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Leandrah Grace
Awakening Coach
Amid Lies, They Seek Truth . . . Amid Truth, They Awaken.
Once Awakened . . . They Speak Truth Everywhere!

Rev. Leandrah Grace is a Teacher Leandrah Grace Is Awake!

Leandrah Grace is an Empathic Channel, Gifted Seer, Spiritual Teacher, Public Speaker, Radio Broadcast
host, Writer/Author, Ordained Minister and Compassionate Awakening Coach. During the Course of Her
Awakening, she met her Companions through Holy Spirit, whom she refers to as The Guardians. The
Guardians say, Think of US as a School of Thought. She accepted Her Name and Title of Reverend;
Solidifying her Personal Commitment to her New Life Path; a Commitment to Understanding and A
Willingness to Accept Response Ability and Revere ALL.

But She Aint No Stuffy REV!
Born an Empath, within the Lucky Star of Texas, under the Sun in Leo, with a Moon in Pisces, and a
Rising Sagittarius, she glides on a Chinese Dragon, with her Native American Lineage Whew! After
Meeting Yeshua, called Jesus, at age Eight, she was Raised on the Foundational Belief System of
Christianity in General and Southern Baptist doctrine, specifically; Having a hero in her Masonic Grand
Master of a Grand-Father; formal studies in Religion, Medicine, Education, Psychology, Para-psychology,
Computer Technology, Oration, Comedy, Improvisation, Music and the Arts; 10 years of Military
Discipline, along with Criminal Justice, delving into Eastern Philosophies, Mythology, Mathematics,
Ancient World History, Geology, Astronomy, Physics, Metaphysics, Quantum Mechanics, Spouse and
Motherhood. That is a lot of Input, yet still, there was something missing; she still had questions.

Why do I know ALL this stuff?
How do I know ALL this stuff?
How did I get From There to Here?
What can I DO with ALL this stuff?
What does it all mean?
Whats the Connection?

Leandrah received her answer in a single word spoken to her, silently, and within. The Single Word -
Empathy. Leandrah Grace began to Awaken, Within the Empathic Connection, and Rev. Leandrah
Grace has been Teaching Others those things her Guardian School of Thought continues to teach her
about this Great Adventure in Spirit, Our Great Global Awakening.

I began to see Pictures of the Way of things. By dismissing details as distractions, I could SEE The
Lessons In The Plans And The Plans In The Lessons. MY Own signposts became obvious and I began to
Own My Own Experience. Leandrahs unique Empathic Structure and ability to quickly access and
process information, allow her to Connect the Dots within multiple disciplines.

Rev. Leandrah Grace continues to connect the dots and help others along their own path, delineating
past (learning) from present (doing), and the future that is Becoming.

No matter what I teach, it begins with Empathy.
Rev. Leandrah Grace

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