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Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity (1886)

It is a great error when one thinks people had been saved by the Law at the time
of the Old Testament.
Even at the time of the Old Testament there was no other way to
salvation, as now in the time of the New Testament. It is extremely important that we
recognize this quite clearly in order that we remain steadfast in the faith, that there is
only one way to salvation, as God again straightened fallen man, from that time to the

Matthew 22:34-46

We hear in the Gospel just read how the Lord Christ disputes with the Pharisees
about the way to salvation in the Old Testament. After He had answered the question of
the scribes concerning the Law, He points them to the Gospel, etc. We learn from this:

That even at the time of the Old Testament there was no other way to salvation as at
the time of the New Testament,

1. even the faithful of the Old Testament recognized that one cannot be saved by the Law,
a. that the Law calls for not only an external, but an internal, perfect obedience
b. that no one can accomplish such obedience in this life
c. that therefore salvation and blessedness should not be sought and cannot be
found in the Law

2. even the faithful of the Old Testament recognized that one can be saved by Christ
alone; they believed
a. that the Savior of the world is true God
b. that God's Son would become man in order to redeem them from their
enemies, sins, death, devil, and hell
c. that He will entirely overcome all these enemies
d. also they have a share in the salvation acquired by Him.

Acts 15:11; Romans 4.
Deuteronomy 6:5; Leviticus 19:18.
Genesis 6:5, 8:21; Job 14:4; Psalm 14:2-3, 51:7, 130:3, 143:2.
Isaiah 64:6.
Psalm 110:1 (David's Lord). Psalm 2:7; Micah 5:1; Jeremiah 23:6.
Psalm 110:1 (David's Son). Genesis 3:15, 12:3; Isaiah 9:6.
Psalm 110:1 ("Sit at My Right Hand etc."). Hosea 13:14.
Isaiah 53:4-5; Jeremiah 23:6.

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