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Sun Empire Solar Systems

Easy steps to connect

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The following 10 simple steps for starting your new solar powered life, are all organised by Sun Empire, and made easy
by us!

01.Locate your electricity bill and find how many kilowatt hours (kWh's) of electricity you use per day. Example – 7
kWh's per day. Then go outside and look at your roof area. Do you have an area facing to the North without shading from
trees and buildings, suitable to attach solar panels to?

02.Call Sun Empire Solar Systems on (03) 9005 5307 to talk about your specific site requirements and to arrange a site
visit, evaluation and quotation.

03.Sun Empire will design a system around your specific needs and provide you with a quotation with a price fixed for 30

04.Upon your approval of the quotation, Sun Empire will send you our letter of acceptance, a deposit form and our point
of sale discount forms. These forms are to be filled in, signed and returned to us along with a 20% deposit for the system.

05.Sun Empire will apply on your behalf to the relevant electricity distributor for permission to connect a “grid-
connected solar system” to their network. We require you to fill in the relevant paperwork, with our assistance, to
achieve this.

06.Once all previous paperwork is confirmed by Sun Empire and the relevant equipment and components are in stock,
we will arrange a date and time with you for installation of the solar system.

07.Upon completion of the solar system installation by our BCSE qualified installers and licensed electricians, Sun
Empire will invoice you for the remaining cost of the system.

08.Sun Empire will now organise for an independent, qualified electrical inspector to assess and pass all our works.
Copies of the “Certificate of Electrical Safety” will be sent to you along with a “System Operation
Manual” specific to your installation.

09.We will arrange for your electricity meter to be changed to an import/export meter so your electricity retailer and
distributor can read the electricity that you will now generate from your solar power system. An additional $250.00 is to
be paid to your electricity retailer for the meter changeover and is the only addition to our quoted price. The meter takes
around 4 weeks to be installed.

10.Now we're all done, so you can sit back, relax and enjoy the clean electricity being generated on your roof! Powered by Joomla! Generated: 24 November, 2009, 11:22

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