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Chapter 5 Process Analysis

Process Analysis
1. Process analysis is the documentation and detailed understanding of how work is performed and how it
can be redesigned.
Answer: True
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: process, analysis
2. The four core processes that merit thorough analysis are supplier relationship, new serice!product
deelopment, order fulfillment, and serice!product recoery.
Answer: "alse
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: core, process, analysis
$. An employee suggestion system can be an effectie method for identifying processes that need
Answer: True
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: employee, suggestion, process
%. The boundaries of the process to be analy&ed are defined as the scale.
Answer: "alse
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: boundary, scope, process
'. Performance measures that are established for a process are known as metrics.
Answer: True
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: metrics, measure
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
(. Process improement teams that focus on processes that cut across departmental boundaries hae the
silo mentality.
Answer: "alse
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: silo, team, process
). *nce a process is identified, defined, ealuated, and redesigned, the benefits of the process analysis
cycle are reali&ed.
Answer: "alse
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: moderate
Keywords: process, cycle
+. "low charts are effectie for documenting and ealuating processes.
Answer: True
Reference: ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: flow, chart, document, process
-. A diamond represents a yes!no decision in a flow chart.
Answer: True
Reference: ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: diamond, flow, chart, decision
1.. A serice blueprint is a flow chart of a serice process that shows which of its steps has high customer
Answer: True
Reference: ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: serice, blueprint, process
11. Process charts trace the flow of information, customers, employees, e/uipment, or materials through a
Answer: "alse
Reference: ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
( Keywords: process, chart, flow
12. The best data analysis tool for recording which gas pump most customers use would be a checklist.
Answer: True
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: data, analysis, checklist
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
1$. A histogram is a summari&ation of data measured on a yes0or0no basis.
Answer: "alse
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: histogram, data
1%. The general principle that +.1 of a company2s reenue is generated by 2.1 of its customers is known
as the Pareto concept.
Answer: True
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: Pareto, chart
1'. A scatter diagram is a graphical techni/ue that shows whether two ariables may be related.
Answer: True
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: scatter, diagram, ariables
1(. A fishbone diagram identifies which category is most fre/uently obsered out of all the categories for
which you hae data.
Answer: "alse
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: fishbone, diagram
1). ,ata snooping is the ac/uisition of e3ternal benchmarking data een when the e3ternal organi&ation has
not authori&ed a formal benchmarking agreement.
Answer: "alse
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: data, snooping
1+. Simulation is an act of reproducing the behaior of a process using a model that describes each step of
the process.
Answer: True
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: simulation, process, model
1-. A group of people who are knowledgeable about the process and its disconnects meets to propose ideas
for change in a rapid0fire manner. Such a session is called a brainstorming session.
Answer: True
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: brainstorming, process, ideas
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
2.. The only people who can proide input to a brainstorming session are members of the design team.
Answer: "alse
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: brainstorming, design, team
21. 5rainstorming sessions can be effectiely conducted on the 6nternet using software that allows one
person to see another2s ideas and build on them.
Answer: True
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: brainstorming, 6nternet, software
22. The bursar2s office at a large state school sends a team to the bookstore on campus to see how they
handle customers and process payments. This is an e3ample of functional benchmarking.
Answer: "alse
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: 7ard
Keywords: benchmarking, functional, internal
2$. 5enchmarking by tracking the performance of a process oer time is always aailable.
Answer: True
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking, process, time
2%. 5enchmarking is a continuous, systematic procedure that measures a firm2s products, serices, and
processes against those of industry leaders.
Answer: True
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking, measure, leader
2'. 6mplementing a beautifully redesigned process completes the continuous monitoring and improement
Answer: "alse
Reference: #anaging Processes
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: process, implementation, managing
2(. A great 8ob of flowcharting and benchmarking a process is of only academic interest if the proposed
changes are not implemented.
Answer: True
Reference: #anaging Processes
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: process, implementation
2). Process analysis focuses on9
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
a. how work is actually done.
b. who is responsible for the customer.
c. the customer2s needs.
d. the number of steps in between supplier and customer.
Answer: a
Reference: Process Analysis Across the *rgani&ation
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: process, analysis, work
2+. :hich of these is ;*T a core process that managers would focus on for improement opportunities<
a. Supplier relationships
b. ;ew product!serice deelopment
c. *rder fulfillment
d. Employee training
Answer: d
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: core, process, identify, opportunities
2-. A oluntary system by which employees submit their ideas on process improements is used in the9
a. scope definition phase of process analysis.
b. process redesign phase of process analysis.
c. performance ealuation phase of process analysis.
d. opportunity identification phase of process analysis.
Answer: d
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: system, suggestion, opportunity, identification
$.. A oluntary system by which employees submit their ideas on process improements is called9
a. process contribution.
b. a suggestion system.
c. a brainstorming session.
d. a Pareto system.
Answer: b
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: system, suggestion, employee
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
$1. The step in process analysis that immediately follows the scope definition phase is the9
a. document process phase.
b. ealuate performance phase.
c. redesign process phase.
d. implement changes phase.
Answer: a
Reference9 A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: scope, definition, process, document
$2. The step in process analysis that immediately follows the process documentation phase is the9
a. define scope phase.
b. ealuate performance phase.
c. redesign process phase.
d. implement changes phase.
Answer: b
Reference9 A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: process, documentation, phase, performance
$$. The step in process analysis that immediately follows the performance ealuation phase is the9
a. document process phase.
b. define scope phase.
c. redesign process phase.
d. implement changes phase.
Answer: c
Reference9 A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: performance, ealuation, redesign, process
$%. A systematic approach to process analysis includes the step9
a. reengineering.
b. integration.
c. order fulfillment.
d. define scope.
Answer: d
Reference9 A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: define, scope, process, analysis, systematic
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
$'. An e3amination of strategic issues such as possible gaps between a process2s competitie priorities and
current competitie capabilities falls in the9
a. document process phase of process analysis.
b. ealuate performance phase of process analysis.
c. redesign process phase of process analysis.
d. identify opportunities phase of process analysis.
Answer: d
Reference9 A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: identify, opportunities, strategic
$(. The resources that management assigns to improing or reengineering the process should9
a. outweigh the conse/uences.
b. match the process2s scope.
c. be at risk for less time than the redesign takes.
d. be less costly than the total downtime during redesign.
Answer: b
Reference9 A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: resources, scope, process
$). 6f a process under analysis is e3tensie and cuts across seeral departmental lines, it may benefit from
forming a=n>9
a. brainstorming team.
b. benchmarking team.
c. steering team.
d. implementation team.
Answer: c
Reference9 A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: steering, team, process
$+. Performance measures such as aerage response times, repair times, and percent defectie are referred
to as9
a. benchmarks.
b. metrics.
c. targets.
d. tactics.
Answer: b
Reference9 A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: metrics, measures, performance
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
$-. ?aps between actual and desired performance are termed9
a. faults.
b. metrics.
c. opportunities.
d. disconnects.
Answer: d
Reference9 A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: gap, disconnect
%.. *nce the root causes of performance gaps hae been discoered, it is necessary to9
a. shift from analytical thinking to creatie thinking.
b. shift from creatie thinking to analytical thinking.
c. form a benchmarking team.
d. form a steering team.
Answer: a
Reference9 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: root, cause, analytical, creatie
%1. :idespread participation in process analysis is essential not only because of the work inoled but also
a. employees tend to neglect their regular work duties, thus no one falls too far behind.
b. it builds commitment.
c. no one can analy&e a process by himself.
d. a silo mentality should preail and this re/uires large numbers of workers.
Answer: b
Reference9 A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: participation, commitment
%2. A flowchart traces the flow of9
a. information through a process.
b. customers through a process.
c. e/uipment through a process.
d. All of these can be traced through a process using a flow chart.
Answer: d
Reference9 ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: flow, chart, flowchart
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
%$. A flowchart created at the strategic leel of an organi&ation should show9
a. core processes and their linkages.
b. details of a process as bracketed by its scope.
c. indiidual steps that may hae been aggregated at a higher leel of analysis.
d. areas that are seen and unseen by the customer.
Answer: a
Reference9 ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: flow, chart, flowchart
%%. :hen a process is high in diergence, it is likely to hae9
a. few rectangle0shaped symbols.
b. many rectangle0shaped symbols.
c. few diamond0shaped symbols.
d. many diamond0shaped symbols.
Answer: d
Reference9 ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: flow, chart, flowchart, diergence
%'. @ross0functional coordination is at particular risk where9
a. there is low process diergence.
b. there are handoffs in the process.
c. functional silos e3ist.
d. it is not possible to create a flow chart.
Answer: b
Reference9 ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: handoff, coordination, cross, functional
%(. An effectie tool for showing steps of a serice process with a high leel of customer contact is a9
a. Pareto chart.
b. flow chart.
c. serice blueprint.
d. check sheet.
Answer: c
Reference9 ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: serice, blueprint, customer, tool
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
%). The feature that serice blueprints use to distinguish steps that are seen by the customer from those that
are not seen by the customer is9
a. separation using different pages.
b. a line of isibility.
c. the #endo&a line.
d. a A@B and a AP.B
Answer: b
Reference9 ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: serice, blueprint, customer, isibility
%+. A process chart actiity that changes, creates, or adds something is a=n>9
a. operation.
b. transportation.
c. inspection.
d. delay.
Answer: a
Reference9 ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: process, chart, symbol
%-. A process chart actiity that checks or erifies something but does not change it is a=n>9
a. operation.
b. transportation.
c. inspection.
d. delay.
Answer: c
Reference9 ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: process, chart, symbol
'.. :hich one of the following statements concerning flow diagrams is ;*T true<
a. "low diagrams can take many forms.
b. 6t is helpful on flow diagrams to label each step with process measurements such as cost, capacity,
or total elapsed time.
c. "low diagrams trace the flow of information, customers, e/uipment, employees, or materials through
a process.
d. The dotted line of isibility separates actiities subcontracted from those done in0house.
Answer: d
Reference: ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: flow, diagram
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
'1. :hich one of the following groups of actiities is likely to be shown on a process chart<
a. *peration, inspection, delay
b. *peration, capital intensity, flow strategy
c. Transportation, material flow, physical layout
d. Storage, delay, personnel inoled
Answer: a
Reference: ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: process, chart, operation, inspection, delay
'2. The fie categories of actiities =operation, transportation, inspection, delay, and storage> are used in
which of the following methods of process analysis<
a. #ultiple0actiity chart
b. Process chart
c. @apital budgeting
d. "low diagram
Answer: b
Reference: ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: process, chart
'$. A process chart actiity that occurs when something is put away until a later time is a=n>9
a. storage.
b. transportation.
c. inspection.
d. delay.
Answer: a
Reference9 ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: process, chart, symbol
'%. A professor can grade a /ui& in $. seconds. *er the course of an academic year he has ( sections of a
course with an aerage of $. students with 1. /ui&&es in each section. 6f he is paid C%. an hour, how
much is his annual /ui&0grading labor cost to the uniersity<
a. C(.
b. C1..
c. C(..
d. C$(,...
Answer: c
Reference9 ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: annual, labor, cost
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
''. A professor2s graduate assistant can grade a /ui& in %. seconds. *er the course of an academic year
he assists with ( sections of a course with an aerage of $. students with 1. /ui&&es in each section. 6f
he is paid C+ an hour, how much is his annual /ui&0grading labor cost to the uniersity<
a. C(.
b. C1(.
c. C')(
d. C')(,...
Answer: b
Reference9 ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: annual, labor, cost
'(. A professor can grade a /ui& in 2 minutes. *er the course of an academic year he has ( sections of a
course with an aerage of 2' students with 1. /ui&&es in each section. 6f he is paid C%. an hour, how
much is his annual /ui&0grading labor cost to the uniersity<
a. C2'.
b. C'..
c. C1...
d. C2,...
Answer: d
Reference9 ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: annual, labor, cost
'). A welder can weld 2 angle irons together in 2 minutes. *er the course of an entire year she will
assemble 1,... units, each of which re/uires $ such welds. 6f she is paid C2' an hour, how much is her
annual welding labor cost<
a. C1,...
b. C1,2'.
c. C2,'..
d. C$,...
Answer: c
Reference9 ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: annual, labor, cost
'+. A welder can weld 2 angle irons together in 2 minutes. *er the course of an entire year he will
assemble 1,... units, each of which re/uires 2 such welds. 6f he is paid C$. an hour, how much is his
annual welding labor cost<
a. C2'.
b. C'..
c. C1,...
d. C2,...
Answer: d
Reference9 ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: annual, labor, cost
'-. The manager of a supermarket would like to know which of seeral /uality problems to address first. A
tool that would be most helpful would be a9
a. checklist.
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
b. cause0and0effect diagram.
c. Pareto chart.
d. scatter diagram.
Answer: c
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: Pareto, problem
(.. A process troubleshooter has to decide which problem to address first with his or her cause0and0effect
diagram. The data analysis tool that will help him decide which problem to tackle first is a9
a. scatter diagram.
b. check sheet.
c. flow chart.
d. Pareto chart.
Answer: d
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty9 #oderate
Keywords: Pareto, chart, problem
(1. A manager of a fiberglass molding operation suspects that the number of defects is related to the number of
total units produced of a particular product. A tool most useful in this analysis would be a9
a. checklist.
b. cause0and0effect diagram.
c. Pareto chart.
d. scatter diagram.
Answer: d
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: scatter, diagram
(2. :hich one of the following techni/ues will help management trace customer complaints directly to the
operations inoled<
a. @ause0and0effect diagram
b. Duality circles
c. Duality engineering
d. Specification management
Answer: a
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
( Keywords: cause, effect
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
($. The best data analysis tool for displaying whether students hae taken the prere/uisite for their
operations management course is a9
a. Pareto chart.
b. bar chart.
c. checklist.
d. histogram.
Answer: b
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
( Keywords: bar, chart
(%. The best data analysis tool for displaying the mean and standard deiation of a continuous data
distribution is a9
a. Pareto chart.
b. bar chart.
c. checklist.
d. histogram.
Answer: d
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
( Keywords: histogram, mean, dispersion, central ,tendency
('. The cause0and0effect diagram is a method that9
a. was deeloped by :. Edwards ,eming.
b. relates a product defect to its potential contributing factors.
c. helps management deelop /uality circles.
d. reduces the fre/uency of product design.
Answer: b
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: cause, effect
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
((. A restaurant manager tracks complaints from the diner satisfaction cards that are turned in at each
table. The data collected from the past week2s diners appear in the following table.
Complaint Frequency
"ood taste 2)
"ood temperature -
*rder mistake '
Slow serice 1-
Table!utensils dirty %)
Too e3pensie -
Esing a classic Pareto analysis, what categories comprise +.1 of the total complaints<
a. Table!utensils dirty
b. Table!utensils dirty, "ood taste, Slow serice
c. "ood taste, "ood temperature, *rder mistake, Slow serice, Table!utensils dirty
d. "ood taste, "ood temperature, *rder mistake, Slow serice, Too e3pensie
Answer: b
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: Pareto, analysis
(). A restaurant manager tracks complaints from the diner satisfaction cards that are turned in at each
table. The data collected from the past week2s diners appear in the following table.
Complaint Frequency
"ood taste +.
"ood temperature -
*rder mistake 2
Slow serice 1(
Table!utensils dirty %)
Too e3pensie %
Esing a classic Pareto analysis, what categories comprise about 2.1 of the total complaints<
a. *rder mistake, Too e3pensie, "ood temperature, Slow serice
b. Slow serice, *rder mistake,
c. "ood taste, "ood temperature, Slow serice
d. "ood taste, Table!utensils dirty
Answer: a
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: Pareto, analysis
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
(+. A restaurant manager tracks complaints from the diner satisfaction cards that are turned in at each
table. The data collected from the past week2s diners appear in the following table.
Complaint Frequency
"ood taste +.
"ood temperature -
*rder mistake 2
Slow serice 1(
Table!utensils dirty %)
Too e3pensie %
Esing a classic Pareto analysis, what are the ital few complaints<
a. Table!utensils dirty
b. Slow serice
c. "ood taste
d. "ood taste, Table!utensils dirty
Answer: d
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: Pareto, analysis
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
(-. A restaurant manager tracks complaints from the diner satisfaction cards that are turned in at each
table. The data collected from the past week2s diners hae been plotted and appear in the following
graph. The number of complaints for each category is shown aboe each bar.
7ow was the alue for the point represented by the s/uare calculated<
'' $2 1( + +
'' $2 1(
'' $2 1(
+ +
+ +
'' $2 1(
'' $2 1( 1$ % 2
+ +
+ + + + +
'' $2 1( 1$ % 2 + + + + +
Answer: c
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: Pareto, analysis
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
).. A restaurant manager tracks complaints from the diner satisfaction cards that are turned in at each
table. The data collected from the past week2s diners hae been plotted and appear in the following
graph. The number of complaints for each category is shown aboe each bar.
7ow was the alue for the point represented by the triangle calculated<
'' $2 +
'' $2
'' $2
'' $2 1( 1$ % 2 + + + + +
'' $2
'' $2 1( 1$ % 2
+ + + + +
Answer: d
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: Pareto, analysis
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
)1. The act of reproducing the behaior of a process using a model that describes each step of the process
is called9
a. process analysis.
b. Pareto analysis.
c. benchmarking.
d. simulation.
Answer: d
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: benchmarking, model, process
)2. :hich of these /uestions is not one of the ways that ideas are typically uncoered during a process
a. :hat is being done<
b. :hen is it being done<
c. :ho is doing it<
d. :hy are we doing it<
Answer: d
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: process, redesign
)$. :hich of these is ;*T a general rule followed when engaged in a brainstorming session<
a. 6deas should be recorded by a facilitator.
b. The list of ideas should be as short as possible to make analysis easy.
c. @reatiity should be encouraged.
d. The creatie part of the mind should be encouraged at the e3pense of the 8udicial side.
Answer: b
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: process, redesign, brainstorming
)%. A good brainstorming session has the characteristic of9
a. good 8udgment skills.
b. ability to think of creatie ideas.
c. skill in identifying the best payoffs.
d. ability to analy&e a process analytically.
Answer: b
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: creatiity, brainstorming
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
)'. 5rainstorming sessions must hae9
a. all participants together in the same room.
b. a mechanism for ealuation of the ideas as they are surfaced.
c. a means of implementing ideas as they are surfaced.
d. a way for all participants to communicate.
Answer: d
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: benchmarking
)(. :hich of the following statements regarding brainstorming is "AFSE<
a. After the brainstorming session is oer, the design team moes into the Aget realB phase to analy&e
the ideas.
b. Participants are discouraged from ealuating any ideas generated during the brainstorming session.
c. Anyone can be a participant in the brainstorming session regardless of whether they hae seen or
heard the process documentation.
d. The Aget cra&yB phase of process analysis is when ideas are sought that inert e3isting rules and
e3amine new approaches.
Answer: c
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: process, redesign, brainstorming
)). 5enchmarking inoles four basic steps, which are9
a. plan, do, check, and act.
b. planning, analysis, integration, and action.
c. search, check, systemati&e, and act.
d. find, do, change, and calibrate.
Answer: b
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking, steps
)+. Gero3 benchmarked its distribution system against that of F. F. 5ean2s. This is an e3ample of9
a. competitie benchmarking.
b. internal benchmarking.
c. functional benchmarking.
d. disaggregate benchmarking.
Answer: c
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking, functional
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
)-. 5enchmarking studies must hae9
a. a direct competitor for comparison.
b. a team composed of at least one member from each department in the organi&ation.
c. a team composed of at least one member from each department in the organi&ation plus one customer
of each process output.
d. /uantitatie goals.
Answer: d
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking, data, /uantitatie
+.. An accounting firm reali&es it is woefully inade/uate at cultiating new clients. 6t is allowed to obsere
a rial firm perform the new0client cultiation process in hopes of gleaning improed methods it can
adopt. This is an e3ample of9
a. competitie benchmarking.
b. functional benchmarking.
c. internal benchmarking.
d. generic benchmarking.
Answer: a
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking, competitie
+1. An accounting professor reali&es she is woefully inade/uate at performing research. She discusses the
art of research with a colleague and gains important insights that permit her to establish a research
agenda. This is an e3ample of9
a. competitie benchmarking.
b. functional benchmarking.
c. internal benchmarking.
d. generic benchmarking.
Answer: c
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking, internal
+2. An accounting firm reali&es it is woefully inade/uate at cultiating new clients. 6t is allowed to obsere
a law firm perform the new0client cultiation process in hopes of gleaning improed methods it can
adopt. This is an e3ample of9
a. competitie benchmarking.
b. functional benchmarking.
c. internal benchmarking.
d. generic benchmarking.
Answer: b
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking, functional
+$. A benchmarking team e3amines its own success with order deliery time and compares its metrics with
a rial. This phase of the benchmarking process is called9
a. e3amination.
b. analysis.
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
c. integration.
d. action.
Answer: b
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking, analysis
+%. A benchmarking team meets for the first time and decides to try to improe its order deliery time and
selects another firm as a benchmarking partner. This phase of the benchmarking process is called9
a. planning.
b. selection.
c. integration.
d. action.
Answer: a
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking, planning
+'. A benchmarking team establishes goals and obtains support from the management team that agrees to
proide resources for accomplishing the goals. This phase of the benchmarking process is called9
a. goal setting.
b. analysis.
c. integration.
d. action.
Answer: c
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking, integration
+(. A benchmarking team deelops improement plans and team assignments. *nce the plans are
implemented it monitors progress and recalibrates benchmarks as improements are made. This phase
of the benchmarking process is called9
a. implementation.
b. analysis.
c. integration.
d. action.
Answer: d
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking, action
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
+). :hich one of the following statements about benchmarking is T4EE<
a. 5enchmarking is useful only when a company compares itself against other companies.
b. 5ecause of the power of benchmarking, specific plans of action are not necessary.
c. 5enchmarking is the same as the plan0do0check0act cycle in continuous improement.
d. 5enchmarking focuses on setting /uantitatie goals for continuous improement.
Answer: d
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking
++. :hich of these benchmarking metrics is ;*T suitable for an order fulfillment process<
a. "inished goods inentory turnoer
b. The company that actually makes the deliery to the customer
c. Percent of orders shipped on time
d. Halue of plant shipments per employee
Answer: b
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: benchmarking, metric
+-. :hich of these benchmarking metrics is ;*T suitable for a support process<
a. Aerage employee turnoer rate
b. Total cost of payroll processes per C1,... reenue
c. The impression that applicants hae as they submit applications
d. ;umber of accepted 8obs as a percent of 8ob offers
Answer: c
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: benchmarking, metric
-.. :hen managing processes, it is ital that9
a. attention is paid to competitie priorities and strategic fit.
b. design teams are allowed to function creatiely and set their own charter.
c. design teams are not held accountable since their inolement ends once the new process rolls out.
d. the organi&ation is not satisfied unless fundamental reengineering changes are made.
Answer: a
Reference: #anaging Processes
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: managing, process, strategy, competitie
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
-1. :hen managing processes, it is ital that9
a. design teams are allowed to function creatiely and set their own charter.
b. the organi&ation is not satisfied unless fundamental reengineering changes are made.
c. sound pro8ect management practices are used to implement the redesigned process.
d. people are redesigned at the same time the process is redesigned.
Answer: c
Reference: #anaging Processes
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: managing, process, pro8ect, implementation
-2. ?ood process management should include9
a. a mechanism for identifying what goes wrong and who is responsible.
b. a method for creating self0directed work teams
c. at least half time dedicated to each employee2s self0actuali&ation.
d. an infrastructure for continuous improement.
Answer: d
Reference: #anaging Processes
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: managing, process, continuous, improement
-$. IIIIIIIIIIII is the documentation and detailed understanding of how work is performed and how it
can be redesigned.
Answer: Process analysis
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: process, analysis
-%. The first step of the systematic approach to process analysis is IIIIIIIIIIII.
Answer: identify opportunities
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: identify, opportunities, process, analysis
-'. Process IIIIIIIIIIII is the boundary of the process to be analy&ed.
Answer: scope
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: process, scope, boundary
-(. A oluntary system by which employees submit their ideas on process improements is called a=n>
Answer: suggestion system
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: system, suggestion
-). IIIIIIIIIIII are performance measures that are established for a process and the steps within it.
Answer: #etrics
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: metric
-+. ?aps between actual and desired performance are called IIIIIIIIIIII.
Answer: disconnects
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: gap, disconnect
--. A=n> IIIIIIIIIIII means that a department focuses on its own tasks without understanding the role
and processes of departments outside its own organi&ational boundaries.
Answer: silo mentality
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: silo, mentality
through the arious steps of a process.
( Answer: information, customers, e/uipment, materials
Reference: ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: 7ard
Keywords: flow, chart, information, customers, e/uipment, materials
1.1. A=n> IIIIIIIIIIII is a table that lists and categori&es the steps in a process.
Answer: process chart
Reference: ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: process, chart
1.2. A=n> IIIIIIIIIIII shape in a process chart represents a decision point in the process.
Answer: diamond
Reference: ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: decision, process, chart
1.$. A special flowchart of a serice process that shows which of its steps hae high customer contact is
Answer: serice blueprint
Reference: ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: flowchart, flow, chart, serice, blueprint
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
1.%. The IIIIIIIIIIII in a serice blueprint separates which steps are in iew of the customer from
those that aren2t.
Answer: line of isibility
Reference: ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: line, isibility, serice, blueprint
1.'. A=n> IIIIIIIIIIII is a form used to record the fre/uency of occurrence of certain product or
serice characteristics related to /uality.
Answer: checklist
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: checklist, check, list
1.(. A=n> IIIIIIIIIIII is a bar chart on which the factors are plotted in decreasing order of fre/uency
along the hori&ontal a3is.
Answer: Pareto chart
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: Pareto, chart
1.). A=n> IIIIIIIIIIII would be a useful tool to determine the effect that the number of practice
problems soled correctly has on the midterm score.
Answer: scatter diagram
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: scatter, diagram
1.+. A=n> IIIIIIIIIIII is a diagram that relates a key /uality problem to its potential causes.
Answer: cause0and0effect diagram
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: cause, effect, fishbone, 6shikawa
1.-. The process of gathering data regarding a process and sifting the data to deduce causes of problems
Answer: data snooping
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: moderate
Keywords: data, snooping
11.. IIIIIIIIIIII is the act of reproducing the behaior of a process using a model that describes each
step of the process.
Answer: Process simulation
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: process, simulation
111. A simulation model goes one step further than possible with analysis tools, because it can show how
the process performs IIIIIIIIIIII oer time.
Answer: dynamically
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: process, simulation
112. A=n> IIIIIIIIIIII is a method where a group of people, knowledgeable about the process and its
disconnects, propose ideas for change in a rapid0fire manner.
Answer: brainstorming session
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: brainstorming
11$. IIIIIIIIIIII is a continuous, systematic procedure that measures a firm2s products, serices, and
processes against those of industry leaders.
Answer: 5enchmarking
( Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking
11%. *nce the benchmarking team has collected the data, the IIIIIIIIIIII phase of the benchmarking
study can begin.
Answer: analysis
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking, analysis
11'. The bursar2s office at your uniersity decides to benchmark the collections department of a credit
agency to improe their own collection rate. This is an e3ample of IIIIIIIIIIII .
Answer: functional benchmarking
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking, functional
11(. IIIIIIIIIIII is based on comparison of processes with a direct adersary in industry.
Answer: @ompetitie benchmarking
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking, competitie
11). IIIIIIIIIIII inoles using an organi&ational unit with superior performance as the ideal for other
Answer: 6nternal benchmarking
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking, internal
11+. The American company that has changed the way the business world looks at benchmarking and
knowledge sharing is IIIIIIIIIIII.
Answer: Gero3
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
11-. :hat is the si30step blueprint for process analysis and what are the basic re/uirements for each
Answer: The si3 steps are identify opportunities, define scope, document process, ealuate
performance, redesign process, and implement changes. *pportunities can be identified by e3amining
the four core processes of supplier relationships,new serice!product deelopment, order fulfillment,
and customer relationship. *ther ways to identify opportunities are by looking at strategic issues and
by asking employees. Scope definition entails establishing the boundaries of the process to be analy&ed.
The process can be documented by deeloping a list of the process2s inputs, suppliers, customers, and
listing in se/uence the different steps that the process consists of. Performance ealuation consists of
identifying metrics that permit an ob8ectie ealuation of the current process state and any progress
that is made.
The process is redesigned by e3amining what can be improed and then thinking of and analy&ing ways
to improe those deficiencies. "inally, the process improements are implemented by getting support
and buy0in from all constituents.
Reference: A Systematic Approach
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: process, improement
12.. 7ow can flowcharts and process charts be used to study and improe operations< 6nclude
descriptions of these two tools, the types of /uestions that can be addressed with them, and the e3tent to
which teams can be used.
Answer: "low charts trace the flow of information, customers, employees, e/uipment, or
material through a process. Process charts record all the actiities performed by a person or a
machine, at a workstation, with a customer, or on materials. Answers will ary.
Reference: ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: flow, chart, diagram
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
121. Jou hae been hired as an e3ternal consultant to improe processes at a business. Jou are unfamiliar
with e3actly how the work is currently done but are intimately familiar with charting techni/ues and
data analysis tools. :hat is a general se/uence for use of these tools and why should you use them in
the se/uence you specify<
Answer: 5ecause you are unfamiliar with the process, you should first use a flowchart, serice
blueprint, or process chart. This diagram will gie you a big0picture iew of what is currently
happening. This will also proide some insight into key data collection points where workers
might use checklists to collect some data. After data has been collected, elementary data
analysis may be performed using a histogram, Pareto chart, and scatter diagram as
appropriate. The tallest!leftmost bar on a Pareto chart can be the head of the first fishbone
diagram =if the bars represent problems>. *nce the largest problem is soled, more data can be
collected to erify that improements in the process hae taken place.
Reference: Ealuating Performance, ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: 7ard
Keywords: check list, histogram, Pareto chart, fishbone, flow, chart, serice, blueprint
122. :hat is a fishbone chart<
Answer: Also called a cause0and0effect diagram, the fishbone chart relates a key /uality problem
to its potential causes.
Reference: Ealuating Performance
( Difficulty: Easy
Keywords: fishbone, cause, effect
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
12$. @reate a flowchart that displays the proper se/uential use of the ma8or graphical tools in the chapter.
6nclude a note ne3t to each tool that e3plains how the output of one tool is used as the input for the
following tool.
Answer: A flowchart shows a big picture iew of the process. The output from this step is a iew
that shows appropriate points for data collection using a checklist. *nce the checklist has been
deployed, the data that has been collected can be analy&ed by a histogram or a Pareto chart =if
data can be categori&ed> or a scatter diagram =if coordinate data fall more naturally into
continuous distributions>. "inally, the tallest bar in the Pareto chart seres as the input to a
cause0and0effect diagram as the fishbone2s head.
Reference: Ealuating Performance
( Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: fishbone, flow chart, checklist, histogram, Pareto, scatter
12%. :hat are the generic steps in any benchmarking study and what are e3amples of the three types of
Answer: The steps in any benchmarking study are planning, analysis, integration, and action. The
planning step re/uires the benchmarking team to identify the process, serice, or product to be
benchmarked, the firms to be used for comparison, and the collection of data. 6n the analysis
step, the team determines the gap between its employer and the benchmarking partner. The
integration step features the establishment of goals for the new process and secures
management support for changes. The action phase is when plans are deeloped and
implemented and the benchmarks are recalibrated as improements are reali&ed. E3amples will
ary but the three types are competitie, functional, and internal. @ompetitie benchmarking is
comparison with a direct competitorK functional benchmarking is a comparison with similar
functions outside the firm but not of a direct competitorK and internal benchmarking is a
comparison with another department or function in the same company.
Reference: 4edesigning the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: benchmarking, competitie, internal, functional
@ause L
problem L
cause of
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
12'. An e3isting insurance application process re/uires manual keying of three different forms by a team
of data entry operators. The three forms2 input times appear in the following table along with the
numbers of each type of form anticipated for the coming year. A proposed refinement in the process
would reduce the number of forms but make each slightly longer. This would be combined with a
search of public records on the :orld :ide :eb as necessary. These times and /uantities appear in the
lower half of the table. 6f the labor rate for the data entry operators is the same, which method is
Form Time to Input (minutes) Quantity (formsyear)
Part A M E3isting #ethod $ 1,2..,...
Part 5 M E3isting #ethod $ 1,2..,...
Part @ M E3isting #ethod % 1,1..,...
Part A M Proposed #ethod % 1,2..,...
Part 5 M Proposed #ethod % 1,2..,...
:eb Search M Proposed #ethod 2 ('.,...
Annual Fabor @ostN=Time to Perform Process>O=;umber of Times Performed!Jear>
E3isting #ethod
Part A $ minutes 1, 2.., ... $, (.., ... =
Part 5 $ minutes 1, 2.., ... $, (.., ... =
Part @ % minutes 1,1.., ... %, %.., ... =
Total E3isting Process9 11,(..,... minutes
Proposed #ethod
Part A % minutes 1, 2.., ... %,+.., ... =
Part 5 % minutes 1, 2.., ... %,+.., ... =
Part @ =web> 2 minutes ('., ... 1, $.., ... =
Total Proposed Process9 1.,-..,... minutes M A saings of )..,... minutes!year
Reference: ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: annual, labor, cost
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
12(. A discount store is e3periencing an unacceptable number of dissatisfied customers leaing from the
checkout process. 6nformation from customer complaints about the checkout process was collected and
is found in the following table. @onstruct a Pareto chart to identify the significant problems.
Problem Type Total Problems
Cashier slow 15
Price check required 9
Line too long 22
Cashier unfriendly 4
Pareto Chart
Line too
Price check Cashier
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: Pareto
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
12). 5ecause a telephone customer serice center has e3perienced seeral problems, it has begun to
analy&e the data from customer complaints. The first step was to construct the following table. Ese this
data to build a Pareto chart to help identify the Aital fewB problems.
Problem Type Total Problems
Person not aaila!le 5
"ncorrect infor#ation gien 12
Phone line !usy 7
Long delay $9
Phone tree confusing 20
Peo%le unfriendly 17
Pareto Chart







Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: Pareto
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
12+. The semester pro8ect came back from the copy store and to her horror, the pro8ect leader has 8ust
noticed that the left side y0a3is of a key Pareto chart was cut off due to a printing error. The bar chart
component uses the missing left side y0a3is and the cumulatie percentage line on the Pareto chart uses
the right side y0a3is. The pro8ect leader is pretty sure that the total number of obserations in all
combined categories is 2... @an you help her deelop estimates of the counts for each of the fie
The actual counts for the fie categories are9
@ategory @ount
#@ 1.%
"5 %2
T" %.
SA +
P5 (
Some allowance should be made for alignment in reading the graph2s right hand y0a3is and matching up the
location of the cumulatie percentage markers for each category.
Since the total number of obserations e/uals 2.., the percentages on the right side y0a3is can be
multiplied by 2.. to yield estimates of the count alues. 5ased on a rough reading9
#@ N 2.. 3 '2.' N 1.'
"5 N 2.. 3 =)2.' M '2.'> N %.
T" N 2.. 3 =-2.' M )2.'> N %.
SA N 2.. 3 =-).' M -2.'> N 1.
P5 N 2.. 3 =1.. M -).'> N '
Reference: Ealuating Performance
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: Pareto
(C )* +) ,- P*
Chapter 5 Process Analysis
12-. ,eelop a process chart for a manual car wash.
Answers will ary, but a typical answer might look like the following
process chart9
SolverProcess Charts
/nter data in shaded areas.
Process: (anual
Beinnin: -ctiity 1u#!er
of ,te%s

& 9.00



2 1.00

66 66


,te% 5escri%tion
1 1.00 66 8 -ttendant acce%ts instructions fro# custo#er
2 0.40 20.0 8 Car drien into acuu#ing area
$ 0.50 8 5elay waiting for acuu#ing
4 2.00 8 Car acuu#ed
5 0.$0 10.0 8 Car #oed to wash area
& 0.50 8 5elay waiting for wash
7 $.00 20.0 8 Car washed
' 0.50 10.0 8 Car dried
9 0.50 10.0 8 Car #oed to hand dry area
10 2.00 8 Car hand dried
11 0.50 8 )inal ins%ection
12 0.50 8 Car gien to custo#er
Reference: ,ocumenting the Process
Difficulty: #oderate
Keywords: process, chart

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