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A. Project Information

Event: Healthy Monadnock 2020 Champions Event
Topic: Promotion of healthy recipes that utilize local and in-season produce.
Date: October 9
, 2014
Location: Keene High School- 43 Arch st. Keene, NH
Intern Names: Becca Curry and Laura Howenstine
Preceptor: Karen Balnis
Person Responsible for writing the COP: Becca Curry

B. Needs Assessment

Site Contact: Kelsey Plifka
a) Gender- both
b) Age: Primarily Adult- range from child to senior
c) Education Level- Primarily college educated- all levels included
d) Number of Participants- expected 150
Topic was determined based on the goals of Healthy Monadnock 2020 and the
ideas discussed during the initial meeting with Kelsey. Research to understand
the mission of HM2020 was completed in order to assess that our topic was
fitting for the vision of the organization. The audience members for this event
are all champions so they are familiar with the goals and mission of HM2020.
Following these guides and further educating the Champions about the benefits
of eating local, in-season produce is ideal for the organizations vision-
The recipes encourage eating local produce- boost fruit and vegetable
Buying local helps stimulate the economy which increases farmers income
and helps maintain farming jobs.
Buying local and getting to know farmers promotes social interactions which
leads to forming stronger connections in the community
The target population has adequate health literacy since they are all active in the
community and HM2020 which focuses on health. Promoting eating local
incorporates the local culture of the area.
Setting: Room tour not yet completed. Food preparation will all be done prior
to event. Display board created prior to event to limit need for presentation tools.
Date: Presentation held Thursday October 9
at 5:30 pm.
Duration: Presentation intended to go from 5:30- 7:00 pm. Participants are
only expected to stop by display table briefly to try snacks, view display board,
pick up relevant handouts and possibly ask questions of the interns. The
participants will be receiving awards throughout the night so other activities and
displays will be occurring simultaneously with ours.
Marketing Potential: HM2020 team and Kelsey primarily in charge of
marketing the event.
Budget: No personal charge to the interns. Market Basket cards adding up to
$150 dollars provided for food budget. All printing was done by Kelsey and
materials for display board were picked up from dietetic intern office.
Best way/time to reach site contact for future plans- Best way to reach site
contact is by email. Email response is quick and allows there to be a paper trail
of communication and notes.
PES: Food and nutrition related knowledge deficit related to unsupported
beliefs as evidenced by misconception that local produce is more expensive to
cook with.

C. Research and Planning
Meeting Dates
Dates scheduled for planning and who will attend.
September 9
4:15 pm meeting with Laura, Becca, Kelsey and Karen
September 13
2:00 pm meeting with Becca and Laura
September 19
1:30 pm meeting with Becca and Laura
September 25
1:00 pm meeting with Becca and Laura
7 day meeting Friday October 3rd

Evaluation meeting scheduled for: Friday October 10

Preparation based on results on needs assessment: Promotion of local and in season
produce was the sole focus of the work done for this event. Recipes that utilized in
season produce and celebrated the fall theme were selected. Search for recipes that
were also easy, healthy meals or snacks was considered as well in order to appeal to
the audience which consisted of families with busy schedules.
Development Process: Discussions with Kelsey and Karen at initial meeting really
helped shape the direction that was taken for the project. Construction of a theme
was established at second meeting with Laura and Becca. Once theme was
established recipes, display board content and handout material were able to be
Resources: online recipe sites, dietetic internship display material, food processor to
analyze recipe nutrient facts, Publisher to make brochure and recipe cards, online
search of in season produce,
Those resources were used because they helped us narrow down what
produce items to focus on and provided a wider variation of recipes than what could
be found in personal cookbooks. Resources were also selected based on appeal that
the audience members could also access them on their own after the presentation in
order to reference what produce is in-season.

D. Development
Measurable Learning Objectives: Count the amount of handouts taken
by audience members to determine interest in topic. Record
comments made by participants as the try samples, talk with interns
and discuss recipes.
Outline of Presentation: Recipes selected and tested by both Becca
and Laura. Display board constructed by both Becca and Laura.
Brochure content written by both Becca and Laura. Brochure
formatting done primarily by Laura. Recipe cards constructed by
Addressing of Learning Styles Achieved by:
Auditory: Communication with participants who stop by table
Visual: Display board
Kinesthetic: Providing samples to allow participants to
physically try the food we are providing recipes for
Include multiple intelligence by having a display board that
includes illustrations and facts, incorporation of snacks to allow for
trying of the recipes prior to constructing them at home and providing
handouts for references after discussions.
Evaluation Method: Determination of how many handouts are
distributed will allow for assessment of how relevant the recipes
were. The number of handouts taken will reflect how the participants
felt about the recipes. A high distribution rate will demonstrate that
the selected recipes were relevant to the targeted audience in addition
to being appealing taste-wise. A low distribution rate will
demonstrate that our learning objectives were not achieved and that
the audience did not appreciate the topic selected.
There were no notable problems encountered during the
development process.
E. Implementation and Evaluation
The Healthy Monadnock Champions event went as planned. Snacks
were distributed to participants throughout the course of the evening
and were promoted for their use of local and in season ingredients.
Minor issues arose when the food was stored in the school
refrigerator, which apparently had not been okayed by the cafeteria
staff. The issue was able to be quickly resolved by talking to the site
preceptor and explaining the miscommunication with the school staff.
It would have been nice to have more interaction with the
participants too. The majority of the audience just quickly passed
through the snack line without taking much time to ask about the food
besides for the ingredients and what the food was called. Very few
took any interest in our display boards. Based on the little interest in
the display board and the amount of recipe cards and handouts we
collected after the event I would say that the audience did not grasp
our objectives well due to being blissfully unaware of them.
The audience was very complimentary of the food items that were
prepared though. Many individuals came back for seconds or thirds
and little to no food was left over after the event. The recipes selected
were successful for this reason. If doing this event again I would try to
advertise our objectives more by having the display board in a more
central location and pointing it out to audience members as they
passed by. I think if Laura or myself had been standing next to the
display board people may have felt more inclined to come over and
look at it. Another crucial change would have been to prep the
vegetable chips more in advance. Unfortunately our schedules on
Wednesday did not allow for adequate preparation time so cooking
did not started till 9 pm and lasted until the wee hours of the morning.
If this event was to be repeated I would suggest not doing the
homemade vegetable chips again due to how long they took. For the
amount of work that was put into them the final product was not as
perfect as we would have liked. It would also be suggested to have one
intern be in charge of distribution of snacks and the other be in charge
of promoting the objectives on the display board.
The financial report:
Labor- Becca 35 hours- $875, Laura 34 hours- $850
total: $1,725
Food- $35
Presenting Labor: Becca & Laura 4 hours- $200
Copies: done by Cheshire Medical
Food: $110
Other supplies and costs: $35
Overall Costs: $2,105

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