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1. What is grammar?

To learn a language a person has to get to know firstly the meaning of

words and secondly the relationships among them so as to be able to
get the meaning of the sentence. Basically, there are different forms of
words and different word orders that make a sentence from a group of
words. Harmer (2004:12) defines the grammar of a language as "the
description of the ways in which in which words can change their forms
and can be combined into sentences in that language".There are some
rules, grammatical rules, that have to be observed while constructing a
sentence. Violating the rules makes the sentence grammatically
improper and the person that uses improper grammar language is
perceived as not well-educated. Moreover, grammatical mistakes may
distort the meaning. Although a simple message in clear context may
be understood in spite of bad grammar, in a more complicated
discourse that ignores the rules, the reader or listener may get
different meaning than was intended by the author. Similarly, a reader
or listener of any piece of language has to have the competence of its
However, the importance of grammar differs between written
and spoken language. The spoken language suits better for the
purpose of communication. Usually the context is clear, and the
speaker can convey the meaning not only using words, but also by
gestures. What is more the meaning of words can be enhanced by the
stress and intonation of the speaker's voice. In some routine situations
language competent people do not bother to formulate whole and
correct sentences. They often communicate using short phrases or
single words. As far as the written language is concerned, grammar is
more important and the sentence should be organized more carefully.
In the written language there is the text itself to get the meaning
from. Furthermore, from the author of awritten text, who has time to
think carefully and find a proper form of language, grammatical
correctness can be expected.
Basically, grammar can be divided into morphology and syntax.

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