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Dear Parents and Guardians,

Hello and welcome to fourth grade!

My name is Russell J. Elizondo, and am !ery e"cited to #e your child$s teacher this
year! am %roud to #e your child$s teacher and am committed to doing e!erything within
my %ower to ma&e this year successful for all of us. 'here is great e"citement #uilding as
the (ew )ear #egins.
'his is my first year at *entral 'e"as Elementary +chool and loo& forward to a year
filled with unlimited learning e"%eriences and fun times. am originally from +outh 'e"as
and am so e"cited to #e li!ing in *entral 'e"as. earned my ,achelor$s Degree in
Psychology at 'e"as -. , /ings!ille, 'e"as, and a Master$s Degree in Defense +tudies
at /ings *ollege 0ondon, England. retired from the 1.+. -rmy after nearly 23 years
and recei!ed my teaching certification from the 'e"as 'roo%s to 'eachers %rogram and
*entral 'e"as -*' %rogram. 'his %rogram has %re%ared me to #ecome a certified
educator, and feel e"tremely #lessed to #e here and to share this year with you and
your child.
)our child$s grades will #e #ased on tests, %ro4ects, homewor& and seatwor&. 'ests and
%ro4ects count for 536, while homewor&, %artici%ation and seatwor& count for 736.
Should your child have an unsatisfactory test grade (D or F), the test must be
corrected and signed by a parent and returned the following school day.
Homewor& is assigned e!ery day e"ce%t 8riday. Please #e sure that your child$s
homewor& is (E-' and *9MP0E'E. After you have checked over your childs work,
! ask that you read and then sign their agenda book. !f the agenda hasnt been
signed by a parent (no initials, please"), the child will be given an incomplete
homework slip. t is the child$s res%onsi#ility to ha!e their %arent sign their agenda
#oo&. Homewor& that is gi!en is a re!iew of what has #een taught in class. Please ta&e
a few minutes each night to chec& your child$s %rogress. f an assignment is not
com%leted, the student will ha!e one additional day to turn it in to recei!e %artial credit. !f
the assignment is # or more days late, no credit will be given.
f your child is a#sent, a list of assignments and #oo&s will #e %laced u%on their des& or
sent home with a si#ling if you ha!e other children at *entral 'e"as Elementary +chool.
f your child is a#sent one day, they will ha!e one day to ma&e it u%, if they are a#sent for
: days, they will ha!e : days to ma&e it u%, etc. $hen your child returns to school,
he%she should have a note for me e&plaining their absence. Missed tests will #e
gi!en the day of their return ;unless other arrangements ha!e #een made in ad!ance<.
+tudent %a%ers will #e sent home e!ery other wee&. Please use this time to re!iew your
child$s wor&. f an assignment is missing or your child has recei!ed an unsatisfactory test
grade, he=she has > school day to com%lete and=or correct the %a%er.
,eha!ior Policy
'he following is a list of %ro!isional rules for our classroom for the ne"t school year.
would greatly a%%reciate if you would ta&e some time to go through these rules with your
child #efore he=she returns to school. will #e in contact again a#out this matter during
the first wee&s of term with a set of the finalized rules agreed #etween the class and
Do to others as you would li&e done to you
1se your indoor !oice
Raise your hand and wait to #e called on
Res%ect fellow classmates and their #elongings
8ollow instructions gi!en #y the teacher

9ur conse?uences are@
Aer#al warning
Green card changed to a yellow ;recess may #e missed<
)ellow card changed to a red ;note in agenda or %hone call home<

Positi!e reinforcement will #e gi!en in the form of a letter from the teacher in the agenda,
!er#al %raise, certificate, etc. )our child$s agenda #oo& will ser!e as our main
communication system for any concerns, ?uestions, #eha!ior issues and %ositi!e notes.
'()AS) insure that your child arrives to school on time. t sets the tone for the
entire day. f your child is tardy, he=she will need to go to the office for a tardy sli% #efore
#eing admitted to class. f the tardiness is e"cessi!e, the %arent will #e notified.
want to than& you in ad!ance for all your su%%ort. 'ogether we will continue to wor&
toward success and high student achie!ement. am !ery e"cited a#out the year ahead,
and loo& forward to ha!ing the %ri!ilege of teaching your child!
/ind Regards,

Russell J. Elizondo ;7
Grade 'eacher<

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