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Penned by Charles Burnell 2009

Limbo. It's a funny word.
When you hear the word limbo, do you thin of a !arty" # $ou!le of drun %uys in ta$y &awaiian
shirts are holdin% either end of the limbo sti$. 'hey $an't tae their eyes off the slut with her ass fallin%
out of her mini sirt and her titties !o!!in% out of her soft, yellow, ()ne$ sweater. *oes it mae you
remember that one time you and your friends snu$ into a luau themed $olle%e !arty" *o you
remember that ni%ht" +ou $ouldn't !ossibly remember if you had a$tually been there,
I s!ent the e-enin% sittin% on the e%. .-ery time someone wants a refill, I'-e %ot somethin% to say.
Perha!s demand a iss, or a dollar" /r !erha!s a swift !un$h in the arm" 0ust be$ause they !issed me
off. I told him her needs a new shirt. #nother, I said 1I lie your shirt. +ou should tae it off and %i-e it
to me.2 #nd she did. 'hen she headed o-er to the limbo sti$ with her tiny titties hidin% behind her la$y
*o they now she is so youn%" +ou'd thin they'd be able to tell by tain% a %ood loo at her half)
naed torso. But I thin they're more interested in her inability to wal without swayin% and dan$in% as
she mo-ed a$ross the !atio. But this limbo sti$ does not be%in to tou$h on the real meanin%. Pur%atory.
Life on earth is 3ust the bi% limbo. 'he !arty is 3ust a !rime e4am!le of the in$essant waitin%. #nd how
we be$ome so miserable waitin%, that we not only be%in !oisonin% oursel-es, but be%in !oisonin% ea$h
other. 5unny that these thou%hts $ome to mind when they do. #s I !onder what meanin% the $urrent
e-ents mi%ht ha-e, sear$hin% for some hi%her !ur!ose, some %reat s!iritual si%n) I am a%ain stru$ with
6y attention is di-erted by 6oni$a's beautiful youn% breasts. 7he smiles as me as I fill her $u!.
7!illin% a little Budweiser on my le%, 8$om!letely unaware of this, of $ourse9, she leans in to %i-e me a
:ui$ than)you iss. I $an smell the stale $i%arettes, $hea! beer, and is it) -oda" 'he odor lin%ers on
the air as she !ulls away, stumblin% merrily a$ross the floor.
Its stran%e when it hits you. Its the feelin% you %et when you reali;e that you ha-e done somethin% for
you own benefit. 7omethin% that filled a desire, rather than a need, at the e4!ense of another. 'hat this
a$t, you $ommit willfully, nowin% full well that you were bein% selfish. Without re%ard to how your
a$tions or words may affe$t others. It is you intention, 8or la$ thereof9 that defines the a$t as shameful.
I re!layed the smell of the !arty on her breasts and refilled my own $u!. 'he beer tasted flat. But it was
so $old that I $ouldn't taste it. 'on%ue fro;en. 5la-or had not mattered for months now.
I wat$hed the little %rou!s. Lie tumbleweeds, they $lum! to%ether and roll around the room. .a$h
%rou! in$ludes two to fi-e !eo!le. Lar%er %rou!s are a$tually defined, labeled< hi!!ies, moshers, hi$s,
and %irls. 5unny, the %irls were their own sort of $ate%ory. =ot so mu$h with the %uys. Probably
be$ause the %uys would tae !retty mu$h any a$tion they $ould %et. Whereas the %irls were a lot more
dis$ernin% with the male !o!ulation of the !eer %rou!.
Inters!ersed amon%st the tumbleweeds are !eo!le sittin% alone, !assed out, or s!innin% too hard to
mo-e. 'he -ultures s$an the room to see who mi%ht a$tually be a %ood meal, and swoo! in to !ro-ide
moral su!!ort. .-eryone nows their ulterior moti-e, e4$e!t, of $ourse, their meal. >sually a tasty dish,
sau$ed and drownin%. Come in and sa-e the day,
7he is a beautiful, albeit awward, but sum!tuous bird. 7i!!in% a$ross the water, to land on ea$h little
island. /ne by one she !ays a -isit. &u%s and isses at e-ery sto!. 7he belon%s to no %rou!, at least not
re!resented here. 7he defines her own %rou! and I am her %rou!ie.
7hame a%ain.

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