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2 Esdras 16:14-19(A

gateway to the RFID

chip. This is a designer virus; a biological
weapon created in a lab, released on the
populace by Edom for he knows his time is
short. The decimation and fear of this virus will
be so far spread that the only relief to be offered
will come by way of The Mark of the Beast.
This is not a human carrier virus (nor
contractible by a monkey) per say but rather the
result of one been given a so-called vaccine in
the attempt to compromise others
intravenously. It is then communicable, being
spread via the Hospital contagion, unsterilized
needles and Person to person contact [air born].
The Ebola Virus causes all human body tissue
and every orifice in the human body to
hemorrhage, unable to clot, proving absolutely
fatal. This is a De-population method.)(The
Ebo is Hebrew, La: The Hebrew Virus
created for those still in Africa and scattered
across the globe.)
Ref. Psalms 60:4-5, 11:2, 55:19, 91:5. Also see
Psalms 91:7-8, 2 Esdras 15:27

Revelation 13:18 (Trans-humanism is the

changing of human bodies, either
genetically, mechanically or both, to make
them have superhuman abilities in both
brains and body. Some futurists have
described this as being post human, the
next step in what they believe to be the
evolutionary process. Ref. Revelation 16:14
(For they are the spirits of devils,
working miracles Strongs Concordance
G#4592 Smeion: a Sign, Original Word:
, , , Transliteration: Smeion,
Short Definition: a sign, miracle, indication,
Definition: a sign, miracle, indication, mark,
token. Smeon a sign (typically
miraculous), given especially to confirm,
corroborate or authenticate. 4592 /smeon
(sign) then emphasizes the end-purpose
which exalts the one giving it.

H+ is the symbol for Hydrogen ion or
Hydrogen (chemistry) personified. Our
bodies are made up of 90% Hydrogen and
Oxygen. What Esau is attempting to do is
alter the perfect chemistry of Yahawah
Bahasham Yahawashi with modern
technology to become earthly Gods and live
forever. Ref. Daniel 2:33 (flesh mixed with

Revelation 13:16-18(The Beast is first explained in

the book of Daniel 7:7-8 as the system of the Pagan
Roman Empire and is interchangeable with the Great
Red Dragon of Revelation 12:3. And I saw one of his
heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly
wound was healed: and all the world wondered after
the beast. This deadly wound was healed (The
Roman Empire regained its power) by the European
nations coming together as allies, forming NATO:
North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949. An
assembly of military might gathered to ensure
protection from the treat of attack by Russian forces.
NATO will be responsible for the whole word
receiving the Mark of the Beast: the Implantable
RFID Chip (Radio-frequency identification). A
wireless non-contact use of radio-frequency
electromagnetic fields to transfer data, for the
purposes of automatically identifying and tracking
tags attached to objects. The Mark of the Beast is a
worldwide system that collects and gathers
information (banking/monetary/medical
information) and ties in with personal records of
all kinds. This chip, implanted in your body, will
personally connect you to that system. The Greek
word for Mark is G#5480 charagma: a stamp,
impress= xragma properly, an engraving (etching)
a badge of servitude; (figuratively) a mark
providing undeniable identification, like a symbol
giving irrefutable connection between parties.

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