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Lesson 4: Graphics -Expressing and developing ideas

Duration of lesson: 60 minutes

Lesson objective: Students will examine other key features such as pictures and diagrams
that help to tell the story. Select, navigate and read texts for a range of purposes, applying
appropriate text processing strategies and interpreting structural features, for example table of
contents, glossary, chapters, headings and subheadings (ACELY1712)
Expressing and developing ideas: Identify and explain how analytical images like figures,
tables, diagrams, maps and graphs contribute to our understanding of verbal information in
factual and persuasive texts (ACELA1524)
Classroom organisation: Whole class discussion, pairs, then individual work
Resources: Hall, L. (2008). Alive in the death zone (1st ed.). Milsons Point, N.S.W.: Random
House., Mt Everest board game (printed from the inside of the back cover), dice counters,
printed copies of glossary ( found on pg 102-103), whiteboard and markers
Learning experiences:
1. Discuss how Lincoln Hall has implemented multiple photos and other images on
every single page of his book. E.g. pictures can be seen through and beside the text.
Ask: What effect does this technique have on the reader? Record answers on the
2. Back in pairs: Using pp. 100101, Equipment in Action, analyse the equipment in
detail, including the names and uses of each piece. Using p. 63, Whats in My Pack,
answer the following:
What are the two different kinds of pack?
What did the climber wear?
Which items were in his pack? List them.
What was the total weight?
3. Next hand out printed copies of the Glossary on pp. 102103: Instruct students to cut
each item out. (26 in total, so 2 people will share a glossary term) e.g.
Acclimatisation: Changes in response to altitude that develop over weeks or months
and allow climbers to tolerate increasingly lower levels of oxygen
4. Ask each class member to read out their item and then place it on the Mt Everest
display picture
5. Next explain that we will break up into groups of 3 groups of 5 and 2 groups of 6 (27
students) and play the Mt Everest board game (previously make several photocopies
of the board game found on the inside cover of the back page).
6. Hand out copies of board game and instructions.
7. How to play:
Player rolls the dice and moves the amount of spaces shown on the dice
If a player lands on square that is good e.g. good weather move to camp 3
he/she will first have to pick a glossary term out of a bag.
If they can state the correct definition, then they can follow the instructions
e.g. moving forward on the board, ascending up the mountain
If they answer incorrectly they will have to remain on that square
If a player lands on a bad square e.g. frost bite return to camp 7 they can
save themselves and remain on the square by answering a glossary definition
correctly. If they state a wrong answer they must follow the instruction and
descend back down the mountain to the designated square
The first player to reach the summit wins

Mt Everest board game played with glossary cards from focus text

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