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Anya Letson

Professor Heather Sims

TSL 503
October 5, 2014
Topical Instruction Lesson Plan

Your name: Anya Letson


Proficiency Level

2 and 3

Age Group

Lesson Topic

Purchasing Skills
Special Information
Cognitive Objectives

Shopping resources; asking questions to clarify issues of size, price, color, and location; reading
and understanding print and commercial media in the target language; interrogatives, clothing

Socioaffective Objectives

Lowering of anxiety about speaking through practice and repetition; posing clarifying questions;
peer cooperation; cooperative practice by role-playing;

Linguistic Objectives
S.1.3.b Acquire goods, services, or information by spoken request; S.1.3.a Participate in
conversations on social topics by asking and requesting information; S.4.3.a Participate
actively in cooperative group activities and projects; S.4.2.g Give simple oral reports; S.4.2.f
Participate in guided discussions; S.6.3.a Speak clearly and comprehensibly
by using standard English grammatical forms, pronunciation, phrasing and intonation; S.8.3.a
Formulate and pose questions during classroom discussions; L.1.3.a Perform most
uncomplicated classroom tasks when prompted; L.2.2.a Understand simple speech produced
by peers and adults on familiar topics with repetition and rephrasing; L.2.3.a Understand age-
appropriate social discourse with occasional repetition and rephrasing; L.3.3.b Listen
attentively to stories or content information and identify key details and concepts using
both verbal and written responses; L.3.2.f Identify the main idea and some supporting details of
oral presentations, familiar literature, and key concepts of subject matter content; L.4.3.a
Understand vocabulary and discourse features of content areas; L.5.3.d Identify the main ideas,
points of view, and fact/fiction in broadcast and print media

Learning Strategies

o Photo of an outfit to identify clothing
o Clothing videos and accompanying listening comprehension assignments
(; )
o Clothing advertisements with information gaps and discussion questions
o Notes sheets that cover inquiry about size, color, item, and price activity
o Shopping Question Bingo Sheet
o Ticket out the door


Take attendance
Make learning objectives available for the day.


Copy and collate all necessary documents.
Set up the projector and screen.
Open all necessary computer applications, programs, and files.
Review subject matter.
Create pair groupings for advertisement information gap speaking activity.

o Clothing discussion: (10 min.)
Project photo of womans outfit onto the white board and ask students to
volunteer the vocabulary words to define the clothing items, labelling the
outfit as they respond.
o Clothing Videos Listening Activity (10 min.)
Introduction: Class discussion. How do we buy new clothing? How do we
know where to shop? How do we find good deals on clothing?
Presentation: Students will answer comprehension questions about sale videos
as they watch them. Preview the questions and instructions together.
Practice: Project videos of clothing sale advertisements onto screen so that
students may watch and answer videos. Show them two or three times
depending on student needs before going over responses together.
o Advertisement reading activity (information gap) (20 min.)
Introduction: Another way for us to learn about what stores are selling and at
what prices is to read written advertisement. How do we find them? (in the
mail, via email, online, in the stores, in the newspaper)
Presentation: View a clothing advertisement together and pull out information
about items and prices together. Go over interrogatives (How much, How
many, What is, What are, What color, etc.)
Guided Practice: Group students in pairs and give them the same
advertisements with different information blocked out so that they have to ask
and answer questions. Provide discussion questions pre-written for students
with lower speaking proficiency.
Reflection: Go over responses together as a class & ask for student reflection.
o Note-taking activity (20 min.)
Introduction: When you go shopping, what do you do if you cant find an item
you are looking for? What if you cant find your size? What if you want a
different color? What if the price isnt marked?
Presentation: Provide a notes sheet for students to fill in answers as we talk
through how to resolve these common shopping obstacles.
Guided Practice: Question students and ask for students to respond about what
to do if
You cant find the price?
You cant find your size?
You dont see the color you want?
Independent Practice: Have students practice with their neighbors asking and
answering questions to resolve a problem of
o Shopping Question Bingo Activity (10 min.)
Introduction: One way to practice these questions is by role-playing them in
class so that you feel comfortable using them outside of class.
o Intro ticket out the door (5 min.)


*Included in Presentation section to maintain clarity

Address common or prominent pronunciation issues as they arise; use ticket out the door to
determine students understanding; assess understanding based on student responses in class
discussion and pair work; quiz over content at a later date.


Assign students to call a store or go to the store and ask questions of an associate based on
location, price, size, or color of an item, and then write a paragraph in English to describe and
reflect on this experience.

Adapted from: Chamot, A.U. and OMalley, J. M. (1994). The CALLA handbook: Implementing the cognitive
academic language learning approach. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

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