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Matthew Chapter 6

1. What does Jesus instructions about giving the needy?

Jesus instruction about giving to the needy is doing not announced in front of
others. Just give it secretly.
2. What does Jesus instructions about prayer?
Jesus said about when we pray we should go into our room, close the door and
prays to our father.
3. Do beievers have to !ast? Why" why not?
As believers we can do fast, however when we fast we should not showing to
others that we are fasting.
#. What does Jesus teaching about heaven?
Treasure that we find and collect in the world will destroy and can be stealing.
However treasure in the heaven will last forever. Thats why we need to serve
our od.
$. %ro& Jesus teaching what do we 'now about worry?
!o not worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will worry about itself. And
find first his "ingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to
Matthew Chapter (
1. What does Jesus say about those who i'e to )udge?
#f we $udge people, people will also $udge us. The measure that we use to
$udge, will be measure to us.
2. What do you 'now about *as'+ see' and 'noc', principe?
As" and it will be given to you% see" and you will find% "noc" and the door will
be opened to you. &or everyone who as"s will receives, the one who see"s will
finds and to the one who "noc"s, the door will be opened.
3. Co&pare the narrow and wide gate by giving e-a&pe and e-panation.
The narrow gate is small road and leads to life and only a few find it. '(ample
is if we want to go to heaven, the ways are difficult and we have to follow the
rules. The wide gate is the broad road and leads to destruction and many enter
it. '(ample when we do sins it seems easy and fun but it leads to destruction.
#. .-pain the i&portance o! a tree and its !ruit.
ood tree will bear good fruits. Tree that doesnt bear good fruits will be cut
and throw into the fire. )y the fruits we will recogni*e them. #t means we have
to produce good things in the life. Attitude cannot lie.
$. .-pain the connection o! the buider and !aith in /od.
Therefore if we heard the word of od, let us built our faith consistently li"e
on the roc".
Matthew Chapter 0
1. %ro& verse 1113+ e-pain two di!!erent ways used by Jesus to hea the sic'.
&rom verse +,-, the way that Jesus ma"es is a direct healing to the leprosy
man. )ut from verse .,+/, the faith of the centurion who servant get paraly*e
was as"ing Jesus to heal $ust by said a word.
2. What shoud we 'now i! we want to be the !oowers o! Jesus?
0hen you follow Jesus, you have to stay focus to Jesus only.
3. What do you thin' o! Jesus power to ca& the stor&+ hea the sic' and cast
out the de&on !ro& a person?
Jesus tested the faith of his disciples so his disciples will "now that Jesus able
to calm the storm, heal the sic" and cast out the demon from a person.
#. What do you earn !ro& the even when Jesus heas the de&on1possessed
'ven the demon is following Jesus instructions and afraid of Jesus.
Matthew Chapter 2
1. 3oo'ing bac' at chapter 0+ !ind as &any di!!erences and si&iarities as
possibe o! Jesus heaing the sic'.
The similarities
+1 Jesus touched the hand and the people who sic" wa"e up and start wal".
21 Jesus willing to heal all the sic".
/1 Jesus $ust finishes from the large crowd.
-1 Jesus does the healing in front of many people.
.1 Jesus saw all of their faith.
The differences
+1 The locations are different.
21 3ot all the crowd in each healing praising od.
2. Describe who Matthew is.
4atthew is a ta( collector and sinners.
3. 3oo'ing bac' at chapter 6+ !ind di!!erences and si&iarities that reates to
0hen we fast, do not show to other people loo"s li"e we wea" and not
spiritual. However we still can do a lot of activities when we do fast and not
showing to other people that we are fasting.
#. What does Jesus &ean by the word *harvest,?
The harvest is plentiful but the wor"ers are few. 5o many people to wor" on for
the harvest but so little wor"ers will do it.
Matthew Chapter 14
1. What can you earn about discipeship principe conducted by Jesus?
Jesus conducts the principle to his disciple in very many details and discipline.
0e learn that as a disciple, Jesus send us li"e the sheep among wolves.
Therefore we have to be tric" li"e sna"es and pure li"e doves. !ont be afraid
about anything because as a disciple we are worth more than any sparrow.
2. Do you thin' those principes are sti appicabe today? Why"why not?
4ost of the principles are still applicable today because we can see that
brother will betray brother to death and a father his child, children will rebel
against their parents and have them put to death. Thats why we should live
wisely as a Jesus follower.

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