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I dreamed I stood in a studio

And watched two sculptors there.
The clay they used was a young childs mind
And they fashioned it with care.
One was a teacher; the tools he used
Were books and music and art;
One a parent with a guiding hand
And a gentle, loving heart.
And when at last their task was done,
They were proud of what they had wrought,
For the things they had molded into the child
Could neither be sold nor bought.
And each agreed he would have failed
If he had worked alone.
For behind the parent stood the school
And behind the teacher, the home
Wednesday, October 1, 14
Reading/JiJi at home
Review Friday Folders - Corrected
work, yers and information from
Volunteer Opportunities
Wednesday, October 1, 14
1. We Respect Ourselves
2. We Respect Others
3. We Respect Property
1- Oops Book- Teacher conference with student
2- Think & Write (Parents Signature)
3- Meeting with Parent
Wise Owl Behavior
Wednesday, October 1, 14
My behavior management philosophy focuses on
rewarding good behavior as much as possible.

Individual - Wise Behavior tickets

Groups - Table groups earn points when caught

working together, helping and being kind to one
another, and staying on task

Whole Class - Students work together as a class to

earn Friday Fun!
Wednesday, October 1, 14
8:30 - 9:15 Morning Activity/Morning Meeting
9:15 - 9:55 PE/Theater/Spanish
10:00 - 10:20 Problem of Day/Language Arts Review
10:50 - 12:00 Math
12:00 - 12:40 Lunch
12:45- 2:00 Daily 5 - Reading/Writing/Spelling
2:00 - 2:55 Art/Project time
2:55 Pack-up for Dismissal
Wednesday, October 1, 14
Theater/Music - Tuesday
P.E. - Monday and Thursday
Spanish - Wednesday and Friday
Wednesday, October 1, 14
Spelling/Reading Instruction -Individualized
Daily Language Review and Grammar
Daily 5 -Reading Fluency, Vocabulary,
Spelling, Comprehension Strategies, Writing
Wednesday, October 1, 14
Daily writing
Students Publish 2 individual books
Wednesday, October 1, 14
Differentiated Small Math Groups
Active Learning - manipulatives, JiJi, math games,
iPads, mini-projects, group work
Students Math-Talk
"Think left and think right and think low and think high! Oh!
the Thinks you can think up if only you try!" ~ Dr. Seuss
Wednesday, October 1, 14
The benefits of sharing and discussing computation
strategies allows students to have the opportunity to do
the following:
Clarify thinking.
Build a repertoire of efficient strategies.
Make decisions about choosing efficient strategies for
specific problems.
Consider and Test other strategies to see if they are
mathematical logical.
Wednesday, October 1, 14
Science- Hands-on activities, examine
non-ction and informational text,
develop science process skills
Social Studies- Student-created projects
and written compositions
Experience learning outside school (ENC,
Aliso Wood Canyon Park, Ecology
Wednesday, October 1, 14

Read 30 minutes every night

Spelling Practice
(Pre-test Monday, missed words tested Friday)

Optional Math Homework/Jiji

Project Work
Snack/Lunch: Please send healthy snack and
lunch everyday (No Nuts)
Wednesday, October 1, 14

Check my website weekly for Announcements, Calendar,

and Happenings in class

Friday Folders

Wednesday, October 1, 14



Problem Solving

Critical Thinking


Information Literacy
21st Century Skills
Wednesday, October 1, 14
Together we are building our
future generation!
Wednesday, October 1, 14

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