter, Esq.
Shirley A. Redd, M.D. gordon-conwell theological seminary does not discriminate on
the basis of race, gender, national or ethnic origin, age, handi-
2 f a l l 07 cap or veteran status.

In a stone wall on a narrow, twisting street in the Christian

quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City is a black door with a gold

cross stretching its length. Inside, high on another stone wall,

hangs a life-size wooden cross with a crown of thorns.

c r i s i s
Anne B. Doll


on g
to people in

p r o l

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The riveting crosses at the Jerusalem Alliance Church from village to village, providing food vouchers, medicine,
are apt reminders of the suffering and hope that once con- transportation to medical treatment, educational scholar-
verged on a cross—twin realities for Rev. Jack Sara and his ships, and counsel and comfort from the Word of God.
100-plus congregation as they reach out with humanitarian “We cannot believe what the Lord has done through this,”
aid and the Gospel to West Bank Palestinians. he comments. “Sometimes the workers have barely enough
money to run the ministry and sometimes they have abun-
dance. But always there has been salvation of souls...people
asking why we do this. And we have to tell them the truth
even though they are not of Christian background.”
The church also operates a compassion center that
reaches 22 villages in the West Bank’s Salfeet area. Through
this center, teachers, primarily from the church, provide
courses in art, sports and fitness, music, family issues, He-
brew and English, offering some of these courses in various
In addition, people are trained to support themselves
by making olive oil soap, raising chickens and learning
marketable computer skills. Short-term mission teams offer
periodic special events such as sports tournaments, medical/
Currently completing his D. Min. in Missions at Gor- dental clinics, community clean-up and children’s programs.
don-Conwell, Jack grew up a block away from the church A second center in Ramallah provides training for leaders.
in a house on the eighth station of the Via Delarosa. He Because of conditions within the West Bank, prompted
has served as senior pastor since 2000, and is also a profes- in large part by the wall now surrounding the area where
sor at the Bethlehem Bible College. they serve, Jack says much of the ministry is to people in
The church’s ministry is chiefly among the nearly 2.4 prolonged crisis. “People feel in prison,” he says. “People
million Palestinians living in hundreds of villages and cities cannot go to work. A lot of kids can’t go to their schools.
in the northern West Bank. Less than 2 percent are Chris- It is really causing a lot of pain and crisis to people, some
tians. Its relief work started with the current Intifada when even who are part of our church.”
countless individuals, including some of their own members, New believers in Christ are often ostracized from their
began struggling to survive. “Unemployment is up to more community, and sometimes disowned by their own families.
than 65 percent, so people have no food in their houses,” Within recent months, one man was kidnapped and threat-
Jack explains. ened with death if he did not return to his former faith.
During a Sunday service, he challenged his church not to Another man’s family was threatened because he began
wait for others to help, but to feed people themselves. From evangelizing, and several girls were imprisoned in their
the proceeds of a second offering that day—eight times homes for following Christ.
the normal offering—they launched their Compassion and Jack’s team members also receive threats, are spit on
Mercy ministry, feeding families they knew.“Before then, and called names. Sometimes they must follow circuitous
we never thought of food as a means of evangelism or a routes along dangerous roads to reach people for Bible
means of entry.” Jack says. “We mainly wanted to preach study or discipleship. One of his ministers was driving on
the Gospel and give Bibles and tracts until the Lord really a main street when someone in a passing car pulled a gun
moved us.” and started shooting. The minister was not injured, but suf-
As the Intifada worsened, friends from outside the fered the trauma of “seeing death almost in the face...These
church began giving toward the outreach, enabling Jack are people I’m in charge of. I have to take care of not only
and his members to provide even more relief, and with their spiritual health, but also their physical needs.”
that came the need to organize this ministry. The church The conditions, he admits, sometimes “are wearing on
appointed two men whom Jack says have hearts for the us. We are not getting the easiest time in our lives.” Minis-
ministry and are “great evangelists.” As they started taking try, he says, includes “anything from food to feeding them
out food and medicine, he says, “many doors were open for with courage. We do that through spiritual revivals, and
real ministry to people.” being with them...just standing alongside them, understand-
Today, through what is now known as the West Bank ing them and what they’re aching with, and training them,
Relief Project, seven workers are traveling almost daily of course, in the way of Christ.”

4 f a l l 07
when ministers suffer isters who are supposed to
do counseling to others. It
How do pastors ministering in prolonged crisis sustain their own faith causes us to go as well into
and vision when they suffer in the course of tending to others? Rev. counseling a lot of couples.”
Jack Sara, Pastor of the Jerusalem Alliance Church and a professor Jack admits that despite
at the Bethlehem Bible College, shares insights applicable to ministry Middle Eastern taboos
in any setting. against men who cry, he is
When pastors are battered in ministry, Jack Sara advises, “We have to be not ashamed to pour out
very serious in what we’re doing. Our wounds have to be healed...Some- his heart “in weeping and
times it’s a very bloody path in terms of just getting wounded by your own crying, not as a pity on our-
people for being a minister. We have said many times that maybe getting selves, but just pouring the
persecuted, pressured from outside, is really nothing compared to being aching of our hearts before
pressured from inside.” the Lord. Otherwise, it keeps in your heart and you get bitter in the ministry.”
When wounding occurs, he says, “We have to face it squarely or go with a He also focuses on God’s call. “Except for the call,” he adds, “it would be much
lot of pain within, and sometimes it will stay there and put pressure within easier to go and live somewhere else...Being from Jerusalem, being with a lot of
us until it explodes somewhere else. So we have to talk about it with Godly visitors, there are a lot of temptations. People say ‘Come to the U.S. and share
people who can help us. I just can’t emphasize enough the whole impor- about your work. Maybe you could stay for a year and go from church to church.’
tance of accountability.” All that just blurs sometimes the real sense of calling for the work of God. If it’s not
Sometimes this includes marriage counseling for his ministers, because for the calling...and really feeling God’s Spirit leading, it would be easier to focus
the stresses and bruises of ministry can manifest in negativity, anger and on teaching in the Bible college or doing service in the ministry. People are the
nervousness. “The place this usually shows up is in their houses with their hardest work to do.”
wives and kids, so we have to do a lot of marriage counseling with min-

To further equip believers, the church has created the One of the blessings of suffering, he affirms, is that joy is
Alliance Leadership Training Institute through which they its eventual byproduct. “I can think of a lot of stories like
teach not only the Word but also ministry skills such as that—people who have matured. Very few would be will-
how to do relief work, how to counsel, how to get coun- ing to be drawn back into their past lives. A lot have been
seling, and a course on the theology of suffering. In the encouraged upon suffering, facing persecution. Their faith
church, they also preach on forgiveness and reconciliation, molds into a better one, a stronger one, a bolder one.”
encourage members to take part in reconciliation confer- And, amid the suffering, his team experiences miracles in
ences, and periodically invite Messianic pastors to preach. the course of ministry.
Jack says that many people come to Jerusalem teaching “As our people have gone into villages that no Chris-
about “prosperity, health and wealth, while we are seeing tians have entered before, some families have said, ‘We
have been waiting for a Christian to come and visit us.’
They say, ‘We have this dream constantly about Jesus him-
self, telling us, “Wait. Someone will come and visit you”’...
And when our ministers came, the people said, ‘You are the
ones we are waiting for.’
“And others have visions of Christ himself telling them,
‘Read the Book. Read the Book’...So as soon as our guys
came, they said, ‘We don’t want food. Give us the Book.’
As these things happen, our team gets encouraged that it is
not only a desperate situation. There was someone before
Rev. Jack Sara, Pastor, Jerusalem Alliance Church
us working, preparing the way for us to go there. Or we
that people are suffering. And these are good believers. We are preparing the way for others to come and work, plant-
know that they’re keeping the faith, living strongly for the ing seeds of love for people, seeds of acceptance for Chris-
Lord, and they’re suffering. That’s no answer for them. I’m sure tians. Maybe someone will come after us and they will say,
they’re full of faith but their situations are overwhelming.” ‘The Christians did good to us.’
What is the Gospel message he gives? “The point of “One of the greatest signs is that our ministers have seen
Christ’s redemptive work on the cross—him suffering and a lot of salvations and were able even to establish a church,
dying for us,” Jack replies. “We cannot just move away several cell groups, and baptize people. And we’re not talk-
from the whole idea that Jesus himself had to suffer. Jesus ing about people who come from Christian backgrounds.”
himself had to pay a very big price. If he did that, then who When these things happen, Jack says, his team gets even
are we to claim prosperity or to proclaim that we could be more passionate about the Gospel.
well and not ache and suffer for the sake of our people.”

fa l l 0 7 5


children I N CRIS IS
Anne B. Doll

When Gordon-Conwell D. Min. candidate Niveen Sarras conducted the entire service. “That helped them to trust
started teaching Sunday School and Confirmation class in themselves and to help at the church.”
2005 at the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church in Beth- Moreover, after the service, her pastor (whose steadfast
lehem, Palestine, she wanted to teach children the Bible, support she describes as “a gift from God”), commented
and its precepts on loving their enemies, accepting Jesus that he was seeing some youth who are able to be pastors.
and dealing with their neighbors. Most of Niveen’s students have spent their entire lives
They wanted to talk about killings, curfews, stone throw- in the shadow of Holy Land conflict. She says widespread
ing and land confiscations. unemployment “affects the children so much. When I ar-
Niveen, who is the church’s Director for Christian Educa- range for hanging out at a coffee shop, some of them say,
tion, says that while the children still tell her “the same ‘Sorry, we cannot go because our parents are out of a job.’
news” every Sunday, she now listens first and lets them The church helps as much as it can.” And when she at-
share their concerns. Then she begins the slow and loving tempted to plan a meeting for the youth of her church and
process of teaching them how to trust God, and how to the Lutheran church in another city, travel restrictions and
pray for their enemies, their country and for the problems dangerous roads posed too great a hazard.
of the world. “We cannot move from town to town, city to city,” she
“It was not easy then because they were shy; they didn’t explains. “It’s difficult and the children realize that, and it
like to talk,” she explains. “Slowly, slowly, I encouraged really puts them in a bad situation. They are under stress
them and slowly...their anger and grudges were less than all the time. They are suffering in this situation...All of
before. I was just teaching them that through prayer and them are traumatized.”
forgiveness, they can get rid of all of their bitterness and For the older students, trauma manifests in yelling, fight-
anger, because I experienced that in my life.” ing, lack of attention and depression. Younger children,
Now Sunday School includes worship, prayer, and teach- she explains, “sometimes are just shocked.” A course in
ing supported by biblical stories and games. During an ad- trauma therapy has helped her better understand and help
ditional weekly Bible study for confirmands, students learn the children, and she has seen improvement among both
about Lutheran doctrine and practice, and discuss their age groups.
faith. She also holds youth meetings each week. Much of Niveen’s teaching, of necessity, consists of help-
Most children now enjoy participating in the church’s ing the children know and trust God through the difficul-
Sunday services when she assigns them tasks such as Bible ties they encounter—a concept that crystallized when she
reading, playing instruments or presenting small plays. arranged a field trip to Jerusalem. As she recounts, she had
And when the Global Youth Day rolled around, the youth secured the needed permits, but when their bus arrived at

6 f a l l 07
the checkpoint, soldiers refused to let the children through. much—always giving testimony...When they say the Bible is
Rules change often, and now they needed birth certificates. just stories, I say that God helps me share His love...Every
“The children started to cry, were very depressed, so I experience, every hardship in my life, God wanted something
told them, ‘Our God is greater than the soldiers.’ And I for me and it’s for my benefit. God understands all these
asked them to trust and pray to God...that they will see things they’re experiencing.”
how God delivers them.” She started phoning parents, and While her ministry is not to adults, many of the parents
soon all but five arrived with birth certificates. When it ap- have started attending church because their children are
peared that the remaining five would not be granted entry, asking them to come. She advises the parents to encourage
Niveen and the children started praying again, and in the their children at home and help them with their homework.
end, all were allowed to cross without problem. Her D.Min. thesis will focus on working with parents in
“I asked the children, ‘Do you now know how much God order to help their children.


is good to us, how much He loves the children? No matter In addition to her work at the church, she instructs Chris-
what you face in your life, you will see Jesus glorified.’ They tian Education teachers in all the Lutheran schools in the
were so excited; they couldn’t believe themselves...Then and West Bank on how to teach children about biblical issues,
there in the bus, they started to pray, asking God for protec- the Christian life, and the Lutheran faith, and assists her
tion and thanking Him. It was their testimony to God. I was pastor in training these teachers. She is also involved in writing
so excited.” scripts for clay animation films focusing on Jesus’ Parables.
The ordeal lasted for two hours, and Niveen thanked The youth minister admits that when she earned an M.A.
God for using it to work among the children. And she in Theological Studies at Evangelical Theological Seminary
determined that the harrowing experiences the children in Cairo, she had no intention of working with children.
share with her can be teaching opportunities. “It’s a long She wanted to pursue a Ph.D. in Old Testament and then
process,” she admits. “But in the end these children will trust to teach adults. “I didn’t ever imagine that I can work with
Jesus more than anything else.” children.” She now believes she can do much work “prepar-
Currently, she is seeing children progress in their ability ing believers who can be witnesses wherever they go.”
to pray. “We’re praying for their words,” she says. “We Not long ago, Niveen turned down a full scholarship in
use the Lord’s Prayer and Psalm 23, but now they are using the U.S. for a Ph.D. in Old Testament, opting instead for
their own words, not always the words of the Bible. That’s a D.Min. at Gordon-Conwell that enables her to continue
a huge change in them.” working with the young people while pursuing her degree.
Niveen notes that because of the occupation, many par- “Here, I believe my ministry is to plant the seed of faith in
ents and young adults have lost their faith. “I have many them,” she comments. “When they go out the seed will go
people say that there is no God. If God exists, He would out with them
not allow this to happen to us.” She responds with her “...I cannot imagine not having fellowship with Christ.
favorite verse in the Bible, Romans 8:28: “And we know He is for all the time...I am always showing the children,
that in all things God works for the good of those who love the youth, that Jesus is very close. They should open the
him, who have been called according to his purpose.” It is door to him. He loves them much more than they imagine.”
the same verse that she shares with her youth and children.
“That’s the testimony of my life,” she emphasizes. “I Anne B. Doll is Director of Communications at Gordon-Conwell.
share my testimony with them about how he helped me so

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Broadcasting Bible Teaching and Laughter 5 Days a Week
Whenever President Dr. Haddon W. Robinson and Academ- out to have its own set of problems, because when you’re
ic Dean Dr. Alice P. Mathews preach and teach around the on a program that lasts for 15 minutes, you have only 11
world, listeners will invariably ask about their daily radio and a half minutes of actual teaching time. To work exeget-
program $ISCOVERTHE7ORD ically through a passage and keep each program completely
The two have been on the air Monday through Friday self standing without being able to rely on listeners having
for the past 18 years, teaching Bible passages for roughly heard the program preceding it is a challenge.
2 million listeners in North America and other English-
speaking countries. Produced by RBC Ministries of Grand H: The down side is more that we spend a lot of time in a
Rapids, Michigan, the program originally known as 2ADIO passage simply because it takes a lot of time to do all we
"IBLE#LASShas aired continuously since 1938. have to do to explain the passage. Alice and I work on con-
#ONTACt recently caught up with Haddon and Alice for tent and Mart De Haan, the other person on the program,
a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the studio of this popular is the Listener’s Advocate. He raises questions that come to
program. him as a result of the whole discussion. We have an outline
and sometimes one outline lasts for three or four programs
What do you try to accomplish with the program? because questions take us off into directions we hadn’t
anticipated. This gives us a balance between structure and
Haddon: We try to use a conversational format that re- spontaneity.
sembles a small group Bible study to go through passages of
the Bible and talk about how those passages relate to life. A: It is genuine conversation at all times. At the same time,
we have identified before each program what we want the
Alice: It’s expositional Bible study, not topical. That turns listener to carry away from it...but we know that it’s Mart’s
job to derail us and he does that with great skill!

8 f a l l 07
Do you have some merry times in the studio? H: ...Sometimes 5. We’re now about a year ahead.

A: Oh, yes. There have been times when we’ve been laugh- How many Scriptures are you able to cover?
ing so hard we’ve had to stop and start over. There have
been times when Mart has raised an issue and we’ve looked H: We spent three years on the Parables, and we’ve spent
at each other and just shrugged our shoulders. We had no nearly two years on Hebrews 11. We’re just finishing the
idea where to go with that. taping on Hebrews 11.

Was it hard to adjust to being spontaneous? How much preparation do you have to do?
A: In the beginning, it was very difficult because this was A: A lot. You can’t go there without having everything
a new way of doing expositional Bible teaching and it was worked out ahead of time...
much stiffer and a bit more scripted. Over time, as we all
felt more comfortable, that has changed. In the early days, H:...At least understand what the book is about.
Haddon would stop the program in the middle and say,
‘You’re not listening.’ We’d have to start over. A: Haddon and I usually divide up the research responsi-
bility, so if we were going through Hebrews 11, he would
H: We discovered that you have to listen to one another. take some verses, I would take the next chunk of verses and
You can’t have in your head something you would like to he’d take the ones after that, and we would each come back
say if the conversation goes on and you insert it. So you with our research and how we saw the flow of thought for
really have to listen. It’s a major ingredient. the development of programs. Then we actually develop a
complete outline of each program
On the program, you sound like you’re having a good time.
H: We come together to do that.
A: We love it when listeners write in and say to us, ‘It
sounds like you’re good friends,’ or ‘as if you enjoy one an- What is the genesis of RBC Ministries?
other.’ They comment often on the laughter on the program
and how much they enjoy that. We do have a story about a H: The man who founded it was M.R. De Haan. Some of
driver... the older folks remember him. Richard De Haan, his son,
followed him. Mart DeHaan is the grandson.
H: ...He was a limousine driver in New York and he’d drive
people to parties and then he’d sit in the car and wait. Late A: M.R. De Haan was a medical doctor who left his prac-
at night, about 1 o’clock in the morning, he said he was try- tice to begin Calvary Church in Grand Rapids. I have a
ing to find something to listen to and he got the laughter. It personal interest in this. My family moved to Detroit when I
stopped him and then he began to listen to the conversation. was five, and my father came to faith in Christ about a year
And he found himself listening every night, and as a result later. There was a man in the men’s Sunday School who
of that, he came to faith in Christ. When I was out in Cali- invited my dad to a Bible study in his home that was being
fornia preaching at Biola University, he drove to the service taught by a medical doctor from Grand Rapids. My dad
in order to see the people he had been listening to. started attending the Bible study, and the men in the class
decided that this teacher was so good that they would col-
What are the logistics of producing the program? lect money to get him on the local radio station. The Radio
Bible Class actually started in that Bible study. My father
A: Generally we go to Grand Rapids, MI, for one week and died shortly after we started on the program. I’m not sure
try to tape between 10 and 12 programs a day for five days, he even really knew we were working on it.
so we produce 50 to 60 programs in one week...
H: He does know now.
H: ...If we get 10 programs in a day, we know we’ve done a
good job A: Yes. He does know.

In addition to their current responsibilities, Dr. Robinson serves

A: In the old days we were really pushing hard because
as the Harold John Ockenga Professor of Preaching at Gordon-
a program that requires 260 programs a year is a hungry Conwell. Dr. Mathews is the Lois W. Bennett Distinguished Emer-
animal...At times we got in as many as 16 programs in a ita Professor of Educational Ministries and Women’s Ministries.
single day. And also in the early years, we were going more
often to Grand Rapids. One year we went nine different
times; another year, seven times. But now we go four times
a year...
fa l l 0 7 9
Becoming a seminary president—
again—had not crossed Dr. Haddon W.
Robinson’s mind when the Gordon-Conwell
Dr. Robinson has frequently held leader-
Board of Trustees tapped him in May to serve
ship positions during his distinguished career,
as President.
including General Director of the Christian
He had already served for 12 years as
Medical and Dental Associations, an organi-
President of Denver Seminary before joining
zation of 17,000 health care professionals;
the Gordon-Conwell faculty in 1991 as the
Director of the Dallas Youth for Christ;
Harold John Ockenga Distinguished Profes-
and Associate Pastor of the First Baptist
sor of Preaching.
Church in Medford, Oregon. He also taught
“I was totally taken by surprise,” he com-
homiletics at Dallas Theological Seminary
ments on the Board’s unexpected request,
for 19 years. At Gordon-Conwell, he has
adding that his wife, Bonnie, “was in a bit
worn the additional hat of Senior Director
of a shock.”
for the seminary’s burgeoning Doctor of
But Haddon and Bonnie are praying people
Ministry program.
committed to following God’s call. “When
Widely regarded as an expert in the area
we became Christ followers,” he later told his
of preaching, he was named in 2006 among
daughter, Vicki Hetzges, “we put ourselves at
Christianity Today International’s Top 25
his disposal.”
Most Influential Preachers from 1956 to 2006,
His first official act as President was to
and in an earlier Baylor University poll, as one
gather the entire seminary community togeth-
of the 12 most effective preachers in the Eng-
er for an extended time of prayer. “We need
lish-speaking world.
the prayers of the people,” he says. “Without
Dr. Robinson has also worked exten-
God’s presence, the whole theological enter-
sively in radio and television media, includ-
prise is folly. ‘Apart from me,’ Jesus said,
ing former host for the television program
‘you can do nothing’” (John 15:5).
&ILM&ESTIVAL, and current lead teacher for
$ISCOVERTHE7ORD a radio program heard
daily by more than 2 million listeners in
North America and other English-speaking
countries. He has served as an editor for the
4HEOLOGICAL!NNUAL as a contributing editor
for 0REACHING and as a fellow and senior
editor for #HRISTIANITY4ODAY. He was presi-
dent of the Evangelical Theological Society
and has served on the executive committee
for that group of evangelical scholars. He
also serves on the boards of EvanTell, Mar-
ketplace Network and Vision New England.

A New Leader for Gordon-Conwell

10 f a l l 07
A prolific writer, Dr. Rob- seriously to love God with our hearts and souls, but with
inson has edited the #HRISTIAN our minds as well.”
-EDICAL3OCIETY*OURNAL, and One of the challenges of seminary education, he be-
published articles in #HRISTIANITY lieves, is that “the world is too much with us. Students
4ODAY "IBLIOTHECA3ACRA -OODY come to us not as blank slates. They come out of a society
-ONTHLY THE!MERICAN,UTHERAN that is materialistic and hedonistic. In the three years that
-AGAZINE ,EADERSHIPand$ECI they are here, we want to do everything we can to reori-
SIONHe writes regularly for ent them to spiritual values and to help them learn how
/UR$AILY"READ, a devotional to walk with God. Otherwise, they are not going to go
that goes to seven million people anywhere spiritually.”
each month. He has authored seven books: 0SALM'RIEF As President, he sees his role as “bringing the faculty,
"IBLICAL3ERMONS7HAT*ESUS3AIDABOUT3UCCESSFUL,IVING staff and students together so that we are indeed one
$ECISIONSBYTHE"OOK)TS!LLINTHE7AY9OU4ELL)T, writ- body,” and putting in place effective systems for the next
ten with his son, Torrey; and "IBLICAL0REACHING, a text used President—a John the Baptist of sorts, “preparing the
by 120 seminaries and Bible colleges worldwide. way.”
Haddon Robinson grew up in a Christian home in the Reflecting on the needs of theological education, he
“Mouse Town” section of Harlem, New York, an area views change as essentially a fact of life, necessitating new

“Without God’s presence, the whole theological enterprise is

folly. ‘Apart from me,’ Jesus said, ‘you can do nothing’”(John 15:5).
described by 2EADERS$IGEST as “the toughest town in the delivery systems. “Technology,” he says, “has changed
U.S.” His mother died when he was a boy, and he es- the way we do education. The students who come to us
sentially became “a latchkey kid before that term became tend to read less, but are very aware of technology...
popular.” Semlink [the seminary’s distance learning arm] is now
His cousin was a Christian and together they attended a reaching into China.”
Presbyterian church in New York City because they wanted He would like to see students
to play basketball. “It was a middle class church and we more involved in ministry at the
were not angels,” he quips. “The first time we went, the same time they’re in seminary, a
pastor said he didn’t want our kind in his church. But he practice he says that “we do well
preached the Gospel.” Eventu- at CUME and Charlotte,” but
ally, an individual who taught which presents greater challenges
Sunday School took a personal in residential settings. And he
interest in the two boys. sees the need for “much greater
He was also influenced by his emphasis on mentoring. There
parents’ high value for educa- are some things that are only learned in close personal inter-
tion, noting, “The way you action with other people.”
got out of Mouse Town was Dr. Robinson says his greatest joys lie in “the deep
through education or sports.” satisfaction that Bonnie and I have been able to do things
All-campus prayer in Chapel.
He chose the education path, ul- in Christ’s service. It is just an example of pure grace.” The
timately earning a Th.M. degree Robinsons also take much joy in their children and grand-
from Dallas Theological Seminary, an M.A. from Southern children. Their son, Torrey, is pastor of First Baptist Church
Methodist University, and a Ph.D. from the University of in Tarrytown, New York, and he and his wife, Sue, have
Illinois. He also received honorary doctoral degrees from two sons. Their daughter, Vicki, is a motivational speaker
Gordon College and McMaster University in Canada. who lives in Dallas.
The new seminary leader has high regard for the “Without sounding too much like a preacher, the best
strengths of the institution entrusted to his care, particu- for us is yet to come. To live with hope is something our
larly its commitment to Scripture and to a theology based non-Christian friends don‘t have. Some of our friends are
on the Scriptures. “I believe every faculty member holds to living lives of quiet desperation. To have holy optimism is
that, because it’s a soul-orienting commitment,” he says. a great mercy.”
“The school has been academically strong and we take

fa l l 0 7 11
Why Do We
William David Spencer, Th.D.
& Aída Besançon Spencer, Ph.D.

Photo Credit:
12 f a l l 07 Max Waugh
Jeff Mladenik was a very busy Christian man. Jeff Sunday, a world away in Behawalput, Pakistan, a Protestant
was serving as Associate Pastor at Christ Church of Oak congregation of between 50-100 members called the Church
Brook, Illinois, out in the heartland. At the same time, he of Pakistan had gathered to worship in a guest slot at St.
worked for a publishing company. As one friend put it, Jeff Dominic’s Roman Catholic Church. Muslim police stood
had a “spiritual sensitivity to the spiritual needs of people guard outside. The minister began to announce the hymn.
in the marketplace,” so he had a “workplace ministry” in Suddenly, six terrorists roared up on motorcycles. Gunning
publishing. He also had a wife, Suzanne, and four children, down the Muslim police, they opened fire on the congrega-
so a little extra income helped out! tion, killing men, women and three children as they tried
At a Conservative Congregational Christian Conference to hide under the pews. One whole family—father, mother
clergy meeting, Jeff had asked for prayers for his schedule and children—were slaughtered. Families huddled together,
and his travel arrangements. He was nipping up to Boston hugged each other, as these merciless men shot them to
on business for his publisher. On a Tuesday morning he death.
caught a flight out of Boston to go back home. Jeff’s flight Within five minutes the murderers were gone, leaving 16
was American Airlines flight #11. dead, two dying and others wounded, according to a report
Now, in New York that very morning at 8:48 a.m. on in the "OSTON'LOBE. But, according to Tamran Inayat, a
the 83rd floor of the World Trade Center, Fred Eichler Pakistan Christian, 25 were soon dead (between a quarter
from Marblehead, Massachusetts, was closing out the and half of the congregation). Think about losing one half of
books of a bellied-up insurance company. Suddenly, he one’s small congregation! Moments later the Roman Catho-
heard a roar. He looked out the window and saw the lics arrived. The priest, a Dominican monk from Boston,
plane Jeff was in racing right at him! He told reporters, “It realized the attack was probably meant for his 500-member
seemed to be headed straight at me, but it veered upward congregation, which usually met at this time. The schedule
and crashed into the building maybe 50 feet above us.... change had been made one week earlier.
I was staring right into the cockpit and my thought was it The Roman Catholics lived; the Protestants died. So much
was a plane from Kennedy Airport that had run into prob- mystery surrounds the question of life and death. Why are
lems. When I saw it veer upward, I thought it was going some people spared while others die? This is what James’
to miss the building...But then the building rocked” (.ORTH mother must have asked herself and God when she was
3HORE3UNDAY). grieving during everyone else’s celebration, for we read in
Fred ran to the hallway. But flames forced him back. Acts 12:1-7:
Then the sprinkler system went on, dousing the fire from “King Herod laid violent hands upon some who belonged
the exploding plane and the falling debris. As the flames to the church. He had James, the brother of John, killed
were doused, Fred and his co-workers began to pick their with the sword. After he saw that it pleased the Jews, he
way down the stairs. Jeff and everyone else on the plane proceeded to arrest Peter also. (This was during the festival
were already engulfed by flames and killed by the impact. of Unleavened Bread.) When he had seized him, he put him
There was nothing but death above Fred. Suddenly, the in prison and handed him over to four squads of soldiers to
electrical system failed and the sprinklers went off. Then a guard him, intending to bring him out to the people after the
fireman bounded up the stairs and showed Fred a second Passover. While Peter was kept in prison, the church prayed
stairway free of flames on the other side of the building. fervently to God for him. The very night before Herod was
“That was a blessing!” he told reporters. going to bring him out, Peter, bound with two chains, was
Switching to yet a third staircase, he continued stum- sleeping between two soldiers, while guards in front of the
bling down the stairs, pitch black and treacherously awash door were keeping watch over the prison. Suddenly an angel
with water. Finally, he crawled out of a low window— of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He tapped
about an hour and a half after he saw Jeff’s plane and just Peter on the side and woke him, saying, ‘Get up quickly.’
under an hour after he was able to fight through the flames And the chains fell off his wrists” (NRSV). Peter was free.
and start his escape. As soon as he was out of the building Why was Peter set free by an angel and not James? Why did
he saw a co-worker with a cell phone and asked to borrow James die and Peter live? Whether back in Bible times, a world
it to call his wife. “Get away! Get away!” his wife screamed away on the mission field, or right here in New York, the same
into the phone. “Run! Run!” She knew the second tower question keeps coming up! And, whether you were a deacon
had already collapsed. Fred ran. Seconds later, at 10:29 seeking to comfort Mary, James’ Mom, or a missionary holding
a.m., the first tower came crashing down. on to the Pakistani families as they wailed on your shoulder, or
Why did Jeff die and Fred survive? “I still don’t know,” a pastoral counselor trying to reach out to the numbed survivors
said Fred. “A miracle. I was on the 83rd floor and the plane huddled in shelters near the smoking rubble of the Twin Towers,
hit 50 feet above us. A miracle.” you faced the same identical nagging question: Why do we suffer?
That was six years ago. Just a few weeks later on a The Bible provides four categorical reasons to explain suffering:

fa l l 0 7 13
1. We live in a fallen world whose order is disrupted by caused by punishment for sin, not all of it is.
evil. Since the fall into sin of humanity, people have been 3. We live in a persecuting world which opposes God’s
suffering. The curse describes our plight in Genesis 3:14-19. people. Herod persecuted James and Peter for the cause
We suffer in our disjuncture from the natural world, within of Christ (Acts 12:2-3). In Quran 47, Islamic literalists are
our relations with other humans, in our estrangement from commanded not only to behead Christians but also to “bind
God. All of us would like to be freed of all these ramifica- them in bonds” and “exact a ransom.” This they are doing
tions of the curse, especially when we become Christians. We in Northern Africa. When we try to break down the gates of
would love to be assured that catastrophes happen only to hell and free its captives, we can expect it to rain down ar-
the unbelievers next door, but not to our airplanes, our office rows and hot pitch from the walls. Evil retaliates.
buildings, our health, our children. We want not so much a 4. The final biblical explanation is that we live in a mysteri-
covenant with God, as a contract with heaven, as described ous world and don’t see the whole picture. This is the les-
in these words: “The way of Heaven is to bless the good and son of Job. We see life as if in a poorly made mirror (1 Cor.
make the bad miserable;” “Good and evil do not wrongly 13:12), so we can’t always understand exactly what’s going
befall people, but Heaven sends down misery or happiness on. James’ mother must have been asking a similar question in
according to their conduct.” But these comforting words are Acts 12, when Peter was released from prison by angelic inter-
from Ch’êng Tang, the Duke of Kau and I Yin in the 3HU vention, but heaven did not save her own son from execution.
+ING, the ancient book of Confucian wisdom. It’s not Chris- The plight of the early church in Acts parallels to a great
tian thought. Instead, the Bible explains to us in Psalm 34:19: degree that of the church today in Malaysia and Indonesia

As believers we cannot escape the persecution and hardship that are inher-
ent in identifying with Christ, but we can use them to glorify God.
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous.” We can expect where churches are regularly burned and believers beaten.
trouble in a fallen world. In North Korea and China, Christians are imprisoned and
We’d also like to think that all disaster and disease is tortured so that they will recant their faith. In the Sudan,
God’s way of teaching us something and, if we just puzzle it Christians are enslaved, ransomed by Christians, then kid-
out and learn our lesson, our problems will abate. But, when napped in raids and enslaved again. Stolen Christian children
evil invaded the world, it interrupted logic. Evil makes no in Northern Africa are given Muslim names and forced to
sense. It’s the antithesis of sense. It destroys life; it does not reject Jesus in order to get food; otherwise they are starved.
affirm it. When Peter was freed, Herod blamed the guards In Columbia, drug cartels target Christian pastors, who are
who had been guarding Peter. A fallen world allows violent sometimes the only people not corrupted and courageous
leaders like Herod to kill innocent guards for something they enough to stand up to their tyranny, domination and exploi-
did not do (Acts 12:1, 16, 19). tation of the poor farmers whom they force at gunpoint to
That’s why Jesus had to come and bring life—and that produce drug crops.
more abundantly! (John 10:10). In fact, God took sin and Jesus knew all this when he warned those who followed
evil’s disruption so seriously that God had to come in Jesus him to expect hard times. He knew they would be swift in
and die to overcome it and bring restoration. The effect of coming—and they were. In Acts chapters 3-4, Peter and John
what Jesus explained in John 15:20 is that if evil nailed him were arrested for doing something good: healing a lame man
to a cross, we can expect it to drop a bomb on us. And this and teaching the astounded crowd about Jesus. They were
takes us to our second biblical reason for suffering. ejected from the temple and thrown into prison. In Acts 5,
2. We live in a punishing world where sin is corrected. the apostles were arrested again, but an angel freed them and
This is the best known of the Bible’s reasons. When Herod they were back preaching. So far, nobody but Jesus had got-
did not stop the crowd from shouting, “The voice of a god, ten fatally hurt. And then Stephen was attacked in chapter 6.
and not of a mortal!” after a particularly impressive speech, The fatal stoning of Stephen changed everything. Acts
God punished Herod for his blasphemy by a fatal disease 8:1 tells us a severe persecution broke out and scattered the
(Acts 12:21-23). Sometimes we do receive consequences for church throughout the countryside. But Acts 8:4 tells us that
our sins, and sometimes suffering does refine our sinful everywhere the Christians went, they were preaching about
natures like a cauterizing fire (Mal. 3:3). How nice a life it Jesus. Even a soldier named Cornelius became a Christian
would be if every one of our problems was caused by sin. when called by God and confronted by these valiant Chris-
We could just confess our sins and pray for one another so tians. Finally, in chapter 12, King Herod decides to kill the
we’d all be healed (James 5:16). But while some suffering is apostles, to snuff out the leaders and destroy the church. He has

14 f a l l 07
James and Peter arrested. But, this time around things were
4 Foundational
Biblical Categories to Explain
What differences do we note in Acts 12 from the days
of the stoning of Stephen in Acts 6? First, King Herod
was involved, not just the local authorities. Second, a
precedent of killing Jesus’ followers had been set and
was accepted. Third, Herod had heavy public support. 1. world of pain
Acts 12:3 tells us “it pleased” the people. Without public Evil and its accompanying suffering destroy innocent people and
support, Herod might have stopped, but he was cheered the animals and plants who share this world with humans be-
on. Fourth, James was not executed by the people, stoned cause our world has fallen under the power of death and the
prince of lies.
with rocks lying around on the ground, the weapon of
an unarmed mob. He was executed officially by sword Responses:
wound, a governmental act. Therefore, persecution was s Avoid or lessen pain and free from shame
now institutionalized. s Be present
How did the Christians respond? Did they stage a mas- s Allow expression of pain
s Treat person as a full person
sive terrorist retaliation? Wage a guerilla war, assassinat-
s Recognize mortality
ing and slaughtering like some vigilante militia movement? s Draw on spiritual and other resources: God and community
Did they arm up like Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane s Promote God’s reign; teach. Proclaim for individual and cor-
when he attacked the high priest’s servant? Or, did they porate justice; heal
swing the other way and apostatize—repudiate Jesus and
abandon following him because things were getting too tough?
No. Acts 12:5 tells us “the church prayed fervently to God for
2. punishment for sin
A person or a nation is culpable for the suffering and pain re-
him.” And God acted. ceived when that suffering comes in judgment for past wrong
As in the case of the Roman Catholics and Protestants choices (external: God causes; internal: self-inflicted).
in Pakistan, God rescued Peter but let James die. We saw
how God also soon killed Herod for his blasphemy. Fi- Responses:
s Heed and make warnings; ask for forgiveness of sins
nally, despite Herod’s opposition and all this persecution,
s Avoid wrong moral choices; try to avoid sin
Acts 12:24 tells us: “But the word of God continued to s Identify with sinner
advance and gain adherents.” The sword cannot kill the s Care for consequences (see #1)
Spirit of Jesus and his church! The church kept on sharing
about Jesus and doing good. And Jesus kept on working
through his people to help and heal.
3. advancement of god’s reign
Suffering may come because we choose to work to further God’s
You see, whether we’re treated badly or we’re treated rule over a wicked and rebellious world (general persecution;
well, our orders are to follow Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon identification with the Messiah; growth from cleansing). In
on the Mount: “Love your enemies and pray for those who “growth” God verifies our love and trains us to be more mature
persecute you,” as we pray for those who are persecuted (Christlike).
(Matt. 5:44). Responses:
If like they were, we’re displaced, even if we are driven s Identify cause correctly
there by persecution, we should still work for God’s s Do not avoid this suffering, if necessary to further God’s
kingdom as agents of healing. If our lives are disrupted, reign
we should keep on steadily like those Acts Christians who s Persevere by drawing on spiritual resources: God and com-
weren’t simply stymied by alarm! They didn’t say, “Gee,
James is dead and Peter’s in the slammer; I guess we
can’t do anything!” Not at all! If only one Christian was 4. mystery
left, she or he would have been busy praying because they Answering why a specific righteous person may suffer may get
weren’t stymied by asking “why?”. They weren’t stymied no direct answer from God, but the question will be meaningless
in God’s presence.
by losing key leaders; they weren’t stymied by fear because
heavy hitter Herod was now involved or because the crowds Responses:
were against them, even though they were no doubt terrified. s Care for consequences (see #1)
After all, they were human!
In the same way, we might be terrified. We ourselves See further William David Spencer and Aída Besançon Spencer, *OYTHROUGHTHE
might be scared and stymied, wondering day and night if .IGHT"IBLICAL2ESOURCESON3UFFERING Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 1994.
the terrorists might strike again. But, like the Acts church,
cont’d on page 18
fa l l 0 7 15
After Virginia Tech
Speaking God’s Words in the Midst of Crisis
Derek Mondeau, M.Div. ‘01

“After the LORD said

There is nothing more important than speaking what is right of God. Ironically, there is no
these things to Job, he more difficult place to speak rightly of God than in the midst of crisis. These thoughts consumed
me as I arrived in Blacksburg only a couple days after the “worst massacre in U.S. history.” Even
said to Eliphaz the Teman-
though I am on staff with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) at the University of Virginia,
ite, “I am angry with you over the last four years I have had the honor of sharing in the ministry of IVCF at Virginia
Tech. Tech was not my “official” campus, but these were my students. When those students and
and your two friends, be- staff invited me to participate in a worship service on campus, I jumped at the opportunity. They
cause you have not spoken invited me to mourn with them. It was an honor I could not refuse.
It is important to note that this was one of the first, if not the first, worship service following
of me what is right, as my the shootings. Students had attended official convocations. They had held prayer vigils. They had
servant Job has.” Job 42:7 heard from presidents and governors. The media had come and gone. However, these Christian
students had yet to corporately seek God or express themselves in their own language and liturgy.
My greatest fear coming to this service was that our students would not grieve well. And
honestly, who would blame them? How do you process the events of that day? What do you do?
What do you say? I was worried that students would either be incapacitated by emotion or seek
some kind of quick fix to healing. I came to Blacksburg thinking I could help teach these stu-
dents how to grieve. Little did I know that the tables would be turned. I was to be the student.
They were my teachers. So, I want to share some lessons the college students at Virginia Tech
taught me about speaking the words of God in the midst of crisis.

16 f a l l 07 Photo provided by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Wrong Words, And Right Ones by the Spirit of God, the right words accomplish something
h7ORDSAREWEAKSYMBOLSOFOURFEELINGSATTIMESLIKETHISv beautiful in us. The right words are gentleness and power.
Dr. Charles W. Steger, President of Virginia Tech They are consolation and desolation. They are bitter to
the root. They are sweet as honey. They bend us until we
Dr. Steger’s statement is true. However, those of you almost break, then build us back up. The right words bind
who watched the convocation on national television know up. They inspire. They heal. They show us the narrow road
that he did not stop using words at that moment, but when we have lost our way. They remind us of who we
finished his speech. So, even though the sentiment is true, it really are when we have lost our minds. The right words
is not true of the one who preaches in the midst of crisis. reorient us to reality. The right words are words we know
It cannot be, not in moments of deep need or pain. Words to be true, no matter how painful it is to speak them. They
have to do the job. Clumsy though they may be, they are are words we dread and long for at the same time. The
the only symbols we have. In crisis, words give meaning to right words speak the truth, unveiled, about our world and
our mourning. Words give shape to our anger, our pain, our our God.
hope. Whether we like it or not, words are the symbols of Interestingly, the right words I experienced at Virginia
our grief. Tech had little to do with what any one person said during
My time at Virginia Tech taught me that the wrong the worship service. It was not about what was said in the
words are weak symbols in the midst of crisis. We know moment. It was about what had been said last week, last
wrong words when we hear them. We feel them when they month, last year. It was what their staff had been teaching
come tumbling out of our mouths. We wish we could put them concerning God and the Kingdom all along. These
them back the moment we speak them. They ring hollow students knew the Kingdom of God included things like
and false. Wrong words provide a quick fix in the way that mourning, brokenness, grief over sin. They knew that life
a band-aid is a quick fix for an amputation. They have the between the Cross and the Resurrection was marked by
form of healing but lack the substance thereof. both tragedy and hope. Because these students were con-
Wrong words are the paper-thin ideas we think people cerned with speaking the right words all the time, when
want to hear. )TSGONNABEOKAY. Or, $ONTWORRY%VERY crisis came, as much as one can be, they were prepared for
THINGWILLBEALRIGHTBut here is the problem. 4HINGSARENOT it. When I say “prepared for it” I do not mean they were
ALRIGHTThese students may not be all right for years and stoic or impervious to the pain. In fact, they still fell apart.
years to come. They may never be all right this side of the It was right for them to fall apart. There would have been
Resurrection. Death is a complete perversion of God’s cre- something wrong with them if they had not. But the right
ated intent. It is the vandalism of SHALOM. Try as we might, words never avoid or mitigate the effects of tragedy. The
there is no way to sanitize the Fall of Man. If death wasn’t right words prepare us to meet tragedy head on. To grieve
really all that bad, God would not have orchestrated all of well. To mourn well. To hope well.
redemptive history in order to save us from it. Death should
disturb us at the deepest levels of the IMAGODEI We should There Are No Words Like God’s Words
not fear acknowledging the severity of the Fall with our
words. There must be no dodging tragedy nor avoiding it. The right words can be strong symbols in the midst of
We cannot pretend it wasn’t that bad after all. We have to crisis. But words, even the right ones, can only do so much
name and confront evil. It is our duty as preachers, minis- when spoken by mere mortals. When all other words fail us,
ters and professors of the Gospel. God’s words do something impossible: they bring hope.
When we examine Scripture we find that honest con- About halfway through the service, Andrew Churchill, one
frontation with the evil leads us toward a deeper faith in of our students, walked up to a microphone, Bible cracked
God. Consider Job, Jesus, David. These men didn’t arrive open somewhere near the middle. Then he spoke. His voice
at a place of deep trust in God because someone told them, was strong, more Spoken Word poetry than Scripture recita-
h4RUST'OD%VERYTHINGWILLBEALLRIGHTv No, they came to tion. These were words of a different sort. They weren’t just
a place of trust because they lived through the tragedy and right words or wrong words. These were the words of God.
the sorrow with God. That process was not sped up nor
slowed down. Deep, abiding faith comes, not by circumvent- 4HE3PIRITOFTHE3OVEREIGN,ORDISONME BECAUSETHE,ORD
ing the Valley of Sheol, but by stumbling through it with HASANOINTEDMETOPREACHGOODNEWSTOTHEPOOR(EHAS
God. Weak words seek to truncate the grieving process SENTMETOBINDUPTHEBROKENHEARTED TOPROCLAIMFREEDOM
My Hokie friends also taught me that the right words ERS TOPROCLAIMTHEYEAROFTHE,ORDSFAVORANDTHEDAYOF
can be strong symbols in times of crisis. I discovered that, JUDGMENTOFOUR'OD TOCOMFORTALLWHOMOURN ANDTO

fa l l 0 7 17
why do we suffer? cont'd frm page 15

PROVIDEFORTHOSEWHOGRIEVEIN:IONˆTOBESTOW we need to put James 5:13 into practice. If you are persecuted, be pray-
ONTHEMACROWNOFBEAUTYINSTEADOFASHES THE ing! You see, they expected to be persecuted. They weren’t surprised
OILOFGLADNESSINSTEADOFMOURNING ANDAGAR by it. And in the same way we should expect persecution and not get
MENTOFPRAISEINSTEADOFASPIRITOFDESPAIR4HEY surprised if we’re persecuted in our work, school, community, even our
WILLBECALLEDOAKSOFRIGHTEOUSNESS APLANTINGOF homes, as well as internationally. Like them, we should continue to serve
THE,ORDFORTHEDISPLAYOFHISSPLENDOR4HEYWILL God when persecution comes. Of course, we’re not crazy, we don’t seek
REBUILDTHEANCIENTRUINSANDRESTORETHEPLACES it. But we don’t collapse under it either.
LONGDEVASTATEDTHEYWILLRENEWTHERUINEDCAM And, as for the day to day, remember, Peter and John were busy
PUSESTHATHAVEBEENDEVASTATEDFORGENERATIONS healing a lame man. In a similar way we should be engaged in healing
&OR) THE,ORD LOVEJUSTICE)HATEROBBERYAND the hurting and rescuing the persecuted by any influence or pressure or
INIQUITY)NMYFAITHFULNESS)WILLREWARDTHEM intermediary work we can do to address it. And like the angels who
ANDMAKEANEVERLASTINGCOVENANTWITHTHEM came to rescue the saints again and again, we can assist refugee families
4HEIRDESCENDANTSWILLBEKNOWNAMONGTHENA from every trouble spot. If we ourselves get persecuted, we also need to
TIONSANDTHEIROFFSPRINGAMONGTHEPEOPLES!LL accept help from the “angels” God sends us, not being so proud or blind
WHOSEETHEMWILLACKNOWLEDGETHEYAREAPEOPLE to heaven’s intercession that we lie there chained to our problems. Let’s
THATTHE,ORDHASBLESSED)SAIAH  follow the angel out if we get the chance.
Andrew read voraciously and we joined him. Whatever happens, our mission is to advance God’s words and win
Each word was a feast. We were famished for new people to Christ, which is itself the most profound form of rescu-
the words of God, words that made some sense ing captives and setting the prisoners free from the confining gates of
of this madness. Words that expressed what hell. Remember, the Acts church never gave up or gave in! Herod always
we could not. And as Andrew read, the room knew where to find it. And he always knew what they’d be doing—call-
exploded into sound. Sobbing. Shouting. Wailing. ing down the power of God to change hearts and lives. And that power
Exaltation. Anger. Ecstasy. Sorrow. All at once. changed the world. It can do so again today!
It was mourning. It was lament. It was terrifying. As believers we cannot escape the persecution and hardship that are
It was beautiful. I have never experienced any- inherent in identifying with Christ, but we can use them to glorify God.
thing like it. The only thing I could think to do Neither can we escape the sufferings that result from the fallen nature of
was take off my shoes. This was holy ground, the world, but we can use them for God’s glory and be drawn to God
consecrated by our suffering, and by the words of by them. And while we cannot escape the consequences of evil actions of
God. Words are powerful symbols of our feelings others, we should not cause unnecessary suffering for ourselves or others
in times of crisis. If they are the right words. If by our own evil actions. Some pain is mysteriously unavoidable, but oth-
they are God’s words. A group of grieving college er pain is avoidable and we should avoid it and help others avoid it too,
students from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and since people cause so much unnecessary suffering. Further, we should
State University taught me that. It is a lesson I work to alleviate as much suffering as we can as we look forward to the
will not soon forget. bright hope of the cessation of all pain in God’s glorious eternal future.

4HISARTICLEISDEDICATEDTOTHESTUDENTSOF)NTER William David Spencer, Th.D., Ranked Adjunct Associate Pro-

fessor of Theology and the Arts, teaches at the Boston campus.
VARSITY#HRISTIAN&ELLOWSHIPAT6IRGINIA4ECH He has done urban, college, music, literacy and prison minis-
ANDTHEIR)6STAFF7ES"ARTS 2OBERT(OWEAND tries, and has taught at several other seminaries. Aída Besançon
,INDSAY*ONES4HANKYOUFORTEACHINGMEHOWTO Spencer, Ph.D. is professor of New Testament at Gordon-Conwell
FOLLOW#HRISTINTHEMIDSTOFTRAGEDY4HANKSFOR Theological Seminary, and has been a visiting scholar at the Har-
vard Divinity School. She has served as social worker, minister,
TEACHINGWHATITMEANSTOBEA#HRISTIAN$- and educator in a wide variety of urban settings. The Spencers
have individually written more than 100 journal and magazine ar-
Derek Mondeau graduated from Gordon- ticles, book reviews and poems, and collaborated on many books,
Conwell in 2001, and now lives in Charlot- including 2 Corinthians, Bible Study Commentary (Zondervan,
tesville, VA with his wife, Sue, where they 1989); The Prayer Life of Jesus: Shout of Agony, Revelation of
are both on staff with Intervarsity Christian Love (University Press of America, 1990); and The Goddess Re-
Fellowship at the University of Virginia. vival (Baker, 1995), co-written with others, and a 1996 Christi-
Their church home is First Baptist Church, anity Today Book Award winner. Both are ordained ministers in the Presbyterian
W. Main Street, a historically black congregation located Church (USA) and founders and pastors of Pilgrim Church, Beverly, MA. They are
in downtown Charlottesville. God has given Derek and frequent speakers at churches and conferences.
Sue a heart for the renewal of the city and the university.
They hope to love college students with the Gospel of Books by the Spencers are available in the Gordon-Conwell BookCentre at
Christ well into retirement, if the Lord wills. 888.252.4287 or

18 f a l l 07
Responding to Suicide
Karen E. Mason, Ph.D.

As the 11th leading cause of death in the United States, suicide is

a serious problem. In 2004, almost twice as many individuals died

of suicide as of homicide, and almost two and a half times more

individuals died of suicide than of hiv. Although 32,439 individu-

als in the United States died by suicide in 2004, suicide deaths

are just the tip of the iceberg. The same year, 425,650 non-fatal

self-harm injury cases were reported to the Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention.

fa l l 0 7 19
Though white middle age males represent the largest (I Kings 16), King Saul (I Samuel 31:4), and Judas Iscariot
number of suicides, in other age groups suicide was ranked (Matthew 27). What stands out in reading these accounts is
as one of the top causes of death. For example, for 10- to that none of the accounts condemns the act of suicide, and
24-year-olds, suicide is the third leading cause of death; the manner of death isn’t associated with dishonor. Samson
for 25- to 34-year-olds, the second leading cause of death. and Ahithophel are buried in the family tomb. Saul and his
Suicide occurs across the age span, in both sexes, and in all sons were honored by a proper burial by the Israelite men
races/ethnicities. And after each suicide, countless survivors of Jabesh-Gilead. David’s lament for Saul and Jonathan (2
are left to make sense of what happened. In order to ad- Samuel 1:19-27) passes no condemnation on Saul’s manner
dress this problem, we need to understand more about it. of death.
Suicide is associated with mental health problems. Not If the Bible refrains from judgment, why are most Chris-
all mental health problems lead to suicide, but suicide often tians anti-suicide? One reason is that we believe that life

The psalmist describes aspects of depression like loss of appetite,

insomnia and tears, and addresses his struggle by aligning his
psychological experience with his spiritual experience of God.
occurs after a person is already struggling with a mental belongs to God. When Job heard that his children died af-
health problem. About one in five Americans experiences a ter their house collapsed, his response was “The Lord gave
mental health problem in the course of a year. And al- and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord
though it would be preferable that Christians did not suffer be praised” (Job 1:21). He acknowledged God’s sovereignty
from mental health problems, I have worked with many in over time of death, and while God is sovereign, we are not.
my practice. Christians are also anti-suicide because we believe in the
In the Bible, we find descriptions of people in deep sanctity of all life. God told Noah that He will demand an
distress similar to depression. Psalm 102 is a “prayer of an accounting for each life: “Whoever sheds the blood of man,
afflicted man. When he is faint and pours out his lament by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God
before the Lord.” The psalmist describes aspects of depres- has God made man.” We, therefore, do not murder (Exo-
sion like loss of appetite, insomnia and tears, and addresses dus 20:13) because life is a sacred gift from God who has
his struggle by aligning his psychological experience with created us in His image. Murder is a sin. However, there is
his spiritual experience of God. God seems to honor that no indication that the sin of suicide is any worse than any
struggle. It’s important that we learn how to help struggling other sin. It is not in a special category of sin that can’t
people. I remember working with a depressed person who be forgiven. When Jesus talked about the “unforgivable
had requested help from the church elders, but the elders sin,” he did not include suicide. Jesus said, “And so I tell
never responded to the request. you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the
People should find help from church and many do. In a blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven” (Matthew
large national study, 25 percent of people with all types of 12:31).
mental health problems contacted clergy for help. Suicidal The church can give hope to grieving family members
ideation, plans or attempts were some of the significant following a suicide. Suicide does not damn a person to Hell
predictors for making contact. Surveys by the National In- any more than a lie does, or doubting God’s love right
stitute of Mental Health found that clergy were more likely before my plane crashes. Jesus clarified for Nicodemus that
than psychologists and psychiatrists combined to be asked belief in Jesus is what counts. He tells Nicodemus, “Who-
for help from a person with a mental health diagnosis. One ever believes in [God’s one and only son] is not condemned,
of the reasons that clergy have been identified as “front-line but whoever does not believe stands condemned already
mental health counselors” is that they are “among the most because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and
trusted professionals in society” according to Gallup polls. only Son” (John 3:18). A person’s relationship to Jesus is
We in the church need to be ready to respond to individu- what matters. And, based on the absence of any explicit
als who may be suicidal. statements about suicide, it seems that God will deal with
After a suicide an unconfessed and unforgiven sin like suicide as He does
Responding to a suicide is difficult in church because all other unconfessed and unforgiven sins such as jealousy,
suicide is often not talked about. But that isn’t so in the gossip, hatred, envy and sexual impurity.
Bible. The Bible records several suicides: Abimelech (Judges Responding to questions about suicide as a sin is just
9), Samson (Judges 16), Ahithophel (2 Samuel 16:23), Zimri one of the ways to minister to those left behind a suicide.

20 f a l l 07
It is equally important to avoid glamorizing suicide be- people of Israel meat. To Job, He entered into a discus-
cause some people can be vulnerable to “copy cat” suicide. sion, listing examples of His sovereign and creative power
Celebrate the person’s life and accomplishments. Share their to encourage his faith. To help Elijah, He sent an angel
struggle with psychological pain and share resources for with food and water, and then met with Elijah in a gentle
those who may also be struggling with their own psycho- whisper to give him hope in the 7000 Israelites who had
logical pain. For more suggestions, go to the Suicide Preven- not served Baal. To help Jonah, He gave him perspec-
tion Resource Center’s recommendations entitled !FTERA tive on the need of the Ninevites, the enemies of Israel, to
3UICIDE2ECOMMENDATIONSFOR2ELIGIOUS3ERVICESAND/THER receive God’s grace. Though we don’t know about Jonah’s
0UBLIC-EMORIAL/BSERVANCESThe website is response, we know that after their meeting with God, these
One more way we need to minister to those left behind hopeless men chose to continue to live. Because suicidal
after a suicide is to just be with them non-judgmentally. people feel hopeless about managing the pain of life but
Jesus is clear when He says, “Do not judge, or you too will are ambivalent about ending their life, Christians and the
be judged” (Matthew 7:1). We need to minister to those church are uniquely positioned to give suicidal people hope.
grieving, not by trying to give them pat answers but by sit- The psalmist, in Psalm 42:5, tells us that when we are hope-
ting and grieving with them, with the knowledge that griev- less, we need to focus on God and what He is to us.
ing a suicide can take longer and can be more intense than Why are you downcast, O my soul?
grieving other deaths. The apostle Paul tells us to “Rejoice Why so disturbed within me?
with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn” Put your hope in God,
(Romans 12:15). It is important to allow the grieving person for I will yet praise him,
time to go through this difficult process. You might even my Savior and my God.
help them find a suicide grief group when they are ready.
You can find one in your area by going to the American Recognizing risk
Foundation for Suicide Prevention at Some suicidal people may respond to our efforts to point
them to the God of all hope. And some won’t. Our job at
Responding to a suicide crisis this point is to recognize when the situation is serious and
The church is called to minister not only to those left take action according to the seriousness of the crisis. Listen
behind but also to those who are suicidal. The church has non-judgmentally to the person at risk. Become familiar
a message of hope for all people, even suicidal people. with suicide risk factors and warning signs (See sidebar).
The ultimate source of our hope is God’s love for us. The But the only way to assess the seriousness of a situation is
psalmist reminds us that God is our hope: “Yes, my soul, to ask the person at risk. As uncomfortable as it is to ask
find rest in God; my hope comes from him” (Psalm 62:5). directly, it is the best way we have to determine risk. It’s
We find hope in God because He is the God of hope. “May always better to ask directly so that you can get a clear
the 'ODOFHOPEfill you with all joy and peace as you trust answer. Also, asking directly can create relief for suicidal
in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power persons who don’t know how to start the conversation.

The church is called to minister not only to those left behind

but also to those who are suicidal. The church has a message
of hope for all people, even suicidal people.
of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13). However, even though There is no evidence that asking puts the thought of suicide
God is a God of hope, some of the great people in the Bible in people’s mind. So ASK. You could use words like these,
felt hopeless. Moses tells God, “The burden is too heavy “Sometimes when people are sad, they have thoughts of
for me. If this is how you are going to treat me, put me to suicide. Have you had any suicidal thoughts?”
death right now” (Numbers 11:15). Job says, “I loathe my
very life” (Job 10:1). Elijah tells God, “I have had enough, Low Risk
Lord... Take my life” (I Kings 19:4). Jonah said, “It is bet- If suicidal persons have thoughts about suicide but do
ter for me to die than to live” (Jonah 4:8). not intend to follow through on those thoughts ever, the
God ministered to each hopeless person in a different risk is low. Continue to monitor the level of risk. If the
way. To help Moses, He spoke to him and outlined His suicidal person is a minor, it is usually important to call a
plan to put His Spirit on 70 elders to help Moses shoul- family member. Across the age span, if a supportive fam-
der his heavy load. He also outlined His plan to send the ily member is available, it is usually important to involve

fa l l 0 7 21
that individual. And most importantly, connect this person goal. Just get them connected to emergency services. Usually
to mental health services. Because we know that suicidal this means taking a suicidal person to the emergency room or
thoughts are typically associated with a mental health calling 911. For example, if someone calls you and tells you that
problem, it is best to connect the person with a mental he or she just swallowed pills, keep talking to the person on the
health professional. You can search for Christian counselors phone but call 911 on another phone and get help immediately.
in your area using The American Association of Christian If you are geographically removed from the suicidal person,
Counselors’ website or the American Association of Pasto- and unable to reach the individual by phone, you can also call
ral Counselors website. Some offer a sliding fee scale. the police in the person’s area and ask them to perform a “wel-
Also, individuals at risk can check mental health benefits fare check” at his or her home.
by contacting their health insurance company or the Em- If you yourself are suicidal, immediately call 911 or the
ployee Assistance Program at work and requesting a list of National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
nearby providers. If insurance does not cover mental health You can call this number for yourself or for someone who may
services, advise them to contact their primary care physician be suicidal.
about providers, or search online for your county’s com-

Responding to suicide requires taking action.

It also requires having a clear and solid foundation of hope.
munity mental health center. Most counties in the United Idle threats
States have such mental health centers which offer services One common concern with helping suicidal individuals is
on a sliding fee scale. The important task is to find some- that some people threaten suicide just to get attention. Even if
one that suicidal persons can work with and can afford so previous threats have been idle, it is always best to take every
that THEYWILLGO threat seriously. Let suicidal persons know that you will take the
threat seriously and that you will connect them with emergency
Moderate Risk services.
If suicidal persons have suicidal thoughts and intend
to follow through on them at some point but not today Responding to an attempt
(perhaps because they don’t have a plan or don’t have the The church is also called upon to respond following a suicide
means to follow through on their plan), the risk is moder- attempt. One of the most important pieces of knowledge you
ate. Ensure that they have followed up on mental health need at this time is that the best predictor of a later suicide is
treatment with a professional. Also, monitor the risk a previous attempt. So make sure that the person gets mental
actively. Continue to ASK individuals if they have developed health care. You can also look up a helpful brochure developed
a plan or acquired the means to carry out the plan. It’s im- by The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill for people who
portant to monitor in an ongoing way because it only takes have attempted suicide. The brochure can be found on the
a few minutes to make a very permanent decision. Assure Suicide Prevention Resource Center website at http://www.sprc.
them that at any time they can call the National Suicide org/library/consumer_guide2.pdf. The brochure is called3UICIDE
Prevention Lifeline phone number: 1.800.273.TALK (8255). 4AKING#AREOF9OURSELF!FTERAN!TTEMPTˆ-OVING!HEAD
Another very important intervention is to restrict access !FTER9OUR4REATMENTINTHE%MERGENCY$EPARTMENT
to whatever means they may be contemplating using. For
example, take a gun to the local police department, which Conclusion
is sometimes willing to keep a gun for a citizen at risk. Responding to suicide requires taking action. It also requires
Flush pills down the toilet or have their doctor give them having a clear and solid foundation of hope. The church is
one-week or one-day prescriptions. uniquely positioned with a message of hope for suicidal people
and the people left behind following a suicide. I remember
High Risk working with a very suicidal woman whose main concern
Unfortunately, sometimes the risk is high. Persons have was who was in control of the history of the world and her
thoughts of suicide, intend to follow through on them, and history in particular. Another very suicidal woman could
have a plan and the means to follow through. Or it may not love herself because of a horrendous history of abuse.
be that they have already followed through and taken steps She desperately needed a personal knowledge of who she
to die, such as taking pills. In these situations, the risk is was, created and loved by God. These women needed hope,
very high and it is important to stay with these individuals hope that their current struggles would not be their strug-
and get help IMMEDIATELY. At this point, counseling is not the gles tomorrow. Hope believes that what isn’t true today

22 f a l l 07
may be true tomorrow. During a time of enormous
disappointment, Jeremiah penned these words of hope:

Lamentations 3:20-26
20 my soul is downcast within me. 21 Yet this I call

Suicide Risk
to mind and therefore I have hope: 22 Because of the
LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his com-
passions never fail. 23 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness. 24 I say to myself, “The
LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”
25 The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him,
to the one who seeks him; 26 it is good to wait qui-
etly for the salvation of the LORD.
Previous suicide attempt
Many suicidal people have lost all hope in God. When Mental health problem like depression
telling them about the God of all Hope fails to bring Loss (illness, divorce, death, perceived failure)
them hope, pray for them. Pray for the people who have Someone close to the person has died by suicide
lost hope. Pray that they would regain the hope that only
Suicide Warning Signs
Signs of depression like sadness or neglecting hygiene
1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Loss of sleep or excessive sleep
Injury Prevention and Control. Web-based Injury Statistics Query Loss of appetite or overeating
and Reporting System (WISQARS) {online}, 2007. Sense of hopelessness or worthlessness
2 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “Mental Health: Noticeable change in behavior
A Report of the Surgeon General” (Rockville, MD: U.S. Depart- Alcohol or drug abuse
ment of Health and Human Services, 1999). Decline in performance at work or school
3 Wang, P.S., Berglund, P.A., & Kessler, R.C, “Patterns and corre- Reckless behavior
lates of contacting clergy for mental disorders in the United States,” Giving away favorite possessions
(EALTH3ERVICES2ESEARCH, 38(2), 647-673, 2003.
Purchase of gun or hording pills
Sudden happiness after prolonged depression
4 Weaver, A.J., Flannelly, K.J., Flannelly, L.T., & Oppenheimer,
Preoccupation with death and dying
J.E., “Collaboration between clergy and mental health profession-
Social isolation or withdrawal from family and friends
als: a review of professional health care journals from 1980 through
Statements like “you won’t have to worry about me anymore”
1999,” #OUNSELINGAND6ALUES 47, 162-171, 2003. Threats of suicide or talking about death
5 Moran, M., Flannelly, K.J., Weaver, A.J., Overvold, J.A., Hess,
W., & Wilson, J.C., “A study of pastoral care, referral, and consul-
tation practices among clergy in four settings in the New York City What to do
area,” 0ASTORAL0SYCHOLOGY, 53(3), 255-266, p. 256, 2005. Take suicide threats seriously
Listen non-judgmentally
Some Resources
Stay with the person and get them connected to help
Call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at
1.800.273.TALK (8255)
3UICIDE (Scottsdale, PA: Herald Press, 2004)
-EMBERS (Chicago: Exploration Press, 1993) What not to do
Do not keep suicide threats a secret
Do not condemn
Karen E. Mason, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of
Do not tell persons they shouldn’t feel the way they do
Pastoral Counseling, has taught and practiced
Do not try to be a counselor—get professional help
psychology for over a decade. In addition to Do not interject your own problems or feelings
teaching, Dr. Mason has practiced in com- Do not suggest drugs or alcohol as a solution
munity mental health and managed suicide Do not leave the person alone
prevention activities at the state level. She is
a member of the American Psychological Association. Dr.
Mason holds an M.A. degree in Old Testament from Denver
Seminary, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Counseling Psychol-
ogy from the University of Denver.

fa l l 0 7 23
Ministering to Women in Crisis
Alice P. Mathews, Ph.D.

A crisis is a turning point. In medical terms, it is that moment when a serious illness can lead to death or

back to health and vigor. Or a crisis can be “a dramatic or circumstantial upheaval in a person’s life.”1

Motivational speakers like to point out that the two Chinese characters for the word CRISIS are 7EI*I2

meaning DANGEROUSOPPORTUNITY. A crisis is a fork in the road of our lives, a moment of decision when we

choose one path, one direction to pursue over another. But this is not merely a choice between two benign op-

tions. There is real danger in choosing the wrong option at the same time that there can be great benefit in seiz-

ing the opportunity the crisis presents. But that opportunity comes in a time of dramatic upheaval in our lives.

24 f a l l 07
While these upheavals come to both men and women, NOIA is a ruthless dismantling of old ways of seeing and think-
they don’t always affect them in identical ways. A broken ing, followed by a diligent building of new ways of thinking.
relationship can be more catastrophic for a woman than for a First our minds are renewed; then everything is different even
man because many women see their central identity being tied though circumstances may stay the same.
to their ability to make and maintain relationships. On the The third way we minister to people in crisis is to help
other hand, a broken relationship can lead a man to isolate them evaluate their circumstances: can these be changed? If
himself from future relationships whereas many women seek so, a good decision may be to change them. If they cannot
the comfort and support of female friendships at such a time. be changed, then how can we change the way we think or
Of course, not all men or all women behave in identical ways, value these circumstances? My husband and I could not
and we must be careful about gender generalizations. change the circumstance that took the life of our only son at
What are some of the “dramatic or circumstantial upheav- the hands of a drunk driver, but in the midst of our grief we
als” that create crises in our lives? For women in particular could change the value we placed on this mortal life in the
these crises often arise from losses that make change neces- light of God’s promise of eternal life in his presence.
sary. Upheavals leading us to a crisis or a turning point in Fourth, we bathe our ministry efforts in prayer. Without
our lives can include the loss of some part of our physical God’s work for and in the person in crisis, our ministry may
health, the loss of important relationships, the loss of in- fail. So we pray—for the person in crisis, for our own under-
nocence through sexual abuse or domestic violence, the loss standing of the need, and for others who may be implicated
of a job, the loss of community through a move to a distant in the crisis. As we pray, we hold two truths together: first,
place, the loss of our youth, the loss of the respect of others, we know that we live in a sinful world in which innocent
even the loss of meaning in our daily lives. people suffer and bad people get away with bad things. But
Obviously, the loss of our youth is not on a par with the second, we also know that God has taken major steps to

Good listening helps the person in crisis feel understood, and this can take time. The
first step is to listen without substituting our own ideas about the person’s upheaval.

loss of a spouse through death or divorce or the loss of our redeem this world and that ultimately God will triumph and
physical mobility. But facing the advancing years can bring all will be changed.
a turning point in our lives, a point at which we decide The Scriptures tell us what God wills for this world. The
between society’s celebration of youth as the “true” story of world shows us that it is not only out of sync with God’s
who we are, and God’s gift of increasing richness and added purposes, but actively resists God. When we pray, we stand
meaning as we age. between the two, enabling a sufferer to look the crisis in the
What is a crisis for one person may be a minor blip for face and say, “By God’s grace I can manage this because I
someone else. Not everyone finds life turned upside-down by know that a time is coming when God will triumph and this
the same kind of upheaval. But without judging the “validity” pain will pass away.”
of someone’s crisis, we as followers of Jesus Christ are called A crisis is a dangerous opportunity. It is a turning point.
to come alongside those who suffer. How are we to do that? It also provides an opportunity for new growth. We minister
Here are four ways in which we can minister to them. to people in crisis when we build a bridge for them to God
People in crisis want to know that someone understands who can work through the fog of their pain.
what they are going through. So we minister to people in crisis
first by listening to them. This doesn’t mean that we simply let Alice Mathews, Ph.D., is Academic Dean of the South
them vent. Nor are we “listening” if we jump in quickly with Hamilton campus and the Lois W. Bennett Professor
a solution or a Scripture verse that should give comfort. Lis- Emerita of Educational Ministries and Women’s Ministries.
tening is not rebutting what the person in crisis is saying, nor In addition to teaching at Gordon-Conwell, she has served
is it “mind-reading” what we suspect the sufferer is thinking. as Dean of the Philadelphia Center of the Seminary of the
Good listening helps the person in crisis feel understood, and East, and for more than a decade at Denver Seminary where she estab-
this can take time. The first step is to listen without substitut- lished a comprehensive program for women’s studies. She is heard daily
ing our own ideas about the person’s upheaval. on the radio program Discover the Word; ministers at women’s retreats,
The second way we minister to people in crisis is to help conferences and in churches worldwide; lectures in other academic set-
them begin to think differently about the crisis so that they tings; and is the author of five books.
can choose the right road well. How we think determines
how we act and feel. We tend to think that we cannot change 1. (v. 1.1).
our minds until our circumstances change. But all deep change
in how we live begins with changed minds. The biblical META 2.
fa l l 0 7 25
singing in the night
Gary A. Parrett, Ed.D.

It was the day after Christmas in 2004, and my family and I had just entered our

guest house at a Christian university in Korea where I was to begin a week of teach-

ing on the following morning. After settling in a bit, we switched on the television

to discover that a devastating tsunami had struck in South Asia. For the next several

hours, we watched with a mixed sense of horror and helplessness.

One of the countries hit hardest that Sunday morning woman stood in front of four photographs hanging on the
was the island nation of Sri Lanka. By 2004, I had been to concrete wall—pictures of her husband and three children—
Sri Lanka three or four times and had developed numerous all swept away in an instant.
friendships with church leaders. With one particular pastor Not far from that site, we saw the wreckage of a pas-
and his family, I had grown especially close. I sent off an senger train that was jammed full with people that morning.
email as quickly as I could access the internet, but received The twisted remains of the railroad cars and tracks testified
no reply for several days. I considered abandoning my to the hundreds who died there. Church leaders estimate,
teaching to travel to Sri Lanka to see if I could be of help, beyond the official reports, that perhaps 100,000 people had
but reckoned I would likely prove more burden than bless- lost their lives in Sri Lanka in a matter of minutes.
ing were I there. So, with my family and the students I was Church leaders mobilized to help wherever and however
teaching, I spent the week watching, waiting and praying. they could. Though representing only a tiny minority in
About eight months later, my family and I were in Sri this predominantly Buddhist country, they did not hesitate
Lanka. We witnessed some of the rebuilding efforts being to serve their neighbors. God has used the love they have
spearheaded by the ministry of our friends, and visited some shown to turn many hearts toward Christ. We heard stories
of the devastated areas. In one tiny, beach-side home, a of church buildings that were miraculously spared from the
26 f a l l 07
We need, as well, songs of confession, songs of instruction, songs of lament and
more. After all, there is much, so very much in our world, that calls for lament.

tsunami—the only buildings left standing in their communi- ticularly dislike any display of discouragement or depression
ties. The persecuted had now become the lifeline in their on a Sunday morning. Each Lord’s Day, we ask the hurting
neighborhoods. But we also heard of entire congregations among us to “pull themselves together” and rise with us to
that had been swept away, even as they had gathered to wor- sing “songs of faith” in praise to the Lord. We muzzle the
ship the Lord. mouths of the downcast. After all, we reason, we are called
As eager as they were to serve their neighbors, the saints to “rejoice always” and to praise the Lord at all times.
of God knew that they needed to gather to call upon the But Scripture tells us not only to “rejoice with those who
Lord. They did so throughout the country, assembling in rejoice.” It tells us also to “weep with those weep.” Most
special memorial services for prayer and worship. “When evangelicals, at least in our congregational worship gather-
we gathered,” my pastor friend told me, “we came to realize ings, seem to know very little about how to do the latter.
that we needed songs of lament to sing. But we knew none.” How wise we would be to return to the hymnal of the
In the weeks that followed, some new songs were written saints who have gone before us, from biblical times and
that were suitable to the devastation that had fallen upon the through the Christian centuries: the Psalter. I do not argue
land (a tragedy, it should be noted, that was piled on top of that the Psalms ought to be our only songs for congrega-
25 years of civil war and multiple other hardships that were, tional worship (though there have always been Christians
and still are, daily fare for the citizens of Sri Lanka). who argued thus). But I believe the Psalms provide a trea-
sure trove of rich resources for our worship in song. There
***** we find the full range of human emotions—all offered as
prayer and worship to God. Attending to the Psalter to give
I teach often on the subject of congregational worship. shape to our singing, we would find ourselves singing in
One trend that I regularly protest is the now common all sorts of “keys,” and often in “minor” tones. Our songs
identification of the word “worship” with singing, and its would run the spectrum—from praise and thanksgiving, to
logical counterpart—identifying the song leader as the “wor- deep contemplation, to confession of sin, to desperate cries
ship leader.” These represent a serious diminishing of the for mercy, to battle songs for spiritual warfare, to deep sighs
biblical concept of worship—our whole life surrender to the and cries of lament.
God of all mercies (Rom. 12:1). And congregational wor- Consider, for example, what is affirmed by nearly all to be
ship—those gatherings of the saints for intentional times the “darkest” of the Psalms. Psalm 88 begins with a barely
of worship—surely involves all the elements that mark our smoldering wick, and it’s all downhill from there. To many
times together, not just the singing. The proposal I often evangelicals, the psalm would seem nearly unsingable for
hear in response is to call the song leader the “praise leader” a person of faith. One commentator I read stated that, in
instead. But this will not do either, I respond. For our songs light of the resurrection of Christ, Psalm 88 represents a
should not all be songs of praise. We need, as well, songs “theological impossibility” for the Christian! Certainly it
of confession, songs of instruction, songs of lament and seems difficult to add our “Amen” to its conclusion. Yet this
more. After all, there is much, so very much in our world, song is, according to our faith confessions, a Holy Spirit
that calls for lament. But like our brothers and sisters in Sri inspired prayer for those seasons of the soul when all seems
Lanka, we in North America may often find ourselves with- lost. And, as difficult and discouraged as its language is, the
out proper resources in this regard. entire psalm is addressed to the “Lord God of my salva-
Especially, it seems to me, we in the evangelical world tion.” On any given Sunday, I submit, there are folks in our
know little about lament. We much prefer the happy sayings gatherings who feel something like the psalmist did as he
and the happy songs. We like things to be tied up nicely and penned these desperate pleas. But we, in our day, typically
neatly. We prefer our theology to be bite-sized; slogans that give no voice to the cries of their hearts. Just as significant,
fit easily on a tee shirt or a bumper sticker are best. We par- on any given Sunday there is pain all over our world, pain
fa l l 0 7 27
that we should duly note, and even join ourselves to, rather worship. It is not “fun” to sing; nor does it feel “uplifting”
than simply ignore or wish away. to most. But I thank God that, in his infinite mercy, he has
It is notable that Jesus, during the days of his earthly inspired even such songs for particular seasons in our lives,
sojourn, prayed the Psalms. We know that he did so on the as appropriate prayers to the God who knows us fully and
cross (see Ps. 22:1; 16; 31:6; 69:22). We know also that, “in through the High Priest who has tasted what we have tasted
the days of his flesh, he offered up prayers and supplica- and much more.
tions with loud cries and tears” (Heb. 5:7). Not surprisingly,
then, we learn that Psalm 88 has at times in the history of
the Church been associated with the passion of our Lord on Gary A. Parrett, Ed.D., serves as Associate Professor
Good Friday. of Educational Ministries and Worship and as Chair of
A few years ago, when my mother—of blessed memory— the Division of the Ministry of the Church at Gordon-
was living out her final earthly days in a courageous battle Conwell. Prior to joining the seminary, he taught in the
with the disease that would take her life, I suddenly found areas of Youth Ministries and Biblical Studies at Gordon
myself struck anew by Psalm 88. I had been reading the College. He also has 20 years of experience in pastoral
Psalms for many years on a regular schedule. Why had this ministry, serving churches in Boston, New York City, New Jersey, Seattle
psalm not arrested my attention before? But it certainly did and Seoul, Korea. He is a regular speaker at conferences, retreats and
this time around. Searching through the Scripture indexes of Christian education workshops, has written articles on Christian educa-
the four or five hymnals in my office (fairly recent hym- tion and worship for publications like Christian Education Journal and
nals of the evangelical variety), I found none based on this Christianity Today, and is co-author along with Gordon-Conwell faculty
“dark” psalm. And so it was that I wrote the setting below. colleague Dr. S. Steven Kang, and Elizabeth Conde-Frazier of the book, A
At the end of each stanza, I have added what seems to me Many Colored Kingdom. His special areas of study and teaching include
to be a kind of summary question for the verses preceding. historical and biblical foundations of Christian education, catechesis,
These questions are in italics, to set them off from the text worship, and issues of faith and culture. He has written numerous hymns
of the psalm itself. I wrote with the hymn tune “BEACH and choruses for congregational worship. Professor Parrett received an
SPRING” in mind (it has been used as the tune for “Come M.Div. from Regent College in Vancouver, and an Ed. D. from Columbia
Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy,” and other texts as well). University.
Please feel free to use the hymn for personal or corporate

o, lord god of my salvation (psalm 88)

O Lord, God of my salvation, Daily have I called upon you,
I have cried out night and day turned to you with outstretched hand.
Let my plea now come before you; Will you be praised from the grave, Lord,
turn and hear me as I pray. from that dark, forgotten land?
For my soul is full of troubles, But to you, Lord, will I cry out.
and the grave calls to me now. Ev’ry morning hear my prayer.
I am numbered with the dying. Why have you my soul forsaken?

You have laid me in a low place, From my youth I’ve known affliction.
in the regions dark and deep. Now behold me—nearly dead.
Heavy hangs your wrath upon me. I have borne your fearsome anger,
Crashing waves upon me sweep. spent my days in constant dread.
Even loved ones, all estranged now, From all sides your terrors stormed me;
look upon me with disdain. they have slain me—here I lie.
I am locked inside this prison. My companions hide in darkness.

Text: Gary A. Parrett / Tune: BEACH SPRING

28 f a l l 07
Kenneth L. Swetland, D.Min.

The Call at 2a.m.


astors tell me that they have never received a call in the

middle of the night that was good news. When the 2 a.m. call
comes, pastors brace themselves for hearing bad news, and are
then relieved when sometimes it’s only a misdialed number or
someone playing a joke.
But, when the call is serious, it’s time to act. Fortunately, it
doesn’t happen all that often for most pastors, although some
say that a younger generation apt to keeping late hours and used
to instant gratification or help available 24/7, are often the ones
making the middle-of-the-night call to their pastor. An older
generation tends to wait until 6 or 7 a.m. unless they are so dev-
astated that they need pastoral care immediately or know their
pastor would want to respond quickly.
Pastors can help educate their parishioners by informing them
(often more than once) that they are available at anytime if there
is a crisis. This kind of availability is part of the call to be a pas-
tor. Not wanting to help when people hurt raises the question of
whether one has a genuine call to pastoral ministry, which at its
biblical base reflects a desire to minister grace and comfort from
a Triune God to people in need. I know a pastor who did not
want to be bothered outside of the 9 to 5 office routine and had
an unlisted phone number at home. It’s not surprising that he did
not last more than a short time at his first church and is not a

pastor today.

fa l l 0 7 29
On an accreditation visit to a seminary in Costa Rica a My rule of thumb is that if the person I am going to see is a
few years ago, I was touched with the sign on the practi- woman and is alone, I want someone with me so there is no
cal ministry department door: “Pastoral Accompaniment.” appearance of anything improper. The same principle holds
That’s what pastors faithful to the biblical model of pastor- for female pastors visiting male parishioners. If other family
ing do—accompany people when a crisis comes. members are going to be present, then going alone may be
So, what do you do when the 2 a.m. call comes and it is the best course of action. Here’s where it’s good to have a
indeed bad news? First, determine whether you need to go board of elders trained and ready to assist you in a crisis.
immediately or wait until later. For example, if individuals
calling are under the influence of alcohol or drugs and you Other words of advice:
determine in talking with them that they are safe but would Make good use of Scripture in responding to people in crisis. Be so
be unable to “hear” what you have to say if you responded immersed in biblical teaching yourself that reflecting solid biblical
in person, it may be best to affirm your love for them and doctrine to people in need flows naturally from your mind. Done
rightly, there’s nothing more powerful than God’s word to bring heal-
concern for their well-being, but firmly advise that it would
ing to hurting people.
be better for them and you if you visited later in the day.
Then keep your word. You can certainly pray with and Pray honestly and gently for people in their presence. People
for them on the phone. And, when you hang up, hope they expect pastors to pray; we don’t have to force it on them. There are
do not call right back. It may be wise to phone a family times when we don’t know what to say, but here is where the Holy
Spirit’s ministry is evident (Rom. 8:26). Don’t shy away from prayer.
member to report what happened and enlist that person’s
help as needed. Have a system in place where church hospitality (food, prayer,
Sometimes unstable persons, such as those with Border- presence, etc.) kicks in when someone is in crisis. The Bible refers
line Personality Disorder or in a manic phase of Bipolar to Christian community as the Body of Christ for good reason.
Disorder, call in the middle of the night, insist on talking at We need every part of the body to be spiritually and emotionally
length and want you to be with them right now. Respond-
ing by going along with their request often does not help In the case of an abused spouse or children, act immediately. Get
them towards spiritual and emotional health and it can be the person/children to a safe place, e.g., a safe home with a family
intensely frustrating and time-consuming, not to mention in your church prepared for such possibilities. (Every region of the
tiring for you. But, not going along with their request often country has a safe place for women and children. Look in the white
pages of your telephone directory under HAWC, Help for Abused
causes them to become angry and accuse you (often to oth- Women and Children. It’s a 24-hour hotline.)
ers) of not caring. And, there’s nothing that strikes pain in
a pastor’s heart like the accusation that he or she does not Live within your own appropriate boundaries of being “extra-avail-
care. able”—a term used by some to refer to the pastor’s always being
It is wise, therefore, to have a plan of action in mind for on call. If several crises come in a row or you’re experiencing an
especially intense emotional period of expending time and energy
when emotionally unstable persons call. For example, assure with someone in need, take the necessary time off with full support
them of your concern on the phone, pray with them, help and understanding of your elders to recover your own spiritual and
them recognize that they can make it without seeing you im- emotional balance.
mediately and hold to your decision not to get out of bed to
Keep notes of what happened. These are for your own record and
go visit them. You may also need to call a family member
are your private file; but in this day of easy litigation, being able to
to provide assistance. If a person is suicidal, you need to call refer to notes is better than a poor memory if you need to substanti-
the police and report what has transpired. ate anything.
Once a woman I had been counseling who had Bor-
derline Personality Disorder called me to say that she had Commit your way to God. He is the “cure giver.” We are only the
“care givers.”
taken a bottle of pills in order to kill herself. Since she had
agreed to contact me if she was suicidal (“suicide contract”), Kenneth L. Swetland, D.Min., is Professor of Ministry and Campus
she made the call and told me what she had taken. I then Pastoral Counselor at the South Hamilton campus, providing pastoral
called the Poison Control Center for our region and learned care for students and graduates, and served as Academic Dean of
the Hamilton campus from 1992-2002. He has pastored churches
that she had taken a potentially lethal dosage and needed in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, was a chaplain at Penn State
immediate hospitalization. My next phone call was to the University and for nursing homes in the Cape Ann area of Massa-
police who broke down her door and got her to the hospital chusetts, and has worked as a psychotherapist at Gordon-Conwell
Counseling Center, Health Integration Services in Peabody, MA and
where she was revived (and for several weeks hated me). I
Willowdale Center for Psychological Services in Hamilton. He has
also called an elder in the church to accompany me to the also taught in Eastern Europe, and has an interest in helping Euro-
hospital since I did not want to be alone when I visited her. pean seminaries in their development. Dr. Swetland continues as a
This brings up the question of whether to see someone supply speaker for many New England churches.
alone in the middle of the night or take someone with you.

30 f a l l 07
Living the Word is a new feature of Contact that offers practical commentary by
Gordon-Conwell faculty on a wide variety of topics. If you have a topic you would like our
professors to address, please email or call 978.646.4141.

The Practice of Prayer

Moonjang Lee, Ph.D.

It is commonsense to say that prayer is crucial in Chris- Pastors should go into a deep prayer life if they really want
tian life. Prayer is a must for anyone in ministry. Ministry to rescue people from the devil’s schemes in their everyday
without a consistent and deep prayer life will be a mis- lives. Some pastors talk about prayer as the key to church
ery. Strangely, however, it is not easy to meet with men revival. That is not wrong all together. However, pastors
and women of prayer in most Christian circles today. The should not consider prayer merely as a tool for church
rhetoric on prayer or prayer life abounds, but the culture of growth or a successful, powerful ministry. Pastors should
prayer seems to be deteriorating. How can we restore the spend many hours a day in prayer in God’s presence because
habit of prayer in Christian life and in ministry? they become troubled in their soul to see the pain and to
I personally think that widespread spiritual ignorance hear the inner cries of their church members. If pastors are
is the main culprit for our laxity in prayer life. The way not troubled in their soul, they are in real trouble!
we Christians perceive the world has become blurred, and Let me share a few practical tips to restore our habit of
we do not seem to realize what is going on in the spiritual prayer. First, we need to cultivate the habit of converting all
domain. So we have to be awakened to the satanic reality our thoughts (monologues) into a dialogue with God. We
which has deeply permeated the fabric of our earthly lives. may have to stop thinking and start talking to/with God in
If we look closely into our inner life, we will be surprised all circumstances. If we admit that God is here with us and
to find that we carry so many ungodly things in our heart hears even our meditations, we cannot ignore Him in our
and mind which affect negatively the way we think, speak thoughts. At first, we may feel that we are talking to God
and behave. Many of our families are dysfunctional. We without getting any response from Him, but as we continue
hear stories of violence and conflict in the regional and glob- talking to/with God, a real dialogue can happen.
al context every day. In essence, we live in a dysfunctional Second, we need to cultivate the habit of asking God
world, i.e., a fallen world. People are victimized by all kinds whenever we are to make a choice–big or small. God is the
of satanic attacks on every front. Our lives could hardly best counselor and it would be most natural for us to ask
be characterized by glory, holiness, power and freedom in the all-knowing God for everything in our daily walk. We
Christ; rather, we are subjected to all forms of satanic bond- have to practice what’s written in Proverbs 3:5-6a: “Trust
age and oppression: hatred, depression, misunderstanding, in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own
sensuality, pride, fear, worry, diseases, divorce, conflicts, understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him.” If God
wars and many others. We are reminded every day that we is real in our lives, our dependence on God should also be
exist not in the heavenly reality, but in the satanic reality. real.
Our life on earth is to be characterized as a good fight Third, we need to cultivate the habit of spending regular
against the presence of this reality. If we really perceive the hour(s) every day for private prayer. We know that profes-
satanic reality as the cause of all sorrows (individual, famil- sional golfers practice at minimum two to three hours a day
ial, societal and global) in this fallen world, we may have a to remain competitive in their games. Unless we maintain a
divine anger towards the evil power operating in our midst. few hours in prayer daily, our ministry cannot be competi-
If we really see that our fight is “against the spiritual forces tive in the spiritual battleground.
of evil in the heavenly realms,” we will be filled with a sense
of God’s mission to “stand against the devil’s schemes” Moonjang Lee, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of World
Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
(Ephesians 6:11). If we see clearly who our adversary is, Before joining the seminary in 2006, he served for five
then how can we not pray to the almighty God, our heav- years at Trinity Theological College, Singapore, and three
enly father? years at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, as a
We need to pray to fight against ourselves to purify our Lecturer in Asian Theology. His research areas include
issues related to the interface between the Gospel and
heart, and to rescue ourselves from the rules of the flesh. Asian cultures, working out a viable methodology for Christian studies in
Our struggle is to grow spiritually to be like Jesus Christ. the Asian religious milieu, articulating a new approach in the world mis-
Our aim in life is to restore the image of Christ in us. With- sion, and finding a way to utilize the traditional Asian reading method(s)
out prayer, this fight against our flesh cannot be won. in the study of the Bible. He holds a Th.M. from Gordon-Conwell, S.T.M.
from Yale University Divinity School and Ph.D. from the University of
We also need to pray to help others be freed from satan- Edinburgh. He teaches a course, Practice of Prayer.
ic bondage. To function spiritually, pastors should become
prayer warriors, because the nature of their job is spiritual.

fa l l 0 7 31

Dr. Garth Bolinder Michael L. Colaneri

Gordon-Conwell Trustee Dr. Garth Bolinder has about their memories of Uncle Harold, they wouldn’t discuss his
a lot of energy. “I have a good metabolism,” books or the stands he took; they would remember the turkey sand-
he says. “I try to keep in shape by running, wiches he made for them, or the games of Go Fish he played with
working out and playing some golf, you know, them. Finally, watching he and Marion work together as a couple in
to delay the inevitable.” Given his numerous ministry has been very significant for Dixie and me.”
responsibilities, including chairing the Gordon- Upon completion of his M.Div., Dr. Bolinder began 30 years of
Conwell Presidential Search Committee, it’s a pastoral ministry in various Evangelical Covenant (EC) churches
good thing he does. in Michigan, Connecticut, California and Kansas. He recently as-
Dr. Bolinder was born into a Christian home. sumed a new position as Superintendent of the Mid-South Confer-
“I had the blessing of being raised in a home where my parents ence, where he acts in a judicatory role over EC churches in Okla-
possessed and passed on an authentic faith in Jesus Christ,” he homa, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and New Mexico.
recalls. After trusting Christ at a young age, he was again blessed “In this position, I function as what might be called a bishop,
through the nurture of a healthy local church, extended family and giving oversight and encouragement to existing and emerging
concerned friends. churches in our region. My four primary areas of responsibility are:
He graduated from Wheaton College with a degree in history, s0ASTORAL#ARE)ENCOURAGEOURPASTORS SERVINGASAPASTORTO
and then headed to South Hamilton to attend Gordon-Conwell. Af- pastors.
ter two years of study here, he transferred to North Park Theologi- s$IRECTOROF#HURCH0LANTING7EAREAYOUNGERCONFERENCE SO
cal Seminary, the Evangelical Covenant Church’s denominational while more established conferences would have a full-time person
seminary in Chicago, to complete his M.Div. Dr. Bolinder returned in that role, that responsibility falls to me. And we take it very seri-
to Gordon-Conwell and was awarded the Doctor of Ministry in Dr. ously. We plant two churches a year, and all of our churches are 15
Haddon Robinson’s preaching track in 1999. years old or younger.
However, Dr. Bolinder’s relationship to Gordon-Conwell extends s3ERVEONTHE#OUNCILOF3UPERINTENDENTS
further than that of an alumnus. He is also related to the late Dr. s3ERVEASTHE#%/OFTHE#ONFERENCE ASTHEHEADOF
Harold Lindsell, an esteemed Gordon-Conwell’s Trustee and first administration.”
Chair of the Board. “Harold Lindsell was my uncle,” he notes. “He In addition to serving on the Gordon-Conwell Board of Trustees
and his wife, Marion, were very dear to our family and very influen- since 2006, Dr. Bolinder is also on the board of Bible Study Fel-
tial in my own spiritual formation. Primarily, through sheer spiritual lowship, The Center for Hispanic Theological Education (CHET),
example, just by watching their lives, I grew in my walk with Christ. Covenant Ministries of Benevolence and Covenant Retirement
“Also, his great love for the word of God and great concern for Communities. He has been married to his wife, Dixie, for 37 years
scholarship in the area of theological education were important. and has two grown daughters and two granddaughters.
His deep love for Christ and his humility were profound. Even
though he was an apologist and not afraid to stand his ground, he Michael Colaneri is Assistant Director of Communications at Gordon-Conwell.
also had a deep humility. For example, if you asked my daughters

The Presidential Search “By the way, it is a gift from God that we have an educator and
communicator and leader like Haddon Robinson as President. And
The Gordon-Conwell Board of Trustees appointed trustee and alum- we are also blessed to have Alice Mathews as Dean, because not
nus, Dr. Garth Bolinder, as Chair of a new Presidential Search Com- only did we have a President resign, but also the Vice President for
mittee. In the following interview, he comments on search activities. Education. So the fact that we have both is a providential gracious-
ness from God.
What has the committee been doing so far? “Dr. Robinson’s willingness to serve as President allows us sev-
“We spent the summer trying to get some context and history and eral things, first of all, the gift of time. We do not need to feel anx-
discern how we are supposed to function. We want to move on with ious about the search; urgent, yes, but not anxious.
things, of course, but also don’t want to be too hasty or premature. The “It allows us time to implement a best practices presidential
committee had a meeting with the faculty that was very, very produc- search. Finally, it allows us to benefit from the gift and experience
tive. I also spoke to the faculty at their retreat and that went very well.” and the international presence of Haddon Robinson. We do not
consider Haddon to be a caretaker, and I told this to the faculty. We
Is there any timetable? consider him to be a President who is a transitional leader.
“No. There are those people who would like to get this thing done “As things get rolling, I will be communicating with the semi-
right away, and have the search completed tomorrow. Then there nary community and stakeholders through various channels includ-
are those who want to take a long, long time and do a very thor- ing a section on the Gordon-Conwell website. It can be accessed at
ough process. We are trying to find that deep current in the middle
that allows for an open, “best practices” search process, while at
the same time keep the momentum moving forward. Any last thoughts?
“Just this: At the most basic level, we want to prepare the next pres-
f a l l 07
ident for the seminary and the seminary for the next president.”

Seminary Names Dean for South

Hamilton Campus Charlotte Library Director Appointed to
Manage All Campus Libraries
Dr. Alice P. Mathews, Lois W. Bennett Professor Emer-
ita of Educational Ministries and Women’s Ministries,
has been named Academic Dean of the South Hamil- Robert J. Mayer, D.Min., Director of the Harold
ton Campus of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Lindsell Library at Gordon-Conwell—Charlotte
She succeeds Dr. Barry H. Corey, now President of and an administrative faculty member, has
Biola University in La Mirada, California. been named Senior Librarian and Director of
Prior to her current appointment Dr. Mathews had Gordon-Conwell Libraries.
been the Lois W. Bennett Associate Professor of Educational Min-
istries and Women’s Ministries from 1999 to 2005. She had also In his new role, he will be responsible for
spent more than a decade at Denver Seminary where in the 1980s oversight of the seminary’s entire library
she established a comprehensive program for women’s studies on system, which includes the Boston, Hamilton and Charlotte
that campus. Subsequently, Dr. Mathews served for three years as campuses and the Jacksonville extension site. He will be
Dean of the Philadelphia Center of the Seminary of the East. based in Charlotte.
She is widely known for her participation in the daily Bible-
teaching radio program, Discover the Word. Dr. Mathews ministers Prior to joining the Gordon-Conwell community in 1997, Dr.
regularly at women’s retreats, conferences, and in churches inter- Mayer served for 15 years as Director of Publications for the
nationally and throughout the United States, and lectures on wom- Advent Christian General Conference and editor of the Advent
en’s issues in other academic settings. She is the author of books Christian Witness. He received an M.A. from Fuller Theological
of Bible studies for women, including A Woman God Can Use, Seminary, an M.L.I.S. from the University of North Carolina at
A Woman Jesus Can Teach, and A Woman God Can Lead, as well Greensboro, and a D.Min. degree from Gordon-Conwell.
as Marriage Made in Eden and Preaching that Speaks to Women
Dr. Mathews holds an M.A. from Michigan State University and He has extensive experience in writing, publications and re-
a Ph.D. from Iliff School of Theology/University of Denver. search, and has taught in a variety of academic and church
She and her husband, Randy, have four children and six adult settings. He is ordained by the Evangelical Church Alliance.

CUME Professor Receives Top National Award Board Grants Order of Barnabas Awards
at Charlotte Commencement
Eldin Villafañe, Ph.D.,
Professor of Christian So- Dr. Robert E. Cooley, President Emeri-
cial Ethics and founding tus, and Dr. Wayne E. Goodwin, Profes-
sor of Ministry, were honored by the
Director of the seminary’s
Board of Trustees with the Order of
Boston campus, the
Barnabas Distinguished Service Award
Center for Urban Ministe- during Commencement exercises for
rial Education (CUME), Gordon-Conwell—Charlotte.
received the Esperanza Dr. Cooley, who led Gordon-Conwell from 1981 to 1997 as Presi-
Spirit Award at the 2007 dent, Professor of Biblical Archaeology and subsequently Chancellor,
National Hispanic Prayer was cited for his “far-reaching vision” that “birthed a new Gordon-
Breakfast and Conference Conwell campus for the Southeast—and a new model for theological
in Washington, D.C. education decades ahead of its time.”
Presented by Esperanza USA during the organization’s keynote A citation chronicling his accomplishments noted that Dr. Cooley
prayer breakfast, the prestigious award is conferred for exemplary “envisioned and conceptualized for the Charlotte campus a whole new
ministerial service and is based on Matthew 25:42-43: “For when way of offering ministry training—a contextualized educational model
I was hungry, you gave me something to eat, and when I was shaped around people’s busy lives rather than around traditional
course schedules. This approach which enables students to pursue
thirsty, you gave me something to drink, and when I was a stranger
degrees while remaining active in ministry would become known na-
you welcomed me...” tionally as the Charlotte Model, and would later be replicated across
Dr. Villfañe was recognized as “a social ethicist and a lifelong the United States.”
community advocate and passionate teacher of social justice.” Dr. Goodwin, the first Executive Dean of Gordon-Conwell Theologi-
Esperanza USA, considered a leading voice for Hispanics of cal Seminary—Charlotte, was cited for “serving at a crucial time in
faith in the nation, is a network of Hispanic Christians, churches, the seminary’s history,” conceptualizing and bringing together all the
and ministries committed to raising awareness and identifying constituent parts of the “revolutionary new curriculum utilized by the
resources that strengthen the Hispanic community. More than Charlotte campus...Wayne’s character and philosophy of education are
750 Hispanic clergy and community leaders attended the keynote indelibly marked on the campus.”
prayer breakfast that included remarks by President George W. Ordained in the United Methodist Church, Dr. Goodwin was also
Bush. recognized for pastoring churches while serving the seminary, “living a
Dr. Villafañe, who was named one of the nation’s 10 most in- belief that the academy ultimately serves the church.”
A Founders Day observance held during the Charlotte Baccalaureate
fluential religious leaders and scholars by the National Catholic
celebrated the campus’ 15th anniversary.
Reporter, served as CUME’s founding Director from 1976 to 1990.
fa l l 0 7 33

Dr. and Mrs. Haddon Robinson Receive Going the Distance for an M.Div. Degree
Servant of Christ Award Joong W. (Jonathan) Lee thinks the air miles he logged from
The Christian Medical & Den- California to Gordon-Conwell—Charlotte for his M.Div. degree
tal Associations (CMDA) in equal roughly five trips around the world.
June honored Gordon-Conwell On the Saturday night red-eye back to San Francisco after
weekend classes, the pastor of Waypoint Community Church in
President Dr. Haddon W. Rob-
Davis sometimes wrote sermons for the next morning’s service.
inson and his wife, Mrs. Bon- On the planes with him were good friends William Kang, Tim-
nie Robinson, with the 2007 othy Rhee and Andy Tung. In between trips, William, a licensed
Servant of Christ Award “in minister at Gracepoint Community Church in Berkeley, directed
recognition of how they have a college ministry of more than 400 students at UC-Berkeley
modeled Christ in serving oth- and served as missions director. Andy worked on the college
ers.” staff with William while in seminary, and Timothy served as a
The 17,000-member as- pastoral intern and, with his wife, as college department direc-
sociation established the tor at Waypoint Church.
award to honor “those whose While the four “California guys” were flying from the West
careers have blended well the Coast, their classmate, Debra Brown, was winging her way to
attributes of a commitment to Charlotte from Ontario, Canada. Amid travel and study, she also
ran a governance consulting firm that services Canadian and in-
Christ and service to others, and those who have demonstrated a re-
ternational clients, many of them Christian organizations.
markable commitment to excellence in the field of missions, research,
patient care, or medical ethics.” Traveling students, l. to r., Andy Tung, Joog “Jonathan” Lee, Debra Brown,
Dr. Robinson served as General Director of the Christian Medical William Kang and Timothy Rhee.
& Dental Associations from 1971 to 1979 and as editor of the CMDA
Journal. A citation delivered during the awards ceremony acknowl-
edged the Robinsons’ significant involvement in the organization’s
family conferences where they imparted “the love of Christ and the
truth of God’s Word into the lives of the hundreds in attendance
throughout the years.”
CMDA is a national organization with more than 80 ministries, in-
cluding international missions, continuing medical education and a
policy arm that educates members and the church on bioethical issues
like stem cell research and physician-assisted suicide.
The Robinsons received the award at the CMDA national meeting in
Orlando, FL, where Dr. Robinson also was a convention speaker.

Women’s Council to Celebrate providing furniture and drapes for dorm rooms and conducting tours
of Boston, to hosting social events for students and even purchasing
80th Anniversary Beth Isaac “phonograph recordings of marching tunes for the type-writing class,” as
the council sought to insure the wellbeing of the students and to further
the “evangelical ideals” of the institution.
Since establishing an endowed scholarship fund in 1986, the
council’s focus has been to raise money annually for scholarships
through donations from members and friends. During the past eight years
alone it has raised $104,000, granting scholarships of $2000 each to
52 students.
The year-long 80th anniversary celebration begins in the fall of 2007
and will include interviews with former Women’s Council Scholarship
recipients, who will share stories of what God has wrought in their lives
since setting out to serve Him in various capacities following completion
of their degrees.
The celebration will culminate in the spring of 2008 with a major
event that will include a video documentary on the history and
L to r: Women’s Council President Beth Isaac introduces Miriam Boylan,
contributions of the council, members in period costumes from the
who models historic attire from the early 1900s.
1920s through the 1950s, a display of pictures and other items from the
What began as a simple research project to confirm some historical historical archives, and a time for honoring the service of past presidents.
facts turned into a delightful and inspiring “return to the past” for The Women’s Council holds its programs and luncheon meetings
the executive committee of The Women’s Council of Gordon-Conwell three times a year on the South Hamilton, MA campus. For
Theological Seminary when they rediscovered in their archives information about how you can join the Women’s Council and
documents dating from 1928. These documents established the contribute to its work on behalf of seminary students, please contact
formation of the council for the purpose of supporting the vision and Carolyn Umenhofer, Treasurer, at 978.468.2148.
mission of Gordon-College and Divinity School.
The early documents also offered a fascinating snapshot of the Beth Isaac is President of The Women’s Council of Gordon-Conwell
council’sf ainvolvement
34 l l 07 in almost every detail of student life, from Theological Seminary.

To the cheers of family and split the cost four ways.

even some California friends, all For Timothy Rhee, “the big- A Message from Howard Freeman
five were awarded M.Div. degrees gest contributor to making these
during Charlotte’s spring Com- trips ‘sane’ and ‘doable’ was that Billy Graham has probably preached on the verse more than any other, but
mencement exercises. Debra was I never traveled alone. We are all it is still as fresh as if I were reading it for the first time: “For God so loved
a Commencement speaker. very close friends and ...there the world that he gave his one and only Son...” (John 3:16).
For the California team, the was a sense of... ‘we’re doing this
need to pursue M.Div. degrees together’ that made our travels What I love about this verse is that one way the Father reveals himself is by
full-time evolved as their min- times of fun fellowship. I know giving. And Jesus gave his life as a ransom for many (Matt 20:28). And the
istry involvement increased. that I could have never survived Holy Spirit has been given to us as a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance,
Close friends during college these past five years if I were do- yet another gift (Eph 1:14). Our triune God is a giving God! It’s hard not to
days at Berkeley, they had all at- ing this alone!” get excited about giving, because each gift given in love mirrors what God
tended Gracepoint Church and Debra’s original five-year de- has done for us, what he is doing, and what he will do.
after graduation served at the gree plan evolved into six years,
church while holding full-time partially because, as she quips, Your faithful gifts of financial support are a lifeline for the seminary that
jobs. When the church planted border officials “thought I was a we always receive with great gratitude, and we are ever thankful for your
Waypoint Church, Jonathan and terrorist.” One day shortly after generous gifts of time, involvement on a volunteer committee, emails
Timothy were part of the church- passage of the Patriot Act, she with advice on alumni/ae matters, and the hospitality in many of your
planting team. All are called to showed up at the airport and was homes and offices.
full-time ministry. denied entry into the U.S. Seven-
“One requirement for seminary teen of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 These columns are
for me was to be able to continue had been part-time students. For always fun to write,
on with my ministry,” explains the next year, she was blocked because I dearly en-
William Kang, his comments re- out of the country, and had to joy encouraging you
flecting the sentiments of all five return as a full-time student to in the Lord to give
students. meet INS requirements. to God’s Kingdom,
The quartet from California In all, Debra made 60 trips not just to Gordon-
explored West Coast seminaries, to Charlotte. For language and Conwell; yet, this is
but none offered the flexibility of exegesis classes, she flew every my final column. I
Charlotte’s once-a-month weekend other weekend. She completed have accepted a po-
classes that they could combine one-week intensive classes in sition at Redeemer
with an initial 10 Semlink dis- two weeks, taking classes for one Presbyterian Church
tance education courses. They week and finishing the course as- in New York City, as
could also take summer inten- signments the next week at home Director of Generos-
sives both in Charlotte and at or wherever her business travels ity and Development. President Haddon Robinson has named William M.
the South Hamilton campus, and took her. “Plane rides and sitting Fisher as Interim Chief Development Officer at Gordon-Conwell.
Greek and Hebrew in San Fran- in airports are a real gift,” she
cisco. comments. “I can’t tell you how Redeemer is pastored by a Gordon-Conwell graduate, Dr. Tim Keller (M.Div.
With the Charlotte model, many vocab cards I went through ’77), who founded the church in 1989. I will be overseeing the giving and
Debra Brown says, “You can while traveling.” stewardship effort there, as they prepare to enter a major campaign, focus-
pursue a world class M.Div. Debra says she couldn’t have ing on global church planting, leadership training, serving the poor and
while working. Not only would completed her degree without her building a new sanctuary on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. This is a bit of
I get an M.Div., but a Gordon- husband, who works in the busi- a homecoming for me: I grew up in Manhattan. New York is where my wife
Conwell M.Div.” She also chose ness and “picked up the slack” and I met, and where we had our first child before coming to Gordon-Con-
the school because it is multi- when needed. well. It has been a bittersweet decision because I so enjoy working with the
denominational and, she adds, All the traveling students give seminary’s various constituents, and yet I feel a profound call by God for my
because “the supportive way they high marks to the education family to go to New York to live, and for me to minister with Redeemer.
look at women in ministry was they received at Gordon-Con-
helpful to me.” well. “Because of GCTS, I feel I had the pleasure of hiring Bill Fisher in April 2004 as
Jonathan Lee good-naturedly equipped and prepared for local Director of the Annual Fund. He will serve Gordon-Con-
explains the drill for trips to church ministry,” William Kang well and your interests well. He is a Kingdom-minded
Charlotte. The team would board comments. “I’m more confi- man. Before coming here, Bill was with the Haggai
the red-eye on Thursday night, dent in biblical and theological Institute in Atlanta, Georgia, and, before that, served as
arrive early Friday morning, take knowledge, and in preaching and Associate Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Hamp-
Friday evening and all-day Sat- teaching.” ton Falls, New Hampshire. He also served with honor
urday classes, fly back Saturday “The education and training I in the Coast Guard based in Maine. He and his wife,
night or early Sunday morning, have received at Gordon-Conwell Lisbeth, have two grown children and one granddaugh-
and arrive, in his case, in time have been tremendous bless- ter. I look forward to your meeting him and members of
to preach. Often, concepts he ings,” adds Timothy Rhee. “In his team as opportunity allows. The Development Office is in strong hands
had learned during the weekend addition to the education, I have with Bill, just as the seminary is under the godly leadership of President
found their way into his sermons been fellowship with Robinson.
the next day. the faculty members and fellow
The team got adept at waiting students. It has been very en- I have been blessed by your giving and your friendship. I will miss you.
for major airline sales, and book- couraging and inspiring to see so Thank you for seven wonderful years of association at Gordon-Conwell.
ing several flights in advance. many of them serving God with
They also surfed the web for rea- zeal and passion.”
sonably priced double-occupancy
hotel rooms—sometimes for as
low as $20/night apiece—and
watched for car rental deals then
fa l l 0 7 35

Gordon-Conwell Students in 10 African countries. We have worked in association with

the missionaries in Rafiki in teaching, leading the children in
Travel Throughout the World for activities, and helping in any way that the village needed.”
Overseas Missions Experiences Team Zimbabwe: Stephanie Boardman, John Ols, Kristin Odell,
Matt Russell, Chad Hardy, Mary Krause, and Jason Brody.
Each summer,
dozens of
“Our team went to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, where we spent the
majority of our time working with faculty and students of the
students travel
Theological College of Zimbabwe. Each member of our team
across the
spent time teaching classes and interacting with the students.
globe, fulfilling
Several of us had the opportunity to preach in various venues,
the Great
and there was also time to do a bit of relief and development
Commission and
work with children and the poor.
sharing the love
of Christ as part
One team member says, ‘It has helped me to see that God has
of the seminary’s
been preparing me for theological education, and reminded
me that such a calling must always serve the Church and its
mission. So I have nothing but praise for God for this trip!’”
(OMP). Through this innovative program, students are able to
gain real-world experience, aid an existing missions program and
gain class credit for their work. This year was no different, with
45 students participating in a variety of programs.

OMP’s mission is to “mobilize, train, and send out teams of

students into cross-cultural areas around the world where they
can learn to serve the poor, to share their faith, and to network
with Christians and missionaries from a broad spectrum of other
cultures and church traditions.”

The OMP projects are divided into six categories: Theological

Education, Church Planting, Shan/Dai adoption, Relief and
Development, Bible Translation and Uttermost Parts. Through
the last category, students are able to apply for support of
unique missions projects.

Following are highlights provided by some of the 2007

participants about their experiences on the mission field.

Team Midwest, USA: Christi Berger, Joshua Tsang Team Shan Adoption: Steve Niphakis, Faye David,
David Cummings, Geoffrey Quinn, Pang Yang, Mayuree
Christi says their team worked with immigrants at an American Wichitarapongsakun, Nathan Willems, Vivian Chen.
facility whose mission is to share Christ by building bridges with
the people of the community. Joshua developed relationships Team Shan lived with, served, and prayed for the Shan-Tai
with the men by having coffee, tea or dinner with them, and people and developed a 30-day prayer guide for the Shan-Tai
instructed them in English. Christi taught English to other people group in the following areas: Thailand: Chiang Mai, Mae
females, helped prepare them for citizenship tests, took care Hong Son; Myanmar: Mandalay, Taungi, Inlay, Yangon
of their children while they were in class, and spent time
in their homes. Team Costa Rica: Walter Thompson, Deborah Hawk
She remarked that the people are “crying out for something
more than what they have, especially the women. They love the “Our team was focused on theological education. We traveled to
facility where we worked and the staff/volunteers there because San José, Costa Rica, and were involved in observing, learning
they feel loved, appreciated, respected and wanted—something and teaching at ESEPA Seminary. We also had the opportunity to
completely opposite the way many of them feel when they are at teach and preach in churches in and around San José. We were
home. God is using this center to share his love. We saw one of able to learn a lot about how the seminary works and saw the
our children come to the realization that Jesus Christ is the only need for theological education for pastors in Latin America.”
way, and has made the decision to be a follower of Christ.”
Teams were also sent to Lebanon, Ukraine, Belize, Bahrain,
Team Rafiki in Ghana: Drew Winkler, Sherly Paraison, Natasha Mozambique, Sudan, Siberia, Dominican Republic, Spain,
Cassamajor, Sara Khachaturian, David Moon, David Kim Indonesia, Thailand and Mexico.

“The purpose of our ministry in Ghana has been to volunteer

at an orphanage under the Rafiki Foundation, which is found

36 f a l l 07

Archaeological Study Bible Remembering Dear Friends

The Gordon-Conwell community has mourned the deaths of three great
wins ECPA award friends in recent months.
The Archaeological Study Bible, pro-
duced by Gordon-Conwell and Zondervan Ruth Bell Graham
Publishers, won the 2007 Evangelical Ruth Bell Graham, beloved wife of our founder and trustee,
Christian Publishers Association (ECPA) Rev. Billy Graham, mother of Anne Graham Lotz, and
Christian Book Award for Bibles, at the
sister-in-law of Rev. Leighton Ford, also both Gordon-
Christian Booksellers Association &
ECPA Awards Celebration in Atlanta, GA. Conwell trustees, died on June 14, 2007. She was 87.
Mrs. Graham was a woman of devout faith, a spiritual
The Archaeological Study Bible was re- light to Billy and everyone who knew her, and a deeply devoted wife
leased in 2006 after five years of study and mother. Mrs. Graham distinguished herself by personal involvement
and preparation. It quickly became a in Christian missions on a global scale and as an active participant in
favorite, selling over 250,000 copies in the ministries of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. In 1987,
the first year, earning the distinction of Gordon-Conwell dedicated The Ruth Bell Graham Hall in her honor, and
best selling Bible of 2006. The ASB was
the L. Nelson Bell Hall in tribute to her father, Dr. L. Nelson Bell.
edited by President Emeritus Dr. Walter
C. Kaiser, Jr., and features contributions President Haddon W. Robinson noted: “We have deep love for the
from a number of Gordon-Conwell faculty. Graham family, who have greatly influenced and enriched our seminary.
We extend to them our prayers and profound sympathy at this time of
The Archaeological Study Bible is available at the Gordon-Conwell loss. We rejoice, too, in the hope that Christ gives to those who trust in
Bookcentre him.”

Dr. Burton Goddard

Dean Emeritus Dr. Burton Goddard died in New Oxford,
Chinese Scholars Conference PA, July 22, 2007, at the age of 97.
Dr. Goddard served at Gordon College and Gordon
Divinity School for 34 years, holding positions of Dean,
Gordon-Conwell was Professor of Biblical Languages and Exegesis, and Director of the Library.
honored to host “The The Goddard Library was named in his honor at his retirement. An
Role of Religion in ordained Presbyterian minister, he served as pastor of the Carlisle (MA)
Chinese and American Congregational Church, and was also instrumental in the founding of
the Evangelical Theological Society, Boston Christian High School (now
Culture” conference,
Lexington Christian Academy), Deerwander Bible Conference, and the
sponsored by the Chi- Chinese Evangelical Literature Committee.
nese Christian Scholars He was first general secretary and an editor and translator of the
Association of North Committee on Bible Translation, which in 1978 produced the New
America and Just Peace International Version of the Bible. Dr. Goddard was also editor of The
Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Missions and author of The NIV Story,
Ministry. More than 30 scholars and graduate students partici-
Meet Jeremiah and Animals of the Bible.
pated in the conference and over 20 papers were presented
reflecting on their research and observations of religion in
Dr. Meredith Kline
each country. Dr. Todd Johnson, Director of the Center for the Noted Biblical scholar and Professor Emeritus of Old
Study of Global Christianity, presented a paper, “The Changing Testament at Gordon-Conwell Dr. Meredith Kline passed
Demographics of American Religion, 1900-2050.” away on Saturday, April 14, 2007, at the age of 84.
An eminent scholar, Dr. Kline studied at Westminster
Seminary and received his Ph.D. from Dropsie College. He taught at
Westminster Theological Seminary, Gordon Divinity School, Gordon-
Conwell Theological Seminary, Westminster Seminary California and
National Preaching Conference Reformed Theological Seminary. Dr. Kline was ordained in the Orthodox
Scheduled for September ‘08 Presbyterian Church.
Among Dr. Kline’s publications are God, Heaven, and Har Magedon:
A Covenantal Tale of Cosmos and Telos; Glory in Our Midst: A Biblical-
Mark your calendars for a national preaching conference at
Theological Reading of Zechariah’s Night Visions; Kingdom Prologue:
Gordon-Conwell, Called to Preach, September 4-5, 2008 on Genesis Foundations for a Covenantal Worldview; Images of the Spirit
the South Hamilton campus. Sponsored by the seminary’s Cen- and The Structure of Biblical Authority.
ter for Preaching, the biennial event will feature top national The Gordon-Conwell community extends to the families of each of
preachers, helpful teaching sessions and workshops, and the these friends our prayers and deepest sympathy.
opportunity to enjoy New England in the fall.
For more information, visit
Alumni/ae will also discover opportunities to reconnect with communications/archives.php.
the seminary and each other during a number of events for graduates.
Watch for more details at
fa l l 0 7 37

50s Lowman, Bob L., Jr., D.Min, ’98, became

Director of Missions of the Metrolina
and his wife, Julena (MAME 2002), have
two children: Joseph (born in 2002) and
Baptist Association in Charlotte, NC, on Zoe (born in Cairo in 2005).
Allaby, Stanley, ’56, celebrated the 50th September 15, 2006. The Metrolina
anniversary of his ordination on June 4, Association, founded in 1886, is made Dowdell, Aaron, MA, ’02, is currently an
2006. up of 110 Southern Baptist congregations in-home family therapist with the IMPACT
in the Charlotte and Mecklenburg County program in Lexington, Kentucky. He earned
Blaschke, Rev. Robert C., M.Div., ’52, was area. his professional License in Marriage and
married on Oct 22, 2006, to Betty Stam Family Therapy in 2006, and serves
Erickson and is currently living in Willow Pettigrove, Glen, M.Div., ’96, was awarded families with Severe Emotionally Disturbed
Valley Retirement Community. the Baumgardt Memorial Fellowship by the children and youth. He has 2 children, Will
American Philosophical Association. (3 years) and Samuel (1 year).

60s Rata, Cristian G., MA, ’96, is currently Lawrence, Ryan, M.Div., 04, co-wrote
Lecturer in Old Testament at Torch Trinity an article, “Religion, Conscience, and
Concklin, Richard, M.Div., ’69, took an Graduate School of Theology in Seoul, Controversial Clinical Practices,” that was
early retirement from TDS Telecom where South Korea. published in the Feb. 8 edition of the New
he had worked for 13 years as a billing England Journal of Medicine.
analyst and is now working with the Ryan, Kevin, MAR, ’93, received a D.Min
Wisconsin District of The Wesleyan Church from Graduate Theological Foundation in Lim, Kar-Yong, MA. ’00, recently
as a pastoral coach and church consultant May, 2006, and is currently working at completed a Ph.D. in New Testament from
Masters Regional Academy in Smithfield, the University of Wales, Lampeter, United
Taylor, F. Stuart, M.Div., ’68, retired in July RI. Kingdom, and is now Lecturer in New
2006 after 39 years in the pastorate. Testament Studies at Seminari Theoloji
Shidemantle, C. Scott, M.Div, ’91, and Malaysia (Malaysia Theological Seminary),

80s wife, Wendy, welcomed their second

child— Luke Curtis Shidemantle—who was
Seremban, Malaysia.

born on November 29, 2006. Stine, Rev. Dr. Carrie, D.Min, ’05,
Lambooy, Philip J, M.Div., ’84, is Pastor of was elected to serve as Moderator of
Christ Covenant Church, PCA, in Waldorf, Shriver, Andrew, MA, ’99, an Army Northumberland Presbytery PC (USA)
Maryland. His wife, Margaret, teaches and Chaplain, invented an expeditionary during 2007.
has a small business. portable chapel kit for the U.S. Army, and
is now serving in Afghanistan. Stinson, Joseph, D.Min., ’06, was
Mueller, Dr. Walt, M.Div., ’86, D.Min, ’05, promoted to top flag rank, Rear Admiral,
just released his latest book, Youth Culture Treick, Katharine (Brown), MA, ’98, and Deputy Chief of Chaplains for Reserve
101 (Youth Specialties/Zondervan). husband, Joel welcomed their first child, Matters in Washington, DC.
Lilia Marie, on March 21. Joel is currently
Pughe, Roberta, MA, ’88, has just finishing the M.Div at Westminster
published a book, Resurrecting Theological Seminary in California. The
Eve: Women of Faith Challenge the
Fundamentalist Agenda (Caveat Press,
family moved to Chattanooga, TN, where In Memoriam
Joel has been named Associate Pastor
2007). of Evangelism and Outreach at First Dean, Dr. Lloyd F., M.Div., ’46, passed
Presbyterian Church away on March 21, 2007. Dr. Dean is
Wan, Sze-kar, M.Div., ‘82, was appointed survived by wife, Myrtle, a son and two
Professor of New Testament at Perkins Underation, Chris, MA, ‘99, is now daughters.
School of Theology, Southern Methodist Assistant Professor of Communications at
University, effective July 1, 2007. the University of Findlay in Ohio. Tabor, Vincent E., M.Div., ’62, passed away
on January 2, 2007. He is survived by his

90s 00s
wife, Jean, two daughters and four siblings.

Van Vorst, Rev. K. Leslie, D.Min., ’59,

Charles, Marcella, M.Div., ’96, was Dodson, Jonathan, M.Div., ’04, Th.M., passed away after nearly 50 years of
installed as Senior Pastor of The ’05, has relocated to Austin, TX, to plant Christian ministry. He pastored the
Dorchester Immanuel Church of the Austin City Life Church, whose vision is Kiantone Congregational Church in
Nazarene on Blue Hill Avenue in the to cultivate communities of Spirit-led Jamestown, New York, for 6 years, received
Franklin Park neighborhood of Boston on disciples who redemptively engage peoples a call to pastor 2 churches in Sydney,
March 18, 2007. In addition to pastoring, and cultures through Christ for the glory Australia, and spent the rest of his life
she continues to serve with Campus of God. and www. there. He is survived by his wife, Judy; 4
Crusade for Christ (CCC). sons; 7 grandchildren; and brother, James.

Jones, Dr. William H., D.Min. ’98, has Doudt, Ben, M.Div., ’01, returned from Waterman, Leonard, M.Div., ’58, passed
been named interim provost of Columbia three years in Cairo, Egypt, in December away on April 7, 2007. He is survived by
International University. 2006. He began teaching OT Survey at three daughters and 13 grandchildren.
Charlotte Christian School in Charlotte,
North Carolina, beginning in August. He

38 f a l l 07
1 Sam . 30:1- 6

the David’s First Response:

Finding Strength in the Lord

Thomas D. Petter, Ph.D.,

Assistant Professor of Old Testament

The narrative of 1 Samuel provides memorable im- “Believe in the Lord your God” (2 Chron 20:20) or
ages of David’s commitment to the Lord in the face of negative: “Against the Lord your God you have trans-
danger and suffering. Who can forget David’s response gressed” (Jer 3:13).
to Goliath’s taunt: “You come to me with a sword and 1 Sam 30:6 is noteworthy because it is the only at-
with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in tested instance where the verb “to strengthen oneself”
the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies is modified by the phrase “in the Lord his God.” By
of Israel, whom you have defied” (1 Sam 17:45 ESV)? contrast, even close parallels fail to convey the same
However, there is a lesser known and more laconic relationship between the verb and the prepositional
episode that happened shortly before David receives phrase. Solomon “strengthened himself with regard to
the kingship. In 1 Samuel 30:1-6, the author describes his kingdom, and the Lord his God was with him” (2
what seemed to be a regular occurrence in the frontier Chron 2:1). And Jonathan “strengthened his hand in
region of southern Israel: tribal raiders overwhelming God” (1 Sam 23:16). Thus it seems “in the Lord his
their enemies’ settlement (cf. 1 Sam 27:8-12). In this God” takes on an important function. It determines
particular case, the Amalekites, probably in retalia- precisely the nature of the strength that David found.
tion to a previous military encounter (cf. 1 Sam 27:8), It was not a martial courage found deep within him-
ambushed David’s pied-à-terre of Ziklag. The attack self; it was not a regaining of emotional composure;
has left David and his band in complete despair. The instead it was a personal courage grounded in cov-
settlement is destroyed, their possessions are gone, enantal trust and loyalty to his God. Somehow, even
but more devastatingly, wives and children have been when confronted with deadly danger, David’s instinc-
taken captives. tive reaction was to turn to his Lord. It is perhaps
Matters get worse as David’s band of discontented with such incident in mind (along with his encounters
wanderers (1 Sam 22:2) turn against him and are ready with King Saul, cf. 2 Sam 22:1) that David would
to stone him. David has been in tight spots before, but write: “In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my
now the end seems imminent. However, this climactic God I called. From his temple he heard my voice, and
catalogue of misfortune is abruptly interrupted by the my cry came to his ears” (2 Sam 22:7 ESV).
declaration, “but David strengthened himself in the In our own times of testing, may we also have the
Lord his God” (v 6). We are not told specifically how presence of mind to turn to our Lord as a first re-
David regained control of his troops, but this sentence sponse rather than an afterthought, or worse yet, to
may be regarded as the turning point of the narrative. seek comfort through other means (cf. Saul’s consulta-
Hereafter, David gradually gains the initiative and tion with a medium, 2 Sam 28:5-7).
eventually recovers completely from his loss (v 18).
The verb “to strengthen oneself” can have, among Thomas D. Petter, Ph.D. joined Gordon-Conwell
in 2006 as Assistant Professor of Old Testament,
others, the general meaning of political strength, mili- bringing expertise in Biblical Hebrew grammar and
tary strength or courage. In 1 Sam 30:6, the definition exegesis, Old Testament history and Near Eastern
of courage seems to fit the context best. The phrase archaeology. He has taught on the mission field,
“the Lord his God” (or “the Lord your God”) is quite in church settings and at several academic institu-
tions in the US and Canada. A contributor to the
common in the Old Testament and occurs frequently Archaeological Study Bible (Zondervan) and the Dictionary of the
in the covenantal context of Deuteronomy (cf. Deut Old Testament: Historical Books (IVP), he is also actively involved in
4:34, 40; 17:19). Frequency drops significantly, how- the publication project of Tell Dothan’s Western Cemetery (cf. www. He holds M.A.R. and M.A. degrees from Gordon-
ever, when the phrase is found in association with a Conwell and received an M.A. and Ph.D. from University of Toronto
preposition. With the preposition “in” (be in Biblical (Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations).
Hebrew), it is attested either in a positive context:
fa l l 0 7 39








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