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The Fairy Castle

There once lived two children named Kate and Harry. They had a marvelous garden and they loved to
play in it.

One sunny, Spring day, Kate's blue hair ribbon came out of her hair while she was playing in the garden
with Harry. The breeze blew it down a little path. Kate chased after it, with Harry following her. They
ran down the path for a long time, chasing the little ribbon. Finally it stopped. Kate picked it up, and
looked around. "Harry" she said, "I don't believe we've been in this part of the garden before". "Neither
have I" replied Harry. He eyed a little shrub. It was kind of shimmering. A silvery mist arose from its
branches. He ventured into it. Then suddenly he stopped. He couldn't believe what he saw "Hey! Kate"
he cried "I say, I've found a little castle!"

Kate came running. She gasped when she saw the castle. It was causing the shrub to shimmer and shine
like it did, for it glistened like silver.

Meanwhile, inside the castle a little fairy princess named Jessica, was very upset. She had been
frightened by Harry's large yell, and she had hidden in the far corner of a turret. Then, a big eye
appeared in the window. It was Kate's eye. Jessica let out a squeal. Kate took her eye away from the
window. "There's a fairy in there!" she cried.

Harry ran to the window and peeped in. Jessica, needing some defense, threw her little bag of magic
fairy dust at Harry. It hit him in the nose and it hit Kate on the leg. Immediately, they shrank down to

Kate looked down at herself in amazement. Then, without thinking, she ran to the little castle door and
knocked on it. Jessica answered. She looked at Kate in anxiety. "Go away! You scare me," she said
bravely. Kate smiled, it was a kind smile. "I won't hurt you," she said. Her voice was so soothing, that
Jessica couldn't help but let her in. Harry came in as well.

Jessica gave them some chocolate buns and some creamy milk. They had a fine afternoon. Sadly
though, it was soon time to leave, so Kate and Harry set on their way home.

Jessica the Fairy Princess is a very good friend of the children's now, but their friendship is a secret, for
no one would ever believe Kate and Harry if they said the were friends with a fairy!!!

1999 Kahli Scott

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