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Module 2: Electronic Collage and Reflection

To access my collage go to the following website:


Below I reflected on each item and then included the links to each item and quote in the
reference page.

1. I decided to include the picture with the class using the Smartboard because it
shows how 21
century learners need to be taught how to use the technology and
not just be sat down right in front of it. These 21
century learners should know
how to appropriately use technology to the best of its ability. The ISTE Standards
page agrees with me when they said, "Kids can't just be put in front of technology,
they have to use it to analyze, think critically and really learn from technology."

2. I have a picture of an iPad because in many 21
century learners schools there
are now iPad labs available for teachers to allow the students to use. I think that
almost all of these 21
century learners know how to use an iPad. In my high
school we were blessed to have this and we were able to use interesting math
programs to go along with my AP Statistics class. It really helped me grasp
various concepts. Physicist, Matthew Schneps, said this in the National
Geographic about a childs learning from an iPad, "The bottom line is that iPads
and similar tools actually do make a difference."

3. The picture with all of the students in a circle of computers was significant to me
because it represents how allowing technology in a students life can help meet a
child where they are at. Some reading computer programs will have different
levels, and students can do these reading assignments on the computer and go at
their own pace instead of falling behind in class where a teacher might do various
sight words that some students can not read. I think 21
century learners should
be able to learn at their own pace and not be left behind. The National Association
for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) talks about how it is our
responsibility to provide whatever services including technological ones to help a
student learn at their own pace. They said, The NAEYC believes it is the
responsibility of schools to meet the needs of children as the enter school and to
provide whatever services are needed to help each child reach his or her fullest

4. I included the quote from Chris Lehman saying, "We are training the 21st century
workforce, when we should be training the 21st century citizen," because I agree
with him. We should be training these students how to learn, not how to study a
test. By teaching them to learn we can teach them to be active citizens who help
benefit our world. Technology can help us train these 21
century learners into
century citizens.

5. I incorporated the picture with the little girl painting a picture because I think it
embodies the idea that we want 21
century learners to be creative and think
outside of the box. Someone else who agrees that 21
century learners should be
creative is the University of Central Florida, they said, In order to become
lifelong learners, young children need to be provided with concrete meaningful
experiences to help them develop a positive self esteem, skills in problem solving,
creative thinking, self reliance, and interpersonal communications.

6. I included the picture of the girls smiling by the keyboard to show that I think 21

century learners should enjoy technology and not be frustrated by it. They should
be equipped with the skills that prepare them to use all types of technology. In my
own experience, I find myself frustrated with technology because I was never
taught how to use it properly. I was never taught how to use a flash drive or burn
a cd, or even how to make a prezi. Often parents teach their kids how to do these
things, but my parents are clueless on this subject. I wish a teacher would have
taught me how to do these basic things.

7. I included the picture of the man looking at the computer with the young adult
students because it looks as if he puzzled and is learning something new. To me
this represents that 21
century learners need teachers who are willing to learn
new techniques including new ways to use and incorporate technology in class.
Someone who agrees with me is Bernie Poole, an Ed-Tech professor, who said,
Good teachers maintain an avid interest in new technologies with a view toward
improving the effectiveness of their teaching.

8. I included the handshake above a computer to show how 21
century learners use
technology to make friends and to work together. It shows that with technology
students are playing an active role in their education. Also, there are so many
ways students can do group projects using technology. According to an article
titled Technology and Education Reform, they said, When students are using
technology as a tool or a support for communicating with others, they are in an
active role rather than the passive role of recipient of information transmitted by a
teacher, textbook, or broadcast.

9. Chris Lehman said, Technology may not help you pass the test, but it does help
you learn." Chris Lehman, I included this quote because it shows what is
happening to students today. Students are being taught the test and not taught how
to learn. I think 21
century learners need to be taught how to learn and then
through that they will be able to pass the test.

10. The picture with the little girl sharing a marker embodies how 21
learners are a
generation who are caring and are going to make a huge impact on this world.
They have all of the tools to be wonderful citizens and it is our jobs as teachers to
help them become great. The environment we create as teachers for them to learn
in will greatly impact them and from this picture you can tell that this little girl
has been impacted in a good way. According to, Students today are
partly shaped by their environment which is media rich, immediate, fast,
engaging, dynamic and instant.

11. The last picture with the guitar is to remind us that 21
learners still need the old-
fashion basic classes. They need to have a healthy balance of technology,
playtime, reading time, analyzing time, the arts and so much more. According to
an article titled, The Balanced Curriculum, students need to be taught all
subjects. The article said, It is important to teach all areas of the curriculum, not
just those which are assessed. This includes technology, mathematics, reading,
science, music and so on.


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