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Results of the pre-documentary questionnaire

3) What are the main features you look for in a documentary?

According to the results received from the questionnaire, the majority of
the audience said that the main features of a documentary are interviews,
facts and figures and the voiceover giving more informative information
based on the documentary. A small number of the audience said that the
titles were also one of the main features that they believed to see in a
documentary as well as the cut-aways.
4) Do you feel that the topic of student behaviour is relevant in today’s
society? Please explain.
A high percentage of the audience said that the topic of student behaviour
is a relevant topic in today’s society because student behaviour is on a
decline. They also said that it’s relevant because student have no respect
for teachers today. Another response gained from the target audience was
that they believe that the topic would be relevant if the outcome of the
research was to be used to benefit the education system. Overall the
results achieved from this question were that the topic is relevant in
today’s society and the topic could then be used to make adjustments in
the education system to benefit students on the whole.

5) What do you expect to be explored within this documentary?

Responses : Student behaviour, What methods should be put into the
education system to help improve student behaviour, What institutions
are there that support students that require extra support, how the
education system differs from how it used to be, interviews with students,
interactions in and outside the class, class observations
These are what the main responses from the audience that answered the
questionnaire were.

6) Are there any suggestions for other issues you would like to see
explored in the documentary?
Suggestions: Diversity of different ethnic backgrounds, racism, bullying,
verbal abuse

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