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Part 1

Part 2
Davies, R., Dean, D., & Ball, N. (2013). Flipping the classroom an instr!ctional
technolog" integration in a college#level in$ormation s"stems spreasheet co!rse.
Educational Technology Research and Development, %&(%), '(3#')0.
Forse", *., +o,, *., & -lance, D. (2013). Flipping the sociolog" classroom. /o,ars a
practice o$ online peagog". 0o!rnal o$ 1ociolog", %&(%), %21#%)'.
3errei, 4l"e Freeman, & 1chiller, Nanc" 5. (2013). 4ase st!ies an the $lippe
classroom. Journal of College Science Teaching, %2('), (2.
Par6, 7., & Bon6, 4. (2002). 1"nchrono!s +earning 89periences. Distance an
Resiential +earners: Perspectives in a Blene -ra!ate 4o!rse. Journal of
Interactive Online Learning, ((3).
1tra"er, 0. (2012). 3o, learning in an inverte classroom in$l!ences cooperation,
innovation an tas6 orientation. Learning Environments Research, 1'(2), 121#
Part 3
*ichinov, N., Br!not, 1., +e Bohec, ;., 0!hel, 0., & Delaval, *. (2011). Procrastination,
Participation, an Per$ormance in ;nline +earning 8nvironments. Computers
Education, '((1), 2%3#2'2.
/his article tal6s a<o!t a st!" that ,as con!cte to see ho, procrastination ,o!l
impact an inivi!al:s s!ccess in online learning !e to the level o$ participation in the
online $or!ms. /he st!" too6 place among a sample o$ learners ta6ing a 10 ,ee6 co!rse
online. 5s a res!lt, a negative relationship ,as $o!n <et,een procrastination an
per$ormance that came $rom the level o$ participation in the online isc!ssions an
$or!ms $or the partic!lar co!rse.
;nc!, 1., & 4a6ir, 3. (2011). Research in online learning environments. Priorities an
methoologies. Computers Education, '2(1), 10&)#110).
Beca!se online learning an teaching is a necessit" $or the $!t!re, this article tal6s a<o!t
$o!r main goals help ai in online learning environments. /hese goals incl!e enhancing
learner engagement an colla<oration, promoting e$$ective $acilitation, eveloping
assessment techni=!es, an esigning $ac!lt" evelopment programs.
>enne", >., & 5rcham<a!lt, +. (2012). ;$$ering Preservice /eachers Fiel 89periences
in >#12 ;nline +earning. 5 National 1!rve" o$ /eacher 8!cation
Programs. Journal of Teacher Education, (3(3), 1)'#200.
;nline learning $orm graes >#12 is gro,ing rapil" thro!gho!t the ?nite 1tates. 1ome
states even re=!ire these st!ents to complete at least one learning e9perience <e$ore the"
gra!ate high school. /his article shares a national st!" that sho,e that onl" 1.3@ o$
the responing teacher e!cation programs helpe prepare teachers $or online st!ent
learning ,ith $iel e9periences in virt!al schools.
Part %
An$ormation +iterac" involves s6ills that are re=!ire to $in, retrieve, anal"Be,
an !se in$ormation. /hese s6ills are !se $or acaemic p!rposes s!ch as research papers
an presentations as ,ell as on the Co<. /he" are applie in o!r ever" a" lives in the
ecisions ,e ma6e, s!ch as <!"ing a ne, car, or eciing on ,hich ca<le compan" to go
,ith. /his is ,h" <eing in$ormation literate is so important an is a s6ill that ever"one
sho!l evelop.
An$ormation literac" s6ills provie people ,ith the a<ilit" to <ecome inepenent
li$elong learners. Being e9pose to certain in$ormation oes not ma6e one an in$orme
citiBen, it is critical the one is a<le to ta6e the in$ormation given to them an !se it
e$$ectivel". *ore an more in$ormation is <eing generate ever" a" an in$ormation
literac" helps !s recogniBe ,hen ,e nee this in$ormation, ,here to $in it, an ho, to
!se it e$$ectivel" an e$$icientl". ;verall, these s6ills ,ill help ,ith ecision ma6ing an
pro!ctivit" ,hich is <ene$icial to societ".
An the 21
cent!r", more st!ents are <eing ta!ght the necessar" s6ills that ,ill
prepare them $or the real ,orl. Dith that <eing sai, in$ormation literac" s6ills are
necessar" $or s!ccess in e!cation, occ!pation, an a", to a" comm!nication o$ all
citiBens. 5s a $!t!re teacher, it is m" Co< to e!cate m"sel$ ,ith the necessar" 6no,lege
to help st!ents <ecome in$ormation literate themselves. Being a<le to access, eval!ate,
an !se certain in$ormation ,ill allo, me, as a teacher, to e!cate m" st!ents <e"on
the te9t<oo6. At ,ill provie me ,ith the a<ilit" to help st!ents e9plore real ,orl
pro<lems that ,ill ena<le them to evelop pro<lem solving an critical thin6ing s6ills.
8ach o$ the A1/8 stanars $or teachers applies to teaching st!ents to <ecome
in$ormation literate. An$ormation literac" can inspire st!ent creativit" an allo, st!ents
to evelop igital learning e9periences. At is proviing them ,ith the 6no,lege an
s6ills to prepare them $or the igital ,orl an teaches them ho, to e9hi<it legal an
ethical <ehavior in pro$essional practices as ,ell as engage in pro$essional gro,th an
leaership. /eaching o!r st!ents igital literac" $ollo,s each o$ these stanars that ,ill
allo, them <ecome s!ccess$!l in their $!t!re e!cation an careers as ,ell as in$orme
citiBens o$ societ".
/erms s!ch as plagiarism, cop"right, an $air !se sho!l <e something ever"
igital literate person is a,are o$. /hese terms etermine "o!r s!ccess as a st!ent an in
"o!r career. /eaching st!ents to avoi plagiarism ,hile oing research ,o!l incl!e
properl" citing so!rces o$ in$ormation an teaching a<o!t $air !se an cop"right la,.
1ome st!ents o not !nerstan ho, to create original material or ho, to avoi
plagiariBing a person:s ,or6 an sho!l <e a,are o$ the conse=!ences o$ ma6ing these
mista6es. Ditho!t $!ll 6no,lege o$ these terms, it co!l estro" a person:s acaemic
an pro$essional rep!tation an the legal reperc!ssions co!l <e serio!s.
Beca!se the nee $or technolog" is increasing, so is the nee $or in$ormation
literac". *ore an more technological tools are <eing evelope an <ecoming availa<le
to !s to ma6e oing research or preparing presentations $or school or ,or6 in the most
e$$icient ,a" possi<le. At is critical to 6eep !p to ate on ho, to $in the in$ormation ,e
nee !sing i$$erent $orms o$ technolog", an appl" the in$ormation in an e$$ective ,a".
/echnolog" is o!r $rien i$ ,e !se it correctl"E
At is important that ,e <ecome in$ormational literate as st!ents, teachers, an
citiBens in societ". /he a<ilit" to access, eval!ate, an !se in$ormation in the 21
,ill lea to $!t!re s!ccess acaemicall" an pro$essionall". 5s a $!t!re teacher, A $in it
cr!cial that o!r st!ents learn a<o!t in$ormation literac" an the conse=!ences o$
plagiarism, cop"righting, an $air !se as ,ell as ho, to ta6e the steps to avoi these
iss!es. B" in$orming st!ents the proper ,a"s to $in research an appl" it e$$ectivel",
the" ,ill s!ccee in o!r igital societ".

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