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Our Lady of Mercy Primary School

Signs of the Times

Sign of the times is a phrase strongly associated with Roman Catholicism in the era of the Second
Vatican Council. It was taken to mean that the Church should listen to, and learn from, the world
around it. In other words, it should learn to read the 'signs of the times'. It came to signify a new
understanding that the Church needed to attend more closely to the world if it was to remain faithful
to its calling, and marked a significant shift in theological method.

There are many unique factors that affect the current situation at Our Lady of Mercy Catholic
Primary School which can be seen as our signs of the times. These include:

A high proportion of Non-Catholic students and families
A limited practice of the Catholic faith outside the school environment by students and their
families who are Catholic
A strong partnership between the school and the parish of Our Lady of Mercy, Girrawheen
The school and parish are not on the same site which presents many challenges.
Single parent families
New Evangelisation aims to help searchers and doubters to become open to the Holy
Spirit, dwelling within since Baptism. It involves two processes:

1. Primary Proclamation - to develop their faith in the person of Jesus Christ

2. Initiatory Catechesis deepens a persons faith to believe in the teaching of Jesus Christ.
These teachings are summarised in the Creed, the Sacraments, the Christian Life (or
Christian morality) and Christian prayer and enter into basic Christian experiences to which
they relate.

These are called the Four Pillars of Faith (they are the four parts of The Catechism of the
Catholic Church)

Primary Proclamation
The primary proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Promise of Christian Salvation.
This promise is fulfilled in all who repent and believe in the Kingdom of God [Mark 1:15]

The purpose of primary Proclamation is to:
Raises religious awareness
(Created universe, human heart yearnings which God alone can satisfy)

Help students understand the foundational Christian belief that Jesus
Christ is Saviour, as well as the Promise of Christian Salvation the
power of God and Gods Kingdom to empower the believer in their
daily life

Primary Proclamation is never abstract. It will relate to the life situations and
experiences of students.

Initiatory Catechesis

(Introduction to the what of Christian belief)

Deepens faith from person of Jesus Christ to belief in his teachings;

The basic content of initiatory catechesis is the essential Christian beliefs preserved in the
Creed, the sacraments, the Commandments and the Lords Prayer

The content of initiatory catechesis will always be basic beliefs.

Initiatory catechesis will always relate these essential Christian beliefs to personal


Providing a Christian
environment for the children of
Our Lady of Mercy Primary
School where the spiritual,
physical, intellectual and
emotional needs are nurtured
in a way that Jesus Christ
modeled for us.

The school aims to ensure an
acceptance, respect and love of
others, so that we may foster a
learning environment grounded
in Christian teachings, where all
children are equal regardless of
race, gender, belief and

Evangelisation Plan OLOM, 2005-2013

Evangelisation Plan All Students 2013 2016

Daily Classroom prayer start of day, before meals,
end of day, special intentions, feast days
RE integrated into other Curriculum areas
Student Ministry witness and action in the school
Fund Raising Project compassion, Lifelink Day, St
Vincent De Paul
Participation in whole school masses and Para
liturgies in the Church, school chapel or classroom
Use of the Chapel on a regular basis
Contact with parish priest Fr. Sam
Developing skills appropriate to moving and being in
a Sacred place e.g. Church or chapel
Developing of knowledge specific to Catholic rituals
and traditions genuflecting, reverence at mass
Liturgical singing choir, hymn practice
Liturgical Dance
Participation in Performing Arts bible reading,
liturgical dance and drama
Participation in Holy Week Celebrations
Promotion of the OLOM parish activities and support
for altar servers
Assemblies and special days ANZAC, Mercy Day,
Harmony Day, World Teachers Day
Participation in Sacramental programs in the school
and support for sacramental programs by singing in
the choir
Year 6 Guilderton Retreat as part of their Ministry
Year 6 Graduation Mass and assembly
Religious Art competition each term related to
sacramental program or RE Units of Work
Mothers Day & Fathers Day Masses
Prayer focus in each classroom and learning area
Display of Religious icons and symbols relevant to
OLOM School- Crucifix in each classroom
Support of parent groups in the school P&F and
School Board by students
Buddy class system in the school


The spirit of the Lord is upon me,
he has anointed me to bring good news
to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim release to the
and recovery of sight to the blind,
To let the oppressed go free,
And to proclaim the year of the Lords
(Luke 4.18-19)
2013 -2016

Our Lady of Mercy Evangelisation Plan 2013 - 2016
2013 -2016 Staff Evangelisation

Blessing of Staff at Regional Mass
On-going Accreditation of staff at Our Lady of Mercy
Development of a Mentor & Buddy program for new staff at OLOM
Prayer at Staff Meetings incorporating praying for intentions for the staff,
student, parents and community
Special Feast Days during the year Ash Wednesday, Feast of the
Assumption, Seder Meal, Mercy Day
Religious Focus throughout all curriculum areas
Sacred Places School chapel, development of a Grotto and the reverent
use of these sacred places
Positive staff room environment
Respect for all staff, students and parents
Staff participation in liturgies and sacramental masses
Faith Story and Witness program run by APs for new staff to OLOM
Support for specific charities Mercy Works, Lifelink Day, Caritas and St
Vincent De Paul
Linking of RE program to sacramental times within the year all classes
teaching the same unit of work which links to the particular sacrament
Appointment, appraisal and induction of staff to OLOM
Celebration of Mercy Day in September, birthday of Catherine McAuley and
Ursula Frayne
Supporting Teachers in presenting information about Catherine McAuley,
Ursula Frayne and the Sisters of Mercy
Incorporating Fr. Albert Saminedi to visit classes and join staff for morning
RE professional development
Teambuilding to develop collegiality
Open, honest and transparent communication between all staff members
with a focus on Christian Witness and Action
Focus on the integral part Catherine McAuley and the Sisters of Mercy play
in the life of OLOM
Focus on the Mercy Charism and the values of Integrity and Gentleness
Promote positive and support links between Our Lady of Mercy Primary
school and Our Lady of Mercy parish support of Altar serving and Youth
groups in the parish
Prayer Roster for staff prayer on Thursdays
Celebration of staff birthdays

Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Primary School
Evangelization Plan
What is Evangelisation?
The Church evangelises by:
Bringing the Good News into all the strata of human society,
and through its influence, transforming humanity from within
and making it new.
The Church evangelises when She seeks to convert solely
through the divine power of the Message she proclaims both
the personal and collective consciences of people, the activities
in which they engage, their lives and the concrete milieu in which
they live them.

The purpose of the Catholic school is to play an important part in
the Churchs mission of evangelisation.

There are two basic elements to the evangelisation process. The
first is Christian Witness. This is given through actions and words
that reflect a Christ-like presence and a Christ-like love to others.
The second is the Ministry of the Word. This Ministry uses words
to proclaim the Good News in the same ways as did Jesus. Church
communities evangelise in different ways. Catholic schools do so

Striving continually to be good schools
Teaching students to integrate faith, culture and life
Our Lady of Mercy
Primary School is a
Catholic school in the
Mercy tradition. We
model our practice on the
teachings of Jesus and
are guided by Gospel

Subhead. Subhead. Subhead.
Our Lady of Mercy

To build a collaborative learning community in which people
reflect a love of God and a love of others.
We plan to achieve this through:

Sacramental celebrations and prayer.
Respecting Christ in every person.
Demonstrating mercy, compassion and forgiveness.
Promoting justice, fairness and pastoral care.
Encouragement of racial, cultural and gender equality.
Recognising and nurturing the gifts and talents of all members in our school
Maintaining a welcoming, friendly enjoyable and safe school environment.

Evangelisation Plan Links between home, school and
parish 2013 2016

Student Ministry witness and action in the school
Fund Raising Project compassion, Lifelink Day,
St Vincent De Paul
Participation in whole school masses and Para
liturgies in the Church, school chapel or classroom
Use of the Chapel on a regular basis
Contact with parish priest Fr. Sam
Developing skills appropriate to moving and being
in a Sacred place e.g. Church or chapel
Developing of knowledge specific to Catholic
rituals and traditions genuflecting, reverence at
Liturgical singing choir, hymn practice
Liturgical Dance
Participation in Performing Arts bible reading,
liturgical dance and drama
Participation in Holy Week Celebrations
Promotion of the OLOM parish activities and
support for altar servers
Assemblies and special days ANZAC, Mercy
Day, Harmony Day, World Teachers Day
Participation in Sacramental programs in the school
and support for sacramental programs by singing in
the choir
Support of parent groups in the school P&F and
School Board by students

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